Centre for Policy on Ageing


Proven strategies to improve older people's health
 — a Eurolink Age report for the European Commission
Author(s)Rhiannon Walters, Mima Cattan, Viv Speller
Corporate AuthorEurolink Age
PublisherEurolink Age, London, 1999
Pages107 pp
SourceEurolink Age, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER.
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Preventative medicine ; Policy ; Literature reviews ; Europe.
AnnotationHealth promotion for older people aims to promote good health and quality of life, and to prevent or delay frailty and disability in later life. Based on research of the available evidence on the most effective actions for promoting healthy ageing, this report makes recommendations for key policy actions at local, national and European Union (EU) levels for improving older people's health. The report identifies the following priorities which also aim to reduce social and economic inequalities: ensuring a national integrated public policy approach; promoting physical activity; preventing injury; promoting healthy eating and healthier lives; promoting better mental health; and providing good housing and planning. The report concludes that health promotion specifically for older people can be beneficial for society and governments, as well as the individuals themselves. The appendices provide further details of the evidence and research methods used. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000523003 B
ClassmarkCC: LK2: QAD: 64A: 74

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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