Centre for Policy on Ageing


Family support and community care
 — a study of South Asian older people
Author(s)Alison Bowes, Naira Dar
Corporate AuthorScottish Executive Central Research Unit
Journal titleSocial Research Findings, no 38, 2000
Pages4 pp
KeywordsFamily care ; Asian people ; Needs [elderly] ; Services ; Home care services ; Social surveys ; Glasgow ; Edinburgh.
AnnotationThe views of older South Asian people about home support needs and services in the context of a review of existing provision are explored. Interviews with 102 older people and 10 family carers were conducted in Glasgow and Edinburgh. 14 service providers from the statutory, voluntary and private sectors were also interviewed. The unmet needs of people living in family households tend to be hidden; and mainstream services tend not to be tailored to this minority ethnic group. South Asian older people had little knowledge of services and benefits: the home help service was used by 7% of respondents, and only one received a "package" of social services. This summary of the research report (same title, and published by the Stationery Office, Edinburgh) outlines the findings and implications for policy and practice for developing support at home. The research was also designed as a parallel study to "Support at home", research carried out by Charlotte MacDonald at the Social Work Research Centre, University of Stirling. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000403203 P
ClassmarkP6:SJ: TKK: IK: I: NH: 3F: 9WC: 9SD

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