Centre for Policy on Ageing


Support for majority and minority ethnic groups at home - older people's perspectives
Author(s)Alison Bowes, Charlotte Macdonald
Corporate AuthorScottish Executive Central Research Unit
Journal titleSocial Work Research Findings, no 36, 2000
PublisherScottish Executive, Edinburgh, 2000
Pages8 pp
SourceScottish Executive Central Research Unit, Room J1-0, Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive, Edinburgh EH11 3XA.
KeywordsHome care services ; Informal care ; Asian people ; Needs [elderly] ; Services ; Health services ; Urban areas ; Social surveys ; Glasgow ; Edinburgh.
AnnotationA comparative analysis of the views of older people from different ethnic groups in Edinburgh and Glasgow is presented. Two separate studies provide the basis for comparison, in which older people's perceptions of their needs and the availability of support at home were investigated. The first study was based on a sample drawn from the majority ethnic population: "Support at home: views of older people about their needs and access to services" by Charlotte MacDonald (Edinburgh: The Stationery Office, 1999). The second was of South Asian older people: "Perceptions of need and availability of support at home: a study of South Asian older people" by Alison Bowes and Naira Dar, which will be published in 2000. The studies' results provide insights into differences and similarities in relation to knowledge about services, access to services, experience of health care, and informal networks of support. Implications for policy and practice are outlined. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000203201 P
ClassmarkNH: P6: TKK: IK: I: L: RK: 3F: 9WC: 9SD

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