Centre for Policy on Ageing


Performance assessment 2000/01
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DoH
PublisherDepartment of Health, London, March 2000
Pagesvarious inserts in folder
SourceDepartment of Health, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. www.doh.gov.uk/scg/pssperform/perf2000 1.htm
KeywordsServices ; Social Services Departments ; Performance ; Evaluation ; Government publications.
AnnotationA comprehensive performance assessment system for social services was first proposed in the White paper, "Modernising social services", and enlarged on in "A new approach to social services performance". This modular document provides an overview of how the various components and requirements for the performance assessment fit together. It includes: an overview diagram; a paper summarising the key aspects of the system; and a set of papers giving more detail on each of the key components of the performance assessment arrangements. The document has also been designed for a website which will be continuously revised as the policy is updated. This Internet version at www.doh.gov.uk/scg/pssperform also includes a discussion database for councils, health organisations, representative groups and voluntary organisations to contribute comments and views on the performance indicators associated with the personal social services (PSS) Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) and related performance issues. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000504503 B
ClassmarkI: PF: 5H: 4C: 6OA

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