Centre for Policy on Ageing


Building up pension rights
Author(s)Robert Walker, Claire Heaver, Stephen McKay
Corporate AuthorSocial Research Branch, Department of Social Security - DSS
PublisherDSS Social Research Branch, London, 2000
Pagesunnumbered (Department of Social Security research summary)
SourceKeith Watson, Social Research Branch, Adelphi, 1-11 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6HT.
KeywordsPensions ; Supplementary pensions ; Rights [elderly] ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThis summarises the DSS Research Report no.114. The report examines how people build up pension rights over their lifetimes; the length of time people stay in occupational pension schemes; the links between partners' pensions; the wider effects of pension schemes; and the circumstances of those with limited or no pension provision. It is based on an analysis of the 1994/5 Survey of Family and Working Lives, a representative survey of over 9,000 individuals in Great Britain aged 16-69, which examined people's economic and family circumstances throughout their working lives. The research was carried out by the Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP), Loughborough University. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000410205 P
ClassmarkJJ: JJH: IKR: 3F *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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