Centre for Policy on Ageing


Walworth over-50s learning guide
 — what you can learn and where
Corporate AuthorWalworth Older Learners Local Opportunities Project (WOLLOP), Southwark Pensioners Centre
PublisherSouthwark Pensioners Centre, London, 2000
Pages40 pp
SourceWOLLOP Team, Southwark Pensioners Centre, 305-307 Camberwell Road, London SE5 0HQ.
KeywordsAdult Education ; Projects ; Directories ; Southwark.
AnnotationThis Guide is part of a "mapping learning" project devised by NIACE (National Institute of Adult Continuing Education) for the International Year of Older Persons 1999. Southwark was one of four contrasting areas of the UK chosen as a pilot area. The Guide concentrates on the postal district of Walworth (SE17) and covers a wide range of learning opportunities and social clubs/groups available to older people. Organisations are listed under a broad subject heading, and then alphabetically. It is hoped to update this Guide annually. (KJ / RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000525203 P
ClassmarkGP: 3E: 69: 82LT *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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