Centre for Policy on Ageing


Impacts of welfare reform on California grandparents raising grandchildren: reflections from the field
Author(s)Meredith Minkler, Jill Duerr Berrick, Barbara Needell
Journal titleJournal of Aging & Social Policy, vol 10, no 3, 1999
Pagespp 45-64
KeywordsGrandparents as carers ; Grandchildren ; Personal relationships ; Services ; Social policy ; United States of America.
AnnotationDebate over the potential impacts of welfare reform has largely ignored the implications of these changes for the growing number of grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. Results of a qualitative study involving 36 key informants who were intimately involved in the crafting and/or implementation of California's welfare reform plan are presented. Particular attention is focused on time limits on aid, work requirements, and sanctions regarding teenage parenthood, as these may impact on grandparent caregivers and their families. Cross-cutting themes are also presented. A case is made for greatly stepping up data collection and evaluative research that may help in determining the actual impacts of the legislation on intergenerational households headed by grandparents. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-000322210 A
ClassmarkP6:SW: SW5: DS: I: TM2: 7T

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