Single Assessment Process - training materials
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
A national template The blurring of long-term health and social care has led to a new, more enlightened continuing care framework aimed at resolving the current mess [author: Melanie Henwood]
A journal article in Community Care, 29 June 2006, pp 30-31.
The national framework on NHS continuing health care has been launched (19 June) for consultation. In this article the author reviews the current situation of continuing care and gives her view of what a national framework should provide, against
which the proposed framework appears to measure up. Henwood concludes that the proposed framework offers "a real prospect for putting in place a more equitable system." However, achievement of the framework will depend on additional costs
associated with adoption of it being met, which could amount to an estimated £110m in the first year. Assessment processes will provide the critical gateway to determining eligibility and a decision support tool has been developed to ensure
consistent application. This and seven other documents are part of the consultation documentation that are downloadable from the Department of Health's website. The deadline for the consultation is: 22 September 2006.
Contact Details:
Melanie Henwood Tel: | Fax:
Email: melanie@henwood-associates.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.communitycare.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Active steps to prevention A shift towards more preventive services is paying dividends in reducing older people's stays in hospitals ... [authors: Gerald Wistow, Derek King]
A journal article in Community Care, 29 June 2006, pp 32-33.
In this article, the authors present the first year's results from the Innovation Forum's older people project, Improving Futures for Older People, which was set up by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Local Government Association in
2003, as a partnership between central government and the highest-rated local authorities to pioneer ways of delivering public services. The project adopted a target for all participating authorities: to achieve over three years from April 2004, a
20 per cent reduction in unscheduled hospital in-patient bed days occupied by older people aged 75 or over compared with the predicted level. The pilot councils are Kent (lead council), Cornwall, Cheshire, Dorset, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, City of
Westminster, West Sussex and Wigan. Considerable success was recorded during the first year, with the number of bed days used below the predicted rate. If the first year's progress can be sustained, the project will be a pathfinder, and
demonstrate the ability of councils to initiate and lead the co-ordination of change in acute hospital and community services. This will not only improve the futures of older people but also the future of local democracy more generally.
The project is being evaluated by researchers attached to each field site and co-ordinated by the London School of Economics.
Contact Details:
Gerald Wistow Tel: | Fax:
Email: gerald.wistow@btinternet.com | 
Web links: http://www.communitycare.co.uk/prtl
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Adjusting the focus [preparation for SAP by health and social care professionals] [author: Rebecca Ellinor]
(16 March 2004)
Article in: Care and Health Magazine, issue 57, 2004, pp 6-9.
In 2002, guidance was issued for health and social care professionals about a new way of assessing older people's needs. After 24 months of preparation for the Single Assessment Process (SAP), are professionals ready to put it into practice? While
organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors agree that SAP is a good idea, putting it into action is more easily said than done, and is an example of where government could have offered more direction. Some of the SAP key players
identify difficulties including: obtaining commitment at the chief executive strategic level; the appropriateness of the accredited SAP tools; assessment overload; SAP in the context of the national IT agenda; engaging general practitioners (GPs);
and data protection issues.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.careandhealth.com
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14779994
An age-old problem? A perception that depression is a "natural" part of old age, means many older people are not getting the help they need [author:Mike George]
(1 February 2005)
Article in: Care and Health Magazine, issue 99, pp22-23.
This article considers the needs of older people in Britain who suffer from depression, which is estimated to be between 1.4 million and 1.9 million. It is considered one of the most prevalent health problems facing older people today. It is
argued that age discrimination prevents older people from being referred to services, especially speciliast mental health services, when needed. This process may be reinforced by the National Standards Framework for Mental Health which focuses
predominantly on those of working age and below, yet Professor Susan Benbow (Chair of the Faculty for the Psychiatry of Old Age at the Royal College of Psychiatry) urges a higher priority to be given to older people's needs and believes better
support can be given by community-based health and social care services. Ben Bano, Director of Social Care and Older People's Services at East Kent NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust is in agreement and East Kent already has a local area
agreement framework which "offers an ideal opportunity to work on a multi-agency basis on common approaches to promoting social inclusion of older people who are isolated and potentially prone to depression." In the same way, "SAP can be used as
an opportunity to identify issues before they become problems" advocates Jonathan Ellis, Policy Manager at Help the Aged. Further work undertaken by Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Trust is also mentioned.
Contact Details:
Mike George Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.careandhealth.com
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14779994
Assessing patients' eligibility for fully funded nursing care [author: William Anderson, Hilary Bungay]
(13 January 2004)
Article in: Nursing Times, vol 100, no 2, pp 38-39.
The introduction of free nursing care in nursing homes requires that patient's needs for care from a registered nurse are determined as part of the assessment of health and social care needs. It is important that patients are assigned to the band
of care that is appropriate for them so that they receive the correct contribution to their care. A minimum data set/resident assessment instrument (MDS/RAI) was piloted on residents living in nursing homes as an assessment tool to see whether this
agreed with decisions that had been made by the NHS-designated assessor for the registered nursing contribution to care. Comparison of findings showed that the assessment tool was a means of improving the quality of assessments. Further
information about training to use the assessment tool and the MDS/RAI can be found at the website of the Senectus Project.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.senectus.org
| http://www.nursingtimes.net
Target group: |  Type / Format: article; assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0954-7762
Notes: see Related Organisations
Building telecare through effective procurement - Conference [Department of Health]
A free one day conference in both London (Russell Hotel 14 November 2006) and Leeds (Elland Road Football Stadium 23 November 2006).
An event for all professionals involved in providing telecare services. Visit the NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency telecare
website link given below for full details or contact by telephone.
Contact Details:
Tel: +44 (0)114 267 6004 | Fax:
Email: telecareawarenessday@pasa.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.pasa.nhs.uk/eat/telecare.stm
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: free of charge |  ISBN/ISSN:
Conversing with clients a generic approach to mental health needs assessment [author: Malcolm T Firth]
Article in:: Practice, vol 11, no 2, 1999, pp 35-48.
Good practice requires mental health professionals to engage service users in a reciprocal working relationship, and good assessment underpins care management and the Care Programme Approach (CPA). Both processes can be aided by a comprehensive
assessment of needs which allows workers to be flexible, and which invites clients to have an active voice in service provision. This paper examines how a structured form of needs assessment, the Manchester Care Assessment Schedule (MANCAS), can
encourage purposeful conversations between clients and workers which assist engagement, and which are relevant to care plans and to review. The approach is broad-based, and relies as much on workers' use of self and pre-existing professional skills
as on the written format.
Contact Details:
British Association of Social Workers,
16 Kent Street,
B5 6RD.
Tel: 0121 622 3911 | Fax: 0121 622 4860
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.basw.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09503153
Notes: Copy supplied by Malcolm Firth, Lecturer in Social Work, CHSSC, University of Salford, Allerton Building, Frederick Road, Salford, Greater Manchester M6 6PU. Tel 0161 295 6425 E-mail: m.firth@salford.ac.uk
Malcolm Firth was formerly Lecturer/Practitioner - Social Work, ,Manchester Mental Health and Social Care NHS Trust, and Hon Research Fellow, University of Manchester Department of Psychiatric Social Work.
Courtesy entitles [older people consider dignity to be a key element in their treatment ] [author: Michael Calnan, Gillian Woolhead, Paul Dieppe ]
(20 February 2003)
Article in: Health Service Journal, vol 113, no 5843, pp30-31.
The National Service Framework for older people (NSF) emphasises the need for older people to be treated respectfully as individuals. However, a study of 72 people in Bristol and South Wales ranging in age from 50 to 90 (median age 72), showed that
dignity - and lack of it - were key issues in their estimation of care. Their concerns about lack of dignity centred on lack of privacy, mixed sex wards, forms of address, and loss of independence. The study - which forms part of an EU funded
project relating to the Fifth framework (quality of life) programme - suggested that older people do not complain about care for fear of retaliation.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0952-2271
Dare to Dream : facilitating map and path
Dear Colleague
You may be interested in a new course which Envision is offering, in partnership with Steve Coulson from the Edinburgh Development Group. This course focuses on the facilitation of the MAP and PATH person centred planning processes, drawing on our
considerable experience of using these tools and supporting others to explore them. This will be a highly experiential and creative learning environment. (Course dates in April and May 2008).
Please contact me for any further details and circulate this information to anyone else who might be interested.
Helen Wilson
01899 221492
Contact Details:
Helen Wilson Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.envision-uk.org
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: training
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
East London Inter Organisational General Protocol For Sharing Information
(Final version: February 2004)
This protocol provides a framework for the secure and confidential sharing of personal information between the Parties on a Need to Know basis between individual Personnel in order to enable the Parties to
meet the needs of communities and individuals for care, protection and support in accordance with statute and government policy; It describes roles and structures to support the exchange of personal information between the Parties and applies to the
sharing of personal information relating to residents of East London and others who are service users. It covers the sharing of personal information between the Parties including (without limitation) for sharing for the purposes listed in the
document and applies to the sharing of personal information whatever the medium in which it is held and however it is transmitted. It is designed to ensure that the Parties' service users are informed of the reasons why personal information about
them may need to be shared and how this sharing will be managed. It applies to the activities of the Parties' Personnel and describes how complaints from service users relating to personal information sharing between two or more organisations will
be investigated and resolved.
View protocol [version 10 September 2005].
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: Download from DH web site. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The parties to this Protocol are: North East London Strategic Health Authority, East London & The City Mental Health NHS Trust, Barts and The London Hospitals NHS Trust, Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust, Newham Healthcare NHS
Trust, City & Hackney PCT, Newham PCT (excluding host responsibilities for NHS Direct), Tower Hamlets PCT, The Corporation of London (in respect of Social Services only), The London Borough of Hackney (in respect of Social Services only), The London
Borough of Newham (in respect of Social Services only), The London Borough of Tower Hamlets (in respect of Social Services, Education and Housing only)
Evaluation of the implementation of the Single Assessment Process and its impact on occupational therapy practice a special study presented as part of the requirement for the degree of MSc in
Professional Health Studies, College of York St John [author: Alicia Ridout]
This special study (122 pp) aimed to survey senior occupational therapists across health and social care in a large city, to explore the impact of implementing the single assessment process (SAP) on their
practice. The study was to be carried out within the context of national policy and the occupational therapy professional standards of practice and the local approach to implementation A 10-item questionnaire was constructed with these purposes in
mind; and of 54 distributed variously to staff from primary care, acute hospitals, mental health and social services, 31 were returned (58% response). The data generated (including both qualitative and some objective quantitative data) would then
allow themes for future evaluation and research to be developed which would support the profession's engagement with the implementation and its own modernisation agenda.
The study highlights risks to and inconsistencies within the therapists' use of SAP, both between services and therapists' practice. Primary care therapists appeared to be the group practising in the most-client-centred way and adhering more closely
to the process principles and professional standards of practice. Social services provided the poorest response rate and highlighted numerous practice issues. The therapists generated a wide range of strategies with which to improve the
implementation, and appeared to be engaged with it despite obvious frustrations. One overarching theme was therapists' wish for a more corporate implementation across the profession in the city, indicating motivation to improve the services provided
by occupational therapists.
The report includes a literature review, copies of letters, the questionnaire, and data collection form.
View dissertation.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: Occupational therapists across all services |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Ever ready [pilot of "Evercare nurses" in the UK by 10 PCTs] [author: Carol Lewis]
(8 January 2004)
Article in: Health Service Journal, vol 113, no 5886, pp26-27.
A model of care for older people which has helped nurse practitioners to cut hospital admissions and prescriptions through improved risk management is being piloted in the UK by 10 primary care trusts (PCTs), and has been well received. "Evercare
nurses" are based on a US model of an expanded clinical role. The pilots report good results in increasing quality of social care. However, there has been criticism of diverted resources and an unthinking importing of US ideas. This article reports
on Evercare projects in Airedale, Bristol South and West, Bristol North, and South Gloucestershire PCTs.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: PCT |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0952-2271
Explaining about ... sheltered housing and the Single Assessment Process [authors: Peter Huntbach, Jilly Alexander]
Journal article in Working with Older People, December 2005, vol 9, issue 4, pp 8-11.
The authors explain in this article, that for many professionals within the sheltered housing sector, this is a time of real change and opportunity. There are benefits to be reaped for residents and staff by connecting health, housing and social
care professionals through the Single Assessment Process and this article outlines how SAP does work in practice within the sheltered housing service and where it sits with the assessments and support plans already undertaken. It concludes that
sheltered housing providers will have to adapt their working practises to incorporate needs assessments and support plans, as required by Supporting People. To do so will help both residents to be at the centre of the process and establish the role
of staff within the whole system of care management.
Contact Details:
Peter Huntbach Tel: +44 (0)1273 293248 | Fax:
Email: peter.huntback@brighton-hove.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 13663666
Find the connections Social care research has to take account of the increasing amount of partnership and joint working [author: Bob Hudson]
(20 January 2005)
Article in: Community Care, no 1556, pp 36-37.
This article reports on a Good practice : developing an evidence base conference held by the Integrated Care Network to develop effective working in partnership and integration. The need to take a broad interpretation of what constitutes research
is emphasised and three levels of thinking about joint working are identified. Examples of local practitioner-researcher programmes are outlined.
Contact Details:
bob@bobhudsonconsulting.com Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.communitycare.co.uk
Target group: SSD |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
For patients' sake, don't boycott e-health records Personal view [author: Marlene Winfield]
21 July 2007
A brief article in the BMJ (British Medical Journal), 21 July 2007, vol 335, p158.
The author is a national patient lead, NHS Connecting for Health, London - but gives a personal view on the BMA's decision to advise general practitioners to boycott the creation of summary care records for their patients. The author does not
accept that the risks of a breach of confidentiality about health information on a patient's record, justifies a wholesale boycott by GPs. The patient will have several options to safeguard what health information is on the summary care record on
the national database and GPs should be reassured by this process. The author concludes that "True collaboration produces better outcomes for both patients and the NHS than paternalism".
Contact Details:
Marlene Winfield Tel: | Fax:
Email: marlene.winfield@nhs.net | 
Web links: http://www.bmj.com
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09598138
Green paper pledges 'virtual' care trust for every council HSJ Exclusive: Next month's ground-breaking document will establish 'duty to co-operate' [author: Daniel Martin ]
(16 December 2004)
Article in: Health Service Journal, vol 114, no 5936, p5.
The green paper for adult social care will propose that every council should set up a new kind of 'virtual' care trust. HSJ has learned that the paper, due out next month, will give every council a duty to set up a care trust, involving the
director of adult social services and representatives of primary care trusts. The green paper will outline a model for care trusts similar to that for children's trusts, which are currently being rolled out across England. The 'duty to
co-operate' between the NHS and local authorities will require legislation. HSJ has termed this development as a "Sure Start" for older people's services.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: daniel.martin@emap.com | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0952-2271
Happy ever after [Unique Care, an alternative to Evercare] [author: Ann Dix]
(9 December 2004)
Article in: Health Service Journal, vol 114, no 5935, pp 28-31.
Unique Care, which is based on case management (itself a US model of care) is now being promoted by the National Primary Care Development Team (NPDT) as a more viable alternative to the Evercare model for managing people with long-term conditions.
This article describes how the Castlefields health centre in Runcorn, run by national primary care director Dr David Colin-Thomé, has been using this form of managed care for more than four years. Those over 65s who are likely to become high users
of hospital services are identifIed, and their conditions are managed in ways that reduce hospital admissions. This work involves a half-time nurse and full-time social worker case manager. The practice has also extended case management to mental
health. Case management of cancer patients is also being piloted in 9 PCTs, including Halton, Castlefields' local PCT.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0952-2271
Notes: National Primary Care Development Team: http:// www.npdt.org
Home comforts Prescribed telecare packages could help older or vulnerable people live at home safely for longer. So why are they not more widely used? [author: Beverly Castleton]
(September 2006)
Article in HSJ Intelligence (supplement) within Health Service Journal, 21 September 2006, p11.
Dr Castleton is Associate Medical Director at North Surrey PCT describes how work in the PCT has begun to show how telecare can be brought into the mainstream of care delivery and applied on a community-wide scale, bringing an improved quality of
life of the people who use it. The model of care is based on the Columba Project for independent living and is a collaboration between the PCT, Runnymede BC, Careline and telecare solutions specialist Tunstall. Two key elements were involved: an
intermediate care team for assessing patient needs and equipping a dedicated short-term residential unit with telecare equipment, to familiarise patients with the technology and help to re-able them. After a period in the unit - typically four to
six weeks - two-thirds of patients were able to live independently at home, supported by home care, supplemented by a prescribed telecare package.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09522271
Identifying the development needs of community matrons [authors:Alison Pooler, Pam Campbell]
(12 September 2006)
Article in Nursing Times, 12 September 2006, pp 36-38.
The aim of this research was to gain some insight into the needs of community matrons from both the practitioners' and managers' perspectives. Focus groups with community matrons in different PCTs were used. These groups identified that skills in
physical assessment and prescribing were taken as prerequisites or essential to the role, and that the educational priorities were viewed as clinical education relating to the management of many long-term conditions linked to major causes of
unplanned admissions. The preferred format for education appears to be work-based learning delivered by clinicians. It is concluded that PCTs need to ensure that community matrons have their learning needs assessed and to put in place systems of
work-based learning that allow for appropriate development. Although matrons themselves may not initially see the value of non-clinical education, this will be vital to the long-term success of their role.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: www.nursingtimes.net
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09547762
Implementing the single assessment for older people [authors: Keith V Wilson, Angie Clegg, Frances Fairclough et al]
An article in Nursing Times, vol 101, no 43, 25 October 2005 issue, pp 32-35.
The National Service Framework for Older People envisages that the single assessment process will act as a key driver in the improvement of services for older people. Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust implemented a form of contact assessment that
works in both hospital and community settings. In this instance, as a result of introducing SAP, improved person-centred information follows the patient on discharge. In conclusion, it is suggested that whilst awaiting the arrival of the NHS IT
strategy (or a local interim SAP software solution), a window of opportunity exists for staff to ensure the principles of the SAP are well-established and practised among staff team before the additional and challenging requirement to learn a new
software application becomes necessary.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nursingtimes.net
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09547762
Implementing the Single Assessment Process driving change or expecting the impossible? [authors: David McNally, Michelle Cornes, Roger Clough]
(April 2003)
Article in: Journal of Integrated Care, vol 11, issue 2, pp 18-29
The authors consider the potential for single assessment to overcome longstanding difficulties with care management. and look at initial progress in one SHA area in northern England. They identify some key priorities for the next stages of local
implementation, and conclude that not only is much more work required in localities, but additional national guidance and resources may also be required.
Contact Details:
Pavilion Publishing,
The Ironworks,
BN1 4GD.
Tel: 0870 161 3505 | Fax: 0870 161 3506
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14615436
Notes: David McNally (formerly Local Implementation Officer, National Service Framework for Older People, Knowsley Primary Care Trust), now at Trafford Primary Care Trusts, tel 0161 873 9572; Email: david.mcnally@trafford-pcts.nhs.uk
Implementing the Single Assessment Process: Opportunities and challenges [author: Dr Angela Dickinson]
[August 2006]
Article in Journal of Interprofessional Care, Volume 20, Number 4 (August 2006), pp. 365 - 379
The aim of the study was to evaluate a pilot introduction of the Single Assessment Process in the South-East of England. A qualitative case study design, incorporating observation and semi-structured interviews, was used to collect data. Assessment
visits were observed and recorded, and interviews were carried out with older people and their carers (n = 9), health and social care practitioners, operational managers, and other key individuals involved in the pilot (n = 26). Overall the
evaluation found three major themes that had an impact on the implementation of the Single Assessment Process. These were: the process of implementing policy and change; the health and social care boundary; and communication and sharing of
assessments. Front-line practitioners had a major impact on SAP implementation, particularly through their reluctance to engage with the process, work together and share assessments. Success of the national SAP implementation will depend on the
extent to which those working directly with older people can be engaged in the policy process.
Contact Details:
Dr Angela Dickinson, Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care, University of Hertfordshire,
Hatfield, UK.
Tel: 01707 285993 | Fax:
Email: a.m.dickinson@herts.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Implementing the single assessment process using the Minimum Data Set - Home Care : a pilot study [author: Julia Miller, Sandra Birnie, Kim Dutton (et al)]
(December 2004)
Article in: Nursing Older People, vol 16, no 9, pp 14-18.
Julie Miller and colleagues describe a study designed to examine the role of contact assessment in primary care. The study was carried out in six GP surgeries - two in Chester, three in Ellesmere Port and one in rural Cheshire - with the social
service access team and the social service blue badge scheme. The project was run for one week in primary care and the blue badge scheme, and three weeks in social services. Each patient of 75 years and over who attended the GP surgery and each
client of 65 years and over who contacted the access team of blue badge scheme during the pilot was asked to complete the self-assessment questionnaire.
The article gives further details including the findings with discussion.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nursingolderpeople.co.uk
Target group: HA |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1472-0795
In sickness and in health Domiciliary workers act as agents of independence, enabling older and disabled people to stay at home. But they have to put up with low pay. [author: Anabel Unity Sale]
An article in Community Care, 16 November 2006, issue 1649, pp26-27.
The author joins a domiciliary worker for a Monday morning shift and observes the stresses and strains of the work at first hand. The home care worker is with a private care provider (Enara Community Care) working within the London Borough of
Islington, one of seven agencies it uses.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: www.communitycare.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
In the same boat : [managing staff from social care, health and housing] [author: Sarah Wellard]
(August 2005)
Article in Community Care, issue 1587, 25 August 2005, pp 40-41. (Management in practice series)
A case study of the single assessment process and multi-agency working in Sedgefield PCT, County Durham spearheaded by Ann Workman (Community Partnership Manager), who has led the pathfinder team since May 2004. Adult social care, health and
housing departments are being reorganised into five neighbourhood level multi-disciplinary teams, with district nurses, social workers and housing support officers all working together.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.communitycare.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Information needs of United Kingdom primary care clinicians [author: Deborah A Swinglehurst]
Article in Health Information and Libraries Journal, vol 22, no 3, pp 196-204.
This paper reviews the literature on the information needs of primary care clinicians to enable evidence-based decision making. Drawing on the literaure, and using a specific example of a clinical informaticist service, some lessons are drawn onthe
role of information professionals in facilitating evidence-based health care. (The specific example is based in the Imperial College, London). It was concluded that evidence-based information to clinician's questions in a user-friendly format has
the potential to facilitate changes in practice. The successful implementation of information services requires attention to both academic and service dimensions, fostering closer working relationships between clinicians and information
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/hir
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1471-1834
Inside multi-disciplinary practice challenges for single assessment [authors: Michelle Cornes, Roger Clough]
(April 2004)
Article in: Journal of Integrated Care, vol 12, issue 2, pp 18-29
The authors draw on their study on assessment and care management practice in three localities in North West England, which tracked older people's journeys through the health and social care system, and now highlights some of the key issues which
will need to be tackled if the new single assesment process (SAP) is to become user and carer friendly. They argue that the concept of the "whole system" is a misnomer, and a more accurate picture is one of "disputed territory". They suggest that
too much emphasis has been placed on IT systems and paperwork, and that the real challenge is to cut through the jargon of modernisation, and to see things from a wholly different perspective. Some discussion topics to aid local implementation of
SAP are suggested.
Contact Details:
Pavilion Publishing,
The Ironworks,
BN1 4GD.
Tel: 0870 161 3505 | Fax: 0870 161 3506
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14615436
Notes: Other contact details: michellecornes@aol.com
Inter-agency information sharing in health and social care services: the role of professional culture [authors: Sue Richardson, Sheena Asthana]
An article in the journal : British Journal of Social Work, vol 36, no 4, June 2006, pp657-669.
This article uses a literature review to examine the ways in which professional culture might shape inter-organizational exchange of personal information in a health and social care context. The aim is to explore a simplified model of possible
information-sharing behaviours ("ideal, over-open, over-cautious, and chaotic") and to suggest that patterns of information sharing may be influenced by a number of factors. It is proposed that these factors include not only inter-professional
differences in the approach taken to information sharing but also the ways in which the professions inter-relate.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: sue.richardson@plymouth.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bjsw.oxfordjournals.org
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 00453102
Interprofessional Mentorship: taking on the challenge [authors:Michelle Marshall, Frances Gordon]
(April 2005)
Article in the Journal of Integrated Care, vol 13, no 2, April 2005 pp 38-43.
The current emphasis on the development of an interprofessional workforce in health and social care puts interprofessional learning at the heart of undergraduate curricula. This paper explores the concept of interprofessional mentorship and
considers how this role might be developed in order to faciliate interprofessional learning in the practice placement.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: f.gordon@sheffield.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
Involving older people in the implementation of the National Service Framework making progress in the North West [authors: David McNally, Michelle Cornes, Pat Leahy]
(December 2002)
Article in: MCC: Building knowledge for integrated care [Managing Community Care] vol 10, no 6, pp 37-42.
Central to the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) is the belief that older people should be involved as "genuine partners" in the implementation process. The authors describe how regional and local implementation teams (LITs) in North
West England are working in partnership to develop a coherent and sustainable strategy for engaging with older people. They note that in the NSF there is little in the way of guidance on how to translate the rhetoric of partnerships into practice.
Their article considers older people's views regarding aspects of services that need inproving, what matters most to older people, and involving older people in LITs, for which some points for good practice guidance are suggested. Although no
reference is made to the Single Assessment Process, the material is relevant to Standard Two of the NSF and person-centred care.
Contact Details:
The Ironworks,
East Sussex
BN1 4GD.
Tel: +44 (0)1273 623222 | Fax: +44 (0)1273 625526
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14615436
Notes: MCC: Building knowledge for integrated care [Managing Community Care] continues as Journal of Integrated Care in 2003.
David McNally (formerly Local Implementation Officer, National Service Framework for Older People, Knowsley Primary Care Trust), now at Trafford Primary Care Trusts, tel 0161 873 9572; Email: david.mcnally@trafford-pcts.nhs.uk
Journal of Dementia Care for all who work with people with dementia
This journal is published six times a year by Hawker Publications. Its Advisory Board includes many prominent specialists in the field of dementia and its Consultant Editors are Tracy Packer, Consultant Nurse
in dementia care, North Bristol NHS Trust and Jill Manthorpe, Professor of Social Work, King's College London.
The journal is a multidisciplinary journal for all professional staff working with people with dementia, in hospitals, nursing and residential care homes, day units and the community. The journal is committed to improving the quality of care
provided for people with dementia, by keeping readers abreast of news and views, research, developments, practice and training issues. The journal is grounded firmly in practice with articles on care practice, vocational issues, technology
developments in the field, reviews of resources and events.
Contact Details:
Sue Benson (Editor) Subscriptions,
ESCO Business Services,
Robjohns Farm,
Vicarage Road,
Essex CM7 4LJ
Tel: +44 (0)1371 810433 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: journal
Availability / Price: annual subscription rate: UK institutional £70 (dd £60) |  ISBN/ISSN: 1351-8372
Link Age shows its benefits [assessment of] progress on modernising provision for older people [author:Chris Smith]
(15 February 2005)
Article in: Care and Health Magazine, issue 101, pp 12-13
Link Age strategy is the contribution of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to modernise benefit provision and create an integrated network of services for older people. Link Age is designed to ensure older people, or their carers, get
their state benefits as soon as possible; it also involves local authorities, voluntary groups, GPs and nurses, and large charities such as Age Concern have also signed up. The DWP has opened its computer system to partner organisations to speed up
claims and people trained in giving benefit advice can sort out a claim as part of the single assessment process; and this can involve form-filling by a trained volunteer.
Examples of current practice cited in the article are the Care Direct call-centre in Somerset and Nottinghamshire County Council pilot schemes overseen by John Hannam, Link Age Project Manager. The impact of Link Age to date will be assessed at a
conference chaired by the Local Government Association (LGA) in London in the last week of February.
Contact Details:
Chris Smith Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.careandhealth.com
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14779994
Mainstreaming interprofessional partnerships in a metropolitan borough [Author: Dave Doyle, Michelle Cornes]
(October 2006)
An article in Journal of Intergrated Care, vol 14, issue 5, October 2006, pp27-46
This article reflects 'practice wisdom' on the development of interprofessional partnerships for older people in a metropolitan borough in north west England. It is suggested that most interprofessional partnership working continues to sit outside
mainstream services, and that integration and seamless service remain a significant challenge. The focus is on local plans for service reconfiguration ('Go Integral') and their likely implications for non-traditional services such as intermediate
care and falls prevention. Finally, the social care and social work values are shown to glue the system together so that it becomes easily accessible and meaningful to older people.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: dave.doyle@knowsley.gov.uk |  michellecornes@aol.com
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
Making Successful Referrals to the POVA List [Action on Elder Abuse - AEA]
Action on Elder Abuse (AEA) in conjunction with the Department of Health (DH) has put together a series of conferences aimed at improving the quality of referrals. With representatives from the Department of
Health POVA team and CSCI and CSIW this is an opportunity for you to bring your own cases to gain advice and guidance from the experts and to participate in surgeries advising on real life scenarios. Making Successful Referrals to the POVA List -
Your chance to get answers to all those questions you’ve been asking! The first of these is on 18 October 2006 in Llandrindod Wells at the Metropole Hotel.
Conference leaflet
Booking form
Contact Details:
Natalie Fernandez,
Senior Events Co-ordinator, Action on Elder Abuse
Tel: 0044 (0)208 765 7000 | Fax:
Email: natalie@elderabuse.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.elderabuse.org.uk
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Managing Violence across Care Settings
A week's conference abroad in Malta, staying at the Intercontinental Hotel 18-24 April 2006.
This is a two-day conference with optional extra workshop which will examine current approaches in managing violence and aggression across a number of care settings and will provide a platform for exploring the benefits of adopting innovative
evidence based practices versus the more traditional approaches.
Contact Details:
Graeme Brady Studio III
32 Gay Street
Bath BA1 2NT
Tel: +44 (0)1225 334111 | Fax:
Email: info@studio3.org | 
Web links: http://studio3.info/members/showthread.php?t=257
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Matron's mate Community matrons can save money and improve care - and Nina Barnett and colleagues have the evidence to prove it
An article in Health Service Journal, vol 116, no 6032, 16 November 2006, pp26-27.
A brief article featuring the work of Harrow PCT who decided to explore the community matron role through a pilot supervised by a steering group from health, social care and clinical governance which included Nina Barnett and colleagues. Harrow
PCT recruited 2 matrons in December 2005 who were then trained and accredited in advanced clinical skills, as well as being assigned mentors. In the first 3 months of the pilot, the trusts identified GP practices that wanted to support its
objectives and help in the accurate identification of high-risk patients, particularly vulnerable older people; and the Department of Health's patients at risk of readmission (PARR) tool was used in conjunction with other data. This pilot suggests
that community matrons can make a positive difference to vulnerable patients and reduce care costs for the PCT. In a wider context, it has highlighted the need for service redesign, as the community matron role can provide both the co-ordination
and supervision needed to develop an existing but often fragmented service.
(Nina Barnett is a specialist pharmacist for older people at Harrow PCT, pharmacist prescriber for the Denham Unit nursing home and pharmacy adviser for older people for London, Eastern and South East Specialist Pharmacy Services).
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09522271
Multi-disciplinary person-centred care: has government policy helped or hindered? [author: Wendy Parkinson]
(October 2004)
Article in: Nursing Older People, vol 16, no 7, pp14-17.
Government policy appears to make all the right noises about person-centred care for older people, but, asks the author, what is the reality behind the rhetoric? The author concludes that for those people cared for at home, exclusion criteria have
become increasingly wide and there are fewer people receiving community care. Is the focus really on the older person or is it on the resources available? If the latter, how does this impact on 'patient choice'?
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nursingolderpeople.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14720795
Not the Single Assessment Process ... [cartoon for Hounslow SAP] [Author: Fran Orford, © francartoons.com]
In this cartoon, an occupational therapist and a nurse both ask an older person for the same pieces of personal information, who then asks her physiotherapist the same questions. When approached by a social
worker, she gives her answers before he has even asked.
Anyone wishing to use this cartoon should contact Keith Strahan.
View Cartoon
Contact Details:
Keith Strahan, Hounslow Joint Staff Development Forum
Tel: 07973 700695 (mobile)
020 8583 3655 (office) | Fax:
Email: kspcsw@aol.com |  Keith.Strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: All |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The cartoonist, Fran Orford does work for local authorities and charities to liven up their publicity materials. He also publishes in Private Eye and Community Care. Examples of his work on his website: http//:www.francartoons.com
Tel: 01422 845359. E-mail: fran@francartoons.com
NTAwards 2004 - Nursing Older People
(19 October 2004)
Article in: Nursing Times, vol 100, no 42, p 63
Marie Barnes and Josie Melia were overall winners for the NTAwards 2004 Nursing Older People, for the development of the older people's champions network at St Helen's and Knowsley NHS Hospital Acute Trust.
The NSF requires every trust to have an identified 'champion' of older people's services. Ms Barnes has taken this concept and developed it to an entire network of older people's champions within the Trust - 85 so far - all volunteers who include
porters, ward hostesses and nurses.
Highly commended entries in this category were presented to:
William Anderson, Canterbury and Coastal PCT, for the establishment of a specialist support team for nursing homes; Elisabeth Baranowski, Sarah Bray and Gill Bedson, all from Luton PCT, for an Evercare project describing the APN (Advanced Primary
Nurse) role; Mark Dowell, Gateshead Health NHS Trust, for a service providing rapid access to specialist stroke management; and a further Evercare project involving the roll-out of the APN role across three PCTs presented to Aileen Fraser, Joanne
Chambers and Neil Willison, from Bristol North PCT, South Gloucestershire PCT and Bristol North PCT respectively.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nursingtimes.net
Target group: SHAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0954-7762
Nurse-led implementation of the single assessment process in primary care: a descriptive feasibility study [authors: H C Roberts, Z M Hemsley, G Thomas (et al)]
(July 2006)
An article in the journal : Age and Ageing, July 2006, vol 35, no 4, pp 394-398.
The objective of this study was to determine the resources required to carry out the single assessment process in one urban primary care practice, in Southampton. The participants were 944 people aged 70+ years, registered with the practice, not
living in residential/nursing home or terminally ill. Participants were sent the six-item Sherbrooke questionnaire (case-finding tool); 863 (91%) of participants replied. From such results as detailed, it was concluded that targeting those
scoring 3+ on the Sherbrooke questionnaire (28% of the sample) may improve the identification of patients who would benefit from further assessment. A contact approach rather than a case-finding one may improve the relevance of this process to
older people.
Contact Details:
Helen C Roberts Tel: | Fax:
Email: hcr@soton.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.ageing.oxfordjournals.org
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 00020729
Older and wiser [interview with Ian Philp, National Director of Older People's Health] [author: Alexis Nolan]
(9 December 2004)
Article in: Health Service Journal, vol 114, no 5935, pp 18-19.
April 2005 marks the last of the milestones in the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF), when every health and social care system should have an integrated falls service. This article outlines the findings of Ian Philp's report, "Better
health in old age"; refers to the forthcoming green paper on adult social services; and lists priorities for older people's services. Philp stresses the importance of implementing the single assessment process (SAP): although it is "the most
difficult, but potentially the most transformational part of the older people's programme, he describes it as the "hard wiring that pulls together the reforms in primary, intermediate, emergency and social care, long-term conditions and mental
health issues."
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0952-2271
Older people's perception of healthcare [authors: Obaid Khan, Theresa Allain, Christine Purvis]
Article in : Geriatric Medicine, vol 35, no 9, September 2005, pp27-33.
Comprehensive assessment and provision of holistic care to older patients depends upon positive multi-disciplinary attitude and enthusiasm. In this article, the authors discuss a recent local survey they conducted to determine whether or not older
patients exposed to health care services in North Bristol approve of staff attitudes towards them and their care. The working group consisted of the clinical audit project lead, the clinical audit facilitator and five members of the patient panel.
A questionnaire was designed and given to 86 patients who were over 70 years, cognitively intact and who had spent more than 15 days in hospital. 71 patients returned their questionnaire (not all were fully completed). The audit was undertaken on
two of the hospital sites - Frenchay, an acute hospital setting and Blackberry Hill, a rehabilitation care centre. In conclusion, it was acknowledged that a significant number of respondents remain concerned about the need to repeat the same
information unnecessarily and they would like staff to be able to communicate with them in a more effective manner.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.gerimed.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0268201X
On the case [critique of case management based on US-style Evercare]
(11 January 2005)
Article in: Care and Health Magazine, issue 96, pp16-18.
This article considers whether too much emphasis is placed in the Evercare model for the UK on health at the expense of social care. Evercare, is part of the United Healthcare Group based in Minnesota, USA. The Kaiser Permanente programme is
briefly considered as an alternative model. The author reviews the progress of Evercare providing two pilot programmes, Halton PCT and Bexley Care Trust as case studies. The views of the Long Term Medical Conditions Alliance, Age Concern, Help
the Aged, and those within the Department of Health are amongst those quoted. The article urges readers to consider the recent report by the King's Fund, "Case managing long-term conditions: what impact does it have in the treatment of older
people?" (King's Fund, November 2004)
Contact Details:
Mike George Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.careandhealth.com
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14779994
On the receiving end [author: Kina Avebury]
(September 2004)
Article in: Working with Older people, volume 8, issue 3, pp 27-30
Kina Avebury writes of her experiences of being on the receiving end of assessment and service provision as an older person, following a personal accident in her home which is in the London Borough of Hackney. Kina Avebury is herself, a highly
experienced social services and social care practitioner.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1366-3666
One for all [implementation of the single assessment process] [author: Mark Hunter]
(3 July 2003)
Article in: Community Care, no 1479, pp 30-31.
It is now more than two years since the single assessment process (SAP) was announced as part of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). The SAP is intended to help local agencies simplify health and social care assessments for older
people. However, as the deadline for implementation (1 April 2004) approaches, many authorities are still confused over the government's guidance and funding. In Cambridgeshire, the local implementation team has piloted a paper-based SAP format used
by health, social care and housing staff and then adapted it to the computerised Cambridge assessment tool. The article notes that the London Older People's Service Development Programme has piloted joint initiatives between health and social
services in a variety of settings. Jonathan Monks, the SAP programme manager in Worcestershire has reservations as to the readiness of authorities such as his for full SAP implementation in April 2004. He is also concerned about the cost of
commercially available assessment systems, and the implementation guidance being 'too prescriptive and too complicated'. So he is trying to simplify the process and 'produce tools that people can actually use', in the belief that SAP will
'eventually produce the kind of one-stop assessment shop originally envisaged in the National Service Framework for Older People' (NSF).
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.communitycare.co.uk
Target group: SSD |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Opening doors A scheme being trialled in Norttinghamshire is extending the ethos of direct payments by allowing some service users to do their own assessments of their needs. [author: Simon
An article in Community Care, 16 November 2006, issue 1649, p51.
This article focuses on the Midlands self assessment pilot undertaken in Nottinghamshire Council which received £60,000 and has three occupational therapists pulling the project together, which is being led by Pete McGavin from its social services
department. The focus is on the distribution of cheap, easy to use equipment that can help the county's service users.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: www.communitycare.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Outcomes-focused social care services for older people - progress and possibilities [authors: Caroline Glendinning, Sue Clarke, Philippa Hare et al]
(November 2006)
Research findings from the Social Policy Research Unit: Research Works, 2006-03, November 2006; SPRU, University of York.
Outcomes-focused services are now central to Government policies. In order to help social care services in their implementation of this new way of working, SPRU was invited by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) to research the
outcomes valued by older people and the best methods for developing an outcomes-focused service. This Research Works contains the key findings from this research, including case studies from selected localities showing significant developments in
intermediate care and reablement services. Barriers to a successful implementation of an outcomes approach are also discussed. The study was carried out by SPRU and Acton Shapiro.
The full report (152pp) is published by SCIE (December 2006) as one of its Knowledge Reviews (number 13). It is entitled 'Outcomes-focused services for older people'.
Contact Details:
The University of York,
Y010 5DD
Tel: +44 (0)1904 321950 | Fax:
Email: SPRU@york.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/spru/pubs/ccatreps.htm
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: download |  ISBN/ISSN:
Person-centred assessment with older people [author: Jonathan Webster]
(May 2004)
Article in: Nursing Older People, May 2004, vol 16 no 3, pp 22-27
This practice article describes the principles behind the assessment of older people's needs and the challenges inherent in developing a person-centred framework for assessment. It suggests that person-centred assessment calls for skilled,
empowered and well supported nurses who are able to work in creative, innovative ways and who recognise that the needs of the older person are at the centre of all therapeutic working.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nursingolderpeople.co.uk
Target group: Nursing staff |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1472-0795
Person-centred assessment with older people [author: Jonathan Webster]
An article in Nursing Older People, vol 16, no 3, May 2004 pp 22-28.
This article describes the principles behind the assessment of older people's needs and the challenges inherent in developing a person-centred framework for assessment. It suggests that person-centred assessment calls for skilled, empowered and
well-supported nurses who are able to work in creative, innovative ways and who recognise that the needs of the older person are at the centre of all therapeutic working. This article is published as part of the Continuing Professional Development
series for nursing staff and as such, it has mini-assessment exercises to do and a number of bibliographic references. The author is Consultant Nurse for Older People at the Royal West Sussex NHS Trust and Western Sussex PCT.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nursingolderpeople.co.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09547762
A picture of health [a successful example of joint working between health and social care] [author: Vari Drennan, Steve Iliffe, Deborah Haworth (et al)]
(24 April 2003)
Article in: Health Service Journal, vol 113, no 5852, pp22-24.
The Well-Being project, a scheme offering joint health and social care assessment to people aged 75+ in the London Borough of Camden identified more than a quarter of them as needing its services. This article by a group of researchers from the
Royal Free and University College Medical School notes that using general practitioners (GPs) to identify the target population proved inefficient, as almost half of those contacted were no longer at the same address. Assessments, conducted by a
community nurse and a social welfare officer, often involved two visits. Given such problems, the article suggests that the project has provided valuable learning for implementing targets in the National Service Framework for older people (NSF),
including single assessment, falls prevention, and reviewing medication.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: PCT/SSD |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0952-2271
Profiling intermediate care patients using the single assessment process : a road to better service provision? [authors: Mathew Mackenzie, Iain Carpenter, Kathy Kotiadis]
Article in: Journal of Integrated Care, August 2005, vol 13, issue 4, pp 43-48.
This paper demonstrates that three intermediate care services in Shepway, East Kent each cater for distinct patient groups, and that data from a single assessment process (SAP) tool can be used to differentiate between them. By applying statistical
techniques, inferences can be made about the likelihood of admission to a particular service, given specific health characteristics. In conclusion, the utility of standardised assessment as a means of providing data for audit and planning is
highlighted, and the importance of the SAP as a means of developing care services is stressed by the authors.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: M.Mackenzie@kent.ac.uk | 
Web links: http:www.pavpub.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1476-9018
Protecting electronic data Nurses are using laptops to store patients' personal data but how can you ensure this information is safe? [author: Martin Allen]
(11 July 2006)
Journal article in Nursing Times, 11 July 2006, pp 20-21.
This brief article does look at practical ways in which patient records stored on laptops can be protected, given the increased use of portable IT in the healthcare sector. Healthcare staff are urged to ensure solutions are in place before any
mishap occurs, as laptops are particularly vulnerable to theft. The use of data encryption is recommended. The author is the Managing Director of Pointsec Mobile Technologies.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.pointsec.com
| http://www.nursingtimes.net
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09547762
Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) Training
Keith Lewin offers consultancy and training in the Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme and should be contacted for further details. Keith has successfully run briefings and workshops on POVA since
the scheme became operational in July 2004.
Contact Details:
Keith Lewin, Senior Partner, Brunswicks LLP,
Suite 3,
56 Hamilton Square,
CH41 5AS
Tel: +44 (0)870 766 9285 | Fax: +44 (0)871 288 4089
Email: keith.lewin@brunswickslaw.com | 
Web links: http://www.brunswickslaw.com
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: trainer
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Regulated by The Law Society.
Quality of referrals to old age psychiatry following introduction of the single assessment process [authors: Kathleen Ferriter, Partha Gangopadhyay, Ramin Nilforooshan (et al)]
(December 2006)
An article in Psychiatric Bulletin, vol 30, no 12, pp 452-453.
The authors sought to identify changes in the quality of information in referrals to an old age psychiatry service before and after the introduction of the single assessment process (SAP). Referrals were compared in terms of length, legibility,
information and clinical utility. This research identified 20 consecutive new referrals from primary care to the service in north west London between April 2003 to March 2004. The results revealed that compared with letters before the introduction
of SAP, referrals made on the new forms took longer to read, had more illegible sections, contained less information and were judged to be less clinically useful. It is concluded that the introduction of SAP has impaired clinical communication
between general practitioners and psychiatrists, and might be prejudicial to patient care. (KJ)
Contact Details:
James Warner, Senior Lecturer in Old Age Psychiatry, Claybrook Centre, Imperial College Tel: | Fax:
Email: j.warner@imperial.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://pb.rcpsych.org
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09556036
Respect your elders [mental health services for older people] [author: William Little]
(17 March 2005)
Article in: Health Service Journal, vol 115, no 5947, pp 25-26.
Report on progress made by the Department of Health as compared to the NSF for older people's mental health services (Standard 7). Voluntary organisations claim none of the milestones that should have been established in April 2004 have been
achieved; and the DH also admits to progress that is "patchy". There is concern that age discrimination is particularly entrenched in the mental health services. Further analysis of the situation is supported by Age Concern and Susan Benbow, of
the National Institute for Mental Health in England and examples of good practice are cited - flexible carers service - by Age Concern Oxfordshire and training being carried out by Bolton, Salford and Trafford Mental Health Trust. Readers are also
directed to Godfrey and Denby's book " Depression and Older People: towards securing wellbeing in later life" (2004, Marston Book Services)(see separate entry).
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
| http://www.publications.doh.gov.uk/nsf/olderpeople
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09522271
Risk management and older people [author: Margaret Dangoor]
(October 2004)
Article in: Care, issue 4, pp4-5.
The author writes as Executive Director of the Association of Litigation and Risk Management, ALARM, an organisation which supports managers working in the NHS with a particular responsibility for patient safety. This brief article outlines the
work of ALARM and refers to an article by Jane Cowan published in the journal "Clinical Governance: an international journal" (5 Feb 2003, vol 8, no 1, pp92-95) that suggests patient safety and risk management has not been given enough emphasis in
the NSF for Older People. The single assessment process should play a key role in alerting professionals, userrs and carers to exploring risk issues and making it a factor in the assessment.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.counselandcare.org.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sea change or quick fix? Policy on long-term conditions in England [author: Bob Hudson]
(July 2005)
Article in: Health and Social Care in the Community, vol 13, no 4 pp 378-385.
Long-term conditions is a policy area that has risen rapidly up the political agenda in England, culminating in the development of the National Health Service and Social Care Model in 2005, which is to be implemented over the following 2 years. The
Model draws heavily upon US ideas of case management and proposes the creation of 3000 community matrons to undertake this role with the most vulnerable patients. Although welcomed in principle, the specific proposals in the Model have been subject
to some criticism, and these issues are explored in this paper. The problematic areas include patient identification, transplanting US models to England, the role of case management, workforce and funding issues and the mix of medical and social
models. The author concludes that there is a danger of long-term care policy developing an unduly health-focused approach at a time when the thrust of partnership working is towards an inclusive, whole-system model.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: bob.hudson@durham.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09660410
Self assessment of health and social care needs by older people research summary [of report for the National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Delivery and Organisation R&D (NCCSDO)] [authors: Peter
Griffiths, Roz Ullman, Ruth Harris]
(March 2007)
Self-assessment is a form of assessment that is completed by the subject of the assessment without the immediate involvement of professionals or a professionally-employed layperson. This research summary (see
Weblink) presents the main findings of "Self assessment of health and social care needs by older people: a multi-method systematic review of practices, accuracy, effectiveness and experience" (2005), commissioned by the National Co-ordinating
Centre for NHS Delivery and Organisation R&D (NCCSDO) and carried out by Peter Griffiths and colleagues at King's College London (described elsewhere on the SAP resource). It reveals the complexity of the topic, and the pitfalls adopting a
simplistic approach. While the review focused on older people, its findings apply to other groups. Among key messages are that there are many types of self-assessment, and great potential in their use and development, but the evidence of their
effectiveness is limited. In its favour is that self-assessment is likely to be cost-neutral.
Given the widespread implementation of the single assessment process (SAP), there is an urgent need to explore older people's experiences of the self-assessment component of comprehensive assessment. This is an area suggested for future research.
Contact Details:
Emma Hawkridge, Communications Manager, NCCSDO,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
99 Gower Street,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7612 7980
+44 (0)20 7612 7984 (EH) | Fax: +44 (0)20 7612 7979
Email: sdo@lshtm.ac.uk |  emma.hawkridge@LSHTM.ac.uk
Web links: http://www.sdo.lshtm.ac.uk/files/adhoc/30-research-summary.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Further information about anything included in the report, contact: Dr Peter Griffiths,The Florence Nightingale School
of Nursing and Midwifery, King's College London, James Clerk Maxwell Building, 57 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8WA. E-mail: peter.griffiths@kcl.ac.uk
Senior and heard a programme to address the social as well as medical needs of old people has given a shot in the arm to London boroughs, as national service framework targets loom [author: Mary-Louise
Harding ]
(12 February 2004)
Article in: Health Service Journal, vol 114, no 5892, pp32-33.
A service development programme is helping London boroughs meet deadlines for national service frameworks for older people. The scheme identifies older people at risk - high-resource users aged 75 and over - and co-ordinates work across care-team
boundaries. Hospital admissions among the elderly people the project has helped have dropped by 47per cent. An evaluation of the programme is being undertaken by the Institute for Applied Health and Social Policy.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0952-2271
Sharing letters with patients : one year on [Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust experience] [author: Simon Eaton]
Article in : Geriatric Medicine, vol 35, no 9, September 2005, pp 21-25.
Since April 2004 patients have had the right to receive a copy of any letter written about them. As a follow-up to his review of this policy last year, Dr Eaton discusses the experiences over the past year of implementation of this policy within
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust. In this period, various efforts were taken to ascertain views, comments and concerns about the policy thoughout the Trust and local primary care services. On the whole, implementation of this policy has been
successful and considerably less problematic than anticipated. However, care needs to be taken though in the language used and sensitivity needs to be employed when relaying new information or diagnosis. The major workload impact was focused on
preparing and sending out the letters.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.gerimed.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0268201X
'Single' assessment for older people comparison of the MDS-HC with current auditable methods in the home care setting [authors: G Iain Carpenter, David J Challis, Cameron Swift]
(October 2005)
Article in: Journal of Integrated Care, vol 13, issue 5, pp 35-41
A randomised controlled trial compared the the extent to which the the Minimum Data Set - Home Care (MDS-HC) and current community care assessments (CCAs) used in assessing older people met the following criteria: usable by a range of professionals
including social workers; a tool which exhibits reliability; a practical tool for workers in the field; sensitivity to change; auditable in terms of both the process and the product of the assessment; sufficiently comprehensive to cover the key
domains relevant for care of older people; and improve need identification. The study was conducted in two social service departments (SSDs) with 384 subjects aged 65+ meeting these criteria. The authors outline methods used and discuss the results.
They find that use of a well-developed standardised assessment (the MDS-HC) was associated with much better coverage of key domains than that of existing assessment instruments: it is likely that the instrument's characteristics were the key to
better auditable results. They note that MDS-HC took no longer to use than existing assessments, and conclude that assessment methods of unproven reliability and validity may jeopardise the interests of older people and the need to raise assessment
Contact Details:
Richmond House,
Richmond Road,
East Sussex
BN2 3RL.
Tel: 01273 623222 | Fax: 01273 625526
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: SAP leads, SSDs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
Notes: Address for correspondence: Professor G I Carpenter, CHSS, George Allan Wing, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NE. Tel 01227 827868 Fax 01227 827868 E-mail: G.I.Carpener@kent.ac.uk
Single assessment in acute hospitals [authors: David McNally, Jan Peet]
(September 2003)
Article in: Working with Older People, vol 7, no 3, pp 18-21
National guidance on the single assessment process (SAP) focuses on its implementation in localities. While this should include hospitals, the authors note that local progress on the SAP has generally only been made in the community. A joint St
Helens and Knowsley Older People's Service collaborative project with Whiston and St Helens Hospitals seeks to improve older people's experience of hospital care and discharge through implementing single assessment. This is one of 10 collaborative
projects in the north-west, which tackles various aspects of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). The authors outline how single assessment in an acute hospital has been implemented alongside that in the community, which will not
only ensure continuity but also reduces the number of times older people are asked for information.
Contact Details:
Pavilion Publishing,
The Ironworks,
BN1 4GD.
Tel: 0870 161 3505 | Fax: 0870 161 3506
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 13663666
Notes: David McNally (formerly Local Implementation Officer, National Service Framework for Older People, Knowsley Primary Care Trust), now at Trafford Primary Care Trusts, tel 0161 873 9572; e-mail: david.mcnally@trafford-pcts.nhs.uk
Jan Peet is St Helen's & Knowsley Older People's Collaborative Project Manager. Email: janpeet2311@aol.com
Single Assessment Process (SAP) and Individual Budgets: Developing a Common Assessment Process for Adults [authors: Keith Strahan, Judith Whittam]
(January 2007)
The attached draft discussion document gives information on The Single Assessment Process and Individual Budgets and possible ways these could be developed into a common assessment framework. It is intended to
stimulate debate and start further work later in the year for those parties interested in taking this forward.
The results will be fed into other work at the DH looking at the possibilities of a Common Assessment Framework.
Please respond by the end of February 2007 to:
Individual Budget Pilot Advisor (older people lead)
Lead for workforce development as part of the White Paper implementation team
View document.
Contact Details:
Judith Whittam, Individual Budget Pilot Advisor (older people lead) Lead for workforce development as part of the White Paper implementation team,
Care Services Improvement Partnership,
Department of Health,
Room 304 Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
London SE1 8UG
Tel: 07789 653540
07789 653540 (JW mobile)
020 7972 4606 | Fax:
Email: judith.whittam@csip.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.csip.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
STEP (Standardised Assessment of Elderly People in Primary Care in Europe)
> E I Williams et al 2002. Occasional Paper No 82 Royal College of General
> Practitioners (London).
> [authors: E I Williams et al]
Prof Idris Williams carried out a SAP model feasibility study of STEP, which has received full accreditation from the Department of Health (DH). STEP results from a European partnership to develop evidence
based approaches to health and social assessment of older people in the community. The generic assessment tool and detail of the evidence base is published as Royal College of General Practitioners (London) Occasional Paper No 82 (RCGP, 2002). It
has been field tested in community practice settings and was found to be acceptable to older people. It can be undertaken by both health and social workers. In the feasibility study it was found to be user friendly by the assessors.
Specific Features:
It is in paper form but will be available electronically.
There is a self assessment format.
It has a balanced approach to health and social needs enabling links to be made between them.
The accompanying handbook gives a detailed description of how to use the Instrument and relevant background to life in older age.
Featured are linkages, risks, the provision of prompts with each question, and the relevance of activities of daily living (ADLs).
There is a focus on vulnerability to loss of independence and the development of frailty. Both health and social conditions which contribute to these are brought together. Included in the handbook are brief details of health and social
Other developments:
The STEP Single Assessment Instrument is essentially reactive and designed to be used in specific health/social situations where there is demonstrable or potential need. There is also a proactive version of the Instrument based on the same structure
which is designed to be used in identifying existing or emerging long standing illness and social impairments. That there is congruence between the reactive and proactive forms is seen to be an advantage.
See also entry for The STEP assessment system: a synopsis
Contact Details:
Prof Idris Williams, Barn Howe,
LA8 8DF.
Tel: 01539 568666 | Fax:
Email: idrisandkate@ktdbroadband.com | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: An evidence based approach to assessing older people in primary care (ISBN 0850842743); Royal College of General Pracititioners (Members £9; Non-members £:10)
> Practitioners (London).
Notes: Royal College of General Practitioners, 42 Princes Gate, Hyde Park, London SW7 1PU. Tel 020 7581 3732 E-mail: info@rcgp.org uk Website: http://www.rcgp.org.uk
Prof Williams was formerly Board Chair, Morecambe Bay Hospital NHS Trust.
Striving for fusion Partly due to its geography and economies of scale, south west local authorities have a history of working collaboratively
A one page article in Community Care, 7th September 2006, issue 1639, p52.
The single assessment process was specified as the way forward in the government's National Service Framework for Older People, but councils in the South West (Cornwall, Devon, Torbay and Plymouth along with NHS agencies) have extended it to apply
to all adults with health and social care needs. The process is aimed at simplifying assessments, reducing duplication and empowering service users to a far greater extent than before. It also allows for sharing of information between
professionals working for different agencies, once the consent of the service user has been gained. This brief article outlines how the South West has achieved this using champions across the organisations and running group events that were funded
by the Modernisation Agency for all stakeholders. The collaboration hopes to sign a contract with an IT supplier in the next few months and launch the e-SAP in early 2007. Heather Eardley, is the Programme Manager for South West Pennisula SAP.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: www.communitycare.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Taking the accent off the acute [Mithran Samuel]
15 June 2006
Journal article in Community Care, 15 June 2006, pp 26-29.
One of the three articles which examine the challenges faced by a health service in the throes of fundamental reforms, against a background of anxiety in the NHS over increased costs, which are hampering the development of preventive services and
partnerships with social care. The author finds that the shift of capacity and resources from acute to community services must overcome conflicts between some of the policy strands currently operating and change fatigue among GPs and at primary
care trusts
A discussion forum is available on the website of Community Care which poses the question : do you think the government's changes will lead to a leaner, more locally responsive health service within five years?
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.communitycare.co.uk
Target group: HAs/LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Teleaddicts Telemedicine and community matrons are among the options being explored by a Kent PCT fighting to keep emergency admissions down
An article in Health Service Journal, vol 116, no 5997, HSJ Intelligence supplement, pp10-11.
The locality involved is Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley PCT in Kent which has beaten the deadline to get community nurses in post since March 2004. The PCT started by analysing data (using the Evercare caseload model) to find "frequent fliers" in
the previous year and found 2000 such patients. The PCT looked at four categories of long-term condition and found a locally significant cohort of patients who would often turn up at A&E, worried about their symptoms, through lack of immediate
advice and support. Capacity was identified within the existing community nursing workloads and the roles of 11 district nurses and two practice nurses were redesigned to manage caseloads. The project was officially launched in December 2004.
There are now 15 community matrons with caseloads of 40-50 patients. A second phase of the project is to introduce four new roles of associate community matron, who will concentrate on the frequent fliers with a cancer diagnosis.
At the same time of developing community matrons, the PCT developed a £1m pilot scheme involving 275 people with chronic illnesses which began in 2006. It will be the most widespread technology in the country and will be subject to an academic
study to ensure the benefits are properly evaluated. It is technology that has been developed in the US as TeleHealth technology with some success since 2003, initially in Seattle with people living in nursing homes. It is hoped that such success
can be replicated in the PCT but much will depend on the community matrons and management of their caseloads.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09522271
The assessment gap [comment on the single assessment process] [author: Paul Clarkson, David Challis]
(15 July 2004)
Article in: Community Care, no 1531, pp 38-39.
The authors, from PSSRU at University of Manchester, are investigating the implementation and impact of SAP in England. This article examines the relevance of recent research for the debates leading up to the deadline for full implementation in
April this year. Integrating assessment practices between health and social care will require more than the breaking down of professional barriers. Joint structures, providing incentives for collaboration are just as important.
Contact Details:
Paul.C.Clarkson@man.ac.uk Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.communitycare.co.uk
Target group: SSD |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
The British Journal of Healthcare Computing & Information Management
Journal that provides comprehensive coverage of developments in healthcare informatics in the UK and hosts the Autumn Forum conference and exhibition (see: SAP Discussion forum - events). Published monthly
(10 issues per year). Free email newsletter available.
Contact Details:
BJHC Limited,
45 Woodland Grove,
KT13 9EQ
Tel: +44 (0)1932 821723 | Fax: +44 (0)1932 820305
Email: mail@bjhc.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bjhc.co.uk/index.html
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: journal
Availability / Price: by subscription but free sample copy available |  ISBN/ISSN:
The clinician's perspective on electronic health records and how they can affect patient care [author: Stephen H Walsh]
Article in: British Medical Journal, May 2004, Vol 328, pp 1184-7
Many attempts to get clinicians to use electronic health records have failed, often because of difficulties with data entry. This article examines lessons learned from previous attempts to get clinicians to use computers in health care, discusses
how clinicians actually work, makes recommendations on designing or selecting clinical computer systems and explores how the use of electronic health records might affect patient care.
View full text of article
| Download article in pdf format
Contact Details:
Stephen H Walsh Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust, Solihull Hospital, Solihull B91 2JL
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: Available as a downloadable document from BMJ website. |  ISBN/ISSN:
The e-record Revolution [ health care staff in England and the implications of access to electronic patient records] [author:Mahua Chatterjee]
(15 February 2005)
Article in: Nursing Times, vol 101, no 7, pp 20-22.
This article introduces the Integrated Care Records Service (ICRS) and its potential. ICRS implementation is in its early stages with the programme due to be rolled out nationally by 2007. Northumberland Tyne and Wear SHA are already using the
technology in their single assessment process and other examples are cited in relation to nursing care records. The author goes on to assess the pros and cons of e-records and concludes that "there are numerous issues that need to be addressed if
the system is to be truly effective by the time it is introduced nationally."
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nursingtimes.net
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
The Freedom of Information Act [author:John Dow]
(April 2005)
Article in the Journal of Integrated Care, vol 13, no 2, April 2005 pp 34-37.
