Centre for Policy on Ageing


Nursing older people: the keys to success
Author(s)Siān Wade
Journal titleNursing Times, vol 96, no 2, 13 January 2000
Pagespp 42-44
KeywordsNursing ; Nurses ; Preventative medicine ; Rehabilitation ; Coordination ; Multi disciplinary ; Communication.
AnnotationCaring for older people is complex and requires special nursing skills. This article outlines some of the challenges facing nurses working with older people, focusing on assessment, communication, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary care, rehabilitation, preventive care, risk management, problem-solving and decision making, and managing change. Three short case studies illustrate the importance of gerontological education and training for nurses working with older people. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-000120200 A
ClassmarkLQ: QTE: LK2: LM: QAJ: 3DM: U *

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