Centre for Policy on Ageing


Elders' health: the voice of experience
 — a contribution to the Debate of the Age
Author(s)Ros Levenson, Barbara Meredith
Corporate AuthorAgeing Well; Age Concern London
PublisherAge Concern London, London, 2000
Pages17 pp
SourceAge Concern London, 54 Knatchbull Road, London SE5 9QY.
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Black people ; Services ; National Health Service ; Attitude ; London.
AnnotationAs part of Age Concern's Millennium Debate of the Age, Age Concern London worked with Ageing Well to bring together older people from minority ethnic communities in London to share their knowledge and experience of the health service. On the whole, participants welcomed positive changes in some parts of the NHS, however, they also described different ways in which they can suffer double jeopardy in their use of the NHS. These included inadequate and unclear information, often not available in appropriate formats, culturally inappropriate assumptions about ethnic older people, and the provision of inappropriate food and inadequate attention to cultural needs in hospital. The report makes a number of recommendations for policy and practice, including the involvement of older people themselves in training schemes.(AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-000607403 B
ClassmarkTK: TKE: I: L4: DP: 82L

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