Centre for Policy on Ageing


Care, costs and containment: the social policy of long-term care
Author(s)Gillian Dalley
Corporate AuthorCentre for Policy on Ageing - CPA
Journal titlePolicy & Politics, vol 27, no 4, December 1999
Pagespp 533-540
KeywordsAgeing process ; Services ; Health services ; Long term ; Social policy ; United Kingdom.
AnnotationOlder people, in terms of social policy, have long been regarded as a social problem. The costs and possibilities of rationing on grounds of age of health and social care, and the question about whether the family or the state should take responsibility for caring for dependent older people, are policy issues constantly being debated. This paper critically examines the development of public policy on ageing, drawing on two recent gerontological books and the report of the Royal Commission on Long-Term Care (1999). The current debate on the funding of long-term care in the UK is reviewed, and some of the main policy arguments examined. (AKM) (OFFPRINT).
Accession NumberCPA-000127223 A
ClassmarkBG: I: L: 4Q: TM2: 8

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