Centre for Policy on Ageing


The Dutch pressure sore assessment score or the Norton scale for identifying at-risk nursing home patients?
Author(s)Rob J van Marum, Marcel E Ooms, Miel W Ribbe
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 29, no 1, January 2000
Pagespp 63-68
KeywordsWounds ; Evaluation ; Patients [nursing homes] ; At risk.
AnnotationThe Norton score is the standard method of risk assessment for pressure sores. With the introduction in the Netherlands of an assessment developed by the Centraal Bergeleidingsorgaan voor Intercollegiale Toetsing (CBO), both tests were investigated as to which has the stronger relationship to the development of pressure sores. The CBO score can be used for assessment of risk in the first two weeks after admission to a nursing home, but is no better than the Norton score. Since the Norton score is easier to use, it is slightly preferable for use in this setting. However, neither score is a good indicator of patients at risk. Doctors should not depend solely on risk scores when prescribing preventive measures. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000203215 A
ClassmarkCUC: 4C: LHB:LF: CA3

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