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Single Assessment Process - organisations
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
2020 Project 20/20 is a project set up by a number of national older people's housing stakeholders
who have joined forces to examine the future of older people's housing and care. This is especially
important because of the rate of demographic change, with an anticipated increase in older people
when in 2020, the number will begin to peak as a proportion of the general population. This
consultation paper launches the Project and a number of activities throughout 2005. The consultation
paper asks for views on a number of key areas that need to be examined more closely: extra care
housing; design standards; support services; diversity and equality issues; telecare; the sheltered
housing workforce; and the market place. (KJ/RH) Contact details: Michele Hollywood 11a
Westminster Palace Gardens 1 - 7 Artillery Row London SW1P 1RL Tel: 01784 446001 |
Fax: |  Email:
michele.hollywood@hanover.org.uk |  Other Contacts:
Helen Needham Web link(s):
Action on Elder Abuse Action on Elder Abuse is a multi-disciplinary membership organisation that aims
to prevent the abuse of older people by raising awareness; encouraging education; promoting
research; and collecting and disseminating information. It provides a national information and
advice service, and also guidance for the prevention of, and action on, the abuse of older people.
AEA offers a wide variety of free information sheets and a number of training packages geared
toward various staffing groups and situations. These include training books and videos. AEA is
actively involved in the PoVA (Protection of Vulnerable Adults) consultation process which is due to
be implemented in June 2004. (Moved to new premises in July 2009). Contact details: Gary
Fitzgerald, Director, Action on Elder Abuse P.O Box 60001 London SW16 9BY Tel: 020 8835
9280 | Fax: 020 8696 9328 0808 808 8141 helpline |  Email: garyfitzgerald@elderabuse.org.uk |  enquiries@elderabuse.org.uk Other Contacts:
Web link(s): http://www.elderabuse.org.uk
Acton Shapiro Acton Shapiro is a specialist independent company providing consultancy and research in
the fields of health and social care. Directed by Liz Newbronner and Chris Acton, our team has a
wide range of skills gained through many years of experience in health, social services and the
voluntary sector. Acton Shapiro worked jointly with SPRU, University of York as part of the study
which produced the report: Outcomes-focused Services for Older People (2006). Contact
details: Chris Acton School Lane Greengate Malton York YO17 7EL Tel: 01653
691351 | Fax: 01653 698589 |  Email: consultancy@actonshapiro.co.uk |  Other Contacts: Liz Newbronner Web link(s):
Age Concern England As the training division of Age Concern England, Age Concern Training provides
extensive training services from fourteen regional locations offering local open and in-house
courses for professionals caring for older people. Contact Pauline Norton for general enquiries
about training services and contact Graham Steele if you have a specific enquiry about an advertised
course. Contact details: Graham Steele, Age Concern Training, National Sales and Marketing
Office, Martindale, Hawks Green Lane, Cannock, Staffs, WS11 7XN Tel: 01543 503660 - National
Sales Office (GS) 01434 600552 - National Training Office (PN) | Fax: 01543 504640 -
National Sales Office 01434 600949 - National Training Office |  Email: steeleg@ace.org.uk |  nortonp@ace.org.uk Other Contacts: Pauline Norton,
Director, Age Concern National Training Office, 8/9 Market Place, Hexham, Northumberland NE46
1XF Web link(s):
AIS Systems Ltd AIS Systems Ltd works closely with Dr Iain Carpenter, a leading geriatrician and head
of INTER RAI at the University of Kent and other leading clinical specialists and healthcare
providers on the Single Assessment Process for the Care of the Elderly. AIS currently provides the
internationally accepted Minimum Data Set residential assessment instrument (MDS - RAI) and a
Community version (MDS - HC) which are designed to support the assessment process and produce sound
clinically based care plans for older people. In addition to providing software and implementation
support and training, AIS also provide the nationally certificated MDS instrument training across
both the public and private sectors. Contact details: Ken Collins, Chair, AIS Systems Ltd,
Unit 5, The Courtyard, Wisley, Surrey GU23 6QL Tel: 01932 359370 | Fax: 01932
359359 |  Email: info@aissystems.ltd.uk
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.aissystems.ltd.uk
ALARM - Association of Litigation and Risk
Management ALARM (est.1994) is a nationally
recognised organisation that provides support and professional development to the nominated
representatives of its member healthcare organisations, the majority of which are from NHS primary
or secondary care trusts. These representative members are drawn from clinical and corporate
governance, risk, litigation, health and safety and complaints management. Contact details:
Margaret Dangoor, Executive Director ALARM (Association of Litigation & Risk Managers) Secretariat,
Royal Society of Medicine, Academic Department, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1G 0AE Tel: +44 (0)20
7290 3904 | Fax: |  Email:
ALARM@rsm.ac.uk | 
margaret.dangoor@blueyonder.co.uk Other Contacts: Web link(s): www.alarmhealthcare.org
Alzheimer's Society The Society aims to support all those working with people with dementia and has
produced a range of products, services and training: publications include guides to implementing
good practice and planning quality care services to practical ideas for improving the lives of
people with dementia; Yesterday, today, tomorrow - a video training programme for care staff;
dementia awareness training - for further details and booking information contact the training
co-ordinator Tel 01787 319134; supporting primary health care teams to encourage and enable GPs to
investigate, refer or diagnose people suspected with a dementia. The Alzheimer's Society
quality care team supports trainers to provide effective dementia care courses. The Society's
Approved Trainer's Scheme recommends some of the leading dementia care trainers in the
UK. Contact details: Helen Walton, Quality Care Team, Alzheimer's Society, Quality Care
Initiative, Cromwell House, 31 Micklegate, York YO1 6JH Tel: +44 (0)1904 633581 +44 (0)1736 33
33 33 orders | Fax: +44 (0)01904 659 651 |  Email: qci@alzheimers.org.uk |  branchtraining@alzheimers.org.uk Other
Contacts: London Head Office, Gordon House, 10 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1PH tel: 020 7306
0606 Web link(s): http://www.alzheimers.org.uk
Anite The SAP solution from Anite offers a low risk framework for joint working between
health and social care based on the continued use of existing systems. Anite's widely used social
care system, SWIFT, is designed to capture the single assessment for older people, and then share it
with health IT systems. Anite's approach is based on provision of standard system interfaces that
can integrate SAP within the current delivery of care. Anite recognises that not all health and
social care communities are at the same stage of development of their IT strategies - particularly
in terms of electronic records, and the level of existing integration between health and social
care. Anite's SAP product set, therefore in addition to SWIFT support, includes a number of
optional components such as the support for mobile assessment recording, and integration with other
assessment recording systems. Anite has recently colloborated with Kent County Council to produce a
website of online-self assessment. Contact details: Colin Gunner, Product Manager, Health &
Social Care, Sheridan House, Pitfield Kiln Farm, Milton Keynes MK11 3LW Tel: +44 (0)1908
264500 | Fax: +44 (0)1908 264501 |  Email: Colin.Gunner@anite.com |  publicsector@anite.com Other Contacts: Web
link(s): http://www.anite.com
A&R Associates Annie Zlotnick is an independent trainer and outlines her experience:- My
background in health and social care includes management of protection cases in all settings -
hospital, community and residential. I have masters' degrees in social work and counselling. Since
arriving in the UK seventeen years ago I have offered courses, consultancy and keynote addresses
around topics of adult protection. Clients include London Boroughs of Barnet, Brent, Hillingdon,
Hounslow, Tower Hamlets, Kingston, Croydon, Havering, Bromley as well as Camden and Islington Care
Trust, Brent Mental Health Care Trust, Royal London and Barts Hospital Trust. Articles have been
published in the Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect and Community Care, amongst others. Highly
participative courses on subjects including but not limited to - Protection of Vulnerable Adults -
all levels; Law and consent in the care of vulnerable adults; Chairing case conferences; Risk
assessment. Courses can be designed for specific needs. Contact details: Annie Zlotnick,
11 Arden Road, London, N3 3AB Tel: +44 (0)20 8346 6528 | Fax: +44 (0)20 8343 1357
|  Email: anniemdi@btinternet.com
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Association of Social Care Communicators
(ASCC) The Association of Social Care
Communicators (ASCC) is the only UK organisation that links and supports public information workers
in social services and social work departments, health and voluntary sector organisations. It aims
to facilitate the flow of information to avoid unnecessary duplication of work which is costly in
terms of staff time and resources. Formally established in November 1986 as The Social Services
Information Network (SSIN) in May 2003 the SSIN name evolved into the ASSC. The website provides
access to a good practice database and related resources to members. Contact details: Paul
Ainsworth, Administrator Tel: 01223 718141 - Paul Ainsworth 01635 519024 - Yvette
Jones | Fax: |  Email: paul.ainsworth@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
|  yjones@westberks.gov.uk Other
Contacts: Yvette Jones, Chair; Michele Talbot-McIntosh, Good Practice Coordinator Web link(s):
Better Government for Older People (BGOP) [Ceased
operation 3rd May 2009] BGOP is a local and
national partnership in which older people are the key partners. It aims to influence and shape
decision-making and policy development at all local levels of governance. By realising effectively
the potential of older people BGOP demonstrates not only good practice in service delivery but how
to bridge the gap that can exist between the policy intentions of central/local government, other
agencies and local implementation. BGOP has recently completed two research projects on older
people's champions, and strategies for older people from black and minority ethnic groups. It
produces a journal, Stratagem and also the BGOP Handbook which contains comprehensive information
for developing partnerships and sharing information and learning across the UK. Contact
details: Mervyn Eastman, Director, Director BGOP, 25-31 Ironmonger Row, London EC1V 3QP
Tel: 44 (0)207 553 6530 | Fax: 44 (0)207 553 6531 |  Email: information@bgop.org.uk | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.bgop.org.uk
British Association for Service to the Elderly
(BASE) BASE provides training in the care of
older people and other adults who need care and support. It offers a wide range of professional
