Centre for Policy on Ageing


Support at home
 — views of older people on their needs and access to services
Author(s)Charlotte Macdonald
Corporate AuthorSocial Work Research Centre, University of Stirling; Scottish Executive Central Research Unit
PublisherTSO, Edinburgh, 1999
Pages86 pp
SourceThe Stationery Office Limited, 73 Lothian Road, Edinburgh, EH3 9AW.
KeywordsHome care services ; Informal care ; Needs [elderly] ; Services ; Health services ; Urban areas ; Social surveys ; Glasgow ; Edinburgh.
AnnotationDependency and isolation in old age represent a challenge for social work and health care services seeking to promote "social inclusion". This research exploring that theme was carried out by the Social Work Research Centre at the University of Stirling, and funded by the Social Work Services Group of the Scottish Office Home Department (now the Scottish Executive). A survey of older people's perceptions of their needs and the availability of support at home was undertaken in Glasgow and Edinburgh during 1997 and 1998. The survey aimed to identify levels and types of felt need for support at home amongst people aged 75 and over living in urban areas of Scotland. Another aims was to investigate and compare the fit between what is said by local authorities and other providers of social and health care about the availability of help and support in each locality, and what is actually known to be available and accessible by older people and their informal carers. Conclusions consider the extent to which various agencies (national, local, health, voluntary and private) are in a position to bridge the gap between needs and services. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000131007 B
ClassmarkNH: P6: IK: I: L: RK: 3F: 9WC: 9SD

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