Single Assessment Process - training materials
dvds and videos
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
What do you see?
The powerful 10-minute film aims to raise awareness of how society treats older people.
The film takes a journey through a day in the life and a life in the day of stroke victim Elsie, played by actress Virginia McKenna OBE. Elsie craves compassion and understanding of the person she is on the inside rather than the useless 'carcass'
she may appear on the outside. Elsie makes a heartfelt but silent plea for her carers to 'Look closer..see...me..'
Contact Details:
Amanda Waring Becketts, Tripp Hill
West Sussex
RH20 1ER
United Kingdom
Tel: l+44 (0)1798 865949 | Fax:
Email: dvd@amandawaring.com | 
Web links: http://amandawaring.com/index.php?module=Website&action=Text&content=1126793805537-3301
Target group: |  Type / Format: dvd video
Availability / Price: £9.99 plus £1.50 postage. To obtain more information about the film, or order a copy, email dvd@amandawaring.com |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: For permission to use for training call 01798 865949. Proceeds from the sale of each film will go direct to Macmillan Cancer Relief and Help the Aged.
Age Exchange
'Listen to what I'm saying' person centred care and the Single Assessment Process: [video] [authors: Bernie Arigho, Keith Strahan]
Person centred care means listening to people to find out what is most important to them and without making assumptions. Care is holistic, and centres on the whole person: who they are, their life before, and
how they currently feel. The emphasis is on what the person can, rather than cannot do.
This video (duration 37 mins) shows health and social care professionals working directly with individuals and their carers. There are no actors, and no prepared scripts. The film shows what a difference a person centred approach makes to
individuals with many/complex needs. It links the Single Assessment Process (SAP), as the person centred health and social care framework, with other Department of Health policies e.g. long term conditions with its emphasis on case management.
It outlines key principles of person centred care that are evolving, including holistic assessment, personalised care plans, sharing information, continuity and coordination, and self care/self management. A feature of the film is to hear the views
of the individuals and carers themselves in 3 Case Studies with a Social Worker, Community Matron and a Community Mental Health Nurse.
Supporting documentation is available: An
| extended film commentary
| Case studies
| Coordination - Principles
| Shared Care Plan: example
| Good care planning for people with long term conditions
| Holistic care in the community: best practice statement; Categories and diagrams
The video, which has been, produced by Bernie Arigho and Keith Strahan, and made by Age Exchange, has been funded by the North West London Strategic Health Authority and the Department of Health (DH)
Contact Details:
Age Exchange,
11 Blackheath Village,
SE3 9LA.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8318 9105 | Fax:
Email: administration@age-exchange.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.age-exchange.org.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: video
Availability / Price: Free; available from: Centre for Policy on Ageing: video@cpa.org.uk or Tel: 020 7553 6500 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other queries to: Keith Strahan; tel 07973 700695 (mobile); E-mail: keith.strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Age Exchange
'Listen to what I'm saying' person centred care and the Single Assessment Process: [DVD] [authors: Bernie Arigho, Keith Strahan]
Person centred care means listening to people to find out what is most important to them and without making assumptions. Care is holistic, and centres on the whole person: who they are, their life before, and
how they currently feel. The emphasis is on what the person can, rather than cannot do.
This DVD shows health and social care professionals working directly with individuals and their carers. There are no actors, and no prepared scripts. The film shows what a difference a person centred approach makes to individuals with many/complex
needs. It links the Single Assessment Process (SAP), as the person centred health and social care framework, with other Department of Health policies e.g. long term conditions with its emphasis on case management.
It outlines key principles of person centred care that are evolving, including holistic assessment, personalised care plans, sharing information, continuity and coordination, and self care/self management. A feature of the film is to hear the views
of the individuals and carers themselves in 3 Case Studies with a Social Worker, Community Matron and a Community Mental Health Nurse.
Supporting documentation is available: An
| extended film commentary
| Case studies
| Coordination - Principles;
| Shared Care Plan: example
| Good care planning for people with long term conditions;
| Holistic care in the community: best practice statement; Categories and diagrams
The DVD includes 3 other films:
'Patients as Teachers' (Lewisham Social Care and Health). Film with older people explaining how they wish to be assessed - the inspiration for 'Listen to What I'm Saying'.
'Are We Being Heard?' (Hounslow staff training film). A film made by older people about older people, with an emphasis on having control over their own lives e.g. using Direct Payments.