This article highlights some of the key features of the Freedom of Information Act and considers its implications for health and social services authorities. The Act was implemented from 1 January 2005, and it is already raising questions about its
implementation. Further information can be found from various sources including: Department for Constitutional Affairs (www.dca.gov.uk/foi) and The Information Commissioner (www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk).
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: john_dow@bathnes.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
The Implementation of Single Shared Assessment in Meadowbank, Falkirk : a Joint Future [Author: Gail MacNamara]
(August 2006)
An article in Journal of Intergrated Care, vol 14, issue 4, August 2006, pp38-44.
This paper briefly describes a small research study, and presents its findings on the factors that have had an impact on the implementation of single shared assessment (SSA) in co-located primary care and social work teams. Findings highlight
continuing difficulties of policy implementation and the need for ongoing support, guidance and training.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: gail.macnamara@falkirk.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
The Single Assessment Process [author: Hester Ormiston]
(April 2002)
Article in: MCC [Managing Community Care]: Building knowledge for integrated care, vol 10, no 2, pp 38-43.
This paper aims to assist people responsible for revising local approaches to community care assessment in line with government requirements, as detailed in the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). Standard 2 of the NSF, on
person-centred care, states that "the NHS and social services treat older people as individuals and enable them to make choices about their own care". This is achieved through the single assessment process (SAP), integrating commissioning
arrangements and integrated provision of services. The paper analyses the SAP's key elements and suggests approaches to be adopted, some of which are based on workshops with local stakeholders from a number of authorities. The paper is practical in
its approach, listing the various aspects to be covered. Included in the references: EASY-Care Elderly Assessment System UK Version 1999-2002 (University of Sheffield).
Contact Details:
Pavilion Publishing,
The Ironworks,
BN1 4GD.
Tel: 0870 161 3505 | Fax: 0870 161 3506
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://pavpub.com
Target group: SAP Leads |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14615436
The Single Assessment Process in Primary Care : older people's accounts of the process [authors: Jackie Powell, Judy Robison, Helen Roberts]
Article in the British Journal of Social Work, vol 37, no 6, 2007, pp 1043-1058.
Recent government policies have been active in addressing social inclusion and active participation of older people in many aspects of societal life. Independence and well-being animate these developments and are evident in the emphasis on
person-centred services within the single assessment process for older people. Drawing on a feasibiilty study of SAP as a "case-finding" approach, this paper presents findings drawn from older people's accounts of this experience. These accounts
indicate the potential of the process for identifying "low-level" need, whilst raising issues of access to formal services and resource constraint; also they underline the importance of understanding how older people seek ways of managing their own
health and well-being, whilst continuing to contribute to the social cohesion of society by providing support to their peers and to younger generations. Interdependence, it is suggested, rather than dependence should underlie any approach to
assessing older people's needs, if we are to appreciate and build upon the complexity of older people's strategies for actively managing their lives.
Contact Details:
Jackie Powell Tel: | Fax:
Email: J.M.Powell@soton.ac.uk | 
Web links: htttp://www.bjsw.oxfordjournals.org
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 00453102
The Single Assessment Process (SAP) : a personal perspective [author: Nicky Bradbury]
(January 2006)
Brief article in PSIGE Newsletter, January 2006, pp 39-40.
PSIGE is the Psychologists' Special Interest Group Working with Older People, within the Division of Clinical Psychology of the British Psychological Society. The author is a consultant psychologist within a mental health trust and considers what
impact SAP has had on the working lives of individual clinical psychologists and believes that the effect is largely dependent on the services which employ them. As for the intended benefits to older people and their families, the author believes
that the outcomes have, so far, "fallen well short of expectation". To keep SAP as an evolving process involving so many organisations when no one of them "owns it presents a continuing challenge".
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 13603671
The single issue [author: Jon Glasby]
(May 2004)
Article in: Nursing Older People, May 2004, vol 16 no 3, p 6
The single assessment process offers much to the care and support of older people, but, it also presents staff with major challenges. This short article draws upon Jonathan Ellis's presentation paper given at the Department of Health conference in
Birmingham on 19 February 2004 - " Integrated Care for Older People". Jonathan Ellis is the Health and Social Care Policy Manager for Help the Aged. This powerpoint presentation is available.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nursingolderpeople.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1472-0795
The STEP assessment system Cumbria Health Community [author: Idris Williams]
(Sept 2006)
As a result of experience and further field testing, the STEP Assessment System has been refined and brought up to date to conform with new thinking. It now consists of an assessment instrument which can be
used reactively in acute situations, or proactively (e.g. in management of long-term conditions programme). It has a self administered version which has the same framework of domains and questions. A section is included in this assessment which
allows an assessor to review it on completion and to produce a summary and care plan. As a further refinement, there is a "stand alone" contact assessment with can be used reactively. It allows an assessor to proceed to STEP overview, or deal with
the situation by direct referrals. A training assessment instrument is being developed and field tested.
This short paper (2 pp) outlines some key attributes of the STEP System.
See also: STEP (Standardised Assessment of Elderly People in Primary Care in Europe), E I Williams et al, 2002.
Contact Details:
Prof Idris Williams, Barn Howe,
LA8 8DF.
Tel: 01539 568666 | Fax:
Email: idrisandkate@ktdbroadband.com | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: On application to Prof Idris Williams |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Prof Williams was formerly Board Chair, Morecambe Bay Hospital NHS Trust
The use of assessment scales in old age psychiatry services in England and Northern Ireland [authors: S Reilly, D Challis, A Burns, J Hughes]
(May 2004)
Article IN: Aging & Mental Health, vol 8, no 3, pp 249-255.
Implementation of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) in the UK is designed to ensure that more standardised assessment procedures are in place across all agencies, that practice improves, and older people's needs are comprehensively assessed. This
study by the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) provides a unique picture of the range and prevalence of standardised scales used within old age psychiatry services in England and Northern Ireland, reported by 73% of old age
psychiatrists. Most services (64%) used three or more standardised assessment scales (range 1-12). 62 separate instruments were identified. The six most used measures were the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE, 95%), the Geriatric Depression Scale
(GDS, 52%) and the Clock Drawing (50%), the Clifton Assessment Procedures for the elderly 26%), the Barthel Index (18%), and the Health of the Nations Outcome Scales (HoNOS65+, 18%). Shared documentation, along with other indicators of integration
between health and social care were associated with greater use of standardised scales. The provision of a memory clinic was associated with greater use of neuropsychiatric scales and lower levels of use of cognitive scales. These results provide
key material for shaping the provision of psychiatric services for older people.
Contact Details:
Dr Siobhan Reilly, Research Fellow, PSSRU at Manchester,
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing,
University of Manchester,
1st Floor, Dover Street Building,
Oxford Road,
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: +44 (0)161 275 5680 | Fax: +44 (0)161 275 5790
Email: Siobhan.reilly@man.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals
| http://www.pssru.ac.uk/manchester.htm
Target group: MHTs, SAP Leads |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1360-7863
United front [joint working and implications for IT systems] [author: Steve Mathieson]
An article in the Health Service Journal supplement "HSJ Intelligence" within the 3 November 2005 issue, pp4-7.
The key point made in this article highlights that joint working in IT between health and social services and local authorities remains difficult, with technical and organisational barriers. A number of localities have tried information-sharing,
but so far they are only able to deal with very basic data. Two Cambridgeshire pilots of deeper integration had mixed results. Additionally, persuading the public to allow their information to be shared presents another hurdle to trusts and local
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.goodmanagement-hsj.co.uk/jointworking
Target group: SHAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09522271
Use of community matrons for care of long-term conditions [author: Mandy Bowler]
(15 August 2006)
Journal article in Nursing Times, 15 August 2006, vol 102, no 33, pp31-33.
Improving care for people with long-term conditions has become a national priority and has led to many new - and often challenging - roles for nurses. This article describes the appointment of 12 community matrons to act as key workers and the use
of their advanced clinical skills to improve the care offered to vulnerable patients with multiple long-term conditions. This article also makes reference to the June 2005 conference "Developing the Role of the Community Matron in Case Management :
A Practical Guide" - the programme of which can be viewed at the website given below. Reference is also made to the Department of Health's policy guidance document, Supporting People with Long Term Conditions : an NHS and Social Care Model to
Support Local Innovation and Integration (2005) - click on link below:
View document
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nursingtimes.net
| http://www.ukhcc.com/event/rcm.html
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09547762
Using the Liverpool Care Pathway in a nursing [authors: Kathryn Mathews, Jemma Finch]
(12 September 2006)
Article in Nursing Times, 12 September 2006, pp 34-35.
The Liverpool Care Pathway provides evidence-based guidelines relating to the care of dying patients. This article outlines a pilot project to introduce it to a 150-bed BUPA nursing home in Hatfield, Hertfordshire (St Christopher's). The authors
are both Liverpool Care Pathway Nursing Home facilitators, Mount Vernon Cancer Network.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: www.nursingtimes.net
| www.lcp-mariecurie.org.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09547762
Validation of short screening tests for depression and cognitive impairment in older medically ill inpatients [authors: Hannah Goring, Robert Baldwin, Alison Marriott, Helen Pratt, Chris Roberts
(May 2004)
Article in: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 19, no 5, pp 465-471.
Depression and cognitive impairment in medically ill patients can be detected by screening questionnaires. Very short scales such as the short Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS4) and the Orientation-Memory-Concentration test (OMC) appear to be valid
alternatives to longer ones. These very short scales may be useful screening instruments for use with the Single Assessment Process (SAP), as recommended by the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). Appendix includes questions for the
GDS4 and Short OMC test of cognitive function.
Contact Details:
Robert Baldwin Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust,
York House,
Manchester Royal Infirmary,
Oxford Road,
M13 9BX.
Tel: +44 (0)161 276 5317 | Fax: +44 (0)161 276 5303
Email: Robert. Baldwin@man.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.interscience.wiley.com
Target group: Mental health |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0885-6230
Notes: The research was supported by a grant from the North West Research and Development arm of the Department of Health (grant holders Robert Baldwin and Elizabeth Matthew) and by Tameside and Glossop Community and Priority NHS Trust who
seconded Helen Pratt. Hannah Goring and Helen Pratt are based at Tameside General Hospital; Alison Marriott at Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust,; and Chris Roberts at the School of Epidemiology and Health Sciences, University of
What are the benefits and the challenges of shared assessments through the Single Assessment Process (DH 2001) and the development of integrated care planning as described in Our Health, Our Care, Our Say
(DH 2006) through a common assessment framework across primary, secondary, social and mental healthcare services? Ask the experts
(October 2007)
Article in Nursing Older People, vol 19, no 8, 2007, p14.>
Three opinions are given in response to the above question, from three different healthcare professionals: Deborah Sturdy, Nurse Adviser Older People, DH; Jill Jackson, Nurse Consultant Older People, Wakefield District PCT; and, Clare Abley, Nurse
Consultant Vulnerable Older Adults, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nursingolderpeople.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14720795
What do you see?
The powerful 10-minute film aims to raise awareness of how society treats older people.
The film takes a journey through a day in the life and a life in the day of stroke victim Elsie, played by actress Virginia McKenna OBE. Elsie craves compassion and understanding of the person she is on the inside rather than the useless 'carcass'
she may appear on the outside. Elsie makes a heartfelt but silent plea for her carers to 'Look closer..see...me..'
Contact Details:
Amanda Waring Becketts, Tripp Hill
West Sussex
RH20 1ER
United Kingdom
Tel: l+44 (0)1798 865949 | Fax:
Email: dvd@amandawaring.com | 
Web links: http://amandawaring.com/index.php?module=Website&action=Text&content=1126793805537-3301
Target group: |  Type / Format: dvd video
Availability / Price: £9.99 plus £1.50 postage. To obtain more information about the film, or order a copy, email dvd@amandawaring.com |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: For permission to use for training call 01798 865949. Proceeds from the sale of each film will go direct to Macmillan Cancer Relief and Help the Aged.
Wired for the third age : ICT facilitated health and social care for older people
A one day conference on Thursday 14 December 2006 at York University, Heslington, York .
The 'modernisation' of health and social care management and practice for older people, which has been underway in the UK for several years, represents a significant challenge to professionals, managers and users alike. Central to these policy
directives is the adoption of new information and communications technologies (ICTs) as a means to achieve the two central policy objectives of improved integration between health and social care service providers and a commitment to make health and
social services person-centred . This one-day conference, supported through the Department of Health's Modernising Adult Social Care programme, is intended to showcase a number of innovative health informatics projects designed to improve the health
and social care of older people. Some of the issues to be addressed will be:
Can ICTs enable greater information sharing through the Single assessment Process?
What are the lessons for shaping the design of effective health and social care informatics applications?
How can ICTs facilitate user-centred health and social care?
Do older people want to use ICTs?
Can the Internet inform older people and enable better communication with service providers?
List of Speakers (see website for further details about speakers):
James Barlow - John Powell - Carl Renold - John Doyle - Guy Dewsbury - Helen Petrie - Keren Down - Andrew Webster -
Brian D. Loader - Leigh Keeble - Mike Hardey - Becky Nightingale.
Directions to the ARRC in York (pdf) given on the website.
If you would like to attend this event, please email Antonia Luther-Jones: at the University of York for further information.
Contact Details:
Antonia Luther-Jones, SIRU, University of York Social Informatics Research Unit
University of York
YO10 5DD
Tel: +44 1904 430000 | Fax: +44 1904 433433
Email: alj504@york.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.york.ac.uk/res/siru/wiredforthethirdage.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Your guide to ... Indicator of relevant need in Single Shared Assessment [examination of the] standardised system for assessing old people's needs currently being rolled out in Scotland [author:Mike
(15 February 2005)
Article in: Care and Health Magazine, issue 101, pp 30-31
An operational guidance resource pack is available - see website for pack and further details on the Scottish system of single shared assessment and indicator of relative need (SSA-IoRN).
Contact Details:
Mike George Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.careandhealth.com
| http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Health/care/17673/9484
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14779994
Accenture; NHS National Programme for Informaton Technology (NPfIT)
SAP South Tyneside (CRS P1R1): lessons learned report NHS North East and East Cluster [authors: Jacqui Straughan and Joke Verheyden]
(7 April 2005)
This document (14pp) aims to provide initial feedback on lessons learned for the South Tyneside SAP Project. Although the project is not complete and is subject to some further delay, it is expected that the
experience and recommendations to date will be valuable to other National Programme for IT (NPfIT) projects. The document looks at the various work streams involved in the project, activities, and joint working with Accenture, Northumberland, Tyne
and Wear Strategic Health Authority (NTWSHA), and the North East Cluster. The document was produced to review an early adopter project within NPfIT, and must be reviewed in the context of this SAP project being one of the first prospective
implementations within a large, complex, long-term programme.
View report
Contact Details:
Naomi Key,
SAP Training and Business Change, South Tyneside Social Care and Health,
Windmill Way,
Viking Business Park.
Tyne and Wear
NE31 1AT.
Tel: 0191 283 1324
0774 7475912 (mobile) | Fax:
Email: Naomi.Key@stpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP leads/ IT |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jacqui Straughan was formerly Single Assessment Development Officer, South Tyneside
ADSS (Association of Directors of Social Services)
Safeguarding Adults A National Framework of Standards for good practice and outcomes in adult protection work [author: ADSS- led national "Safeguarding Adults" network]
(October 2005)
This document collects best practice and aspirations together into a set of good practice standards - which is intended to be used as an audit tool and guide by all those implementing adult protectionwork.
Included are some examples of good practice from around the country and further examples are detailed in recent publications by the Practitioner Alliance against abuse of Vulnerable Adults (PAVA). This document is a multi-agency task, and
contributions reflect the support from partner organisations. The document cites the relevant legal statutes, includes a glossary, references and publications and useful websites. 64 pp document.
Contact Details:
Sue Fiennes, ADSS Lead/Chair Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.adss.org.uk/publications/guidance/safeguarding.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance; tool
Availability / Price: download |  ISBN/ISSN:
Age Concern and Help the Aged
Prevention in practice service models, methods and impact [author: Katharine Orellana]
(April 2009)
The consultation, 'The case for change' (Department of Health, 2008) describes social care services as "the activities, services and relationships that help people to be independent, active and healthy
throughout their lives". This publication (100 pp) aims to demonstrate the range of positive outcomes that are possible for older people, organisations and systems when there is investment in preventive services. It is by way of a services directory
which is also relevant to the Putting People First agenda. It includes examples of services provided by Age Concern in different localities on information and advice, practical support, support to remain as independent as possible, and support at
difficult times and for carers.
Three of the case studies relate to the varying effectiveness of the Single Assessment Process (SAP):
Waltham Forest Age Concern's Case Finding Service aims to identify vulnerable older people within the community at risk of increased dependency. The Waltham Forest Early Detection Model of Intervention is system for identifying older people with
previously unrecognised health and social care needs . GPs in Waltham Forest send a Cardiff-Newport questionnaire to older patients whop are on four or more medications. The questionnaire covers depression, memory, continence, functional decline,
social interaction and falls risk. Of 8949 questionnaires distributed between May 2002 and March 2008, 4207 questionnaires were returned to ACWF; 2204 people were referred for single assessment. Concludes that this method more cost-effective than
single assessment provision in the statutory sector".
Age Concern Cheshire is a partner in SAP and a licence holder under SAP, allowing access to assessment forms and to give feedback to the statutory services online. ACC provides an independent Support Brokerage Service across Cheshire and towards
Individual Budgets (IBs) to increase numbers receiving Direct Payments. ACC has been involved in the County Council's Self Directed Support pilot.
An Accident and Emergency Diversion and Discharge Support Service is provided in seven hospitals across South Staffordshire. Most of the referrals are from Social Care and Health through their access teams. The service was developed to reduce
emergency admissions to hospital, to support older people on discharge from hospital, and to prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital, respite or care homes. Among services provided is an initial assessment, linked to SAP and including risk of
Contact Details:
Katharine Orellana, Social Care and Support Officer, Age Concern and Help the Aged,
Astral House,
1268 London Road,
SW16 4ERT.
Tel: 020 8765 7485 | Fax:
Email: Katharine.Orellana@ace.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.ageconcern.org.uk/AgeConcern/bigq-preventioninpractice-report.asp
Target group: All staff, users and carers |  Type / Format: case studies
Availability / Price: From the address given, or as dowwnload. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Age Concern England (ACE)
Age Agenda Conference 2006 : The Complete Picture on Public Policy and Older People
A one day conference on 7 March 2006 at the Radisson SAS Portman Hotel, London W1.
The conference will be accompanied by the Age Agenda 2006 report. There will be speakers in both the morning and afternoon with discussion seminars. Speakers include: Catherine McCoughlin (Chair, ACE); Helena Herklots (Head of Policy, ACE); Gordon
Lishman (DG, ACE). Ed Mayo (CE, National Consumer Council); David Brindle (The Guardian); Professor John Hills (Pensions Commission member); Dr Jane Barratt (International Federation Association, Canada).
Contact Details:
ACE Events Department
Astral House
1268 London Road
SW16 4ER
Tel: +44 (0)20 8765 7605 | Fax: +44 (0)20 8765 1366
Email: eventsdept@ace.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.ageconcern.org.uk/ageagenda
Target group: |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Age Concern Waltham Forest
The future of social care for older people A case study of Waltham Forest [Sheena Scott Dunbar and Jorge Lagos]
[30 January 2006]
Age Concern Waltham Forest (WF) works in partnership with the LBWF Social Services, WF PCT, Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust , NE London Mental Health Trust and WF Older People's Voluntary Sector
Partnership to deliver services for older people across the borough. This presentation to the National Council on Ageing on 30 January 2006 details the various collaborative projects and integrated services developed within the framework of the
Single Assessment Process. The projects are: the Waltham Forest model of early detection, prevention and healthy ageing. WF older people's voluntary sector partnership. The WF healthy ageing programme. The WF falls collaborative. Age Concern WF
presence at Whipps Cross University Hospital Trust (A&E escorted discharge; welcome home service; discharge lounge and ward project). Age Concern WF link-up project (befriending service; teleconferencing; volunteers). Older people's safety campaign.
Age Concern WF information, advice and advocacy service.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Sheena Dunbar, Director, Age Concern Waltham Forest,
Ground Floor,
Zenith House,
210 Church Road,
E10 7JQ
Tel: 020 8558 5512 | Fax: 020 8558 0383
Email: s.dunbar@ageconcernwf.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.ageconcernwf.org.uk
| http://www.wfolderpeople.com/
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Age Exchange
'Listen to what I'm saying' person centred care and the Single Assessment Process: [video] [authors: Bernie Arigho, Keith Strahan]
Person centred care means listening to people to find out what is most important to them and without making assumptions. Care is holistic, and centres on the whole person: who they are, their life before, and
how they currently feel. The emphasis is on what the person can, rather than cannot do.
This video (duration 37 mins) shows health and social care professionals working directly with individuals and their carers. There are no actors, and no prepared scripts. The film shows what a difference a person centred approach makes to
individuals with many/complex needs. It links the Single Assessment Process (SAP), as the person centred health and social care framework, with other Department of Health policies e.g. long term conditions with its emphasis on case management.
It outlines key principles of person centred care that are evolving, including holistic assessment, personalised care plans, sharing information, continuity and coordination, and self care/self management. A feature of the film is to hear the views
of the individuals and carers themselves in 3 Case Studies with a Social Worker, Community Matron and a Community Mental Health Nurse.
Supporting documentation is available: An
| extended film commentary
| Case studies
| Coordination - Principles
| Shared Care Plan: example
| Good care planning for people with long term conditions
| Holistic care in the community: best practice statement; Categories and diagrams
The video, which has been, produced by Bernie Arigho and Keith Strahan, and made by Age Exchange, has been funded by the North West London Strategic Health Authority and the Department of Health (DH)
Contact Details:
Age Exchange,
11 Blackheath Village,
SE3 9LA.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8318 9105 | Fax:
Email: administration@age-exchange.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.age-exchange.org.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: video
Availability / Price: Free; available from: Centre for Policy on Ageing: video@cpa.org.uk or Tel: 020 7553 6500 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other queries to: Keith Strahan; tel 07973 700695 (mobile); E-mail: keith.strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Age Exchange
'Listen to what I'm saying' person centred care and the Single Assessment Process: [DVD] [authors: Bernie Arigho, Keith Strahan]
Person centred care means listening to people to find out what is most important to them and without making assumptions. Care is holistic, and centres on the whole person: who they are, their life before, and
how they currently feel. The emphasis is on what the person can, rather than cannot do.
This DVD shows health and social care professionals working directly with individuals and their carers. There are no actors, and no prepared scripts. The film shows what a difference a person centred approach makes to individuals with many/complex
needs. It links the Single Assessment Process (SAP), as the person centred health and social care framework, with other Department of Health policies e.g. long term conditions with its emphasis on case management.
It outlines key principles of person centred care that are evolving, including holistic assessment, personalised care plans, sharing information, continuity and coordination, and self care/self management. A feature of the film is to hear the views
of the individuals and carers themselves in 3 Case Studies with a Social Worker, Community Matron and a Community Mental Health Nurse.
Supporting documentation is available: An
| extended film commentary
| Case studies
| Coordination - Principles;
| Shared Care Plan: example
| Good care planning for people with long term conditions;
| Holistic care in the community: best practice statement; Categories and diagrams
The DVD includes 3 other films:
'Patients as Teachers' (Lewisham Social Care and Health). Film with older people explaining how they wish to be assessed - the inspiration for 'Listen to What I'm Saying'.
'Are We Being Heard?' (Hounslow staff training film). A film made by older people about older people, with an emphasis on having control over their own lives e.g. using Direct Payments.
'Cold Tea' (Workforce Directorate, Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority). Introductory film about the Single Assessment Process.
The DVD, which has been, produced by Bernie Arigho and Keith Strahan, and made by Age Exchange, has been funded by the North West London Strategic Health Authority and the Department of Health (DH)
Contact Details:
Age Exchange,
11 Blackheath Village,
SE3 9LA.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8318 9105 | Fax:
Email: administration@age-exchange.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.age-exchange.org.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: DVD
Availability / Price: DVD version no longer available. Video is still available free from: Centre for Policy on Ageing: video@cpa.org.uk or Tel: 020 7553 6500 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other queries to: Keith Strahan; tel 07973 700695 (mobile); E-mail: keith.strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
AIS Systems Limited
MDS-RAI - Minimum Data Set Residential Assessment Instrument;
MDS-HC - Minimum Data Set Home Care
MDS-RAI and its community version MDS-HC provides a computerised system for the collection of MDS assessments data in a care home setting. After recording assessments a number of indicators are automatically
calculated e.g. RNCC nursing levels, staff hours, specific outcome measurements. MDS-RAI can also produce sound clinically based care plans for the individual client. MDS-RAI is accredited by the Department of Health for use in this context. AIS
Systems are also able to provide training. The MDS-HC assessment tool and guidance manuals are available from The Stationery Office but the instrument will also be developed in an electronic format which will enable organisations to migrate to full
electronic systems in a stepwise manner over time and across the organisation (see TSO website). The MDS Instrument training video should be available from June 2004.
Contact Details:
Ken Collins, Chairman, Unit 5 The Courtyard,
GU23 6QL
Tel: +44 (0)1932 359370 | Fax: +44 (0)1932 359359
Email: info@aissystems.ltd.uk | 
Web links: http://www.aissystems.ltd.uk
| http://www.care-assessment.org.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: upon enquiry |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: AIS Systems Limited is registered in England and has been formed to serve the UK with MDS assessment systems and related MDS intelligence systems. AIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Datasystems Consultants Ltd. and a sister company
to HealthSystems Consultants Ltd and HealthResources Ltd., who can can provide a full range of management consultancy services.
Alzheimer's Society
Building on strengths : providing support, care planning and risk assessment for people with dementia A collaboration between the Alzheimer's Society and Dementia Care Matters
This toolkit comprises forms and practical information for carrying out care planning and risk assessments for people with dementia for care workers in any care setting. This pack provides guidance on
achieving good quality individual care for people with dementia that builds on their strengths and abilities. The price includes a one-off copyright fee that covers permission to photocopy the forms in the pack.
70 pages A4 pack.
Contact Details:
Helen Walton Alzheimer's Society Quality Care Team
31 Micklegate,
Tel: 01904 633581
01736 33 33 33 orders | Fax:
Email: qualitycare@alzheimers.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.alzheimers.org.uk
Target group: practitioners |  Type / Format: toolkit
Availability / Price: £69.99 +£5.25 p+p |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Alzheimer's Society
Dementia : diagnosis and management in primary care Tools for diagnosis ; information about dementia; a short tutorial - to help you assess the needs of people with dementia and their carers
An interactive tutorial on dementia diagnosis and care management with typical case histories of possible dementia. The disk also features video clips of the experience of people with dementia and their
carers; tools to help in diagnosis and care assessment and outlines of evidence-based research into primary care effectiveness. The content of the CD has received approval from the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Contact Details:
Jenny Hogarth, Admin Assistant, Gordon House,
10 Greencoat Place,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7306 0606 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7306 0808
Email: info@alzheimers.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.alzheimers.org.uk
Target group: practitioners |  Type / Format: cdrom; assessment tool
Availability / Price: Free CD for primary care professionals - upon request. Limited stocks. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Alzheimer's Society
The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) - a guide for people with dementia and their carers Information sheet 436
A4 2 pages.
Contact Details:
Jenny Hogarth, Admin Assistant, Gordon House,
10 Greencoat Place,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7306 0606 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7306 0808
Email: info@alzheimers.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.alzheimers.org.uk
Target group: practitioners; client groups |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: 50p each. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: One of a series of information sheets on dementia which can be purchased singly or in bulk at a discounted price.
arkgroup Ltd.,
Single assessment process: passing the April milestone [author: Lynne Bradey]
(July 2004)
Article in: ELDERLY CLIENT ADVISOR, in volume 9, issue 5.
Lynne Bradey, a solicitor at Wrigleys Solicitors, considers where the NHS should be now that the April 2004 milestone is long past. It is left for readers to decide how well the single assessment process for older people is working in practice.
Contact Details:
2nd Floor,
86/88 Upper Richmond Road,
SW15 2SH
Tel: +44 (0)20 8785 2700 | Fax: +44 (0)20 8785 9373
Email: info@ark-group.com | 
Web links: http://www.ecadvisor.com
Target group: HA |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1369-2700
Notes: Elderly Client Advisor is a journal available on subscription published 6 times per year.
Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA
The Single Assessment Process training resource [author: Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA]
(July 2003)
This training resource sets out the key issues relating to joint working, SAP, and information sharing and consent, using a variety of tools, including narrative text, PowerPoint presentations, exercises,
case studies and handouts. It also includes a glossary of terms. The CDROM has printable PDF versions of these materials, along with editable PowerPoint files for the three presentations on joint working, the single assessment process, and the Data
Protection Act and Caldicott principles.
The pack is intended for use in multi-agency training. It is not designed to be used in isolation, and it is expected that trainers will add to it according to local need and following further learning through pilot sites. It is assumed that
trainers using this training resource will be linked into the development of SAP locally, and will be working closely with the project leads who wrote and compiled the resource.
The resource has been produced as a joint initiative by a group of project managers and trainers from the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Strategic Health Authority (AGW SHA): Paulette Nuttall (Bristol), Sheila Turner (South Gloucestershire),
Marilyn Hughes (Swindon), Richard Pople and Jane Towler (North Somerset), Bo Novak (Bath and North East Somerset), and Marianna Poulton (Wiltshire).
View contents of cd-rom
(Presentations, Handouts etc) - Please note conditions of use on Contents page.
Contact Details:
Sheila Turner South Gloucestershire PCT,
1 Monarch Court
Emerald Park
Emerson's Green
BS16 7FH
Tel: 0117 330 2443 | Fax:
Email: sheila.turner@sglos-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SSD/PCT |  Type / Format: pack; cdrom; powerpoint; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contacts: Paulette Nuttall, Bristol South and West Primary Care Trust, King Square House, King Square,Bristol
BS2 8EE Tel: +44 (0) 117 900 2376; Fax +44(0)117 900 2465; Email: paulette.nuttall@bristolswpct.nhs.uk
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust
Bedfordshire Single Assessment Process training manual
The development of a Single Assessment Process across Bedfordshire and Luton ensures that a person-centred approach is always maintained. This manual will assist the practitioner in understanding the
importance of SAP and its operational implications. This documentation explains Bedfordshire's Single Assessment joint documentation, the Bedfordshire and Luton Single Assessment Process Tool, and Bedfordshire's Personal Held Record.It also explains
the Bedfordshire and Luton Information Partnership (an agreement for the sharing of information between health and social care agencies) and issues concerning consent and information sharing with regard to the Human Rights Act 1999 and the Data
Protection Act 1998. The various processes involving specific agencies or staff groups are outlined.
Contact Details:
Jenny McAteer, Operational Lead, SAP, Bedfordshire Social Services Adult Team,
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust,
Kempston Road
MK42 9DJ.
Tel: +44 (0)1234 355122 | Fax: +44 (0)1234 792017
Email: jenny.mcateer@bedscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: pack
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedford Hosptail NHS Trust
The Single Assessment Process in Bedfordshire and Luton multi agency training
(March 2003)
The aims of the training are: to understand the Single Assessment Process and Single Assessment paperwork; and to understand how this process will fit in with current practice in Bedfordshire and Luton. This
material comprises material for trainers and participants at the Stages 1 and 2 training sesions. Stage 1 introduces the Single Assessment, the types of assessment, and the issues of consent and sharing information. Stage 2 comprises practical
exercises on applying Single Assessment to daily work. Examples of forms are included.
Contact Details:
Jenny McAteer, Operational Lead, SAP, Bedfordshire Social Services Adult Team,
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust,
Kempston Road
MK42 9DJ.
Tel: +44 (0)1234 355122 | Fax: +44 (0)1234 792017
Email: jenny.mcateer@bedscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council)
Contact assessment form
2 pages.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council; Luton Borough Council)
[Luton Borough Council - various powerpoint presentation frames]
Single frame powerpoints of Luton SAP's training programme which follows the same system as for Bedfordshire County Council but with local variations to meet specific needs.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: powerpoint; strategy
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council)
Overview assessment form
4 pages.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council)
Personal Held Record
The Personal Held Record will be a key document in the SAP, of which the client will hold a copy. The document comprises an index page, record of visiting staff signatures, visit record, summary of record of
current care plans, summary of care plan delivery, summary index of risk assessments, closing summary, general communication/comment sheet.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: practitioners; client group |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council)
Single Assessment Process guidance leaflet (DRAFT)
3 pages of proposed Luton BC SAP guidance leaflet for client group. Includes 'What is SAP' and 'What is a Personal Held Record'.
View leaflet
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: practitioners; client group |  Type / Format: protocol; guidance; strategy; publicity materials
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council; Luton Borough Council)
The Single Assessment Process in Bedfordshire and Luton - evaluation form for Luton pilot
2 pages.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
BGS Policy Committee
The discharge or transfer of care of frail older people for community health and social support BGS compendium updates : Policy and practice [author: British Geriatric Society (BGS) Policy
(May 2006)
An article in the BGS Newsletter, July 2006, issue 6, pp 14-16.
One of the primary objectives of the BGS Policy Committee is to respond to the need for statements of policy and good practice which are published as updates in their Newsletter, as well as available on the BGS website, as part of the BGS Compendium
(select publications). This update then is directed towards consultant geriatricians but does have relevance to all those involved in the process of discharge or transfer of care of frail older people for community health and social support
purposes. It covers the eight Principles involved in the process and then details the Practical Aspects of Discharge Planning. These involve: Local arrangements; patient and Carer Involvement; Referral; Where discharges are straightforward;
Accident and Emergency Departments and Medical Admissions units; Care planning; role of the Consultant in geriatric medicine; and, the Discharge Coordinator. It concludes that "... Without careful coordination this process can disintegrate to the
detriment of the patient and his/her family." This BGS update is available from the website link given below. Readers are also referred to consult the document "Discharge from hospital pathway, process and practice issued by the Health and
Social Care Joint Unit and Change Agent Team, Department of Health in 2003 (ref: 30473) and an accompanying toolkit (Achieving timely simple discharge from hospital: A toolkit for the multi-disciplinary team) issued in 2004; also available from the
DH website.
Contact Details:
BGS Marjory Warren House
31 St John's Square
London EC1M 4DN
Tel: +44 (0)20 7608 1369 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.bgs.org.uk/publications/compendium
| http://www.doh.gov.uk/jointunit
Target group: SHAs |  Type / Format: article/guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Birmingham PCTs
Older Person's Health Promotion Website in Birmingham leaflet
This coloured A4 folded leaflet illustrates the one-stop shop of local services for the health and well being of older people and publicises the Older Person's Health Promotion website. Main areas included in
the website's leaflet are outlined by bulletin points with contact numbers and then further useful numbers are listed on the back. Leaflet available from many outlets including public libraries.
Contact Details:
Andrew Hindle Tel: +44 (0)121 333 4113 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.olderpeople.bham.nhs.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: FOC |  ISBN/ISSN:
BJHC Events
HC2007 : Challenging Boundaries 24th annual Healthcare Computing Conference and Exhibition
A three day conference to be held between 19-21 March 2007 in Harrogate Centre.
Numerous speakers and five stream daily presentations; case histories.
Contact Details:
HC2007 Exhibition
45 Woodland Grove
KT13 9BR
Tel: +44 (0)1932 849290 | Fax: +44 (0)1932 830227
Email: hc2007@bjhc.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthcare-computing.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: various rates dependent upon status (student rate available) |  ISBN/ISSN:
BJHC Events
The Autumn Forum Fifth Annual Conference & Exhibition : Connecting NHS healthcare and socialcare - getting the right information to the right place at the right time
A one day conference to be held in Lakeside Conference Centre, Conference Aston, Aston University, Birmingham on 25 October 2006.
A series of presentations, case-histories and an exhibition designed to give guidance and information on how healthcare and socialcare organisations can increase efficiency through sharing information. Session presenters will set the scene and
provide guidance and updates. The day is entirely interactive and includes electronic voting within the two facilitated panel discussions. Session 3 will be on "Electronic single assessment process (eSAP)" led by Robin Stern, Director Medical
Mosaic Ltd., and Project Manager, National Framework for Electronic SAP Implementation. Chairman: Robin Guenier (Chairman, Medix UK plc) with numerous speakers.
Contact Details:
Pelican Services, 45 Woodland Grove
KT13 9EQ
Tel: +44 (0)1932 849290 | Fax: +44 (0)1932 830227
Email: autumnforum@pelicanservices.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bjhc.co.uk/autumnforum
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: reduced rate: £450.02; otherwise £528.75 incl. VAT. Student rate: £176.25 incl. VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
Blackburn with Darwen PCT / Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, Social Services Department,
Key attributes of the Single Assessment Process what do we want to achieve?
The 3 key attributes of the Single Assessment Process are introduced: a person-centred approach; a standardised approach; and an outcome-centred approach.This training material (11 pp) is based on a Powerpoint
presentation, which includes a reminder that SAP relates to the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) Standard Two: Person-centred care. Another part of the presentation looks at shared values - : valuing person-centred care and
independence; valuing carers and family members; valuing integrated and responsive services; and valuing staff.
Contact Details:
Judith Johnston, Project Manager, Older People's NSF, Blackburn with Darwen PCT,
Guide Business Centre,
School Lane,
BB1 2QH.
Tel: 01254 267000 (PCT switchboard) | Fax:
Email: judith.johnston@bwdpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bwdpct.nhs.uk/
Target group: SSD/PCT staff |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Simon Robson, Head of Services for Older People, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, Social Services Department, Jubilee House, Jubilee Street, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 1ET.
Borough of Telford and Wrekin,
Contact assessment form
(January 2004)
2 pages.
View form
Contact Details:
Kim Baker, SAP Project Manager Darby House,
Lawn Central,
Tel: +44 (0)1952 202820 | Fax:
Email: kim.baker@telford.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: document; form
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Borough of Telford and Wrekin,
Guidelines on single assessment documentation for Telford and Wrekin
1 page.
View guidelines
Contact Details:
Kim Baker, SAP Project Manager Darby House,
Lawn Central,
Tel: +44 (0)1952 202820 | Fax:
Email: kim.baker@telford.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Borough of Telford and Wrekin,
Overview assessment form
(January 2004)
12 pages and includes a "consent to share information" form.
View form
Contact Details:
Kim Baker, SAP Project Manager Darby House,
Lawn Central,
Tel: +44 (0)1952 202820 | Fax:
Email: kim.baker@telford.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: document; form
Availability / Price: pdf |  ISBN/ISSN:
Borough of Telford and Wrekin,
The National Service Framework for Older People, Standard 2: Person Centred Care, proposes that the Single Assessment Process means "far less duplication and worry" for the older person, is this reflected
in practice? [summary report] [author: Kim Baker]
(September 2004)
This summary report is of a study conducted as part of an MA at Keele University; it is in two stages. Stage one consists of a literature review that raises issues concerning the implementation of SAP using
evidence from previous research on assessments for older people. (The literature review does not accompany this summary but is available in the full report from the author). Stage two consists of a research project which involved interviewing
older people; exploring the experience of older people assessed using the new process and collating views from professionals via a questionnaire. The Table of Contents are:
1.1 The policy context
1.2 The setting : Telford and Wrekin
1.3 The implementation of SAP in Telford and Wrekin
Research Findings
2.1 A person centred approach?
2.2 Duplication
2.3 A need for time
2.4 The need to talk
2.5 The need for support
2.6 Summary
3.2 Further research recommendations
3.3 Practice and policy implications
View research report
Contact Details:
Kim Baker, SAP Project Manager, Darby House,
Lawn Central,
Tel: +44 (0)1952 202846
+44 (0)1952 202820 (messages) | Fax:
Email: kim.baker@telford.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance; strategy
Availability / Price: pdf |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bradford South & West Primary Care Trust
The Single Assessment Process in Bradford Bradford and Airedale's Single Assessment Process (SAP) Homepage; [including SAP toolkit and Practitioner handbook] [author: Steve Clayton]
Bradford and Airedale's Single Assessment Process (SAP) Homepage is part of Learnonline, a district-wide website, designed to support Learning and Development within the Health and Social Care organisations in
Bradford. The aim is that this website will become a portal for all aspects of learning and training. The SAP Homepage includes links to SAP news, and to national resources: Department of Health (DH), Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA), National
Progamme for IT (West Yorkshire), EASY-Care, FACE, and Birmingham SAP.
Bradford's SAP toolkit comprises three key components:
SAP assessment and care planning tools, prefaced by a link, Assessment types and assessment tools explained. Links to what Bradford currently uses (to be reviewed in Autumn 2006) are: Permission to share personal assessment information; Contact
assessment; Overview assessment; carer's assessment; FACE risk profile; Summary of needs and care options; and Summary care plan.
The SAP care file ( this includes a section explaining informed consent).
Procedures for providing a named care co-ordinator for all people in receipt of ongoing assessment of care (this includes a section on the role of the named care co-ordinator).
Bradford's initial emphasis is on the implementation of paper systems that support the sharing of information directly with older people and practitioners involved via the user-held SAP care file.
The Practitioner handbook (54 pp), for use across Bradford, is compiled by Steve Clayton. Contents include: person centred care and SAP; stages in assessment and care planning; SAP assessment types and assessment tools; assessor's guide to exploring
need (Contact and Overview assessment); effective information sharing; and care co-ordination. Appendices include a SAP dataset for preferred religion, ethnicity and language. Material (including a video resource) from a project undertaken by
Lewisham Health and Social Care Partnership is acknowledged.
Contact Details:
Steve Clayton,
Project Manager - Older People, Strategic Commissioning and Service Improvement, Bradford Social Services,
Olicana House,
Chapel Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1274 431526
07917883465 (SC mobile) | Fax:
Email: Steve.Clayton@Bradford.Gov.UK | 
Web links: http://www.learnonline.nhs.uk/Single+Assessment+Process/
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: website; toolkit; briefing; e-learning
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Brighton & Hove City Council; South Downs NHS Trust; Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust; Brighton & Hove PCT
The Single Assessment Process - a new way of working [Author: Brighton & Hove City Council]
A Single Assessment Process training video (20 minutes) produced by Brighton & Hove NHS and Caring Services which focuses on the principles of SAP and is divided into three sections with a pause after each
section for discussion and training on assessment tools.
The first section consists of a case study of an older woman admitted to hospital
The second section focuses on the assessment tools
The final section focuses on how the older woman, now at home in the community, has benefitted from the SAP.
This video is designed to be generic in its approach for briefing and awareness training. It has been produced by Pavilion and uses trained actors.
Contact Details:
Jilly Alexander, Project Manager, South Downs NHS Trust/Brighton & Hove, Project Office,
1st Floor,
Brighton Town Hall,
Bartholomew Square,
BN1 1JA.
Tel: 01273 296351 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: SSD/PCT/user groups |  Type / Format: video
Availability / Price: £50 from: Geraldine Opreshko, Head of Service, Learning and Development Team, Corporate Services, Brighton & Hove City Council, King's House, Grand Avenue, Hove BN3 2LS.Tel: (01273) 295084 Email:
Geraldine.Opreshko@brighton-hove.gov.uk |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Project Assistant: Jesseca Harker, tel 01273 295245.
British Medical Association; NHS Connecting for Health
Joint guidance on protecting electronic patient information
(April 2008)
This joint guidance (4pp) is intended to signpost key guidance concerning responsibilities for protecting patient information.
Personal, organisational, NHS Connecting for Health and NHS responsibilities are outlined, with links to relevant website for full documentation for codes of practice and guidelines.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.bma.org.uk/ap.nsf/Content/protectinginfo
Target group: NHS staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Buckinghamshire County Council
Person Centred Care: Single Assessment Process for Buckinghamshire [author: Cheryl Warren]
[June 2004]
Buckinghamshire County Council ran a series of workshops in June 2004 around the Single Assessment Process for older people. The workshops were aimed at people who work in health, social care or the voluntary
sector and members of the public who were interested in finding out how Single Assessment will affect older people. The powerpoint presentations run at the workshops can be seen via the web link listed below.
If you would like further information on the workshops, you can call the NSF and Single Assessment Assistant on 01296 382550.
Contact Details:
Kerry Stevens, NSF and Single Assessment Coordinator, Adult Social Care - Business and Strategy,
Room 601,
Buckinghamshire County Council,
Walton Street,
HP20 1YU
Tel: 01296 383927 | Fax:
Email: kstevens@buckscc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/care_of_adults/singleassessment/sap_pres.ppt
| http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/care_of_adults/single_assess_process.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Cadmus Newsletters
Interface A directory of the latest partnership ventures between education, healthcare and industry
(June 2005)
A new service to subscribers of the Healthcare Parliamentary Monitor, a health and social care newsletter available from Cadmus Newsletters. Each issue of the Monitor will list the latest sponsorship and
other funding links between private enterprises, universities and the NHS, as they are announced. Interface will briefly describe each scheme or opportunity, giving appropriate contact details. These will range from the very local to national
initiatives; individual enterprise through to multi-national partnerships including research findings, appointments, staff placements, grants and awards, publications, and global links.
Schemes can also be publicised for no charge and contact details are:
David Warwick, 63 Cedar Drive, Chichester PO19 3EJ.
Email: interface@cadmus.co.uk
Tel: 01243 778026
Contact Details:
Rodney Deitch, Managing Editor, 4 Churchill Mews,
Dennett Road,
CR0 3JH.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8665 6700 | Fax: +44 (0)20 8665 6561
Email: cadmus@cadmus.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.cadmus.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09529519
CAF Policy Team,
Department of Health,
Common assessment framework for adults a summary of the consultation on proposals to improve information sharing around multi-disciplinary assessment and care planning
(22 January 2009)
The Department of Health (DH) has launched this consultation on improving the quality and efficiency of care and support through improvements in the sharing and use of information. This summary of the
consultation document (23 pp) outlines the rationale for improving information, building on what is known from developing the Single Assessment Process (SAP); how assessment and care planning should be undertaken (the principles of a common
assessment framework, or CAF); use of shared information from assessment and care and support planning; what information should be commonly shared and with whom; and the information technology (IT) approaches that would enable this to take place
regarding consent, confidentiality and security in accordance with the DH Information Charter. The consultation will be of interest to the general public, as well as health and social care providers. Responses are sought (by 17 April 2009) online
(at http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438), by email (to caf@dh.gov.uk) or by post to: CAF Consultation, Department of Health, Room 123, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG. A summary of responses will
be available before or accompanying further action (at www.dh.gov.uk/Consultations/Responsestoconsultations/index.htm).
Contact Details:
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
Tel: 020 7972 4130 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438)
Target group: All |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: At weblink; otherwise, hard copy (very limied supply, Gateway ref: 11096) from: DH Publications Orderline, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. tel: 08701 555 455 email: dh@prolog.uk.com |  ISBN/ISSN:
CAF Policy Team,
Department of Health,
Common assessment framework for adults a consultation on proposals to improve information sharing around multi-disciplinary assessment and care planning
he Department of Health (DH) has launched this consultation on improving the quality and efficiency of care and support through improvements in the sharing and use of information. This document (91 pp) covers
the rationale for improving information; how assessment and care planning should be undertaken (the principles of a common assessment framework, or CAF); use of shared information from assessment and care and support planning; what information
should be commonly shared and with whom; and the information technology (IT) approaches that would enable this to take place regarding consent, confidentiality and security in accordance with the DH Information Charter. An appendix, on evidence
relating to the benefits reported where the Single Assessment Process has been implemented, is one of a number of references to SAP in this document. The consultation will be of interest to the general public, as well as health and social care
providers. Responses are sought (by 17 April 2009) online (at http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438), by email (to caf@dh.gov.uk) or by post to: CAF Consultation, Department of Health, Room 123, Wellington House, 133-155
Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG. A summary of responses will be available before or accompanying further action (at www.dh.gov.uk/Consultations/Responsestoconsultations/index.htm).
Contact Details:
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
Tel: 020 7972 4130 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438
Target group: All |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: At weblink; otherwise, hard copy (very limited supply, Gateway ref: 11096) from: DH Publications Orderline, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. tel: 08701 555 455 email: dh@prolog.uk.com |  ISBN/ISSN:
Camden PCT
Guidelines for Information-Sharing and Consent Signing with the Single Assessment Process: Camden [author: Jane Taubman]
[Draft 1: Sept 04]
Information sharing guidelines for Camden practitioners to be used in conjunction with the Guidelines for FACE use. Includes instructions for writing, keeping and sending records.
View guidelines
Contact Details:
Jane Taubman REACH Link/SAP implementation,
Camden REACH Team,
Bloomsbury Building,
St Pancras Hospital,
London NW1 OPE
Tel: 020 7530 3584
Mob: 0788 799 4217 | Fax:
Email: jane.taubman@camdenpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.camdenpct.nhs.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Camden is using FACE as paper based assessment tool.
Camden PCT
Guidelines for using FACE assessment forms: Camden [author: Jane Taubman]
[Draft 1: Sept 04]
Explains clearly which FACE forms should be used for different assessment levels. When choosing which forms to use, practitioners should first consider that the depth of assessment should be in proportion to
the needs identified. This means the documents can be used in a flexible variety of orders, though the Background is the basic minimum.
View document
Contact Details:
Jane Taubman REACH Link/SAP implementation,
Camden REACH Team,
Bloomsbury Building,
St Pancras Hospital,
London NW1 OPE
Tel: 020 7530 3584
Mob: 0788 799 4217 | Fax:
Email: jane.taubman@camdenpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.camdenpct.nhs.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance; assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Camden is using FACE as paper based assessment tool.
Camden Primary Care Trust
[Camden PCT SAP workshop training materials]
A set of training materials used at a series of workshops in 2003 around how SAP might operate within various situations such as patient discharge and bathing services might be developed. The training
materials are as follows: ''Bathing beauties'' ; SAP Case Scenarios: Medicines, support at home, and accessing equipment; SAP Medication scenario; SAP overview report, July 2003; SAP Workshop resources guide; SAP NH placement scenario; Case
Scenarios from Monica Riberos.
Sandy Keen & Associates produced the overview report, 'Single Assessmnet Process (SAP) in Camden: main points from the workshops on 11 & 29 April; 7, 9, 14, 20,21, 22, 29 May 2003', The report's content is based on notes taken at the workshops by
independent consultant/observer Margaret Martin. The workshops were facilitated by Sandy Keen and Christy Austin. The report sets out the key learning points identified by participants; identifies key issues and challenges; provides a resource for
senior managers in Camden to promote person-centred care and implement SAP by 2004; and provides a contact list for further activities on SAP.
View documents:
bathing beauties |
Medicines, support at home, and accessing equipment |
Medication scenario |
overview report |
Workshop resources guide |
NH placement scenario |
Case Scenarios from Monica Riberos
Contact Details:
Graham MacDougall,
SAP Project Manager, Camden PCT,
St Pancras Hospital,
St Pancras Way,
London NW1 0PE
Tel: +44 (0)20 7530 3212 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7530 3104
Email: Graham.MacDougall@camdenpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.camdenpct.nhs.uk
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: training material
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Cancer Action Team, Department of Palliative Care, St Thomas' Hospital; King's College London
Holistic common assessment of supportive and palliative care needs for adults with cancer assessment guidance [authors: Alison Richardson, Peter Tebbit, Vivienne Brown, John Sitzia]
(January 2007)
This guidance (21 pp) has been prepared in response to Key Recommendation 2 in "Guidance on cancer services: improving supportive and palliative care for adults with Cancer: the manual" (National Institute for
Clinical Excellence, NICE, 2004). The guidance is for practitioners and managers providing or co-ordinating care of adults with cancer, to enable a unified approach to the assessment and recording of patients' needs. It is designed for healthcare
teams to employ as a benchmark against which current local processes of assessment can be appraised. This document sets out the main features of the holistic assessment and provides the core content of the assessment. The assessment comprises five
domains: background information and assessment preferences; physical needs; social and occupational needs; psychological well-being; and spiritual well-being.
Contact Details:
Justine Palin, Cancer Action Team,
Department of Palliative Care,
St Thomas' Hospital,
Lambeth Palace Road,
SE1 7EH.
Tel: 020 7188 4728 | Fax: 020 7188 4727
Email: justine.palin@gsh.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: palliative care managers/practitioners |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Also available on the Department of Health website at www.dh.gov.uk/cancer |  ISBN/ISSN:
Cancer Action Team, Department of Palliative Care, St Thomas' Hospital; King's College London
Holistic common assessment of supportive and palliative care needs for adults with cancer report to the National Cancer Action Team [authors: Alison Richardson, Peter Tebbit, Vivienne Brown, John
(January 2007)
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) publication "Guidance on cancer services: improving supportive and palliative care for adults with Cancer: the manual" identified barriers in service
provision for patients and carers. This report (38 pp) describes the methods used to develop and test a national specification for the assessment process in supportive and palliative care, and presents the underlying philosophy and principles on
which it is based. It also sets out the framework employed to develop the detailed guidance for healthcare teams. Annex 1 notes the interface with current and future policy initiatives: the Integrated Cancer Care Programme; Skills for Health;
Connecting for Health (including the Do Once and Share programme, DOAS); the Common Assessment Framework (CAF, building on the Single Assessment Process, SAP); and the End of Life Care Initiative. Annex 4 outlines the methods used to develop item
content for domains of need, and lists tools identified in the original scoping exercise.
Contact Details:
Justine Palin, Cancer Action Team,
Department of Palliative Care,
St Thomas' Hospital,
Lambeth Palace Road,
SE1 7EH.
Tel: 020 7188 4728 | Fax: 020 7188 4727
Email: justine.palin@gsh.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: palliative care managers/practitioners |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Also available on the Department of Health website at www.dh.gov.uk/cancer |  ISBN/ISSN:
Capita Conferences endorsed by Help the Aged and BGOP.
Older People's Services : Improving Opportunities, Engagement and Wellbeing
A one day conference to be held on Friday 12th October 2007 in central London (venue tba).
Chaired by Chris Bain, (National Development Manager, Age Concern). Other speakers: Ruth Eley (CSIP, DH); Helen Taylor (Audit Commission); Sarah Giff (Severn Wye Energy Agency); Paul McGarry (Manchester City Council); Sophie Martin (LB Camden);
Bill Wragge (Cotswold DC).
This conference will look at how local authorities and their partners can successfully work together to promote and support the independence and wellbeing of the increasing numbers of older people in their communities.
Contact Details:
Capital Conferences Administration 17 Rochester Row,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7808 5252 | Fax: +44 (0)870 165 8989
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.capitaconferences.co.uk
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £229.13 to £640.38 inc. VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
Capita Conferences in association with Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA),
Planning, Commissioning & Delivering Integrated Services for Older People
A one day conference to be held on 24 February 2006 in central London (venue tba).
Planning, Commissioning & Delivering Integrated Services for Older People is based on extensive research with those involved in planning, commissioning and delivering services for older people, and against the backdrop of the new policy context.
This conference aims to examine through case studies, fine-grained analyses and high-level presentations how best to build a strategic, whole-systems approach to the integrated provision of older people's services.
Chair - David Walden (Director of Strategy, CSCI). Speakers include: Ruth Eley (DH); Janet Crampton (DH), Jo Williams (Mencap); Eryl Davies (Bucks CC); Guy Robertson (POPP Lead, DH); Sheila Bremner (Cambridge City and South Cambs PCT).
Contact Details:
17 Rochester Row,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7808 5252 or 5283 | Fax: +44 (0)870 165 8989
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.capitaconferences.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Capita Conferences in association with Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA),
Single Assessment Process : Moving Forward
A one day conference to be held on Wednesday 31 January 2007 in central London (venue tba).
Chaired by Gillian Crosby, CPA Director with speakers from the Department of Health, NHS Connecting for Health, Help the Aged, various local authorities and a PCT. The agenda has been crafted to help you get to grips with the ongoing challenges of
implementation in the context of the expanding horizons of the SAP programme. There will be case studies on e-SAP and Integrating SAP with chronic disease management agenda. Extended session of questions and discussion.
Contact Details:
Capital Conferences Administration 17 Rochester Row,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7808 5252 | Fax: +44 (0)870 165 8989
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.capitaconferences.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £411.25 to £640.38 inc. VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
Capita Conferences in association with Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA),
Single Assessment Process : Ongoing Implementation and the Implications of CAF
A one day conference to be held on 11 July 2006 in central London (venue tba).
Keynote address: "SAP & CAF in the Wider Policy Context" by Craig Muir, (Director, Older People and Disability Care Services Directorate, Department of Health). Speakers include: Jan Hoogewerf, (Project Director, National e-SAP, NHS Connecting For
Health); Keith Strahan (Co-Chair Pan-London SAP, Lead Joint Manager SAP Hounslow Council); Keith Wilson, (Adviser, Institute of Healthy Ageing); and others. Two streams in the afternoon: a Case Study of e-SAP with Karen Banks, SAP Project Manager,
Sunderland Teaching PCT and Pauline Hobson, Modern Matron & Business Change Lead, Sunderland Teaching PCT; or, a Common Assessment Framework panel session with three Panellists and Panel Chair, Gillian Crosby, CPA Director.
Contact Details:
17 Rochester Row,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7808 5252 | Fax: +44 (0)870 165 8989
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.capitaconferences.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Care Asset Management Ltd
A better way to fund care A public information DVD on the issues of care fee funding [CareAware]
CareAware is a non-profit making public information and advisory service specialising in issues relating to funding long term care for older people. Its objectives are to improve public understanding and
knowledge about the care system, to reinforce the rights and choices of the individual and to assist the public and professionals on the complex issues associated with care provision. The aim of this DVD is to be a means of education, training and
marketing within an organisation, and can be used in a variety of settings. Copies are available for a modest charge and personalised versions of the DVD can be produced, both on the DVD and on the wallet which contains it. ITN were commissioned
to produce the DVD with an introduction by television newsreader, Martyn Lewis.
Contact Details:
CareAware Helpline PO Box 8
M30 9NY
Tel: 08705 134925 | Fax:
Email: enquiries@careaware.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.careaware.co.uk
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: DVD; training packs/guides
Availability / Price: £2.99 per DVD; complimentary copy may be available. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Care Record Development Board
Introduction to the Care Record Guarantee for NHS staff [author: Care Record Development Board]
(July 2006)
This is a 4 page introductory document to the revised Care Record Guarantee first published in 2005, and which was to be regularly reviewed following feedback to the Care Record Development Board. Rights and
responsibilities of patients and NHS staff are highlighted.
View introduction.
Contact Details:
Harry Cayton, Chair, Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@cfh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: download or hard copies available upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care has taken over the functions of the Care Record Development Board (CRDB) which closed at the end of September 2007 Chair is Harry Cayton.
Website: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/nigb
Care Record Development Board
The Care Record Guarantee Our guarantee for NHS care records in England [author: Care Record Development Board]
(July 2006)
The Care Record Guarantee (12 pp) sets out the commitment of the NHS in its use of patient information as the health service in England moves towards a national electronic records system - the NHS Care Records
Service. Patients have the right to confidentiality under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the common law duty of confidence (the Disability discrimination and the Race Relations Acts may also apply);; and to ask for a
copy of all records about themselves (a fee may be payable). There is a brief description about the NHS Care Records Service and its progress to date. Rights of patients are given in 12 stated commitments and the responsibilities of the patients
are contained in 6 stated principles. Plans for the future of the NHS Care Records Service are outlined.
There is a 4-page introductory document to the revised Care Record Guarantee which was first published in 2005, and which is to be regularly reviewed following feedback to the Care Record Development Board. The rights and responsibilities are
More information about rights under the Data Protection Act can be obtained from The Office of the Information Commissioner, see website link.
View guarantee.
Contact Details:
Harry Cayton, Chair, Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@cfh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb
| http://www.informationcomissioner.gov.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: download or hard copies available upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care has taken over the functions of the Care Record Development Board (CRDB) which closed at the end of September 2007 Chair is Harry Cayton.
Website: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/nigb
Care Services Improvement Partnership - CSIP, Department of Health - DH
Reviewing the Care Programme Approach 2006 a consultation document
(November 2006)
The Care Programme Approach (CPA) was introduced in 1990 to provide a framework for effective mental health care for people with severe mental health problems. The importance of close working between health
and social care services was stressed, as well as the need to involve service users and their carers in assessing and planning service users' support and care. Significant developments since 1999 (e.g. the National Service Framework for Mental
Health), coupled with evidence pointing to the need for improvements has prompted this review, led by Pat Holman. The overall aim is that CPA should be underpinned by a set of agreed common values and principles. This consultation asks who should
the CPA be for; and proposes that national competencies should be identified for the role of care co-ordinator. Other sections consider: continuity of care; service user and carer engagement and involvement; physical health and social outcome needs;
choice in mental health; clinical risk assessment and management; tackling bureaucracy; and measuring and improving quality. Annexes include current definitions for the CPA, and on the CPA in relation to the Common Assessment Framework for Adults
(CAF), which notes that CAF will build on experience to date from implementing the Care Programme Approach and the Single Assessment Process (SAP).
Contact Details:
Dawn Fleming, London Development Centre,
11-13 Cavendish Square,
W1G 0AN.
Tel: 020 7307 2450
020 7307 2431 (Good practice pro forma) | Fax: 020 7307 2432 (Good practice pro forma)
Email: cpareview@londondevelopmentcentre.org | 
Web links: www.nimhe.csip.org.uk/cpa
Target group: mental health voluntary sector; MH workers/ carers |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: Web link; downloads; or by post, e-mail or telephone, quoting ref 278106. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Also available accompanying this (44pp) consultation document is a summary of consultation questions and proposals (3 pp). Comments on the consultation are invited by 19 February 2007.
A pro forma (2pp) seeks information on examples of positive practice when using the Care Programme Approach.
Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP) Department of Health
Individual Budgets Pilot Project A joint programme between the Department of Health, the Office for Disability Issues, the Department for Work and Pensions, and the Department for Communities and Local
The Individual Budgets Pilot programme was launched on the 21st November 2005. It will last for 2 years. Thirteen local authorities are piloting Individual Budgets: Barnsley, Barking & Dagenham; Bath & NE
Somerset; Coventry; Essex; Gateshead; Kensington & Chelsea; Leicester; Lincolnshire; Manchester; Norfolk; Oldham; and West Sussex.
The Individual Budget approach involves a number of different strands of income that people might use to support themselves. Each pilot site is looking at a combination of income streams. All are including social care funding, and combinations of:
Independent Living Fund, Supporting People, Community Equipment, Disabled Facilities Grants and Access to Work.
The Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP) team supporting the Individual Budget Pilot programme is providing progress reports on implementation and occasional newsletters. There is a separate team evaluating the IB projects: The Social
Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at York; The Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) at Kent, LSE and Manchester; and The Social Care Workforce Research Unit (SCWRU) at KIng's College London. There is more information about the Individual Budgets
Evaluation Network (IBSEN) at a dedicated website.
Contact Details:
Sheila Stirling Self Directed Support
Care Services Improvement Partnership,
Gateway House, Room 259,
Piccadilly South,
Manchester M60 7LP
Tel: 0161 237 2952 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.individualbudgets.csip.org.uk
| http://www.ibsen.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: pilot; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP), Social Care Programme, Department of Health
Common Assessment Framework why have a Common Assessment Framework?
This weblink is part of the Social Care Programme's information on implementing the White Paper, "Our health, our care, our say : a new direction for community services" (Cm 6737, January 2006)
Among reasons for having a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) are the difficulties arising from having separate approaches for adults, e.g. Single Assessment Process (SAP) for older people, and the Care Programme Approach (CPA) for people with
mental health needs. The aim is thus to remove the artificial boundary of "older age" and provide a person-centred approach throughout adult life. This Web page notes that in developing CAF, "it will be important to build on expertise to date"
from implementing CPA, SAP and Person Centred Planning.
A previous version of the weblink (accessed 3 November 2006) outlined the Social Care Team's intentions regarding the Common Assessment Framework (CAF), and are outlined in the general entry for the Care Services Improvement Partnership- (CSIP)
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.socialcare.csip.org.uk/index.cfm?pid=7
Target group: HAs/LAs |  Type / Format: website; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP), Social Care Programme, Department of Health
CSIP Telecare eNewsletter [Care Serivces Improvement Partnership]
Monthly online newsletter available free of charge through subscribing to the email address. It is available in Word or PDF format; archive issues available on website. CSIP's monthly Telecare eNewsletter
brings you essential information to support building telecare in your area. Useful weblinks given and recent local developments in telecare. For example, May 2007 issue contents:-
1 Hi-Tech Home Healthcare - demonstrator sites announced
2 Telecare and telehealth references (update)
3 Support for local telecare implementation - did you reach your 2006-7 CSCI projections?
4 Preparing for mainstreaming - charging
5 Transforming community equipment services
6 Other recent publications and press releases
7 Telecare and falls
8 Telecare resources move to ICN website
9 Access to CSIP services
10 Telecare events
Contact Details:
Care Services Improvement Partnership
133 - 155 Waterloo Road,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: telecare@csip.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.cat.csip.org.uk/telecare
Target group: |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: online |  ISBN/ISSN:
Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP), Social Care Programme, Department of Health
Self Assessment Project
The work to develop a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) includes a commitment to allow people to self-assess wherever possible. This weblink introduces the Self Assessment Project, and comprises links to:
A press release (2006/0283), "Self-assessment schemes put patients in control: - 11 new pilots launched to explore self-assessment for people with long-term needs";
Self Assessment pilot sites: summaries and council contact details;
Links to information on the Self Assessment Project evaluation being carried out by PSSRU;
and presentations from the Self Assessment Pilot workshop held on 18 September 2006.
The pilots are based in the following local authorities:: Birmingham, Bristol, Croydon, Kingston upon Hull, Hammersmith & Fulham, Nottinghamshire, St Helens, Kingston upon Thames, Barnet, East Riding of Yorkshire, and Derby.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.socialcare.csip.org.uk/index.cfm?pid=81
Target group: |  Type / Format: website; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Central Cheshire PCT
Single Assessment Process Milestone: April 2004
21 frames for a basic level of training in SAP awareness-raising, with accompanying material.
Details of a day's training workshop. Glossary. Case studies. A-Z list of abbreviations (and mnemonics). Site implementation schedule.
View documents:
presentation |
glossary |
abbreviations guide - introduction |
abbreviations guide |
case study 1 |
case study 2 |
person centred care |
training plan |
posters |
welcome letter
Contact Details:
Ms Chris Douglas, SAP Lead, Central Cheshire PCT HQ,
Barony Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1270 415364 (DH direct)
+44 (0)1270 415484 (CD direct) | Fax:
Email: chris.douglas@ccpct.nhs.uk |  Dennis.Harthern@ccpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.ccpct.nhs.uk
Target group: PCT |  Type / Format: powerpoint; glossary; case study; strategy
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Dennis Harthern is the Learning & Development Officer, at HR & Learning, Central Cheshire PCT.
Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care, University of Hertfordshire
Evaluation of the Single Assessment Process pilot phase in Hertsmere executive summary: Draft Version 1.1 [authors: Angela Dickinson, Karen Windle]
This report (20 pp) provides a summary of the findings of the evaluation of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) pilot phase undertaken in Hertsmere PCT. The process and policy background behind SAP is
explored, headline findings are given, and recommendations made for developing the tools of the SAP as it is implemented across Hertfordshire. Many of the recommendations are based on ideas provided by those managers, front-line staff, service users
and carers involved in the pilot phase.
The University of Hertfordshire was commisioned to undertake the evaluation.The evaluation was funded by Hertfordshire Adult Care Services. A successful application was made to HertNet for additional funding for the project.
Key collaborators: Gunna Mahadevan, Janet Lewis, Noel Knopp.
View evaluation
Contact Details:
Dr Angela Dickinson Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care University of Hertfordshire,
College Lane,
AL10 9AB
Tel: 01707 285993 | Fax: 01707 285995
Email: a.m.dickinson@herts.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Hertsmere Primary Care Trust, Potters Bar Community Hospital, The Elms Clinic, High Street, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 5DA. Tel: 01707 647586.
Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care, University of Hertfordshire
The electronic Single Assessment Process an evaluation of initial implementation, Hertfordshire [authors: Angela Dickinson, Jenny Cove, Noel Knopp, Karen Windle]
(September 2005)
The evaluation considered the following research question: What are the experiences of health and social care professionals who are using the eSAP? This report (44 pp) on the local electronic Single Assessment
Process implementation in Hertfordshire
is based on 22 interviews and one focus group (of 5), variously with district nurses, intermediate care, social work and acute hospital staff; mental health team staff chose not to participate. The electronic tool is initially being trialled in the
Welwyn and Hatfield PCT area.
Overall, the evaluation found three major themes that had an impact on implementation of SAP: the process of implementation policy and change; the health and social care boundary; and communication and sharing of assessments.
The findings indicate that many challenges remain for those charged with implementing this policy, and that practitioners need effective support: they should not be expected to make the transition unaided. Recommendations for practice include issues
around: education, training and support; management support; working together; and improving assessment practice. Recommendations are also made for further research.
The University of Hertfordshire was commissioned to undertake the evaluation.The evaluation was funded by Hertfordshire Adult Care Services.
View evaluation
Contact Details:
Dr Angela Dickinson Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care University of Hertfordshire,
College Lane,
AL10 9AB
Tel: +44 (0)1707 285993 | Fax: +44 (0)1707 285995
Email: a.m.dickinson@herts.ac.uk | 
Web links: www.herts.ac.uk/cripacc
Target group: SAP managers, policymakers; researchers |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1905313098
Change Agent Team, Health and Social Care, Department of Health,
Single assessment and care co-ordination [author: Change Agent Team, Health and Social Care, Department of Health - DH]
Powerpoint presentation (34 slides) being used by the Change Agent Team at workshops at various SHA locations from June 2004 onwards. The presentation includes: looking at Policy Annex G of the January 2004
Guidance; legislation permitting partnership approaches; hints on care co-ordination in mental health; further guidance on care co-ordination; tasks for groups to carry out at the workshops; and a list of websites.
Contact Details:
Seamus Breen, Single Assessment Lead, Room G09,
Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: 0779 5120943 (SB mobile)
0207 210 5077/5005 | Fax:
Email: Seamus.Breen@doh.gsi.gov.uk |  change_agent_team@doh.gsi.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.changeagentteam.org.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Change Agent Team, Health and Social Care, Department of Health,
Single assessment process and self assessment [author: Seamus Breen]
Powerpoint presentation delivered at the Progress of the Single Assessment Process conference, 12 January 2005. The presentation covers the key principle of SAP, NHS improvement plan, today's reality, new
challenges, empowering, self assessment, and possible ways forward. It concludes with a request for practitioners to email Seamus Breen with examples where the principles of SAP have been extended to empowering older people to do their own
assessments, or to obtain services without direct contact with the PCT or local authority.
View presentation.
Contact Details:
Seamus Breen, Single Assessment Lead, Room G09,
Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: 0779 5120943 (SB mobile)
0207 210 5077/5005 | Fax:
Email: Seamus.Breen@dh.gsi.gov.uk |  change_agent_team@doh.gsi.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.changeagentteam.org.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint; assessment
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Changing Workforce Programme, NHS Modernisation Agency,
Toolkit for local change : patient and staff perspective physical illness
This is one of a series of tools (Tool 13a) to support local implementation of role resdesign which are listed in the Role design directory of tools. This tool should be used during the early design and
planning stages of a new or amended role to help generate lateral thinking. The video contains three case study scenarios which provide material for discussion on service delivery and role redesign. The scenarios are designed to deliberately
emphasise points for debate, therefore some characters or scenes may seem over-exaggerated. Time required is suggested at between 30 - 60 minutes for this exercise. The three scenarios are 'Tell me again Mrs Foley' - The patient perspective;
'Those are the roles' - The staff and patient perspective; 'A new role for Mr Cole' - The staff perspective.
Contact Details:
2nd Floor,
Heron House,
322 High Holborn,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: cwptools@doh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.modern.nhs.uk/newwaysofworking
Target group: HA |  Type / Format: video; case study; toolkit
Availability / Price: To order please email. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Cheshire and Merseyside Teaching PCT Collaborative
Enhancing patient assessment in the Single Assessment Process [authors: Celia Sinnott, Liz Copley, Lisa Ellis]
(September 2005)
Cheshire and Merseyside Teaching PCT Collaborative (CMTPCT) was commissioned to review what was happening with the Single Assessment Process (SAP) across Cheshire and Merseyside, and to design an educational
framework to enhance the process of person-centred assessment at multidisciplinary and multi-agency level. The findings of the review highlight key themes including: cultural change; team working; assessment skills; joint or partnership working;
roles and responsibilities; involvement of service users and carers; legal requirements; Caldicott; data protection; and confidentiality.
This report (72 pp) by CMTPCT Education Facilitators focuses on developing and enhancing SAP competency, addressing inconsistencies found across the region. Local and national sources were used for gathering information, amongst which the Centre
for Policy on Ageing's SAP training database and discussion forum are acknowledged. The report suggests course programmes and examples of teaching and learning strategies and training resources for enhanced assessment. Appendices summarise progress
with training, continued training needs and inter-agency responsibilities in each locality.The information supplied has been taken from reports during 2004 by: David Walker, Co Chair SAP Sub Group, Warrington; Helen Smith and Janet Dunn, Halton;
Claire Moss, Knowsley and Linda Thorley, St Helens SSD/PCT; and Terry Sullivan, Wirral Social Services.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.cmtpct.nhs.uk/documents/SAP/SAPfinalDocument.doc
Target group: Health and social care professionals |  Type / Format: policy; strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
City and Hackney NHS Teaching PCT; Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust
Single Assessment Process for MAPSS Project (version 3.3)
Documentation relating to a mapping exercise undertaken by London Borough Hackney authorities and in conjunction with Information for Social Care, DH project.
view document
Contact Details:
Eve Oldham, SAP Project Manager St Leonard’s Hospital,
Nuttall Street,
N1 5LZ
Tel: 020 7301 3000 (switch)
020 7683 4121 (direct) | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: HA/LA/PCT |  Type / Format: process map; strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: Other contacts: Natasha Cooper (Manager of the LBH Access Service and Chair of the SAP Steering Group). Tel: 020 8356.5610 e-mail: natasha.cooper@hackney.gov.uk
City and Hackney NHS Teaching PCT; Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust
Single Assessment Process information pack for pilot sites
(January 2004)
29 pages plus a sample completed "contact form" and "overview form" for a fictitious client and a user information leaflet outlining the service and user rights. Attached is SAP pilot training agenda.
to view document use weblink below
Contact Details:
Eve Oldham, SAP Project Manager St Leonard’s Hospital,
Nuttall Street,
N1 5LZ
Tel: 020 7301 3000 (switch)
020 7683 4121 (direct) | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hackney.gov.uk/soc-sap-pilot-pack.doc
Target group: PCT |  Type / Format: case study; publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: Other contacts: Natasha Cooper (Manager of the LBH Access Service and Chair of the SAP Steering Group). Tel: 020 8356.5610 e-mail: natasha.cooper@hackney.gov.uk
City and Hackney NHS Teaching PCT; Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust
Single Assessment Process training programme February - March 2004
Outline of training programme for SAP. A 2.5 hour session which introduces SAP to staff to prepare for implementation.
Contact Details:
Eve Oldham, SAP Lead St Leonard’s Hospital,
Nuttall Street,
N1 5LZ
Tel: 020 7301 3000 (switch)
020 7683 4121 (direct) | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: Other contacts: Natasha Cooper (Manager of the LBH Access Service and Chair of the SAP Steering Group). Tel: 020 8356.5610 e-mail: natasha.cooper@hackney.gov.uk
Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection (CHAI)
Code of practice on confidential personal information [author: Healthcare Commission]
(January 2005)
The purpose of this Code is to promote understanding of the Commission's obligations and practices and to provide reassurance about their use of personal information necessary to enable them to carry out their
work. As such, it is an example of good practice in sharing confidential personal information. 45 pages.
Contact Details:
103-105 Bunhill Row,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7448 9200 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7448 9222
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.healthcarecommission.org.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance; policy
Availability / Price: FOC download |  ISBN/ISSN: 1845620097
Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI)
Code of Practice in Relation to Confidential Information [author: Commission for Social Care Inspection]
Code (10 pp) plus two Appendices (9 pp) drafted as required under Section 141 of the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003. The Code will be reviewed annually and the next scheduled
review is due in October 2005.
Contact Details:
33 Greycoat Street ,
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7979 2000 | Fax: +44 (0) 20 7979 2111
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.csci.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: policy; guidance;
Availability / Price: http://www.csci.org.uk/about_csci/data_protection/cop_confidential_info.pdf |  ISBN/ISSN:
Community Care
Community Care Live Social Care Conference & Exhibition : Adult Care Services Do you work in Adult Care Services?
Community Care Live Adult Care Services is your chance to engage in the big debates, hear from key decision makers and learn from best practice. A one day event, completely free, to be held on 25 January
2007, at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London. Register online or by telephone.
Contact Details:
Tel: 0870 787 3815 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.communicare.co.uk/live
Target group: |  Type / Format: conferences
Availability / Price: free of charge |  ISBN/ISSN:
Community Care
Positive outcomes Research on the outcomes valued by older people and the methods providers use to achieve them is analysed [author: Jane Maddison]
An article in Community Care, 11 January 2007, pp 32-33.
This article summarises research on the outcomes valued by older people and lessons learned from authorities developing outcomes-focused services for older people in England and Wales. The research was commissioned by the Social Care Institute for
Excellence (SCIE) and carried out by the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of York and Acton Shapiro. Further information including a download of the report (Outcomes-focused services for older people) can be obtained from
SPRU's website, details given. For information on training for authorities wishing to develop an outcomes approach consult the Acton Shapiro website.
The author has provided questions about this article to guide discussion in teams. These can be viewed from (www.communitycare.co.uk/prtl) and individuals' learning from the discussion can be registered on a free, password-protected training log
held on the site.
Contact Details:
Jane Maddison, Senior Researcher Tel: | Fax:
Email: Jane@actonshapiro.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/spru/pubs/ccatreps.htm
| http://www.actonshapiro.co.uk
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: download report/summary |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Community Care Magazine
An injection of social care Social workers must tell their health sector counterparts how they can contribute to multi-disciplinary practice - otherwise they risk losing their professional identity
[author:Daisy Bogg]
An article in Community Care, 29 March 2007, pp 30-31.
This article examines the social work role in partnership trusts. As a profession, the author writes, we have become disenfranchised and cannot afford to rest on our laurels. Professional identity is placed at risk only if we let it. As we move
towards integration, the validity of the social care perspective becomes ever more vital in the switch to person-centred care. The author is a Consultant Practitioner in mental health social care for Bedfordshire & Luton Partnership Trust. The
author has provided questions about this article to guide discussion in teams; these can be viewed at the website link given below. (KJ)
Contact Details:
Daisy Bogg, Consultant Practitioner in mental health social care Tel: | Fax:
Email: daisy@bogg.eclipse.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.communicare.co.uk/prtl
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Community Care Magazine
Directors call for strong leadership to hasten move to electronic records (workforce news) [author: Mithran Samuel]
A news item in Community Care, 12 April 2007, p8.
This bulletin reports on a poll, commissioned by the former ADSS and answered by 134 of the 150 councils, which found 94 per cent of authorities had partially implemented electronic case management systems, but there were several barriers to full
implementation. David Johnstone, of the new ADASS, is leading on this issue which will ensure it is considered at the next executive meeting and is then likely to call for a national framework for care records standards.
Contact Details:
Mithran Samuel Tel: | Fax:
Email: mithran.samuel@rbi.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.communicare.co.uk/prtl
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Community Care Magazine
We can help you integrate The Integrated Care Network is supporting practitioners in meeting the demands of the new era in social care [author: Bob Hudson]
An article in Community Care, 22 February 2007, pp 32-33.
Social care is at the heart of many of the key developments in public services reform and the next few years will herald further chagne in service commissioning and delivery. The Integrated Care Network (ICN) seeks to assist local agencies and
professionals in addressing the partnership agenda that arises from these reforms nad has produced a range of supporting materials. This article describes four linked publications that address the role of social care in the changing policy context.
Contact Details:
Bob Hudson Tel: | Fax:
Email: bob@hudsonb.fsworld.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.communicare.co.uk/prtl
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Cornwall County Council/Cornwall Partnership NHS Trust
A shared care pathway for people with dementia [in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly] [author: Cornwall County Council/Cornwall Partnership NHS Trust]
This shared care pathway is a step-by-step, multidisciplinary, multi-agency, planned approach to care delivery for people with dementia. It stresses a needs-led person-centred approach and the requirement for
ongoing objective assessments. It is intended that the pathway will form a central part of training programmes for delivering health and social care.
The pathway is made up of a number of elements with their guidance notes: aid to recognition; meeting the needs of carers; managing behaviour that challenges; moving from one environment to another; management of cognitive enhancing medication;
discharge pathway from acute hospital care. A range of appendices provide more detailed practice guidance.
It is designed to be a dynamic, continuously developing document, responding to changes in evidence and experience. Comments regarding the content and usefulness of the pathway are invited, and a feedback form is included in the document.
Contact Details:
Mike Langshaw, Social Services HQ,
County Hall,
Treyew Road,
TR1 3AY.
Tel: +44(0)1872 323658 | Fax: +44(0)1872 323817
Email: mlangshaw@cornwall.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/social/default.htm
| http://www.cornwall.nhs.uk/cornwall_partnership_trust/
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Available on request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Produced with the aid of Health Action Zone funding by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly health and social care communities.
Counsel and Care
Care, support and dignity : making the Single Assessment Process work [author: Professor Ian Philp]
(Spring 2007)
A brief article in Generations, news and views from Counsel and Care, Spring 2007 issue, p3.
Professor Philp reiterates the underlying principle of the process as one that should be centred on the needs, views and objectives of the person accessing services, as well as their family and carers. Furthermore, he believes that SAP is as
relevant in 2007 as it was in 2002 when it was first introduced.
Contact Details:
Professor Ian Philp, National Director for Older People, Department of Health Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.counselandcare.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Counsel and Care
Real choice, real voice : older people in control Counsel and Care Policy discussion paper 2 [author: Caroline Bernard]
(January 2007)
This policy discussion paper (second in a series of 3) looks at how care services can be reshaped to deliver the goals of the health and social care White Paper - Our health, our care, our say. The smarter
commissioning of advice, advocacy and information, early intervention, Individual Budgets and Direct Payments, and telecare, the paper argues, are key to delivering the original Independence, well-being and choice vision set out by the Government.
Contact Details:
Caroline Bernard Twyman House,
16 Bonny Street,
London NW1 9PG
Tel: | Fax:
Email: advice@counselandcare.org.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: report
Availability / Price: foc download |  ISBN/ISSN:
Counsel and Care supported by housing21
Cutting Corners or Cutting Costs? Assessing the value of early intervention in older people's services
A one day conference held on 16 November 2006, at the Barbican Centre, London.
A major priority for ministers in the Department of Health and the new Department for Communities and Local Government is to encourage social services, housing departments and the NHS to develop more early intervention services. The rationale is to
enhance older people's quality of life and save on future costs of care. This Counsel and Care conference seeks to provide a forum for delegates to debate the future of early intervention services and to learn from best practice. Keynote speech:
Ivan Lewis MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department of Health, "The future of early intervention services for older people".
Contact Details:
Marijana Sevic, Westminster Advisers Ltd.,
48 Westminster Palace Gardens,
1-7 Artillery Row,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7227 1643 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7222 9501
Email: marijana@westminsteradvisers.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.counselandcare.org.uk
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: Early booking rate: £225 and after 8 September: £255 |  ISBN/ISSN:
County Durham SAP Steering Group
County Durham Single Assessment Process - Contact Assessment
8 page document. DRAFT (SAP1).
Contact Details:
Brenda Peppin - SAP Lead/Chair of Steering Group, Derwentside PCT,
Shotley Bridge Community Hospital,
Co. Durham
Tel: +44 (0)1207 594458 | Fax: +44 (0)1207 594438
Email: brenda.peppin@derwentside.pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.derwentside-pct.nhs.uk
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: download WP.doc |  ISBN/ISSN:
County Durham SAP Steering Group
County Durham Single Assessment Process Steering Group - Terms of Reference
3 page document.
Contact Details:
Brenda Peppin - SAP Lead/Chair of Steering Group, Derwentside PCT,
Shotley Bridge Community Hospital,
Co. Durham
Tel: +44 (0)1207 594458 | Fax: +44 (0)1207 594438
Email: brenda.peppin@derwentside.pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.derwentside-pct.nhs.uk
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: download WP.doc |  ISBN/ISSN:
Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority, Workforce Directorate
A strategy for joint staff development [author: Celia Granell]
(9 July 2003)
Cumbria and Lancashire SHA Workforce Directorate's Single Assessment Education, Training and Development Group has compiled this strategy (4 pp). The strategy forms the over-arching framework, which will
support the delivery of an education and trainng plan, together with the formulation of tools to meet the needs of education delivery, the target education group and local priorities.
View strategy.
Contact Details:
Celia Granell, Clinical Development Manager for Older People and Primary Care, Workforce Directorate,
Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority ,
Preston Business Centre,
Watling Street Road,
PR2 8DY.
Tel: +44 (0)1772 645701
+44 (0)1772 645700 (switch) | Fax: +44 (0)1772 401007
Email: celia.granell@clha.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP trainers |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority, Workforce Directorate
Leadership through change support pack [author: Rachael Rogers]
Rachael Rogers has compiled this pack (32 pp and an accompanying CD), which aims to support managers (team leaders, ward managers, nurse managers, etc) in successfully leading their teams through a major
change initiative, Single Assessment. The exercises included are based on the top three "levels" or "layers" of Robert Dilts' "Logical Levels of Change" model: values and beliefs, identity, and mission. Later exercises are based on the other layers
of Dilts' model. The capability exercise concerns detailed training needs analysis to identify specific needs and cross reference these to availalble training. Behaviour and environment (or context) exercises relate to SAP documentation (protocols,
guidelines, and managing paperwork or computer system).
Appendices include listings of SAP pilot sites for possible staff visits and useful websites.
The Leadership Guides designed by the Modernisation Agency, and Catherine Webster, Redesign Lead form Performance Improvement Lancashire and Cumbria Strategic Health Authority are among sources credited. The accompanying CD includes:some items from
the Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA) website; local SAP pilot sites; Leadership Guides; government guidelines; and other presentations mentioned in the documentation.
View support pack
| View contents of cd-rom
Contact Details:
Celia Granell, Clinical Development Manager for Older People and Primary Care, Workforce Directorate,
Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority ,
Preston Business Centre,
Watling Street Road,
PR2 8DY.
Tel: +44 (0)1772 645701
+44 (0)1772 645700 (switch) | Fax: +44 (0)1772 401007
Email: celia.granell@clha.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Team leaders/managers |  Type / Format: pack, cdrom
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Rachael Rogers compiled training materials such as this, while on a 12-month secondment as Single Assessment Training Co-ordinator with Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority's Workforce Directorate.
Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority, Workforce Directorate
Single assessment [author: Rachael Rogers]
This Powerpoint presentation (18 frames) is designed to raise awareness of Single Assessment. It explains what SAP is and where it comes from; explains how Single Assessment will improve older people's
services and support person-centred care; and outlines the implications of Single Assessment for staff.
A later, shorter version (16 frames) is also available.
View presentation.
Contact Details:
Celia Granell, Clinical Development Manager for Older People and Primary Care, Workforce Directorate,
Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority ,
Preston Business Centre,
Watling Street Road,
PR2 8DY.
Tel: +44 (0)1772 645701
+44 (0)1772 645700 (switch) | Fax: +44 (0)1772 401007
Email: celia.granell@clha.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Rachael Rogers compiled training materials such as this, while on a 12-month secondment as Single Assessment Training Co-ordinator with Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority's Workforce Directorate.
Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority, Workforce Directorate
Single assessment locality training plan template [author: Rachael Rogers]
This template (5 pp) outlines: the national and local contexts for Single Assessment; local objectives; and training objectives for everyone from service users and carers to senior managers; The main section,
training content and delivery, emphasises the requirement for staff to work across professional and organisational boundaries, to re-evluatte their roles, and increase integrated working. The roles and responsibilities of everyone from the older
person/carer to the project manager are stated. A last short section covers evaluation.
View template.
Contact Details:
Celia Granell, Clinical Development Manager for Older People and Primary Care, Workforce Directorate,
Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority ,
Preston Business Centre,
Watling Street Road,
PR2 8DY.
Tel: +44 (0)1772 645701
+44 (0)1772 645700 (switch) | Fax: +44 (0)1772 401007
Email: celia.granell@clha.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP trainers |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Rachael Rogers compiled training materials such as this, while on a 12-month secondment as Single Assessment Training Co-ordinator with Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority's Workforce Directorate.
Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority, Workforce Directorate
Single Assessment Process training toolkit [author: Rachael Rogers]
Rachael Rogers has compiled this toolkit (52 pp and an accompanying CD), which is aimed at providing one point of reference for the mateirals developed to support the implementation of Single Assessment
Porcess (SAP). It contains materials developed by Celia Granell and Rachael Rogers at the Workforce Directorate of Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority, as well as several other materials developed by colleagues in the field. Authorship
of the materials is acknowledged wherever appropriate. The pack is divided into four sections:
Planning and Strategy - covering Cumbria and Lancashire wide strategy and training plan, and locality training plan templates;
Awareness raising - staff and public awareness;
Supporting SAP Roll-out - refers to the SAP awareness presentation, and resources such as the SAP Pack (Sheffield First for Health), and the "Cold tea" and "Mrs Fowley" videos, also case studies;
Ongoing development supporting SAP Principles, a section which lists training packages that are relevant to the principles of person-centred care, holistic care, seamless provision of care, joint and integrated working, development of staff roles,
supporting independence for older people, and involvement of older people in the development of services.
Appendices include listings of pilot sites for possible staff visits, useful websites, and contact details for Older People LITs and SAP sub-groups.
View toolkit document
| View toolkit resource disc
Contact Details:
Celia Granell, Clinical Development Manager for Older People and Primary Care, Workforce Directorate,
Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority ,
Preston Business Centre,
Watling Street Road,
PR2 8DY.
Tel: +44 (0)1772 645701
+44 (0)1772 645700 (switch) | Fax: +44 (0)1772 401007
Email: celia.granell@clha.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP trainers |  Type / Format: toolkit, cdrom
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Rachael Rogers compiled training materials such as this, while on a 12-month secondment as Single Assessment Training Co-ordinator with Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority's Workforce Directorate.
Cumbria County Council; Morecambe Bay Primary Care Trust
Single assessment guidelines [for the] Single Assessment Process (SAP) [author: Julian Legat]
(March 2004)
These guidelines (24 pp) are for health and social services staff in South Cumbria. They have been jointly developed by Cumbria County Council and Morecambe Bay Primary Care Trust via a joint SAP Guidance Task
Group. The guidelines include: a description of the single assessment and how people will benefit from it; a set of shared values and principles that staff should adopt; flowcharts describing the single assesment process (SAP); a description of
arrangements for information sharing; a glossary of terms used; and an appendix giving examples of how different agencies are adopting the process.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/elibrary/view.asp?ID=4077
| http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/elibrary/view.asp?ID=4418
Target group: health and social services staff |  Type / Format: guidance; glossary
Availability / Price: Available as downloads: Web Link1, 24 pp; Web Link 2, A5 size handbook (using colour). |  ISBN/ISSN:
Cumbria & Lancashire Workforce & HR Directorate (formerly WDC), Cumbria & Lancashire SHA,
Cold Tea introduction to single assessment [produced by: Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority Workforce Directorate]
(August 2004)
"Cold Tea" is a video (running time: 17 minutes) based on primary care, and has been adapted from the Changing Workforce programme video. Its overall aims are to introduce Single Assessment, outline the
benefits of Single Assessment, and encourage staff to consider the implications of Single Assessment. The video is directed towards staff working in Primary Care and has two scenarios: one of Service-Led Care (which quite often staff will mistake
for person-centred care); and the same scenario enacted as Person-Centred Care. It is a video which will spark discussion, and advocates person centredness, integrated working and person-held records for patients or service users. The video is
accompanied by facilitators' notes.
See also entry for the DVD, 'Listen to what I'm saying': person centred care and the Single Assessment Process (produced by Age Exchange), on which this film is also available.
Contact Details:
Celia Granell, Clinical Development Manager for Older People and Primary Care, Cumbria and Lancashire Workforce and HR Directorate, Cumbria and Lancashire SHA,
Preston Business Centre,
Watling Street Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1772 645701 (direct)
+44 (0)1772 645700 (switch) | Fax:
Email: celia.granell@clha.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT staff |  Type / Format: video
Availability / Price: Outside Cumbria and Lancs, £30.00 per copy. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: 421 Productions, tel 07971 123874.
Darlington Social Services Department
Assorted documents to support the Single Assessment Process
April 2005
A collection of 15 documents in support of the Single Assessment Process in Darlington including an information sharing protocol, person held record content sheet, 2 day training programme, pre-training
planning day, facilitator's timetable, buddy list, flow chart, GP practice referral form, learning and development framework, summary care plan, care plan reassessment, summary of need, contact assessment and overview assessment form and guidance,
Information sharing protocol
| contents of person held record
| training programme
| pre-training planning
| facilitator's timetable
| buddy list
| flow chart
| GP referral form
| learning and development framework
| summary care plan
| care plan reassessment
| summary of need
| overview assessment
| overview assessment guidance
Contact Details:
Lynn Walker, Social Services SAP lead, Darlington Social Services Department,
Central House,
Gladstone Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1325 346258 | Fax:
Email: lynn.walker@darlington.gov.uk |  win.suggett@darlingtonpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://gold.darlington.org.uk/Default.htm
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: assessment; guidance; care plan
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Win Suggett is SAP Lead, Darlington PCT, tel 01325 746237
See also Good Practice listing.
Darlington Social Services Department
Single Assessment Process - contact assessment (DRAFT form)
5 page form (SAP 1)
View draft form
Contact Details:
Lynn Walker, Social Services SAP lead, Darlington Social Services Department,
Central House,
Gladstone Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1325 346258 | Fax:
Email: lynn.walker@darlington.gov.uk |  win.suggett@darlingtonpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://gold.darlington.org.uk/Default.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: Other contact: Win Suggett is SAP Lead, Darlington PCT, tel 01325 746237
See also Good Practice listing.
Darlington Social Services Department
Single Assessment Process - overview assessment (DRAFT form)
30 page form (SAP Overview)
View draft form
Contact Details:
Lynn Walker, Social Services SAP lead, Darlington Social Services Department,
Central House,
Gladstone Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1325 346258 | Fax:
Email: lynn.walker@darlington.gov.uk |  win.suggett@darlingtonpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://gold.darlington.org.uk/Default.htm
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: Other contact: Win Suggett is SAP Lead, Darlington PCT, tel 01325 746237
See also Good Practice listing.
Darlington Social Services Department
Single Assessment Process local partnership policy document 2005
April 2005
This document provides a comprehensive overview of the implementation of SAP in Darlington including an Introduction, Policy Statement, Scope, Aims, Values, Definitions, Responsibilities, the Implementation
Process , Support, Monitoring and Review and Referenced Documents/Websites
The document includes a number of appendices covering Key Implication for Older People, Social Workers, Nurses, Therapists, General Practitioners, Geriatricians & Old Age Psychiatrists as well as Key Attributes of the Single Assessment Process;
Shared Values of the Single Assessment Process and a SAP Glossary of Terms.
View document
Contact Details:
Lynn Walker, Social Services SAP lead, Darlington Social Services Department,
Central House,
Gladstone Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1325 346258 | Fax:
Email: lynn.walker@darlington.gov.uk |  win.suggett@darlingtonpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://gold.darlington.org.uk/Default.htm
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: Strategy; Plan; Report; Protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Win Suggett is SAP Lead, Darlington PCT, tel 01325 746237
See also Good Practice listing.
Dementia Care Matters
Changing cultures in Dementia Care training programme 2004-2005
Workshops written and faciliated by David Sheard and team members.
Leadership in person centred dementia care
Advanced dementia care training skills
Merevale House - a journey in Person Centred Care
Contact Details:
Pat Kite, Training Administrator, Dementia Care Matters,
29 Bloomsbury Place,
East Sussex
Tel: +44 (0)1273 297865 | Fax:
Email: pat@dementiacarematters.com | 
Web links: http://www.dementiacarematters.com
Target group: practitioners |  Type / Format: course
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: In partnership with the European Institute of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Surrey (UniS). Venues for training are London, Birmingham and York.
Department of Health
A new ambition for old age next steps in implementing the National Service Framework for Older People; a report from Professor Ian Philp, Director for Older People, Department of Health
(20 April 2006)
This report (24 pp) by the Director for Older People, Department of Health describes progress to date with the government's ten-year National Service Framework (NSF) for Older People, and sets out the
priorities for the second phase. Ten programmes are introduced under three themes: Dignity in care; Joined-up care; and Healthy ageing. Programme 8 - Care records (p14) - covers implementation of the Single Assessment Process (SAP). This section
of the report notes that there has been extensive engagement of health and social care practitioners and managers who have agreed local solutions to meeting SAP requirements. It refers to the White Paper, "Our health, our care, our say" (Cm 6737;
TSO, 2006), which states that a Common Assessment Framework will be developed as a needs assessment for all adults with long-term conditions. Its aims are:
to simplify and extend the SAP approach to all adults with long-term conditions;
to fit SAP implementation into the wider work across local and national government in developing personalised and integrated record systems;
and to ensure that comprehensive assessment is undertaken prior to long-term or residential nursing home care.
It is likely, though, that SAP leads will prefer to use the related Resource document, which includes the text of this report, augmented, and with Appendices and Annexes
Contact Details:
DH Publications Orderline,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 0870 155 54 55 | Fax: 01623 724524
Email: dh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/13/39/47/04133947.pdf
Target group: SAP leads |  Type / Format: policy; strategy
Availability / Price: As download, or as printed item, FOC, quoting Ref 274287, from the above address |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Prof Ian Philp's Office, Department of Health, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NL. Tel 020 7210 5916
Department of Health
A new ambition for old age next steps in implementing the National Service Framework for Older People: resource document [author: Ian Philp]
(20 April 2006)
This resource document (62 pp) from Professor Ian Philp, National Director for Older People, Department of Health sets out the priorities for the next phase of reform under three themes: Dignity in Care,
Joined-Up Care and Healthy Ageing. It consists of ten programmes driven nationally and covers the second half of the 10 year National Service Framework for Older People. Programme 8 - Care records (p17) - covers implementation of the Single
Assessment Process (SAP). It notes that there has been extensive engagement of health and social care practitioners and managers who have agreed local solutions to meeting SAP requirements. It refers to the White Paper, "Our health, our care, our
say" (Cm 6737; TSO, 2006), which states that a Common Assessment Framework will be developed as a needs assessment for all adults with long-term conditions. Its aims are:
to simplify and extend the SAP approach to all adults with long-term conditions;
to fit SAP implementation into the wider work across local and national government in developing personalised and integrated record systems;
and to ensure that comprehensive assessment is undertaken prior to long-term or residential nursing home care.
This document includes the text of the related report (same title, 24 pp), augmented, and with Appendices and Annexes. It outlines the contents of previous reports relating to the NSF; and refers to examples of work on implementing the NSF in some
Contact Details:
DH Publications Orderline,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 0870 155 54 55 | Fax: 01623 724524
Email: dh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/13/39/91/04133991.pdf
Target group: SAP leads |  Type / Format: policy; strategy; guidance
Availability / Price: As download, or as printed item, FOC, quoting Gateway Ref 5601, from the above address. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Prof Ian Philp's Office, Department of Health, Room 155, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NL. Tel 020 7210 5916
Department of Health
Assessment tools and accreditation
(21 July 2004)
In 2003, the Department of Health established an accreditation process for off-the-shelf assessment tools that have been developed by independent bodies for national use in overview assessment of older
people's needs under the Single Assessment Process (SAP). An independent Accreditation Panel evaluated tools against a set of criteria, as listed in this document. Following the last meeting of the Panel on 7July 2004, six tools have now achieved
full accreditation: CAT Electronic Version; EASYcare Version 2004; FACE for Older People V.3; MDS Home Care Version 2.3; NOAT; and STEP. Tools that applied for accreditation but were unsuccessful were: CANE - the Camberwell Assessment of Needs for
the Elderly; CAT Paper Version; MANCAS - the Manchester Care Assessment Schedule; and SAT - the Suffolk Assessment Tool.
While PCTs, Care Trusts and SSDs can be confident in opting to use any of the accredited tools, this document reminds localities that other approaches to SAP overview assessment are legitimate, and that they may wish to develop their own assessment
tools for local use, using the January 2002 guidance (HSC 2002/001; LAC(2002)1) as a framework, or use a "checklist" approach ensuring that all domains of the SAP guidance are covered during an overview assessment.
View document
Contact Details:
Judy.McCallum, Finance and Office Manager, Department of Health,
Health and Social Care Change Agent Team,
Wellington House,
Room LG33,
135-155 Waterloo Road,
SE1 8UG.
Tel: 020 7972 1330 | Fax: 020 7972 4349
Email: Judy.McCallum@dh.gsi.gov.uk |  change_agent_team@doh.gsi.gov.uk
Web links:
Target group: PCTs/SSDs |  Type / Format: guidance; assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Care management for older people with serious mental health problems
This document (3 pp) relates to the Care Programme approach (CPA), which should be applied to older people with severe mental illness due to schizophrenia or other psychoses. The assessment of their needs
should be based on the Single Assessment Process (SAP) for older people. SAP, plus critical aspects of CPA, should be applied to other older people with severe functional or organic mental health problems, who, were they younger, would be provided
for under CPA. The application of CPA to older people with depression, dementia and other mental health problems is detailed in an annex.
View document
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: Mental health |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Current Summary Record (formerly known as the Single Assessment Summary) introductory note; flowchart; and Current Summary Record [form]
The Current Summary Record (CSR) is the means by which case information on an older person is stored and shared, subject to consent and confidentiality, among health and social care professionals. The change
of name from the Single Assessment Summary is explained in the introductory note and the flowchart. - that is to say, that unlike an assessment, which will be fixed in a point in time, the CSR should show the most up-to-date information.
View documents: introductory note
| flowchart
| current summary record
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Available as downloads only. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Developing services for minority ethnic older people : the audit tool
Practice guidance for councils with social services responsibilities, in support of "From lip service to real service" (Department of Health, 2001).
This audit tool has been prepared in the context of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF), to act as practice guidance for all councils with social service responsibilities and other local stakeholders aiming to improve services for
minority ethnic older people. The main part of the audit tool is a diagnostic questionnaire covering: understanding minority ethnic older people's issues; minority older people and access; services; and providing a suitable workforce.
download document
Contact Details:
Department of Health
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: audit tool; guidance
Availability / Price: download only |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Department of Health.
Guidance on the single assessment process for older people; [and] Guidance for local implementation Health service circular HSC 2002/001: Local authority circular LAC (2002)1 [Author: Denise
(28 January 2002)
The single assessment process (SAP) for older people was introduced in the National Service Framework for Older People. Its purpose is to ensure that older people receive appropriate, effective and timely
responses to their health and social care needs, and that professional resources are used effectively. This guidance clarifies key points in Chapter 2 of the National Service Framework (NSF), and has three parts. The first part comprises summaries
of the key implications of the guidance for the following groups: older people, social workers and care managers, nurses in a range of settings, therapists, general practitioners (GPs), geriatricians and old age psychiatrists. The second part,
Guidance for local implementation, summarises what local NHS and councils need to do. The third part, Annexes, give details on a range of implementation and practice matters, including the criteria that localities should use when reviewing and
reporting on their progress with implementation. These Annexes are : Annex A , Key attributes of the soingle asessment process; Annex B, Key implications for older people and professionals; Annex C, Criteria for evaluating local approaches in
assessment and implementation milestones; Annex D, Shared values; Annex E, Stages of assessment; Annex F, The domains of the single assessment process; Annex G, Joint working arrangements; Annex H, Assessment and admission to care homes for older
people; Annex I, The single assessment summary; and Annex J, A strategy for joint staff development. Final progress reviews are to be completed by 1 April 2004, when the single assessment process will be implemented.
View guidance
| View annexes
Contact Details:
Department of Health (SAP),
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 0870 155 5455 | Fax: 01623 724524
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Also available as download. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Independence, choice and risk a guide to best practice in supported decision making
(21 May 2007)
This best practice guide (72 pp) is for everyone involved in supporting adults (aged 18+) using health and social care in any setting, community or residential, in the public, independent or voluntary
sectors. This includes all NHS staff working in multi-disciplinary or joint teams. The aim is to support empowerment through managing choice and risk. The executive summary and Section 1 introduce the ideas behind the guide: good approaches to
choice and risk; and the practicalities of managing risk in relation to choice. The document discusses how good approaches to risk and choice fit in with other policies and practices - for example, dementia and mental health problems - and with the
needs of others such as carers. Throughout, good practice examples illustrate the points being made and suggest other sources for information. Annexes include a supported decision tool, cases that illustrate issues and solutions, and a glossary.
The Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP) have produced some learning and development materials for use within localities in line with this guidance(available at www.socialcare.csip.org.uk/index.cfm?pid=6), the Risk Management Framework.
Contact Details:
DH Publications Orderline,
PO Box 777.
SE1 6XH.
Telephone: 0870 155 54 55 (8 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday )
Fax: 0162 372 45 24
Tel: 0870 155 54 55 (8 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday ) | Fax: 0162 372 45 24
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_074773
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance; toolkit
Availability / Price: Links to main item (72 pp) and Executive summary (6 pp) as for Web link; also available from DH Publictions Orderline |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Caroline Godleman, CSIP (Risk Framework), 07979 713 235 (m), (e-mail: caroline.godleman@dh.gsi.gov.uk) availble to support any activity around this work until the end of June.
Department of Health
Information sharing
(January 2004)
One of the supporting requirements for implementation of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) is that assessment information on individual older people be collected, stored and shared as effectively as possible
and subject to consent, using the Single Assessment Summary (i.e. Current Summary Record) or a local variant. This note explains the position of SAP in the national programme for IT in general and the NHS Care Records Service in particular. Links
to other related materials can be accessed electroncially. An annex on local good practice approaches to SAP focuses on interim information sharing solutions in the following areas: Bedfordshire and Luton; Cambridgeshire; Devon. Plymouth and
Torbay; and Solihull.
View document
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/08/63/64/04086364.pdf
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Available as download only. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Information sharing protocols - briefing note
(July 2004)
There is a lot of general guidance available on the various aspects of information sharing, which can be difficult to apply to SAP specifically. This paper is intended to provide a route map for developing and
implementing information sharing policies for SAP. It includes references to national guidance, and examples of local protocols, policies and more detailed materials are embedded within the document. These protocols and policies have been developed
to meet particular local needs, and provide good models from which to work. This paper also includes responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on consent, which were raised at the Department of Health SAP roadshows in February and March
[This 12 page document is large (7.5Mb) having a number of other documents embedded within it.]
View briefing note
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Available as download only. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Living well with dementia - the National Dementia Strategy joint commissioning framework for dementia [author: Claire Goodchild]
(June 2009)
The National Dementia Strategy (NDS) is committed to provide support for commissioners. This Joint Commissioning Framework (79 pp) provides best practice guidance for commissioners to support implementation of
the NDS within the context of World Class Commissioning and Putting People First. It refers to the 17 key objectives for services that should be available locally to all under the NDS, of which a joint commissioning strategy is Objective 14.
Annexes include weblinks to guidance for the 17 objectives by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE); a template for assessing local dementia needs; development of
dementia matrices by the South East Coast Strategic Health Authority; and weblinks to other references.
Contact Details:
Claire Goodchild, Social Care Policy and Innovation,
Department of Health,
Wellington House,
135-155 Waterloo Road,
SE1 8UG.
Tel: | Fax:
Email: Claire.goodchild@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: www.dh.gov.uk/dementia
| www.dhcarenetworks.org.uk/dementia
Target group: commisisoning managers |  Type / Format: guidance; strategies
Availability / Price: Download:: http://www.dhcarenetworks.org.uk/_library/Resources/Dementia/National_Dementia_Strategy_-_Joint_Commissioning_Framework.pdf |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Making it happen pilots, early implementers and demonstrations
(18 October 2006)
The White Paper, "Our health, our care, our say : a new direction for community services" (Cm 6737, January 2006) introduced, among other things (in Para 5.26), the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) which is
in place for children's services. The White Paper acknowledges that "we have already developed a Single Assessment Process for older people's services".
"Making it happen" (Web link 1) accompanies the report, "Our health, our care, our say: making it happen" (Web link 2), which provides an update on progress on implementation of the White Paper. The use of pilot and demonstration sites enables the
development of good practice and increases awareness of practical risks and issues that could affect implementation of a wider roll-out. The involvement of local partners, from both the statutory and non-statutory sector, will help develop an
understanding of the contributions and opportunities offered by effective engagement of such diverse providers. This brief document provides details of those demonstration sites and pilots currently in operation; it will be periodically updated.
Pilots of interest to the SAP community include:
Development of the Common Assessment Framework (self assessment pilots): St Helens, East Riding of Yorkshire, Kingston upon Hull, Derby, Nottinghamshire, Birmingham, Barnet, Hammersmith & Fulham, Kingston upon Thames, Croydon, and Bristol;
Long-term conditions; integrated care and assistive technology (ICAT) demonstration sites: 3 sites proposed, and expressions of interest from PCT and local authority partnerships are soon to be invited;
Individual budgets: Gateshead, Oldham, Manchester, Barnsley, Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, Coventry, Norfolk, Essex, Kensington & Chelsea, Barking & Dagenham, West Sussex, and Bath & North East Somerset;
Partnerships for Older People Projects (POPPs) Northumberland, Knowsley, Manchester, Wigan, Bradford, Leeds, North Lincolnshire, North Yorkshire, Sheffield, Worcestershire, Luton, Norfolk, Brent, Camden, Southwark, East Sussex, Dorset, Somerset and
Contact Details:
David Gilbert, Our health, our care, our say Programme Team,
Department of Health
Richmond House
79 Whitehall
Tel: 020 7210 5787 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/14/00/41/04140041.pdf
| http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/14/00/65/04140065.pdf
Target group: HAs/LAs |  Type / Format: briefing; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
National service framework for older people: [main report]; executive summary; and Medicines for older people: implementing medicines-related aspects of the NSF for older people [pack cover title]:
Modern standards and service models: national service frameworks: older people (author: Department of Health)
3 volumes in pack.
This National Service Framework (NSF) sets out eight standards for the care of older people in all settings across health and social services. These are: rooting out age discrimination; person-centred care; intermediate care; general hospital care;
stroke; falls; mental health for older people; and the promotion of health and active life in older age. The main report also describes how it is expected that the NSF will be delivered locally; and sets out "milestones", performance measures for
assessing progress, and programmes supporting implementation. Most older people take prescribed medicines as part of their treatment; the medicines document describes how the use of medicines for and by older people can be improved. The executive
summary outlines the eight standards and milestones. The NSF has been developed from advice of an External Reference Group (ERG), co-chaired by Ian Philp and Denise Platt, Chief Inspector, Social Services Inspectorate (SSI), supported by nine task
groups examining different aspects of older people's health care.
Contact Details:
Department of Health,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 0800 555 777 | Fax: +44 (01)1623 724524
Email: doh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_4003066
Target group: SSD/PCT/HA |  Type / Format: book; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Single Assessment Process: assessment scales
(2 January 2004)
Advice is given on scales for many of the sub-domains of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) which localities may wish to consider. However, the scales listed are not endorsed by the Department of Health (DH).
This document also includes an extensive list of general references. It draws attention to specialist information sources for assessing dementia, the needs of minority ethnic older people, case finding, and contact assessment. Three examples
demonstrate different aspects of good practice, where the use of different types of assessment and different scales is involved: using a scale within general practice; understanding old age, needs and race; and joint and non-judgemental working in
the case of challenging behaviour arising from dementia.
View assessment scales
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/07/32/78/04073278.pdf
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Available as download only. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Single Assessment Process for older people: audit of progess up to 1 April and further developments during 2004/05 final version
(26 March 2004)
Localities should audit their progress in implementing SAP up to April 2004, and, where necessary, identify further developments during 2004/05. While this is a stand-alone document, it draws on two further
documents: 'Requirements for April 2004' and 'Supplementary checklist for implementation'. The self-audit template that is included enables localities to review their progress. An annex reproduces the checklist questions from the 'Supplementary
checklist for implementation' document. These questions cover: inter-agency responsibility;, person-centred assessment and care planning; training, information sharing and IT support for SAP; and care co-ordination.
View document
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/08/06/40/04080640.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: audit tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Single Assessment Process for older people: requirements tor April 2004 annex to letter, April 2004 milestone
(April 2004)
The letter from Antony Sheehan, Director of Care Services notes a key milestone in the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF), that from 1 April 2004, the systems and processes needed to underpin
the Single Assessment Process (SAP) need to be in place in local health and social care systems. The annex summarises what localities should have in place to achieve successful implementation of SAP, and refers the reader to other documents on the
Department of Health SAP website, particularly Questions and Answers (Questions 1 to 3) and Information Sharing.
View letter
| View requirements
Contact Details:
Professor Antony Sheehan, Director of Care Services Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/08/06/44/04080644.pdf
Target group: SHA Chief Executives, Directors of Social Services |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Single Assessment Process for older people: supplementary checklist for implementation
This document (7 pp) is intended to support local health and social care communities facing particular difficulites in inplementing SAP and reaching the 1 April 2004 milestone. It includes checklists of
questions. each acompanied by a commentary, on the following: inter-agency responsibility; person-centred assessment and care planning; training, information sharing and IT support for SAP; and care co-ordination. The checklists have wider
applicability, and can be used to inform the Audit of Progress that localities are asked to complete by June 2004 in regard to the 1 April milestone.
View checklist
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: audit tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health,
Supporting people with long term conditions liberating the talents of nurses who care for people with long term conditions [author: Department of Health - DH]
(1 February 2005)
Nurses play a central role in caring for people with long-term conditions. This paper (30pp) describes some of these roles, paying particular attention to the new clinical function of community matron. It
presents examples in practice of experiences in implementing case management, including Evercare and Unique Care.
Contact Details:
Department of Health,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 08701 555 455 | Fax:
Email: dh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/10/24/98/04102498.pdf
Target group: Nurses |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: FOC from the above address, or as download. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: Professional Leadership Team, Room 5W06, Quarry House, Quarry Hill, Leeds LS2 7UE. Tel 0113 254 6057.
Department of Health,
Supporting people with long term conditions an NHS and social care model to support local innovation and integration [author: Department of Health - DH]
(5 January 2005)
The NHS and social care model is a blueprint to support local NHS and social care organisations in improving local services to people with long-term conditions. It draws on existing successes and innovations
for the NHS and social care and international experience, to help local health communities to develop a more integrated systematic approach. This "Improving care, improving lives" document (44pp) includes examples of case management and
disease-specific care management to illustrate how the model should work.
View document
Contact Details:
Department of Health,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 08701 555 455 | Fax:
Email: dh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links:
Target group: Nurses |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: FOC from the above address, or as download. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: Long Term Conditions Team, Room 4N26, Quarry House, Quarry Hill, Leeds LS2 7UE. Tel 0113 254 6070
Department of Health,
The Community Care Assessment Directions 2004 Local Authority Circular LAC(2004)24
(26 August 2004)
These Directions come into force on 1 September 2004, and place existing good practice and guidance on conducting care assessments and care planning within a legal framework. This circular also notes that
carers are entitled, under the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000, to request an assessment of their needs in supporting the person they care for. It is also good practice that an assessment is offered to a carer who is going to be involved in
providing part of the care package. However, a carer's refusal of the offer of an assessment should not be used as a reason to exclude the carer from assisting with care planning.
View circular
Contact Details:
Policy Management Unit,
Area 233-237,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
SE1 8UG,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: |  OPDenquiries@doh.gsi.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/08/83/70/04088370.pdf
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
The national service framework for long-term conditions [author: Department of Health - DH]
(March 2005)
This national service framework (NSF) sets eleven quality requirements for health and social care services for people with long-term neurological conditions to live as independently as possible. Much of the
guidance in this document (107pp) can also apply to anyone living with a long-term condition. The quality requirements are: a person-centred service; early recognition, prompt diagnosis and treatment; emergency and acute management; early and
specialist rehabilitation; community rehabilitation and support; vocational rehabilitation; providing equipment and accommodation; providing personal care and support; palliative care; supporting family and carers; and caring for people with
neurological conditions in hospital or other health and social care settings. This NSF is supported by a web-based NSF good practice guide, an NSF information strategy, a leaflet for the public and glossary of terms (see www.dh.gov.uk/longtermnsf).
Contact Details:
DH Publications Orderline,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 08701 555 455 | Fax:
Email: dh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links: www.dh.gov.uk/longtermnsf
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: book; guidance
Availability / Price: Web link as above, or FOC from the above address. Also available in Braille, audio cassette tape, disk and large print (ref 265109). |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: Older People and Disability Policy Management Unit, Care Services Division, Department of Health, Room 8E30 Quarry House, Quarry Hill, Leeds LS2 7UE.
Department of Health
The NHS in England: the operating framework for 2007/08 guidance on preparation of local IM&T [information management and technology] plans
(22 December 2006)
The NHS operating framework for 2007/08 (Annex 1) identified the need for sustained focus on information management and technology (IM&T) in the NHS to deliver better care. From 2007/08 onwards, IM&T
investment and exploitation will form part of mainstream NHS planning in support of health and service priorities and reform.
This document (14 pp) provides supplementary guidance to all NHS Chief Executives, provides supplementary guidance to the NHS on the development of local IM&T plans in support of health and service priorities and reform. With the shift to a
self-improving system, the accent is on local ownership and leadership for the local IM&T agenda, which also needs a set of national expectations and exploits the National Programme for IT (NPfIT). The content has implications for implementing
e-SAP and the Current Assessment Framework (CAF), even if neither are mentioned.
Contact Details:
Richard Jeavons, Director of IT Service Implementation, Department of Health,
Richmond House,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: NHS Chief Executives |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Use of the NHS Strategic Tracing Service (NSTS) by councils with social services responsibilities (CSSRs) (Local authority circular, LAC (2004)15)
The NHS Strategic Tracing Service (NSTS) enables NHS organisations to trace patients, confirm their unique identifier (the NHS nunber), and access administrative information about them. A small number of
councils with social services responsibilities (CSSRs) have been piloting the use of the NSTS for two years. The pilots have demonstrated that significant benefits can be gained from having such access, particularly in terms of improving the
accuracy of records. Access will facilitate the linking of health and social service records for initiatives integrating services such as the Single Assessment
Process and the Electronic Social Care Record. The importance of security and confidentiality of the NSTS and its data is stressed. This letter (30 pp) announces a new agreement to allow CSSRs to obtain and verify NHS numbers for social services
clients (at the cost of £950 + VAT per quarter, until 30 June 2006, when the circular is cancelled). The circular contains 2 appendices: Data access agreement; and Business justification and application for access.
Contact Details:
Department of Health,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 08701 555 455 | Fax: 01623 724 524.
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/PublicationsAndStatistics/LettersAndCirculars/fs/en
Target group: SSD Directors/Caldicott guardians |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: FOC from any of the above. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: To discuss detail of this letter or its content, contact Phil Kirby, NSTS Account Manager, tel 07733 310675, e-mail Phil.Kirby@atosorigin.com ; or Sarah Perkins, tel 07733 312475, e-amail Sarah.Perkins@atosorigin.com
Department of Health -DH
The Whole System Demonstrator Programme (WSDAN)
(October 2008)
WSDAN has been commissioned by the Whole System Demonstrator Programme at the Department of Health and through the Department of Health’s Policy Research Programme. The Whole System Demonstrator Programme is
considered to be the largest control trial of telecare and telehealth in the world. The findings from the trial over the next two years will provide valuable evidence for the implementation of telecare and telehealth across health, housing and
social care.
The Department of Health's Programme Manager for this important project, Tim Ellis, is now presenting a regular update on progress of WSDAN site jointly run by CSIP Networks and the King's Fund for the Department. To register for these updates go
to the website link below.
Contact Details:
WSD Action Network
c/o The King's Fund
11-13 Cavendish Square
Tel: | Fax:
Email: wsdnetwork@kingsfund.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wsdactionnetwork.org.uk/about_wsdan/index.html
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Website announcement made on 1/10/08 at:-
Department of Health - DH
A recipe for care - not a single ingredient Clinical case for change : report by Professor Ian Philp, National Director for Older People [author: Professor Ian Philp]
(29 January 2007)
The Director for Older People, Department of Health reports on certain aspects in implementing the National Service Framework (NSF) for Older People in this document (12 pp). He offers a five-point plan for
older people's care. First, early intervention and assessment of old age conditions. Second, long-term conditions management in the community, integrated with social care and specialist services. Third, early supported discharge from from hospital;
and whenever possible delivering care closer to home. Fourth, general acute hospital care whenever needed, combined with quick access to new specialist centres. Lastly, partnerships built around the needs and wishes of older people and their
families. To illustrate these five key elements, the report cites examples of successful treatment of falls and fractures. If replicated elsewhere, the prospect of services such as those offered by community hospitals such as Livingstone Hospital
Rehabilitation Unit in Kent, is likely to be an attractive for many older people.
Contact Details:
DH Publications Orderline,
PO Box 777,
London SE1 6XH
Tel: 08701 555 455 | Fax: 01623 724 524
Email: dh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links: (www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsLibrary/Publicationslibrarysearchresults/index.htm?&selection=1
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: strategies
Availability / Price: FOC download (publication ref. 279044). |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Prof Ian Philp's Office, Department of Health, Room 155, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NL. Tel 020 7210 5916
Department of Health - DH
Common assessment framework for adults demonstrator site programme Overview of phase 1 sites [CAF Policy Team, Department of Health - DH]
This provides an overview of the CAF demonstrator site programme which has been prepared in collaboration with the demonstrator sites by the CAF Policy Team. This programme will develop and test improved
information sharing across health, social care and wider community support services. The ten sites are: Barnsley, Camden, Hampshire, Lincolnshire, London Health & Social Care Integration Project, Rochdale, Shropshire, Stockport, Warwickshire,
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: caf@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: Download from website:
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: electronic pdf format only |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
Common assessment framework for adults demonstrator site programme Phase 2 [CAF Policy Team, Department of Health - DH]
This programme will develop and test improved information sharing across health, social care and wider community support services. The ten sites are: Barnsley, Camden, Hampshire, Lincolnshire, London Health &
Social Care Integration Project, Rochdale, Shropshire, Stockport, Warwickshire, Westminster.
The local authority circular will be published shortly formally inviting Council led partnerships to make expressions of interest for phase 2 of the CAF for Adults programme. The prospectus for phase 2 will be at www.dh.gov.uk/caf when it is
available. A series of events will be held in July for potential applicants for the second phase of the Common Assessment Framework for Adults Demonstrator Site Programme.
Interested parties can reserve a place on these events via:
It is anticipated that the prospectus outlining requirements for Phase 2 Sites will be published in July. The focus on Phase 2 sites will be to cover areas not addressed by the Phase 1 sites.
