Centre for Policy on Ageing


The way to go home
 — rehabilitation and remedial services for older people
Corporate AuthorAudit Commission
PublisherAudit Commission, London, June 2000
Pages109 pp (Promoting independence 4)
SourceAudit Commission Publications, Bookpoint Ltd, 39 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4TD.
KeywordsRehabilitation ; Aftercare ; Therapy ; Social Services Departments ; Health Authorities and Trusts ; Coordination ; Evaluation.
AnnotationOlder people are major users of health and social services, and many require more time than younger patients to make a full recovery after hospital treatment. The rehabilitation services needed for this to happen are often patchy and disjointed. "The way to go home" is the fourth in a series of reports from the Audit Commission on the common theme of promoting independence. It argues the need for an integrated range of services across professional and organisational boundaries, to include inpatient rehabilitation, intermediate care and community services. Therapists are key members of any multidisciplinary rehabilitation team, but more are needed, requiring long-term workforce planning. In the short term, qualified therapists and therapy assistants should be used to increase levels of service. The report is based on fieldwork carried out in 12 areas on England and Wales, with visits to health trusts, health authorities and local authority social services departments (SSDs). Case studies provide examples of good practice; and a plan is suggested for delivering better rehabilitation services. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000629202 B
ClassmarkLM: LN: LO: PF: L4A: QAJ: 4C

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