Centre for Policy on Ageing


Evaluation of the "Third Age" series
 — final report; presented to BBC Education
Author(s)Andrew Sixsmith, Judith Sixsmith
Corporate AuthorInstitute of Human Ageing, University of Liverpool
PublisherInstitute of Human Ageing, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, 1994
Pages113 pp
SourceInstitute of Human Ageing, University of Liverpool, PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX.
KeywordsAgeing process ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Television [media] ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThe "Third Age" series comprised 10 programmes transmitted between October and December 1993 on BBC2. The series succeeded other types of similar series but was to have a different message and format. The series aimed to raise awarness of issues relating to ageing and later life, and in particular to promote a more positive image of older people. The target audience was age 50+, but to appeal to people of all ages. In general, this evaluation of the series showed that viewers "very much enjoyed the programmes", and as a result of watching it, had "changed their ideas about themselves and old age in general" and begun to adopt a more active approach to ageing. This series was shown as part of the European Year of the Elderly and Solidarity between the Generations. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000620206 B
ClassmarkBG: TOB: UKL: 4C

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