training and career development, as well as consultancy and facilitation services. BASE organises
workshops and conferences and publishes a number of training resource packs. Contact details:
Dr Chris Joyce, BASE, 119 Hassell Street, Newcastle under Lyne, Staffs ST5 1AX Tel: 01782
661033 | Fax: 01782 661033 |  Email: basenul@intonet.co.uk | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.base.org.uk
British Institute of Learning Disabilities
(BILD) BILD provides information,
publications and training and consultancy services for organisations and individuals on topics
relating to learning disabilities. Contact details: British Institute of Learning
Disabilities, Campion House, Green Street, Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY10 1JL Tel: 01562
723010 | Fax: 01562 723029 |  Email:
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.bild.org.uk/training/index.htm
British Medical Association The BMA's Community Care Committee monitors policy and service
trends in community care, and advises on the resolution of problems at the interface of primary and
secondary health care and social care. It identifies unmet areas of need, and promotes new
approaches to care. The website includes good practice guidelines for working with carers and other
useful information. Contact details: Dr Andrew Dearden, Chairperson, Community Care
Committee, British Medical Association, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JP Tel: 020
7387 4499 | Fax: 020 7383 6400 |  Email: info.web@bma.org.uk | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Brunswicks LLP Brunswicks LLP offers services across the full range of legal needs in the health and
social care sector from all types of employee issues, such as POVA/POCA matters to challenging
Urgent Cancellation applications and everything in between including challenging CSCI investigations
and reports, negotiating with purchasers and lobbying. Mr Keith Lewin, formerly of DLA Piper law
firm, has set up this new law firm, Brunswicks LLP, with the key aim of servicing the health and
social care sector. Brunswicks LLP is regulated by the Law Society. Contact details: Keith
Lewin, Senior Partner Suite 3, 56 Hamilton Square, Birkenhead CH41 5AS Tel: 0870 766
9285 | Fax: 0871 288 4089 |  Email: keith.lewin@brunswickslaw.com |  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.brunswickslaw.com
BVS Training Limited A brochure is available which details the training resources that are available;
there are some 40 different training packages for in-house training that include person centred
care; dementia; adult protection. Specifically designed to help staff meet relevant S/NVQ, Skills
for Care, Care Council for Wales, SEARCH and LDAF training standards. Clips of packages can be
viewed online. BVS also deliver train the trainer courses aimed at managers, supervisors and people
new to training in locations: Manchester, Bournemouth, Birmingham, London (other locations upon
request). Contact details: 271-273 King Street London W6 9LZ Tel: 0845 644
2866 | Fax: 0845 644 2877 |  Email:
info@bvs.co.uk |  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.bvs.co.uk
CARE (Centre for Applied Research in
Education) The Training to Care Programme,
launched in 2003, is a collaborative project led jointly by Norwich PCT and the Centre for Applied
Research in Education at the University of East Anglia. It is using research methods in order to
design and develop a package intended to promote the involvement of patients and carers in the
assessment and care of older people. Contact details: CARE, University of East Anglia,
University Plain, Norwich, NR4 7TJ Tel: | Fax: |  Email: |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Care Record Development Board Established in July 2004, the Board brings together patients,
public, social and healthcare professionals in one body. It will provide clinical and patient input
into the development of IT by the National Programme for IT replacing the National Programme’s
Patient Advisory Board and National Clinical Advisory Board. Responsible for the production of the
Care Record Guarantee, first published in July 2005 and then revised in July 2006 (see: SAP Learning
materials). Further information about the Board can be obtained from its website. The Board
also set up the Do Once and Share (DOAS) SAP Action Team. This project was completed in March 2006,
and a link to its work and reports can be found on the SAP Home page. Harry Cayton, will lead
the taskforce the Summary Care Record implementation. The taskforce will include: Ealing PCT's
Executive Director of Quality, Clinical Governance and Clinical Practice Ursula Gallagher; BMA
Chair, James Johnson; Royal college of GPs Chair, Mayur Lakhani; RCN General Secretary, Beverly
Malone; BMA GP's Committee Chair, Hamish Meldrum; Chief Executive of Barnsley Hospital Foundation
Trust, Jan Sobieraj; London Ambulance Service Trust Chair, Sigurd Reinton; Centre for Ethics and
Communication in Health Care Director, professor Mike Parker; Terrence Higgins Trust Chief Executive
Nick Partirdge; Patient Advocate, Maria Shortis; college of Emergency Medicine President, Jim
Wardrope. The National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care (NIGB - web link
2) has taken over the functions of the former Care Record Development Board (CRDB) which closed at
the end of September 2007 Chair is Harry Cayton. Contact details: Harry Cayton, Chair
Department of Health 79 Whitehall London SW1A 2NS Tel: | Fax: | 
Email: crdb@cfh.nhs.uk | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s):
http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/nigb
Care Services Improvement Partnership - CSIP, Department
of Health - DH The weblink is part of the
Social Care Programme's information on implementing the White Paper, "Our health, our care, our say
: a new direction for community services" (Cm 6737, January 2006) A previous version of the
weblink (accessed 3 November 2006) outlined the Social Care Team's intentions regarding the Common
Assessment Framework (CAF). The Team would seek to: provide ongoing project implementation
support to up to 11 self-assessment pilot sites in England; act as a primary point of liaison
between the Department of Health (DH) and the pilot sites; support policy leads in the DH to
establish and manage a policy collaborative and to develop a detail specification for a Common
Assessment Framework; liaise with NHS Connecting for Health (CfH) and specifically the E-Social
Care Records Board in respect of the information management and technology (IM&T) requirements
needed to underpin a Common Assessment Framework; provide support with others to four local RAP
pilot project teams in respect of the proposed implementation of a standardised overview assessment
process and eventual piloting of a CAF; provide national leadership in respect of project
communications with localities and dissemination of learning / good practice once a model has been
developed; provide advice about national implementation issues to DH in respect of CSR 2007 and
potential national roll-outs of the pilots; and advise DH about requirements to support
national roll-out from end March 2008. Contact details: Tel: | Fax:
|  Email: |  Other
Contacts: Web link(s):
http://www.socialcare.csip.org.uk/index.cfm?pid=7 -
CareandHealth CareandHealth was established in October 2000 to facilitate and promote professional
information and communication exchange within the social care and health sectors. It offers
professional-led solutions to the practical management, recruitment, communications and information
needs of social care and health professionals, with training, consultancy, conferences and
masterclasses, books, videos and publications. CareandHealth's activities include:
CareandHealth Magazine for care and health professionals; http://www.careandhealth.com offering
debate, news, features, information and other virtual services to those with an interest in the
sector; CareandHealth Management Services provides interim management, performance improvement,
human resources solutions and health and social care interfacing; Careand Health Professional
Development covers legal issues around today's regulatory and legislative environment. Contact
details: Belinda Schwehr, 21-27 Seagrave Road, London, SW6 1RP, or, Suite 9 Annandale House,
Crichton Business Park, Bankend Road, Dumfries DG1 4TA Tel: 0870 901 7773 0870 0500 545
(Dumfries office) | Fax: 01279 793244 0870 0500 546 (Dumfries office) | 
Email: info@careandhealth.com |  Other Contacts: The Professional and Development Training Team Web
link(s): http://www.careandhealth.com
Carers UK Carers UK offers training courses for health and social care professionals, advice
workers, lawyers and others working with carers. The training unit is accredited by the Law Society
and the Institute of Legal Executives. Issues include benefits, law, advocacy, community care law,
rights. Contact details: Carers Training Unit, Carers UK, 20-25 Glasshouse Yard, London,
EC1A 4JT Tel: 020 7566 7632 | Fax: 020 7490 8824 |  Email: training@ukcarers.org | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Central Consultancy & Training Central is a not-for-profit consultancy and training company
providing services to the social care, health and housing sectors with a track record of working
across agencies. It has been established for over 20 years, based in the Midlands with a network of
associate consultants across the country. Central's social care and health portfolio includes a
programme of training courses on issues connected to older people: e.g protection of vulnerable
adults; welfare benefits; understanding dementia, developing activities and more recently support
for the single assessment process. For further details about Central's consultancy work supporting
SAP, and Elissa Renouf's role as Senior Consultant, please consult the attached documents which can
be downloaded. Central
Consultancy | Elissa
Renouf Contact details: Elissa Renouf, Senior Consultant, 28 Pickford Street, Digbeth,
Birmingham B5 5QH Tel: +44 (0)121 643 4745/3747 | Fax: +44 (0)121 643 6321
|  Email:
elissa@renouf@centralgs.co.uk | 
info@centralgs.co.uk Other Contacts: Jackie Atkin, Sales & Customer Relations Manager
Web link(s): http://www.centralgs.co.uk
Centre for Health Services Studies, University of
Kent Senectus, located within the Centre for
Health Services Studies (CHSS) at the University of Kent, aims to develop effective assessment
processes based primarily on the use of the interRAI MDS assessment system. It also supports the
implementation of best practice in assessment and use of assessment data, and provides performance
information. Senectus acts as an information resource for accredited UK and international
researchers, and provides auditing information for quality assessment. CHSS is an
interdisciplinary research centre which supports research in the NHS in Kent and Surrey and has a
programme of national and international health services research.The centre draws together a wide
range of research and disciplinary expertise, including health and social policy, medical sociology,
public health and epidemiology, geriatric medicine, primary care, physiotherapy, statistical and
information analysis. Contact details: Dr Hilary Bungay, Project Manager, Senectus, Centre
for Health Services Studies, George Allen Wing, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF
