Centre for Policy on Ageing


Supporting people : the transitional housing benefit scheme
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Social Security - DSS
PublisherDSS, London, 2000
Pagesleaflet (ref no: THBS01)
SourceWelfare Reform order line: 0181 867 3201 quoting reference.
KeywordsHousing benefit [Nov 82] ; Housing [elderly] ; Sheltered housing ; Community care ; Finance [care] ; Coordination.
AnnotationFrom April 2000, the transitional Housing Benefit scheme will become the main source of funding through the benefit system for charges for support services. It will maintain stable funding for the support services during the transitional period to new long-term funding arrangements. From April 2003, funding streams for support services will be integrated into a single budget, called "Supporting People", to be administered by local authorities. This scheme will then finally replace the existing funding arrangements, including Housing Benefit, from April 2003. This leaflet provides an outline to these changes and signposts further guidance and information on the transitional arrangements contained in Circular A(47)/99 which is available from the DSS website at: http://www.dss.gov.uk or by phone on: 0171 712 2388 quoting the Circular reference number. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-000310202 P
ClassmarkJH8: KE: KLA: PA: QC: QAJ *

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