Centre for Policy on Ageing


Regional Population Meeting, 7-9 December 1998, Budapest, Hungary
 — conclusions [adopted by the Meeting at its final session on 9 December 1998]
Corporate AuthorUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe - UN; United Nations Population Fund; Council of Europe
PublisherUnited Nations, New York, 1999
Pages21 pp
KeywordsDemography ; Social policy ; Conference proceedings ; Europe ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe conclusions presented in this document were negotiated and adopted during a plenary session of the Regional Population Meeting. They summarise the main issues and policy challenges and the five priority themes discussed: fertility, family and gender issues; reproductive rights, and sexual and reproductive health; mortality and health; population ageing; and international migration. Two new co-operation opportunities are also outlined: international co-operation in the field of population and development; and co-operation in the field of population data collection and analysis in the region. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000310001 B
ClassmarkS8: TM2: 6M: 74: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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