Centre for Policy on Ageing


Socio-economic status and living arrangements of older persons in Finland
Author(s)Jarl Lindgren, Anneli Míettenen, Mauri Neimenen
Corporate AuthorPopulation Activities Unit, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe - UN; Population Research Institute of Väestöliito
PublisherUnited Nations, New York, 1999
Pages134 pp
KeywordsEconomic status [elderly] ; Living patterns ; Income [older people] ; Statistics [data] ; Finland.
AnnotationAlthough one of last countries to experience the demographic shifts typical of industrialisation, Finland seems to be one of the first to face full-scale ageing of the population. Within the next 20 years, the large age groups born after the Second World War will reach retirement age, and the proportion of senior citizens will almost double. This report provides information and statistics on several aspects of living conditions and provision for older people and their well-being: living arrangements; work and retirement; sources of income; and housing conditions. However, as the report is mainly intended for international comparisons, findings are usually presented as percentages. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000131001 B
ClassmarkF:W: K7: JF: 6C: 76L

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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