Tel: 01227 827914 - Dr Hilary Bungay 01227 827760 - Dr Iain Carpenter | Fax:
|  Email: enquiries@senectus.org
|  Other Contacts: Dr Iain Carpenter Web link(s):
http://www.senectus.org http://www.kent.ac.uk/chss/
Centre for Care of Older People (CCOP), University of
Northumbria The Centre has been established
to consolidate and develop existing activity across disciplines in the area of the care of older
people. The researchers involved come from a variety of professional backgrounds; nursing, social
work, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. The Centre undertakes research activity which is
practice driven, focusing on the issues around care delivery. It also has a commitment to
multi-disciplinary research. Current research activity has focused on issues of care in the
independent sector care home environment, with particular attention being paid to issues of liaison
with statutory agencies, the older persons experience of services, and issues of regulation and
quality assurance. The Centre collaborates with major health and social service providers and
commissioning agencies and has close links with local health Trusts and other providers. The Centre
has been conducting research in collaboration with the University of Northumbria's Nursing,
Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Research and Development Unit, and details of its work is
currently on the Unit's website. Professor Reed is currently working on an EU-funded project
looking at integrated care for older people across the continent. Contact details: Jan
Reed, Professor of Health Care for Older People, Centre for Care of Older People, Faculty of
Health, Social Work and Education, University of Nurthumbria, Room H017, Coach Lane Campus,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7XA Tel: 0191 215 6142 | Fax: 0191 215 6083 | 
Email: |  Other Contacts: Bill
Watson Margaret Cook Web link(s):
Centre for Evidence Based Social Services
(CEBSS) The Centre for Evidence-Based Social
Services (CEBSS) was set up in 1997 with the main aim of ensuring that decisions taken at all levels
of social services are informed by trends from good quality research. CEBBS' website of critically
appraised social care research can now be accessed free through the eLSC (Electronic Library For
Social Care) www.be-evidence-based.com as well as from CEBBS. A current project funded by CEBSS
is Partnerships in Practice (PiP): using evidence of best practice to underpin the integration of
primary health care and social care. The project has a practical focus aimed at front line managers
in social services and health care teams. The Project Team consists of a partnership of the NHS and
social services specialists, directed and co-ordinated by Peter Thistlethwaite, Centre for Social
Policy, Dartington. Previously based at Exeter University, from 1 November 2004 CEBSS
relocated to the Research in Practice offices in Dartington for an initial period of six months. It
is hoped that CEBBS will become a department of the Dartington Hall Trust later in 2005. CEBSS
will then focus on supporting members to develop evidence-based practice in adult services, to
complement the work Research in Practice undertakes with children. Dr. Tony Newman has been seconded
from Barnardo's until June 2005 to develop this new initiative. Contact details: Dr. Tony
Newman, c/o Research in Practice, Blacklers, Park Road, Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon TQ9 6EQ
Tel: 01803 867692 | Fax: 01803 868816 |  Email: tony@rip.org.uk . | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Change Agent Team, Health and Social Care, Department of
Health - DH The Health and Social Care
Change Agent Team (CAT) was set up in 2002 to help health and social care communities tackle the
problem of patients staying in hospital longer than necessary (delayed transfers of care). Since
then, its remit has grown, and it now provides advice and support on a wide range of issues that
affect the care of older people. CAT can help with work to implement the National Service
Framework for Older People (NSF). For example, advice is offered on::planning and commissioning
care; the single assessment process; developing intermediate care and housing; and improving
mental health, stroke and falls services. The Change Agent Team and the Department of Health
policy team are working together on the implementation of the single assessment process (SAP). See
also: Housing Learning & Improvement Network (LIN), Change Agent Team / Care Services Improvement
Partnership (CSIP). Contact details: Seamus Breen, Single Assessment Lead, Department of
Health, Health and Social Care Change Agent Team, Wellington House, Room LG33, 135-155 Waterloo
Road, London, SE1 8UG. Tel: 0779 5120943 (SB mobile) 020 7972 1330 | Fax: 020 7972
4349 |  Email:
Seamus.Breen@doh.gsi.gov.uk | 
change_agent_team@doh.gsi.gov.uk Other Contacts: Judy McCallum, Finance and Office
Manager Web link(s):
Concord Video and Film Council Limited
Concord Video and Film Council has a large collection of
programmes for hire and sale on all aspects of caring, including categories for old people, social
work and social issues. The products can be used in training and for discussion starters by all
those concerned with social welfare, nursing and related subjects. A catalogue is
available. Contact details: Customer Services, Concord Video and Film Council Ltd, 22 Hines
Road, The Rosehill Centre, Ipswich IP3 9BG Tel: 01473 726012 | Fax: 01473 274531
|  Email: concordvideo@btinternet.com
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.btinternet.com/~concordvideo
Datanow Ltd Yvonne Webb at Datanow Ltd, is a psychologist and organisational consultant who has
worked for many years on the development of the FACE single assessment tools, and also on needs
assessment, risk assessment and service user tools. She provides training in Single Assessment as
well as support in setting up and implementing the single assessment process and structures to
facilitate its success. Datanow Ltd. specialises in information gathering processes to support
service development in health and social services. The variety of work they have been involved with
includes: - strategic needs assessment - e.g. for planning future services
- clinical
audits - client-patient population profiles and case mix
- service development, review and
- staff development - surveys, audits and facilitated away days
- staff
training - single assessment and care planning, core competencies, managing the professional-client
relationship, etc.
- service activity analysis - referral patterns and future trends
DataNowLtd also provide help with database management and interim analysis of completed
Single Assessment data for services waiting for upgraded IT system support. See Datanow’s website for more details of its clinical training,
organisational consultancy, and data analysis services. Contact details: Yvonne Webb 18B
Towpath Walk, London E9 5HX Tel: 020 85253961 | Fax: |  Email: yvonnewebb@datanowltd.com |  enquiries@datanowltd.com Other Contacts: Web
link(s): http://www.datanowltd.com
Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC)
The Dementia Services Development Centre at the University
of Stirling, assists in the development and improvement of services for people with dementia and
their carers. The Centre provides advice, contacts, consultancy and information to any person or
organisation setting up or improving services. The Centre provides training for managers and
planners and undertakes evaluation research on services with a particular emphasis on innovative
practice. It also provides internal and external publications, workshops, seminars and
conferences. The CarenapD Assessment Tool is a specially devised community based assessment
tool for people with dementia and their carers with a focus on unmet need. DSDC provide the
training for its use. There is also a Software Application to assist in the collation and production
of assessment data. The Dementia Primary Care Training Initiative is a major part of the
Centre's work with GPs and Community Nurses to raise awareness, provide updated information on
dementia, encourage earlier diagnosis and promote integrated working. Contact details: Alan
Chapman, Education and Training Officer, Dementia Services Development Centre, University of
Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA Tel: 01786 467744 01786 467740 - main no | Fax: 01786
466846 |  Email: a.j.chapman@stir.ac.uk
|  m.t.marshall@stir.ac.uk Other
Contacts: Professor Mary Marshall Director Web link(s):
Do Once and Share (DOAS) SAP Action Team
The Do Once and Share (DOAS) SAP Action Team was
established by the Care Record Development Board (CRDB). Its aims included setting up and
facilitating a SAP learning and information network, and determining barriers to implementation of
IT systems to support the Single Assessment Process. The Action Team was chaired by Beverly
Castleton and Keith Strahan (Hounslow), with Dr Richard Curry as Project Manager. The work of the
team was carried out by four sub-groups: Vision and Pathway; e-SAP Implementation; SAP Community /
Network; and Triggering into Comprehensive Assessment (SAP and Complex Assessments). The DOAS
project was completed in March 2006, and a link to its work and reports and those of the sub-groups
can be found on the SAP home page. Other information can be found on the CRDB web link. Contact
details: Tel: | Fax: |  Email:
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) HousingCare.org, is a site for older people and all who provide
housing, care or support to them. The site aims to help older people make decisions about where to
live, and any support or care they need. It is a partnership venture, led by the charity Elderly
Accommodation Counsel (EAC). It includes a library of information materials about all aspects of
housing, care and support services for older people and information on HOOP - the Housing Options
for Older People housing appraisal tool. Website has specific 'doors' for three audiences:
service providers - providing care or housing support; advisors; individuals. Contact
details: EAC, 3rd Floor; 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TP Tel: 44 (0)20 7820
1343 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7820 3970 |  Email: enquiries@e-a-c.demon.co.uk |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Emap Healthcare Open Learning Emap Healthcare Opening Learning produces a range of learning
materials including The Care of the Older Person Programme which was developed to incorporate the
main elements of the National Service Framework for Older People.The full programme comprises the
following modules: Professional Practices in the Care of the Older Person. General Nursing
Perspectives and the Care of the Older Person. Learning Disabilities and the Care of the Older
Person. Mental Health and the Care of the Older Person. The Older Person and Society. Contact
details: Emap Healthcare Ltd., Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London NW1 7EJ Tel:
+44 (0) 20 7874 0600 +44 (0) 20 7874 0601 | Fax: |  Email: open.learning@emap.com | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s):
ERoSH ERoSH is the national consortium for sheltered housing representing providers of
housing for older people (registered social landlords and local authorities) as well as
organisations, companies and individuals working with older people and the sheltered housing sector.