Phase 2 update website:
This provides an overview of the Common Assessment for Adults Demonstrator Site Programme.
The deadline for expressions of interest is 12 October 2009. These should be sent using the Phase Two Application form - details on the website.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: caf@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dhcarenetworks.org.uk/News/NewsItem/?cid=5702
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: electronic pdf format only |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
Everybody's Business Integrated mental health services for older adults: a service development guide [authors: Care Services Improvement Partnership - CSIP, Department of Health - DH]
November 2005
This set of documents are a web-based resource to support commissioners and health and social care practitioners, and should be used as a set - the Guide with the five briefings (Key messages for
commissioners; Information for Commissioners; Information for Service Users and Carers; Information for Health and Social Care Professionals; and, Information for Providers). The aim of the Service Development Guide is not to develop new policies,
but improve health and social care practice at the front line, so that older adults with mental health problems, and their carers, have their needs met wherever they are in the system, without encountering discrimination or barriers to access. The
Guide builds on the service models outlined in the National Service Framework for Older People (May 2001) and supports the principles promoted in the "vision" document, Securing Better Mental Health for Older Adults (8 pp June 2005) (website to
download is given below). There is also an Older People's Mental Health Mapping framework, launched in November 2005 to coincide with this Guide, which will support local commissioning decisions by providing national benchmarking for local
services. This Guide then is supported by a comprehensive web-based resource, including the mapping framework, which provides further information for anyone involved in health and social care for older people with mental health problems. The
dedicated web site also includes guidance on best practice, local service examples and links to relevant policy.
Contact Details:
Kate Hardy, Older People & Disability Division,
Directorate of Care Services,
Department of Health,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7972 4039 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.everybodysbusiness.org.uk
| http://www.dh.gov.uk/policyandguidance/healthandsocialcaretopics/olderpeoplesservices
Target group: HA/LAs |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Download resource |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
Launch of 11 pilot schemes to test self-assessment for people with long-term needs [author: Department of Health - DH]
(4 August 2006)
People with long term health and social care needs will be able to assess their own support needs and apply directly for services to help them, due to 11 new pilots announced by Care Services Minister Ivan
Lewis on 4 August. Annotated press release given below.
The ground-breaking new projects will explore the scope for enabling people to self assess their need for support from a range of services, such as equipment, home care, standard housing adaptations and low-level preventative services.
The successful councils are:
- London Borough of Barnet
- Birmingham City Council
- Bristol City Council
- Croydon Council
- Derby City Council
- East Riding of Yorkshire County Council
- London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham
- Kingston Upon Hull City Council
- Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames
- Nottinghamshire County Council
- St. Helens Metropolitan Borough Council
Some pilots involve a focus on people arranging their own care, as well as those in receipt of formal health and social care. There is also a focus, in a number of pilots, on groups in the community whose needs can be difficult to meet, including
minority ethnic groups, carers and people living in rural areas.
In all cases, self-assessment will be introduced as an additional point of access for local services, rather than a replacement for traditional ways of accessing services.
The pilots will launch in October 2006 and run until 30 September 2007.
View press release
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.gnn.gov.uk/environment/fullDetail.asp?ReleaseID=218918&NewsAreaID=2&NavigatedFromDepartment=False
| http://www.gnn.gov.uk/environment/mediaDetail.asp?MediaDetailsID=172936&NewsAreaID=2&ClientID=46&LocaleID=2
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The full press release can be read at the first above website link. The second website link is to a download file on the pilot scheme.
Department of Health - DH
National framework for NHS continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care in England Consultation document [author: Department of Health]
19 June 2006
This is the main consultation document and it is one of eight documents that can be downloaded from the Department of Health's website. The other documents are: Core values and principles; Partial RIA
(Regulatory Impact Assessment); Public information leaflet; Slide show presentation (powerpoint); Decision-support tool; Covering letter; and, Public consultation events schedule.
These documents in this consultation detail the proposals for a National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care in England. This National Framework has two main purposes. Firstly, it sets out a single policy on who
should receive NHS funding, be that fully funded NHS Continuing Healthcare (where the NHS funds the whole care package) or NHS-funded Nursing Care (where the NHS is responsible for the nursing required from a registered nurse in a care home).
Secondly, it proposes a standard process for assessing eligibility for these services, to help support consistent decision-making.
The deadline for the consultation is: 22 September 2006. Contact details for responses to the consultation are as follows: Simon Medcalf at the Department of Health (address below).
Contact Details:
Simon Medcalf Room 116,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
SE1 8UG.
Tel: | Fax: +44 (0)20 7972 4202
Email: national.continuing.care@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Closedconsultations/DH_4139205
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: electronic format only |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
NHS Number in Social Care [news alert] [Department of Health - DH]
(October 2008)
It was announced on 3rd October 2008 that Ministers have decided the NHS Number may be used by social care for linking user records. The NHS Number must be used in the NHS for linking health records in line
with local plans. The NHS Number is the only National Unique Patient Identifier in operation in the NHS. Using the NHS Number makes it possible to share patient information safely, efficiently and accurately across NHS organisations. See website
below for further information.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/systemsandservices/nhsnumber/staff
Target group: LAs/HAS |  Type / Format: protocols
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Website announcement made on 3/10/08 at :-
Department of Health - DH
POPP Project profiles [Partnership for Older People]
(16 November 2005)
The Department of Health's Older People and Disability Division is leading a project 'Partnerships for Older People Projects' (POPP). The project's strategic aim is to test and evaluate innovative approaches
that sustain prevention work, in order to improve outcomes for older people. Of the 19 pilot projects being established (during 2006/07 and 2007/08), four include the Single Assessment Process (SAP) as part of their remit: East Sussex (Independence
First); Leeds (Service redesign for Older people with mental health needs); North Yorkshire; and Brent (Integrated Care Co-ordination Service). This document (65 pp) describes the 19 pilots, some of which have a mental health focus.
UPDATE given in the social work magazine Community Care, issue 7 December 2006, p10.
Pilot schemes providing these innovative preventive services are already showing evidence of the economic benefits of earlier intervention, reported Ivan Lewis (Care Services Minister). This would help influence 2007/08 comprehensive spending
review. Lewis also announced the areas to be given a share of £18.5m for the second phase of the programme which starts in 2007. The areas are Rochdale, Tameside, Calderdale, Leicestershire and Rutland, Croydon, West Sussex, Kent, North Somerset,
Devon and Gloucestershire.
POPP Newsletter available from CSIP website - (issue January 2008 no 2) link given below.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/12/26/23/04122623.pdf
| http://www.changeagentteam.org.uk/index.cfm?pid=218&catalogueContentID=3084
Target group: |  Type / Format: case study
Availability / Price: Available as download only. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
POPPs wants to hear about early intervention services [Department of Health]
To expand its large body of practice and evidence about effective preventative services, the Partnerships for Older People Projects (POPPs) programme would like to hear about any interesting practice you are
undertaking on prevention and early intervention. The programme is interested in hearing about the following:-
Information, advice, advocacy and brokerage services
Involving older people in governance, commissioning, evaluation and service planning
Initiatives to challenge stereotypes and to positively strengthen older people's citizenship rights
Community development approaches
Public health or other lifestyle initiatives
Intermediate care
Case finding and early intervention
Crisis response services
Joint case management of people with long term conditions or complex needs
Reducing admissions to care homes or hospital
Step down from hospital and supported hospital discharge.
Please email your examples to info.prevention@dh.gsi.gov.uk. Examples which involve joint working or 'whole system' approaches, and those where there are demonstrable efficiency gains (or savings) are particularly welcome.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: info.prevention@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
Shifting care closer to home Care Closer to Home demonstration sites - report of the speciality subgroups [author: Speciality sub groups of the Care Closer to Home Demonstration Sites Project ]
(23 October 2007)
The White Paper - Our Health, Our Care Our Say : a new direction for community services is the background to this development; but should also be considered alongside Professor Ian Philp's report published in
January 2007, "A recipe for care - not a single ingredient ".
For over a year, the Department of Health has worked with over 100 stakeholders, including patients, to identify good practice in delivering care in convenient settings, and has teased out with the experts the benefits, challenges and solutions.
Six speciality sub-groups were set up and the first task for each was to identify examples of existing innovative practice in delivering care in more convenient settings for patients.The six specialities focused upon were: Orthopaedic surgery;
Urology; General surgery; ENT; Gynaecology; and, Dermatology. Productive links were made to the 18 weeks programme (indeed, in the case of the orthopaedic sub-group, the same group covered both the care closer to home project and co-ordination of
the work on 18 weeks). An independent evaluation of this good practice was carried out by the National Primary Care Research and Development Centre at Manchester University. This study provides an insight into the experiences of the 30
demonstration sites. Meanwhile, the sub groups learnt more about the demonstration sites and about shifting care more generally in their specialities and this work has culminated in the production of this report.
There are six chapters, one per speciality, each written by the health professionals and patients involved in the project – they therefore vary in style and emphasis. Each chapter describes how one speciality area fared in delivering care in more
convenient settings currently. They describe the implications of changing service patterns, the challenges faced on the journey to reform, and most importantly provide advice about how to overcome these challenges. This document is therefore not a
piece of Government policy, but an example of clinicians, managers and service users working together to develop new ways of improving services and of spreading the experience of innovation across the system.
Contact Details:
Jason Yiannikkiou (Policy Team - Shifting Care Closer to Home) DH Publications Orderline,
PO Box 777,
London SE1 6XH
Tel: 08701 555 455
020 7210 5277 (JY) | Fax: 01623 724 524
Email: dh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: strategies
Availability / Price: FOC download |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Gateway ref: 8419
Department of Health - DH
The national service framework for long-term neurological conditions national support for local implementation 2008 [author: Beverley Hopcutt]
(6 May 2008)
This document (21 pp) is the product of collaboration between the Department of Health (DH), the Care Service Improvement Partnership (CSIP) and the Third sector. It is a summary of resources, tools and
guidance available to local commissioners and service providers to support local delivery of the national service framework for long-term neurological conditions (NSF) since its publication in 2005. It includes: an outline of the DH's NSF programme
including work still in progress and other relevant resources from key broader programmes; tools and awareness raising activities developed by CSIP; resources developed by the Third sector; and a programme of future actions.
Contact Details:
Helen Wiggins, Social Care, Local Government & Care Partnership,
Room 8E25,
Quarry House,
Quarry Hill,
LS2 7UE.
Tel: 0113 254 6486 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_084579
Target group: HA staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Electronic PDF format only |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Beverley Hopcutt is is Clinical Adviser, Long-term (Neurological) Conditions
Department of Health (DH)
The national framework for NHS continuing healthcare and NHS-funded nursing care [author: Social Care Policy and Innovation (System Reform), Department of Health - DH]
26 June 2007
This guidance document sets out the principles and processes of the National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS funded Nursing Care. An implementation date of 1 October 2007 is set. This policy
guidance results from the consultation process begun in June 2006 when draft guidance was circulated. This guidance concentrates mainly on the process for establishing eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare and principles of care planning and
dispute resolution relevant to that process, rather than specifying every aspect of planning NHS continuing care. Eligibility assessments for care should be carried out by a multi-disciplinary team in line with the Core Values and Principles
section and taking into account other existing guidance.
There are five Annexes; two of which focus on key court cases about continuing care which have influenced the policy now formulated in this new framework i.e the Coughlan judgement (R. v North and East Devon Health Authority ex parte Pamela
Coughlan) and the Grogan judgement (R. v Bexley NHS Care Trust ex parte Grogan). A Glossary; Determining the need for registered nursing care; and, Independent Review Panel procedures are the other three annexes.
This guidance is being circulated to Lead officials for continuing care in SHAs and PCTs and councils with social services responsibility. Until the implementation date the DH advises that it should be treated as best practice guidance. This
guidance supersedes circular documents: HSC2001/15 and LAC2001(18) NHS and local councils responsibilities NHS continuing care : action following the Grogan judgement (2006). (KJ)
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: HA/LAs |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Electronic format only, download from website: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_076288 |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: Gateway reference : 8427
Department of Health; King's Fund
WSDAN Evidence Database
(June 2009)
The WSDAN evidence database is a searchable online directory that brings together published and unpublished materials related to the impact and evidence of telehealth and telecare in the management of people
with long-term conditions. It was launched to the public at the WSDAN Telehealth and Telecare Roadshow at the Leeds Hilton on 11 June 2009. Understanding ‘what works’ in terms of telehealth and telecare applications in the management of patients
with long-term conditions is problematic as there is rarely an independent source of information that might enable commissioners and professionals to understand the benefits and costs of investing in and working with systems using innovative
technologies. While the WSDAN evidence database will not provide all the answers, it has been set up to guide those seeking some external validity to such decisions by giving them access to information on the potential benefits and impact of
telecare and telehealth.
Contact Details:
WSD Action Network
c/o The King's Fund
11-13 Cavendish Square
Tel: | Fax:
Email: wsdnetwork@kingsfund.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wsdactionnetwork.org.uk/resources/evidence_database.html
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health; Social Services Inspectorate
Pharmaceutical care package tariffs
Form for recording details of services to be provided for an older person's medication needs (e.g. compliance, dispensing, domiciliary visit service).
View form.
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services, Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Form
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust
Advance Directives policy [author: Phil Hopkinson]
(January 2004)
This policy is designed to help clinical staff to deliver an ethically and legally sound service by: defining the legal rights that an individual has to specify regarding how he or she would like to be treated
at a future time. It defines the limits of such advance directives; describes how patients can be involved in their care through the formulation of an Advance Directive; and describes procedures that trust staff should follow to ascertain that any
such relevant directives are honoured by clinical staff in the treatment of an individual deemed incapable of making treatment decisions. Although clearly intended for use by mental health services, the material could be applied to SAP.
View policy
Contact Details:
Phil Hopkinson, Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust,
Trust Headquarters,
Bramble House,
Kingsway Hospital,
DE22 3LZ.
Tel: 01332 623737 | Fax: 01332 331254
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.derbyshirementalhealthservices.nhs.uk
Target group: MHT |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust
Guidelines for people making an advance directive [author: Phil Hopkinson]
(January 2004)
Explains the differences between an Advance Directive, an Advance Request, and an Advance Refusal. It also explains about the trust 'Advance Directive for Treatment and Care' form (dated December 2003), which
accompanies this document. Part 1 of the form deals with an individual's treatment and care, Part 2, personal and home life, and Part 3 lists people whom the patient has informed of the contents of the advance directive. Although clearly intended
for use by mental health services, the material could be applied to SAP.
View guidelines
View form
Contact Details:
Phil Hopkinson, Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust,
Trust Headquarters,
Bramble House,
Kingsway Hospital,
DE22 3LZ.
Tel: 01332 623737 | Fax: 01332 331254
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.derbyshirementalhealthservices.nhs.uk
Target group: MHT |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Devon County Council Social Services
Contact assessment (SAP1) Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process
Assessment form (4 pp) for contact assessments for the Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager, Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Website password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
Devon County Council Social Services
Delayed discharge supplement Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process notification
(Nov 2003)
Assessment form (4 pp) to be used relating to delayed discharge for the Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager;
Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Website password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
Devon County Council Social Services
Developing a Single Assessment Process across Devon, Torbay and Plymouth
Powerpoint presentation (17 frames) outlining SAP which is being used across all PCTs, NHS Trusts and SSDs across Devon. It gives overviews of the four types of assessment, and how Devon authorities'
approaches to SAP link in with other policies and services for older people.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager, Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road ,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Web site password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
Devon County Council Social Services
Mission statement, the Devon, Torbay and Plymouth Single Assessment Process
Mission statement (1 page), used across the PCTs, NHS Trusts and SSDs across Devon.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager, Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road ,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: mission statement; strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Website password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
Devon County Council Social Services
Single Assessment Process: Glossary of terms, Devon Single Assessment Project Issue 1.0, Ref SAP/DEL/019 [author: Wendy Brewer]
(4 December 2003)
Download document (4 pp).
The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive glossary of terms.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager, Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: |  Type / Format: glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Website password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
Devon County Council Social Services
Single Assessment Process: SAP framework, Devon Single Assessment Project Draft 1.0, Ref SAP/DEL/016 [author: Mike Brooks]
(24 November 2003)
Download document (5 pp)
The purpose of this document is to define the organisational, process, cultural and skill framework that local implementation teams must have in place prior to implementing the SAP.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager, Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Website password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
Devon County Council Social Services
Single Assessment Process: SAP policy, Devon Single Assessment Project Draft 1.0, Ref SAP/DEL/018 [author: Wendy Brewer]
(4 December 2003)
Download policy document (7 pp).
The purpose of this document is to outline the formal course of action to be taken when implementing the Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Single Assessment Process.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager, Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Website password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
Disabled Living Foundation - DLF
AskSARA Helpline [Disabled Living Foundation]
(October 2007)
AskSARA is an online self assessment tool developed by the DLF to help a person make adjustments to their life to improve it, and involves the person going through a self assessment process. AskSARA is an
innovative way for older and disabled people and their families to obtain advice about equipment that can help them in their daily lives. It is also possible to do an assessment on behalf of someone else. The products and the information that are
suggested are designed to give small pieces of advice, suggest minor adaptations around the home, simple changes, ‘low level’ equipment. The advice and information has been updated with the help of Occupational Therapists, who have used their
expertise to ensure AskSARA contains the most up-to-date and relevant information. It might be AskSARA does not meet a person’s needs if they are more complex. For those cases, other sources of assistance will be suggested that could include
referral to the main DLF Helpline.
DLF have been funded for a pilot project of AskSARA for people aged 60 years+ from London. Services include an impartial and confidential helpline and outreach services.
Contact Details:
Hugh Dobie, Marketing Officer - 020 7289 6111 ext
211 Disabled Living Foundation
380-384 Harrow Road
W9 2HU
Tel: AskSARA helpline: 0845 470 7272 - Opening hours: 10am-4pm, M-F. | Fax:
Email: hugh.dobie@dlf.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.asksara.org.uk.
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tools
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
DLA part of the DLA Group
A guide to the 'Protection of Vulnerable Adults' [POVA] scheme [author: DLA]
(February 2004)
The 'Protection of Vulnerable Adults' scheme is operational from 26 July 2004, when it will only be applicable to care workers in care homes and domiciliary care agencies providing personal care, including
employment agencies supplying staff to carry out care.
This POVA Guide (4pp) is produced by an international law firm, as an insert to its newsletter, Healthcheck. It provides questions and answers on POVA checks and how to make references to the POVA list. It also notes the scheme's phased
implementation: it will eventually apply to many sectors of the health and social care industry. The guide also draws attention to the policies, codes of practice and memoranda which apply in a particular local authority area and which should be
followed in relation to any reports of any harm or abuse. It should be noted that this document is not intended to be relied on as a definitive statement of the law, and specific advice should always be sought on any particular issue
Contact Details:
Keith Lewin (ed) DLA,
3 Noble Street,
Tel: 08700 111 111 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dla.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contacts at DLA: Mark Dale, Lynn Davies, Paul Ridout and Dawn Leonard.
This document updates the situation previously reported in DLA' s Healthcheck newsletter insert dated February 2004.
Dorset and Somerset Strategic Health Authority
Dignity on the ward audit template [author: Sharon Waight]
(May 2005)
Audit tool (18pp) designed to support the assessment of core standards for delivering dignity on the wards and departments of hospitals in community, acute and mental health sectors. The aim of this template
is to assess patient dignity issues across a whole organisation, by looking at how well wards and departments are meeting the core standards. It covers five key themes: patient environment; privacy, dignity and modesty; communication with patients;
promoting individual needs; and staff training.
View template.
Contact Details:
Sharon Waight, Dorset and Somerset Strategic Health Authority,
Wynford House,
Lufton Way,
BA22 8HR.
Tel: +44 (0)1935 384111 | Fax:
Email: sharon.waight@dsha.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetsomerset.nhs.uk/
Target group: Hospitals in all sectors |  Type / Format: audit tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Dr Rachel Norman, Research Fellow,
Dementia in acute care settings A resource for caring for people with dementia on medical and surgical wards [designer of resource: Dr Rachel Norman]
(June 2005)
Following four years of research and development, a resource aimed at informing the nursing care provided to people with dementia in general hospital settings has been introduced by the University of the West
of England, Bristol, in collaboration with the Change Agent Team and The Mental Health Foundation.
The resource, which is based on the findings of a research project that explored how people with dementia experienced an admission to a general hospital setting, attempts to encourage nursing staff to 'get to know' the person with dementia they are
caring for in order to improve their hospital stay.
The resource has been designed to inform practice through an educational poster that can be displayed in ward settings and an interactive information-gathering sheet designed to be individualised for each patient with dementia who is admitted to an
acute medical or surgical ward.
Each element of the resource, which is available as a PDF document, downloadable from the website of the Health and Social Care (CAT) Change Agent Team, DH, is designed to be reproduced and distributed throughout hospital wards, as required.
There are six elements to the resource, each of which should be downloaded and printed to form the entire resource: a covering letter that offers the context and suggested uses of the resource; a detailed report that discusses the resource's
development and the research behind it; Information Reader Box template; the information-gathering sheet, an example of a completed information-gathering sheet, and a 'quick-guide' that can be given to nursing staff.
Dr Norman would welcome feedback from implementation of this resource.
Contact Details:
Dr Rachel Norman, Research Fellow, Faculty of Health and Social Care,
University of the West of England,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: Rachel2.Norman@uwe.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://changeagentteam.org.uk/index.cfm?pid=250
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: guidance; toolkit
Availability / Price: download documents from website detailed above (CAT) |  ISBN/ISSN:
East Sussex, Brighton and Hove LIS Confidentiality and Security Sub-Group
Guidance for organisations to ensure the secure and confidential sharing of person identifiable information Version 4.1c
(March 2003)
This guidance contains the requirements, both legal and government, regarding safe and secure information handling. The guidance has been developed to meet the information security requirements for sharing
person-identifiable information across the organisations of East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health and Social Care Community. It has also been adopted in a modified format by the Kent and Medway Health and Social Care Community, who have had
involvement in development of these guidelines.
View guidance
Contact Details:
Isobel Warren, Joint SAP project manager (with Caroline Blackett) East Sussex Social Services and East Sussex Primary Care Trusts Tel: 01273 403633 | Fax:
Email: isobel.warren@esbh.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol; guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Developed by members of the group: Colin Styles (East Sussex County Healthcare NHS Trust); Jez MacDonald (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Isobel Warren (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services);
Linda Douglas (East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust); Susan Morra (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Jo Gilmore (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services)
East Sussex Local Information Sharing and Confidentiality (LISC group)
Information Security Training - e-learning web site
Training for Health Service staff outlining their duties and responsibilities around confidentiality of information. The aim of this package is to give an overview of the key principles. The package consists
of four sections, or "modules".
Section 1: Obtaining and Holding Personal Information : This section explains the types of information that can be collected, and describes why and how people need to be informed that information is held about them.
Section 2: Releasing Personal Information to Others: This section describes the circumstances under which information may be disclosed to others.
Section 3: Maintaining and Disposing of Personal Information: The duty to keep information accurate and up-to-date is explained here, as well as how to dispose of unwanted confidential material.
Section 4: Physical Security: This section describes how to keep paper-based information as well as computer files secure.
The site also includes a glossary, case study and quiz.
Contact Details:
Isobel Warren, Joint SAP project manager (with Caroline Blackett) East Sussex Social Services and East Sussex Primary Care Trusts Tel: 01273 403633 | Fax:
Email: isobel.warren@esbh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthesussex.nhs.uk/is_training/index.asp
Target group: |  Type / Format: Web site; glossary; e-learning
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Developed by members of the group: Colin Styles (East Sussex County Healthcare NHS Trust); Jez MacDonald (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Isobel Warren (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services);
Linda Douglas (East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust); Susan Morra (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Jo Gilmore (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services)
East Sussex Social Services & East Sussex PCTs
Project Pilot Evaluation: Pilot of Single Assessment Process within Firwood Intermediate Care Centre [authors: Isobel Warren/ Caroline Blackett]
This document outlines evaluation findings from a pilot Single Assessment Process project centred on the Firwood Intermediate Care Team, Eastbourne. The FACE (Functional Assessment of Care Environments)
documentation was introduced to support assessment of service users across Health and Social Care from April 2004. Evaluation of the project commenced in November 2004. The objectives of the evaluation were to evaluate the use of the FACE accredited
tool for ease of completion by staff member, ease of use by service user, and ability to complete forms in electronic format. Ease of information sharing, and potential for wider usage was also assessed.
View document
Contact Details:
Isobel Warren and Caroline Blackett, Joint SAP Project Managers East Sussex County Council,
County Hall,
St Anne's Crescent,
East Sussex,
Tel: 01273 403633 - IW
01273 403627 - CB | Fax:
Email: isobel.warren@esbh.nhs.uk |  caroline.blackett@esbh.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/socialcare/
Target group: |  Type / Format: evaluation
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
East Sussex Social Services & East Sussex PCTs
Staff evaluation questionnaire
Service user questionnaire [authors: Isobel Warren/ Caroline Blackett]
East Sussex has developed questionnaires for evaluating SAP from the perspective of staff doing assessments using FACE and service users being assessed.
View user questionnaire
| View staff questionnaire.
Contact Details:
Isobel Warren and Caroline Blackett, Joint SAP Project Managers East Sussex County Council,
County Hall,
St Anne's Crescent,
East Sussex,
Tel: 01273 403633 - IW
01273 403627 - CB | Fax:
Email: isobel.warren@esbh.nhs.uk |  caroline.blackett@esbh.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/socialcare/
Target group: |  Type / Format: evaluation
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Elderly Accommodation Counsel
Housing options for older people (HOOP): ... to move or not to move? that is the question ... a self-assessment form for people wondering whether or not to move home and seeking information on options
The HOOP tool has been produced by Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) and the School for Policy Studies, University of the West of England (UWE), with support from the Housing Corporation Innovation and Good
Practice Programme.
The questionnaire is designed to help people who are trying to decide whether or not to move home in later life. It invites the individual to look at nine different aspects of his or her home, one by one, to help clarify which things re right and
where there are problems. The purpose is to think through factors about moving or staying put, and to find out more about the options that are relevant to an older person's situation.
Contact Details:
Tel: +44 (0)20 7820 1343 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.housingcare.org
Target group: Older people |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
ERDIP (Electronic Record Development and Implementation Programme), NHS Information Authority
Consent and confidentiality (author: NHS Information Authority)
(01 December 2003)
Confidentiality and consent are key issues in relation to shared or distributed electronic records systems. This website (Web link 1, below) comprises a set of experimental products and/or reports to the NHSIS
(NHS Information Authority): sample information leaflets / consent forms; ERDIP Security, Consent and Confidentiality; and strategy documents. Among the organisations featured is West Surrey Health and Social Care Community, who initiated a project
called SSHARE, pilot for ERDIP, 2000-2003, in which older people were a key element along with mental health. The material is relevant to SAP because it is focused on local solutions.
The website also has ERDIP demonstration project materials available for: Bradford; Bury Knowle Health Centre, Headington, Oxford; Camden & Islington; Cornwall; Co Durham & Darlington; Dorset; Gloucestershire; Hadfield Medical Centre, Glossop,
Derbyshire; Hillingdon; Kingston & Richmond; Merton, Sutton & Wandsworth; North & Mid Hampshire; South & West Devon; South Staffordshire; Suffolk; Tees; Walsall; and Wirral.
Although the ERDIP Programme has closed, archived news has been kept for posterity on the ERDIP section of the NHS Information Authority's website (Web Link 2, below).
Contact Details:
NHS Information Authority
Aqueous II,
Aston Cross,
Rocky Lane,
B6 5RQ.
Tel: 08456 586 586 | Fax: 0121 333 0334
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nhsia.nhs.uk/erdip/pages/evaluation/consentandconfid.asp
| http://www.nhsia.nhs.uk/erdip/pages/default.asp
Target group: |  Type / Format: web site
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
ERoSH - the Emerging Role of Sheltered Housing project
Action on sheltered housing - a checklist for social services - sheltered housing has changed
4 pages. This leaflet aims to encourage social service staff to consider sheltered housing for those more frail and older than accommodated in the past for this type of housing.
Contact Details:
PO Box 2616
SN15 1WZ
Tel: +44 (0)1905 21112 | Fax: +44 (0)1249 654249
Email: info@shelteredhousing.org | 
Web links: http://www.shelteredhousing.org
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: guidance; publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Leaflet is one of four in a series produced by ERoSH, a consortium of sheltered housing providers.
ERoSH - the Emerging Role of Sheltered Housing project
General enquirers, older people, their friends and relatives - 8 key questions and answers about sheltered housing - sheltered housing has changed
4 pages. This leaflet aims to encourage sheltered housing to be considered more often for those more frail and older than accommodated in the past for this type of housing.
Contact Details:
PO Box 2616
SN15 1WZ
Tel: +44 (0)1905 21112 | Fax: +44 (0)1249 654249
Email: info@shelteredhousing.org | 
Web links: http://www.shelteredhousing.org
Target group: general public |  Type / Format: guidance; publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Leaflet is one of four in a series produced by ERoSH, a consortium of sheltered housing providers.
ERoSH - the Emerging Role of Sheltered Housing project
Information and checklist for hospital and primary care staff - sheltered housing has changed
4 pages. This leaflet aims to encourage health staff to consider sheltered housing for those more frail and older than accommodated in the past for this type of housing.
Contact Details:
PO Box 2616
SN15 1WZ
Tel: +44 (0)1905 21112 | Fax: +44 (0)1249 654249
Email: info@shelteredhousing.org | 
Web links: http://www.shelteredhousing.org
Target group: HA |  Type / Format: guidance; publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Leaflet is one of four in a series produced by ERoSH, a consortium of sheltered housing providers.
ERoSH - the Essential Role of Sheltered Housing
Sheltered housing's contribution to health and social care
This DVD emphasises the benefits of partnership working. It demonstrates a range of health and social care-related activities that do or should take place in sheltered housing including: exercise; falls
prevention; keeping active; helping access to other services; healthy eating; screening; and social activities. ERoSH produces checklists for health and social care professionals, and the good practice examples in the DVD pick out just a few themes.
The DVD is in two parts, one aimed primarily at health care professionals, and the other primarily at social care professionals. The aim is that it should be shown at team meetings and training courses..
It is also viewable on the ERoSH website.
Contact Details:
PO Box 2616
SN15 1WZ
Tel: +44 (0)1249 654249 | Fax: +44 (0)1249 654249
Email: info@shelteredhousing.org | 
Web links: http://www.shelteredhousing.org
| http://icn.csip.org.uk/housing/
Target group: health care / social care professionals |  Type / Format: dvd
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: ERoSH was formerly known as the Emerging Role of Sheltered Housing project.
The DVD was produced by 4 Reel Films for ERoSH.
Other contact credited on DVD cover: CSIP Housing Learning and Improvement Network For further good practice examples, contact the Housing LIN website (Web Link 2).
Essex Strategic Health Authority
Essex Overview and Contact Assessment forms
(August 2004)
(1) Self assessment / Contact assessment and consent form (2) Overview assessment form
View Contact Assessment
| View Overview Assessment
Contact Details:
Jean Kingsley, Essex Project Director, Single Assessment Process Swift House,
Hedgerows Business Park,
Colchester Road,
CM2 5PF.
Tel: +44 (0)1268 705152
+44 (0)1268 705101 (Pat Day - PA)
07786 125600 | Fax:
Email: jean.kingsley@basildonpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Essex Strategic Health Authority
Essex Single Assessment Process ('SAP'): a multi agency competency framework to aid single assessment and performance management competency statements and descriptions
The statements and descriptors in this document describe the six core competencies that specialist workers must possess in order to provide safe and effective care for older people:
1. Demonstrate and promote understanding of his or her role and the contribution of colleagues and others in the delivery of person centred care to older people.
2. Assess individual needs and circumstances.
3. Develop and sustain arrangements for best practice in joint working between workers and agencies.
4. Collaboration, information sharing and information management.
5. Continuous professional and technical development.
6. Analysis and judgement..
The document also includes three checklists: a profile of the competent worker in the Single Assessment Process; value based requirements for all agencies in SAP; and underpinning knowledge of a competent clinician/ worker in the single assessment
View framework
Contact Details:
Jean Kingsley, Essex Project Director, Single Assessment Process, Swift House,
Hedgerows Business Park,
Colchester Road,
CM2 5PF.
Tel: +44 (0)1268 705152
+44 (0)1268 705101 (Pat Day - PA) | Fax:
Email: jean.kingsley@basildonpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: checklist
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: On title page: Essex County Council and Thurrock Council
Essex Strategic Health Authority
Single Assessment Process: Essex-wide protocol: principles underpinning practice final version
(August 2004)
This 24-page Protocol is the joint work of all the health and social care organisations in Essex ((including Thurrock Unitary Council and Southend Borough Council) which are responsible for delivering services
to older people. The document contains the underpinning principles for the practice of SAP in all localities across Essex, to conform with the Department of Health (DH) guidance on SAP. Definitions of terms for the four levels of assessment in Essex
- contact assessment, overview assessment, comprehensive assessment, and specialist assessment - are given. Four key roles in the process are identified: key worker; specialist assessor; care co-ordinator; and provider. The content of the process is
outlined. Appendices comprise: Essex Single Assessment Process - schematic diagram; and the 6 competencies required of key workers and specialist assessors (as given in 'Essex Single Assessment Process ('SAP'): a multi agency competency framework to
aid single assessment and performance management: competency statements and descriptions') .
View protocol
Contact Details:
Jean Kingsley, Essex Project Director, Single Assessment Process Swift House,
Hedgerows Business Park,
Colchester Road,
CM2 5PF.
Tel: +44 (0)1268 705152
+44 (0)1268 705101 (Pat Day - PA)
07786 125600 | Fax:
Email: jean.kingsley@basildonpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: On title page: Essex County Council, Thurrock Council.
Essex Strategic Health Authority
Single Assessment Process: what does it mean? [author: Jean Kingsley]
(24 October 2003)
Powerpoint presentation (14 frames) which introduces the Single Assessment Process, in the context of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) and four types of assessment. Two of the frames
relate to progress in Essex with structures and processes.
View presentation.
Contact Details:
Jean Kingsley, Essex Project Director, Single Assessment Process, Swift House,
Hedgerows Business Park,
Colchester Road,
CM2 5PF.
Tel: +44 (0)1268 705152
+44 (0)1268 705101 (Pat Day - PA) | Fax:
Email: jean.kingsley@basildonpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
European Health Management Association (EHMA) online publications
Integrating services for older people: a resource book for managers [edited by Henk Nies and Philip C Berman]
This resource provides guidelines for those involved in the development of integrated care services, written by expert authors from a wide range of backgrounds, and with real-life examples from countries
around Europe. Focusing on the management of integrated care at the client level, the organisation level and the system level, this book is for managers and professionals in the health and social care field. Access the resource book online via the
web link below.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.ehma.org/carmen/index.html
Target group: |  Type / Format: online book
Availability / Price: Online via web link. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The resource book was produced by the CARMEN network (Care and Management of Services for Older People Network), supported by the European Commission‘s ’Quality of Life and Management of Human Resources‘ Programme. CARMEN has been
managed by the European Health Management Association (EHMA).
FACE Recording and Management Systems
FACE Older Persons Assessment Tools Version 3
The assessment tool, FACE - Functional Assessment of the Care Environment for Older People, has been developed by FACE Recording and Management Systems.
Accredited by DH.
Assessment tools as follows:
Background information & Contact assessment;
FACE Overview Assessment;;
Referral Form.
Contact Details:
Mick McAndrew, FACE Recording and Management Systems,
King John Chambers,
13 - 15 Bridlesmith Gate,
NG1 2 GR.
Tel: +44 (0)115 950 8300 - Nottingham
+44 (0)20 8488 6218 07815 294090 mobile PC | Fax:
Email: Piclifford@aol.com | 
Web links: http://www.facecode.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Paul Clifford in London.
FAST healthcare Ltd.,
NSF for Older People - the Single Assessment Process [Jayne Taylor]
FAST healthcare offers a work-based interactive e-learning course on NSF for Older People - the Single Assessment Process (SAP) developed in collaboration with Northumbria, Lincs, Essex and Beds & Herts SAP
project directors, including input from adult social and health services, with over 13,000 users around the country
Accredited by the Royal College of Physicians it is being widely adopted by Adult Services and NHS Trusts as a valuable learning tool for the personal and professional development of professionals and support staff. Cumbria & Lancashire,
Carmarthenshire, Oxford and London Borough of Southwark are the most recent authorities now followed by East Berkshire, taking up the SAP e-learning course with the FAST Learning Management System (LMS) giving course-tracking, reporting and training
A course leaflet outlines the course content that is on offer from FAST healthcare and organised by Jayne Taylor.
View leaflet.
| accreditation details.
Contact Details:
Jayne Taylor, FAST Healthcare Ltd,
3 Stedham Hall,
West Sussex
GU29 0PS.
Tel: +44 (0)1730 814936 | Fax: +44 (0)871 251 9528
Email: enquiries@fasthealthcare.com | 
Web links: http://www.fasthealthcare.com
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: e-learning
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
Shaping the Future Together [author:Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities]
The Foundation has produced an information pack, which aims to help people listen to people with learning disabilities and what they want in their lives. The pack has been developed through work funded by the
Department of Helath as part of their Guidance on Person-Centred Planning (PCP).
This pack provides a systematic link between the individual and strategic planning. It enables planners and managers to obtain an overall picture of what people want. Subsequently, they can ensure that the appropriate opportunities and support are
developed to meet people's wishes and needs. The pack contains forms and guidance. The forms provide a snapshot of who the person is, what they want, what is already happening and the barriers to change. Workers can discuss these with local
managers who can help by making service adjustments to support change. Forms can then be analysed to identify key issues, needs and barriers. Findings then can be shared with the Partnership Board and other groups that can support change including
mainstream services such as leisure, transport and education. This process gives people with learning disabilities a voice through to commissioners and managers.
Contact Details:
9th Floor, Sea Containers House,
20 Upper Ground,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7802 0300 | Fax:
Email: fpld@fpld.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.learningdisabilities.org.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: pack
Availability / Price: FOC to download |  ISBN/ISSN:
Foundations - National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies
Delivering adaptations HIAs delivering government strategies
15 page booklet which provides evidence that the service of delivering adaptations managed by Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) can help local authorities and health services address a number of their targets
in a cost-effective, client focused way.
Contact Details:
Bleaklow House,
Howard Town Mill,
SK13 8HT
Tel: +44 (0)1457 891909 | Fax: +44 (0)1457 869361
Email: foundations@cel.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.foundations.uk.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: FOC |  ISBN/ISSN:
Foundations - National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies
Delivering home improvement agency services to visually impaired people Good practice guide
This guide is aimed primarily at people who work in Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) but it provides a useful knowledge base, checklists and guide for all who work with those who have a visual impairment. The
guide draws on the experiences of six HIAs involved in a good practice research project, jointly undertaken by Foundations and the Centre for Housing Policy at the University of York, the latter commissioned by Thomas Pocklington Trust. 51 pages.
Contact Details:
Bleaklow House,
Howard Town Mill,
SK13 8HT
Tel: +44 (0)1457 891909 | Fax: +44 (0)1457 869361
Email: foundations@cel.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.foundations.uk.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: £9.95 |  ISBN/ISSN: 0954545702
Foundations - National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies
Developing services for black and minority ethnic communities Good practice guide
The purpose of this guide is to provide a useful handbook for Home Imrprovement Agencies (HIAs) and other similar service providers. The focus of the guide is equality of service provision for black and
minority ethnic individuals. It provides information on how to ensure that services are equally accessible to all community members. 46 pages.
Contact Details:
Bleaklow House,
Howard Town Mill,
SK13 8HT
Tel: +44 (0)1457 891909 | Fax: +44 (0)1457 869361
Email: foundations@cel.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.foundations.uk.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: £9.95 |  ISBN/ISSN: 0954545710
Foundations - National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies
Energy efficiency and fuel poverty HIAs delivering government strategies
15 page booklet which provides evidence that this service managed by Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) can help local authorities and health services address a number of their targets in a cost-effective,
client focused way.
Contact Details:
Bleaklow House,
Howard Town Mill,
SK13 8HT
Tel: +44 (0)1457 891909 | Fax: +44 (0)1457 869361
Email: foundations@cel.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.foundations.uk.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: FOC |  ISBN/ISSN:
Foundations - National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies
Falls and accident prevention HIAs delivering government strategies
15 page booklet which provides evidence that this service managed by Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) can help local authorities and health services address a number of their targets in a cost-effective,
client focused way.
Contact Details:
Bleaklow House,
Howard Town Mill,
SK13 8HT
Tel: +44 (0)1457 891909 | Fax: +44 (0)1457 869361
Email: foundations@cel.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.foundations.uk.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: FOC |  ISBN/ISSN:
Foundations - National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies
Handyperson services HIAs delivering government strategies
15 page booklet which provides evidence that Handyperson Services managed by Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) can help local authorities and health services address a number of their targets in a
cost-effective, client focused way. These include falls prevention, hospital discharge, energy efficiency and fitting minor adaptations.
Contact Details:
Bleaklow House,
Howard Town Mill,
SK13 8HT
Tel: +44 (0)1457 891909 | Fax: +44 (0)1457 869361
Email: foundations@cel.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.foundations.uk.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: FOC |  ISBN/ISSN:
Foundations - National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies
Home Improvement Agencies - delivering government strategies across health, housing and social care (Information card 2)
HIAs help people to remainin their own home, safe, secure and independent. This card explains how this helps deliver government strategies such as hospital discharge, falls prevention and energy efficiency
and fitting minor adaptations.
Contact Details:
Bleaklow House,
Howard Town Mill,
SK13 8HT
Tel: +44 (0)1457 891909 | Fax: +44 (0)1457 869361
Email: foundations@cel.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.foundations.uk.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: journal
Availability / Price: FOC |  ISBN/ISSN:
Foundations - National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies
Home Improvement Agencies - the key to independent living (Information card 1)
This card describes the function and role of Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs), which homeowners and private sector tenants who are older, disabled or on low income to repair, maintain or adapt their homes.
Contact Details:
Bleaklow House,
Howard Town Mill,
SK13 8HT
Tel: +44 (0)1457 891909 | Fax: +44 (0)1457 869361
Email: foundations@cel.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.foundations.uk.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: journal
Availability / Price: FOC |  ISBN/ISSN:
Foundations - National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies
Hospital discharge HIAs delivering government strategies
15 page booklet which provides evidence that this service managed by Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) can help local authorities and health services address a number of their targets in a cost-effective,
client focused way.
Contact Details:
Bleaklow House,
Howard Town Mill,
SK13 8HT
Tel: +44 (0)1457 891909 | Fax: +44 (0)1457 869361
Email: foundations@cel.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.foundations.uk.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: FOC |  ISBN/ISSN:
Fujitsu Services,
Meeting the mobile information systems challenge of the single assessment process [author: Tony Gale]
(July 2003)
This paper (11 pages) is written by a Fujitsu Solution Architect with 32 years experience in IT. In this paper, he considers the challenges and opportunities of mobile working when applied to SAP. As an IT
Infrastructure Management service provider, Fujitsu is committed to upgrading its various services, so that they meet the needs of workers who are mobile within any enterprise.
Contact Details:
Observatory House,
Windsor Road,
Tel: +44 (0) 870 242 7998 | Fax: +44 (0) 870 242 4445
Email: askfujitsu@services.fujitsu.com | 
Web links: http://services.fujitsu.com
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: pdf |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: reference paper 1677
Gateshead Council, Community Based Services
Single Assessment, change management and leadership: a workshop for managers and champions [powerpoint to accompany the workshop], Single Assessment in Gateshead [author: Penny Gray]
(August 2004)
Powerpoint (23 frames), in which managing change is presented in the context of Person-centred care (Standard 2 of the NSF), the National Programme for IT (NPfIT), and "Turning your back on us", published by
Age Concern in 2000. It includes two exercises relating to change in implementing the Single Assessment Process (SAP) that are relevant to leadership and the champion's role in bringing about change.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Penny Gray was formerly Single Assessment Process Co-ordinator, Gateshead
Gateshead Council, Community Based Services
Single Assessment in Gateshead [resource pack for Single Assessment to accompany a workshop] [author: Penny Gray]
The process of change, the reasons for change in the context of Single Assessment, and leadership and influence are the themes dealt with in this resource pack, which comprises exercises, discussion topics and
handout versions of powerpoint presentations on the Single Assessment in Gateshead.
View resource pack: documents
| powerpoint 1
| powerpoint 2
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: pack
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Penny Gray was formerly Single Assessment Process Co-ordinator, Gateshead
Glasgow School of Social Work, Universities of Glasgow & Strathclyde
Single shared assessment : the limits to 'quick fix' [Andrew Eccles]
(February 2008)
Article in: Journal of Integrated Care, vol 16, no 1; pp 22-30
Joint working between health and social services has been a key focus of policy in recent years, albeit - underneath the protocols and partnership agreements - integrated processes have developed unevenly. A single shared assessment tool has been
one of the concrete expressions of policy on the ground. This paper explores the implementation of the shared assessment process in Scotland. It discusses the broader policy agenda, before exploring the introduction of the shared assessment tool
in a large urban authority. Based primarily on interviews with front-line staff in health and social work and manages charged with delivering shared assessment, the paper suggests a lack of engagement on issues such as working cultures and equity
of workloads, while some of the main reasons behind the implementation of shared assessment, such as overcoming duplication, have not generally materialised for staff. Overall, single shared assessment has been driven by process rather than by
engagement with wider ideas about joint working, which has led to uneven and at times, unwilling implementation.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: andrew.eccles@strath.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
Greenwich Council, Greenwich NHS Teaching PCT; Greenwich Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust
Personal Held Records: Single Assessment Process [authors: Greenwich NHS and Greenwich Council]
[November 2006]
Sample of a personal held record that provides information about a person's assessment and care. The record is to be held by the individual in their home for their personal information. It is designed to
promote communication between the individual and the different professionals from health and social care that visit. It is not intended to be a repository of 'professional' notes but a summary that can be referred to by the individual and their
carers, relatives, etc. with permission of the individual. Professionals in turn can see what services are being provided. Teams such as District Nurses may leave their records in the folder but take them away when treatment is complete.
The folder contains an explanation of the purpose of a personal held record; a contact assessment; FACE overview assessment; care plan; weekly service timetable; specialist assessment; general communication sheet; other: facility to include
additional material as required.
Contact Details:
Maggie Rastall, Adult and Older People's Services,
London Borough of Greenwich,
Town Hall,
Wellington Street,
London SE18 6PW
Tel: 020 8921 3124 | Fax:
Email: maggie.rastall@greenwich.gov.uk | 
Web links: http:www.greenwich.gov.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: personal held record
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
[Greenwich NHS, Age Concern Greenwich, Neighbourhood Renewal Greenwich and Greenwich Council]
Ageing Well in Greenwich: Maintaining Health and Independence
[June 2006]
'Ageing Well in Greenwich' is a booklet designed to help older people living in the Borough to make the most of life and know where to find information if they need further support.
The material is ordered in the following sections: (1) Keeping healthy and well: a positive attitude; adult learning; keeping well; looking after your feet; looking after your health; loving in later life; retire or continue to work? (2) Keeping
safe: accident prevention at home; feeling safe; protecting older people from abuse. (3) Financial, legal and housing matters: know what you're entitled to; housing matters; organising your will and legal matters. (4) Dealing with life changes:
assisted transport; caring for someone else; coping with bereavement; maintaining independence.
Contact Details:
Maggie Rastall Adult Services and Older People's Services,
London Borough of Greenwich,
Town Hall,
Wellington Street,
London SE18 6PW
Tel: 020 8921 3124 | Fax:
Email: maggie.rastall@greenwich.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.greenwich.gov.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Adapted from a booklet produced by Southwark Social Services with their permission.
Growing Older (GO) Programme, Economic & Social Research Council - ESRC
Growing older in the 21st century [author: Malcolm Dean]
(December 2001)
This is an overview of the Economic and Social Research Council's (ESRC) Growing Older (GO) Programme. It is designed as an accessible guide to the amount of research material generated by the programme,
which has been conducted since 1999 and finished at the end of 2003. The Programme comprised 24 projects across six topic areas: defining and measuring quality of life; inequalities in quality of life; technology and the built environment; health
and productive ageing; family and support networks; and participation and activity in later life.
Contact Details:
ESRC Growing Older Programme,
Department of Sociological Studies,
Northumberland Road,
University of Sheffield,
Sheffield S10 2TU.
Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6467 | Fax: +44 (0)114 222 6492
Email: Marg.Walker@shef.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/projects/gop/index.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: upon request, free of charge |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Growing Older (GO) Programme, Economic & Social Research Council - ESRC
Growing older Programme - project summaries
(December 2001)
This gives a summary of each of the 24 projects that were part of the Economic and Social Research Council's (ESRC) Growing Older (GO) Programme. It is designed as an accessible guide to the individual
projects generated by the Programme.
Contact Details:
ESRC Growing Older Programme,
Department of Sociological Studies,
Northumberland Road,
University of Sheffield,
Sheffield S10 2TU.
Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6467 | Fax: +44 (0)114 222 6492
Email: Marg.Walker@shef.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/projects/gop/index.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: upon request, free of charge |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Growing Older (GO) Programme, Economic & Social Research Council - ESRC
Quality of life: an annotated bibliography [author: Kristiina Martimo]
(December 2001)
This bibliography contains key references on quality of life and quality of life in old age. It provides an introduction to some of the literature on quality of life that is most relevant to the Growing Older
Contact Details:
ESRC Growing Older Programme,
Department of Sociological Studies,
Northumberland Road,
University of Sheffield,
Sheffield S10 2TU.
Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6467 | Fax: +44 (0)114 222 6492
Email: Marg.Walker@shef.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/projects/gop/index.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: upon request, free of charge |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Growing Older (GO) Programme, Economic & Social Research Council - ESRC
Quality of life and social support among older people from different ethnic groups GO Findings: 23 - Research Findings from the Growing Older Programme [authors: Jabeer Butt, Jo Moriarty, Michaela
Brockmann (et al)]
(October 2003)
This study set out to explore quality of life and social support among older people from different ethnic groups. The authors carried out in-depth interviews with 203 older people from Caribbean, Asian
(including Chinese), African and white communities aged 55 and over. The study suggests that ethnicity influences both collective and personal responses to perceptions of quality of life.
Contact Details:
ESRC Growing Older Programme,
Department of Sociological Studies,
Northumberland Road,
University of Sheffield,
Sheffield S10 2TU.
Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6467 | Fax: +44 (0)114 222 6492
Email: Marg.Walker@shef.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/projects/gop/index.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: download/upon request, free of charge |  ISBN/ISSN:
Halton Primary Care Trust
Halton PCT Community matron contact sheet advanced primary nurse specialist assessment; systems review and physical assessment
Community matrons in Halton are now using this draft specialist assessment (8 pp) in their work
Contact Details:
Nikki Dand, Health and Community Directorate,
Halton Borough Council,
Grosvenor House,
Halton Lea,
WA7 2ED.
Tel: +44 (0)1928 704546 (ND) | Fax:
Email: nikki.dand@halton.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Community matrons |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Item originally posted by Nikki Dand on SAP discussion forum, discussion area: Specialist assessments for community matrons
Hammersmith and Fulham PCT
Single Assessment [author: Clare Vollum]
October 2003
Flyer and presentation introducing SAP in Hammersmith and Fulham and outlining the principles.
Presentation designed to be made in conjunction with DH Video - Changing Workforce programme - Toolkit for local change - Patient and staff perspective - Physical illness - Mrs Foley.
view flyer |
view handout
Contact Details:
Clare Vollum Tel: | Fax:
Email: clare.vollum@hf-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance; publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Hampshire County Council
Hampshire County Council SAP training guide
Document outlines objectives and describes core elements of SAP, drivers for change, and the twelve steps to implementation.The seven stages of care management in Hampshire are linked with the prescribed
single assessment process, and a pathway map shows the SAP process.
View training guide
Contact Details:
Lynn Waight, Strategic Service Manager for Older People, County Older Person's Team,
Social Services Department,
Hampshire County Council.
Trafalgar House,
Hampshire SO23 8UQ
Tel: +44 (0)1962 847265 | Fax:
Email: lynn.waight@hants.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.hants.gov.uk/socservs
Target group: |  Type / Format: pack; guide
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Harrogate Social Services, North Yorkshire County Council
The Single Assessment Process (SAP) [authors: Belinda Goode, Ana Manzano]
(18 June 2004)
Adapting the content of some other materials found on the CPA website, Belinda Goode and Ana Manzano of Harrogate Social Services have developed two Powerpoint presentations that are suitable for use with all
staff: This presentation (11 slides) outlines reasons, key benefits and key issues of SAP.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Ana Manzano,
Training Facilitator Social Services, Adult and Community Services,
13 Wetherby Road,
HG2 7RY.
Tel: 01423 553120 | Fax: 01423 553701
Email: ana.manzano@northyorks.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Harrogate Social Services, North Yorkshire County Council
Viewing the SAP house types of assessment [authors: Belinda Goode, Ana Manzano]
(18 June 2004)
Adapting the content of some other materials found on the CPA website, Belinda Goode and Ana Manzano of Harrogate Social Services have developed two Powerpoint presentations that are suitable for use with all
staff: This presentation (18 slides) describes in detail the four types of assessment..
Also available, but only in Microsoft Publisher are "Reminder cards", These have been created as memory aids for trainees, and emphasise the names of the four types of assessments and the eight domains of SAP.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Ana Manzano,
Training Facilitator Social Services, Adult and Community Services,
13 Wetherby Road,
HG2 7RY.
Tel: 01423 553120 | Fax: 01423 553701
Email: ana.manzano@northyorks.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Harrogate Training & Development,
Older People : Developing Effective Integrated Services, Improving Independence
One day conference on 8 November 2005, venue to be announced in Harrogate.
Chair: Keith McLean (Director, Harrogate Training & Development). Keynote speakers: Brian Edwards (Chair, Notts Healthcare NHS Trust, Emeritus Professor of Health Care Development, Univ. of Sheffield) and Stephen Booty (Chief Executive, Nestor
Healthcare Group plc). Speakers include: Bernard Dowling (NPCRDC); Tony Elson (DH); Paul Flood (Wiltshire CC); Ruth Hofbauer (Newcastle and North Tyneside Mental Health NHS Trust); Barbara Vaughan (Integrated Healthcare Consulting.
Contact Details:
Progress House,
87 Skipton Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1423 506611 | Fax: +44 (0)1423 531166
Email: info@htd.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.htd.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Harrogate Training & Development
Structured Partnership Working : A whole system approach
A two day workshop event to be held on a choice of dates and venues: 4 and 5 April 2006 in London or 22 and 23 May 2006 in Manchester.
Developments in health and social care have focused on the benefits which can occur from inter-agency working and the need to develop new partnerships that provide the value-added innovative services which are vital to patient /client satisfaction.
However, it is difficult to build productive partnerships on an ad hoc basis.
What is required is a structured approach to building partnerships which provide a well-defined method to productive joint working. Harrogate Training & Development has developed a new approach to building partnerships - Structured Partnership
Development - which is the focus for this two-day intensive workshop.
Objectives of the Workshop: To build an awareness of the power of partnerships To highlight the obstacles to effective partnership working How to learn from partners To provide an introduction to Structured Partnership Development To understand the
need for shared targets Learning to redesign services from a partnership perspective.
The facilitator is: Dr Phil Barden, Director of Research, Harrogate Training & Development.
Contact Details:
Progress House,
87 Skipton Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1423 506611 | Fax: +44 (0)1423 531166
Email: info@htd.org.uk | 
Web links: www.htd.org.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Contact Assessments and GPs [authors: Sylv Sheehan and Ann Knight]
Powerpoint presentation describes a pilot on contact assessments developed for Harrow GPs and Virtual Care Teams. The aim was to secure GP involvement (in one practice) and create an integrated team for the
practice. The authors designed a 'mail merge' Word document which picks up information from the GP database (EMIS) and deposits it into a contact assessment. This is a useful interim, interim solution which allows data to be pulled directly from the
EMIS system. It is proving successful in the practice it is being piloted in and now being rolled out to other practices in Brent.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Sylv Sheehan, SAP Facilitator, Harrow Sylv Sheehan Services Ltd,
82 Central Avenue,
Middlesex HA5 5BP
Tel: 0208 966 9949
07769 565208 (mobile) | Fax:
Email: sylv@sheehan2.freeserve.co.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: View powerpoint presentation |  ISBN/ISSN:
Review of Care File; questionnaires for service users and staff [author: Sylv Sheehan ]
Sample questionnaires for (a) service users and (b) staff to evaluate the use of care files.
View user questionnaire
| View staff questionnaire
Contact Details:
Sylv Sheehan, SAP Facilitator, Harrow Sylv Sheehan Services Ltd,
82 Central Avenue,
Middlesex HA5 5BP
Tel: 0208 966 9949
07769 565208 (mobile) | Fax:
Email: sylv@sheehan2.freeserve.co.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: evaluation
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Self Assessment project - Harrow how it started ... [authors: Sylv Sheehan]
(November 2005)
Powerpoint presentation (13 slides) at the London SAP Leads meeting in November 2005, outlining research on the usefulness or otherwise of telephone reviews (done by around 20% of authorities contacted),
telephone assessments (done by 3 out of 24 authorities contacted) and self assessments (5 out of 25 authorities contacted). The impetus for considering self assessment (which is the same as self reporting) in Harrow has been the Government's thrust
towards self care and self management. The presentation identifies three models of self assessment: short (Bolton), medium (Torbay) and Long (similar to overview, Southend). However, reasons are given why this form of assessment may not always be
View powerpoint presentation
Contact Details:
Sylv Sheehan, SAP Facilitator, Harrow Sylv Sheehan Services Ltd,
82 Central Avenue,
Middlesex HA5 5BP
Tel: 0208 966 9949
07769 565208 (mobile) | Fax:
Email: sylv@sheehan2.freeserve.co.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP Leads |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Health and Social Care Change Agent Team
Progressing the Single Assessment Process What has been achieved to date? [author: Judith Whittam]
(4 April 2005)
Powerpoint presentation (13 slides), examining progress with implementing the Single Assessment Process (SAP) with regard to: interagency responsibility; person-centred assessment; training; information
sharing; and care co-ordination. Also asks whether the assessment process is working in practice, and looks at future developments
Judith Whittam of the Health and Social Care Change Agent Team gave this presentation at a Housing Learning & Improvement Network (LIN) North West Region event, Single Assessment Process and ECH - Supporting People, on 8 June 2005. Although the
Powerpoint is not specifically on housing, training events such as this point to the value of involving housing (including extra-care and sheltered housing) staff in training for SAP.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: change_agent_team@doh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://changeagentteam.org.uk/_library/docs/Housing/Presentations/Whittam_080605.ppt
Target group: All SAP staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Health and Social Care Change Agent Team, Department of Health
Changing times: improving services for older people report on the work of the Health and Social Care Change Agent Team, 2003/04
(September 2004)
The purpose of this second annual report of the Health and Social Care Change Agent Team (CAT) is to present best practice guidance and examples of good practice. The Team's broad remit is to support
implementation of wider aspects of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). The report covers: assessing needs: the care process and pathway; improving capacity and matching needs to services; better commissioning and securing capacity
through collaborative working; and partnerships and delivering change through a whole systems approach. Examples of good practice illustrate work on: the single assessment process (SAP); discharge planning; reimbursement (for delayed discharges);
intermediate care; mental health services for older people; and housing and assistive technology.
The Change Agent Team's first annual report, "Changing places" and covering 2002/2003 focused on some areas of the NSF, but not SAP.
View document.
Contact Details:
Judy McCallum, Finance and Office Manager, Department of Health,
Health and Social Care Change Agent Team, Wellington House,
Room LG33,
135-155 Waterloo Road,
SE1 8UG.
Tel: 020 7972 1330 | Fax: 020 7972 4349
Email: Judy.McCallum@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.changeagentteam.org.uk
| http://www.changeagentteam.org.uk/_library/changing_times.pdf
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: FOC (quote 40078 and the tiitle) from DH Publications Orderline, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. Tel 08701 555 455. e-mail: dh@prolog.uk.com Also available on request in Braille, on audio-cassette tape, on disk and in
large print. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Health and Social Care Group, Institute of Health Sciences and Public Health Research (formerly Nuffield Instittue of Health), University of Leeds
Single Assessment Process and the involvement of the voluntary sector a project commissioned by Leeds Older People's Forum on behalf of the City-wide SAP Implementation Group [authors Jean Townsend,
Jeanette Moore]
(March 2005)
PowerPoint presentation (27 slides) on the authors' small scale research into voluntary sector involvement in SAP in Leeds. They found that most areas are struggling with how they can involve the voluntary
sector in SAP; and although they found a few other examples of voluntary organisations' involvement (in North Tyneside, Northamptonshire and Hertfordshire), they are not aware of any guidance from national voluntary organisations. The presentation
covers voluntary sector and statutory agencies' perceptions; strengths and attributes that voluntary sector organisations could bring to the SAP process; and concerns and issues regarding voluntary sector involvement.
Leeds Older People's Forum and Sally Mayfield (the SAP Project Manager), who commissioned the research, are now working actively to pick up on the recommendations.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Jean Townsend Health and Social Care Group,
Institute of Health Sciences and Public Health Research,
University of Leeds,
71-71 Clarendon Road,
LS2 9PL.
