Centre for Policy on Ageing


A voice for older Londoners in the doctor's surgery
 — [an action research report funded by the National Lottery Charities Board]; researched and written by Barbara Sheppard; additional background by Barbara Meredith; edited by Helen Burley
Author(s)Barbara Sheppard, Barbara Meredith, Helen Burley
Corporate AuthorAge Concern London
PublisherAge Concern London, London, 2000
Pages80 pp (+ Making a start leaflet)
SourceAge Concern London, 54 Knatchbull Road, London SE5 9QY.
KeywordsGeneral practice ; Patients ; Consumer ; Participation ; Social surveys ; London.
AnnotationOlder people are major users of primary care services, yet they are seldom consulted or involved in their planning or provision. This is a report of results of an action research project in six London general practices which set out to work more closely with their older patients. The main sections of the report are based on interviews carried out by the researcher with older patients, general practitioners (GPs), and the practice leads (members of the primary health care team who took responsibility for the project in each practice). The findings reflect issues arising in setting up and running the project, and views expressed during interviews. They cover practical issues in recruiting participants and running meetings, alongside wider policy issues concerning age discrimination and bringing about change. The leaflet, "Making a start: involving older people in the doctor's surgery" published alongside this report, is intended for anyone thinking about setting up meetings or other ways of involving older people in general practice, based on the experiences of participants. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000308001 B
ClassmarkL5: LF: WY: TMB: 3F: 82L

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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