Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ageing and development
 — memorandum on older people in developing countries
Corporate AuthorSocial Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Netherlands); Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Netherlands)
PublisherSocial Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, 1999
Pages48 pp
SourceMinisterie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Bezuidenhoutseweg 67, Postbus 20061, 2500 EB Den Haag, The Netherlands.
KeywordsAgeing process ; Social economics ; Economic planning ; Social policy ; Developing countries ; International ; Netherlands.
AnnotationThe Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport is responsible for the Dutch contribution to international policy on older people, especially in the European Union (EU). This memorandum (occasioned by the International Year of Older People) identifies issues of special relevance to older people in development co-operation. The key question is, how can the Netherlands Government help developing countries tackle the challenges associated with the rapid ageing of their populations? The memorandum sets out demographic trends for developing countries. It deals with aspects of demographic ageing with regard to development: the social position of older people, traditional care systems, social security systems and health care. Dutch policy's main objectives are social integration and participation, with the aim of reducing poverty. Two groups of older people are identified for special attention: women and refugees. Dutch national and multilateral organisations' international policies on older people are outlined. Recommendations are made with regard to bilateral and multilateral co-operation, participation, traditional care systems versus social security, and the health sector. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000410002 B
ClassmarkBG: W4: W4A: TM2: 7B: 72: 76H

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