Centre for Policy on Ageing


Health care UK : the King's Fund review of health policy
Author(s)John Appleby, Anthony Harrison
Corporate AuthorKing's Fund
Journal titleHealth care UK: the King's Fund review of health policy, Spring 2000 to Winter 2001
PublisherKing's Fund, London
SourceGrantham Book Services Limited, Isaac Newton Way, Alma Park Industrial Estate, Grantham, Lincolnshire NG31 9SD.
KeywordsHealth services ; Finance [care] ; Year books.
AnnotationThis series replaces the annual of the same title and is published three times a year beginning in 2000. The contents are a mix of editorial comment and policy analysis by various contributors who are experts in their field of health care policy. A calendar of events (and developments) in health is also included. Ceased publication with Winter 2001 issue. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-000517502 B
ClassmarkL: QC: 66M

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