Centre for Policy on Ageing


In the minority through the '90s
 — a handbook for those who provide meals for elderly people in a multi-cultural society
Author(s)June Copeman, Phil Eaton
Corporate AuthorNAGE (Nutrition Advisory Group for the Elderly), British Dietetic Association
PublisherNutrition Advisory Group for the Elderly, Rotherham, 1996
Pages56 pp (BDA-NAGE-BOK4)
SourceNAGE, British Dietetic Association, Unit 21, Goldthorpe Industrial Estate, Goldthorpe, Rotherham S63 9BL.
KeywordsMeals services ; Ethnic groups ; Religion ; Diet ; Guides, guide books.
AnnotationOlder people entering residential care hold closely to their traditional food patterns. This handbook gives information about the traditional diets of families and individuals from different ethnic groups, including religious and cultural factors which influence food choice. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000211206 B
ClassmarkNR: TK: TR: CFD: 69N

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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