Centre for Policy on Ageing


Dementia and the general practitioner
 — practice based project work and audit
Author(s)Kenneth Collins
Corporate AuthorDementia Services Development Centre - DSDC, University of Stirling
PublisherDementia Services Development Centre, Stirling, 2000
Pagesunnumbered, in looseleaf file
SourceDSDC, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA.
KeywordsDementia ; General practice ; Evaluation ; Instruction handbooks.
AnnotationAlthough dementia causes considerable morbidity, studies have shown that general practitioners (GPs) are only aware of about one third of their patients with dementia. This material aims to encourage GPs to engage in an audit of their practice in the care of patients with dementia. A dementia practice audit can be used to assess the levels of care provided in practice, and to enable the primary care team to meet targets in good practice, while performing an educational exercise for PGEA (Post Graduate Education Allowance) accreditation and an Audit Certificate. With the prospect of better treatments and the importance of ensuring that patients and carers receive appropriate needs assessments, a practice based management programme will be an effective means towards achieving optimal provision for people with dementia. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000308004 B
ClassmarkEA: L5: 4C: 69M

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