ERoSH seeks to widen knowledge and understanding of sheltered and retirement housing, and how it
can contribute effectively to community care, among the professional sectors which come into contact
with older people and their relatives, by raising awareness and the sharing of Best Practice.
ERoSH produces useful checklists to help joint working with health and social care partners,
available from their website: A Checklist for Hospital and Primary Care Staff; A Checklist for
Social Services; Sheltered Housing has Changed - 8 Key Questions and Answers; A Checklist for
Sheltered Housing Providers. Available to purchase through the website, Support Plans: A Good
Practice Guide, providing guidelines for supporting people with changing and complex support
needs. Contact details: Imogen Parry, Chair, the Collaboration and Development Group, ERoSH,
PO Box 2616, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 1WZ Tel: 44 (0)1249 654 249 | Fax:
|  Email: info@shelteredhousing.org
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
European Management Systems EMS in association with Cambridgeshire County Council have
developed Catalytix - the Common Assessment Tool. This is the electronic version of the
Cambridgeshire Common Assessment Tool and it is now available to run on desktop, laptop or Pocket
PC. The Laptop and Pocket PC versions both allow for live, field based use. The latest assessment
questionnaire is downloaded using standard mobile phone technology. Where possible prescribed
answers are also downloaded. The EMS website link allows you to read their guide to
getting started with Catalytix, see an online demonstration or to read a recently published case
study on their work with Cambridgeshire Country Council. EMS offers software, consultancy and
training to clients. Contact details: Peter Morrell, Managing Director, European Management
Systems PLC, Imperial House, 21-25 North Street, Bromley, Kent BR1 1SD Tel: +44 (0) 020 8289
4545 | Fax: |  Email:
info@euroman.co.uk |  pmorrell@euroman.co.uk
Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Evolutions - Professional Learning and
Development Evolutions provides training to
people working within the health and social care sector whether this is within local authority,
health trusts, private or voluntary organisations. Examples of training provided are taught
programmes to support competency based management awards i.e. NVQ4 in Care and NVQ4 Registered
Manager (adults) Award. All training is supported by specially written materials, which integrate
competencies to enable organisations and individuals to maximise training opportunities and
available budgets. A range of other training is also provided e.g. understanding change and loss,
adult protection issues effective joint working, understanding organisational culture and change,
and care management. Evolutions also undertake a variety of interim consultancy and workforce
development work. This has included workforce development research to inform strategic plans;
evaluation projects; developing and writing training packs to support care management
implementation; the development of education and training strategies to support SAP implementation.
Evolutions is currently working with the NE London SAP Leads to develop and write training
packs to support the core modules of the SAP Education and Training Strategy. Contact
details: Eleanor Langridge, Evolutions - Professional Learning and Development, 2nd Floor, 72a
Victoria Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1UN Tel: 44 (0)1903 201012 mobile
07734247959 | Fax: 44(0)1903 21966 |  Email: eleanor@evolutionspld.co.uk |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
FACE FACE Recording and Management Systems have developed FACE - Functional Assessment of
the Care Environment for Older People, a single assessment tool accredited by the Department of
Health. Training is available for all FACE tools by specialist FACE training staff. The sessions
comprise one or more of the following modules: Introduction to FACE for practitioners; for trainers;
and for senior staff/managers. Use of FACE assessments. Use of FACE risk profile. Use of
self-report tools. Scoring methods. A new set of Older Persons Assessments tools packs are
currently being issued. They include: Background Information and Contact Assessment Form; FACE
Overview Assessment Form; Referral Form. A licence has to be purchased from FACE to use the
assessments on client/patient files. FACE has a number of user groups, including one on older
people in general, with SAP as a particular focus. Mick McAndrew is the contact. Registered users
of FACE have access to a members' section on its website, which can also be used by interested
non-users on a 3-month trial basis on application to FACE in the first instance. Contact
details: Paul Clifford, FACE Recording and Management Systems, King John Chambers, 13 - 15
Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham NG1 2 GR Tel: 0115 950 8300 - Nottingham 0208 488 6218 - Paul
Clifford, London | Fax: |  Email:
Piclifford@aol.com | 
mick@intermation.ltd.uk Other Contacts: Mick McAndrew, Project and Liaison Officer FACE
Web link(s): http://www.facecode.com
Faiers Training Nigel Faiers is an independent trainer and he has outlined below the training he is
able to offer organisations. Faiers Training provides abuse awareness training and other
courses for managers and front line staff working with vulnerable adults in any care or support
setting, including services registered with the Commission for Social Care Inspection or in receipt
of Supporting People funding. Faiers Training uses sixteen years of experience in the care and
support sector to deliver training that is both professional and practical. Courses are tailored to
reinforce policies and procedures you already have in place, which reflect the environment in which
you operate, rather than delivery of generic ready-made courses. In addition to providing in-house
training courses, Faiers Training also train the trainers for a leading elder abuse charity.
Courses offered include: · Abuse Awareness · Needs & Risk Assessment and Support Planning · Power,
Attitudes and Values · Welcoming Complaints · Dealing with aggression and violent behaviour ·
Introduction to Learning Disabilities Contact details: Nigel Faiers, Herts, HP1 1TZ Tel:
+44 (0)14442 404971 mobile: 07986 837463 | Fax: |  Email: |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
FAST healthcare Ltd FAST healthcare was established in 2002 to provide e-learning training solutions
designed specifically to meet the multi-professional needs of primary health care and community
personnel. It works in partnership with those in primary health care to help identify training and
learning needs and to come up with solutions. FAST healthcare offers a work-based interactive
e-learning course on NSF for Older People - the Single Assessment Process (SAP) developed in
collaboration with Northumbria, Lincs, Essex and Beds & Herts SAP project directors, including input
from adult social and health services, with over 13,000 users around the country. Accredited
by the Royal College of Physicians it is being widely adopted by Adult Services and NHS Trusts as a
valuable learning tool for the personal and professional development of professionals and support
staff. Cumbria & Lancashire, Carmarthenshire, Oxford and London Borough of Southwark are the most
recent authorities now followed by East Berkshire, taking up the SAP e-learning course with the FAST
Learning Management System (LMS) giving course-tracking, reporting and training audits. View leaflet.