Tel: 0113 343 6993 | Fax: 0113 343 6880
Email: j.townsend@leeds.ac.uk |  j.moore@leeds.ac.uk
Web links: http://www.nuffield.leeds.ac.uk
Target group: All |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Health and Social Care Quality Centre (HSCQC)
Care [Counsel and Care; Health and Social Care Quality Centre]
Care is a quarterly newsletter (started in 2004) published by the Health and Social Care Quality Centre (HSCQC) and commissioned by Counsel and Care. Each newsletter is focused on one of the standards in the
National Service Framework for Older People, e.g. safety and risk management in health care (issue 4 October 2004). The publication is supplied free of charge to health care professionals via PCTs; otherwise free subscriptions can be registered c/o
HSCQC - contact details given below.
Alternatively, the latest newsletter can be downloaded from the Counsel and Care website link given below.
Contact Details:
Dr Gillian Dalley, Editor, 3 - 5 Lambeth Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7582 7100 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7582 7545
Email: subscriptions@carequality.org | 
Web links: http://www.carequality.org
| http://www.counselandcare.org.uk/index.htm
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: journal
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Health Care Conferences,
Managing Long Term Conditions
A one day conference on 5 April 2006 at London Hilton Metropole.
A big event for all those involved in supporting people with long term conditions, with 7 conference streams and 39 sessions from policy makers, leading clinicians, managers and healthcare professionals offering services in the most innovative ways.
Over 50 companies and organisations exhibiting.
Contact Details:
Compton Business Centre,
Compton Abdale,
Nr Cheltenham,
GL54 4DL
Tel: +44 (0)870 2500 368 | Fax: +44 (0)870 2500 369
Email: enquiries@ukhcc.com | 
Web links: http://www.ukhcc.com/event/cm.html
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £232.65 to £408.90 VAT inclusive. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Healthcare Commission, Audit Commission; Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI)
Living well in later life a review of progress against the National Service Framework for Older People [authors: Healthcare Commission, Audit Commission, Commission for Social Care Inspection
(March 2006)
This is the first collaborative in-depth review of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). The Healthcare Commission, the Audit Commission and the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI)
have worked in partnership to assess NHS and local authorities progress in meeting the standards set out in the NSF. The chapter, Designing and delivering services around older people (pp 36-51) comments on SAP (pp 38-40) . None of the 10 local
authority areas (+40 NHS trusts) that were inspected had introduced one model of single assessment across all partner organisations in the area. There was little evidence of an approach to assessment that "genuinely placed the older person at the
centre, and that focused on the issues that the older person saw as most important". Factors which were affecting implementation of SAP included: project management that did not pay enough attention to delivering the requirements of the NSF; lack
of a shared electronic system for keeping records; limited testing of single assessments; and incomplete interagency evaluation of SAP. While multidisciplinary training of staff had started in most areas, there are both difficulties in getting staff
to attend, and in agreeing about what information could be shared. There were, however, indications that SAP was bringing other benefits, in particular: more consistent and regular reviews of care and support; greater co-ordination of systems to
safeguard older people; and better systems to review prescribed medication.
p 51 Developing the electronic single assessment process throughout Surrey - provides background on the FAME project which began in Woking.
A summary report is also available (weblink 2).
Contact Details:
Healthcare Commission,
Finsbury Tower,
103-105 Bunhill Row,
Tel: 020 7448 9200 | Fax: 020 7448 9222
Email: feedback@healthcarecommission.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthcarecommission.org.uk/assetRoot/04/02/46/42/04024642.pdf
| http://www.healthcarecommission.org.uk/assetRoot/04/02/46/43/04024643.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: Available in other formats and languages on request: 0845 601 3012. |  ISBN/ISSN: 184562881X
Healthcare Events
A Practical Guide to Protecting Vulnerable Adults
A one day conference on 7 February 2006 at The Royal Society, London.
There are many issues that need to be addressed when discussing ways to tackle the abuse of vulnerable adults. This conference, through a number of case studies, addresses the issues you may be currently facing, as well as enabling you to explore
new ways of working to meet patient needs. Chairman: Mervyn Eastman (UK Director, Better Government for Older People and President, The Practitioner Alliance Against Abuse of Vulnerable Adults) with ten speakers from a variety of settings.
Contact Details:
2 Acre Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8541 1399 | Fax: +44 (0) 8547 2300
Email: info@healthcare-events.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthcare-events.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £387.75 to £528.75 incl. VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
Healthcare Events
Care Pathways A Practical Guide to Improving Clinical Practice through Developing and Using Care Pathways
A one day conference to be held on 27 February 2007 at the Manchester conference centre, Manchester.
Chairman is Marie Kehoe, Board Member, The European Pathway Association and President, The Irish Society for Quality and Safety in Healthcare and numerous speakers .
This practical based conference brings together clinicians and managers from all over the country to share their experiences of developing, implementing and monitoring integrated care pathways in their organisations.
Contact Details:
2 Acre Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8541 1399 | Fax: +44 (0) 8547 2300
Email: naomi@healthcare-events.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthcare-events.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £340.75 to £558.13 incl. VAT for one day; discounts available on group bookings. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Healthcare Events
Improving Care for Older People 2006
A two day conference to be held on 26/27 June 2006, Savoy Place, London.
The fourth annual conference examining the key practical issues in improving services and care delivery for older people. Keynote presentations from: Gordon Lishman OBE, Professor John Young, Professor Peter Crome, Richard Humphries plus further
41 leading practitioners actively involved in the improvement of services for older people.
Contact Details:
2 Acre Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8541 1399 | Fax: +44 (0) 8547 2300
Email: info@healthcare-events.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthcare-events.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £387.75 to £528.75 incl. VAT for one day; discounts available on group bookings. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Healthcare Events
Joining Forces to Deliver Improved Stroke Care
A one day conference to be held on 19 October 2006 at The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London.
CPD Accredited one day conference to cover a wide range of topics on improving stroke care. The Conference provides a unique opportunity to join the National Audit Office in shaping the future of Stroke Services. Keynote speakers include amongst
others: Rosie Winterton MP, Minister of State for Health Services; Edward Leigh MP, Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee; Karen Taylor OBE, Director Health VfM Audit, NAO; and, Professor Roger Boyle CBE, National Clinical Director for Stroke,
Contact Details:
2 Acre Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8541 1399 | Fax: +44 (0) 8547 2300
Email: Katie@healthcare-events.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthcare-events.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £311.38 to £528.75 incl. VAT for one day; discounts available on group bookings. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Helen Sanderson Associates (HSA); Older People's Programme - OPP
Person centred thinking with older people practicalities and possibilities [authors: Helen Bowers, Gill Bailey, Helen Sanderson (et al)]
The book (94 pp) is about person centred thinking to enable older people to have much greater control and say over what they need and want, in order to be full and active citizens. It summarises what is being
learnt about self-directed support and older people, and introduces each of the person centred thinking tools. These are: appreciations; relationships; what is important to and for people; communication; histories; wishing; good days and bad days;
and working or not working. The book explores how these tools provide the foundation for support planning. The pack provides real life examples for using these person centred thinking tools.
The materials on learning centred thinking were developed by the Learning Community for Person Centred Practices and are used with permission. The book was supported by the Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP) and In Control.
Contact Details:
Helen Sanderson, Helen Sanderson Associates,
34 Broomfield Road,
Heaton Moor,
SK4 4ND.
Tel: 0161 442 8271 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: www.helensandersonassociates.co.uk
| www.opp-uk.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: book; toolkit
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact at HSA: Gill Bailey.
Contacts at the Older People's Programme: Helen Bowers, Lorna Easterbrook, Alison Macadam and Cathy Smith. Tel: 01202 416052
Help the Aged
Housing choice for older people a discussion paper [author: Joe Oldman]
This discussion paper (61 pp) gives an overview of some of the current policy issues impacting on older people's housing in England: the diversity of housing needs, and housing options. Part 3, Finding
solutions, first examines the extent to which strategic planning and policies such as Supporting People (SP) and the Decent Homes Standard deliver results. The role of co-ordinating housing advice and information is considered in the context, for
example, of HOPDEV (the Housing and Older People Development Group), Link-Age, the Single Assessment Process (SAP), Home Improvement Agencies ((HIA), and Housing Options for Older People (HOOP).
Contact Details:
Joe Oldman, Help the Aged,
207-221 Pentonville Road,
N1 9UZ.
E-mail: info@helptheaged.org.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 7278 1114 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7278 1116
Email: joe.oldman@helptheaged.org.uk |  info@helptheaged.org.uk
Web links: http://www.helptheaged.org.uk
Target group: housing; general public |  Type / Format: book; policy
Availability / Price: £10.00 Also available on website. |  ISBN/ISSN: 1845980069
Help the Aged; Nuffield Institute for Health, University of Leeds
Depression and older people towards securing well-being in later life [authors: Mary Godfrey, Tracy Denby]
Older people with depressive disorders are largely invisible in health and care services, and many fail to seek or receive effective treatment. The report reviews the nature and scope of the evidence on
depression and older people; evaluates the current policy and practice response; and identifies gaps in the evidence base and areas for further work. The report also examines user and carer needs; risk factors in depression; and how people access
services or support, identification and treatment in primary care as well as specialist mental health services. The report presents a framework and suggestions for an approach aimed at supporting a "good life" in older age. This is seen as central
in developing strategies for primary prevention of later life depression.
Help the Aged commissioned the report, which was undertaken at the Nuffield Health and Social Care Group, Institute of Health Sciences and Public Health Research, University of Leeds.
Contact Details:
Marston Book Services,
PO Box 269,
OX14 4YN.
Tel: 01235 465500 | Fax:
Email: direct.orders@marston.co.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Mental health; general practitioners |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: £ 14.99 plus £2.75 P&P. |  ISBN/ISSN: 1861346425
Notes: Published by Policy Press in association with Help the Aged.
Hertfordshire County Council
Single Assessment Process in Hertfordshire: investing in change management [authors:Stephen Casson, Dorothy Skidmore]
(April 2005)
Article in the Journal of Integrated Care, vol 13, no 2, April 2005 pp 28-33.
This paper describes how Hertfordshire met the challenge of providing a training programme to improve services for older people, with the introduction of single assessment, in the complex setting of a shire county with a number PCTs, acute trusts, a
county partnership trust and a county council social care service.
Having set the context for single assessment, it describes the Hertfordshire approach. It focuses on some of the key drivers for successful implementation of such a radical programme of change: the siting of sessions by geographical location, the
crucial role of managers and team leaders, setting the context of the sessions in the reality of staff experience, the importance of a shared language, common paperwork and clear protocols, and the role of the local implementation teams in
supporting the process both through its implementation phase and into the future.
Finally, it recognises that this training programme was only one aspect of equipping staff to be confident and competent in their assessments of older people and that service improvements will be achieved gradually, requiring commitment from
managers and support from the local implementation teams.
Contact Details:
Dorothy Skidmore, Development Manager Tel: | Fax:
Email: Dorothy.Skidmore@hertscc.gov.uk |  Stephen@scasson.fsbusiness.co.uk
Web links: http://www.hertsdirect.org/
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
Hertfordshire County Council
Single Assessment Process in Hertfordshire: investing in change management
( 2004)
As featured in an article in the Journal of Integrated Care, vol 13, no 2, April 2005 pp 28-33.
Attached to this SAP entry are some of the main powerpoint presentations and briefing documents used by Hertfordshire in providing a training programme to improve services for older people, with the introduction of single assessment, in the complex
setting of a shire county with a number PCTs, acute trusts, a county partnership trust and a county council social care service.
Stephen Casson was an external Consultant employed to work alongside Dorothy Skidmore and help deliver some of the training.
1. Briefing sessions for voluntary organisations features 24 slide powerpoint presentation.
2. Briefing sessions for residential and nursing homes features 27 slide powerpoint presentation.
3. Hertfordshire SAP training document (6 pp) features "Background information" and "Stages of assessment".
4. Briefing sessions about SAP with managers from residential and nursing homes (October 2004) (2pp document).
5. Briefing sessions on SAP with voluntary organisations (October 2004)(2pp document).
Contact Details:
Dorothy Skidmore, Development Manager, Integrated Services, Policy & Performance Unit, Adult Care Services,
Mount Pleasant,
Mount Pleasant Lane,
Tel: +44 (0)1707 280652
mob: 07887 833749 | Fax:
Email: Dorothy.Skidmore@hertscc.gov.uk |  Stephen@scasson.fsbusiness.co.uk
Web links: http://www.hertsdirect.org
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint; briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
HOPDEV organised by Foundations
Housing for an Ageing Population - the Agenda for the Future The Housing and Older People Development Group (HOPDEV) conference
A one day conference on 8th June 2006 at the Royal College of Surgeons, London.
The ageing of the population affects every aspect of society - this is particularly true of housing. 30% of all UK households are currently headed by someone aged 60 or over and this is set to increase. This conference will look ahead to how to meet
the housing challenges and opportunities presented by our ageing society, as well as making improvements to the housing and support available today.
The Housing and Older People Development Group (HOPDEV) is the group charged with advising Government on housing and older people. Its members include housing providers, older people, voluntary organisations, local authorities, and other experts on
housing and related issues.
Baroness Andrews OBE, Parliamentary Secretary at the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, will open this conference with the keynote address on Government policy on housing and older people. The Government has announced that it will be developing a
new housing strategy for older people, and delegates will have the opportunity to hear about the latest thinking on this.
HOPDEV will launch two new reports at the conference: The 'AT HOME' toolkit designed to help ensure that housing and related services take account of the needs of black and minority ethnic (BME) elders. It will be particularly useful to service
commissioners and providers, as well as older people from BME Groups. A new leaflet on ageism in housing. This seeks to spread understanding of ageism, its impact in housing provision for older people, and how to tackle it.
The conference will conclude with an expert panel debating the major challenges in housing, and delegates will be invited to ask questions.
Contact Details:
Bleaklow House
Howard Town Mill
SK13 8HT
Tel: 01457 891909 | Fax: 01457 869361
Email: scollins@cel.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.cel.co.uk/foundations/conferences_and_events/other_events.htm
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: Delegate places start from only £50 + VAT.
There are also a number of free places for older people. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Subsidized event through funding from the Department of Health and Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
HOPe Older People's Reference Group
Single Assessment - The User's Perspective Mary Parkinson
Paper presented to conference on Single Assessment, May 2003. Writing from the perspective of an older person on the receiving end of care, topics covered are the needs and responsibilities of the user; impact
of assessment at a time of crisis; partnership in on-going assessment; and the role of single assessment at the end of life. The author is a member of the HOPe Older People's Reference Group that works to monitor how the National Service Framework
is working on the ground and feeding back suggestions for change and improvement, supporting the Department of Health.
View document
Contact Details:
Older People's Reference Group,
c/o Help the Aged,
Policy Research and International Department,
207-221 Pentonville Road,
N1 9UZ
Tel: 020 7239 1881 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.helptheaged.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
My Shared Care Plan: An Integrated Health and Social Care Plan [Version 1] [Hounslow SAP Team]
June 2004
Under the Single Assessment Process, there is a need to share an integrated Health and Social Care Plan of the assessment, subject to consent, with the person who has been assessed, their carer(s) and all of
those involved from health and social care.
The format of Hounslow’s 'My Shared Care Plan' has been designed to link in with person centred care and the single assessment process. It will be used after the FACE overview or comprehensive assessment has taken place. Numerous SAP care plans
have been examined and have contributed to this document, not least those from Knowsley, Croydon and the NWL Sector in London. Managers, Practitioners and Clinicians in Hounslow have also had the opportunity to input into this document.
It is person centred with the 'My' indicating the information is owned by the person who has been assessed. However, with consent, it should be made available to all who have contributed to the assessment and those providing services.
'My Shared Care Plan' is made up of 5 separate documents:
1 Health and Social Care Plan - contains the conclusions/outcomes from the Overview or Comprehensive assessment.
2 Timetable of Care + the people and organisations who provide these services
3 Contact List - including emergency nos for the person assessed and their carer(s)
4 Service Plan (Criteria and Charges for non-NHS Services)
5 Medication Management
Document here shows completed example of a fictional case.
View care plan
Contact Details:
Keith Strahan, Hounslow SAP Manager Tel: 07973 700695 (mobile)
020 8583 3655 (office) | Fax:
Email: kspcsw@aol.com |  Keith.Strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: care plan
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Hounslow Joint Staff Development Forum
Glossary of Health and Social Care [Hounslow Joint Staff Development Forum]
31 pages. This glossary or A-Z of services has been produced to explain some of the terms used by health and social care agencies.
View glossary
Contact Details:
Keith Strahan Tel: 07973 700695 (mobile)
020 8583 3655 (office) | Fax:
Email: kspcsw@aol.com |  Keith.Strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Housing Learning & Improvement Network (LIN), Change Agent Team
Single assessment process and the housing sector a discussion paper [author: Sue Garwood]
(13 April 2005)
Sue Garwood, an extra care specialist, has produced this discussion paper (19 pp) for Housing LIN. Her paper explores the issues, starting from the Single Assessment Process Guidance and paperwork, and
assessing these from the perspective of their reference to, and inclusion of, the housing sector. Issues are then covered from a particular housing sector perspective, also assistive technology.
View discussion document
| View Housing LIN newsletter
Contact Details:
Housing LIN,
c/o EAC,
3rd Floor,
99 Albert Embankment,
SE1 7TP.
Tel: 020 7820 1882 | Fax:
Email: housinglin@eac.org.uk | 
Web links: http://icn.csip.org.uk/housing/
Target group: housing |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The newsletter, Housing with Care Matters: E-news from the Housing Learning & Improvement Network, Change Agent Team, Spring 2005, refers to this report, and that comments or examples are invited by 27 May 2005, to be sent to
HSJ Conferences
Demystifying the National Programme for IT Realising the benefits for patients and clinicians
A one day conference on 26 October 2006 to be held at Marriott Hotel, Regents Park, London NW3.
Keynote session by Lord Warner of Brockley, Minister of State for Reform - Connecting the NHS: Communicating the vision of the National Programme for IT. Chair: Alexis Nolan, Features Editor (HSJ).
Contact Details:
Conference Registration,
33-39 Bowling Green Lane,
Tel: 0845 056 8299 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7505 6001
Email: hsjconferences@emap.com | 
Web links: http://www.hsj-NHSit.co.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: from £264.38 and £699.13 incl. VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
HSJ Conferences,
Fundamentals of Commissioning Navigating the changing landscape of NHS commissioning
A one day conference on 27 March 2007, at the Savoy Place, Institute of Electrical Engineers, London WC2.
Contact Details:
Fundamentals of Commissioning Conference Registration Ground Floor,
33-39 Bowling Green Lane,
Tel: +44 (0)845 056 8299 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7505 6001
Email: HSJconferences@emap.com | 
Web links: http://www.hsj-commissioning.co.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £346.63 to £699.13 VAT inclusive. |  ISBN/ISSN:
HSJ Conferences,
Managing Long Term Conditions Developing models of integrated working to reduce admissions and deliver patient-led services
A one day conference on 12 October 2006 at The Oval, London SE11.
Opening remarks from the Chair: David A Peat, Chief Executive at Burnley, Pendle & Rossendale PCT. Speakers on main topics: Understanding the changing landscape; Collaborative working - engagement within and beyond health; and, Reducing Pressure on
Acute Services.
Contact Details:
Managing Long Term Conditions Registration Ground Floor,
33-39 Bowling Green Lane,
Tel: +44 (0)845 056 8299 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7505 6001
Email: HSJconferences@emap.com | 
Web links: http://www.hsj-longtermconditions.co.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £440.63 to £675.63 VAT inclusive. |  ISBN/ISSN:
HSJ Conferences
Self Care Symposium Delivering integrated self care support services
A one day conference on 29 March 2006 to be held at Ibis Hotel Earls Court, London SW6.
Keynote session by Lord Warner of Brockley, Minister of State for NHS Delivery - Understanding the role of self care in the modern NHS. Chair: Nick Edwards, Editor, HSJ.
Contact Details:
Conference Registration,
33-39 Bowling Green Lane,
Tel: 0845 056 8299 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7505 6001
Email: hsjconferences@emap.com | 
Web links: http://www.hsj-selfcare.co.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £440.63 and £699.13 incl. VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
Assisting ageing [Improvement and Development Agency - IDeA]
This guide (56pp) gives examples from Beacon authorities and others of current best practice in providing services for older people. It has been compiled in partnership with the IDeA by the Beacon authorities
for the Services for Older People theme (2004-05). They are: Cotswold District Council; Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service; Nottinghamshire County Council; Shropshire County Council; and, Stroud District Council. It outlines the major demographic
and social trends and policy considerations that underpin the work of local authorities in this area before going on to discuss and present examples of different initiatives under four themes. Key factors for success that run throughout each theme
are the active involvement of older people and the willingness of authorities and agencies to adopt innovative approaches to the provision of services. (KJ)
Contact Details:
Layden House,
76-86 Turnmill Street,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7296 6600 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.idea-knowledge.gov.uk/idk/aio/5084947
Target group: |  Type / Format: strategies
Availability / Price: electronic format only |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Improvement and Development Agency
Draft general information sharing protocol [author: Improvement and Development Agency]
The purpose of this protocol is to provide a framework for the secure and confidential sharing of information between organisations to enable them to meet the requirement to provide public services, in
accordance with government expectations. It draws attention to general principles when setting up protocols regarding the protection and use of personal data, particularly the legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1998. It provides
principles governing the sharing of information by agencies, and the procedures for disclosure of personal information.
Contact Details:
Layden House,
76-88 Turnmill Street,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7296 6600 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7296 6666
Email: info@idea.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.idea.gov.uk/transformation/downloads/protocol.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Integrated Care Network
On the 29/30 November at Excel International Exhibition and Conference Centre, London Docklands, NHS Networks in association with the International Network of Integrated Care will be holding a major
conference. The event is aimed at bringing together practitioners, managers, policy-makers and researchers who are working in the field of integrated care, disease
management and health and social care networks to exchange knowledge, experience and innovative practice.
To present your work at the conference please e-mail your abstract direct to :
Jennifer Smith at inic@igitur.uu.nl as soon as possible. It would also be helpful if you could state that you are a member of CSIP's Integrated Care Network. Please use the following format:
- A structured abstract (no more than 200 words) including: case description; analysis of innovation; conclusions and points of learning
- Names and details of the authors including institutional affiliations and contact details
- Notification of which conference theme your wish to submit for: 'chronic disease management' or 'health and social care networks' (or 'both' if relevant)
- The type of presentation: 'innovations poster'
Further details about the conference can be found at the website link below.
Contact Details:
Wellington House,
2nd Floor, 133 - 155 Waterloo Road,
London, SE1 8UG.
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.networks.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services and PCT
Islington Care Schedule - Freeware Form
August 2004
The Care Schedule is a care timetable that has been developed alongside the Needs and Care Planning tool [see separate entry Islington Needs and Care Planning Freeware Tool]. It has taken its design from the
'Your Care Plan' model developed recently.
View Care Schedule
Contact Details:
Howard Smith & Peter Gooding Business & Performance/SAP Project Team
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax: 020 7527 1107
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk |  peter.gooding@islington.gov.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: care plan;
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Carer Assessment and Support Plan
The Islington carer assessment and support plan doc template is in Word and designed to link in with Overview domains.
In an effort to save some localities additional design and development work, Islington has released the carers assessment tool as Freeware. The assessment tool has been in circulation and in live use for the last two years at least in Islington.
Practitioners are invited to use all or part of the document as they wish. It can be configured to add local icons etc.
View Carer Assessment and Support Plan
Contact Details:
Howard Smith E-Business Development Manager
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax:
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Community Care Review/Re-Assessment for People Living in Residential/Nursing Home Care
The Islington community care review/re-assessment tool for people living in residential/nursing home care doc template is in Word and designed to link in with Overview domains.
In an effort to save some localities additional design and development work, Islington has released the assessment tool as Freeware. The assessment tool has been in circulation and in live use for the last two years at least in Islington.
Practitioners are invited to use all or part of this as they wish. It can be configured to add local icons etc.
View Community Care Review/Re-Assessment for people living in residential/nursing home care
Contact Details:
Howard Smith E-Business Development Manager
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax:
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Islington Community Care Review/Reassessment
The Islington community care review doc template which is in Word and designed to link in with Overview domains is an example of a review assessment tool that is suitable for use by practitioners across the
whole adult service for the review assessment process.
In an effort to save some localities additional design and development work, Islington has released the assessment tool as Freeware. The assessment tool has been in circulation and in live use for the last two years at least in Islington.
Practitioners are invited to use all or part of this as they wish. It can be configured to add local icons etc.
View tool
Contact Details:
Howard Smith E-Business Development Manager
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax:
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Islington Comprehensive Risk Assessment
August 2004
The Comprehensive Risk Assessment for Vulnerable Adults & Adults with Illness or Disabilities has been developed alongside the Needs and Care Planning tool [see separate entry Islington Needs and Care Planning
Freeware Tool]. This document is to be used where serious, complex or multiple risk factors are identified and where it is clear that risk management planning within general community care assessment and service provision has not (or will not)
adequately ensure that a service user is protected. Risk assessment guidance is provided to assist in completing the Comprehensive Risk Assessment form.
View Comprehensive Risk Assessment form.
View Risk Management and the Comprehensive Risk Assessment guidance.
Contact Details:
Howard Smith Business & Performance/SAP Project Team
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax: 020 7527 1107
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Islington Needs and Care Planning Freeware Tool
August 2004
As a solution to addressing care planning issues alongside SAP and in relation to Care Management , Islington Social Services and PCT have developed an electronic Needs and Care Planning tool which is now in
use across Islington adults social care and is being taken up in other areas in Islington such as Community Nursing and Mental Health Care of Older people. The tool produces a holistic document setting out Needs, Risk Bandings, Actions and Outcomes
in a logical format.
The document can be fully edited and amended as required.
The tool presents a pick list of common needs categorised into the main FACS areas. It also presents FACS bandings against each need and automatically creates a document with the users name, DOB, NHS & SS ID number, listing all chosen needs and
bandings and preferred outcomes. The action or intervention can then be added against each need to produce a comprehensive statement of need, actions and ideal outcomes. The needs and outcomes have been carefully developed with teams, practitioners
and with reference to the University of York SPRU 'Outcomes into Practice' module.
A Zipped copy of the Needs & Care Plan Tool can be downloaded from this website. Also included are user instructions, an example of a created document, a full checklist of the needs and outcomes covered and a Readme First document containing
important set up and freeware disclaimer information.
Also see entry for Islington Care Schedule - Freeware Form.
Download Needs & Care Plan tool
Contact Details:
Howard Smith Business & Performance/SAP Project Team
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax: 020 7527 1107
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: care plan; toolkit
Availability / Price: Free to download and share. NB: To download, Right Click on mouse, and select Save Target As ,,, |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The developers wish to share the tool as Freeware with colleagues in London and nationally, as it can be used by health and social care staff as a useful care planning tool to complement SAP documentation.
Please note that the tool will not run on Office 2003 - a patched version to allow this will be available in a few weeks.
Please feel free to distribute this tool to colleagues who may find it useful.
IT Perspectives Ltd,
Information governance guide
This website, managed by IT Perspectives Ltd, builds on work carried out for the North West E-Government Group (NWEGG) that attempted to understand the issues of Information Governance in the context of the
SAP. In addition, it provides a valuable resource for those involved in implementing Information Governance in any domain, including Information Sharing and Assessment of children at risk. The website outlines and provides links where appropriate to
laws, standards and guidance which are relevant to the topic of Information Governance and information sharing in social services.
Contact Details:
Heather Heathfield, IT Perspectives Ltd,.,
Secta Ltd.,
Parkway House,
Palatine Road,
M22 4DB.
Tel: 0161 902 1100 | Fax: 0161 902 1111
Email: info@it-p.co.uk |  heather.heathfield@it-p.net
Web links: http://www.it-p.net/NWEGG/igov/default.html
| http://www.it-p.net
Target group: IT; SAP Leads |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The North West E-Goverment Group NWEGG can be contacted c/o Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Computer Centre, Civic Way, Huyton L36 9GD. tel 0151 443 3384; fax 0151 443 3814; e-mail admin@nwegg.org.uk
IT Perspectives Ltd,
NWEGG Single Assessment Programme review of approaches to information governance for SAP in the North West; Version 1.0 [author: Heather Heathfield]
(5 April 2004)
The North West e-Government Group (NWEGG) is a partnership covering all local authorities and many other public sector agencies in the North West region. NWEGG is supporting collaborative projects that will
help the 46 councils in the North West make progress on e-government.
NWEGG has identified single assessment of older people as an important area of common interest within the theme of crossing organisational boundaries. This report (59 pp - Web Link 1) produced by IT Perspectives describes SAP and discusses
implementation issues faced by pilot sites. It introduces the concept of information governance, and outlines the national picture, highlighting some of the general and SAP specific protocols that are available. The report reviews approaches to
information governance taken by SAP projects in the North West, and gives summaries of SAP project pilot sites in: Bolton; Cheshire; Formby and Sefton; Rochdale; Salford; St Helens and Knowsley; Stockport; Trafford; West Lancashire; and Wirral.
Other pilots are: Cheshire and Merseyside SHA Information Governance Project; and North Mersey Information Governance.
See also, other entry for IT Perspectives: part of its.website pulls together all the work it has completed related to SAP, information governance and role based access.
View document.
Contact Details:
Heather Heathfield, IT Perspectives Ltd,,
Secta Ltd.,
Parkway House,
Palatine Road,
M22 4DB.
Tel: 0161 902 1100 | Fax: 0161 902 1111
Email: info@it-p.co.uk |  heather.heathfield@it-p.net
Web links: http://www.nwegg.org.uk/CDStore/documents/SAP-IG-SitesReport-V1.0FINAL.pdf
| http://www.it-p.net
Target group: IT; SAP Leads |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: The item is posted on the NWEGG website (Web Link 1). |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The North West E-Government Group NWEGG can be contacted c/o Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Computer Centre, Civic Way, Huyton L36 9GD. tel 0151 443 3384; fax 0151 443 3814; e-mail admin@nwegg.org.uk
Jacki Pritchard Productions Ltd.,
"Working with Adult Abuse" series Training tools for workers at all levels across the sector [Jacki Pritchard Productions]
For sale in various formats are a variety of levels of training on abuse from basic to specialised. All videos/dvds include: theory and information, case studies, learning points, discussion questions and
exercises. Study books can be used to accompany the videos/dvds or they can be used individually. A range of other books and training manuals are also available.
Contact Details:
Units G9 + G10,
The Globe Business Centre,
Penistone Road,
S6 3AE
Tel: +44 (0)114 270 1782 | Fax:
Email: info@jackipritchardproductions.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.jacki-pritchard.co.uk/1/index2.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: training material; dvd/video
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Integrating Care for Older People new care for old - a systems approach [authors: Christopher Foote, Christine Stanners]
The authors of this book (384 pp) share their practical experience of implementing a multi-agency approach to the support of older people. They show how systems thinking can help with the complexity of
developing a model of care that co-ordinates medical, social and community services. Insight is offered into the effective use of on-going assessment, evaluation, costing and information technology, with examples. The resource aims to meet the
growing need for material on multi-agency practice and is a tool for all those working across organisational and professional boundaries to deliver an integrated care system for older people. The book is based on a case study of the South
Buckinghamshire EPICS (Elderly Persons Integrated Care System) project, where the authors worked as part of the EPICS team.
Chapter 4, 'Assessment: getting to know the older person', emphasises the importance and value of involving the older person in all stages of the assessment process. It also stresses the tension for practitioners between conforming to a standardised
system and their wish to use their independent professional judgement - which is the most appropriate way to gain their commitment to a sustainable assessment process. The chapter discusses the selection and use of assessment tools as a way of
facilitating the implementation of an assessment process.
Contact Details:
Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
116 Pentonville Road,
N1 9JB.
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7833 2307 | Fax: +44 (0) 20 7837 2917
Email: post@jkp.com | 
Web links: http://www.jkp.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: £16.95 |  ISBN/ISSN: 184310010X
Notes: This book is one of more than 80 items (most date from 1987 to 1998) in the EPICS Collection held in the Library at the Centre for Policy on Ageing. As a concept, EPICS (the Elderly Persons Integrated Care System) could be described
as a precursor to SAP.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
MDS - latest research reviewing the RNCC tool, flexible skills mix, and the specialist nurse project (2003) [authors: Jan Reed, Bill Watson, Margaret Cook]
Part I of this 3-part report is: The Registered Nursing Care Contribution tool: an evaluation of use; by Jan Reed, Bill Watson, Margaret Cook, of the Centre for Care of Older People (CCOP). University of
It presents the findings of their study on the Registered Nursing Care Contribution (RNCC), which was introduced in 2001, to determine the amount of NHS-funded registered nursing care that residents in homes need. The results of using the Minimum
Data Set (MDS), a well-validated tool were compared with the RNCC tool for 186 residents from 6 care homes. Comparison was also made between RNCC results when people with different backgrounds and experience used the tool.
Appendices include: Example of an MDS assessment form; example of an EASY-Care assessment form; RNCC documentation and guidance. (MDS-HC Version 2, August 02 2000, in reduced size print).
Contact Details:
Joseph Rowntree Foundation,
The Homestead,
40 Water End,
YO30 6WP
Tel: +44 (0)1904 629241 | Fax: +44 (0)1904 620072
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.jrf.org.uk/bookshop/eBooks/1859351247.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: £15.95 from YPS, tel 01904 430033 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1859351239
Notes: Also available as PDF on http://www.jrf.org.uk - ISBN 1859351247
The RNCC tool is copyright University of Northumbria (Centre for Care of Older People; since 2006, the Centre for Collaborative Gerontology).
Other contact: Jan Read, Professor of Healtrh Care for Older People, Centre for Collaborative Gerontology, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Education, University of Northumbria, Room H017, Coach Lane Campus, Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7XA. Tel:
+44(0)191 215 6142. Fax +44 (0)191 215 6083.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF; Department of Applied Social Science, University of Stirling
Promoting person-centred care at the front line [authors: Anthea Innes, Suzi Macpherson, Louisa McCabe]
Recent policy developments across the UK highlight the importance of a more "person-centred" approach within community care services. Within this framework, however, little attention has been given to the role
played by frontline workers in limiting, facilitating or delivering on these policy imperatives. Understanding the roles and experiences of frontline workers is crucial in understanding how frontline care can be made more "person-centred". The
authors look at the barriers to and opportunities for promoting person-centred care for older people, disabled people, and people from minority ethnic groups. Their report examines perceptions of frontline work: what the most important qualities of
frontline workers are, and the value attached to care work. Organisational and systemic issues that influence the experiences of frontline workers and service users are explored. Recommendations are made on further research to fill gaps in
knowledge, while policy recommendations include a scoping study, a national mapping exercise, consideration of training needs for this group of staff, and more consultation with care workers and users alike on practice issues.
Contact Details:
York Publishing Services,
64 Hallfield Road,
YO31 7ZQ.
Tel: 01904 4330033 | Fax: 01904 430668
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.jrf.org.uk
Target group: Service providers and users |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: £ 9.95 . Also avalaible as PDF from web link. Alternative formats such as large print, Braille, audio tape or disk available from Communications Department, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, The Homestead, 40 Water End,
York YO30 6WP. |  ISBN/ISSN: 1859354513
Notes: Also available from the above website , Findings, 0296, May 2006. This summarises the main points (4 pp).
Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster
Medicines and the Single Assessment Process [Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Health and Social Care Communities]
(July 2004)
Thirty-three powerpoint frames to support training to extend 'overview' skills around medicines issues within the Single Assessment Process. Topics covered include: what are medicines; prescribing, supplying
and controlling medicines; medicines and older people; the SAP Medicines Management Assessment Tool - assessment and referral; putting asssessment into practice; medicines in hospital and the discharge process; perspectives from the district nurse,
social services, and mental health; FACE overview questions for medicines.
Contact Details:
Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea PCT Service Development,
St Charles Hospital,
Courtfield House,
Exmoor Street,
London W10 6DZ
Tel: 020 8962 4621 | Fax: 020 8962 4607
Email: ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: See separate entry for the SAP Medicines Management Assessment Tool.
Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster
Patient Information Leaflet [Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Health and Social Care Communities]
(June 2004)
Leaflet for patients explaining what the single assessment process means for them, in question and answer format. What is the Single Assessment Process for older people? Who can carry out your assessment? What
does the Single Assessment Process involve? What is a Joint Care Plan? What about the person who cares for you? How would we share your records? What if you are unhappy with your assessment? The Standards you can expect.
Contact Details:
Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea PCT Service Development,
St Charles Hospital,
Courtfield House,
Exmoor Street,
London W10 6DZ
Tel: 020 8962 4621 | Fax: 020 8962 4607
Email: ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster
Sharing of Service User's Information Between the Agencies: Single Assessment Process Sub-Protocol [Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Health and Social Care Communities]
(June 2004)
This protocol is a subsidiary to the general information sharing protocols adopted by the Health and Social Care communities of Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster. It aims to provide a framework for the
secure and confidential sharing of information between agencies involved in the single assessment process to enable them to meet the needs of service users, and provide protection and support in accordance with national and local policy and
legislative requirements. Specifically the document outlines the tems and conditions agreed between the agencies under which identifiable information can be shared and the safeguards that must be implemented.
Contact Details:
Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea PCT Service Development,
St Charles Hospital,
Courtfield House,
Exmoor Street,
London W10 6DZ
Tel: 020 8962 4621 | Fax: 020 8962 4607
Email: ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster
Single Assessment Process Medicines Management Assessment Tool [Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Health and Social Care Communities]
(July 2004)
The form contains an initial set of four questions devised to help assessors:
Clarify medicines issues identified during assessment.
Complement medicines related parts of the Overview Assessment tool.
Identify a point of advice or referral to address medicines issues.
Make appropriate and informative referrals.
If a problem is identified from asking the initial four questions, the form continues with more detailed questions to understand the problem better and consider referral.
Contact Details:
Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea PCT Service Development,
St Charles Hospital,
Courtfield House,
Exmoor Street,
London W10 6DZ
Tel: 020 8962 4621 | Fax: 020 8962 4607
Email: ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kent and Medway Strategic Health Authority
Protocol for confidentiality and information sharing between agencies in Kent and Medway involved in the Single Assessment Process (SAP) draft: version 1.0 [authors: Kent NHS Trust, Kent County Council,
Medway Council]
(November 2003)
This document is the protocol for ensuring confidentiality, whilst permitting the transfer and sharing, of information between agencies involved in the care of people with health and social care needs in Kent
and Medway. It provides further guidance that will determine, at a detailed level, how information that identifies an individual may be shared among organisations within the community.
Contact Details:
Nicola Anderson, Preston Hall,
London Road,
Royal British Legion Village,
Kent, ME20 7NJ
Tel: +44 (0)1622 713166 - NA
+44 (0)1622 710161 - direct line | Fax: +44 (0)1622 719802
Email: nicola.anderson@kentmedway.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kent Social Services
Caring - self assessment online
[January 2005]
Kent Social Services is piloting an innovative online self assessment scheme in partnership with software firm Anite Public Services. The Caring website allows people the choice to assess their own care
needs or carry out an assessment on behalf of someone else by completing a questionnaire online. If a person qualifies for support, they will then be able to choose from a range of support services matching their assessed needs. In most cases,
eligible applicants will be able to select a service without the need for a conventional home visit, however a review visit will take place to ensure the arrangements are suitable. The pilot covers people with moderate needs, but the aim is to
extend the service to those with critical and substantial needs. Face-to-face assessments will be retained for those who want them.
Contact Details:
Kent County Council,
County Hall,
Kent ME14 1XQ
Tel: +44 (0)8458 247247 | Fax:
Email: social.services@kent.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.kent.gov.uk/selfassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kent Social Services
Kent Telehealth
[February 2005]
Kent Telehealth is being launched in partnership with American company Viterion. It enables patients to monitor their own health and communicate with health and social care professionals from their own home
via a hi-tech user-friendly computer-based unit through a telephone line. All personal details are encrypted so there is no opportunity for hackers to access patients’ details.
Although it will initially be piloted among 275 older people with chronic diseases across primary care trusts in Ashford, Maidstone Weald, South West Kent and Dartford and Gravesham and Swanley, KCC believes that the technology could eventually be
used more widely. It could promote independence and self-management of, for example, care planning and be introduced into community settings such as schools, nursing and residential homes.
Contact Details:
Kent County Council,
County Hall,
Kent ME14 1XQ
Tel: +44 (0)8458 247247 | Fax:
Email: social.services@kent.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.kent.gov.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: online service
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kent. Social Services Department
Culturally competent care a good practice guide for care management. [authors: Bijay Minhas, Navdeep Kaur, Emma Hanson, Keith Wyncoll]
Produced by Kent Social Services for local and national application as part of a Department of Health (DH) Project to develop services for black and minority ethnic (BME) older people, this 40 pp guide
presents best practice checklists for frontline practitioners and carers. It is designed as a tool to enable practitioners to incorporate a holistic approach to care planning and assessment. Following an introduction, the sections cover: the care
management process; cross cultural understanding; the main legal and statutory requirements; background information on cultural and religious groups (based on material from Kingston Social Services' publication, 'Community profiles'); and a list of
further reading. The guide was produced with the following partner organisations: Bromley Social Services, Suffolk Social Services, Presentation Housing Association, and North Kent Gateway Partnership. An interactive CD-ROM for training purposes
which was to have followed this publication is not now being produced.
Contact Details:
Communications Assistant, Room 2.23, Sessions House,
County Hall,
ME14 1XQ.
Tel: 01622 694756 | Fax:
Email: paul.jerome@kent.gov.uk (orders) |  keith.wyncoll@kent.gov.uk (content of item)
Web links: http://www.kent.gov.uk/care.html
Target group: General |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: £9.95 from the Communications Assistant, address as above. |  ISBN/ISSN: 1901509672
King's College London
Self assessment of health and social care needs by older people: a multi-method systematic review of practices, accuracy, effectiveness and experience report for the National Co-ordinating Centre for
NHS Delivery and Organisation R&D (NCCSDO) [authors: Peter Griffiths, Roz Ullman, Ruth Harris]
(April 2005, revised August 2005)
Key themes of person centred care are proper assessment of potentially complex needs, integration of assessment, sharing of information between services and with clients, and active involvement of older people
in both health promotion and assessments. This systematic review (274 pp) considers the evidence base for self-assessment as a mechanism for promoting active user involvement in care and comprehensive assessment for older people. Although
occasionally used to refer to self-report, the review defines self-assessment as 'comprising at least self-report, self-completion or direction of the process", with self as "the potential beneficiary of the assessment" The review aims to answer
questions around the scope and accuracy of self-assessment, and its effectiveness in terms of service and person related outcomes including accessing services appropriate to need, uptake/engagement and satisfaction. The following approaches were
- a survey of the scope of the approaches towards self-assessment based on a comprehensive review of the literature and a survey of practice;
- a systematic review of studies of accuracy comparing the results of self-assessments with appropriate gold standard assessments;
- a systematic review of controlled trials of effectiveness or self-assessment;;
- a review of qualitative evidence of self-assessment for the perspective of both the older person and professionals.
A research summary, "Self assessment of health and social care needs by older people" (weblink 2), is also available.
Contact Details:
Dr Peter Griffiths, The Florence Nightingale School
of Nursing and Midwifery,
King's College London,
James Clerk Maxwell Building,
57 Waterloo Road,
London SE1 8WA
Telephone 020 7848 4698
Tel: +44 (0)20 7848 4698 | Fax:
Email: peter.griffiths@kcl.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.sdo.lshtm.ac.uk/files/project/30-final-report.pdf
| http://www.sdo.lshtm.ac.uk/files/adhoc/30-research-summary.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other members of the project team: Sally Brearley, Helen Bowers, Mike Nolan, Ian Norman and Gill Ritchie.
King's Fund
Case-managing long-term conditions : what impact does it have in the treatment of older people? [Ruth Hutt, Rebecca Rosen, Janet McCauley]
(November 2004)
24 page document, to download from website.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.kingsfund.org.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
King's Fund
Policy framework for integrated care for older people developed by the Carmen network [author: Penny Banks]
[August 2004]
Forty organisations in eleven European countries that make up the Carmen network exchanged experiences on coordinating and integrating services to meet the holistic and often complex needs of older people. Key
themes emerged that have resonance for national policy in every country. They are described in this policy framework, which offers a checklist for national and regional policy makers concerned with improving the integration of sevices to older
people. The framework can also be used by older people, carers and their organisations, service providers and commissioners and all who have a stake in changing current service systems. The approaches promoted in the framework reinforce policies on
active ageing, emphasising control by individual older people and the concept of interdependence, in which older people give as well as receive.
View document.
Contact Details:
Penny Banks, Fellow in Health Policy, King's Fund,
11 - 13 Cavendish Square ,
London W1G 0AN
Tel: 020 7307 2400 | Fax: 020 7307 2801
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.kingsfund.org.uk/pdf/integratedcareforolderpeople.pdf
| http://www.kingsfund.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: briefing; policy
Availability / Price: View pdf |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: CARMEN stands for the Care and Management of Services for Older People in Europe Network.
Kirklees MC , Directorate of Social Affairs and Health
The Single Assessment Process - Key element of standard two of the national service framework for older people - Person centred care
Powerpoint presentations for internal SAP briefings as outlined by title.
Contact Details:
Dianne Green, Community Care Services,
2nd Floor,
6-8 St Peters Street,
Tel: 01484 226937 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.kirklees.gov.uk
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Kirklees using EASY-Care and has contracted Sheffield University to do training.
Laing & Buisson
2007 Telecare and Assistive Technology Conference
One day conference in central London (venue tba) on 16 January 2007.
Keynote presentation: Ivan Lewis MP, Parliamentary under Secretary of State for Care Services.
Contact Details:
29 Angel Gate,
City Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7923 5348 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7841 0048
Email: conferences@laingbuisson.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.laingbuisson.co.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £511.13 incl.VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
Laing & Buisson
Local Area Agreements: a New Challenge for Local Democracy
One day conference in central London at the Mayfair Conference Centre on 3 May 2006.
The conference aims to explore the key themes and challenges and to faciliate open discussion between speakers and delegates throughout the day. Chair: Ian Winter, Independent Consultant and previously Director of Social Care Northamptonshire.
Keynote address: A radical new approach, Julie Wyeth, Head of Local Area Agreement Team, ODPM.
Contact Details:
29 Angel Gate,
City Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7923 5348 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7841 0048
Email: conferences@laingbuisson.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.laingbuisson.co.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £511.13 incl.VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
Laing & Buisson
The Political & Regulatory Environment for Care Homes & Homecare
One day conference in central London at the Mayfair Conference Centre on 6 February 2006. [postponed from 22 November 2005]
Speakers and Chair: Gillian Crosby (CPA Director). Jonathan Phillips (CSCI); Prof. Edward Peck (Univ. of Birmingham); Peter Grose (Lester Aldridge Solicitors); Colin Angel (UKHCA); Sukhvinder Stubbs (Better Regulation Taskforce); Daniel Blake
(AEA); Mike Wardle (CSCC). This conference will shed light on the political and practical realities of the regulatory environment in which providers of care homes and home care services exist.
Contact Details:
29 Angel Gate,
City Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7923 5348 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7841 0048
Email: conferences@laingbuisson.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.laingbuisson.co.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Lancashire County Council Integrated Teams for Services for Older People
Single Assessment and shared access to services in East Lancashire using single electronic record [author: Tom Daniels]
[September 2004]
In September 2004, a Strategic Partnership Agreement was formally signed by Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale PCT, Hyndburn and Ribble Valley PCT and Lancashire Social Services Directorate to work towards
developing an Integrated Older People's Service between the three agencies. This briefing (2pp) by Tom Daniels, a senior manager in Lancashire Social Services, identifies six key work streams necessary for the first stages of integration.
Two locations have been identified for a pilot scheme around the Single Assessment Process (SAP) and shared access to services: Burnley Wood in the Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale PCT area, and Clitheroe in the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley PCT area.
The project's key elements and its benefits to patients, service users, and the organisations covered are outlined.
View document.
Contact Details:
Alex Sunderland, SAP Project Manager and Policy Officer for Older People, PO Box 162,
East Cliff County Offices,
Tel: 01772 534449 (direct)
01772 254868 (switch) | Fax:
Email: alexander.sunderland@ssd.lancscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Lancashire Health and Social Care Communities
Sharing Personal Information - made simple
Guidance (6 pages) for employees about sharing personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
View guidance
Contact Details:
Alex Sunderland, SAP Project Manager and Policy Officer for Older People, PO Box 162,
East Cliff County Offices,
Tel: 01772 534449 (direct)
01772 254868 (switch) | Fax:
Email: alexander.sunderland@ssd.lancscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: PDF upon request. |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: A large print version is available.
Lancashire Health and Social Care Communities
Single Assessment Process - Agreed Terminology [authors: Sheila Southworth, Neil Halton, Vic McNeill]
(July 2002)
Glossary defining terms for health and social care providers implementing the Single Assessment Process
View glossary
Contact Details:
Alex Sunderland, SAP Project Manager and Policy Officer for Older People, PO Box 162,
East Cliff County Offices,
Tel: 01772 534449 (direct)
01772 254868 (switch) | Fax:
Email: alexander.sunderland@ssd.lancscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: glossary
Availability / Price: PDF upon request |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Lancashire Health and Social Care Communities
Single Assessment Process - Health and Social Care Agreement Working together to deliver better services to older people
( 2002)
As part of demonstrating a joint approach to working with older people, health agencies (PCTs and Health Authorities) and Social Services, on behalf of Lancashire County Council are asked to sign up to this
agreement (15 pages).
View protocol
Contact Details:
Alex Sunderland, SAP Project Manager and Policy Officer for Older People, PO Box 162,
East Cliff County Offices,
Tel: 01772 534449 (direct)
01772 254868 (switch) | Fax:
Email: alexander.sunderland@ssd.lancscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: PDF upon request |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Leeds Social Services, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, West Leeds PCT
Leeds Single Assessment Process toolkit [Version 1]
(March 2004)
This first version of the Leeds SAP toolkit (96 pp) is designed to support local implementation of the Single Assessment Process as required by Standard 2 of the National Service Framework for Older People
(NSF). The aim of this toolkit is to provide staff with background information and detailed guidance on SAP and how to complete the EASYcare assessment documentation. As processes change, the toolkit will be updated and revised to reflect these
developments. The contents comprise: introduction and background to SAP; the four types of assessment; the sections of EASYcare and their rationale; EASYcare assessor's guide to exploring needs; and personal held records. Appendix 2 covers how the
SAP process design is to be applied in specific health and social care settings, while Appendix 1 lists religion, ethnicity and preferred language codes.
Contact Details:
Cheryl Guest,, Employee Development Officer, Floor 4 East,
Merrion House,
110 Merrion Centre,
LS2 8QB.
Tel: 0113 247 8599 | Fax:
Email: Cheryl.Guest@.leeds.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: toolkit, guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Contacts for specific questions on the Toolkit:
Vee LeBrunn, Department of Training and Professional Development, Leeds Teaching Hosptail NHS Trust; E-mail: Veelebrunn@leedsth.nhs.uk
Sally Mayfield, SAP Project Manager, West Leeds PCT; E-mail: Sally.Mayfield@leedswest-pct.nhs.uk
Brian Ratner, SAP Co-lead, Leeds Social Services; E-mail: brian.ratner@leeds.gov.uk
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland: Health and Social Care Community
The Single Assessment Modular Workshop Training Package Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland [Sam Kirkland]
A modular workshop training package (88pp) [amended and redesigned] with case studies, activities and diagrams desiged to run over 21/2 to 3 days with groups of mixed professions and agencies to help people
understand the principles and benefits of SAP.
Module 1: What is the single assessment process; who, where and when?
Module 2: Information sharing and the law; confidentiality, data protection, Caldicott and seamless care.
Module 3: Joint working - making it work; understanding roles and responsibilities.
Appendices: 1. Shared values and outcomes. 2. General SAP guidance for staff. 2. SAP glossary of terms. 3. SAP glossary: acronyms and abbreviations.
The modular package will soon be available on CD.
The package contains elements from the Sheffield - First for Health SAP Flexible Training Package and the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SAP Training Resource, adapted for local use with permission.
View training package
Contact Details:
Jacky Martin, Single Assessment Project Manager, Charnwood and North West Leicestershire PCT,
LE11 2TZ
Tel: 01509 567768 | Fax: 01509 567792
Email: Jacky.Martin@cnwlpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: pack; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Single Assessment Process (SAP) flexible learning package - published by Sheffield First for Health (2003) .See separate entry for full details.
Single Assessment Training Resource, Avon, Glos and Wiltshire, contact sheila.turner@sglos-pct.nhs.uk See separate entry for full details.
Lewisham and Southwark PCTs
Healthy living - managing medicines [authors: Beth Taylor and Shelpa Parmar, Community Services Pharmacy Team]
Handouts on medicines management accompanying a multi-agency training session supporting the single assessment process organised by Southwark and Lewisham PCTs. The documents provide a summary of key points on
managing medication within SAP for practitioners doing contact and overview assessments covering issues in assessing needs, and medication problems and possible solutions or referrals.
View handouts
Contact Details:
Shelpa Parmar, Lewisham PCT,
26 Admiralty Close,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8694 6894 x 227 | Fax:
Email: shelpa.parmar@lewishampct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Lewisham Social Care and Health
Patients as teachers: older people in Lewisham: good practice guide for assessment
Video accompanied by 'Good practice guide for assessing the needs of older people - assessors' checklist'; and brochure, 'Patients as teachers: good practice guidelines for assessment for social care and
health staff'.
The guidelines have been created by older people in Lewisham working with direct roots community consultants, and include direct quotes of older people's opinons, leading on to points for practitioners to bear in mind not only in carrying out
assessments, but also in how they interact with older people
Other partners are the Lewisham Hospital NHS Trust, Lewisham Primary Care Trust, and South London and Maudsley NHS Trust.
See also entry for the DVD, 'Listen to what I'm saying': person centred care and the Single Assessment Process (produced by Age Exchange), on which the film is also available.
View good practice guide
View brochure
Contact Details:
George Howard Tel: +44 (0)20 8314 9608 | Fax:
Email: george.howard@lewisham.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.lewisham.gov.uk
Target group: Social care/health staff |  Type / Format: video; guide
Availability / Price: No charge while stocks last. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Video is copyright Little Fish Films, 2003.
LexisNexus UK Conferences and Training endorsed by BGOP (Better Government for Older People)
Older Peoples' Services : Promoting inclusion, wellbeing and independent living in your local authority
One day conference on 28 February 2006 in central London (venue tba).
Keynote address: Mark Heholt (Head of Ageing Society Division, Department of Work and Pensions). Chair: Mervyn Eastman (UK Director, BGOP). Other speakers: Phil Spence (Tameside MBC), Andrew Archibald (Dorset CC), Christine Ashdown (APG, DWP),
Rita Cheatle (Thurrock Council & PCT), Gerry Calder (Thurrock Over Fifties Forum), Denise Murphy (Director RSVP)
Contact Details:
Halsbury House
35 Chancery Lane
Tel: +44 (0)20 7347 3573 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7347 3576
Email: conferences@lexisnexis.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.conferencesandtraining.com/olderpeople
Target group: |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Getting on well together - councils working with older people [Deborah Klee]
The Local Government Association and IDeA have published a new report entitled 'Getting on well together - councils working with older people'. The report highlights key messages about how local government can
work with older people and public agencies, and focus on prevention, to support older people to lead independent, active and healthy lives. It also illustrates how local and central government can design services to support older people and plan for
an ageing population. (36 pp)
Contact Details:
Local Government Association
Local Government House
Smith Square
London SW1P 3HZ
Tel: 020 7664 3131 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.lga.gov.uk/lga/publications/publication-display.do?id=1871681
Target group: |  Type / Format: report
Availability / Price: download from LGA website. |  ISBN/ISSN: 978 0 7488 9293 8
Notes: (Report reference code : L09-155)
[Liquidlogic pilots]
(February 2004)
Liquidlogic is running SAP pilots at various localities in England. This is a list of the pilot sites, contacts, and the training and activities in which Liquidlogic has been involved.
view list.
Contact Details:
David Grigsby
Business Development Manager, Liquidlogic
Brookfield House,
Selby Road,
LS25 1NB.
Tel: +44 (0)113 232 0100
07919 254785 mobile | Fax: +44 (0)113 232 0101
Email: enquire@liquidlogic.co.uk |  david.grigsby@liquidlogic.co.uk
Web links: http://www.liquidlogic.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Neil Polson, tel 07717 478 302 (mobile); Email: neil.polson@liquidlogic.co.uk
Liverpool City Council / Liverpool Primary Care Trust
Your assessment, your information: Single Assessment Process: information leaflet for people who use our services and their carers
This document (8 pp) from Liverpool Health and Social Care Community (City of Liverpool / Liverpool PCT) answers users' questions on why we need to share information; what to do with assessment documentation
(and what to do if it lost); what is happening in Liverpool; who is involved in the assessment; how information provided will be kept confidential; consent to sharing information; whether a user can see the information; and what to do if there are
concerns about the assessment and how it was conducted.
Liverpool City Council's Single Assessment Process (SAP) webpage briefly answers question What is Single Assessment? It outlines the ethos of SAP and person centred care; and explains that EasyCare is also being used by neighbouring authorities
of Knowsley, Sefton and St Helens. There is a link to.the Single Assessment Process Liverpool Newsletter.
Contact Details:
Sue Shaw, Project Manager, Single Assessment Process Liverpool PCT
No.1 Arthouse Square
2nd Floor
61-69 Seel Street
L1 4AZ
Tel: 0151 296 7695 | Fax: 0151 296 7717
Email: sue.shaw@liverpoolpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/Health_and_social_care/SAP/index.asp?render=liquid
Target group: Service users and caerers |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London Borough of Bromley / Bromley Primary Care Trust
Bromley Single Assessment News Issue 2
(Spring 2004)
This newsletter (4 pp) outlines progress in Bromley with SAP, and includes features on intermediate care, Easy-Care, and news from the Department of Health. It also includes the dates of training workshops for
Social Services and PCT district nursing, and a list of SAP Steering Group members.
View newsletter
Contact Details:
Gerry Burchell, Planning & Development Officer , Social Services & Housing,
Rm S321 Stockwell,
Bromley Civic Centre,
Stockwell Close,
BR1 3UH.
Tel: 020 8313 4205 | Fax: 020 8313 4620
Email: gerry.burchell@bromley.gov.uk |  Kate.Patterson@bromleypct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.bromleypct.nhs.uk
Target group: SSD/PCT Staff |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Kate Patterson, NSF Project Manager, Bromley PCT, chairs the SAP Steering Group in Bromley.
London Borough of Greenwich
Single Assessment Process for older people in Greenwich: Newsletter January 2004 [author: Maggie Rastall]
2 pp newsletter, briefing and updating staff across Greenwich - in Social Services, the PCT,Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Oxleas NHS Trust (mental health), and housing - on SAP, progress in deciding on the
assessment tool (FACE being evaluated), and interim arrangements on written versus IT systems.
View newsletter
Contact Details:
Maggie Rastall, SAP Lead, Adult Services,
London Borough of Greenwich,
Town Hall,
Wellington Street,
SE18 6PW.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8921 2363 (Pauline Memory, MR office)
07931 595671 (MR mobile) | Fax:
Email: maggie.rastall@greenwich.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People
Principles for older people and their medicines statement of principles for supporting older people to use their medicines safely and appropriately in their own homes, in care homes and across
interfaces of care
(4 October 2006)
One of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) milestones due for achievement by October 2004 was that "all Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) should have schemes in place so that older people get more
help from pharmacists in using their medicines". This document (15 pp) identifies the need to integrate medicines management into current care pathways, the Single Assessment Process (SAP) and case management. It sets out six principles,
illustrated by examples of good practice:
1: Every individual has the right to an assessment to identify their care needs and such support as is necessary for safe and appropriate use of his or her medicines;
2: Every individual has access to their medicines and is able to use them safely and appropriately;
3: Every individual and/or carer has access to high quality information from a health care professional about their medicines;
4: Health and social care organisations provide support for medicines use, in line with the principles of clinical governance and national minimum standards;
5: Individuals are entitled to receive coordinated care when moving between different care settings;
6: Every health and social care economy has a robust referral system to a pharmacist to ensure a consistent point of contact, communications network and signposting.
A glossary is acknowledged to Lelly Oboh, Lambeth PCT.
The document is accompanied by a letter from Theresa Rutter, 'Key principles of care to support older people in the safe, effective use of their medicines in their own homes and in care homes'.
Contact Details:
Theresa Rutter,
Chair, Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People,
London, Eastern and South East Specialist Pharmacy Services, Clinical Pharmacy with Community Health Services,
Pharmacy Department,
St Charles Hospital,
Exmoor Street,
W10 6DZ.
Tel: 020 8962 4827 | Fax: 020 8962 4058
Email: theresa.rutter@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: pharmacists, PCTs, GPs |  Type / Format: guidance; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London Fire Brigade
London Fire Brigade and SAP Referral Form for Home Fire Safety Check [London Fire Brigade]
The London Fire Brigade has a programme of free home fire risk assessment (HFRAs) for older Londoners, and other vulnerable groups, and is working to include a fire safety check referral alongside SAP. It
wants to work with those agencies that already have access to older people (e.g. GPs, community nurses, carers, social workers and voluntary workers) to encourage referrals.
View Referral Form
View Home Fire Safety Check Risk Factors
View Making a Referral and What Happens Next
Contact Details:
Angela Coules , Senior Fire Community Safety Officer Central Service Delivery
London Fire Brigade
Room 518 Hampton House
Hampton House
20 Albert Embankment
Tel: 07917 072486 - mob
0207 587 6126/6355 - office | Fax:
Email: angela.coules@london-fire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.london-fire.gov.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London Fire Brigade
London Fire Brigade and SAP Working Together [London Fire Brigade]
The London Fire Brigade has a programme of free home fire risk assessment (HFRAs) for older Londoners, and other vulnerable groups, and is working to include a fire safety check referral alongside SAP. It
wants to work with those agencies that already have access to older people (e.g. GPs, community nurses, carers, social workers and voluntary workers) to raise their awareness of the dangers that fire poses to their clients and encourage fire
safety check referrals.
