Centre for Policy on Ageing


Disability need be no handicap : creating opportunities in volunteering
 — key findings of a major research project Who's helping whom?
Corporate AuthorCSV Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme (RSVP)
PublisherCSV, London, 2000
SourceCSV RSVP, 237 Pentonville Road, London N1 9NJ.
KeywordsPhysical disabilities ; Voluntary workers ; Voluntary work [elderly] ; Projects.
AnnotationCSV's Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme (RSVP) initiated this research project as part of its work in support and recognition of older people, and as a contribution to the 1999 UN International Year of Older Persons (IYOP). While the main focus was older people with physical disabilities, the findings apply equally to younger people with disabilities and to those with mental and learning disabilities. The research aimed to explore how to: challenge perceptions of older people with disabilities as only receivers and not givers of help; provide people with disabilities with new opportunities and routes to become involved in volunteering; and improve their quality of life and feeling of being valued by the community. This pamphlet presents a summary drawing on research and survey findings; research working papers will be available in various formats in Autumn 2000. Shiela Moorcroft co-ordinated the project, which was funded by the National Lottery Charities Board Health and Social Research Fund. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000712204 P
ClassmarkBN: QV: GHH: 3E *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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