| accreditation details. Contact details: Richard Norrie LL.M, PGCE, FAST healthcare
Ltd, 3 Stedham Hall, Stedham, West Sussex GU29 0PS Tel: 44 (0)1730 814936 Mob: 07973 55 36
79 | Fax: 44 (0)871 251 9528 |  Email: enquiries@fasthealthcare.com |  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.fasthealthcare.com
FileVision FileVision is a global software company that develops information relationship
management software. Our solution, FileVision, shares a heritage with document management and
document imaging solutions and enables organizations to bridge the gap between digital content and
paper documents by easily and strategically creating relationships between important, disparate
pieces of information. FileVision is a supplier to the UK health sector, and provides one of the
most innovative eSAP applications and is actively engaged with CfH contributing to the National
Framework for eSAP. The product range includes low cost, low risk and low tech options to the SAP
practitioner in the field. In 2008, FileVision has introduced a new subscription package for
transferring from a paper based SAP to an electronic SAP system - FileVision eSAP. Contact
details: David Miller Vice President Europe UK Office Atlantic House Imperial Way Reading RG2
0TD Tel: +44 (0)118 903 6066 | Fax: +44 (0)118 903 6100 |  Email: mail@filevision.com | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s):
For dementia training For dementia training specialises in the provision of high quality, affordable
training for those who work with older people and people with dementia. A new course - Undertaking
assessments using a person-centred approach - is aimed at anyone involved in assessing the needs of
older people and people with dementia, and how to take a person-centred approach to ensuring their
needs are properly addressed. Contact details: Mike Phillips, Training Services Manager, 6
Camden High Street, London NW1 0JH Tel: 020 7874 7224 (Direct Line) | Fax: 020 7874
7219 |  Email:
mike.phillips@fordementia.org.uk |  Other Contacts:
Web link(s): http://www.fordementia.org.uk
Gail Runton Associates Gail Runton Associates have been used by a leading charity on elder abuse for
POVA training. Contact details: Gail Runton 13 Leece Lane Barrow in Furness LA13 0JQ
Tel: +44 (0)1229 823006 | Fax: +44 (0)1229 823006 |  Email: gail.runton@btinternet.com |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Gill Herbert Development & Consultancy Ltd
Gill Herbert Development & Consultancy Ltd is a small
company which uses independent consultants to assist local and national developments in modernising
health and social care services. It will customise programmes to your needs, drawing on a broad
experience of working across health and social care, and linking policy to practice. Areas of
expertise: planning and managing change, facilitating partnership working across the
public and independent sectors, workforce development, working with people who need or use
services, or reviewing and evaluating progress. View the website for details of specific
projects and publications. Gill Herbert also works in partnership with the Nuffield Institute for
Health, Leeds. Contact details: Gill Herbert, Ashfield, 20 Wood Lane, Newsome, Huddersfield
HD4 6QG Tel: +44 (01)484 361975 | Fax: |  Email: gill@gillherbert.com | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Hawker Publications Produces publications, practice-based conferences and information resources on
dementia care. Contact details: Dr Richard Hawkins, Hawker Publications, Culvert House,
Culvert Road, Battersea SW11 5DH Tel: 020 7720 2108 | Fax: 020 7498 3023
|  Email:
hawker@hawkerpubs.demon.co.uk |  Other Contacts:
Web link(s): http://www.careinfo.org
HealthSystems Consultants Limited HealthSystems Consultants Limited provide a wide range of
healthcare informatics and related services to healthcare providers in the UK and Europe. A full
range of services covers healthcare informatics; clinical, financial, HR and management. Their
business mission is to provide the highest possible quality of healthcare informatics consultancy to
the NHS and to other healthcare providers. " About 70% of work each year comes from existing
previous clients." HealthSystems Consultants have been involved in creating implementation
solutions, with authorities, to the single assessment process and further details of their work can
be obtained from their website. Contact details: 5 The Courtyard Wisley Surrey GU23 6QL
Tel: +44 (0)1932 352011 | Fax: +44 (0)1932 359359 |  Email: info@healthsysconsult.co.uk |  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.healthsysconsult.co.uk
Help and Care Help and Care is an independent organisation that works with older people and carers of
all ages across Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset. It is also increasingly engaged in regional and
national work, service and strategy developments. Current activities and services include: housing
related support; information provision including a one-stop service for older people looking for
information and support with housing, health, benefits and social care; one-to-one support
consisting of a team of advocacy and support workers; outreach and community development; research -
supporting and resourcing older people to carry out their own research on topics pertinent to them;
and a provider of patient and public involvement forums Contact details: Mark Sharman,
Director, Help and Care, The Pokesdown Centre, 896 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH7 6DL Tel:
44 (0)1202 432288 | Fax: 44 0)1202 432299 |  Email: info@helpandcare.org.uk | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Help the Aged Jonathan Ellis is the lead on policy and strategy matters around the Single Assessment
Process for Help the Aged. Contact details: Jonathan Ellis, Policy Manager, Help the Aged,
207-221 Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ Tel: 020 7239 1886 - Jonathan Ellis 020 7278 1114 - main
number | Fax: 020 7278 1116 |  Email: jonathan.ellis@helptheaged.org.uk | 
Other Contacts: Kathryn Willmington Web link(s): http://www.helptheaged.org.uk
Housing Learning & Improvement Network (LIN), Change Agent
Team / Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP). The Housing LIN brings together groups of senior staff within local authorities,
Primary Care Trusts, Registered Social Landlords and the private sector interested in forging closer
partnerships in delivering housing with extra care solutions for older people. Although located at
the offices of EAC (Elderly Accommodation Counsel), Housing LIN comes within the remit of the Change
Agent Team, which in April 2005 was subsumed within a new Department of Health agency called the
Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP). While the Housing LIN covers extra-care and
sheltered housing, regional Housing LIN meetings in 2005 have discussed how extra-care housing fits
into the Single Assessment Process (SAP) and/or Supporting People. Among items on the website is a
newsletter, Housing with Care Matters: E-news from the Housing Learning & Improvement Network,
Change Agent Team. Contact details: Housing LIN, c/o EAC, 3rd Floor, 99 Albert
Embankment, London SE1 7TP. Tel: 020 7820 1882 | Fax: |  Email:
housinglin@eac.org.uk | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Impact Social Care Training Impact Social Care Training provide training for staff in social
services departments, housing associations, private care companies and voluntary organisations. Most
of the training takes place in-house, i.e. at the client's premises, anywhere in the UK. They also
provide some open courses such as protection of vulnerable adults and the Topss England induction
and foundation standards. Contact details: David Thornicroft, Operations Director, Impact
Social Care Training, The Priory, High Street, Redbourn, Herts AL3 7LZ Tel: 44 (0)1582
791947 | Fax: 44(0)1582 793768 |  Email: info@impact-training.co.uk |  Other Contacts: Shelley O'Neill, Sales & Marketing Director Web
link(s): http://www.impact-training.co.uk
Integrated Care Network (ICN) The Integrated Care Network (ICN) was established in 2003 and
became part of the Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP) in 2005. It has strong links with
the ADSS, IdeA, NHS Confederation, DCLG and LGA. ICN works to overcome duplication, omission and
fragmentation of resources in health, local government and independent sectors by leading and
coordinating the development of integrated working. It offers a range of resources which include a
national website for sharing information - you can use the website to access and contribute
resources about partnership working, share what you are doing, and find out what others are doing.
ICN also runs regional events; offers support for development programmes; coordinates learning
networks; and produces publications. Contact details: Nigel Walker, National Network Lead
Tel: 0207 972 4095 | Fax: |  Email: mbicn@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Other Contacts: Julia Thompson, Network Manager Web link(s): http://www.integratedcarenetwork.gov.uk
Jackie Pool Associates Jackie Pool Associates provide training and development of statutory, private
and voluntary services to older people with mental health needs. They offer a range of in-house
workshops that can be selected from their brochure or customised to the needs of services. Workshops
include: Working with Elders with Mental Health Needs; Assessment of Elders with Mental Health
Needs; Dementia Explained; Communicating with People with Dementia. Jackie Pool is an
Alzheimer's Society Approved Trainer, and a registered trainer for the Bradford Dementia Group. She
maintains a direct involvement with service users and their carers to ensure that all of the
training material in the workshops is grounded in real life experience. All of Jackie Pool's
Associates are skilled in delivering high quality training and are equally involved in issues
affecting older people with mental health needs. Contact details: Jackie Pool Associates,
PO Box 56, Bishops Waltham SO32 1YP Tel: Telephone/Fax : 01489 892933 | Fax:
|  Email: e-mail:
info@jackie-pool-associates.co.uk |  Other Contacts:
Web link(s):
Joseph Rowntree Foundation JRF provides training for single assessment tools - MDS RAI
(Residential Assessment Instrument ) and MDS HC (the Home Care version) - developed by the Centre
for Health Service Studies, University of Kent. Training is carried out throughout
England. Contact details: Jackie Toms, Hartrigg Oaks, New Earswick, York YO32 4DS Tel:
01904 752212 | Fax: |  Email:
jackie.toms@jrf.org.uk |  Other Contacts: Web
Lanner Management Services Ltd Lanner Management is a training and events management company,
serving primary care health professionals and staff in Norfolk, Suffolk, and
Cambridgeshire. Contact details: Jonathon Fagge, Director, Lanner Management Services Ltd,
Cavell House, Stannard Place, St Crispins Road, Norwich NR3 1YE Tel: 01603 821200. |
Fax: |  Email: info@lanner-events.co.uk
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Liquidlogic Liquidlogic was established to focus solely upon developing an IT environment that
delivers solutions to support multi agency working. It has run and is running SAP pilots at various
localities in England and provides several types of training. These SAP pilots have
involved Liquidlogic in: 1. Installing Liquidlogic's SAP software (Protocol). 2. Helping sites
to manage the project of implementing an electronic solution to SAP. 3. Providing any necessary
training to enable the relevant pilot staff to use the Liquidlogic SAP application (Protocol), to
implement successfully the Single Assessment Solution. 4. Providing 'go-live' support to ensure
Protocol is being used to its full potential. 5. Using feedback from users in the future development
of Protocol. 6. Providing help/advice and the benefit of their experience to set up the complicated
information sharing protocols that exist in multi-agency working. 7. Helping sites to produce
specialist assessments where necessary. 8. Writing and issuing pilot staff with manuals and other
reference guides on how to use Protocol. Liquidlogic has trained staff from multiple agencies
to use their application, Protocol. Protocol contains accredited assessment instruments such as
EASY-Care. This training is aimed at enabling staff to complete assessments, make referrals and
monitor those referrals. At some sites the training has included basic PC skills training to help
users get the best out of Protocol. SAP co-ordinators in some sites have used demonstrations of
Protocol to increase staff awareness of SAP and the possible implications for the service they are
involved in providing. Liquidlogic demonstrate dummy SAP scenarios and the advantages of an
electronic solution to SAP. Liquidlogic has demonstrated Protocol to staff at training sessions run
by EASY-Care. This type of session shows people the benefits of EASY-Care as an assessment tool and
the extra benefits to be gained from using the electronic version. Protocol works on portable
devices such as PDAs and tablets, and Liquidlogic have delivered training to sites using these
devices. This enables staff to complete assessments in service users' homes that can be synchronised
with the main system at a later time. Liquidlogic is currently working with Accenture to
formulate a training package to implement a SAP solution in the clusters that Accenture are the
Local Service Providers for. Contact details: David Grigsby, Business Development Manager,
Liquidlogic, Brookfield House, Brookfield, Selby Road, Leeds LS25 1NB Tel: 0113 232
0100 | Fax: 0113 232 0101 |  Email: enquire@liquidlogic.co.uk |  martin.hide@liquidlogic.co.uk Other Contacts:
Martin Hide Web link(s): http://www.liquidlogic.co.uk
Making Vision Reality Ltd This company is an independent management training & consultancy
organisation that has developed a range of training materials on the Single Assessment Process. It
now has available a Single Assessment Process workbook. Details can be found on the website
including an example of what is contained in the workbook. The workbook can support health and
social care organisations training staff at the induction stage. Craig Williams has
constructed and run a number of SAP training programmes in London and Tyneside. Contact
details: Craig Williams, Managing Partner, Making Vision Reality Ltd, Rock-A-Nore,
High Street, Fairwarp, Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 3BP Tel: 44-(0)1825 712373 | Fax:
44-(0)1825 712417 |  Email:
contact@makingvisionreality.co.uk |  Other Contacts:
Web link(s):
mariondakin.com Marion Dakin is an independent trainer and has developed SAP training sessions for
authorities in the West Midlands. Contact details: Marion Dakin Tel: 07968 268 505
(mobile) | Fax: |  Email:
marion.dakin@fsmail.net |  Other Contacts: Web
link(s): http://www.mariondakin.com
Medicines Partnership Medicines Partnership is an initiative supported by the Department of Health,
aimed at enabling patients to get the most out of medicines, by involving them as partners in
decisions about treatment and supporting them in medicine taking. The website contains information
on medicines within the Single Assessment Process, SAP and concordance, and a checklist to help SAP
coordinators to assess whether medication-related needs are being met. The checklist is available
to download in word and pdf format. Contact details: Joanne Shaw, Director, Medicines
Partnership, 5th floor, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 1 Lambeth High Street, London SE1 7JN.
