Centre for Policy on Ageing


An individualized approach to outcome measurement in geriatric rehabilitation
Author(s)Paul Stolee, Karen Stadnyk, Anita M Myers
Journal titleThe Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, vol 54A, no 12, December 1999
Pagespp M641-M647
KeywordsRehabilitation ; Mobility ; Self care capacity ; Needs [elderly] ; Evaluation ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe multidimensional nature of health problems experienced by frail older people makes it difficult to use a single standard measure to evaluate multiple outcomes of geriatric rehabilitation. Commonly, several measures are used, but an alternative is to use an individualised measure such as Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS). This study investigated the reliability, validity, and responsiveness of GAS as an outcome measure in geriatric rehabilitation, in 173 consecutive admissions. Mobility, future care arrangements, and functional impairment were the most commonly identified GAS goal areas. The GAS discharge score correlated strongly with the the majority of the standardised measures. The study concluded that GAS appears to be a feasible, reliable, valid, and responsive approach to outcome measurement in geriatric rehabilitation. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-000509404 A
ClassmarkLM: C4: CA: IK: 4C: 7T

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