'Cold Tea' (Workforce Directorate, Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority). Introductory film about the Single Assessment Process.
The DVD, which has been, produced by Bernie Arigho and Keith Strahan, and made by Age Exchange, has been funded by the North West London Strategic Health Authority and the Department of Health (DH)
Contact Details:
Age Exchange,
11 Blackheath Village,
SE3 9LA.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8318 9105 | Fax:
Email: administration@age-exchange.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.age-exchange.org.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: DVD
Availability / Price: DVD version no longer available. Video is still available free from: Centre for Policy on Ageing: video@cpa.org.uk or Tel: 020 7553 6500 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other queries to: Keith Strahan; tel 07973 700695 (mobile); E-mail: keith.strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Brighton & Hove City Council; South Downs NHS Trust; Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust; Brighton & Hove PCT
The Single Assessment Process - a new way of working [Author: Brighton & Hove City Council]
A Single Assessment Process training video (20 minutes) produced by Brighton & Hove NHS and Caring Services which focuses on the principles of SAP and is divided into three sections with a pause after each
section for discussion and training on assessment tools.
The first section consists of a case study of an older woman admitted to hospital
The second section focuses on the assessment tools
The final section focuses on how the older woman, now at home in the community, has benefitted from the SAP.
This video is designed to be generic in its approach for briefing and awareness training. It has been produced by Pavilion and uses trained actors.
Contact Details:
Jilly Alexander, Project Manager, South Downs NHS Trust/Brighton & Hove, Project Office,
1st Floor,
Brighton Town Hall,
Bartholomew Square,
BN1 1JA.
Tel: 01273 296351 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: SSD/PCT/user groups |  Type / Format: video
Availability / Price: £50 from: Geraldine Opreshko, Head of Service, Learning and Development Team, Corporate Services, Brighton & Hove City Council, King's House, Grand Avenue, Hove BN3 2LS.Tel: (01273) 295084 Email:
Geraldine.Opreshko@brighton-hove.gov.uk |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Project Assistant: Jesseca Harker, tel 01273 295245.
Care Asset Management Ltd
A better way to fund care A public information DVD on the issues of care fee funding [CareAware]
CareAware is a non-profit making public information and advisory service specialising in issues relating to funding long term care for older people. Its objectives are to improve public understanding and
knowledge about the care system, to reinforce the rights and choices of the individual and to assist the public and professionals on the complex issues associated with care provision. The aim of this DVD is to be a means of education, training and
marketing within an organisation, and can be used in a variety of settings. Copies are available for a modest charge and personalised versions of the DVD can be produced, both on the DVD and on the wallet which contains it. ITN were commissioned
to produce the DVD with an introduction by television newsreader, Martyn Lewis.
Contact Details:
CareAware Helpline PO Box 8
M30 9NY
Tel: 08705 134925 | Fax:
Email: enquiries@careaware.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.careaware.co.uk
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: DVD; training packs/guides
Availability / Price: £2.99 per DVD; complimentary copy may be available. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Changing Workforce Programme, NHS Modernisation Agency,
Toolkit for local change : patient and staff perspective physical illness
This is one of a series of tools (Tool 13a) to support local implementation of role resdesign which are listed in the Role design directory of tools. This tool should be used during the early design and
planning stages of a new or amended role to help generate lateral thinking. The video contains three case study scenarios which provide material for discussion on service delivery and role redesign. The scenarios are designed to deliberately
emphasise points for debate, therefore some characters or scenes may seem over-exaggerated. Time required is suggested at between 30 - 60 minutes for this exercise. The three scenarios are 'Tell me again Mrs Foley' - The patient perspective;
'Those are the roles' - The staff and patient perspective; 'A new role for Mr Cole' - The staff perspective.
Contact Details:
2nd Floor,
Heron House,
322 High Holborn,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: cwptools@doh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.modern.nhs.uk/newwaysofworking
Target group: HA |  Type / Format: video; case study; toolkit
Availability / Price: To order please email. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Cumbria & Lancashire Workforce & HR Directorate (formerly WDC), Cumbria & Lancashire SHA,
Cold Tea introduction to single assessment [produced by: Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority Workforce Directorate]
(August 2004)
"Cold Tea" is a video (running time: 17 minutes) based on primary care, and has been adapted from the Changing Workforce programme video. Its overall aims are to introduce Single Assessment, outline the
benefits of Single Assessment, and encourage staff to consider the implications of Single Assessment. The video is directed towards staff working in Primary Care and has two scenarios: one of Service-Led Care (which quite often staff will mistake
for person-centred care); and the same scenario enacted as Person-Centred Care. It is a video which will spark discussion, and advocates person centredness, integrated working and person-held records for patients or service users. The video is
accompanied by facilitators' notes.