Tel: 020 7572 2474 | Fax: 020 7572 2508 |  Email: info@medicines-partnership.org |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
National Association for Providers of Activities for Older
People (NAPA) A registered charity, NAPA
aims: a) to provide those who care for older people and people who have dementia, with the theory
and practical tools necessary for the delivery of effective therapeutic activities; and b) to
provide quality training at affordable prices. NAPA courses are aimed at :- activity organisers,
day centre managers and support staff, family and home carers, nurses and nursing OT assistants,
residential and nursing home managers and staff. Training workshops are available for purchase with
flexibility over date, venue and choice from a range of packages; all are one-day events. City
& Guilds 6977 has been developed in conjunction with NAPA; it is a Progression Award: Certificate in
Providing Therapeutic Activities for Older People. The award has been written to a standard similar
to NVQ Level 3 and will require approximately 450 hours of study. There are five units: Human aging
in health and illness; Interpersonal communication; The effective use of resources; Activities, a
therapeutic resource and Delivering therapeutic activities. Each unit will be assessed by means of
a workplace project and related written assignments. There is also a final short paper under exam
conditions. Contact details: Tessa Perrin (general enquiries) Unit 5.12, 5th Floor 71
Bondway London SW8 1SQ Tel: +44 (0) 207 831 3320 | Fax: |  Email: |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
National Development Team for Inclusion
(NDTi) The National Development Team for
Inclusion (NDTi) was formed on 1st April 2009 following the integration of the National Development
Team (NDT) and The Older People's Programme (OPP). NDTi is a development, research and evaluation
consultancy, that covers all aspects of public service reform that aim to improve the life chances
and inclusion of older and disabled people. Current work programme organised around three client
groups e.g. older people, those with a learning disability and users of mental health services
focusing on priority themes e.g housing. Website gives fuller details. Helen Bowers is Head of
the Older People's Programme and can be contacted at the Christchurch office of NDTi : Magnolia
House, 21A Stour Road, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 1PL. T: 01202 471423 E: opp@ndti.org.uk or
helen.bowers@ndti.org.uk. Contact details: Helen Bowers Head Office Business Centre 2nd
Floor Redbridge House Lower Bristol Road BATH BA2 3EW Tel: +44 (0)1225 787982 | Fax:
|  Email: office@ndti.org.uk | 
Other Contacts: Rob Greig (Chief Executive) Web link(s): http://www.ndti.org.uk/home.aspx
National Information Governance Board for Health and
Social Care (NIGB). The National Information
Governance Board for Health and Social Care (NIGB) has taken over the functions of the former Care
Record Development Board (CRDB) which closed at the end of September 2007 Chair is Harry Cayton.
The NIGB has taken over responsibility for reviewing the NHS Care Record Guarantee (developed
by the CRDB), which sets out the rules that will govern information held in the NHS Care Records
Service. The Guarantee covers people's access to their own records, controls on others' access, how
access will be monitored and policed, options people have to further limit access, access in an
emergency, and what happens when someone cannot make decisions for themselves. The Care Record
Guarantee was first published in 2005 and revised in 2006 and 2007. The 2007 version of the Care
Record Guarantee has emphasised and strengthened the clear commitment to the confidentiality and
security of patient's information. Contact details: Tel: | Fax:
|  Email: nigb@nhs.net |  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/nigb
National Institute for Mental Health in
England NIMHE aims to improve the 'quality
of life for all ages who experience mental distress'. Older People's Mental Health (OPMH) is
developing into a core work area. Older adults with mental health needs, and the services for them,
are being considered within all existing work programmes and activity specific to their needs is
being developed. Some draft protocols to diagnose, treat and care for patients with depression
or dementia, developed by specialist mental health services for older people in consultation with
primary care trusts, the voluntary sector and social services are available to download. Contact
details: Dr Susan Benbow, Fellow in Mental Health and Ageing, National Institute for Mental
Health in England, Blenheim House, West One, Duncombe Street, Leeds, LS1 4PL. Tel: 0113 254
3811 | Fax: |  Email:
DrSMBenbow@aol.com |  Ask@nimhe.org.uk
Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.nimhe.org.uk
National Primary Care Research and Development Centre
(NPCRDC) The National Primary Care Research
and Development Centre is a multi disciplinary and academically independent centre, established by
the Department of Health in 1995 to undertake a programme of policy related research in primary
care. It is a collaboration between the Universities of Manchester and York with the main base at
the University of Manchester. Contact details: Communications Officer, National Primary Care
Research and Development Centre, University of Manchester, 5th Floor, Williamson Building, Oxford
Road, Manchester M13 9PL. Tel: 0161 275 7601 (Admin non) 0161 275 7633 (CO) | Fax:
0161 275 7600 |  Email:
communit@fs1.cpcr.man.ac.uk |  Other Contacts: Web
link(s): http://www.npcrdc.man.ac.uk
NHS - Care Record Development Board The Care Record Development Board (CRDB) brings together patients
and service users, the public, and social and healthcare professionals within a single forum that
will set the new model for care. It will provide a mechanism to capture best practice and engage
with the widest possible stakeholder groups and individuals. CRDB is working with NHS Connecting for
Health to deliver the National Programme for IT, which will enable the sharing of information,
scheduling and processes across traditional boundaries. The Board is chaired by Harry Cayton
(National Director for Patients and the Public in the Department of Health) . The CRDB will:
identify the values, principles and processes of care and ensure that these are taken into account
in the implementation of systems for NHS and social care; ensure that ethical issues are adequately
addressed and that agreed ethical principles are consistently applied; set up, monitor and validate
the work of a series of time-limited specialist 'Action Teams' and approve their recommendations;
set out the process by which action teams will formulate their recommendations; report progress to
the Programme Board of NHS Connecting for Health and identify risks and difficulties with
implementation. A link to the work and reports of the Do Once and Share (DOAS) SAP Action Team
and its four sub-groups, completed in March 2006, can be found on the SAP Home page. The
National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care (NIGB - web link 2) has taken over
the functions of the former Care Record Development Board (CRDB) which closed at the end of
September 2007 Chair is Harry Cayton. Contact details: Tel: | Fax:
|  Email: crdb@npfit.nhs.uk |  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb
NHS Connecting for Health (CfH) NHS Connecting for Health (CfH) is the agency delivering the
National Programme for IT (NPfIT). It aims to bring modern computer systems into the NHS to improve
patient care and services providing better information for health, where and when it's needed. Over
the next ten years the National Programme for IT will connect over 30,000 GPs in England to almost
300 hospitals and give patients access to their personal health and care information, transforming
the way the NHS works. Information will move around more quickly with health care records,
appointments, prescription information, and up-to-date research into illnesses and treatments
accessible to patients and health professionals whenever they need it. A key element is the
electronic storing of patient records to improve sharing of information to those with authorised
access across the NHS. It will eventually allow patients to look at their own health records from
home using a protected link into the NHS. Contact details: Tel: | Fax:
|  Email: support@npfit.nhs.uk
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/
NHSU NHSU became a specialist health authority on 1 December 2003. It is a new kind of
learning organisation for all levels of staff currently working in health and social care. It
exists to ensure effective learning for all staff and aims to improve service delivery by
contributing to the development and modernisation of the NHS. It supports the delivery of The NHS
Plan and developments in social care. NHSU has an information and advice helpline on learning and
development in health and social care. All calls are free, confidential and impartial. This
helpline service is supported by the UK's largest database of courses in health and social care.
