Centre for Policy on Ageing


Mapping learning opportunities for older people
 — the report [on the] mapping exercise undertaken during International Year of Older Persons for the UK Secretariat and DfEE
Author(s)Jim Soulsby
Corporate AuthorNational Institute of Adult Continuing Education - NIACE; UK Secretariat for the International Year of Older Persons, Age Concern England - ACE; Department for Education and Employment - DfEE
PublisherUK Secretariat for IYOP, London, 2000
Pages16 pp
SourceIYOP UK Secretariat, Age Concern England, Astral House, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER.
KeywordsAdult Education ; Awareness [services] ; Coordination ; Projects.
AnnotationAs part of the 1999 International Year of Older Persons (IYOP), the UK Secretariat brought together agencies with an interest in learning in later life, who decided on this mapping tool exercise. The aims were: to produce mapping materials for older people and their representative groups to investigate learning provision and the cost of learning in their locality; and to pilot the mapping tool and report on outcomes of mapping exercises in a minimum of four different areas. The four monitored mapping pilot projects are described: WOLLOP (Walworth Older Learners Local Opportunities Project); Norfolk and Norwich; COOL - Leicester (Community Opportunities for Older Learners in Leicester); and Oxford and Oxfordshire. The report outlines other initiatives and examines outcomes. It concludes that the mapping tool has created empowering opportunities for older people and their representative organisations; and has raised awareness of diverse need among those who work closely with older people as development workers, information officers, learning providers or similar. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000710001 B
ClassmarkGP: QLA: QAJ: 3E

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