Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social care of older people in London
Author(s)Doreen Kenny
Corporate AuthorHousing and Social Research Department, London Research Centre - LRC
Journal titlePublic and Social Policy, vol 5, no 1, 2000
PublisherLondon Research Centre, London, 2000
Pagespp 9-15
KeywordsServices ; Care homes ; Domiciliary services ; Social Services Departments ; Statistics [data] ; London.
AnnotationBetween 1993 and 1996, London boroughs more than doubled the number of older people they supported in residential and nursing homes, and almost doubled the number of hours of home care provided. Generally, services have become more intensified, with more support being concentrated on those with the greatest needs and lower levels of support being less widely available. Generally, provision of support services is higher in London, especially in inner London boroughs, than the average nationally, although there is variation between boroughs. In London in 1998, just under 9% of households headed by someone aged 65 and over were receiving home care arranged by the local authority, compared with just over 7% in England as a whole. This article analyses data from local authority returns to the Department of Health (DoH). "Social care in London", (3rd ed., London Research Centre, 2000) includes further information on social care for older people and other client groups. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-000116211 A
ClassmarkI: KW: N: PF: 6C: 82L

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