View powerpoint presentation
Contact Details:
Angela Coules , Senior Fire Community Safety Officer Central Service Delivery
London Fire Brigade
Room 518 Hampton House
Hampton House
20 Albert Embankment
Tel: 07917 072486 - mob
0207 587 6126/6355 - office | Fax:
Email: angela.coules@london-fire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.london-fire.gov.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London Older People's Development Programme, Medicine Management Project
The 4 medicines trigger questions [and] 4 medicines trigger questions with prompts
The London Older People's Development Programme's Medicine Management Project tested 4 "trigger questions", which are recommended to be asked during the contact or overview assessments, in order to identify or
assess older people with a pharmaceutical need, or trigger referral for a more specialist in-depth medication assessment by a pharmacist.
The questions with prompts have been adapted from the Croydon PCT medicines assessment questions, January 2004.
View questions
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical
London Older People's Development Programme, Medicines Management Project
Handling medicines and the law [author: Lelly Oboh]
This document is based on a Powerpoint presentation, It presents three statements on handling medicines; lists the three legal categories of medicines; outlines the legal postion regarding residends' medicines
in residential homes; and action to be taken in the event of refusal to take medication.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services, Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Powerpoint; document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical
London Older People's Development Programme, Medicines Management Project
Supporting the single assessment process - managing medicines: [programmes for training days] [author: Lelly Oboh]
Programmes for "learning and sharing sessions", organised to support staff who will be involved in the London Older People's Service Development Programme (LOPSDP) medicines management pilot, which requires
staff to assess medication-related areas of the single assessment. It is an opportunity for staff to increase their skills and knowldge in medicines mangement, and learn about the local resources that they might want to refer to, or put service
users in touch with.
The programme has been developed by Lelly Oboh (Medicines Mangement Co-ordinator), building on work done on medicines management by Beth Taylor (specialist community services pharmacist) as part of the Lewisham PCT multi-agency training on SAP.
View training programme
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services, Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical
London Older People's Development Programme, Medicines Management Project;
The London Older People Service Development Program (LOPSDP) the 'Medicines Management' Project (January to July 2003) [author: Lelly Oboh]
This document, based on a Powerpoint presentation, sets integrating medicines management into the Single Assessment Process (SAP) into context. It outlines objectives; and presents key findings on: the 4
medication trigger questions; developing referral and communication pathways; pharmacist undertaking the in-depth assessment; the in-depth assessment tool; community pharmacists providing packages of care; and identifying unmet needs and better
outcomes for older people. It lists recommendations on developing multidisciplinary training packages., and on the future development of this work.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services, Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Powerpoint; document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Cover title: London Older People's Programme: making changes - improving lives
LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical area.
London Older People's Service Development Programme, Medicines Management Project
Integration of pharmaceutical care for vulnerable older people in the single assessment and case management process proposal
(August 2002)
This paper (prepared by Jenny Webb) is a collaborative propoposal by the London Older People's Services Development Programme, the London Directorate of Health and Social Care, and the London Local
Phamaceutical Committee Forum, a group of some 2,000 community pharmacists It outlines a 6-month pilot, which is designed to integrate pharmaceutical care within the case management porgramme for older people living in the community or in sheltered
housing, who are part of the LOPSDP. The pilot will test the development of a care pathway that integrates medicine review and medicines management within the single assessment and case mangement processes, to adopt a planned and proactive approach
to identified pharmaceutical care needs.
View proposal
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services, Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical
London Older People's Service Development Programme, Medicines Management Project
The in-depth medication assessment [author: Lelly Oboh]
(April 2003)
This document comprises the in-depth medication assessment form, preceded by information on the implementation process: who is involved, and the training required. The tool covers the 4 medication trigger
questions, and is designed so that the questions are covered in different sections of the tool, which covers: basic information; access issues; compliance issues; day-to-day medicines management issues; and clinical issues and medication review.
This assessment should be carried out by a specially trained pharmacist for patients who have been identified as having a pharmaceutical need via the Single Assessment Process (SAP). Also included is the form, Pharmaceutical care plan.
View document
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services. Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Use of materials from the following is acknowledged:
Chris Ranson, Essex Riverside HealthcareNHS Trust - Collaborative Care Initiative, 2002.
Sangeeta Sharma, Wandsworth PCT - Medication Assessment Tool, 2002.
Karen Rosenbloom. Medication Management Assessment, 2002.
Lambeth PCT. Structured approach to medication review, 2002.
LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical area.
London Older People's Service Development Programme, Social Services Inspectorate - SSI, Department of Health - DH
A brighter future for older people : London Older People's Service Development Programme Digest
( June 2003)
This digest is one of the final outcomes of the Older People's Development Programme in London, which was a 2-year whole systems improvement initiative ending in June 2003. It comprises: an index of the
Programme's work; information on the 25 original projects, with contact details; information on 4 projects funded by and linked to the Programme on medicines management, and patients as teachers; and a paper describing some of the Programme's
lessons and ideas.
The case finding or case management projects all involved social service departments (SSDS), primary care trusts (PCTs) or other health service trusts, and voluntary sector organisations working together on projects around the National Service
Framework for Older People (NSF). Most of the projects included an element of piloting the Single Assessment Process (SAP), testing assessment tools such as EASY-Care, and involving older people.
Contact Details:
Val Jones, SW London Health Authority,
Hartfield House,
41-47 Hartfield Road,
SW19 3RG
Tel: +44 (0)20 8545 6091 | Fax:
Email: val.jones@swlha.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.london.nhs.uk/olderpeople
Target group: General |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London Older People's Service Development Programme, Social Services Inspectorate, Department of Health
Brighter futures for older people: key messages and lessons from the London Older People's [Service Development] Programme
Video accompanied by folder, 'A brighter future for older people: report and key lessons - June 2003' from the London Older People's Service Development Programme.
The folder contains:
Summary of evaluation of Phase 2, 'A journey of improvement: lessons and experiences from using the collaborative methodology in improving older people's services across 12 London Boroughs: an overview', carried out by the Older People's Programme,
King's College London;
Final report June 2001 - June 2003;
8 pamphlets: How to modernise health and social care services for older people: some ideas and practical tips; Prevention finding approaches that work; Work with emergency and acute services: a case management approach; Single assessment: what
works; Empowering users and carers: what works; Medicines management; Falls screening and prevention; Working with people with dementia.
The London Older People's Service Development Progamme ended in June 2003.
Contact Details:
Val Jones, SW London Health Authority,
Hartfleld House,
41-47 Hartfield Road,
SW19 3RG,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8545 6091 | Fax:
Email: val.jones@swlha.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.london.nhs.uk/olderpeople
Target group: Social care/health staff |  Type / Format: video; pack
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Video is copyright Little Fish Films, 2003.
London Older People's Service Development Programme, Social Services Inspectorate, Department of Health
London Older People's Service Development Programme handbook Version 9
(January 2003)
The London Older People's Service Development Programme was a unique 2-year initiative, bringing together care communities from across London to work in partnership to improve primary health and social care
services for older people. This handbook is a a download document; previously available in loose-leaf format. It sets out the Programme's structure and framework. It combines and signposts evidence-based guidance with practical examples drawn from
the field. Examples of good practice, references and points for particular attention are denoted.
Contact Details:
Val Jones, SW London Health Authority,
Hartfleld House,
41-47 Hartfield Road,
SW19 3RG,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8545 6091 | Fax:
Email: val.jones@swlha.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.london.nhs.uk/modernising/olderpeople_developmentprogramme.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: strategy; guidance
Availability / Price: Website, as above. |  ISBN/ISSN:
My Life : My Plan - A one day conference providing a fresh perspective to Person Centre Planning
A one day conference to be held on 18 May 2006 at The Botanical Gardens, Birmingham.
An opportunity to share ideas about achieving real change in the way services are designed, planned, delivered and evaluated. Expert speakers and pioneering thinkers available to discuss ways of influencing system change enabling transformations to
the life experiences and expectations of people in receipt of support.
Contact Details:
602 South Seventh Street
Milton Keynes
Tel: +44 (0)1908 230100 | Fax: +44 (0)1908 695643
Email: conference@macintyrecharity.org | 
Web links: www.macintyrecharity.org
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £175 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Maing Research Count, School of Health and Social Studies
A Stitch in Time ...Developing the Prevention Agenda Making Research Count / Age Concern Coventry Regional Conference
A one day conference on 10 May 2006 held at the Alan Higgs Centre, Coventry.
This day will provide an inter-professional opportunity to explore the role and contribution of targetted early intervention and low-level support services in promoting older people's well-being and in preventing crisis.
Chair: Michael Vincent, Chief Executive Age Concern, Coventry. Speakers from localities in the region.
Contact Details:
Deborah Williamson University of Warwick,
CV4 7AL.
Tel: +44 (0)2476 574233 | Fax:
Email: deborah.williamson@warwick.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.warwick.ac.uk/go/mrcount
Target group: |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £80 (statutory), £50 (voluntary). |  ISBN/ISSN:
Making Vision Reality Ltd
Single Assessment Workbook: tools and techniques for delivering person centred care [author: Making Vision Reality Ltd]
May 2006
The workbook contains sections on: what is single assessment?; tools of SAP - assessment forms; assessment skills; process and protocols; multi-professional working; technology and the future; useful links;
answers to workbook questions; case studies; quiz.
The workbook can support health and social care organisations training staff at the induction stage.
Contact Details:
Craig Williams Making Vision Reality Ltd,
High Street, Fairwarp,
East Sussex
TN22 3BP
Tel: 44-(0)1825 712373 | Fax: 44-(0)1825 712417
Email: contact@makingvisionreality.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.makingvisionreality.co.uk/SAP_Work.html
Target group: |  Type / Format: workbook
Availability / Price: £100.00 + VAT from Making Vision Reality Ltd |  ISBN/ISSN:
Implementing the Single Assessment Process - "Just say it once ..." Presentation skills [Marion Dakin, Lindsay Judge]
A range of powerpoint presentations devised by independent trainer, Marion Dakin. These were developed in relation to a particular locality's training needs but can still be useful to those, in particular,
who have purchased the video of the same name, produced by Magpix.co.uk. (see separate entry). Marion Dakin can be contacted further to develop training sessions on the single assessment process. The attached download documents contain four
folders of 49 powerpoint slides.
View opening slides
| View 'awareness' slides
| View 'principles' slides
| View 'train the trainers' slides
Contact Details:
Marion Dakin Tel: mobile: 07968 268 505 | Fax:
Email: marion.dakin@fsmail.net | 
Web links: http://www.mariondakin.com
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Mark Hunter
"Sorry, we can't tell you that" [Data protection and sharing information across social care agencies] [author: Mark Hunter]
A journal article in Community Care, 6 July 2006, pp 28-29.
The problems faced by agencies trying to contact survivors of the 7 July London bombings have highlighted confusion over data protection and how it inhibits the work of social care agencies. This article attempts to clarify when, what and how data
can be shared according to the Data Protection Act 1998 which came into force on 1 March 2000. Under the act, all organisations that collect, hold or process personal information must ensure that they comply with eight key principles but these
should not be used to resist passing on any information. Confidentiality can be preserved whilst information is shared but the author argues that a clearer lead should be taken by the Cabinet Office, who have admitted in a report (see pdf link
below to Cabinet Office document, 2006) on data sharing that a "persistent confusion exists among practitioners over the interpretation of the Data Protection Act and its relationship with the common law duty of confidentiality, and other
legislation such as the Human Rights Act, Health and Social Care Act 2001 and other data-sharing legalisation."
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.communitycare.co.uk
| http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/regulation/documents/mad/data_sharing.pdf
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Matrix Research and Consultancy, on behalf of the former NHS Modernisation Agency
Good care planning for people with long-term conditions updated version [author: Matrix Research and Consultancy]
(September 2005)
Following publication of the National Service Framework for People with Long-Term Conditions (NSF), the NHS Modernisation Agency commissioned Matrix to identify and report on the key elements of good care
planning for people with long-term conditions. This document (26 pp) is intended to contribute to and link with other initiatives such as the Single Assessment Process (SAP). It outlines the potential benefits of care planning and barriers to its
implementation. Appendices include a self-assessment toolkit, and three case studies illustrating how care planning approaches have been successfully implemented: Shared Care Plan, Hounslow; Nottingham City PCT integrated rehabilitation and
intermediate care service; and general practice in Hexham, Northumberland, for people living with diabetes. The key objective has been to produce user-friendly guidance and tools to assist local health and social service providers to implement
evidence-based, person-centred care planning for people with long-term conditions.
Replaces a previous version (June 2005).
View report.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.diabetes.nhs.uk/downloads/Matrix_Care_planning_report.pdf
| http://www.matrixrcl.co.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: toolkit
Availability / Price: Web link as above |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The NHS Modernisation Agency has been dissolved and superseded by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
Medicines Partnership
Assessment of medication-related needs – checklist for SAP coordinators [author: Medicines Partnership]
A checklist of questions to help SAP coordinators to assess whether medication-related needs are being met. This checklist is available via the web link listed, and it can be downloaded in word and pdf
Questions grouped under headings: involvement of pharmacists in the SAP; identification of medication related issues in Level 2 assessments; involvement of users and carers; Level 3 pharmacist assessments; care plans; related documents.
Website also provides explanation of key elements of Single Assessment Process; care plan; pharmacist role; and description of a medicines management pilot.
Contact Details:
Joanne Shaw, Director Medicines Partnership,
5th floor,
Royal Pharmaceutical Society,
1 Lambeth High Street,
London SE1 7JN.
Tel: 020 7572 2474 | Fax: 020 7572 2508
Email: info@medicines-partnership.org | 
Web links: http://www.medicines-partnership.org/medication-review/single-assessment/checklist-
| http://www.medicines-partnership.org/medication-review/single-assessment
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
MHA Care Group with support from the Alzheimer's Society
The Person - not the Problem MHA Care Group
August 2002
A training and information video for everyone interested in understanding dementia. This very powerful drama is the story of retired GP Eleanor Jennings who has recently developed dementia. As she moves into a
residential care home, her husband, also a GP, makes a visit to see how she is settling in. Issues highlighted in the video such as communication, care with dignity and respect, and acknowledging the feelings of relatives are supported with a
booklet suggesting pointers for group discussion. 'The Person - not the Problem' shows the importance of getting to know and supporting not only the person with dementia, but also their partner and family. By encouraging family input and support
whilst preparing a care package, staff are helped to understand better the person they are looking after.
Video duration 28 minutes.
Contact Details:
MHA Care Group,
Epworth House,
Stuart Street ,
Derby DE1 2EQ
Tel: 01332 296200 | Fax: 01332 296925
Email: enquiries@mha.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.mha.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: video; book
Availability / Price: Available for purchase, price £20.00 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Milton Keynes Council
Single Assessment Process [handout to accompany Workshop 1] [author: MIlton Keynes Council]
(August 2003)
Handout expanding the detail of Powerpoint presentation of Workshop 1 brought by a partnership of Milton Keynes PCT, Milton Keynes Council, Age Concern Milton Keynes, and Milton Keynes Hospital Trust.
Accompanied by: ''The Single Assessment Process: a brief guide''; and DoH notes of guidance - Annexes F & H.
view handouts |
view brief guide |
view Annexes F & H
Contact Details:
John Holley, Single Assessment Process Manager, Milton Keynes Council,
Civic Offices,
1 Saxon Gate East,
Central Milton Keynes
Tel: +44 (0)1908 253952 (JH) | Fax:
Email: John.Holley@Milton-keynes.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.mkweb.co.uk/mkcouncil
Target group: General |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Milton Keynes Council
Single Assessment Process Workshop 1 [author: MIlton Keynes Council]
(August 2003)
Powerpoint presentation (12 frames) of a workshop brought by a partnership of Milton Keynes PCT, Milton Keynes Council, Age Concern Milton Keynes, and Milton Keynes Hospital Trust. The workshop aimed to
develop shared procedures through joint health and social care workshops, to develop an increased understanding about SAP and its implementation.
View presentation
Contact Details:
John Holley, Single Assessment Process Manager, Milton Keynes Council,
Civic Offices,
1 Saxon Gate East,
Central Milton Keynes
Tel: +44 (0)1908 253952 (JH) | Fax:
Email: John.Holley@Milton-keynes.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.mkweb.co.uk/mkcouncil
Target group: General |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Morecambe Bay University Hospitals NHS Trust.
The STEP assessment system a synopisis [author: Idris Williams]
(May 2005)
This document (19 pp) gives a brief description of the STEP Assessment System. It is in 2 forms: a reactive Single Assessment Instrument, which is used in acute situations where direct help is needed; and a
proactive Single Assessment Instrument, which is used in the management of long term conditions and is essentially a case finding exercise. Both have been developed from a generic instrument constructed by STEP (Standardised Assessment of Elderly
People in Primary Care in Europe)., an international group commissioned by the European Union to examine assessment of older people, and published as the Royal College of General Practitioners Occasional Paper No 82 The long standing illness
assessment instrument is congruent with the Department of Health accredited Single Assessment Instrument. Electronic versions of both are available.
The Instruments were developed in the NHS and are not commercial.
See also: STEP (Standardised Assessment of Elderly People in Primary Care in Europe), E I Williams et al, 2002.
Contact Details:
Prof Idris Williams, Barn Howe,
LA8 8DF.
Tel: 01539 568666 | Fax:
Email: idrisandkate@ktdbroadband.com | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: guide
Availability / Price: On application to Prof Idris Williams |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Prof Williams was formerly Board Chair, Morecambe Bay Hospital NHS Trust
National Pensioners Convention (NPC)
NPC Health Conference : The Future of the NHS
A one day conference on 4 October 2006 to be held at the Indian YMCA, Fitzroy Square, London.
The event is aimed at both health professionals and pensioners with an active interest in the NHS, and particularly those involved with PCTs or Patient Forums.
Contact Details:
Neil Jordan, National Officer 19-23 Ironmonger Row
Tel: +44 (0)20 7553 6510 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7553 6511
Email: admin@npcuk.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.npcuk.org.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: Small fee which includes a buffet lunch. |  ISBN/ISSN:
National Primary and Care Trust Development Programme
Implementing the Evercare Programme Interim report [Evercare, Ovation]
(February 2004)
The Evercare Programme was developed in the United States with the aim of improving the quality of life for vulnerable older people. This Programme has been piloted in nine Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) in
England and this interim report has been produced, mid-term of the 17-month implementation phase of the Evercare project and on the basis of which, the Department of Health has decided to expand the Programme in England.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.natpact.nhs.uk/cms/186.php
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: report
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This interim report (58 pp) is only available on the internet.
National Primary Care Research and Development Centre
Evaluation of the Evercare approach to case management of frail elderly people executive summary [authors: Ruth Boaden, Mark Dusheiko, Hugh Gravelle (et al)]
(November 2006)
Case management for frail older people aims to combine both preventive and responsive care for patients at high risk of deterioration in their health. Case management is also a key componet of the government's
Community Matron policy. Evercare is a form of case management which was introduced in nine pilot Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) by UnitedHealth Europe in 2003; and this evaluation outlines the main findings of PPCRDC's evaluation of Evercare carried
out between 2003 and 2005. NPCRDC found that the Evercare approach to case management provided additional contacts, monitoring and treatment options that were highly valued by patients and their carers. However, although there were individual
examples of avoided admissions, there was no overall effect on emergency hospital admissions. More detailed results are available in the full report, "Evercare evaluation: final report".
Contact Details:
Martin Roland, Project Lead, NPCRDC, 5th floor,
Williamson Building,
The University of Manchester,
Oxford Road,
M13 9PL.
Tel: 0161 275 7610 | Fax: 0161 275 0611
Email: npcrdc-commsunit@manchester.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.npcrdc.ac.uk/es42
| http://www.npcrdc.ac.uk/pr33.
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: report
Availability / Price: FOC from the above address or Web link 1; Full report, Web link 2 |  ISBN/ISSN:
National Primary Care Research and Development Centre (NPCRDC)
Impact of case management (Evercare) on frail elderly patients controlled before and after analysis of quantitative outcome data [authors: Hugh Gravelle, Mark Dusheiko, Rod Sheaff (et al)]
(6 January 2007)
Article in: British Medical Journal, vol 334 no 7583, pp 31-34.
Case management aims to improve outcomes in patients, and particularly to reduce unplanned hospital admission. In 2002/3, nine Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) piloted case management of older people selected as being at high risk of emergency admission.
Rates of emergency admission, emergency bed days, and mortality from April 2001 to March 2005 in 62 Evercare practices were compared with those of 6960 to 7695 control practices in England (depending on the analysis being carried out). The
intervention had no significant effect on rates of emergency admission, emergency bed days for a high risk population aged 65+ with a history of two or more emergency admissions in the preceding 13 months. For the general population aged 65+,
effects on the rates of emergency admission, emergency bed days and mortality were also non-significant. Case management of frail older people introduced an additional range of services in primary care without an associated reduction in hospital
admissions. This may have been because of identification of additional cases. Employment of community matrons is now a key feature of case management policy in the NHS in England. Without more radical system redesign, this policy is unlikely to
reduce hospital admissions.
Contact Details:
Martin Roland NPCRDC, 5th floor,
Williamson Building,
The University of Manchester,
Oxford Road,
M13 9PL.
Tel: | Fax:
Email: m.roland@manchester.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bmj.com
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: Available as a downloadable document from BMJ website. |  ISBN/ISSN: 09598138
Notes: This article is the abridged version of a paper published on bmj.com on 15 November 2006.
NE London SHA
North East London education and training strategy to support the implementation of the Single Assessment Process for older people [author: Eleanor Langridge]
(January 2004)
Sector wide training strategy for the SAP. The local working groups are using this to create Borough based implementation plans. 37 pages.
View strategy
Contact Details:
Jane Winter, Asst. Director, Social Care, Directorate of Regeneration,
NE London SHA,
Aneurin Bevan House,
81 Commercial Road,
E1 1RD
Tel: +44 (0)20 7655 6600 ext 4325 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7655 6675
Email: jane.winter@nelwdc.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: NE London SHA covers: Barking & Dagenham, Corporation of London, Hackney, Havering, Tower Hamlets, Newham, Redbridge, Waltham Forest.
Strategy written by consultancy, Evolution - Professional Learning and Development. Tel: 01903 201012. eleanor@evolutionspld.co.uk
NEA (National Energy Action)
Prevention into action - SAP affordable warmth toolkit [introduction title]: Reducing cold-related health and social care risks through the Single Assessment Process (SAP) - an affordable warmth and SAP
(March 2008)
This resource is an awareness toolkit for responding to cold-related health and social care risks through the Single Assessment Process and draws on findings from NEA's 'Prevention is better than cure'
research (see entry for this item ). SAP provides an ideal mechanism for identifying householders at risk of, or living in fuel poverty and promoting referral into available affordable warmth services. The toolkit contains a range of presentations
for local use, appropriate guidance on key issues and practical resources for frontline practitioners. The toolkit was based on findings of national scoping study undertaken in 2006/07 funded by DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Contact Details:
Diane Bland, Project Co-ordinator, NEA Area Office,
PO BOX 183,
Tel: 01609 883 918 (NEA Area Office)
01609 883 155 (DB home) | Fax:
Email: diane.bland@nea.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nea.org.uk/Publications/Publications
Target group: SAP managers and trainers |  Type / Format: toolkit
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
NEA (National Energy Action)
Prevention is better than cure: a guide to assessing the risks to vulnerable people living in cold, damp homes through the Single Assessment Process and recommendations for action an NEA guidance note
for those involved in the design, management or delivery of the Single Assessment Process
(April 2007)
NEA has produced a guide to assessing the risks to vulnerable people living in cold, damp homes through the Single Assessment Process and recommendations for action, ‘Prevention is Better than Cure’. This
guidance note (40 pp) is aimed at those involved in the design, management or delivery of the Single Assessment Process. It includes: findings of a scoping study arising from responses to a questionnaire to health and social care agencies involved
with SAP; and examples of good practice in Herefordshire, South West Peninsula, Darlington, Birmingham, North Yorkshire, Calderdale, Waltham Forest, and Greenwich.
Key recommendations are made for the different forms of assessment. In particular, questions on affordable warmth and information of referral pathways should always be included at Contact Assessment. SAP leads and SAP managers should also be trained
or have an awareness of of key affordable warmth issues when developing and/or delivering training for SAP assessors.
Appendices include: the scoping study questionnaire; the Herefordshire Signposting Assessment; an example of a cold weather checklist; and an example of training resource on raising awareness around fuel poverty and affordable warmth.
NEA was funded by DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs).to undertake the project leading to this publication, which investigated the extent to which health and social care agencies already included considerations of the health
impacts on those living in cold damp homes, particularly those with long term conditions, within the single assessment process.
Contact Details:
Diane Bland, Project Co-ordinator, NEA Area Office,
PO Box 113,
DL7 7AN.
Tel: 01609 883 918 (NEA Area Office)
07855 863312 (DB mobile) | Fax:
Email: diane.bland@nea.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nea.org.uk/downloads/publications/H1442_Single_Assessment_Process_Booklet.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: briefing; guidance
Availability / Price: Download |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Large print version available on request .
NEA (National Energy Action)
Reducing the health impacts of cold, damp homes on those living with long-term conditions a briefing note for community matrons
(March 2007)
This briefing (6 pp) outlines ways in which Community Matrons can improve the case management and care of those living in cold, damp housing. It focuses on findings drawn from NEA’s Health Champions’
Programme and the guidance note ‘Prevention is better than cure', which includes recommendations on the development of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) to meet the needs of those living in cold, damp housing. The briefing provides a useful
introduction to the impact of cold homes on health, provides guidance on policy and practice development as well as available sources of specialist information, advice and assistance. Case studies from County Durham and South West Essex PCT
illustrate how community matrons include issues or questions on affordable warmth in SAP and assessment documentation.
Contact Details:
Diane Bland, Project Co-ordinator, NEA Area Office,
PO BOX 183,
Tel: 01609 883 918 (NEA Area Office)
01609 883 155 (DB home) | Fax:
Email: diane.bland@nea.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nea.org.uk/downloads/publications/Community_Matrons_Briefing_Note.pdf
Target group: Community matrons |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Neil Stewart Associates / King's Fund
Wanless Social Care Review: Future options for older people
A one day conference on 4 April 2006 to be held in central London at the Inmarsat Conference Centre.
The King's Fund commissioned a social care review last year, led by Sir Derek Wanless, examining the long-term demands for and supply of social care for older people in England. The findings of the Review will be explored at this one-day conference.
This will be the first opportunity for delegates to explore the Review findings, hear the reactions of key stakeholders, ask questions of Sir Derek Wanless and social care leaders, and debate the implications with peers and senior figures in the
world of social care.
Aimed at chief executives, social services and PCT directors, and other senior commissioning, finance and planning managers in the statutory and independent sectors, this conference will provide delegates with a definitive analysis of the findings
of the Review. Following the recent publication of the White Paper on improving community health and care services, the conference will also hear from the government about its latest policies on adult social care.
Contact Details:
PO Box 39976
2nd Floor
1 Benjamin Street
Tel: +44 (0)20 7324 4330 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7490 8830
Email: info@neilstewartassociates.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.neilstewartassociates.com/sh203/register.html
Target group: LAs/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Experiences from SAP implementation in South Tyneside NEYNL SAP Network meeting, 28 July 2005 [author: Jacqui Straughan]
(28 July 2005)
South Tyneside's SAP system went live on 28 February 2005, and this 10 slide Powerpoint presentation gives reasons for implementing SAP as an early adopter. It outlines the lessons learned, given slow take-up
in some teams and the delays in going live. Recommendations to new SAP deployments are made. Nonetheless, benefits have been achieved around the sharing of information and the client becoming the focal point of the assessment. Plans for further SAP
rollout during 2005 and and 2006 are outlined.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Naomi Key,
SAP Training and Business Change, South Tyneside Social Care and Heatlth,
Windmill Way,
Viking Business Park.
Tyne and Wear
NE31 1AT
Tel: 0191 283 1324
0774 7475912 (mobile) | Fax:
Email: Naomi.Key@stpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP Leads |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jacqui Straughan was formerly Single Assessment Development Officer, South Tyneside
NHS Care Record Development Board (CRDB)
Your Care, Your Record : Care Record Development Board 2006 Conference
See the technology of the National Programme for IT in the NHS in action at this one day conference to be held on 23 November 2006 in Islington, London. See website for further details.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@cfh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://etdevents.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
NHS Connecting for Health
Information governance statement of compliance v6.0
The 'Information governance statement of compliance' (IGSOC) is the agreement between NHS Connecting for Health (NHS CFH) and approved service recipients (ASRs) that set out the terms and conditions for use of
NHS CFH services. The 10pp document sets out the compliance rules on information governance.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www,igt.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: IT, SAP Leads |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
NHS Connecting for Health
Information governance toolkit
(constantly updated)
The first version of the Information Governance Toolkit (IGT) was produced jointly by the Department of Health (DH) and the NHS Information Authority in 2004. Following the closure of the NHS Information
Authority, responsibility for the toolkit passed to the Digital Information Policy Team at NHS Connecting for Health. The version of the Toolkit accessed in October 2008 represents Department of Health policy as of 30th May 2007.
Initially, the user is directed to Getting Started material (three options: GOS, commercial third parties, or all other users). This is based on the frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Toolkit.
Contact Details:
NHS Connecting for Health Helpdesk
Tel: 01392 251289 | Fax:
Email: exeter.helpdesk@nhs.net | 
Web links: https://www.igt.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/
Target group: IT; SAP Leads |  Type / Format: toolkit
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
NHS Connecting for Health (CfT)
A national framework for electronic SAP implementation [author: Jan Hoogewerf]
(28 February 2006)
NHS Connecting for Health have commissioned a team to look at electronic implementations of SAP with Jan Hoogewerf as project director and Robin Stern as project manager. The project is co-sponsored by and
will report to the NHS Connecting for Health National Programme Board,the Electronic Social Care Records Implementation Board, and the Care Records Development Board.. The first stage of the project, which will be completed by the end of May 2006,
will define and evaluate options for electronic SAP. The team seeks input to this process from the SAP community either via the SAP discussion forum or directly to Jan and Robin.
The documentation comprises:
A briefing paper (1 p), outlining the project and its governance;
An introductory powerpoint presentation (11 frames) on the timetable for the project ;
Project initiation document (17 pp), version 0.2, dated 8 March 2006; and
Framework for the project.
Contact Details:
Jan Hoogewerf , Project Director Tel: | Fax:
Email: jan.hoogewerf@porticoconsulting.co.uk |  robin@medmosaic.co.uk
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/
| http://www.cpa.org.uk/sap/e-sap
Target group: |  Type / Format: briefing; powerpoint;
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
NHS Connecting for Health (formerly NPfIT)
A national framework for implementing electronic SAP project update; and Summary of the recommendations [author: Jan Hoogewerf]
(August 2006)
The e-SAP project was initiated by NHS Connecting for Health (formerly NPfIT) in response to recommendations made by the National SAP Action Team to the National Programme Board.
The project update (1 p) is a briefing paper. It provides an update on the National Framework for Implementing Electronic SAP: the outcome of Stage 1 (which assessed options and made recommendations on an information systems architecture for
electronic SAP); and plans for Stage 2, the work programme and business case.
The summary of recommendations (document , 4 pp) includes the results of consultations on requirements for, and implementation of, e-SAP, the key elements being: a person centred assessment, care planning and review process; the Single Assessment
Process integrated with electronic care records; seamless access to SAP assessments and care plans, wherever they have been carried out; support for workflow and communications across organisational and cluster boundaries; and information sharing
subject to consent and in line with the NHS Care Records Guarantee. A business case will still be needed; the survey identified potential benefits of e-SAP, e.g., improved quality of care, improving the referral process, and reducing unscheduled
admissions. Survey responses also identified gaps between these requirements and current e-SAP implementations, for example, lack of integration between SAP and other systems, and lack of standards. Recommendations are made on an information sharing
model and deployment options, based on results from the consultation.
A powerpoint version (15 slides) of the summary of recommendations comprises: project outline; consultation process; e-SAP requirements; e-SAP principles; potential e-SAP benefits; current situation; information sharing model; information
governance and exchange standards; deployment of e-SAP solution; national services to support local implementation; concluding with potential phasing and next steps (by October 2006).
View presentation.
| View update (doc).
| View recommendations.
Contact Details:
Jan Hoogewerf Tel: | Fax:
Email: jan.hoogewerf@porticoconsulting.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb/sap
| http://www.cpa.org.uk/e-sap
Target group: IT |  Type / Format: document; powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
NHS Connecting for Health (formerly NPfIT)
Delivering Single Assessment within the NHS National Programme for IT [author: Dr Paul Whatling]
[January 2005]
Powerpoint presentation explains aims of NHS National Programme for ITand charts process of integrating SAP within the NHS information technology programme. A key element is the electronic storing of
patient records to improve sharing of information to those with authorised access. While full implementation of SAP within the national IT programme is to be rolled out from 2007-08, interim solutions are required in the meantime to cover basic
information capture, sharing and reporting.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Dr Paul Whatling, Senior Clinical Consultant Care Record Development Board
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@npfit.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
| http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
NHS National Programme for Information Technology (NPfIT)
E-SAP options definition and initial assessment (draft 0.3) [author: Jan Hoogewerf]
(30 March 2006)
The first stage of the NHS Connecting for Health project to develop a framework for implementing the Single Assessment Process (SAP) electronic form is to develop and assess options for its implementation.
This report summarises the objectives of the eSAP architecture, and provides a set of criteria for assessing how best to achieve these objectives. It defines and provides an initial assessment of the options for delivering these objectives, which
are categorised as follows:
scope of SAP functionality;
scope of coverage, i.e. geography and user base;
IM&T options, both applications and information sharing;
service delivery options, such as approach to procurement, funding, etc;
and service implementation options such as timing, phasing, etc.
The report sets out proposals for the way in which the viable options will be evaluated.
View document.
Contact Details:
Jan Hoogewerf Tel: | Fax:
Email: jan.hoogewerf@porticoconsulting.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/
Target group: IT |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency (NHS PASA)
National framework agreement for telecare : Part A (including equipment, installation, maintenance, monitoring and response services) [NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency]
(30 June 2006)
The national framework agreement for telecare : Part A has been developed to help support the Department of Health's vision in Building Telecare in England.
The first national framework agreement for telecare and associated services will be available for use for local authorities and social care in England. Other organisations who are eligible to use the agreement are NHS trusts, strategic health
authorities, collaborative procurement hubs, supply management confederations, housing organisations/associations, voluntary sector and/or charitable organisations, community equipment services, independent sector providers (such as third party
organisations/partners) and non departmental bodies charged with the delivery of health and social care/services. Equivalent organisations in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland can also use the agreement. A related one day conference in both London
and Leeds is also to be held.
For further information including suppliers full contact details, a two-page flyer and more information about the agreement visit the website link given below.
Contact Details:
Premier House
60 Caversham Road
Tel: 0118 980 8600 | Fax: 0118 980 8650
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.pasa.nhs.uk/eat/telecare.stm
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire SAP Learning Consortium
Single Assessment Process - Regional overview from North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire SAP Learning Consortium [author: Seamus Breen]
Powerpoint presentation (16 frames) and handout (6 pp). It outlines pilots with patients and patient organisations in: Harrogate; Craven; Driffield Alfred Been Hospital and Hull Acute Trust; and Hambleton and
Richmondshire. It also outlines work with patients and patient organisations in other areas covered by the Consortium: North East Lincolnshire; North Lincolnshire (Scunthorpe), Scarborough area; and Selby and York PCT area. Other frames summarise
some common givens and challenges, the recognition that success depends on having a common mindset; a proposed virtual learning environment (VLE) for NEYNL; and some remaining issues.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Mary Riches Tel: 0788 7530136 | Fax:
Email: Mary.Riches@dsh.nhs.uk |  Seamus.Breen@doh.gsi.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.neynlha.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: e-learning; powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Seamus Breen gave this presentation at York roadshow on 19 February 2004, in his capacity as Business Unit Head, North Yorkshire County Council.
North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire Workforce Development Confederation
How NEYNL WDC is supporting the introduction of E-learning
13 frame powerpoint presentation describing the North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire strategy for using e-learning (Blended approach) as a training tool.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Jackie Smith (North Yorkshire) WDC e-Learning Co-ordinator Tel: 07775 993 908
01904 825196 | Fax:
Email: Jackie.Smith@neynlwdc.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.neynlwdc.nhs.uk/WorkforceDevelopment
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint; strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contacts: Caroline Smith, Carole Sheard, Angie Clarke, Keith Ollerton, Eve Mryka (see presentation slides 12 and 13 for details.
North and East Yorkshire & Northern Lincolnshire Workforce Development Confederation
Workforce development: Single Assessment Process [ North and East Yorkshire & Northern Lincolnshire Workforce Development Confederation website]
North and East Yorkshire & Northern Lincolnshire Workforce Development Confederation's website on the Single Assessment Process introduces SAP. It outlines what groups of health and social care workers are
involved with SAP, and the role of the SAP Partnerships Manager. It provides information on training and development. It lists meetings, SAP group membership, events, and the SAP pilot projects and their contacts in Driffield, Harrogate, Hull,
North East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire, Scarborough, Selby & York, and South Craven.
Contact Details:
Mary Riches, SAP Partnership Manager, North and East Yorkshire & Northern Lincolnshire Tel: 01724 282363 | Fax:
Email: Mary.Riches@dsh.nhs.uk |  carole.sheard@dsh.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.neynlwdc.nhs.uk/WorkforceDevelopment/SAP/
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: website
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Carole Sheard, for information on SAP and e-learning
North East London Strategic Health Authority
Single Assessment Process Training Materials: NELSHA [author: Eleanor Langridge]
[May 2004]
The training materials developed within the North East London sector are being added to all the time as trainers gain experience in using them. Powerpoint presentations, which accompany the training, are
listed in separate entries. Documents currently in use include:
Training matrix for SAP which describes sessions; learning outcomes; learning resources; length of session.
Background information for trainers listing relevant legislation and policy documents.
Selected training videos.
SAP - a brief guide, covering why it is happening? how is it different? what does it consist of? key features.
A series of handouts: bibliography of relevant reading sources; sharing values and beliefs; assessment.
A series of exercises around: what is assessment? assessment processes; what makes a good assessment? getting to know you; creating case studies.
SAP assessment skills exercise observation sheet.
SAP assessment skills development plan.
SAP Care Coordinator role background reading: organisational culture; cross cultural models; health & social care joint unit; social versus medical model of disability.
SAP Care Coordinator role development plans.
Also included in the pack is the Essex SAP Multi agency Competency Framework to aid single assessment and performance management.
View documents: SAP training materials
| Exercises
| Handouts
| Essex SAP multi-agency competency framework
Contact Details:
Jane Winter, Assistant Director, Social Care, Directorate of Regeneration,
Aneurin Bevan House,
81 Commercial Road,
London E1 1RD
Tel: 020 7655 6600 extn 4325 | Fax: 0207 655 6675
Email: jane.winter@nelondon.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nelondon.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: pack
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The North East London SAP leads have developed extensive training materials around SAP in conjunction with Eleanor Langridge of Evolutions - Professional Learning and Development (see entry on 'related organisations' listing). They
have drawn on resources produced through a joint initiative by a group of project managers and trainers from the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Strategic Health Authority. Part of the agreement for use is that the source is acknowledged and
they are used in SAP multi-agency training. The original authors have given permission for trainers to adapt according to local need. The remainder of the material is original.
North East London Strategic Health Authority
The Single Assessment Process: an introduction [author: Eleanor Langridge]
Fifteen powerpoint frames provide an introduction to SAP covering the national context and providing an outline of the single assessment process.
Headings of frames: SAP: an introduction; national context; National Service Framework for Older People; the single assessment process - what is it? why do we need SAP? deadlines implementation and compliance; who is involved? - individuals and
organisations; importance of SAP - policy drivers, service user needs; four types of assessment; principles of SAP; outcomes of SAP.
Training materials supporting the powerpoint presentation are listed in a separate entry.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Jane Winter, Assistant Director, Social Care, Directorate of Regeneration,
Aneurin Bevan House,
81 Commercial Road,
London E1 1RD
Tel: 020 7655 6600 extn 4325 | Fax: 0207 655 6675
Email: jane.winter@nelondon.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nelondon.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The North East London SAP leads have developed extensive training materials around SAP in conjunction with Eleanor Langridge of Evolutions - Professional Learning and Development (see entry on 'related organisations' listing). They
have drawn on resources produced through a joint initiative by a group of project managers and trainers from the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Strategic Health Authority. Part of the agreement for use is that the source is acknowledged and
they are used in SAP multi-agency training. The original authors have given permission for trainers to adapt according to local need. The remainder of the material is original.
North East London Strategic Health Authority
The Single Assessment Process: an introduction to the principles and process [author: Eleanor Langridge]
Nineteen powerpoint frames provide an introduction to the principles and process of SAP.
Headings of frames: objectives of the assessment process; people involved in SAP - individuals and organisations; importance of SAP - policy drivers, service users needs; key benefits; principles and outcomes of SAP; main challenges; key issues -
person centred, standardised approach, outcome centred approach, older person's contribution; shared values and principles; four types of assessment; carer's assessment; key aspects of SAP.
Training materials supporting the powerpoint presentation are listed in a separate entry.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Jane Winter, Assistant Director, Social Care, Directorate of Regeneration,
Aneurin Bevan House,
81 Commercial Road,
London E1 1RD
Tel: 020 7655 6600 extn 4325 | Fax: 0207 655 6675
Email: jane.winter@nelondon.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nelondon.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The North East London SAP leads have developed extensive training materials around SAP in conjunction with Eleanor Langridge of Evolutions - Professional Learning and Development (see entry on 'related organisations' listing). They
have drawn on resources produced through a joint initiative by a group of project managers and trainers from the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Strategic Health Authority. Part of the agreement for use is that the source is acknowledged and
they are used in SAP multi-agency training. The original authors have given permission for trainers to adapt according to local need. The remainder of the material is original.
North East London Strategic Health Authority
The Single Assessment Process: developing assessment skills [author: Eleanor Langridge]
Nineteen powerpoint frames on developing assessment skills.
Headings of frames: group exercise - what is assessment? assessment is NOT; group exercise - older person's involvment in assessment; practitioner role in assessment; group exercise - what makes a good assessment? SAP - key principles;
person-centred assessment; achieving a person centred approach; achieving a standardised approach; achieving an outcome centred approach; assessor competencies; group exercise - assessment in practice, feedback; developing your practice.
Training materials supporting the powerpoint presentation are listed in a separate entry.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Jane Winter, Assistant Director, Social Care, Directorate of Regeneration,
Aneurin Bevan House,
81 Commercial Road,
London E1 1RD
Tel: 020 7655 6600 extn 4325 | Fax: 0207 655 6675
Email: jane.winter@nelondon.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nelondon.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The North East London SAP leads have developed extensive training materials around SAP in conjunction with Eleanor Langridge of Evolutions - Professional Learning and Development (see entry on 'related organisations' listing). They
have drawn on resources produced through a joint initiative by a group of project managers and trainers from the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Strategic Health Authority. Part of the agreement for use is that the source is acknowledged and
they are used in SAP multi-agency training. The original authors have given permission for trainers to adapt according to local need. The remainder of the material is original.
North East London Strategic Health Authority
The Single Assessment Process: stages in the process; different types of assessment; assessment competencies [author: Eleanor Langridge]
Eleven powerpoint frames provide an overview of different types of assessments.
Headings of frames: stages in the single assessment process; the assessment process; contact assessment; overview assessment; SAP domains; specialist (in-depth) assessment; comprehensive assessment; evaluating assessment information; care
coordinator role.
Training materials supporting the powerpoint presentation are listed in a separate entry.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Jane Winter, Assistant Director, Social Care, Directorate of Regeneration,
Aneurin Bevan House,
81 Commercial Road,
London E1 1RD
Tel: 020 7655 6600 extn 4325 | Fax: 0207 655 6675
Email: jane.winter@nelondon.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nelondon.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The North East London SAP leads have developed extensive training materials around SAP in conjunction with Eleanor Langridge of Evolutions - Professional Learning and Development (see entry on 'related organisations' listing). They
have drawn on resources produced through a joint initiative by a group of project managers and trainers from the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Strategic Health Authority. Part of the agreement for use is that the source is acknowledged and
they are used in SAP multi-agency training. The original authors have given permission for trainers to adapt according to local need. The remainder of the material is original.
North East London Strategic Health Authority
The Single Assessment Process: the Care Coordinator Role [author: Eleanor Langridge]
Fifteen powerpoint frames provide an overview of the Care Coordinator Role within SAP.
Headings of frames: Group exercise - Care Coordinator role - what is it? Care Coordinator role; the assessment process; comprehensive assessment; effective care coordination; joint working; group exercise - sharing values and beliefs; degrees of
partnership; SAP joint working - opportunities and challenges; group exercise - what promotes joint working? case studies.
Training materials supporting the powerpoint presentation are listed in a separate entry.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Jane Winter, Assistant Director, Social Care, Directorate of Regeneration,
Aneurin Bevan House,
81 Commercial Road,
London E1 1RD
Tel: 020 7655 6600 extn 4325 | Fax: 0207 655 6675
Email: jane.winter@nelondon.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nelondon.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The North East London SAP leads have developed extensive training materials around SAP in conjunction with Eleanor Langridge of Evolutions - Professional Learning and Development (see entry on 'related organisations' listing). They
have drawn on resources produced through a joint initiative by a group of project managers and trainers from the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Strategic Health Authority. Part of the agreement for use is that the source is acknowledged and
they are used in SAP multi-agency training. The original authors have given permission for trainers to adapt according to local need. The remainder of the material is original.
North Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust
Single Assessment Process North Lincolnshire
This is a joint website for North LIncolnshre PCT, North LIncolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Trust, and North Lincolnshire Council.. It comprises:
News and events (including a quarterly newsletter starting February 2005; also a link to a news story in a local paper marking 1000 SAP assessments);
Documents (minutes of meetings etc);
Electronic application (documentation to do with Accenture);
Learning and development (powerpoint presentations);
Meet and contact the team;
Useful links.
Contact Details:
Larry Hollando, Assistant Director, Older People and Physical Disability Tel: +44 (0)1652 601100 | Fax:
Email: Larry.Hollando@nlpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nlpct.nhs.uk/sap/index.asp
Target group: All Staff |  Type / Format: website
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust; North Lincolnshire Council; North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Trust
Multi-agency guidelines and good practice manual: Single Assessment Process (SAP) in North Lincolnshire version 1.5 [author: North Lincolnshire SAP Steering Group]
(October 2006)
This good practice manual (35 pp) has been produced by the North Lincolnshire Multi-Agency Steering Group to support staff with the implementation and operational requirements of the Single Assessment Process
(SAP) in North Lincolnshire. The manual does not replace guidance and protocols in place in each of the partner agencies.
The manual includes a glossary of terms;sets the national context for SAP; provides general information on information sharing and obtaining consent; outlines issues on joint working in respect of the different assessments; and has a short section
on using the Easycare assessment tool. Appendices relate to documentation on consent and security guidelines.
The manual will be reviewed as part of the evaluation of the implementation process.
View manual.
Contact Details:
Stephen Ball, Service Manager - Older People, Day and Community Services, North Lincolnshire Council Tel: +44 (0)1724 298081 | Fax:
Email: stephen.ball@northlincs.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All agencies |  Type / Format: glossary; guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North Somerset Council
SAP from paper to electronic delivery [authors: Mary Hammond and Andy Moll]
February 2006
Power point presentation describes the strategies developed to implement the Single Assessment Process. From an early stage managers felt that an e-solution was required for sharing information
successfully. North Somerset Council is using mobile technology to enable the process of assessing the needs of older people and for vulnerable adults. It has drawn on Cambridgeshire's experience of using tablet PCs for the single assessment
process collecting data for several agencies at once - Project Nomad pilot. North Somerset's tablet PCs will upload and download data either while staff travel between interviews or when they have access to high-speed data transfer through a home
broadband connection, a council office or a library.
Project Nomad - the National Project is sponsored by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and is dedicated to mobile and flexible working in local authorities. Cambridgeshire County Council, the original lead authority for Project Nomad, has now
taken responsibility for it , providing a 'safe home'. Current plans are to continue to promote mobile and flexible working, making use of mobile technology, via the Nomad website, through events, through partnership and collaborations with local
authorities, regional centres of excellence and other organisations.
View powerpoint presentation
Contact Details:
Mary Hammond, Team Manager,
Adult Social Services, North Somerset Council
Town Hall,
Walliscote Grove Road,
Somerset, BS23 1UJ
Tel: 01934 888 888 | Fax:
Email: mary.hammond@n-somerset.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/
| http://www.projectnomad.org.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Andy Moll is the eGovernment Strategy Manager, North Somerset Council
North Surrey Primary Care Trust
Community Healthcare Records Parkinson's Disease Patients North Surrey PCT
Example of handheld paper records for single assessment process for people with chronic diseases. Folder contains:
contact information for Parkinson's Disease medical staff;
service provided for parkinson's disease patients and carers;
single assessment process: basic personal information;
single assessment process: contact assessment;
checklists for: internal risk factors; carers involved; mobility assessment; psychological status; medication; falls;
nursing lifting assessment form;
medication chart;
communication sheet;
staff signature sheet.
Contact Details:
Dr Beverly Castleton, Consultant Physician North Surrey PCT,
Medical Director's Office,
Villa 22, Guildford Road,
Surrey KT16 0QA
Tel: 01932 723782 | Fax: 01932 723533
Email: jacqueline.batchelor@nsurreypct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nsurreypct.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North Tyneside Council
North Tyneside Single Assessment Process information and development events, Menzies Hotel, North Shields, April-May 2004 [authors: Chris Strangwood, Frances Fairclough]
(April 2004)
Powerpoint (24 slides) used at 8 awareness raising events in North Tyneside, with the objectives of exploring the impact of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) on current practice and service delivery, and
single assessment in North Tyneside. Items covered include: person centred care; the purpose, aims and principles of SAP; the policy context; the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF); domains of assessment; types of assessment; and a
timetable for implementing SAP in North Tyneside.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Haley Hudson, Single Assessment Coordinator for North Tyneside Tel: +44 (0)191 200 8455 | Fax: +44 (0)191 200 8260
Email: haley.hudson@northtyneside.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North Tyneside Single Assessment Taskforce
The Single Assessment Process North Tyneside information and development events
(April 2004)
This pack has been designed to support the North Tyneside information and development events for implementation of the Single Assessment Process (SAP). Information in the pack provides background material for
the events, and will also act as an ongoing source of reference as implementation of SAP progresses in North Tyneside
The pack covers: background to the Single Assessment Process; current health and social care polices impacting on SAP; determination of registered nursing care contribution; the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF); principles of the
Single Assessment Process; domains and sub domains of SAP; assessment skills; information sharing and consent; clinical governance; education and training; key implications for older people, social workers, nurses, general practitioners, therapists,
geriatricians and old age psychiatrists; North Tyneside shared aims and objectives of SAP implementation; North Tyneside agreed glossary of terms; timetable for implementing SAP in North Tyneside; a list of those involved in implementing SAP in
North Tyneside since 2003.
View pack
Contact Details:
Haley Hudson, Single Assessment Coordinator for North Tyneside Tel: +44 (0)191 200 8455 | Fax: +44 (0)191 200 8260
Email: haley.hudson@northtyneside.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All |  Type / Format: pack; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North West Electronic Government Group (NWEGG)
IM&T baseline review of single assessment final version 1.0 [author: Portico Consulting]
(4 July 2003)
This is one of several items relating to the single assessment process (SAP) on the North West Electronic Government Group (NWEGG) website.
NWEGG commissioned this report of the findings of a baseline review of IM&T(information management and technology) support for single assessment of older people across the three strategic health authorities in the North West (Merseyside & Cheshire,
Greater Manchester, and Lancashire & Cumbria). The project was prompted by the April 2004 deadline set for the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) for implementing single assessment. The review was carried out between March and May
2003 using structured telephone interviews (Appendix B) with more than 60 SAP and IM&T leads and the SHA workshops.
The report identifies IM&T requirements for SAP; assesses the situation against these requirements; and recommends actions to making progress The mid-2003 situation across the North West for implementing SAP is summarised under the following
headings: organisation and development; applications; infrastructure; information governance; and person and service referencing. The report also notes pilots elsewhere: discussions were held with Newcastle, Cambridge, North & North East
Lincolnshire, and Kingston.
View document
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: admin@nwegg.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nwegg.org.uk/
Target group: IT and SAP Leads |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: Web link 1 |  ISBN/ISSN:
North West London Sector
Single Assessment Process: FACE Contact and Overview Assessment Tool Training [Tricia Morris, North West London Sector]
One-day training programme for getting started on SAP. Twenty-one frames in powerpoint presentation cover following topics: Single Assessment Process overview; National Service Framework; whats in it for
older people?; assessment skills - cultural sensitivity, consent to share information, risk assessment; North West London Contact Assessment; FACE overview assessment - explaining the assessment tool and handbook; 'Miss Adams' case study - putting
SAP into practice; 'My Shared Care Plan'; technology.
Contact Details:
Tricia Morris Training and Management Consultant
245 High Street
Herts WD3 1BQ
Tel: 07721 642 447 | Fax:
Email: T245Morris@aol.com | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North West London Sector SAP
North West London Contact Assessment Folder [NWL SAP Team]
The North West London (NWL) Sector has a common approach to the Single Assessment Process sharing jointly developed assessment tools, records and forms to facilitate the cross boundary exchange of care
The Contact Assessment Folder contains following documents/tools:
1. Sector approach - brief description of purpose.
2. Basic personal information - includes key contacts.
3. Contact assessment - identification of health and social care needs.
4. Medical information - for hospital use.
5. Referral form - for referring for further assessment.
Contact Details:
Keith Strahan, Hounslow SAP Manager Tel: 07973 700695 (mobile)
020 8583 3655 (office) | Fax:
Email: kspcsw@aol.com |  Keith.Strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; toolkit
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Also contact Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea Primary Care Trust,email ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk
North Yorkshire County Council
SAP newsletter - (North Yorkshire) (author: Becky Nightingale)
(June 2006)
Newsletter June 2006 (download) includes updates on electronic SAP (e-SAP),, person held records, and systems and processes. Also, refers to the Senior Management Conference, "The future of Single Assessment
Process in North Yorkshire and the wider Strategic Health Authority area"; held on 12 June 2006 at Thirsk Racecource, which is described in a separate entry. An article on lessons learnt from CHARD refers to implementation of NPfIT in Skipton and
Ripon, in Craven, Harrogate and Rural District PCT.
Previous and later newsletters at weblink.
View newsletter.
Contact Details:
Becky Allright, SAP Project Co-ordinator, North Yorkshire County Council, Finkle Street,
North Yorkshire
YO7 1DA.
Tel: 01609 536912
07976 908812 (mobile) | Fax:
Email: becky.allright@northyorks.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northyorks.gov.uk/sap
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Becky Allright (change of name from Becky Nightingale).
North Yorkshire County Council; Liquidlogic
The future of Single Assessment Process in North Yorkshire and the wider Strategic Health Authority area Senior Managers Conference held at Thirsk Racecourse, 12 June 2006
(12 June 2006)
Liquidlogic and Clarity Gazebo (manufacturer of manila filing and printed products such as health record; files); jointly sponsored this conference / shared learning event. Powerpoint presentations are
available on the Liquidlogic website.
Introduction (9 slides) by Neil Revely (Assistant Director, Community Care Services, North Yorkshire) looks at the strategic significance of single assessment and how SAP is being implemented in York and North Yorkshire
Achieving transformational change through integrated service improvement (17 slides). Danielle Procter, Stakeholder Workstream Lead, NHS Integrated Service Improvement Programme explains ISIP's role in supporting integration of health and social
care at national and local levels. The Single Assessment Process (SAP) is moving towards a Common Assessment Framework. Also touched on are some lessons learnt about introducing the care records service.
A choice of three workshop sessions was offered:
1. Person held records (28 slides)
Slides 1-9: Tracy Seymour and Ian Watson (of Clarity Gazebo) look at the person held record (PHR) from the service user's point of view, also reasons for having PHRs.
Slides 10-17: Experience so far;. Gail McCracken,( Hambleton and Richmondshire PCT ) reports on feedback from service users and carers to a questionnaire, also from staff on issues and benefits of PHRs.
Slides 18-22: Issues for North Yorkshire Supporting People; Gill Warner (Strategy and Policy Manager, North Yorkshire Supporting People) notes major changes taking place in sheltered housing; considers issues such as housing related support, and
interlinked agendas (e.g. telecare).
Slides 23-28: Implementation of housing support workers at Broadacres Housing Association; Jane Bennison (Service Manager, Older People, Braodacres HA). This housing association has 1,600 sheltered housing properties in Hambleton area and has worked
closely with North Yorkshire.
2. NPfIT and SAP (26 slides):
Representatives from North and East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire SHA (NEYNL SHA) on how the SHA has helped implement SAP.
Slides 1-7: Delivering NPfIT for a modern efficient NHS; Jo Bland, NPfIT Communications Lead
Siles 8-12: SAP and NPfIT in North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire; Mary Riches, NPfIT SAP Planning Lead. Past, present and future in implementing SAP.
Slides 13- 20::Benefits management; Jane Doris, NPfIT Clinical Support Specialist,
Slides 21-28: Information governance;Richard Sewart, Information Governance Lead. Legal and ethical uses of information; information quality; availability and security of information; and issues of confidentiality and consent.
3. EASY-Care 2006 (13 slides):
Frances Fairclough (Centre for Healthy Ageing, University of Sheffield). EASY-Care developed originally as a WHO project. Her presentation refers to: the depression screening question; comments on the White Paper, "Our health, our care, our say"
(e.g. Common Assessment Framework), and on self-assessment, personal details, carers information, supplementary information, and personal care plan.
Demonstration of Single Assessment Process (SAP) resource; Nat Lievesley, IT Manager, Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA).
Presentation (32 slides) includes examples of pages or entry points to the resource, including the discussion forum, Do Once and Share (DOaS), and e-SAP implementation project.
Contact Details:
Becky Allright, SAP Project Co-ordinator, North Yorkshire County Council, Finkle Street,
North Yorkshire
YO7 1DA.
Tel: 01609 536912
07976 908812 (Mobile) | Fax:
Email: becky.allright@northyorks.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.liquidlogic.co.uk
Target group: SAP managers |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Liquidlogic contact: Louise Sinclair, 0113 232 0100; e-mail: enquiries@liquidlogic.co.uk
Becky Allright (change of name from Becky Nightingale).
North Yorkshire County Council Social Services; City of York Council; North Yorkshire PCTs
Multi-agency working / Single Assessment Process Manual [authors: North Yorkshire County Council Social Services, City of York Council, North Yorkshire PCTs
This document (25pp) introduces single assessment. the process of carrying out a multi-agency assessment using an electronic assessment tool for sharing information or sharing information through a person held
record, and how care co-ordination responsibilities should be set up between different agencies. Becky Nightingale refers to Section 2, How to ask for consent to share information across agencies, in a Discussion forum contribution on Evaluation of
SAP from a user perspective (21 December 2005).
Some of this material is on the North Yorkshire County Council Single Assessment Process website, which includes not only documents and newsletters for professionals, but also leaflets for users and weblinks to local agencies and national
organisations involved with SAP.
View manual.
Contact Details:
Becky Allright, SAP Project Co-ordinator, North Yorkshire Ciounty Council, Finkle Street,
North Yorkshire
YO7 1DA.
Tel: +44 (0)1609 536912
Mobile: 07976 908812 | Fax:
Email: becky.allright@northyorks.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northyorks.gov.uk/sap
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance; website
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Becky Allright (change of name from Becky Nightingale).
Northamptonshire County Council
Consent to Information Sharing leaflet [Northamptonshire SAP team]
Leaflet for clients explaining the principles around information sharing and active consent on their part: Single Assessment Process? Why do we need consent? What choice's do we have?
View powerpoint slides of leaflet
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Contact Assessment/Referral: Northamptonshire Single Assessment Process [Northamptonshire SAP team]
Four page contact assessment form. Part of the SAP documentation accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health.
View contact assessment form
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Glossary of Terms: Northamptonshire Single Assessment Process [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(April 2004)
Glossary of Terms to accompany the Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) that is accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health as a tool for overview assessment as part of the Single
Assessment Process for older people. The glossary explains some of the words, terms, symbols and abbreviations used by agencies in Northamptonshire when assessing the needs of people, Paper based document consists of 12 pages.
View glossary
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: glossary
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Guidance for Completing the Northamptonshire Contact Assessment [Northamptonshire SAP team]
Guidance on how to complete the Northamptonshire contact assessment form. Part of the SAP documentation accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health.
View guidance
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Guidelines for Completing Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(April 2004)
Guidelines to assist with completing the Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) that is accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health as a tool for overview assessment as part of the Single
Assessment Process for older people. Paper based document consists of 38 pages. The guidelines are designed for use by a wide variety of assessors.
View guidelines
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Information Sharing Protocol: Northamptonshire Single Assessment Process [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(April 2004)
Protocol for sharing confidential personal information to accompany the Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) that is accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health as a tool for overview
assessment as part of the Single Assessment Process for older people. Paper based document consists of 14 pages.
