Centre for Policy on Ageing


Caregiver health behavior
 — review, analysis, and recommendations for research
Author(s)Cathleen M Connell, Mary P Gallant
Journal titleActivities, Adaptation & Aging, vol 24, no 2, 1999
Pagespp 1-16
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Well being ; Family care ; Self care capacity ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationCaring for a relative with a chronic illness is an increasingly common experience among families. Although a great deal of evidence links caregiving with adverse health outcomes, the mechanism of this relationship is unclear. One potential mediating factor receiving relatively little research attention is caregivers' health behaviour patterns. This paper has four aims. First, to provide a selected review and analysis of the published literature examining caregiver health behaviour. Second, to highlight examples of caregiver interventions including a health behaviour component. Third, to discuss self care as an appropriate framework for advancing the caregiver literature. Lastly, it offers recommendations for future research, and for the design and evaluation of self care interventions for caregivers. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000229216 A
ClassmarkCC: D:F:5HH: P6:SJ: CA: 3A:6KC

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