Centre for Policy on Ageing


National diet and nutrition survey: people aged 65 years and over
 — volume 1: report of the diet and nutrition survey
Author(s)Steven Finch, Wendy Doyle, Ceri Lowe
Corporate AuthorSocial and Community Planning Research; University College London Department of Epidemiology and Public Health; Medical Research Council (MRC) Dunn Nutrition Unit
PublisherThe Stationery Office, London, 1998
Pages637 pp
SourceThe Stationery Office, Publications Centre, PO Box 276, London SW8 5DT.
KeywordsNutrition ; Diet ; Social surveys ; Cross sectional surveys ; United Kingdom.
AnnotationCommissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) and the Department of Health (DoH), this research forms part of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey which aims to gather information about the diet and nutritional status of the British population. This report presents the finding of a survey of British adults aged 65 years and over carried out between October 1994 and September 1995. The survey included both people living in private households and people living in residential or nursing homes. Results, presented in tabular form, are given for food consumption, intakes of energy and over 40 nutrients and for more than 30 biochemical indices. Results are also presented for people classified into characteristics such as region, social class and income. The accompanying volume (2) reports on the oral health of the same group of adults. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-000606403 B
ClassmarkCF: CFD: 3F: 3KB: 8

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