Centre for Policy on Ageing


Bangladeshis in Britain
 — First report from the Home Affairs Committee, session 1986-87. Vol 1: Report together with the proceedings of the Committee
Corporate AuthorHome Affairs Committee, House of Commons
PublisherHMSO, London, 10 December 1986
Pagesxxxiii pp (HC 1986/87 96-I)
KeywordsAsian people ; Government publications.
AnnotationThe Committee's report highlights extreme disadvantage affecting most Bangladeshis in Britain, resulting largely from being the most recently arrived of Britain's main ethnic minorities. In the course of its inquiry, the Committee visited Tower Hamlets and Manchester; evidence gathered during the 1985/86 session is published as HC 1985/86 210- i-vii. The Committee concludes that with adequate and appropriate measures to assist, there is no reason why Britain's Bangladeshis should not overcome their disadvantages and participate fully in British society. Their main problems were: lack of skills to find well-paid employment; poor command of English, particularly among men; and discrimination in terms of housing and employment. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000613218 B
ClassmarkTKK: 6OA

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