See also entry for the DVD, 'Listen to what I'm saying': person centred care and the Single Assessment Process (produced by Age Exchange), on which this film is also available.
Contact Details:
Celia Granell, Clinical Development Manager for Older People and Primary Care, Cumbria and Lancashire Workforce and HR Directorate, Cumbria and Lancashire SHA,
Preston Business Centre,
Watling Street Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1772 645701 (direct)
+44 (0)1772 645700 (switch) | Fax:
Email: celia.granell@clha.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT staff |  Type / Format: video
Availability / Price: Outside Cumbria and Lancs, £30.00 per copy. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: 421 Productions, tel 07971 123874.
ERoSH - the Essential Role of Sheltered Housing
Sheltered housing's contribution to health and social care
This DVD emphasises the benefits of partnership working. It demonstrates a range of health and social care-related activities that do or should take place in sheltered housing including: exercise; falls
prevention; keeping active; helping access to other services; healthy eating; screening; and social activities. ERoSH produces checklists for health and social care professionals, and the good practice examples in the DVD pick out just a few themes.
The DVD is in two parts, one aimed primarily at health care professionals, and the other primarily at social care professionals. The aim is that it should be shown at team meetings and training courses..
It is also viewable on the ERoSH website.
Contact Details:
PO Box 2616
SN15 1WZ
Tel: +44 (0)1249 654249 | Fax: +44 (0)1249 654249
Email: info@shelteredhousing.org | 
Web links: http://www.shelteredhousing.org
| http://icn.csip.org.uk/housing/
Target group: health care / social care professionals |  Type / Format: dvd
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: ERoSH was formerly known as the Emerging Role of Sheltered Housing project.
The DVD was produced by 4 Reel Films for ERoSH.
Other contact credited on DVD cover: CSIP Housing Learning and Improvement Network For further good practice examples, contact the Housing LIN website (Web Link 2).
Lewisham Social Care and Health
Patients as teachers: older people in Lewisham: good practice guide for assessment
Video accompanied by 'Good practice guide for assessing the needs of older people - assessors' checklist'; and brochure, 'Patients as teachers: good practice guidelines for assessment for social care and
health staff'.
The guidelines have been created by older people in Lewisham working with direct roots community consultants, and include direct quotes of older people's opinons, leading on to points for practitioners to bear in mind not only in carrying out
assessments, but also in how they interact with older people
Other partners are the Lewisham Hospital NHS Trust, Lewisham Primary Care Trust, and South London and Maudsley NHS Trust.
See also entry for the DVD, 'Listen to what I'm saying': person centred care and the Single Assessment Process (produced by Age Exchange), on which the film is also available.
View good practice guide
View brochure
Contact Details:
George Howard Tel: +44 (0)20 8314 9608 | Fax:
Email: george.howard@lewisham.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.lewisham.gov.uk
Target group: Social care/health staff |  Type / Format: video; guide
Availability / Price: No charge while stocks last. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Video is copyright Little Fish Films, 2003.
London Older People's Service Development Programme, Social Services Inspectorate, Department of Health
Brighter futures for older people: key messages and lessons from the London Older People's [Service Development] Programme
Video accompanied by folder, 'A brighter future for older people: report and key lessons - June 2003' from the London Older People's Service Development Programme.
The folder contains:
Summary of evaluation of Phase 2, 'A journey of improvement: lessons and experiences from using the collaborative methodology in improving older people's services across 12 London Boroughs: an overview', carried out by the Older People's Programme,
King's College London;
Final report June 2001 - June 2003;
8 pamphlets: How to modernise health and social care services for older people: some ideas and practical tips; Prevention finding approaches that work; Work with emergency and acute services: a case management approach; Single assessment: what
works; Empowering users and carers: what works; Medicines management; Falls screening and prevention; Working with people with dementia.
The London Older People's Service Development Progamme ended in June 2003.
Contact Details:
Val Jones, SW London Health Authority,
Hartfleld House,
41-47 Hartfield Road,
SW19 3RG,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8545 6091 | Fax:
Email: val.jones@swlha.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.london.nhs.uk/olderpeople
Target group: Social care/health staff |  Type / Format: video; pack
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Video is copyright Little Fish Films, 2003.
