Centre for Policy on Ageing


Examining the contribution of social class to high cardiovascular mortality among Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi male migrants in England and Wales
Author(s)Seeromanie Harding
Journal titleHealth Statistics Quarterly, 05, Spring 2000
Pagespp 26-29
KeywordsAsian people ; Immigrants ; Older men ; Social class ; Cardiovascular diseases ; Death rate [statistics].
AnnotationAttention is drawn to the heterogeneity of "South Asian" groups originating from the Indian sub-continent in terms of their ethnicity and health. This paper examines the contribution of social class to excess cardiovascular disease among Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi migrant men living in England and Wales. Analysis was based on data from the 1991 Census and deaths in 1991-93. More Pakistanis than Bangladeshis were in a manual class than Indians, but adjusting for these differences did not explain the greater excess of coronary heart disease among Pakistanis or Bangladeshis. The subject of ethnicity and health has had a high profile in recent years, but tackling the poor health of these groups - particularly Bangladeshis - still presents an unmet challenge in public health. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000412002 A
ClassmarkTKK: TJ: BC: T: CQ: S5

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