Centre for Policy on Ageing


Caring for People joint training project
 — report prepared for the NHS Training Directorate and the Social Services Inspectorate
Author(s)John Carpenter, Steve Onyett, Helen Smith
Corporate AuthorCentre for the Applied Psychology of Social Care, University of Kent; Health Services Management Unit, University of Newcastle; Training Strategy Group, Department of Health - DoH
PublisherNHS Training Directorate, Bristol, 1991
Pages94 pp
KeywordsServices ; Community care ; Personnel ; Training [welfare work] ; Projects.
AnnotationThe NHS and Community Care Act 1990 required an integrated approach to care. The objective of this project was to identify the organisational requirements and training needs for the implementation of "Caring for people" (as stated in the 1989 White Paper, the 1990 Act, and related publications). Work for the project took place between August 1990 and April 1991 in a representative range of English local authorities: Medway and Swale, Kent; North West Surrey; Westminster and Parkside, London; Bedfordshire; Rochdale; Leeds; and Gateshead. Projects examined the following organisational requirements: joint planning; assessment and care management; inter-agency working; and equal opportunities and involving service users. All site groups were asked to consider aspects of organisational learning, and training and staff development. The report concludes with comments on advantages and disadvantages of the project approach. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000706201 B
ClassmarkI: PA: QM: QW: 3E

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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