Centre for Policy on Ageing


Population ageing and elderly support
 — a Kenya profile
Author(s)Sitawa R Kimuna, Donald J Adamchak
Journal titleBOLD, vol 10, no 1, November 1999
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), November 1999
Pagespp 6-16
KeywordsInformal care ; The Family ; Demography ; AIDS ; Literature reviews ; Africa ; Kenya.
AnnotationLiterature and research is reviewed on issues faced by older people in developing countries of sub-Saharan Africa, especially Kenya, with particular attention to the implications of the demographic transition and shifts in family structure. The authors describe the consequences of the changes for traditional support systems for older people. The HIV/AIDS epidemic is examined as a tragic new dimension to the pressures on older people; and suggestions are offered for improving support systems for older people. In the light of older people's diminishing economic security, attention is directed to strengthening the "Harambee schemes", which are self-help programmes of information and communication networks for family, education, and training for older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000203219 A
ClassmarkP6: SJ: S8: CQTT: 64A: 7J: 7LD

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