Centre for Policy on Ageing


Reliable outcome measures for mental health service research in five European countries
 — the EPSILON Study
Author(s)G Thornicroft, T Becker, M Knapp
Journal titleThe British Journal of Psychiatry, vol 177, Supplement 39, July 2000
Pages54 pp
KeywordsMental disorder ; Psychiatric treatment ; Analytical concepts ; European Union ; Croydon ; Netherlands ; Denmark ; Spain ; Italy.
AnnotationCross-national research into the care of people with severe mental illnesses is hampered by a lack of standardised measures. The European Psychiatric Services Inputs Linked to Outcome Domains and Needs (EPSILON) Study is a European Union funded project within the BIOMED 2-year programme. The project's aim is to develop standardised instruments to facilitate future cross-national research. An introductory article describes the aims, outcome measures, study sites and patient samples. The study sites are Amsterdam, Copenhagen, London(Croydon), Santander, and Verona. Other articles variously consider: schizophrenia (3); cross-cultural adaptations of outcome measurements; and methodology. Reliability of the following instruments is examined: the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire - European Version (IEQ); Client Socio-Demographic and Service Receipt Inventory - European Version(CSSRI-EU); the Camberwell Assessment of Need - European Version (CAN-EU); the Verona Services Satisfaction Scale - European Version (VSSS-EU); and the Lancashire Quality of Life Profile - European Version(LQoLP-EU). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000704201 B
ClassmarkE: LP: 4A: WFC: 82L9: 76H: 76K: 76S: 76V

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