Centre for Policy on Ageing


Opportunity for all - tackling poverty and social exclusion
 — [a summary of the first annual report 1999]
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Social Security - DSS
PublisherDepartment of Social Security - DSS, London, 1999
Pages23 pp (The changing welfare state PSE)
SourceWelfare Reform (Poverty), Freepost (HA4441), Hayes UB3 1BR. Tel: 020 8867 3201. Further information: Poverty and Social Exclusion Team, Department of Social Security, 1-11 John Adam Street,
KeywordsPoverty ; Isolation ; Services ; Social policy.
AnnotationThis document is a summary of "Opportunity for all - tackling poverty and social exclusion" (Cm 4445, TSO, September 1999), the Government's first annual report on the theme. The report sets out the problems faced and strategies for tackling them. These include policy priorities and key initiatives for identified groups such as pensioners. Key initiatives for older people are: pension reform; a new Minimum Income Guarantee; action to tackle fuel poverty; development of a National Service Framework for Older People; improving access to key services; tackling crime; action to improve access to cultural and leisure services; and an Inter-Ministerial Group on Older People. Progress on each is indicated; and further information is available from the Poverty and Social Exclusion Team at the Department of Social Security. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000228204 B
ClassmarkW6: TP: I: TM2

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