View protocol
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(April 2004)
The Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) is accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health as a tool for overview assessment as part of the Single Assessment Process for older people. Paper
based document of 44 pages. Accompanying documentation consists of Guidelines for Completing NOAT, Glossary of Terms, Information Sharing Protocol, Contact Assessment/Referral forms, Protocol for Personal Held Record.
View assessment tool
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; glossary; protocol
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Personal Held Record leaflet [Northamptonshire SAP team]
Leaflet for clients explaining the Personal Held Record: What is a Personal Held Record? What is the purpose of the Personal Held Record? How will it work? Designed to be included in the folder kept by the
View leaflet
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Protocol for Personal Held Records: Northamptonshire Single Assessment Process [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(29 July 2004)
This protocol relates to Personal Held Records for people in Northamptonshire who's needs are being assessed using the Single Assessment Process. Part of the Northamptonshire SAP documentation that is
accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health. Paper based document consists of 2 pages.
View protocol
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northumberland Care Trust
Care coordination - older people Joan's tale workshop: taking care further
The video, together with the facilitator and participant workbooks, comprises a two-hour training workshop.
The Joan's tale video and workbooks are based in good faith on DoH guidance re the Single Assessment Process. They seek to assist awareness (not holistic or definitive) training, and to provide a provocative introduction to SAP/Care Coordination for
Older People. The learning will be enhanced if the training is held with multidisciplinary groups of staff and stakeholders. The material is presented in the order recommended for running the training event.
Contact Details:
Brenda Stenhouse, Single Assessment Programme Manager, Northumberland Care Trust,
Merley Croft.
NE61 2DL.
Tel: +44 (0)1670 533886 | Fax: +44 (0)1670 533803
Email: brenda.stenhouse@northumberlandcaretrust.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northumberlandcaretrust.nhs.uk
Target group: Health and social services staff; other "stakeholders" |  Type / Format: video; workbook
Availability / Price: £150 for 1 pack (1 video, 1 facilitator workbook, 1 participant book); thereafter, £10 per video. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Strategic Health Authority
Northumberland, Tyne & Wear training and development plan Single Assessment/ care coordination older people SAP Northumberland Tyne & Wear SHA Training Group; Brenda Stenhouse (chair)
Regional training and development strategy. It outlines the scope, key objectives, delivery methods , target areas, partnership arrangements, and programme content . The plan has been produced in partnership
with the Northern England NHS Workforce Development Confederation and the Northumberland NHS Care Trust.
view plan.
Contact Details:
Brenda Stenhouse, Single Assessment Programme Manager, Northumberland Care Trust,
Social Care Directorate.
County Hall.
NE61 2EF.
Tel: +44 (0)1670 533886 (BS) | Fax: +44 (0)1670 533803
Email: brenda.stenhouse@northumberlandcaretrust.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northumberlandcaretrust.nhs.uk
Target group: Trainers |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Strategic Health Authority
SAP lessons learnt: a report detailing the experiences and lessons learnt in implementing the Single Assessment Process .... informed by the North East Cluster lessons learnt event 18th November 2005
[author: Rob Langstaff]
(21 February 2006)
The first four implementations of the NPfIT SAP solution have taken place in Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, where the Strategic Health Authority (SHA) has given priority to SAP implementation. This report (63
pp) has been compiled by the Education, Training and Development Strategy Manager, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Strategic Health Authority. The information comes from an event at which health and social care professionals from sites within the
North East Cluster met to share their experiences of implementing SAP. The report reflects the topics covered and includes embedded links to the powerpoint presentations made:
Project governance - Paul Gibson (Sunderland Teaching PCT) and Phil Hounsell (Sunderland Social Services);
Connecting the users - Ian Mankin (South Tyneside Social Services) and Jane Keenan (County Durham and Tees Valley SHA);
Information sharing - Graham Farrow (South Tyneside PCT);
Achieving the benefits of SAP - Penny Gray (formerly Gateshead PCT) and Mark Adams (Northumberland, Tyne and Wear SHA);
Training and user support - Sue Martin (City Hospitals Sunderland), Robin Welsh (Sunderland Social Services) and Rob Longstaff (Northumberland, Tyne and Wear SHA);
Mobile working; - Karen Banks and Pauline Hobson (Sunderland Teaching PCT);
Supporting the future environment - Sally Soady (Sheffield Health Informatics Service).
Appendix 1 summarises the recommendations; Appendix 2 is an evaluation analysis of the event.
View report.
Contact Details:
Robin Welsh, SAP Training Officer, Sunderland Social Services Floor 4,
50 Fawcett St,
Tyne & Wear
SR1 1RF.
Tel: 0191 566 1420
07789942247 | Fax:
Email: Robin.Welsh@ssd.sunderland.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Health and social care professionals; IT staff |  Type / Format: case study; powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Older Family Carer Initiative, Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities - FPLD
Person-centred approaches and older families [authors: Dalia Magrill, Helen Sanderson, Alison Short]
(May 2005)
The Older Family Carers Initiative, was a three year project designed to support Learning Disability Partnership Boards across England to identify and meet the needs of older family carers of people with
learning disabilities. The project began in 2002 and finished in 2005 with a new toolkit developed to help the Boards, entitled "Valuing Families : a toolkit for family friendly services".
This resource has been written as part of the Older Family Carers Initiative in direct response to the concerns raised by person-centred planning facilitators and coordinators. This is intended for people who are already informed about
person-centred planning approaches and want to make sure they are planning with older families in the best possible way.This report is intended as a tool to be used primarily by people whose role it is to: (a) plan directly with older families
and (b) coordinate person-centred planning on behalf of their Learning Disability Partnership Board.
Free to download from the Mental Health Foundation website or purchase.
Contact Details:
Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities,
9th Floor, Sea Containers House,
20 Upper Ground,
London, SE1 9QB.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7803 1101 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7803 1111
Email: via website | 
Web links: http://www.learningdisabilities.org.uk/publications/?EntryId5=22379&char=P
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: to download or purchase |  ISBN/ISSN: 1903645719
Openmind, the mental health magazine
CPA - process or event? ... radical shift in thinking to support the CPA to deliver in the way originally intended says author [author: Steve Morgan]
(January/February 2007)
Article in Openmind, issue 147, pp19-21.
A critical review of the current implementation of the CPA (Care Programme Approach) introduced some 16 years ago to assess needs and review progress in a way that places the individual at the centre of their care; in this article mental health care
is the focus. The author sees CPA implemented too often as an administrative approach rather than a creative approach being adopted which would involve more genuine service user involvement. This would involve a greater focus on values,
principles and meanings in order to achieve the radical shift in thinking required to support CPA to deliver in the way originally intended.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.openmindmagazine.co.uk
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0265511X
Pan Dorset Health and Social Care
SAP quiz [author: Jane Wallis]
(September 2003)
Quiz with multiple choice answers to test health and social services staff's understanding of the Single Assessment Process (SAP).
View quiz
Contact Details:
Jane Wallis,
SAP Project Manager for Training, Pan Dorset Health and Social Care,
Human Resources Learning and Development Unit,
Vespasian House,
2nd Floor West Wing,
Bridport Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1305 225911 | Fax: +44 (0)1305 268834
Email: jane.wallis@dorsetcc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetforyou.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: quiz
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This tool can be used or adapted by others provided that the Pan Dorset Group is fully accredited as the organisation of origin. Jane Wallis would appreciate a brief email to let her know who is using the material and where it is
being used.
Pan Dorset Health and Social Care
Single Assessment Process a guide for practitioners working with older people in health and social services across Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole [author: Jane Wallis]
(September 2003)
The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief explanation of assessment - as a single process. It is intended for all practitioners in both health and social services (including housing) who work with older
people. Its coverage includes: the four levels of assessment; care co-ordinators; carers; SAP or ICPA (the Integrated Care Programme Approach which will continue to aply to those with mental health problems); confidentiality; evaluation of risk; the
Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc) Act 2003; eligibile needs; care planning; and monitoring and reviews.
View guide
Contact Details:
Jane Wallis,
SAP Project Manager for Training, Pan Dorset Health and Social Care,
Human Resources Learning and Development Unit,
Vespasian House,
2nd Floor West Wing,
Bridport Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1305 225911 | Fax: +44 (0)1305 268834
Email: jane.wallis@dorsetcc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetforyou.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guide
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This tool can be used or adapted by others provided that the Pan Dorset Group is fully accredited as the organisation of origin. Jane Wallis would appreciate a brief email to let her know who is using the material and where it is
being used.
Pan Dorset Health and Social Care
Single Assessment Process implementing new joint working arrangements for older person's health and social care services across Dorset, Bournemouth, and Poole: [Bulletins 1, 2 and 3] [author: Jane
(September 2003 -)
These bulletins have as their purpose keeping practitioners advised of changes to working practices with regard to the introduction of the Single Assessment Process (SAP).
View bulletin 1 |
bulletin 2 |
bulletin 3
Contact Details:
Jane Wallis,
SAP Project Manager for Training, Pan Dorset Health and Social Care,
Human Resources Learning and Development Unit,
Vespasian House,
2nd Floor West Wing,
Bridport Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1305 225911 | Fax: +44 (0)1305 268834
Email: jane.wallis@dorsetcc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetforyou.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This tool can be used or adapted by others provided that the Pan Dorset Group is fully accredited as the organisation of origin. Jane Wallis would appreciate a brief email to let her know who is using the material and where it is
being used.
Pan Dorset Health and Social Care
Single Assessment Process Case management - case studies 1-4 [author: Jane Wallis]
These four case studies explain the personal circumstances of a Mrs Blair, a Mr Thatcher, a Mrs Churchill, and a Miss Major. , and then set tasks to map the most feasible or likely care pathways or outcomes.
The aim of each case study is variously to consider and remember consent or confidentiality issues, matters regarding the Community Care (Delayed Discharge etc) Act 2003, special needs, carers' needs,, and matters appertaining to RNCC (Registered
Nursing Care Contribution) determination.
View case studies
Contact Details:
Jane Wallis,
SAP Project Manager for Training, Pan Dorset Health and Social Care,
Human Resources Learning and Development Unit,
Vespasian House,
2nd Floor West Wing,
Bridport Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1305 225911 | Fax: +44 (0)1305 268834
Email: jane.wallis@dorsetcc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetforyou.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: case study
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This tool can be used or adapted by others provided that the Pan Dorset Group is fully accredited as the organisation of origin. Jane Wallis would appreciate a brief email to let her know who is using the material and where it is
being used.
Pan Dorset Health and Social Care
The SAP is rising - are you ready for April 2004 ? [author: Jane Wallis]
(September 2003)
Poster being used in Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole, reminding health and social services staff about the Single Assessment Process (SAP), also the Community Care (Delayed Discharge etc) Act, continuing care,
funded nursing care, and fair access to care.
View poster
Contact Details:
Jane Wallis,
SAP Project Manager for Training, Pan Dorset Health and Social Care,
Human Resources Learning and Development Unit,
Vespasian House,
2nd Floor West Wing,
Bridport Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1305 225911 | Fax: +44 (0)1305 268834
Email: jane.wallis@dorsetcc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetforyou.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This tool can be used or adapted by others provided that the Pan Dorset Group is fully accredited as the organisation of origin. Jane Wallis would appreciate a brief email to let her know who is using the material and where it is
being used.
Directory to support organisations, agencies and practitioners in adult protection [author: PAVA]
[September 2004]
The Practitioner Alliance Against Abuse of Vulnerable Adults (PAVA) has published a new directory aimed at those working within adult protection. The document, which acknowledges good practice in adult
protection, is designed to support organisations, agencies and practitioners by referencing twenty one sites across England where positive work to protect vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation is taking place.
Following the publication of No Secrets1 (National Guidance on Protection of Vulnerable Adults) in the year 2000, the Directory seeks to illustrate what progress has been made in some areas of the country by presenting concise information on
strategies which are working well. The directory also lists contact details for those wishing to access more information on initiatives which are of interest. The directory is the result of much work and dedication from colleagues around the
country and PAVA anticipates it will prove to be an invaluable resource tool.
View Press Release for additional information.
View press release
Contact Details:
Andy Foskett, PAVA Project Coordinator, Clarence House,
46 Humberstone Gate,
Leicester LE1 3PJ
Tel: 0116 262 1654
Mobile: 07903 312116 | Fax:
Email: andy.foskett@pavauk.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.pavauk.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: A downloadable copy of this directory will be available from the PAVA website from early November. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: For further information on PAVA see entry on 'related organisations' list.
From Service Led to Person Centred Designing and delivering services in partnership with older people
A one day conference on either 4 July 2006 at ORT House Conference Centre, central London.
The aims of this conference are to identify the challenges and opportunities in managing older people's services following recent publications and guidance. To share learning from experience in managing change with practical examples. Chair:
Deborah Klee, Independent Consultant, Lead for the Healthcare Commission, CSCI and Audit Commission National Review of Older People's Services 2005. Other speakers include: David Behan, Chief Executive CSCI; Jonathan Ellis, Policy Manager, Health
and Social Care, Help the Aged; Luke O'Shea, Lead for "A Sure Start to later life", Social Exclusion Unit, ODPM and others. There are parellel workshop sessions in the morning and afternoon.
Contact Details:
Richmond House
Richmond Road
Tel: 0870 890 1080 | Fax: 0870 890 1081
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: see website for fees |  ISBN/ISSN:
Integrating and Implementing Person-centre Approaches
A one day conference on either 11 October 2006 at ORT House Conference Centre, central London.
The aims of this conference are to review the progress towards person-centred services and will explore the issues of integrating and implementing person-centred approaches for people with learning disabilities. Workshops will also explore issues
specific to people with severe and complex needs as well as to people with mild to moderate disabilities. It will provide information, examples of good practice, practical strategies and the opportunity to ask questions and explore issues within
delegates' own services and experience.
Contact Details:
Richmond House
Richmond Road
Tel: 0870 890 1080 | Fax: 0870 890 1081
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: see website for fees |  ISBN/ISSN:
Joint Working between Social and Health Services in the Care of Older People in the Community : a cost study [authors: Paul McCrone, Steve Iliffe, Enid Levin et al]
(December 2005)
Article in: Journal of Integrated Care, vol 13, issue 6, pp34-43.
There have been few economic evaluations of joint working between social and health care. This paper focuses on collaboration between professional providing care for people aged 75 and over, and examines the economic costs of contacts made by
social workers with community nurses, GPs and older people or their carers. Two areas were studied, one where social care and primary care services were co-located, and the other with social work teams located separately from local health services.
The two forms of social care location had an impact on contacts and costs but overall it was fairly small. Contact costs made up only a small amount of the overall costs of care. These findings suggest that altering the organisational arrangements
for care delivery may improve the process of care delivery, but result in only minor changes to the proportion of overall resources directed to older service users. (KJ)
Contact Details:
Steve Iliffe Tel: | Fax:
Email: s.iliffe@pcps.ucl.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1476-9018
Journal of Integrated Care Practical evidence for service development [editor: Peter Thistlethwaite]
This journal is edited to ensure practical relevance to the needs of people working on the development of policy and service provision. The Journal aims to be a meeting point for ideas from those studying or
evaluating care and from those implementing policy or research findings; and of particular value is the perspective of service users and carers. The editorial board wishes to narrow the gap between research and service delivery, and to promote
evidence-based approaches.
Published six times a year. Formerly titled: Managing Community Care.
Contact Details:
Liz Mandeville (Pavilion Editor) The Ironworks,
East Sussex
Tel: 01273 623222 | Fax: 01273 625526
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: journal
Availability / Price: by subscription |  ISBN/ISSN: 1476-9018
Modernising Adult Social Care : Opportunities for offering choice and independence
A one day conference on 29 March 2006 at Ashford International Hotel and Conference Centre, Kent.
Ministerial address by David Miliband MP, Minister for Local Government and Communities, ODPM: The Government's challenge to local authorities. Chair: Nigel Vian (Electronic Services Programme Director, Social Services, Kent CC).
Contact Details:
Richmond House
Richmond Road
Tel: 0870 890 1080 | Fax: 0870 890 1081
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Our Health, Our Care, Our Say: Learning from the early adopters of integrated care Regional workshops
A one day conference on either 21 June 2006 (central London) or 13 July 2006 (The Met Hotel, Leeds).
A programme of regionally based workshops aimed at helping frontline teams and managers to implement the White Paper.
The workshops will be rooted in the established eveidence of best practice from evaluations. The challenge of identifying barriers to progress, and ways of surmounting them, will be central to the process. The workshops will also benefit from
contributions from Research in Practice for Adults (RiPfA). Chair: Peter Thistlethwaite (Editor, Journal of Integrated Care).
Contact Details:
Richmond House
Richmond Road
Tel: 0870 890 1080 | Fax: 0870 890 1081
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: see website for fees |  ISBN/ISSN:
The Castlefields integrated care model the evidence summarised [authors: David Lyon, Julia Miller, Kirsty Pine]
(February 2006)
Article in: Journal of Integrated Care, vol 14, issue 1, pp 7-12.
This article presents and reviews the evidence from a pilot project run by Halton Primary Care Trust at Castlefields Health Centre in Runcorn, where a social worker was based and worked proactively with a district nurse to introduce an integrated
case management approach for patients. The practice had noticed that social interventions were at least as valuable as mmedical ones for older people. Indeed, an important element of this model was the identification of high-risk people aged 65+ not
already known about, and for whom anticipatory assessments and care packages could be arranged. Decision-making was noticeably simplified and speeded up, with most assessments completed in a single day. The authors recommend that PCTs should
consider the benefits of social care input to case management, especially when planning new services and new roles such as that of community matron.
Contact Details:
Tel: 01273 623222 | Fax: 01273 625526
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
Pavilion and English Community Care Association (ECCA)
Commissioning - Getting it right for everyone
A one day conference on 1 June 2006 at The Manchester Conference Centre, University of Manchester.
To identify the challenges facing commissioners and to determine how these might best be addressed using examples of current good practice. Key themes are: joining working and the role of commissioning in the whole system; commissioning for outcomes
and effective use of resources. Chair: Martin Green (Chief Executive, ECCA).
Contact Details:
Richmond House
Richmond Road
Tel: 0870 890 1080 | Fax: 0870 890 1081
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: LAs/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £229.13 to £489.39 incl. VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Ltd.,
The Sandwell Telecare Project [authors: Paul Waddington, Barry Downs]
(June 2005)
Article in: Journal of Integrated Care, vol 13, issue 3, June 2005, pp 40-48.
This article begins with a case study of the Sandwell Telecare Project, an innovatory venture to pioneer the introduction of electronic aids to enable vulnerable people to live independently. The article concludes with an account of the evaluation,
which was undertaken by an independent consultant. This article is particularly timely in view of the Department of Health's expressed intention to make a substantial national investment in assistive technology such as this Project for the two
years from 2006. The investment will be known as the Preventative Technology Grant.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: paul.waddington@uce.ac.uk |  barry_downs@sandwell.gov.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Ltd
Whose secret? Protecting vulnerable adults from abuse [author: Marion Dakin]
(August 2007)
A DVD training resource for staff working to prevent the abuse of vulnerable adults. The aim of the pack is to raise awareness of the issues of abuse in a range of settings and to help users to understand
multi-agency roles and responsibilities. The resource is a revised version of the What If? video training pack (2001) and has been updated in the light of recent policy and legislation to address the need for general trining and raising awareness
about adult protection issues. The development of this updated material has been funded by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council.
The format is a ringbound training resource, including exercises and handout masters with DVD (30 mins).
Contact Details:
Richmond House
Richmond Road
East Sussex
Tel: 0870 890 1080 | Fax: 0870 890 1081
Email: | 
Web links: www.pavpub.com/trainingmaterials
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: dvd; training material
Availability / Price: Order code: BB6 - at a cost of £95.00 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU)
A Systematic Evaluation of the Development and Impact of the Single Assessment Process in England Research and Policy Update, Issue 1 [author: PSSRU, University of Manchester]
(July 2006)
PSSRU at Manchester is currently investigating the implementation and impact of the Single Assessment Process in England. The project has been commissioned by the Department of Health. As part of this study
PSSRU has published an update on Stage 1 of the project as one of the series: Research and Policy Update, issue 1 which can be downloaded from their website. This update focuses on key findings from the literature review undertaken. Findings from
a focus group of SAP Lead Officers is also included; these groups were used to evaluate the extent to which the literature review findings resonated with the local experience of implementation. Twenty five members of the SAP Lead Officers group in
the North West of England participated in this process. The Update concludes with details of related research undertaken by PSSRU Manchester.
View summary.
Contact Details:
Paul Clarkson, Research Fellow, PSSRU at Manchester,
Faculty of Medicine and Human Sciences
University of Manchester,
Dover Street Building,
Oxford Road, ,
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: 0161 275 5674 | Fax: +44 ( 0 ) 161 275 5790
Email: Paul.Clarkson@manchester.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.PSSRU.ac.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: PSSRU staff who conducted this study were Michele Abendstern, Jane Hughes, Paul Clarkson, Caroline Sutcliffe and David Challis. The research team is intending to publish short summaries and documents relating to the research as it
goes on. Interested parties can request to be added to a mailing list for these.
View the Project Outline pdf via the weblink for further information on the larger project.
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU)
A Systematic Evaluation of the Development and Impact of the Single Assessment Process in England Research and Policy Update, Issue 2 [author: PSSRU, University of Manchester]
(January 2008)
PSSRU at Manchester is currently investigating the implementation and impact of the Single Assessment Process in England. The project has been commissioned by the Department of Health. As part of this study
PSSRU has published updates on Stage 1 and now Stage 2 of the project as one of the series: Research and Policy Update. Issue 2 which can be downloaded from their website focuses on some of the key findings from Stage 2. Firstly, key issues
from the national survey of SAP lead officers will be reported. Secondly, observations are reported from two SAP lead officers regarding the utility of the findings from the PSSRU survey of user experience in their authority.
View summary.
Contact Details:
Jane Hughes, Lecturer in Community Care Research PSSRU at Manchester,
Faculty of Medicine and Human Sciences
University of Manchester,
Dover Street Building,
Oxford Road, ,
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: 0161 275 5674 | Fax: +44 ( 0 ) 161 275 5790
Email: |  Jane.Hughes@manchester.ac.uk
Web links: http://www.PSSRU.ac.uk/research.php
Target group: |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: PSSRU staff who conducted this study were Michele Abendstern, Jane Hughes, Paul Clarkson, Caroline Sutcliffe and David Challis. The research team is intending to publish short summaries and documents relating to the research as it
goes on. Interested parties can request to be added to a mailing list for these.
View the Project Outline pdf via the weblink for further information on the larger project.
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU)
Implementing the Single Assessment Process: key findings from the literature [author: PSSRU, University of Manchester]
October 2005
PSSRU at Manchester is currently investigating the implementation and impact of the Single Assessment Process in England. The project has been commissioned by the Department of Health. As part of this study
PSSRU reviewed available literature concerning issues relevant to SAP. The review considered studies published after 1985 and included both evidence based reports and policy and practice reviews. This summary presents some of the key findings. The
headings under which the material is summarised reflect issues identified by the DH as critical to implementation.
Outline of the research study itself as funded by the DoH is also available to download (dated May 2004).
View summary.
Contact Details:
Paul Clarkson, Research Fellow, PSSRU at Manchester,
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing,
University of Manchester,
1st Floor, Dover Street Building,
Oxford Road, ,
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: 0161 275 5250 | Fax:
Email: pssru@manchester.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.PSSRU.ac.uk/research.php
| http://www.pssru.ac.uk/pdf/p060.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: PSSRU staff who conducted this study were Michele Abendstern, Jane Hughes, Paul Clarkson, Caroline Sutcliffe and David Challis. The research team is intending to publish short summaries and documents relating to the research as it
goes on. Interested parties can request to be added to a mailing list for these.
View the Project Outline pdf via the weblink for further information on the larger project.
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), University of Manchester
Enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of assessment in community care outline of a research project funded by the Department of Health [authors: David Challis, Jane Hughes, Paul Clarkson, Michele
Abendstern and Sue Tucker]
(October 2006)
The Department of Health (DH) has commissioned the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) at the University of Manchester to evaluate the self assessment pilot projects in a 2-year study which
commenced in the autumn of 2006. Fieldwork will be undertaken in all the sites hosting the self assessment pilot projects (i.e. Birmingham, Bristol, Croydon, Kingston upon Hull, Hammersmith & Fulham, Nottinghamshire, St Helens, Kingston upon Thames,
Barnet, East Riding of Yorkshire, and Derby). The research will focus on different approaches to self assessment;. This briefing (2 pp; Web link 2) outlines the study's design and research strategies, and notes that the research is set in the
context of the introduction of the Single Assessment Process (SAP). The resulting report will be made available on the PSSRU website (Web link 1)
View summary.
Contact Details:
Paul Clarkson, Research Fellow, PSSRU at Manchester,
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing,
University of Manchester,
1st Floor, Dover Street Building,
Oxford Road, ,
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: 0161 275 5229 | Fax:
Email: pssru@manchester.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.PSSRU.ac.uk
| http://www.medicine.manchester.ac.uk/pssru/research/SelfAssessmentProjectOutline.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The grant holders for this study are David Challis, Jane Hughes and Paul Clarkson. Dissemination of the findings will involve a report of the study and journal articles. The resulting report will also be made available on the PSSRU
website (Web link 1). Arrangements will be made with participating authorities for them to receive feedback relating to particular initiatives.
Plymouth Social Services Community Care Division
Social care on the web for older people: a Plymouth City Council user guide
There are a wide range of resources available via the internet which are useful to practitioners and easy to access. This leaflet outlines some of the most useful sites for social care professionals working
with older people. The information is also available on Plymouth City Council's website under the social care and health section.
Contact Details:
Helen May Department of Social Services
City of Plymouth
Plymouth PL1 2AA
Tel: 01752 307329 | Fax: 01752 307330
Email: Helen.May@plymouth.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://plymouth.gov.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: booklet
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Portico Consulting Ltd
London SAP IT Co-ordination Group
(RH) Review of IT readiness for Single Assessment: Final Version 3
(12 November 2003)
The Pan-London SAP/IT Co-ordination Group was established to take an overview of implementation of the IT elements of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) in London across health and social care. The Group
commissioned Portico Consulting to assess the state of IT readiness to support SAP, and to make recommendations for London SHA Chief Executives and GLADSS (Greater London Association of Directors of Social Services). This report sets out the overall
IT framework, and is based on analysis of survey responses, workshops held in each of the five London sections, and discussions with relevant national and pan-London work programmes, including the London ACRS Implementation Team. It considers:
organisational requirements; applications; infrastructure; information governance; technical support, and education, development and training. Appendices include coverage of: local SAP information systems options; migration paths to integrated care
records; and cost models for SAP IT support. The printed document (47 pp) does not include the further attachments within the appendices.
Contact Details:
Jan Hoogewerf, Portico Consulting Ltd,
Stadium House,
73 Walton Road,
GU21 5DW,
Tel: 01483 776601 | Fax: 01483 755900
Email: Jan.Hoogewerf@PorticoConsutling.co.uk |  Enquiries@PorticoConsulting.co.uk
Web links: http://www.porticoconsulting.co.uk
Target group: SAP Leads/SAP IT/SHA Chief Executives |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
POVA Policy Guidance Queries, Department of Health
Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme in England and Wales for care homes and domiciliary care agencies a practical guide [including changes to the requirement for Criminal Records Bureau disclosures
in certain circumstances] [author: POVA Policy Guidance Queries, Department of Health]
(14 January 2009)
POVA, the Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme, as set out in the Care Standards Act 2000, is implemented on a phased basis from 26 July 2004 (that is, for care homes and domiciliary care agencies). At the
heart of the POVA scheme is the POVA list. Through referrals to and checks against the list, care workers who have harmed, or put at risk of harm, a vulnerable adult (whether or not in the course of their employment) will be banned from working in a
care position with vulnerable adults. This guidance (39 pp) follows on from the "No secrets" guidance. It sets out what is required of providers of care, employment agencies and businesses and other stakeholder affected by implementation. It also
includes sections on provisional and confirmed listing; examples of where checks against the POVA list will be required; and definitions relating to section 80 of the Care Standards Act 2000.
The guidance published in 2009 supersedes the previous versions published in 2004 and 2006). From 20 January 2009, there are changes to the POVA scheme as part of the transition to the new Vetting and Barring Scheme. The Independent safeguarding
Authority (ISA) will make decisions on all referrals to POVA made after 20 January 2009. From that time, employers and others will have new duties to respond to the ISA's requests for further information. Employers' duties to check against the POVA
before a person starts work remains unchanged. The reader is directed to the following links for further information: www.ISA.gov.uk or www.scie.org.uk.
Also available, but from website only is: Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme in England and Wales for care homes and domiciliary care agencies: frequently asked questions.
This document (12 pp) provides an introduction to, and explains some detailed aspects of the POVA scheme to care providers and other stakeholders. However, for definitive guidance, the reader must refer to the Practical Guide.
Contact Details:
Department of Health,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 0870 155 5455 | Fax: 01623 724 524
Email: doh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/PublicationsAndStatistics
| http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_4134725
Target group: SSDs, care homes, domiciliary care agencies |  Type / Format: guidance; policy
Availability / Price: Practical guide from any of the above: on the website, search POVA; Frequently asked questions item from webiste only. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: Department of Health, POVA Policy Guidance Queries, Area 219, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG.
The FAQ document also states that comments on, or questions about, the POVA scheme and the Practical Guide can be e-mailed to the official Department of Health Mailbox at:
The above Mailbox can also be used to send in good practice examples of local approaches to the POVA scheme and other aspects of adult protection
Practice Development Unit (MHSOP) of Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust
Signpost To Older People and Mental Health Matters
Journal produced by the Practice Development Unit (MHSOP) of Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust in association with the Dementia Services Development Centre Wales. Produced three times a year. The journal has
articles, news of developments in the field, reviews of resources, training courses, webwatch, and letters page.
This specialist journal is aimed at those working with and caring for people with dementia, older people with mental health problems and their carers. Signpost provides an inter-agency and multidisciplinary communication network for formal and
informal carers, with the intention of supporting common aims and a shared vision of improving quality within services. This is with the overall aim of enhancing the quality of care received by older people with mental health needs and thereby
improving their quality of life.
Contact Details:
Simon O'Donovan (Editor) Signpost Subscriptions
Practice Development Unit (MHSOP),
Whitchurch Hospital,
Park Road,
Cardiff CF14 7BP
Tel: 029 2033 6073 | Fax:
Email: pdu@cardiffandvale.wales.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://signpostjournal.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: journal
Availability / Price: Subscriptions range £15 to £25 per year. |  ISBN/ISSN: 1368-4345
PSSRU, University of Manchester
Developing multidisciplinary assessment exploring the evidence from a social care perspective [Authors: Caroline Sutcliffe, Jane Hughes, Michele Abendstern, Paul Clarkson, David Challis]
(December 2008)
Article in: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 23, no 12,, pp 1297-1305.
This paper provides an initial evaluation of the impact of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) in England upon practice regarding multidisciplinary assessment. It aims to investigate changes in recorded health needs of older people and in the number
of multidisciplinary assessments undertaken using social care agencies' case files; and to examine different approaches to the use of multidisciplinary assessment for older people with different health needs. An audit of case files of older people
living in the community in receipt of social care in three areas was carried out at two time periods before and after the implementation of SAP in 2004. Information extracted from files covered a number of domains, including evidence of
multidisciplinary assessment, and practice of mental and physical health problems. Data for 144 files for Time 1 were compared to 145 from Time 2. Little evidence emerged that older people at Time 2 were more dependent. However, significantly more
multidisciplinary assessments were undertaken following the introduction of the SAP, in particular by occupational therapists and secondary health care teams. Cognitive impairment was a significant predictor of multidisciplinary assessment at both
time periods. The impact of the introduction of the SAP has been mediated by the influence of other policies in England: intermediate care and integrated health and social care protection. Nevertheless, the data suggest that consideration be given
to more effective targeting of multidisciplinary assessment on the grounds of both cost and more accurate identification of those who will benefit from the process.
Contact Details:
Caroline Sutcliffe, Research Associate PSSRU at Manchester,
Faculty of Medicine and Human Sciences
University of Manchester,
Dover Street Building,
Oxford Road, ,
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: | Fax:
Email: caroline.sutcliffe@manchester.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
PSSRU, University of Manchester
The Single Assessment Process - involvement of geriatricians [author: Paul Clarkson, Michele Abendstern, Jane Hughes et al]
(October 2007)
Article in the BGS (British Geriatrics Society) Newsletter, October 2007, no 13, pp 18-19.>
At the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) at the University of Manchester, the authors as researchers at PSSRU, have recently completed a national survey describing the involvement of geriatricians in the SAP. A questionnaire was sent
to all consultants specialising in geriatric medicine in England, identified from a database drawn from the British Geriatrics Society membership. The questionnaires were sent to respondents in October 2005; 382 (49%) geriatricians returned
compelted questionnaires which were designed to elicit their views on the SAP in five areas of information, which reflected processes likely to be important in judging the impact of the policy. This article then goes on to describe the findings of
this survey. It concludes with the view that SAP underpins the fundamental principles of geriatric medicine and the key role that geriatricians should play across all areas in the implementation of this policy should be taken more fully on board.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.bgsnet.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 17486343
Pyramid Theatre Company
Impact evaluation report, 'Who's Helen?' Liverpool 2004 overview [author: Pyramid Theatre Company]
(8 November 2004)
"Who's Helen?" is a one-act, one-woman play, lasting 50 minutes, which was commissioned by Pyramid Theatre Company. The aim is to raise awareness of the problems of older people in an entertaining and
informative manner. During the 2004 autumn tour, twelve performances of "Who's Helen?" were booked in Liverpool / Merseyside. Questionnaires were handed out to audience members, and this impact evaluation report is based on responses in the 373 (out
of 699) returned. The report points to interest from a wide range of age groups - including schoolchildren - highlighting the likely intergenerational interest on awareness raising. For service providers, the production provided an insight into the
needs, feelings, fears and preoccupations of the older person, and in many cases helped them assess their own attitudes to their work with older people. The report also explains the "hot seating" and other discussion features of this and other
Pyramid productions: audiences can explore areas of concern with "Helen" in character. Recommendations made by audiences regarding issues raised by the play cover themes such as social contact, services, and benefits/pensions.
An accompanying pack provides information on theatre in health education, other productions by Pyramid, community based theatre projects, and drama techniques training courses.
Contact Details:
Philippa Easton,
Artistic Director, Pyramid Theatre Company,
48 Penygroes Road,
SA18 3DQ.
Tel: 01269 850325
Cell: +447800893908 (PE) | Fax:
Email: enquiries@pyramidtheatrecompany.co.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: publicity material; book
Availability / Price: This and other information on application by telephone, e-mail or post. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: See also Related organisations listing.
Other contact: Jeff Jenions, Company Manager.
Respect learning materials for social care staff working with black and minority ethnic older people [authors: Jabeer Butt, Leandra Box, Suzanne Lyn Cook]
Learning materials: video (22 mins) accompanied by written pack (105 pp); particularly useful for care managers, home carers, day care staff and residential workers.
These learning materials are designed to help social care staff to assess needs accurately and to respond appropriately. The written pack is arranged in four modules. Module 1 introduces the materials and discusses the values informing them. Module
2 provides information on the social, economic and family circumstances and the mental and physical health of black and minority ethnic older people. Module 3 looks at various aspects of practice: assessment; care planning; monitoring and review;
communication; emotional care; personal care; protection and abuse; relationships; faith and spirituality; organisational issues; and ethnic record keeping and monitoring. Module 4 includes the complete list of exercises used throughout. The video
provides 'live' examples of good practice in service provision.
Contact Details:
Unit 35,
Kings Exchange,
Tileyard Road,
N7 9AH.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7619 6220 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7619 6230
Email: office@reunet.demon.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.reu.org.uk
Target group: SSD staff |  Type / Format: video; workbook
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1873912803
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr Geographic Area Unified Assessment Newsletters December 2003, March 2004 and August 2005
These newsletters (December 2003, Web link 1; March 2004, Web link 2, August 2005 web link 3) are produced by a partnership of North Glamorgan and Pontypridd & Rhondda Trusts, Age Concern, Pontypridd & Rhondda
& Merthyr Tydfil Local Health Boards, Merthyr Tidfil County Borough Council and Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council. Both newsletters list local agency contacts and give a link to the Social Services Inspectorate for Wales' Unified Assessment
site, ' Health and social care for adults: creating a unified and fair system for assessing and managing care.'
The December 2003 issue outlines what unified assessment (UA) is; activity in the Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr areas; and the piloting of a Contact Assessment form.
The March 2004 issue explains mapping - that is, how services are provided across all agencies and their effect on the individual patient or client. It also outlines the Contact Assessment form pilots, set up on SWIFT, the IT system being used by
Trusts and local authorities (though not currently in primary care).
The August 2005 issue has an information sharing theme, in that it covers: establishment of a Change Request log for noting suggestions and comments on UA; an information sharing protocol has been signed by all agencies in the area; and six local
authorities (Caerphilly, Merthyr Tydfil, Monmouthshire, Newport, Rhondda Cynon Taf, and Vale of Glamorgan have formed a consortium to develop an electronic application (SWIFT).
View December 2003 newsletter
| View March 2004 newsletter
| View August 2005 newsletter
Contact Details:
Peter Moore Rhondda Cynon Taf Community Care Head Office/
Ty Elai,
Dinas Isaf East,
Tel: 01443 425453 | Fax:
Email: Peter.R.Moore@rhondda-cynon-taff.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Unified assessments [Rhondda Cynon Taf Community Care Division website]
Unified assessment (UA) is the equivalent of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) in Wales. This website explains that UAs "take a holistic approach to assessing a person's needs, in order to ensure effective
joint working and to prevent serial assessments by different agencies". The website includes links to a tool for staff when making unified assessments; and the Welsh Assembly Government's guidance document, 'Creating a unified and fair system for
assessing and managing care', as well as its precursor related documents, 'Improving health in Wales' and 'Building for the future - a White Paper for Wales'.
Contact Details:
Peter Moore Rhondda Cynon Taf Community Care Head Office/
Ty Elai,
Dinas Isaf East,
Tel: 01443 425453 | Fax:
Email: Peter.R.Moore@rhondda-cynon-taff.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.rhondda-cynon-taff.gov.uk/communitycare/UA
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Calling for help a guide to community alarms Ricability
October 2003
More than one and a half million older and disabled people in the UK use community alarms. This guide explains how alarms work and the types of organisations that run alarm schemes. The results of tests on 13
different models of alarm are summarised; and a checklist suggests what to look out for when choosing one. Contact details of useful organisations are also given. This guide is also available in large print, Braille, on tape or from Ricability's
website. 24 pp
Contact Details:
Chris Lofthouse, 30 Angel Gate,
City Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7427 2460 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.ricability.org.uk
Target group: individual |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: free of charge |  ISBN/ISSN: 0900621621
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Social Services
Single Assessment Process electronic pilot evaluation Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, Rotherham Primary Care Trust, Rotherham General Hospital Trust, Doncaster and South Humber Healthcare Trust
[authors: Kath Rogers, Karen Smith]
(October 2005)
The electronic SAP pilot commenced on 12 July 2004, to pilot mobile technology in both community and acute hospital settings. 49 SAP assessments were undertaken over a 12 month period.
This evaluation (7 pp) outlines the aims of the pilots and lists the 7 pilot sites. Staff and patients /service users were surveyed to find out their views and experiences of the Single Assessment Process, use of the Easycare document, use of mobile
technology and the sharing of information. The results of a staff survey (13 questionnaires completed), indicate that while the principles of SAP are a good idea, the electronic pilot was not successful, because of problems with the mobile
technology and the length of time SAP assessments took to complete. Most staff felt that the Easycare document was much easier to complete on paper. 4 questionnaires were completed in face-to-face interviews for the service user/patient survey ; and
while these users understood the reasons for SAP and appreciated its value, they felt that mobile working could be improved. The evaluation concludes with findings on the progress achieved, ongoing issues and future developments.
View evaluation report
Contact Details:
Karen Smith, Project Support Officer (NSFG for Older People), Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Social Services
Crinoline House,
Effingham Square,
S65 1AW.
Tel: 01709 382121 Ext: 3934 | Fax: 01709 822325
Email: Karen-SServs.Smith@rotherham.gov.uk |  Kath.Rogers@rotherham.gov.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Kath Rogers is Project Manager, SAP, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.
Royal College of Physicians & Faculty of Public Health Medicine
Assessing health needs of people from minority ethnic groups [author: Salman Rawaf and Veena Bahl (eds)]
Book published in collaboration with the Department of Health, shows how health needs assessment in the NHS could contribute towards a healthier nation. It directs particular attention to the special health
needs and expectations of the larger ethnic minority groups in the UK, and includes a chapter on the unique health problems of refugees and asylum seekers. This book provides a framework for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the health
needs of these ethnic groups and gives guidance on the allocation of priority to the provision of the appropriate health services.
Contact Details:
Royal College of Physicians
11 St Andrews Place,
Regent's Park,
Tel: 020 7935 1174 | Fax:
Email: publications@rcplondon.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: book; guidance
Availability / Price: £16.50 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1860160581
Royal Institute for Public Health (RIPH),
Preventing Malnutrition in the Community : What Works?
A one day conference on 28 November 2006, at the RIPH in Portland Place, London. Organised by Royal Institute of Public Health in collaboration with European Nutrition for Health Alliance and ILC UK. The
programme is still being devised but will comprise: Key presentations, Case studies, Workshops, Recommendations for policy.
Malnutrition is a particular problem in ageing populations: metabolic and physiological changes associated with the ageing process render older people particularly susceptible to mineral and nutrient deficiencies. Malnutrition is not only a problem
on its own: it compromises the health outcomes of individuals, may delay the speed of recovery and increase mortality. The impact on population health is significant, as is the burden to individuals and their carers, not to mention the economic
impact on the health care system.
Yet awareness of this issue is low - not only amongst the general public, but within the medical and nursing professions and amongst health care managers, health insurers, patients, policymakers and politicians.
It is against this background that a group of stakeholders from across the health arena have formed the European Nutrition for Health Alliance in a united effort to raise awareness of the importance and the urgency of the issue of malnutrition and
to build an agenda for action at the European level. Throughout the UK, several initiatives exist that help prevent malnutrition in care homes. Yet too often, these initiatives remain localised or in "pilot" phase and findings or lessons learnt do
not get broadly disseminated. This seminar aims to bring together examples of good practice in communities with policy level discussions.
Contact Details:
Jennifer Tatman, 28 Portland Place
Tel: +44 (0)20 7291 8353 | Fax:
Email: itatman@riph.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.riph.org.uk
| http://www.european-nutrition.org
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £140 to £199 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Russell House Publishing
From where I'm sitting a manual for those working with older people in the social care sector [author: Sue Thompson]
238 pp
"From where I am sitting" is designed as an aid to learning for anyone involved in the care of older people in residential or nursing homes, hospitals, assisted living schemes, or in their own homes. The material includes background information,
items suitable for handouts, guidance on training exercises, and overhead transparency templates, so that it can be used in conjunction with training, and provides guidance for those who are just starting out in this field of work. Themes covered
include: dealing with feelings; communication; personal care; health issues; residential care; dementia; sexuality and intimacy; loss and grief; aggression; abuse; and staff care.
Contact Details:
Russell House Publishing Ltd.,
4 St George's House,
The Business Park,
Uplyme Road,
Lyme Regis,
Dorset DT7 3LS.
Tel: +44 (0)1297 443948 | Fax: +44 (0)1297 442722
Email: help@russellpublising.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.russellhouse.co.uk
Target group: SSD/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: guide
Availability / Price: £29.95 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1898924047
Russell House Publishing Ltd.,
For the record recording skills training manual [authur: Liz O'Rourke; consultant editor Neil Thompson]
'For the record' (181 pp) is a pack designed for use with social workers employed in a range of settings, and for looking at recording issues/skills in general. It shows how to make records that are objective
and reliable, and that also include the service user's perspective. It covers organising and structuring training programmes, recording systems; guidelines on good practice and the legal framework; and writing the record. Examples of OHPs, handouts,
exercises, and case studies are included.
Contact Details:
Russell House Publishing Ltd.,
4 St George's House,
Uplyme Road,
Lyme Regis,
DT7 3LS.
Tel: +44 (0)1297 443948 | Fax: +44 (0)1297 442722
Email: help@russellpublising.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.russellhouse.co.uk
Target group: Social workers |  Type / Format: pack
Availability / Price: £41.45 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1903855012
Safer Communities Chief Officers Group,
The Rough Guide to Information Sharing Protocols Everything you never wanted to know and were afraid to ask .... probably for very sensible reasons. [author: Commissioned by the Safer Communities Chief
Officers Group]
(October 2002)
6 pages. Accessible guide for field staff used widely amongst Warwickshire authorities, where it originated.
to view guide use web link below
Contact Details:
Warwickshire County Council,
Shire Hall,
CV34 4RA
Tel: 01926 410410 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/PCT/HA |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: Download only |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Practice guide 7: Making referrals to the POVA list [written by: Julie Barnes]
May 2006
This report is available in print (76 pp) and online from the website link given below.
The Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme was introduced in July 2004 under the Care Standards Act 2000 to protect vulnerable adults aged 18 years and over in care settings in both England and Wales. The POVA list is operated by the
Department for Education and Skills (DfES) on behalf of the Secretary of State for Health (DH). At the request of the DH, SCIE has produced this practice guide for people making referrals to the POVA list. It is designed to answer any questions on
making referrals in practice, as well as providing inspiration for future development. This good practice guidance on this website does not replace previous guidance but builds further on the experience of those who have made referrals in the
Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme's first year of operation and who have been able to suggest what works best in these important, and often sensitive, procedures. Using practice examples, the guidance aims to clarify the referral
process and support people making referrals to the POVA list. There are also links to relevant sources and websites from the SCIE website link. Written by Julie Barnes, there were many contributors to this guide.
Contact Details:
Social Care Institute for Excellence,
Goldings House,
2 Hay's Lane
Tel: +44 (0)20 7089 6840 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7089 6841
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.scie.org.uk/publications/practiceguides/practiceguide07/index.asp
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Produced by The Policy Press, see website:
http://www.policypress.org.uk |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sheffield First for Health Partnership
Sheffield Single Assessment Process assessment manual
(April 2003)
The assessments described in this manual (116pp) provide a standardised way of capturing the outcomes of conversations with service users and their carers. The assessments are intended to support and not
replace professional judgement. This manual contains examples of flow charts, sample assessment tools, and guidance about how the tools will be used, and demonstrate how pathways contribute to a Single Assessment Process. Also included is a
glossary, which is intended to be used in conjunction with the full glossary as contained in the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). This is the first edition of the manual. It will be revised to take account of practitioners'
experience during the first phase of implementation of the process, with any necessary amendments to have been circulated by April 2004.
The project was commissioned by the Sheffield First for Health Partnership in 2001. The partnership comprises: Shefield's Social Services Directorate and Housing & Direct Services; North Sheffield PCT; West Sheffield PCT; South West Sheffield PCT;
South East Sheffield PCT; Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Sheffield Care Trust: Mental Health and Wellbeing. and voluntary sector involvement.
View toolkit
Contact Details:
Sheffield City Council,
Single Assessment Project,
Floor 3,
Castle Market Buildings,
S1 2HA.
Tel: 0114 273 5299 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/safe--sound/social-services/single-assessment-process
Target group: all staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sheffield First for Health / Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust
The Single Assessment Process (SAP) folder published by Sheffield First for Health [authors: Yvonne Byrne, Christine Hibbert, Susan Hopkins]
SAP pack flexible learning package, comprising Resource pack, SAP pack and SAP Pack CDROM. If used properly, this flexible learning package will enable learning at one's own pace about the Single Assessment
Process (SAP), and in the process to have fun learning. The Resource pack summarises the main points of SAP policy nationally (e.g. Valuing people). It also includes Sheffield City Council SSD documentation, ''Fair access to services: eligibility
criteria for the provision of adult social care'' (April 2003), and issues relating to confidentiality. The SAP Pack (flexible learning package) looks at why SAP is being implemented; ethical considerations; what SAP is; the four stages of SAP; and
who should carry out SAP, and where and when.
Contact Details:
Samantha Debbage,
Practice Development Manager, Rivermead Training Centre,
Northern General Hospital,
Herries Road,
S5 7AU.
Tel: +44(0)114 226 6669 | Fax: +44(0)114 271 4422
Email: Sam.Debbage@sth.nhs.uk |  yvonne.byrne@sth.nhs.uk.
Web links:
Target group: SSD/health staff |  Type / Format: cdrom
Availability / Price: 1-10 copies £150 each; 11-50 copies £100 each; 51-99 copies £75 each; 100+ copies £50 each. |  ISBN/ISSN: 0954523903
Notes: Yvonne Byrne is now Head of Student Support, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust (First Floor 8 Beech Hill Road, Sheffield S10 2SB.)
Single Assessment Process (SAP), Department of Health - DH; Minimum Data Set Home Care (MDS HC), interRAI UK
SAP ability assessment for older people : the MDS training pack [Minimum data set for community care (interRAI MDS-HC)]
This training pack contains the following: 1 MDS user manual [ISBN 0113226179]; 1 contact assessment form [ISBN 0113226160]; 1 overview assessment form [ISBN 0113226152] and 1 comprehensive assessment form
[ISBN 0113226144]. The manual can be sold as a single separate item but the three forms are sold in packs of ten copies only.
The guidelines for the Department of Health (DH) Single Assessment Process (SAP) specify four levels of assessment: initial contact assessment; overview assessment; in-depth (also known as specialist) assessment; and comprehensive assessment. The
Minimum Data Set - Home Care (MDS-HC) has components that map directly to each of these levels of assessment. These components are linked by logical rules and algorithms that have a research and evidence base.
Contact Details:
The Stationery Office,
PO Box 29,
NR3 1GN.
Tel: +44 (0)870 600 5522 | Fax: +44 (0)870 600 5533
Email: book.orders@tso.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.interrai.org
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: £35.00 (the four items can also be sold separately) |  ISBN/ISSN: 0113206179
Single Assessment Project Ealing,
Ealing Case Management Project, Phase 1
The aim was to identify an assessment tool that could facilitate the sharing of information across Ealing's older people care services, embodying the principles of the Single Assessment Process (SAP). A review
of available assessment packages and trial of 'off-the-shelf' tools found none that met the needs of Ealing's diverse population. A Single Assessment Process Strategic Planning group steering group identified the Cambridgeshire CAT system as the
model best suited to be adapted to Ealing's needs. An electronic overview assessment tool was due to be trialed toward the end of 2003. This 4 pp document outlines the outcomes of Phase 1 of the Project, and gives a case example from the
Multi-Agency Rehabilitation Service at Clayponds Hospital.
Partners are: Age Concern Ealing; Alzheimer's Concern Ealing; Ealing Older People's Diversity Group; Ealing Housing and Social Services; Ealing Hospital Trust; Ealing PCT; West London Mental Health Trust.
Contact Details:
Joe Dyke, Project Manager, Single Assessment Project Ealing, Ealing Primary Care Trust,
1 Armstrong Way,
Middlesex, UB2 4SA.
Tel: 020 8893 0303 | Fax:
Email: joe.dyke@ealingpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.ealingpct.nhs.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Skills for Care
Common core principles for self-care out for national consultation [author: Skills for Care]
(16 January 2007)
"Have we got it right?" That is the question being posed in a major consultation drive being launched across the country in January until March 2007. Comments are invited from across the health and social
sector on a set of five "common core principles" that have been drawn up in order to address the self-care agenda highlighted in the Government's White Paper, Our Health, Our Care, Our Say. A deadline for responses is: 28 February 2007.
The above website link will introduce this consultation and a hyperlink will allow the consultation document to be downloaded in pdf format.
Contact Details:
Karen Walker Tel: | Fax:
Email: Karen.walker@skillsforhealth.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.skillsforcare.org.uk
| http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: strategies
Availability / Price: downloads |  ISBN/ISSN:
Skills for Health
Older People's National Workforce Competence Framework Guide
The Guide explains the application and use of competence frameworks; how the framework is constructed; and provides an overview of the framework for older people's services. The overview has been developed
to provide an indication of the units of competence that apply generally to older people's health and social care services and more specific competences including those relating to care of older people with age related health needs. The competences
were developed to be applicable to a range of settings and professions - primary care, walk-in centres, minor injury units and hospitals; and staff ranging from support staff to qualified nurses, doctors and allied health professionals.
View competence framework
Contact Details:
Dr Caryl Plewes, Project Director, Older People's Competence Framework, Goldsmiths House,
Broad Plain,
Bristol BS2 0JP
Tel: 0117 9221155 | Fax:
Email: caryl.plewes@skillsforhealth.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk/files/570-SfH_Older_people_a-w.pdf
| http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: competence framework
Availability / Price: Download pdf. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Skills for Health/Topss England
Older People Competence Framework: units of competence
The Competence Framework for Older People covers the competences needed to care for older people with age related health needs. The competences were developed to be applicable to a range of settings and
professions - primary care, walk-in centres, minor injury units and hospitals; and staff ranging from support staff to qualified nurses, doctors and allied health professionals. This document details the units of competence, each of which describes
an activity that is a significant part of someone's job, for example: communicate with older people and their carers; assess the health and wellbeing of older people. Each unit contains a number of elements of competence that specify what an
individual using the Competence Framework needs to do to demonstrate competence in that particular area of practice.
Contact Details:
Dr Caryl Plewes, Project Director, Older People's Competence Framework, Goldsmiths House,
Broad Plain,
Bristol BS2 0JP
Tel: 0117 922 1155 | Fax:
Email: caryl.plewes@skillsforhealth.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk/files/529-OPCompetencest5-1%28Dec03%29.pdf
| http://www,skillsforhealth.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: competence framework
Availability / Price: Download pdf. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Social Care Institute for Excellence
Dignity in care Adult Services Practice Guide 9 [authors: Elaine Cass, Diana Robbins, Angela Richardson]
(November 2006)
This guide has been designed for people who want to make a difference and improve standards of dignity in care. It provides information for service users on what they can expect from health and social care
services, and a wealth of resources and practical guidance to help service providers and practitioners in developing their practice, with the aim of ensuring that all people who receive health and social care services are treated with dignity and
respect. This guide is part of a wider Department of Health campaign to promote dignity for older people in the health and social care sectors. The issue of dignity features prominently in the framework for health and social care services. The
Department of Health's Green Paper, 'Independence, well-being and choice' (2005) and subsequent White Paper, 'Our health, our care, our say' (2006), are set around seven key outcomes identified by people who use services, one of which is personal
dignity and respect. The Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) has incorporated these into their assessment framework, 'A new outcomes framework for performance assessment of adult social care' (2006). The Department of Health's National
Service Framework for Older People (2001) also supports a 'culture change so that all older people and their carers are always treated with respect, dignity and fairness', and its 'Essence of Care: Patient-focused benchmarking for health care
practitioners' (2003) offers a series of benchmarks for practice on privacy and dignity.
SCIE's Practice Guide has been twice revised since first being published in November 2006. (KJ)
Contact Details:
Goldings House,
2 Hay's Lane,
London SE1 2HB
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.scie.org.uk/publications/practiceguides/practiceguide09/
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: strategies
Availability / Price: PDF format to download. |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE),
Outcomes-focused services for older people [authors: Caroline Glendinning, Sue Clarke, Phillipa Hare et al]
(December 2006)
Research report published as one of the Knowledge Review series (no.13) by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in December 2006 ), produced by the Policy Press.
This knowledge review includes a review of research evidence on the outcomes valued by older people and the factors that facilitate and inhibit achieving these outcomes. It should be noted that one of the factors considered to hinder the development
of an outcomes approach was the single assessment process, with its needs-based paperwork. It also contains a postal survey of localities and social services managers in England and Wales known to be interested in developing outcomes-focused
approaches to older people’s services; and in-depth studies in six localities.
Contact Details:
The Policy Press, Fourth Floor Beacon House,
Queen's Road,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: tpp-info@bristol.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.scie.org.uk/publications
| http://www.policypress.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: research
Availability / Price: free download |  ISBN/ISSN: 101904812333
Social Care, Local Government and Care Services Directorate, Department of Health (DH)
A common assessment framework for adults development [author: Carl Evans]
(12 February 2008)
Powerpoint (9 frames), indicating the rationale for CAF (the common assessment framework): people's needs will be better identified through a thorough assessment of needs, The different types of assessment
are: Self-assessment, contact assessment, Holistic Overview assessment, Specialist Assessment, and carers assessment. This powerpoint, presented at a London SAP Leads meeting,, also notes the Social Care Personal Demographics Service (PDS) Early
Adopter Project and the proposed scope of the demonstrators / pilots, for which funding is available from April 2008.
View presentation.
Contact Details:
Carl Evans Social Care Policy & Innovation,
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
SE1 8UG.
Tel: 020 7972 4361 | Fax:
Email: Carl.Evans@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP leads |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Social Care, Local Government and Care Services Directorate, Department of Health (DH)
The wider perspective for personalisation and social care [author: Carl Evans]
(12 February 2008)
Powerpoint (12 frames) on the vision for personalisation of care: a stronger voice, more choice and control (as introduced in the White Paper,' Our health, our care, our say'); and more influence and power to
local people and local communities('Strong and prosperous communities: the local government White Paper'). This powerpoint, was presented at a London SAP Leads meeting, as an aid to discussion of issues around: listening and responding; provision
and commissioning; capacity and capability; and support for development.
View presentation.
Contact Details:
Carl Evans Social Care Policy & Innovation,
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
SE1 8UG.
Tel: 020 7972 4361 | Fax:
Email: Carl.Evans@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LAs/HAs |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Social Care Services, Department of Health
Self Assessment Pilots
The Department of Health is supporting 11 pilots to explore self-assessment for people with long-term needs.The pilots will launch in October 2006 and run until 30 September 2007. People with long term health
and social care needs will be able to assess their own support needs and apply directly for services to help them. The projects will explore the scope for enabling people to self assess their need for support from a range of services, such as
equipment, home care, standard housing adaptations and low-level preventative services. A number of the pilots will also focus on groups in the community whose needs can be difficult to meet, such as minority ethnic groups and people living in rural
The pilots are sited at the London Borough of Barnet; Birmingham City Council; Bristol City Council; Croydon Council; Derby City Council;, East Riding of Yorkshire County Council ; London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham ; Kingston Upon Hull
City Council; Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames; Nottinghamshire County Council; and St. Helens Metropolitan Borough Council.
The purpose of the pilots will be to determine if self-assessment is feasible and to identify the risks and benefits of self-assessment. An independent evaluation will be commissioned to underpin the pilots.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: pilot; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London
Assessing the mental health needs of older people systematic review on the use of standardised measures to improve assessment practice [author: Jo Moriarty]
(November 2002)
The introduction of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) highlights the importance of summarising current knowledge in the use of standardised measures to improve the identification of mental health problems in
older people and their carers, as in Standard Seven of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). This systematic review (115 pp) presents evidence on the use of such standardised tools and scales. It is primarily aimed at supporting the
assessment practice of social workers and staff in community and long-term settings with no professional background in mental health. It outlines some of the reasons for using standardised measures and the criteria for selecting between different
measures. It provides information on different mental health problems (dementia, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, and alcohol or substance abuse) and the screening measures available to assist in their identification. It covers the
assessment of carers' needs, and looks at the wider assessment context. The review cites 199 articles, books and reports, which are presented as tables of useful sources by topic or name of measure.
View report
Contact Details:
Janet Robinson, Unit Administrator, Social Care Workforce Research Unit,
King's College London.
Franklin Wilkins Building,
150 Stamford Street,
SE1 9NH.
Tel: 020 7848 3752 | Fax: 020 7848 3700
Email: scwru@kcl.ac.uk |  janet.j.robinson@kcl.ac.uk
Web links: http://www.scwru.kcl.ac.uk/
Target group: Social workers, Residential care staff |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: Also available as hard copy from the Unit. |  ISBN/ISSN: 0954648129
Social Policy Research Unit - SPRU, University of York
Outcomes into Practice a resource pack for managers and trainers [Elinor Nicholas, Hazel Qureshi, Claire Bamford]
This resource pack has been prepared with the help of two Social Services Departments - Bradford and City of York. Many materials in the pack have drawn extensively on the experience and results of a
programme of work, which involved many individuals who came from health and social care agencies as well as researchers from SPRU.
The pack is evidence-based with the voices of users, carers and parctitioners heard throughout.
It aims to offer practical resources and research-based guidance to assist those who wish, in partnership with health and other agencies, to develop an outcomes focus in social care practice and information systems. The intention of the pack is to
support the implementation of key policy objectives within social care and partner agencies, by addressing two key areas of activity: Outcome-focused care management and Outcomes information. The pack is intended primarily for those in management,
development and training roles. The materials within the pack are intended to contribute to individual and group-based learning/development activities for a wide range of staff, including front-line practitioners, administrative or support
The resource pack contains two Parts; a CD with powerpoint presentations and pdf files for Part II; 2 posters and a feedback sheet. Part I : Understanding and using outcomes in social care. Part II : Resources for Training and Development which is
divided into six sections - Preparing the ground; Sample programmes; Presentation materials; Exercises and worksheets; Handouts; Examples of practice tools. All materials are contained within a ring binder.
Contact Details:
York Publishing Services Ltd, 64 Hallfield Road,
YO31 7ZQ
Tel: +44 (0) 1904 430868 | Fax: +44 (0) 1904 431213
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.york.ac.uk/spru
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: toolkit; powerpoint; cdrom; publicity materials
Availability / Price: £90.00 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1871713625
Notes: The website of SPRU has many free downloads of research papers/briefings.