MHA Care Group with support from the Alzheimer's Society
The Person - not the Problem MHA Care Group
August 2002
A training and information video for everyone interested in understanding dementia. This very powerful drama is the story of retired GP Eleanor Jennings who has recently developed dementia. As she moves into a
residential care home, her husband, also a GP, makes a visit to see how she is settling in. Issues highlighted in the video such as communication, care with dignity and respect, and acknowledging the feelings of relatives are supported with a
booklet suggesting pointers for group discussion. 'The Person - not the Problem' shows the importance of getting to know and supporting not only the person with dementia, but also their partner and family. By encouraging family input and support
whilst preparing a care package, staff are helped to understand better the person they are looking after.
Video duration 28 minutes.
Contact Details:
MHA Care Group,
Epworth House,
Stuart Street ,
Derby DE1 2EQ
Tel: 01332 296200 | Fax: 01332 296925
Email: enquiries@mha.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.mha.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: video; book
Availability / Price: Available for purchase, price £20.00 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Northumberland Care Trust
Care coordination - older people Joan's tale workshop: taking care further
The video, together with the facilitator and participant workbooks, comprises a two-hour training workshop.
The Joan's tale video and workbooks are based in good faith on DoH guidance re the Single Assessment Process. They seek to assist awareness (not holistic or definitive) training, and to provide a provocative introduction to SAP/Care Coordination for
Older People. The learning will be enhanced if the training is held with multidisciplinary groups of staff and stakeholders. The material is presented in the order recommended for running the training event.
Contact Details:
Brenda Stenhouse, Single Assessment Programme Manager, Northumberland Care Trust,
Merley Croft.
NE61 2DL.
Tel: +44 (0)1670 533886 | Fax: +44 (0)1670 533803
Email: brenda.stenhouse@northumberlandcaretrust.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northumberlandcaretrust.nhs.uk
Target group: Health and social services staff; other "stakeholders" |  Type / Format: video; workbook
Availability / Price: £150 for 1 pack (1 video, 1 facilitator workbook, 1 participant book); thereafter, £10 per video. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Ltd
Whose secret? Protecting vulnerable adults from abuse [author: Marion Dakin]
(August 2007)
A DVD training resource for staff working to prevent the abuse of vulnerable adults. The aim of the pack is to raise awareness of the issues of abuse in a range of settings and to help users to understand
multi-agency roles and responsibilities. The resource is a revised version of the What If? video training pack (2001) and has been updated in the light of recent policy and legislation to address the need for general trining and raising awareness
about adult protection issues. The development of this updated material has been funded by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council.
The format is a ringbound training resource, including exercises and handout masters with DVD (30 mins).
Contact Details:
Richmond House
Richmond Road
East Sussex
Tel: 0870 890 1080 | Fax: 0870 890 1081
Email: | 
Web links: www.pavpub.com/trainingmaterials
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: dvd; training material
Availability / Price: Order code: BB6 - at a cost of £95.00 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Respect learning materials for social care staff working with black and minority ethnic older people [authors: Jabeer Butt, Leandra Box, Suzanne Lyn Cook]
Learning materials: video (22 mins) accompanied by written pack (105 pp); particularly useful for care managers, home carers, day care staff and residential workers.
These learning materials are designed to help social care staff to assess needs accurately and to respond appropriately. The written pack is arranged in four modules. Module 1 introduces the materials and discusses the values informing them. Module
2 provides information on the social, economic and family circumstances and the mental and physical health of black and minority ethnic older people. Module 3 looks at various aspects of practice: assessment; care planning; monitoring and review;
communication; emotional care; personal care; protection and abuse; relationships; faith and spirituality; organisational issues; and ethnic record keeping and monitoring. Module 4 includes the complete list of exercises used throughout. The video
provides 'live' examples of good practice in service provision.
Contact Details:
Unit 35,
Kings Exchange,
Tileyard Road,
N7 9AH.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7619 6220 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7619 6230
Email: office@reunet.demon.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.reu.org.uk
Target group: SSD staff |  Type / Format: video; workbook
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1873912803
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council; Solihull NHS Primary Care Trust; University of Central England, Birmingham
Just say it once implementing the Single Assessment Process in Solihull: staff development programme [authors: Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council; Solihull NHS Primary Care Trust; University of
Central England, Birmingham]
Workbook for the Staff Development Programme; Training video (30 mins) - 'Just say it once: developing good practice in multi disciplinary assessment'.
