Centre for Policy on Ageing


A report of the joint review of social services in North Tyneside Council
Corporate AuthorJoint Reviews of Local Authorities' Social Services, Audit Commission; Social Services Inspectorate - SSI, Department of Health - DoH
PublisherAudit Commission Publications, London, 2000
Pages77 pp (Joint reviews)
SourceAudit Commission Publications, Bookpoint Ltd., 39 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4TD.
KeywordsSocial Services Departments ; Performance ; Inspection ; Evaluation ; North Tyneside.
AnnotationThis review assesses the extent to which people in North Tyneside are well served by their social services, highlighting areas where it is doing particularly well in comparison to other authorities, and identifying key issues requiring attention. It includes consideration of how services are arranged, how care needs are planned for, how the authority manages performance and quality, and how well resources are being used. North Tyneside's social care functions have experienced major changes, and now provide a good quality of service and have developed strong links with other organisations. The report notes a higher proportion of over 65s than in the comparator authorities. Until recently, North Tyneside has had a fairly traditional approach to providing services for older people, with high proportions using home care services or in residential and nursing homes. Key issues identified for attention include: maintaining the quality core social services; developing strategic partnerships into joint action; and widening the pattern of services. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000525002 B
ClassmarkPF: 5H: 3U: 4C: 86B

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