NHSU's principal academic partner is the University of Warwick. NHSU is developing a virtual
campus with distance learning in the form of supported online learning (e-learning) based on small
group interaction and significant interaction with a tutor, who will act more as a facilitator than
teacher. NHSU is made up of nine regions within England. Many health and social care
organisations are affiliated to these NHSU regions to support and deliver the learning programmes
and services. NHSU has also established the Patient, Public and Community Involvement Unit, with
Jill Brunt as its Head. The Unit will focus on the development and delivery of a range of learning
opportunities and services that will engage patients and communities. Contact details: 88
Wood Street, London EC2V 7RS Tel: 0800 555 550 (8am - 10pm 7 days per week) | Fax:
|  Email: |  Other
Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.nhsu.nhs.uk
Northern General Hospital, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
Foundation Trust Produced 'Sheffield First
for Health', SAP folder, by Yvonne Byrne, Christine Hibbert, Susan Hopkins. SAP pack flexible
learning package, comprising resource pack, SAP pack and SAP pack CDROM. Any enquiries about the
pack to Sam Debbage. Contact details: Samantha Debbage Practice Development Manager
Rivermead Training Centre, Northern General Hospital, Heries Road, Sheffield S5 7WE Tel: 44
(0)114 226 6669 (SD) | Fax: 44 (0)114 271 4422 |  Email: Sam.Debbage@sth.nhs.uk |  yvonne.byrne@sth.nhs.uk. Other Contacts: Yvonne
Byrne, Head of Student Support, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust, First Floor, 8 Beech
Hill Road , Sheffield S10 2SB. Web link(s):
Norwich PCT Research and Development
Office In 2003, Norwich PCT research and
policy department launched the Training to Care Programme, developing and implementing a training
package for user and carer centred assessment and management for health and social care
professionals. It is a collaborative project led jointly by Norwich PCT and the Centre for Applied
Research in Education at the University of East Anglia. Contact details: Dr Helen Macdonald,
R&D Manager, The Norwich PCT Research and Development Office, St Andrew’s House, St Andrew’s
Business Park, Norwich, NR7 0HT Tel: 01603 307140, | Fax: |  Email:
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Nuffield Institute for Health The Nuffield Institute for Health at the University of Leeds
contributes to the development of new knowledge in systems to promote health and well-being. It
operates within the fields of healthy communities and public health, management and leadership,
health and social care policy, practice and implementation. A common theme is an emphasis on
evidence-based policy and practice, focusing on health and social care outcomes through effective
interventions and knowledge transfers targeted at changing behaviour. The Institute carries
out: 1 research focusing on generating theory and evidence to inform strategy, policy and
practice 2 teaching and learning programmes aimed at the development, management and leadership of
systems which promote health and wider well-being 3 consultancy work to help individuals and
organisations make a difference by transferring and applying knowledge to real world problems in
health and social care. View the website for publications and details of specific
projects. Contact details: Susanne Marchant, Business Manager (Consultancy), Nuffield
Institute for Health, University of Leeds, 71-75 Clarendon Road, Leeds LS2 9PL Tel: +44 (0)113
343 6986 [SM] +44 (0)113 343 6350 [LB] | Fax: +44 (0)113 343 6348 | 
Email: hssseh@leeds.ac.uk |  l.bulmer@leeds.ac.uk Other Contacts: Lynn Bulmer,
Business Manager (Research) Web link(s):
Older People's Programme The OPP, an independent unit hosted by Help and Care, works in
partnership to improve services for older people by: 1) working with local and national
agencies to develop whole systems of care for older people; 2) supporting implementation of national
policy and guidance on older people's services; 3) undertaking applied research and evaluation work
into the health, well-being and experiences of older people; 4) influencing national policy through
its work with local agencies; 5) providing a mechanism for all stakeholders to contribute to the
development of accessible and acceptable services for older people; 6) promoting the diverse
experiences of and opportunities for older people across the UK. The OPP has facilitated
training to implement SAP in a number of localities around the country, notably London, Sheffield
and Cambridge. It has run workshops looking at central issues around SAP and issues specific to
individual areas. The strategy is to start with a formula of 'storytelling' in which older people
relate 'stories' about their lives within a mixed group of practitioners, so that relevant issues
around person-centred care can be drawn out. As of April 2009, the National Development Team
(NDT) and The Older People's Programme (OPP) have joined forces to create a new organisation, the
National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi). See separate record - NDTi. Contact details:
Helen Bowers, Director, Older People's Programme, c/o Help and Care, The Pokesdown Centre, 896
Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH7 6DL Tel: 44 (0)1202 432288 | Fax: 44 (0)1202
432299 |  Email:
Helen.Bowers@helpandcare.org.,uk |  Kirsty.Rollinson@helpandcare.org.uk
Other Contacts: Kirsty Rollinson, Project's Assistant/Administrator Web link(s):
Patient Information Advisory Group (PIAG)
The Patient Information Advisory Group was established to
provide advice on issues of national significance involving the use of patient information and to
oversee arrangements created under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001. Its membership
is drawn from patient groups, healthcare professionals and regulatory bodies. The Patient
Information Advisory Group's (PIAG) key responsibilities will be: a) To advise the Secretary of
State on regulations which should be made under Section 60 of the Health & Social Care Act; b) To
advise the Secretary of State as required on the use of patient information and other NHS
information. Meetings of the Patient Information Advisory Group take place four times a year, in
March, June, September and December. There are a number of downloads that can be accessed from this
website providing further information and advice about PIAG, as well as their annual
report. Contact details: The Secretariat Department of Health Second Floor, Princes
Exchange Princes Square Leeds LS1 4HY Tel: 0113 280 6709 | Fax: | 
Email: piag@dh.gsi.gov.uk |  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.uk/piag/
Pavilion Pavilion is a specialist source of training resources, magazines and journals, courses,
events, conferences and exhibitions for professionals in health and social care. Person-centred
active support is a multi-media training resource for staff to enable participation, inclusion and
chioce for people with learning disabilities. Whose Secret? Protecting vulnerable adults from
abuse by Marion Dakin is a DVD training resource. Contact details: Pavilion, The Ironworks,
Cheapside, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4GD Tel: 0870 161 3505 customer services | Fax:
|  Email: info@pavpub.com |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Penguin Products Limited SAP folders have been specificially designed following a
successful trial period with a West Country PCT and several other authorities. These folders were
designed for use with older people; they are usually produced in yellow and there is a 2 page or 3
page folder, however, bespoke products can be manufactured. Penguin Products are a member of the
Plastics and Board Industries Federation. Contact details: Paul Carter, Sales Agent Unit 11,
Endeavour Park, Crow Arch Lane, Ringwood, Hants BH24 1SF Tel: +44 (0)1425 484444 |
Fax: +44 (0)1425 484448 |  Email:
paul@penguinproducts.co.uk |  Other Contacts: Web
link(s): http://www.penguinproducts.co.uk
Personal Care Consultants Ltd External consultancy firm that has undertaken training sessions
for assessor staff at Oldham MBC. Produces Update newsletter which details their training and
development programmes available. Training on the single assessment process and POVA available.
NVQ approved centre - Edexcel. Contact details: Chris Wall Personal Care Consultants Ltd,
Suite B1A The Quadrant, Mercury Court, Chester CH1 4QR Tel: +44 (0)1244 651960 | Fax:
+44 (0)1244 651969 |  Email:
enquiries@thecareplan.com |  Other Contacts: Web
link(s): http://www.thecareplan.com
Personal Social Services Research Unit
(PSSRU) The PSSRU has branches in three UK
universities (LSE, Kent and Manchester) carrying out independent research aimed at improving the
equity and efficiency of social and health care. PSSRU at Manchester is currently
investigating the implementation and impact of the Single Assessment Process in England. Funded
by the Department of Health, the project is in its early stages. The first stage is a literature
review of research (not yet in the public domain) supplemented with a focus group of managers and
SAP leads in the North West of England and a group of older people. The second stage is to look at
the actual impact of the SAP across England according to whether it has achieved its aims. This is
to consist of a number of separate data collections. The research team is intending to publish
short summaries and documents relating to the research as it goes on. Interested parties can
request to be added to a mailing list for these. View the Project Outline pdf via the weblink
for further information. Contact details: Paul Clarkson, Research Fellow, PSSRU at
Manchester, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing, University of Manchester, 1st Floor, Dover
Street Building, Oxford Road, , Manchester M13 9PL Tel: 44 (0) 161 275 5250 44 (0) 161 275 5674
(Paul Clarkson) | Fax: 44 (0) 161 275 5790 |  Email: pssru@man.ac.uk |  Paul.C.Clarkson@man.ac.uk Other Contacts: Prof.
