Centre for Policy on Ageing


Who are young retirees and older workers?
Author(s)Kristen Kilker, Laura Summer
Corporate AuthorNational Academy on an Aging Society, Gerontological Society of America
PublisherNational Academy on an Aging Society, Washington, DC, 2000
Pages6 pp (Data profiles: young retirees and older workers, 1)
SourceNational Academy on an Aging Society, 1030 15th Street NW, Suite 250, Washington DC 20005, USA.
KeywordsRetirement age ; Employment of older people ; Social surveys ; Charts ; United States of America.
AnnotationThis data profile is based upon three national surveys of the community-dwelling population living within the United States. (These were: SIPP, Survey of Income and Program Participation; HRS, Health and Retirement Study; and AHEAD, Assets and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old). It uses pie charts and bar charts to show the characteristics of younger retired workers (aged 51 to 59) as opposed to those taking later retirement (aged over 60) or the population as a whole. In general, the average age of retirement for men has fallen from 65 to 63 by 1999; and more women are working at all ages, but are also retiring earlier. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-000710201 P
ClassmarkG5A: GC: 3F: 6SL: 7T *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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