This joint staff development programme has been developed by Solihull MBC and Solihull PCT in partnership with the School of Primary Care, University of Central England (UCE). It is designed to help further develop competence and skills in multi
agency working and assessment, applying the principles of the National Service Framework (NSF) to adults of all ages. The training programme incorporates exercises, workshops and facilitated staff discussion for mixed staff groups, allowing everyone
to develop skills and learn together.
Contact Details:
Magnetic Pictures Magnetic Pictures Ltd,
The Old Coach House,
Upper Wawensmoor,
Wootton Wawen,
B95 6SS.
Tel: 01564 793061 | Fax:
Email: aprice@magpix.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.magpix.co.uk
| http://www.magpix.co.uk/Pages%202003/SAP%20Page.html
Target group: SSD/PCT staff |  Type / Format: workbook; video
Availability / Price: £45.00 |  ISBN/ISSN:
West Midlands Regional SAP Group
If I've told you once ... introducing the Single Assessment Process
The video (18 mins) and DVD were produced to support the implementation of the Single Assessment Process (SAP).There are two versions of the DVD programme, the second of which has subtitles for the hard of
hearing. Both were produced by Magnetic Pictures Productions The video is supported by a trainers' guide, providing background information and session guides available separately as a PDF file (web link 2)
The video introduces the viewer to the need for SAP through an opening scene where an older person is visited by several professioanls who all want the same information for their assessment. This is followed by a series of short interviews with key
personnel such as the Director of the Change Agent Team, service users, a chief executive of a PCT, a general practitioner, an occupational therapy manager and a social work manager. The principles of person-centred care, information sharing and
person held records are explained with a return to the experiences of the older person.
The project was funded by ADSS West Midlands Regional SAP Group: Birmingham Single Assessment Programme; Coventry Single Assessment Partnership; Derbyshire and Derby Social and Health Care Communities; Dudley Health and Social Care Community;
Sandwell Single Asessment Proceess Project Group; Solihull Single Assessment Joint Steering Group; Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Single Assessment Project; Stockport Older People's Training Programme; Telford and Wrekin SAP Project; Walsall
Single Assessment Programme; WSAP Warwickshire Single Assessment Process; and Worcestershire Single Assessment Programme. The Department of Health (DH) Change Agent Team provided additional support.
View flyer for the video/DVD
Contact Details:
Magnetic Pictures Magnetic Pictures Ltd,
The Old Coach House,
Upper Wawensmoor,
Wootton Wawen,
B95 6SS.
Tel: 01564 793061 | Fax:
Email: aprice@magpix.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.magpix.co.uk/Pages%202003/SAP%20Page.html
| http://www.magpix.co.uk/PDF%20Files/users%20guide%20for%20pdf.PDF
Target group: All staff, service providers, users and carers |  Type / Format: video or DVD
Availability / Price: Video and DVD both priced at £15.00 (plus VAT and P&P) for a single copy. Discount available for bulk orders. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: ADSS West Midlands Regional SAP Group contact, Sue Williams, tel 01905 796799 E-mail: suejwilliams@hotmail.com
Wiltshire County Council
Confidentiality the Caldicott Way training video [author: Wiltshire Social Services]
Running time: 30 mins.
Produced by Wiltshire County Council, with contributions from Hampshire, Dorset, Swindon, Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire, Torbay, Devon, North Somerset, Bath and North East Somerset, Portsmouth, and Poole councils.
The video covers issues of confidentiality, with respect to client information, following from the findings of 1997 committee chaired by Dame Fiona Caldicott
It outlines and illustrates the six Caldicott principles in each of six scenarios:
1) Justify the purpose
2) Don't use personally identifying information unless it is absolutely necessary
3) Use the minimum necessary personally identifying information
4) Access to personally identifying information should be on a strict need-to-know basis
5) Everyone should be aware of their responsibilities
6) Understand and comply with the law.
Contact Details:
Angela Stansby County Hall,
Bythesea Road,
BA14 8JN
Tel: +44 (0)1225 713000 (switch)
+44 (0)1225 713923 (direct) | Fax:
Email: angelastansby@wiltshire.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SSD/PCT |  Type / Format: video; cdrom
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: Artisan Productions, Citronic House, Halifax Road, Bowerhill, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6UB.
Tel: 01225 792008; Fax: 01225 792008; Email: alan@artisanproductions.co.uk
Rights for the video now belong to the Department of Health (DH).