Centre for Policy on Ageing


Modernising the social care workforce - the first national training strategy for England
 — consultation document - executive summary
Corporate AuthorTOPSS England (Training Organisation for the Personal Social Services)
PublisherTOPSS England, Leeds, 1999
Pages4 pp
SourceTOPSS England, 26 Park Row, Leeds LS1 5QB.
KeywordsSocial workers ; Training [welfare work] ; Coordination ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationThis is the first comprehensive national training strategy to analyse the skill needs of people working in the social care sector and to propose an action plan to improve both the qualification base and the quality of training over the next five years. It is a response both to the "Modernising social services" White Paper (TSO, 1988), and to the restructuring of further education (DfEE, 1999) and higher education (Dearing Report) arrangements. The full set of consultation documents is available from TOPSS England, through their website: www.topss.org.uk The period of consultation ended 14 January 2000. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000201212 B
ClassmarkQR: QW: QAJ: 583

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