Social Services Inspectorate; Audit Commission
Making ends meet A website for managing the money in social services
(October 2003)
A tool for councillors and senior managers on how to get the best out of the resources allocated to social services. It aims to provide help with the questions that many local authorities are grappling with
and assist them in their management of financial resources. The website will be updated over the next three years, through an Audit Commission partnership.
8 page guide available with accompanying CDROM.
Contact Details:
Sue Mead, Review Director, Audit Commission,
1 Vincent Square,
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7828 1212 | Fax: +44 (0) 20 7976 6187
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.joint-reviews.gov.uk/money
| http://www.audit-commission.gov.uk
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: audit tool; cdrom
Availability / Price: FOC |  ISBN/ISSN:
Social Work and Social Care Section, Health Services Research Department, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London
The King's College Quality in Later Life (QuiLL) Assessment background information [authors: Sherrill Evans, Peter Huxley, Clare Gately, Alyson Smith]
The Quality in Later Life (QuiLL) Assessment is a short (27 question) operational measure of quality of life in old age (age 65+). QuiLL includes both objective and subjective questions (on a 7 point scale) in
9 life domains including social relationships. family, neighbourhood and accommodation. This background information outlines its development, psychometrics, relevance to practice and policy, and uses and findings to date.
The following article reports on the development and validation of the Quill::
Evans S, Gately C, Huxley P, Smith A & Banerjee S (2005) Assessment of quality of life in later life: development and validation of the QuiLL. Quality of Life Research 14(5), pp 1291-1300
The QuiLL is being used increasingly in practice settings in the UK and Australia, and its use is planned in research studies being conducted in the UK, Sweden and New Zealand.
"A community survey of quality of life in later life" is a longer research version of the tool, and is available from Sherrill Evans.
The assessment is noted only as a reference in the Department of Health document, Single Assessment for Older People: Assessment Scales. (see p 13).
View background information
| View 'Adding Quality'
Contact Details:
Sherrill Evans,
Senior Lecturer in Social Work and Social Care, Department of Applied Social Sciences
University of Wales Swansea
Singleton Park
Tel: +44 (0)1792 602605 | Fax:
Email: s.evans@swansea.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Health and social care professionals |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Assessment tool available on application to Sherrill Evans |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: See also Good Practice listing. Sherrill Evans was formerly Senior Research Fellow, Social Work and Social Care Section, Health Services Research Department, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London.
Social Work Studies, University of Southampton; Elderly Care Unit, Southampton General Hospital
Feasibility study of nurse led implementation of the Single Assessment Process in primary care: summary of the qualitative study to explore older people's accounts [authors: JM Powell, J Robison, HC
Roberts, G Thomas & ZM Hemsley]
In the absence of clear guidance on how the SAP should be implemented a study was planned with the aim of evaluating the feasibility of a nurse-led SAP in a primary care practice. The qualitative study
explored the experience and views of some of the older people who took part in the feasibility research study.
The aims of the qualitative study were (1) to explore the older people’s experience and views of the single assessment process, focusing on acceptability, relevance and usefulness; and (2) to locate the assessment within the broader social context
of their lives focusing on how they manage and promote their health and well being.
View study
Contact Details:
Jackie Powell, Reader and Head of Social Work Studies, School of Social Sciences,
University of Southampton,
SO17 1BJ
Tel: +44 (0)2380 5980 3568 | Fax:
Email: jmp3@socsci.soton.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This work has recently been completed and written up as part of a wider feasibility study that is being led by Dr
Helen Roberts, Elderly Care Unit, Southampton General Hospital, email H.C.Roberts@soton.ac.uk
SOLACE Foundation Imprint
Loose talk and a hard nut: commissioning for better outcomes [author: Andrew Cozens (ed)]
(February 2007)
An A5 booklet (30 pp) insert in Public (the magazine for senior executives across the public sector) published by The Guardian), 01/01/07 issue.
The booklet has 7 articles, all focused on aspects of commissioning public services. Title/author as follows:
1. A new framework for local authorities by Andrew Cozens. 2. How the white paper could look in practice by Lee Digings. The NHS rediscovers commissioning by Nigel Edwards. 4. We welcome the changes at community level by Janet Callender. 5.
How the new vision affects the third sector by Jo Williams. 6. Better commissioning, better services by Neil Bentley. 7. Successful governance is all in the mix by Gerald Wistow.
Contact Details:
Hope House
45 Great Peter Street
Tel: | Fax:
Email: hope.house@solace.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.solace.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council; Solihull NHS Primary Care Trust; University of Central England, Birmingham
Just say it once implementing the Single Assessment Process in Solihull: staff development programme [authors: Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council; Solihull NHS Primary Care Trust; University of
Central England, Birmingham]
Workbook for the Staff Development Programme; Training video (30 mins) - 'Just say it once: developing good practice in multi disciplinary assessment'.
This joint staff development programme has been developed by Solihull MBC and Solihull PCT in partnership with the School of Primary Care, University of Central England (UCE). It is designed to help further develop competence and skills in multi
agency working and assessment, applying the principles of the National Service Framework (NSF) to adults of all ages. The training programme incorporates exercises, workshops and facilitated staff discussion for mixed staff groups, allowing everyone
to develop skills and learn together.
Contact Details:
Magnetic Pictures Magnetic Pictures Ltd,
The Old Coach House,
Upper Wawensmoor,
Wootton Wawen,
B95 6SS.
Tel: 01564 793061 | Fax:
Email: aprice@magpix.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.magpix.co.uk
| http://www.magpix.co.uk/Pages%202003/SAP%20Page.html
Target group: SSD/PCT staff |  Type / Format: workbook; video
Availability / Price: £45.00 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
General protocol for inter-agency information sharing within Solihull
The aim of the General Protocol is to provide a robust framework for the legal, secure, and confidential sharing of personal information between public sector agencies, to enable them to meet both their
statutory obligations and the needs and expectations of those served. It has been developed in accordance with national guidelines. Appendices include reference to relevant legislation.
Contact Details:
Val Dickens, Project Manager, Single Assessment Process, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council,
PO Box 32,
Council House,
West Midlands
B91 3QY.
Tel: +44 (0)121 704 8043 | Fax: +44 (0)121 704 6114
Email: vdickens@solihull.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.solihull.gov.uk
Target group: SSD/PCT staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Version 1, July 2003 also supplied by Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority, Osprey House, Albert Street, Prospect Hill, Redditch B97 4DE. Tel: 01527 587536; E-mail:
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (as supplied by West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority)
Giving consent to share personal information copy for consultation, Solihull Single Assessment Process
Text of a draft form (2 pp) asking the person being assessed whether relevant personal information may be shared with other individuals or agencies, and if so who or which ones?
Contact Details:
Val Dickens, , Project Manager, Single Assessment Process, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council,
PO Box 32,
Council House,
West Midlands
B91 3QY.
Tel: +44 (0)121 704 8043 | Fax: +44 (0)121 704 6114
Email: vdickens@solihull.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.solihull.gov.uk
| http://www.wmssha.nhs.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: form
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Contact at WMSSHA: Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority, Osprey House, Albert Street, Prospect Hill, Redditch B97 4DE. Tel: 01527 587536; E-mail:
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council; Solihull Primary Care Trust
Assessment documentation pad (adults), Solihull
Registration, assessment and referral forms, self-carbonated (2 copies).
Form for collecting information, which will then be recorded electronically and will be subject to the Data Protection Act. Accompanied by instructions for use.
Contact Details:
Val Dickens, Project Manager, Single Assessment Process, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council,
PO Box 32,
Council House,
West Midlands
B91 3QY.
Tel: +44 (0)121 704 8043 | Fax: +44 (0)121 704 6114
Email: vdickens@solihull.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.solihull.gov.uk
Target group: SSD/PCT staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Somerset County Council, Social Services Department
Implementing SAP in Somerset
Introductory Powerpoint presentation (15 frames) on SAP, and differentiating between the four different assessments. It also considers mental health (MH) users, the acute care sector, and the possible timing
for an IT version of SAP.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Heather Roughton, Single Assessment Process Project Manager, County Hall,
TA 1 4DY.
Tel: +44 (0)1823 356718 (HR)
+44 (0)1823 355193 (ES) | Fax:
Email: HMRoughton@somerset.gov.uk |  ESkinner@somerset.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.somerset.gov.uk
Target group: General |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Eric Skinner.
Somerset County Council, Social Services Department
[SAP training handouts]
The handouts comprise: Single assessment process training days (aims and learning outcomes); Older people with mental illness (how to record the assessment); National Service Frameworks (list); A
person-centred approach .... and Valuing person-centred care and independence.
View documents:
Single assessment process;
Mental illness ;
NSF list ;
Person centred approach ;
Valuing person-centred care and independence
Contact Details:
Heather Roughton, Single Assessment Process Project Manager, County Hall,
TA 1 4DY.
Tel: +44 (0)1823 356718 (HR)
+44 (0)1823 355193 (ES) | Fax:
Email: HMRoughton@somerset.gov.uk |  ESkinner@somerset.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.somerset.gov.uk
Target group: General |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Somerset County Council, Social Services Department
SAP training programmes in Somerset
Outline of SAP training in Somerset (1 p) .
View document .
Contact Details:
Heather Roughton, Single Assessment Process Project Manager, County Hall,
TA 1 4DY.
Tel: +44 (0)1823 356718 (HR)
+44 (0)1823 355193 (ES) | Fax:
Email: HMRoughton@somerset.gov.uk |  ESkinner@somerset.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.somerset.gov.uk
Target group: General |  Type / Format: process map
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Outline of the SAP training programme in Somerset, from Stage One workshops to production of revised tool and guidance notes.
Other contact: Eric Skinner.
Somerset County Council, Social Services Department
The Single Assessment Process guidance for staff working with older people in Health and social care throughout Somerset
(October 2003; revised 24 January 2004)
Guide (16 pp) providing a brief outline of SAP. Its purpose is to provide a brief outline of the new approach to the assessment of the health and social care needs as set out in Standard Two of the National
Service Framework for Older People (NSF). It includes a page by page guide to completing the overview assessment tool, preceded by explanation of the four levels of assessment, and ending with a section on information disclosure.
View document .
Contact Details:
Heather Roughton, Single Assessment Process Project Manager, County Hall,
TA 1 4DY.
Tel: +44 (0)1823 356718 (HR)
+44 (0)1823 355193 (ES) | Fax:
Email: HMRoughton@somerset.gov.uk |  ESkinner@somerset.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.somerset.gov.uk
Target group: General |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Eric Skinner
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Single Assessment - Who's involved?; Shared values; Why you are here.
7 frames. Pilot document. Powerpoint presentation tool. Overview of the Single Assessment process, WHO’s involved? WHY do we need SAP? WHAT is Single Assessment? plus overview of implementation process.
Additional presentations: "Shared values" - outlines the values and principles behind SAP; "Why you are here" - aimed at participants in training workshops.
View Who's involved presentation
View shared values presentation
View why you are here presentation
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Single Assessment Case Studies
Two examples of case studies (Mr Roberts) used in training by this authority. 2 pages.
Four case studies also included that are real scenarios of people who eventually received support from the Age Concern hospital discharge service which is funded by Staffordshire Social Services.
View Case studies (Mr Roberts): Case 1
| Case 2
| View scenarios (powerpoint)
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: case study
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Single Assessment Overview/Summary Form
4 pages. v9
View overview / summary form
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Single Assessment Process - Key Attributes
8 frames. Pilot stage. Powerpoint presentation tool which focuses on the key attributes of SAP : person-centred, standardised and outcome-centred approaches.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Single Assessment Process - Standard 2 of the NSF for Older People : an introduction
21 frames. Pilot document. Powerpoint presentation tool.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Staffordshire and Stoke SAP Contact Assessment Form
(January 2004)
2 pages. v9
View contact assessment form
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Stages of Assessment
16 frames. Pilot stage. Powerpoint presentation tool. Outlines the four types of assessment, who undertakes each assessment, the role of older people and carers and the process of evaluation.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Staffordshire Social Services Department
The Single Assessment Process in Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Guidelines for staff working with older people in health and social care (version 1, pilot)
(November 2003)
9 pages.
View guidelines
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Stockport Social Services / Stockport Primary Care Trust
[Stockport SAP - Report to Local Implementation Team]
3 pages. Provides outline for staff training by use of 3 core modules and 9 optional modules developed by external consultants who provide a bespoke training programme.
View report
Contact Details:
Jude Wells, SAP Manager, Stockport PCT,
Regent House,
Heaton Lane,
Tel: 0161 426 5561 (JW)
0161 426 5000 (switch) | Fax:
Email: jude.wells@stockport-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.stockporthealth.nwest.nhs.uk/sitev1/pages/startpage.asp
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sunderland Social Services
Attaching documents [to Liquidlogic records] [handout accompanying SAP training session]
This 4pp handout indicates how and where documents can be attached to and retrieved from Liquidlogic records.
View handout
Contact Details:
Robin Welsh, SAP Training Officer, Floor 4,
50 Fawcett St,
Tyne & Wear
SR1 1RF.
Tel: 0191 566 1420
07789942247 | Fax:
Email: Robin.Welsh@ssd.sunderland.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP staff using Liquidlogic |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sunderland Social Services
Liquid Logic keystroke guidance East Division, West Division, Hospital SW Team, Sensory Team, Specialist SW Team (Palliative Care), COTs, Farmborough Court & Intermediate Care Team [authors: Robin
Welsh, Alison Levitt, Phil Hounsell]
(29 September 2005)
This 44pp item (and related training material) was first publicised by Robin Welsh on the SAP Discussion Forum, as a model for developing local guidance on using Liquidlogic. The guidance outlines keystroke
procedures for administration, team managers, duty officers, quality officers, care managers and specialist assessors, also team manager authorisation and review process.
The following Critical Path items accompany: OT; East & West & Sensory; Farmborough Court, Intermediate Care Team; Hospital Social Work Team; Specialist Social Work Team. Each algorithm explains the work flow.
View | keystrokes document
| critical path - OT
| critical path - East and West sensory
| critical path - Farnborough Court
| critical path - hospital social work team
| critical path - specialist social work team
Contact Details:
Robin Welsh, SAP Training Officer, Floor 4,
50 Fawcett St,
Tyne & Wear
SR1 1RF.
Tel: 0191 566 1420
07789942247 | Fax:
Email: Robin.Welsh@ssd.sunderland.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Staff using Liquidlogic |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sunderland Social Services
Liquid Logic new functionality roll out [Sunderland Social Services]
(August 2005)
There are two versions of this documentation on Liquidlogic screen layout and functionality: a 6pp version for administration and business Support; and a longer (21pp) version for care managers and team
View version 1
| View version 2
Contact Details:
Robin Welsh, SAP Training Officer, Floor 4,
50 Fawcett St,
Tyne & Wear
SR1 1RF.
Tel: 0191 566 1420
07789942247 | Fax:
Email: Robin.Welsh@ssd.sunderland.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP staff using Liquidlogic |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sunderland Social Services
Searching using My Contacts guidance Liquidlogic: new functionality [author: Robin Welsh]
(21 August 2005)
Guidance (7pp) on Liquidlogic's new functionality, on "Searching for a person" and adding them to "My contacts". This enables use of "Reassign" and "Make Referrals" to people in other departments more easily,
and replaces a previous "tree arrangement" used by Sunderland Social Services.
View document
Contact Details:
Robin Welsh, SAP Training Officer, Floor 4,
50 Fawcett St,
Tyne & Wear
SR1 1RF.
Tel: 0191 566 1420
07789942247 | Fax:
Email: Robin.Welsh@ssd.sunderland.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP staff using Liquidlogic |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sunderland Social Services
Sunderland Social Services Single Assessment Process Liquid Logic SAP training
Powerpoint for Liquidlogic SAP staff training sessions in Sunderland. The presentation comprises 29 slides illustrating the course objectives for an overall understanding of how to use Liquidlogic for creating
and using records for the Single Assessment Process.
The aim is that, by the end of the course, attendees will be able to understand: the work and workgroup trays; finding a service user; creating a new person (i.e. a service user record); how to complete a Contact Assessment; how to complete an
Overview assessment; SAP needs and SAP risks; finalising the assessment; making referrals; making appointments;; and updating demographics. The training programme includes practice exercises.
An associated handout (11pp) for attendees, "SAP trainers guide" outlines the course programme.
View presentation
| View trainer guide
Contact Details:
Robin Welsh, SAP Training Officer, Floor 4,
50 Fawcett St,
Tyne & Wear
SR1 1RF.
Tel: 0191 566 1420
07789942247 | Fax:
Email: Robin.Welsh@ssd.sunderland.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP staff using Liquidlogic |  Type / Format: powerpoint; briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sunderland Social Services
Sunderland Social Services Single Assessment Process Liquid Logic super users super user training
Powerpoint for Liquidlogic "super user" training sessions in Sunderland. The presentation comprises 13 slides illustrating the course objectives: maps, keystrokes, work processes, page navigation and problem
An associated handout (3pp) for attendees, "SAP super users trainers guide" outlines the course programme.
View presentation
| View trainer guide
Contact Details:
Robin Welsh, SAP Training Officer, Floor 4,
50 Fawcett St,
Tyne & Wear
SR1 1RF.
Tel: 0191 566 1420
07789942247 | Fax:
Email: Robin.Welsh@ssd.sunderland.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP managers using Liquidlogic |  Type / Format: powerpoint; briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sunderland Social Services
Team manager / senior manager guidance Liquidlogic: new functionality [author: Robin Welsh]
(21 August 2005)
This guidance (18pp) showing various Liquidlogic screen layouts is arranged in three sections.
Section 1 identifies what a Team Manager or Senior Care Manager needs to do when they are allocating work to a Care Manager on Liquidlogic.
Section 2 identifies what a Team Manager or Senior Care Manager needs to do when they are authorising work for a Non-devolved Care Manager.
Section 3 is for Team Managers accepting work on Liquidlogic sent directly from Admin or Business Support when it has been referred in by an External Agency.
View guidance
Contact Details:
Robin Welsh, SAP Training Officer, Floor 4,
50 Fawcett St,
Tyne & Wear
SR1 1RF.
Tel: 0191 566 1420
07789942247 | Fax:
Email: Robin.Welsh@ssd.sunderland.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP management staff using Liquidlogic |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Surrey County Council
Single Assessment Process SAP training and resource pack, Joint Training Strategy Group West Surrey, and East Surrey Joint Training Group [author: Debbie Grimwood]
(January 2004)
This pack is designed to support the training seminars and workshops on the Single Assessment Process (SAP) in Surrey from January to March 2004. It is accompanied by Powerpoint presentation and facilitator
View powerpoint presentation
Contact Details:
Debbie Bell, SAP Project Manager, Customer and Staff Relations,
HR Learning and Development,
South West Area Office,
Grosvenor House,
London Square,
Cross Lane,
Surrey GU1 1PA.
Tel: +44 (0)1483 517995
+44 (0)1428 853069 (DG) | Fax: +44 (0)1483 518464
Email: debbie.bell@surreycc.gov.uk |  debbie@grimwoodp.freeserve.co.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: pack; powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Debbie Grimwood is Training Consultant, East & West Joint Training Groups.
Other contact: Liz Lee, Learning and Development Consultant.
Sutton and Merton Health and Social Care Community
A joint protocol for delivering the Single Assessment Process for older people in Sutton developed in partnership with: London Borough of Sutton Community Services, Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust,
Epsom and St Helier Hospital Trust, Sutton Older Persons Mental Health Team, and Age Concern User and Carer Group
This document (41pp) aims to set out the responsibilities that each agency needs to adopt, in order to deliver the Single Assessment Process (SAP) in the London Borough of Sutton. It is envisaged that the
protocol will provide guidance for an efficient and effective delivery of services which will meet the expectations of local people and that of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). Its content includes coverage of: shared values;
when to use each of the four assessments (Contact Assessment, Overview Assessment, Specialist Assessment, and Comprehensive Assessment); multi-agency care planning; the role of the care co-ordinator or key worker; joint working; the Single
Assessment in hospital; and sharing of information. Appendices include: an agreed glossary of terms; Sutton locality Single Assessment contact and referral form; domains of the overview assessment; triggers for assessment; and procedures for user
held record.
View joint protocol
Contact Details:
Carole Adams, London Borough of Sutton,
Civic Offices,
St. Nicholas Way,
Tel: 020 8770 5000 x4398 | Fax:
Email: carole.adams@sutton.gov.uk |  fiona.merritt@sutton.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.sutton.gov.uk
Target group: All staff, users and carers |  Type / Format: protocol; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sutton and Merton Health and Social Care Community
Information sharing for agencies delivering services to adults Part A: The legal framework [author: Sutton and Merton Health and Social Care Community]
(March 2004)
The information sharing protocol (Part B) is based on legislation (such as the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 1998) and related items concerning confidentiality and information sharing (e.g.
the Caldicott Principles). These are outlined in this Part A document (12pp).
View protocol
Contact Details:
Carole Adams, London Borough of Sutton,
Civic Offices,
St. Nicholas Way,
SM1 1EA.
Tel: 020 8770 5000 x4398 | Fax:
Email: carole.adams@sutton.gov.uk |  fiona.merritt@sutton.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.sutton.gov.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sutton and Merton Health and Social Care Community
Information sharing protocol for agencies delivering services to adults Part B, Version 07 (final) [author: Sutton and Merton Health and Social Care Community]
(March 2004)
This protocol (18pp) has been agreed by the following partner organisations: Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust; London Borough of Sutton; London Borough of Merton; Epsom and St Helier's University Hospital
Trust; St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust; and South West London and St George's Mental Health Trust. It covers issues around consent to the disclosure of personal information, the process of information exchange; and procedures for dealing withbreach
of the protocol. Appendices include examples of forms for the consent to share information and for disclosure request; also the draft of a leaflet for clients and patients on why information about them may need to be shared.
View protocol
Contact Details:
Carole Adams, London Borough of Sutton,
Civic Offices,
St. Nicholas Way,
Tel: 020 8770 5000 x4398 | Fax:
Email: carole.adams@sutton.gov.uk |  fiona.merritt@sutton.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.sutton.gov.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Tameside and Glossop Primary Care Trust,
Single Assessment Process [training materials] [author: Teresa Jankowska]
(February 2002)
Handouts, exercises and facilitators' notes, from the range of training materials for SAP used by Tameside and Glossop PCT, and for a variety of audiences:
Single Assessment Process (SAP): implications for practice: training information for all involved in providing care for older people, course details; and programme;
Time for reflection - the implications for practice (exercise);
Single Assessment Process: person centred approach (handout);
Single Assessment Process (SAP) awareness session: programme;
Documentation workshop;
Single Assessment Process and person centred care: presentation for the Really Important Questions Forum.
Training materials continue to be developed as and when needed.
Contact Details:
Teresa Jankowska, SAP Co-ordinator, Tameside and Glossop Primary Care Trust,
New Century House,
Progress Way,
Windmill Lane,
M34 2GP.
Tel: +44 (0)161 304 5450 (TJ)
+44 (0)161 304 5300 (PCT general no) | Fax:
Email: teresa.jankowska@nhs.net | 
Web links: http://www.tameside.gov.uk/tmbc1/sap.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Tameside and Glossop Primary Care Trust,
Single Assessment Process: implications for practice training programme
(February 2002)
Part of a range of training materials for SAP used by Tameside and Glossop PCT, and for a variety of audiences. Comprises:
Training information for all involved in providing care to older people
Programme covering: connecting with good practice; advantages and disadvantages of an outcomes focus; connecting with the user's and carer's perspective
Time for reflection - the implications for practice (worksheet and prompt sheet)
Training materials continue to be developed as and when needed.
Contact Details:
Teresa Jankowska, SAP Co-ordinator, Tameside and Glossop Primary Care Trust,
New Century House,
Progress Way,
Windmill Lane,
M34 2GP.
Tel: +44 (0)161 304 5450 (TJ)
+44 (0)161 304 5300 (PCT general no) | Fax:
Email: teresa.jankowska@nhs.net | 
Web links: http://www.tameside.gov.uk/tmbc1/sap.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
The Food Train
Quest 4 Quality
One day conference on 7 September 2007 at Easterbrook Hall, The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries, Scotland.
The Food Train is a local voluntary and charity organisation, which provides a grocery shopping home delivery service for the elderly, housebound and disabled people, across Dumfries and Galloway. Food Train is funded by Dumfries and Galloway
Council and NHS Dumfries & Galloway. The aim of this event is to review and improve home support services for older people, showcasing innovative ideas and looking at the future provision necessary to help us all positively age in our own home.
The event will be of particular interest to older people, carers and service users, service providers, Health and Social Care staff, policy makers and voluntary and community groups with an interest in older people. An impressive list of guest
speakers, interesting seminars and a wide variety of display stands makes this an event not to be missed!
Contact Details:
Conference Organiser 182 St Michael Street
Tel: +44 (0)1387 270800 | Fax: +44 (0)1387 270800
Email: everything@thefoodtrain.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.thefoodtrain.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £100 to £50 for individuals, community and voluntary organisations |  ISBN/ISSN:
The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust
Single Assessment Process (SAP) Evaluation - Service Providers Questionnaire [author: Una Dunne]
Questionnaire to evaluate how well SAP has been received and if there are any areas to improve on. From the service providers perspective it aims to ascertain what they feel SAP is trying to achieve.
View document
Contact Details:
Karen Blackbond, Single Assessment Project Manager The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust
Pield Heath Road,
Middlesex UB8 3NN
Tel: 01895 238282 (switch) | Fax:
Email: karen.blackbond@thh.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: evaluation questionnaire
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Tunstall Healthcare (UK) Ltd.
Telehealth care Essential information for health and social care professionals and carers
v.2 [Tunstall]
Tunstall has developed this DVD as a training and education tool for health, housing and social care professionals and those involved in providing care and support in the community. Telehealthcare combines
the best of telecare and telehealth technology to effectively and economically deliver care services in people's homes, using solutions that can manage the risks associated with independent living. Contents of DVD: an introduction by the deputy
chief executive of the Local Goverment Association, John Ransford; itnerivew with Sunderland City Council; comprehensive tour of a home outlining telehealthcare in the home; installation tutorials and case studies.
Contact Details:
Whitley Lodge
Whitley Bridge
DN14 0HR
Tel: +44 (0)1977 661234 | Fax:
Email: enquiries@tunstall.co.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LAs/HAs |  Type / Format: training/dvd
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
UK Public Health Association (UKPHA)
14th UKPHA Annual Public Health Forum : Creating Healthy Sustainable Communities bridging the gap between democracy, design and delivery
A two day conference to be held on 14-15 March 2006 at The International Centre, Telford.
This is the largest multi-disciplinary public health conference in the UK. This conference will focus on : combating health inequalities, promoting sustainable development and challenging anti-health forces.
Contact Details:
Conference Secretariat, Benchmark Conference & Event Management,
14 Blandford Square,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE1 4HZ.
Tel: | Fax:
Email: info@ukphaconference.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.ukphaconference.org.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
University College of London
Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE) A needs assessment for older mental health service users [authors: Martin Orrell, Geraldine Hancock (eds)]
CANE is a comprehensive, person-centred needs assessment tool that has been designed for use with older people and particularly those with mental health problems. It can be used for both the overview and
comprehensive assessments of the NSF single assessment process. It is not accredited by the Department of Health but has been rigorously developed by a multi-disciplinary team at University College London in collaboration with other academic
centres. It has been used in a wide variety of clinical and research settings across the UK and other countries and is translated into five languages. Manual available from UCL but to accompany purchase of book.
Contact Details:
Dr Geraldine Hancock Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences,
University College London,
Wolfson Building,
48 Riding House Street,
W1N 8AA.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 9420 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7679 9426
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/publications
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: Manual free to use but must purchase copy of book priced £80 from Gaskell Publications, Royal College of Psychiatrists, 17 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PG. Tel: 020 7235 2351 x146 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Publications Dept contact is: Carrie Davis - cdavis@rcpsych.ac.uk
University of Sheffield
EASY-Care 2004
This assessment tool is accredited by the Department of Health. The package consists of the following documentation : -
EASY-Care 2004 assessment forms (contact, overview, planning care, consent)
Assessor's Manual
Assessor's Guide to Exploring Needs
Training Manual - Single Assessment Process
EASY-Care is now used in 19 countries and available in 15 languages.
Contact Details:
EASY-Care Administrator, University of Sheffield,
Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing (SISA),
Community Sciences Centre,
Northern General Hospital,
S5 7AU
Tel: +44 (0)114 271 4939 | Fax: +44 (0)114 271 5771
Email: j.marriott@sheffield.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.shef.ac.uk/sisa/easycare
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: only from SISA. £1.65 for the overview assessment tool; 75p for the assessor's manual and guide. Training manual only available as part of training undertaken with SISA. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: EASY-Care (Elderly Assessment System) was developed by SISA with an education grant from Pfizer Limited.
University of the West of England
Evaluating the pilot for the Bristol Single Assessment Process For Older People [authors: Simon Evans, Robin Means, Nikki Griffiths]
The Faculty of Health and Social Care was commissioned by the South & West Bristol Primary Care Trust to evaluate the Bristol pilot of the Single Assessment Process for Older People (SAP) during 2002/03. The
research aimed to explore the SAP from the point of view of service users/patients and professionals. The methodology included analysis of routinely collected data and interviews/focus groups with a range of health and social care professionals. The
evaluation identified a number of significant themes and contributed towards decisions about how to implement fully the SAP in Bristol.
View evaluation summary
Contact Details:
Simon Evans, Research Fellow University of the West of England,
Health Training and Research Centre,
Faculty of Health and Social Care,
University of the West of England,
Coldharbour Lane,
Bristol BS16 1QY
Tel: +44 (0)117 3281120 | Fax:
Email: simon.evans@uwe.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://hsc.uwe.ac.uk/research/censcrduproj5.asp
Target group: |  Type / Format: audit; evaluation
Availability / Price: View project summary. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Values into Action
Making decisions best practice and new ideas for supporting people with high support needs to make decisions [authors: Stephanie Beamer, Mark Brookes]
92 pp report, with workbook, 'It's your choice'.
This report is aimed at service providers, families, friends, carers and those who support people with learning difficulties who have high support needs to make choices.It uses real life stories to challenge the idea that people with high support
needs cannot make their own decisions. It discusses current practice and law, suggesting that both are often limited in vision. It offers a model of supported decision making as a solution.
The accompanying workbook, 'It's your choice', is written in plain English, with pictures, and tells people with learning difficulties about making decisions.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: General |  Type / Format: workbook; book
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Waltham Forest NHS PCT and Waltham Forest Council
Protocol for staff on the use of the Single Assessment Process Person Held Record in Waltham Forest [DRAFT] [author: Steve Griffiths]
[September 2006]
Sample of a protocol on the use of a person held record (PHR) developed by Waltham Forest and currently in draft form. Every adult over the age of 18 years who is the subject of a multi disciplinary or multi
agency assessment process is to be provided with a Person Held Record folder. This is to allow efficient and safe storage of assessment records and other related documentation by the assessed person. At the individual's discretion, it will prevent
duplication and support the practice of iniformation sharing between the individual and practitioners of various agencies.
The protocol consists of: statement of purpose; scope; staff responsibilities - (1) managers; (2) individual practitioners; procedures: (1) issuing the PHR; (2) inserting information; (3) ownership and responsibility; (4) access; (5) terminating the
use of the PHR; success indicators and governance arrangements.
View document.
Contact Details:
Steve Griffiths, Service Manager, Integrated Adults and Community Service,
London Borough of Waltham Forest
Silver Birch House,
Uplands Business Park,
Blackhorse Lane,
London E17 5SD
Tel: 020 8496 3467 | Fax:
Email: steve.griffiths@lbwf.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol; person held record
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wandsworth Borough Council; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust
EASY-Care & Single Assessment briefing notes, [Wandsworth]
These Briefing notes (3 pp) on the assessment tool for SAP for health and social services staff in Wandsworth outline the terminology, why the Single Assessment Process is being introduced, and the role of
EASY-Care as an assessment tool in Wandsworth.
View briefing notes
Contact Details:
Wendy Moreton, Senior Planning and Review Officer, Wandsworth Borough Council,
Town Hall,
Wandsworth High Street,
SW18 2PU.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 6271 (WM)
+44 (0)20 8789 5511 (FN) | Fax:
Email: wmoreton@wandsworth.gov.uk |  fleur.norwood@swlondon.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: Health/social services staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool; briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other Contact: Alastair Bearne, abearne@wandsworth.gov.uk
Wandsworth Borough Council; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust
Guidance on using the new assessment tools draft as at 13 April 2003 [authors: Wandsworth Borough Council Social Services Community Care Division; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust]
(March 2003)
Guidance (14 pp), some of which applies only to Social Services. Comprises: background notes; using the new assessment tools; completing the contact assessment; completing the overview assessment; ; and other
assessment issues.
The intention is that this draft will be updated regularly.
View draft guidance
Contact Details:
Wendy Moreton, Senior Planning and Review Officer, Wandsworth Borough Council
Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
SW18 2PU.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 6271 (WM)
+44 (0)20 8789 5511 (FN) | Fax:
Email: wmoreton@wandsworth.gov.uk |  fleur.norwood@swlondon.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: Health/social services staff |  Type / Format: guidance; assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wandsworth Borough Council; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust
New assessment formats community care [Wandsworth] introduction [author: Wendy Moreton]
(March 2003)
Outline (2 pp) to accompany the new community care assessment files. It relates to the new community care assessment being piloted from 31 March 2003 in Putney and Roehampton and in two wards at the
Bolingbroke Hospital.
View document
Contact Details:
Wendy Moreton, Senior Planning and Review Officer, Wandsworth Borough Council,
Town Hall,
Wandsworth High Street,
SW18 2PU.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 6271 (WM)
+44 (0)20 8789 5511 (FN) | Fax:
Email: wmoreton@wandsworth.gov.uk |  fleur.norwood@swlondon.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: Health/social services staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wandsworth Borough Council; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust
The Single Assessment Process in Wandsworth person centred care for older people [authors: Wendy Moreton, Fleur Norwood
Explanatory leaflet for older people and their carers. It explains how a Single Assessment Process will be introduced in Wandsworth. This is a change in the way older people receive the help they need. The
leaflet asks older people and their carers who wish to comment about Single Assessments to contact Social Services or Health Services.
Contact Details:
Wendy Moreton, Senior Planning and Review Officer, Wandsworth Borough Council,
Town Hall,
Wandsworth High Street,
SW18 2PU.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 6271 (WM)
+44 (0)20 8789 5511 (FN) | Fax:
Email: wmoreton@wandsworth.gov.uk |  fleur.norwood@swlondon.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: Older people, carers |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wandsworth Borough Council; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust
Wandsworth overview assessment guidelines for completion [authors: Wandsworth Borough Council Social Services Community Care Division; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust]
(24 October 2003)
Guidance (10 pp) on completing the overview assessment. The overview assessment tool (form) is to be used to assess the needs of all people aged 18 and over seeking a community care assessment in Wandsworth
(with the exception of people with mental health needs). It aims to cover all areas of all possible needs for health and social care at a basic level. The guidelines also note that the assessment must be person centred.
View guidance
Contact Details:
Wendy Moreton, Senior Planning and Review Officer, Wandsworth Borough Council,
Town Hall,
Wandsworth High Street,
SW18 2PU.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 6271 (WM)
+44 (0)20 8789 5511 (FN) | Fax:
Email: wmoreton@wandsworth.gov.uk |  fleur.norwood@swlondon.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: Health/social services staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Warwickshire County Council (as supplied by West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority)
Warwickshire Single Assessment Process: workforce development program written by Jane Blackhall (SAP Project Manager) with consultation with SAP training leads. (Draft 4) [author: Jane Blackhall]
(December 2003).
The Warwickshire Single Assessment Process aims to: provide person centred care; ensure that practitioners work together in a co-ordinated manner to meet the needs of the older person; ensure that assessment
information is shared effectively within and between agencies, and that information is not replicated; actively involve the older person in the assessment process and gain consent to share information between organisations; and ensure that the
assessment is proportionate to the level of need. This document (18 pp) provides information on funding and costings for the program (including a comparison of internal and external provision of trainiing). Possible risks are identified. The content
of courses and workshops is defined for the six levels of training: SAP awareness; Contact Assessment training; Overview assessment training; Specialist Assessment training; management training; and pre-implementation and post implementation
Contact Details:
Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority,
Osprey House,
Albert Street,
Prospect Hill,
B97 4DE.
Tel: 01527 587536 (Sandra Hudson) | Fax:
Email: sandra.hudson@wmsha.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wmssha.nhs.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
West Cheshire SAP sub-group
Single Assessment Process Newsletter One [author: Kate Bebe]
This five page newsletter outlines key groups and people involved in the implementation of the Single Assessment Process in West Cheshire. It indicates what SAP is about; progress so far; SAP referral
scenarios; how SAP will affect different groups and how to get further information.
View Newsletter
Contact Details:
Kate Bebe Ellesmere Port District Office, Coronation Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 9AA
Tel: 0151 357 4522 | Fax:
Email: Kate.Bebe@cheshire.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
West Midlands Region SAP Implementation Group (as supplied by West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority)
West Midlands Region SAP Implementation Group interpretation of the April 2004 milestones
(13 December 2003)
SAP Leads from both health and social services departments in the West Midlands region have been meeting with the aim of pooling ideas and resources, and exchanging information. This 16pp document has been
compiled by a subgroup (including representatives of the 3 SHAs in the region) which looked specifically at the Department of Health April 2004 milestones. The aim is to agree a collective interpretation of what the milestones mean (and based on
what evidence), and how best to target work in order to achieve them.
Contact Details:
Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority,
Osprey House,
Albert Street,
Prospect Hill,
B97 4DE.
Tel: 01527 587517 (Peter Boileau)
01527 587536 (Sandra Hudson) | Fax:
Email: sandra.hudson@wmsha.nhs.uk |  peter.boileau@wmsha.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.wmssha.nhs.uk
Target group: SAP Leads |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The following members of the Group are also willing to be approached directly to discuss this document:
Marie duQuesnay, Stoke and Staffordshire, Marie.duQuesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk 01785 277089;
Val Dickens, Solihull, vdickens@solihull.gov.uk 0121 704 8043;
Jonathan Monks, Worcestershire, jmonks2@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 766963;
Sue Williams, West Midlands ADSS, suejwilliams@hotmail.com 01905 796799.
West Midlands Regional SAP Group
If I've told you once ... introducing the Single Assessment Process
The video (18 mins) and DVD were produced to support the implementation of the Single Assessment Process (SAP).There are two versions of the DVD programme, the second of which has subtitles for the hard of
hearing. Both were produced by Magnetic Pictures Productions The video is supported by a trainers' guide, providing background information and session guides available separately as a PDF file (web link 2)
The video introduces the viewer to the need for SAP through an opening scene where an older person is visited by several professioanls who all want the same information for their assessment. This is followed by a series of short interviews with key
personnel such as the Director of the Change Agent Team, service users, a chief executive of a PCT, a general practitioner, an occupational therapy manager and a social work manager. The principles of person-centred care, information sharing and
person held records are explained with a return to the experiences of the older person.
The project was funded by ADSS West Midlands Regional SAP Group: Birmingham Single Assessment Programme; Coventry Single Assessment Partnership; Derbyshire and Derby Social and Health Care Communities; Dudley Health and Social Care Community;
Sandwell Single Asessment Proceess Project Group; Solihull Single Assessment Joint Steering Group; Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Single Assessment Project; Stockport Older People's Training Programme; Telford and Wrekin SAP Project; Walsall
Single Assessment Programme; WSAP Warwickshire Single Assessment Process; and Worcestershire Single Assessment Programme. The Department of Health (DH) Change Agent Team provided additional support.
View flyer for the video/DVD
Contact Details:
Magnetic Pictures Magnetic Pictures Ltd,
The Old Coach House,
Upper Wawensmoor,
Wootton Wawen,
B95 6SS.
Tel: 01564 793061 | Fax:
Email: aprice@magpix.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.magpix.co.uk/Pages%202003/SAP%20Page.html
| http://www.magpix.co.uk/PDF%20Files/users%20guide%20for%20pdf.PDF
Target group: All staff, service providers, users and carers |  Type / Format: video or DVD
Availability / Price: Video and DVD both priced at £15.00 (plus VAT and P&P) for a single copy. Discount available for bulk orders. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: ADSS West Midlands Regional SAP Group contact, Sue Williams, tel 01905 796799 E-mail: suejwilliams@hotmail.com
West Midlands Regional SAP Group
If I've told you once ...: introducing the Single Assessment Process Trainers and learners guide; [and] Written materials to support training and learning [author: Marion Dakin]
Guide and learning materials (PDF file, 23pp, web link 2) to support the video and DVD, 'If I've told you once ...: introducing the Single Assessment Process', produced by Magnetic Pictures Productions and
funded by the ADSS West Midlands Regional SAP Group.
The guide consists of ideas about how to use the video materials, either: in a facilitated staff development session, with supporting slides/OHPs and exercise/discussion points; or by individual learners. The written materials give a broad
application of SAP, and should be supplemented by information on local approaches to implementation.
The guide has been developed for work initially undertaken to support implementation of SAP in Dudley, West Midlands. Dudley's Older People's Forum provided the author with some ideas on how person-centred care should be implemented in practice.
Solihull MBC is also acknowledged for developing slides on person-centred care.
Contact Details:
Magnetic Pictures Magnetic Pictures Ltd,
The Old Coach House,
Upper Wawensmoor,
Wootton Wawen,
B95 6SS.
Tel: 01564 793061 | Fax:
Email: aprice@magpix.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.magpix.co.uk/Pages%202003/SAP%20Page.html
| http://www.magpix.co.uk/PDF%20Files/users%20guide%20for%20pdf.PDF
Target group: All staff, service providers, users and carers |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: Available only as PDF download. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Marion Dakin has website, http://www.mariondakin.com.
E-mail: marion.dakin@fsmail.net
West Midlands Regional SAP group
SAP - now we have implemented [authors: Sandra Hudson and Sue Williams]
Powerpoint presentation describing programme to evaluate SAP looking at outcomes and quality of the assessment from the service user's perspective. A service user questionnaire is being developed with 8 core
questions which is to be piloted in Sandwell, Staffordshire, Dudley and Warwickshire. There are also other areas to evaluate (records, staff views and provider views) as noted in the presentation to be worked on at a later stage.
View presentation.
| View evaluation handout.
Contact Details:
Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority,
Osprey House,
Albert Street,
Prospect Hill,
B97 4DE.
Tel: 01527 587536 (Sandra Hudson) | Fax:
Email: sandra.hudson@wmsha.nhs.uk |  andy.bekenn@dudley.gov.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint; evaluation
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contacts: Andy Bekenn, Dudley Social Services, coordinator of evaluation project; Sue Williams, Chair, West Midlands regional SAP group, suejwilliams@hotmail.com
West Midlands Regional SAP Group
Single Assessment Process evaluation guidance [author: West Midlands Region SAP Evaluation Group]
(August 2006)
A subgroup of the West Midlands Regional SAP Group has developed this simple tool to evaluate SAP from the point of view of the service user who has received the assessment. This has now been piloted in
Staffordshire. The sub-group's original aim had been to develop a standardised regional tool. However the sub-group has learned through the process that this is not practical, as each SAP locality is at a different stage of SAP implementation.
This Guidance is aimed at establishing best practice in conducting a SAP evaluation. It includes the service user questionnaire and covering letter used in Staffordshire which has been piloted, and the practitioner assessor questionnaire which has
not been piloted.
Contact Details:
Sue Williams, Development Worker, Older People's Services, ADSS Network Older People, West Midlands Tel: | Fax:
Email: suejwilliams@hotmail.com | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP leads |  Type / Format: evaluation
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Reference to postings on the SAP Discussion Forum in discussion area "Evaluation of SAP from a user perspective" may assist.
West Midlands Regional Single Assessment Process Group
The Single Assessment Process and cross boundary working West Midlands SAP Cross Boundary Project sponsored by ADSS West Midlands Older People's Network [and] Department of Health, Health and Social
Care Change Agent Team [author: Angela Nicholls]
(October 2004)
The ADSS West Midlands Regional Single Assessment Process Group commissioned this project in May 2004 with funding from the Department of Health Health and Social Care Change Agent Team, to address issues of
consistency and compatibility of working arrangements and information sharing across geographical boundaries with respect to the Single Assessment Process (SAP). The Cross Boundary Project has aimed to support a common approach to SAP, by mapping
how SAP has been implemented in the West Midlands, and this report outlines the findings of the mapping exercise.
View project document
Contact Details:
Angela Nicholls Tel: | Fax:
Email: angelanicholls@wrath98.freeserve.co.uk |  suejwilliams@hotmail.com
Web links:
Target group: SAP leads |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Sue Williams, Regional Coordinator
West Midlands Regional Single Assessment Process Group
The Single Assessment Process and cross boundary working: good practice guide [West Midlands SAP Cross Boundary Project] [author: Angela Nicholls]
(October 2004)
This good practice guide has been produced on behalf of the ADSS West Midlands Regional Single Assessment Process Group. It is based on the findings of the Cross Boundary Project about how the Single
Assessment Process (SAP) is being implemented in the West Midlands and the implications for working across geographical boundaries in the region, principles that can be applied beyond the West Midlands region. The guide covers: understanding cross
boundary flows; a forum for discussion with neighbouring areas; understanding differences; making local agreements; information sharing agreements; moving towards greater standardisation with neighbouring organisations; adopting agreement on cross
boundary working; and moving beyond the documentation. The guide also sets out the elements of a formal Agreement on Cross Boundary Working and Information Sharing.
View guide
Contact Details:
Angela Nicholls Tel: | Fax:
Email: angelanicholls@wrath98.freeserve.co.uk |  suejwilliams@hotmail.com
Web links:
Target group: SAP leads |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Sue Williams, Regional Coordinator
West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority
West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority regional strategy developing the workforce to deliver the Single Assessment Process in older people's services
(19 September 2003
This strategy (20 pp) aims to fulfil the Department of Health (DH) Guidance on the single assessment process for older people (Health Service Circular 2002/1, Local Authority Circular LAC 2002/1) for
implementing joint workforce development. The strategy should be seen as part of a co-ordinated approach to staff and workforce development that follows from implementation of the NHS Plan and other health and social care policy initiatives,
including Local Delivery Plans. Its aim is to enable all staff (including managers) to develop and demonstrate an appropriate level of skills, knowledge and ability relevant to their role within SAP. The document identifies education, training and
development needs, to link with competencies such as NVQs, and actions required to implement the training plan. Of the appendices listed, only Appendix 1, Competence framework, is supplied.
Contact Details:
Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority,
Osprey House,
Albert Street,
Prospect Hill,
B97 4DE.
Tel: 01527 587517 (Peter Boileau)
01527 587536 (Sandra Hudson) | Fax:
Email: sandra.hudson@wmsha.nhs.uk |  peter.boileau@wmsha.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.wmssha.nhs.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Westminster Advisers Ltd
A Sure Start to Later Life : A model for housing care and support
A one day conference to be held on 16 May 2006 in London and supported by the Social Exclusion Unit, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) , Counsel and Care, Care UK and Hanover Housing Association.
Keynote speech: Phil Woolas MP, Minister of State (ODPM). Chair: Stephen Burke (Chief Executive, Counsel and Care). Other speakers: Prof. Ian Philp (National Director for Older People, DH); Julie Jones (President, ADSS); Terrie Alafat (ODPM);
Ken Bartlett OBE (Hanover Housing Association); Roger Booker (Care UK Homecare); Sue Adams (Director, Care and Repair England); Stan Davison (Barnet Borough Senior Citizens' Forum).
Contact Details:
11a Westminster Palace Gardens,
1-7 Artillery Row,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7222 5090 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7222 9501
Email: marijana.sevic@westminsteradvisers.co.uk | 
Web links: www.westminsteradvisers.co.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Whurr Publishers Ltd.,
The Single Assessment Process [author: Siân Wade]
Chapter 10, pp 154-170 in: Intermediate care of older people; edited by Siân Wade (ISBN 1862563566).
The Single Assessment Process is introduced in the context not only of intermediate care, but also the White Papers, 'The new NHS: modern, dependable' (1997) and 'Modernising social services' (1998). This chapter provides some background, and
describes some of the processes that have been adopted, or need to be adopted, in order to achieve implementation of SAP. It looks at strategies that might be adopted to 'make' the process work, but also acknowledges a range of challenges that need
to be addressed or overcome, if it is to be effective or of benefit to older people. Included as tables are: the 12 steps to implementation of SAP, as recommended by the Department of Health (DH); 7 key issues that may need exploring on contact
assessment; the domains and sub-domains of SAP (also specialist assessment domains); potential outcomes of single assessment for the user, staff and organisation; and the selling benefits of SAP.
Contact Details:
19a Compton Terrace,
N1 2UN.
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.whurr.co.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: £24.50 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wiltshire County Council
Confidentiality the Caldicott Way training video [author: Wiltshire Social Services]
Running time: 30 mins.
Produced by Wiltshire County Council, with contributions from Hampshire, Dorset, Swindon, Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire, Torbay, Devon, North Somerset, Bath and North East Somerset, Portsmouth, and Poole councils.
The video covers issues of confidentiality, with respect to client information, following from the findings of 1997 committee chaired by Dame Fiona Caldicott
It outlines and illustrates the six Caldicott principles in each of six scenarios:
1) Justify the purpose
2) Don't use personally identifying information unless it is absolutely necessary
3) Use the minimum necessary personally identifying information
4) Access to personally identifying information should be on a strict need-to-know basis
5) Everyone should be aware of their responsibilities
6) Understand and comply with the law.
Contact Details:
Angela Stansby County Hall,
Bythesea Road,
BA14 8JN
Tel: +44 (0)1225 713000 (switch)
+44 (0)1225 713923 (direct) | Fax:
Email: angelastansby@wiltshire.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SSD/PCT |  Type / Format: video; cdrom
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: Artisan Productions, Citronic House, Halifax Road, Bowerhill, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6UB.
Tel: 01225 792008; Fax: 01225 792008; Email: alan@artisanproductions.co.uk
Rights for the video now belong to the Department of Health (DH).
Wiltshire County Council
Implementation of the Single Assessment Process for older people in Wiltshire progress report [author: Marianna Poulton]
(August, 2003)
9 pp document. The report outlines the background on SAP as a requirement for Standard Two of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF); and advises on progress to date county-wide and through
local implementation teams (LITs): Kennet & North Wilts, West Wilts, and South Wilts, where practitioners have volunteered to act as cascade trainers to then train staff undertaking the pilots. It advises of the staff and training, and the IT versus
paper-based implications arising from implementation of SAP. The report highlights the use of bids to the Workforce Development Corporation for funding a training officer with a specific brief to work on SAP, and the strong links with neighbouring
authorities in the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA.
View document
Contact Details:
Heather Ludow, Locality Manager, County Hall,
Bythesea Road,
BA14 8JN.
Tel: +44 (0)1980 623256 | Fax:
Email: heatherludlow@wiltshire.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SSDs |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: Download only. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Lynn Attwood, Training and Development Officer.
Wolters Kluwer (UK) Ltd
The Single Assessment Process [author: Jef Smith]
(September 2005)
Article in Croner's Care Management Briefing, September 2005, pp 6-8.
In this brief article, the author discusses SAP, problems with its implementation and how it may affect assessment processes for a range of service user groups in the future.
Contact Details:
145 London Road,
Kingston upon Thames,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8247 1175 | Fax:
Email: info@croner.co.uk | 
Web links: www.croner.co.uk
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1742-9331
Wolverhampton City PCT
FUSION: Soprano (TM) workflow engine (SWE 2.5); Concerto (TM) medical application portal a systems information and user guide [author: Walsall Primary Care Trust]
(7 October 2003)
Version 2 (2003-10-07) of training material for the electronic system, FUSION; accompanied by questionnaire - SDFM pathway post pilot evaluation.
This user guide supports the introduction of SWE version 2.5, and replaces what was previously known as Soprano Disease Management. The user guide provides an overview of the technology and terminology, to help and support new and current users of
the system. The system being used by Wolverhampton is administered by Walsall Primary Care Trust.
view user guide |
view post pilot evaluation
Contact Details:
Phil Smith, Wolverhampton City PCT,
Coniston House,
West Entrance,
Chapel Ash,
Tel: +44 (0)1902 575183 | Fax: +44 (0)1902 444877
Email: phil.smith@wolvespct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wolverhamptonhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: Health/social services |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wolverhampton City PCT
Improving care with e-technology: ''making IT real'' Evidence in Practice Conference, Walsall Health Partnership [author: Walsall Health Partnership]
Based on a powerpoint presentation, on the theme, 'Using LIVE data to improve the patient journey'.
This presentation (developed by the Walsall Health Partnership and used in Wolverhampton) explains the framework. Wolverhampton's intention with this and other documentation is to treat SAP as an element of the wider e-health and e-gov agenda.
view presentation.
Contact Details:
Phil Smith, Wolverhampton City PCT,
Coniston House,
West Entrance,
Chapel Ash,
Tel: +44 (0)1902 575183 | Fax: +44 (0)1902 444877
Email: phil.smith@wolvespct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wolverhamptonhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: IT; Managers |  Type / Format: powerpoint; guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust
General protocol for inter-agency information sharing within Wolverhampton [Version 1, September 2003]
Protocol endorsed by Wolverhampton HASCI, with acknowledgement to Solihull MBC.
The General Protocol provides the framework for the sharing of personal information between Wolverhampton City Council, Wolverhampton Primary Care Trust, and Wolverhampton Royal Hospitals Trust. These agencies have formed a Health and Social Care
Information Exchange (HASCIE) project group. This document has been developed in accordance with national guidelines, to address responsibilities and concerns around the sharing of personal information. Appendices include references to relevant
view protocol
Contact Details:
Phil Smith, Wolverhampton City PCT,
Coniston House,
West Entrance,
Chapel Ash,
Tel: +44 (0)1902 575183 | Fax: +44 (0)1902 444877
Email: phil.smith@wolvespct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wolverhamptonhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: Health/social services |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust
Report on HaSCIE in Wolverhampton
The Health and Social Care Partnership Project Sponsors Group (HaSCIE Sponsors) have agreed to work in partnership with the Walsall Health Informatics Agency to implement Walsall's ERDIP product in
Wolverhampton. The overall intention is to bring the benefits of the electronic record and workflow management to the population of Woverhampton. This document outlines the issues raised by clinicians and managers such as IT skills and support from
ERDIP - Electronic Record Development and Implementation Programme.
view document
Contact Details:
Phil Smith, Wolverhampton City PCT,
Coniston House,
West Entrance,
Chapel Ash,
Tel: +44 (0)1902 575183 | Fax: +44 (0)1902 444877
Email: phil.smith@wolvespct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wolverhamptonhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: Health/social services |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust
Why do we need a Single Assessment Process? [and] Patient journey / single assessment
Powerpoint presentation, accompanied by script. This material is for use in training sessions. It uses a patient-centred approach, based on the story of 'Mrs Wolverhampton' aged 77.
view presentation |
view script
Contact Details:
Phil Smith, Wolverhampton City PCT,
Coniston House,
West Entrance,
Chapel Ash,
Tel: +44 (0)1902 575183 | Fax: +44 (0)1902 444877
Email: phil.smith@wolvespct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wolverhamptonhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: Trainers, health and social services staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wolverhampton Health and Social Care IT Project (HaSCIE)
Project initiation document, Wolverhampton Health & Social Care IT Project, HaSCIE Release: Draft V 1.0, PRINCE 2 [author: Darren Thomas]
(5 June 2003)
Project documentation for the Health and Social Care Partnership Project Sponsors Group (HaSCIE Sponsors) in Wolverhampton. Document number: HASCIE 0001. Printout dated 28 January 2004 is based on First issue,
5 June 2003. Phase 1 to be reviewed in February 2004 in preparation for future phases. It is intended that the current Walsall based system, Orion, be used as the basis for this system.
The Health and Social Care Partnership Project Sponsors Group (HaSCIE Sponsors) have agreed to work in partnership with the Walsall Health Informatics Agency to implement Walsall's ERDIP product in Wolverhampton. The purpose of this document is to
define the project, to form the basis for its management and assessment of overall success.
ERDIP - Electronic Record Development and Implementation Programme.
view document
Contact Details:
Phil Smith, Wolverhampton City PCT,
Coniston House,
West Entrance,
Chapel Ash,
Tel: +44 (0)1902 575183 | Fax: +44 (0)1902 444877
Email: phil.smith@wolvespct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wolverhamptonhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: IT support |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Worcestershire SSD
Progressing the Single Assessment Process in Worcestershire : Evaluation and Action Plan Paper prepared for the Department of Health
(September 2002)
This report details Worcestershire's progress to date of plans for implementation of the single assessment process and outlines future work. A series of pilots in various parts of the county provided a useful
learning curve. The document sets out a number of more detailed conclusions/recommendations. Overall though, it was found that three basic issues needed to be resolved between the organisations in Worcestershire before full implementation of SAP
could be achieved. These issues were: a) the revision of the overall strategy and programme plan; b) the appointment of a Programme Manager to oversee the implementation of SAP and c) to appoint a Project Officer to scope out what was required to
ensure effective information transfer between all parties. 63 pages.
Contact Details:
Jonathan Monks, Programme Manager, County Hall,
Spetchley Road,
Tel: 01905 766963 | Fax:
Email: jmonks2@worcestershire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/progressingsingleassessment
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: contact Jonathan Monks |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: see Good Practice
Worcestershire SSD
Single assessment in Worcestershire
A series of powerpoint presentations devised by Jonathan Monks. 3 frames introduction with further 8 frames opening commentary about SAP and progress to date; The patient's journey (9 frames); Just say it
once - Solihull (4 frames);
Multi-disciplinary working (5 frames).
View presentations:
introduction |
commentary |
patient's journey |
Just say it once |
Multi-disciplinary working
Contact Details:
Jonathan Monks, Programme Manager, County Hall,
Spetchley Road,
Tel: 01905 766963 | Fax:
Email: jmonks2@worcestershire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/progressingsingleassessment
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: contact Jonathan Monks |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: see Good Practice
Worcestershire SSD
Worcestershire Health and Social Care economy : Single assessment workforce development plan
(July 2003)
5 pages. First draft. This development plan identifies training needs for all staff levels within the Worcestershire health and social care services. It is a comprehensive outline assessment of what
training is required and embraces the range from briefing sessions to seminars for team coaches; from using tools for assessment to understanding person-centred care and the older person. Total costs for one and two years are given.
View documents:
development plan |
training strategy
Contact Details:
Jonathan Monks, Programme Manager, County Hall,
Spetchley Road,
Tel: 01905 766963 | Fax:
Email: jmonks2@worcestershire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/progressingsingleassessment
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: protocol; template; strategy
Availability / Price: contact Jonathan Monks |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: see Good Practice
Worcestershire SSD, (as supplied by West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority)
Worcestershire information sharing protocol for the Single Assessment Process
This Protocol (17 pp) provides a robust framework for the legal, secure and confidential sharing of personal information between public sector agencies, to enable them to meet both their statutory obligations
and the needs and expectations of people served as part of the Single Assessment Process. Appendices outline the main legislation: Data Protection Act 1998; Human Rights Act 2000; Crime and Disorder Act 1998; and Regulation of Investigatory Powers
Act 2000. Attention is also drawn to the common law duty of confidentiality and to the Caldicott principles.
View presentations:
introduction |
commentary |
patient's journey |
Just say it once |
Multi-disciplinary working
Contact Details:
Jonathan Monks, Programme Manager, County Hall,
Spetchley Road,
Tel: 01905 766963 | Fax:
Email: jmonks2@worcestershire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/progressingsingleassessment
| http://www.wmssha.nhs.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Contact at WMSSHA: Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority, Osprey House, Albert Street, Prospect Hill, Redditch B97 4DE. Tel: 01527 587536; E-mail:
Do It Yourself Online self-assessment of needs by older and disabled people is being piloted in Kingston, London. [author: Josephine Hocking]
An article in Community Care, 3 May 2007, issue 1671, pp 36-37.
Details of a scheme being led by Bill Brittain and Phil Levick of Kingston's team working with people with long-term needs, which helps maintain the independence of service users.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 03075508
Holistic care for older inpatients [author: Janis Smy]
Journal article in Nursing Times, 16 May 2006, vol 102, no20, pp 16-17.
A team of nurses from Bradford won an NT Award for training "older people's champions" to ensure patients' mental health needs, as well as physical needs are met.
Team leader, Kath Williams and senior manager in practice development Suzanne Wightman from South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust have spent the past two years training, educating and supporting their general hospital colleagues in the
identification and care of older patients who have mental health issues, in addition to the surgical or medical problem that brought them in to the hospital. Assisted by healthcare support work Ruth Endecott and ward development manager Jo
Crossland, they have recruited and trained a hospital-wide multidisciplinary team of older people's champions. Dementia care mapping to improve the patient's healthcare journey has been introduced. The project has now come to an end and it was
funded by the Department of Health.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.expertpatients.nhs.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09547762
The rise of the expert patient [author: Ann Shuttleworth]
Journal article in Nursing Times, 7 February 2006, vol 102, no 6, pp 18-19.
The author explains the implications of the white paper Our Health, Our Care, Our Say : a new direction in community services, published in February, in respect of the government's commitment to supporting the concept of "self-care". This will have
an affect upon the relationship between nurse and patient in particular. The author describes how the national Expert Patients Programme (EPP), which is a government initiative, will empower patients with long-term conditions through courses, to
them confidence to lead a better life. Key factors in helping to develop expert patients are outlined in the article. For further information about the national NHS EPP, visit the website link given below.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: www.expertpatients.nhs.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09547762