David Challis, Director, Angela Worden, Administrator Web link(s): http://www.pssru.ac.uk/pdf/p060.pdf
PNOA Practitioner Network on Ageing The Practitioner Network on Ageing (PNOA) is an independent,
non-governmental, not-for-profit association of members established in 2005. The words
"practitioner" and "practice" refer to all persons who work with older people as their key focus
and/or have specialist interest in working with older people and/or the study of ageing and
gerontology. The driver for the launch of PNOA has been concern for a more speedy approach to
multi-disciplinary working and sharing of good practices which are value-based and which older
people are intrinsically and meaningfully involved. Members of the Network span the whole of
the UK and many professions and disciplines - not just health and social care. The web site, which
is continually being developed, is PNOA's key source of information sharing. POVA has been
established: - to involve older people as the focus of the Network’s activities
- to work with other organisations and older people themselves to promote a positive image of
- to develop and share practice expertise in the care and support of older people in
all environments
- to improve the understanding of person-centred practice within
multi-disciplinary, multi-agency service provision.
- to support and promote research,
monitoring and evaluating practice, and educative activities
- to challenge practice which is
recognised by older people to be inappropriate and/or ineffective and to be a driver to provide
effective models to improve practice
- to act as an independent and expert focus for the
development, evaluation and dissemination of practice knowledge, and excellence in practice
- to identify, and promote debate on issues relevant to the development of practice and its
contribution to the well being of older people
- to work with other organisations, policy
makers and older people to develop the core discipline of gerontology practice in all
Contact details: Lorraine Morgan Faculty of Health and Social Care,
The Open University in Wales, 24 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9SA Tel: 029 20
262760 | Fax: 029 20 227930 |  Email: J.L.Morgan@open.ac.uk | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.pnoa.co.uk
Practitioner Alliance Against Abuse of Vulnerable Adults
(PAVA) PAVA (Practitioner Alliance Against
Abuse of Vulnerable Adults) aims to enhance protection of vulnerable adults. It promotes good
practice in working with vulnerable adults to identify and respond to cases of suspected abuse and
neglect. PAVA strives through collaboration with practitioners in the statutory, voluntary and
private sectors to develop practice-based interventions and to generate positive outcomes in working
with the abuse of vulnerable adults.This is being achieved by developing inter-agency working,
encouraging local networks, promoting problem-solving on key issues and dilemmas in practice and
lobbying at both national and local government levels. PAVA was formed in 1997 byJacki
Pritchard and Mervyn Eastman who had been working with the issue of abuse of vulnerable adults for a
number of years. PAVA now includes police officers, probation officers, social workers, home carers,
residential home owners, managers and staff, homes inspectors, doctors, psychiatrists, nurses,
speech therapists, occupational therapists, volunteers, advocacy workers, trainers and researchers.
PAVA has published a new directory aimed at those working within adult protection. The
document, which acknowledges good practice in adult protection, is designed to support
organisations, agencies and practitioners by referencing twenty one sites across England where
positive work to protect vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation is taking place. A
downloadable version of the directory will be available from November, to obtain a copy go to
website: http://www.pavauk.org.uk/home/default.php For further information contact Andy Foskett,
(PAVA Project Coordinator), tel: 0116 262 1654 , mobile: 07903 312116, email
andy.foskett@pavauk.org.uk Contact details: Trish Parkin, PAVA, PO Box 4670, Bournemouth
BH6 3BL Tel: 0207 843 1582 -ME | Fax: 0870 7703293 -ME |  Email: trish.parkin@pavauk.org.uk |  mervyn.eastman@pavauk.org.uk Other Contacts:
Mervyn Eastman, (PAVA Chair) Web link(s):
PRIAE PRIAE supports and promotes issues affecting BME elders in policy, research and the
development of services in a complementary role to the direct service provision supplied by BME
elder organisations. Currently involved in a joint project with the Department of Health looking at
best practice for hospital care for BME in a London locality, working through SAP models. Contact
details: Naina Patel OBE, Director, PRIAE, 31-32 Park Row, Leeds LS1 5JD Tel: 0113 285 5990
- Leeds HQ 020 8432 0264 - London office | Fax: |  Email: naina.patel@priae.org |  n.bandopadhyay@priae.org Other Contacts: N.
Bandopadhyay, PRIAE, Boardman House, 64 Broadway, Stratford, London E15 1NG Mubeen Bhutta,
Communication and Policy Officer Web link(s):
Pyramid Theatre Company Founded in 1993, Pyramid Theatre Company specialises in theatre
in health education, and has toured extensively in the UK and Ireland with productions on subjects
such as breast cancer and mental health. Pyramid has received funding from the Department of Health
(DH) for "Who's Helen?", a production about older people's isolation, touring nationally from
September 2004 until March 2005. This play was specially written for the Company, and explores the
social, emotional and physical problems associated with ageing and bereavement. A feature of all
Pyramid's productions is a 'hot-seating' session, when the audience has a chance to talk directly to
"Helen" in character and to further explore areas of concern. This also "warms up" the audience for
a final informal discussion, question and answer session, which offers the opportunity to discuss
issues raised by the play. The audience can also raise questions and inform service providers of
their needs, expectations and views on local service provision. Other features of Pyramid's
work include: community projects on issues such as homelessness, homosexuality and intergenerational
conflict; and workshops and training (for example in the use of drama techniques of activities in
day-to-day work). Audience feedback is encouraged, as such evaluations enable the efficacy of work
to be assessed and to plan future strategies. The Company uses professional and experienced
writers to develop new work, so that productions are carefully constructed for accuracy, as well as
maximising impact and appeal. Future plans include a new project on Carers which is at the
discussion stage. Contact details: Jeff Jenions, Company Manager, Pyramid Theatre Company,
'Bryntirion', 48 Penygroes Road, Caerbryn, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire. SA18 3DQ. Tel: 01269
850325 Cell: +447800893908 (PE) Cell: +447967456233 (JJ) | Fax: | 
enquiries@pyramidtheatrecompany.co.uk |  philippa@pyramidtheatrecompany.co.uk
Other Contacts: Philippa Easton, Artistic Director Web link(s): http://pyramidtheatrecompany.co.uk
REU - Race Equality Unit The REU is a national agency (former Race Equality Unit at NISW)
working towards better support for Britain’s black and minority ethnic communities. It provides
research, consultancy and training, which includes the implementation of equal opportunities in
policy and practice. This work is accompanied by the publication of reports and good practice guides
on subjects such as user involvement; social work and social work education; ethnic record keeping
and monitoring; and learning materials for social care staff working with black and minority ethnic
older people. Contact details: Mr Jabeer Butt, Deputy Director, REU, Unit 35 Kings
Exchange, Tileyard Road, London N7 9AH Tel: 020 7619 6220 | Fax: 020 7619 6230
|  Email: office@reunet.demon.co.uk
|  jabeer@reunet.demon.co.uk
Other Contacts: Ratna Dutt, Director Web link(s):
RNID RNID is the largest charity representing the 9 million deaf and hard of hearing people
in the UK. RNID Training Services offers training and consultancy services for managers and staff
in both the public and private sectors in order to offer best practice in customer service to
disabled people and especially deaf and hard of hearing people. Specific courses include
understanding deafness and hearing loss and its impact on patients within the health sector/health
professionals; age-related sensory loss and emotional impact; and communicating with deaf and hard
of hearing people in specific work situations. Contact details: Ashish Joshi, Director of
Training, RNID Training Services, Monaco House, Bristol Street , Birmingham B5 7AS Tel: 0870
240 2386 0121 622 1191Textphone | Fax: 0121 622 5174 |  Email: deaftrain@rnid.org.uk |  informationline@rnid.org.uk Other Contacts:
RNID Head Office 19-23 Featherstone Street London EC1Y 8SL Tel: 020 7296 8000 Text: 020 7296
8001 Web link(s):
Royal National Institute of the Blind -
RNIB RNIB Training & Consultancy service
provides information, training and support to make services and products more accessible to people
with sight problems. Contact details: RNIB, 105 Judd Street, London, WC1H 9NE Tel: 020
7388 1266 | Fax: 020 7388 2034 |  Email: helpline@rnib.org.uk | 
Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.rnib.org.uk
Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing
(SISA) The Centre offers a range of training
and facilitation to meet the needs of both staff and organisations to take forward the agenda on
user centred care and the Single Assessment Process. The University of Sheffield developed, in
collaboration with European partners, EASY-Care, an assessment tool that is fully accredited by the
Department of Health. Contact details: Joy Marriott, Administrator, The Centre for Healthy
Ageing, Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing, University of Sheffield, Community Sciences
Centre, Northern General Hospital, Herries Road, Sheffield S5 7AU Tel: 0114 271
5921 | Fax: 0114 271 5771 |  Email: J.Marriott@sheffield.ac.uk |  Other Contacts: Professor Tony Warnes, Director Web link(s):
Skills for Care Working in consultation with carers, employers and service users, Skills for Care aims
to modernise adult social care in England, by ensuring qualifications and standards continually
adapt to meet the changing needs of people who use care services. It does this by : developing
national standards and a qualification framework for the sector; collecting skills data and
researching issues affecting carers and people who use care services; creating a national workforce
development strategy for all sectors; building employer-led regional support networks to liaise
with health, local government and education at local, regional and national level. Skills for
Care works in partnership with a huge range of training and education bodies in the social services
field. Regional Development Agencies, the Learning and Skills Councils and the Small Business
Services are also key partners particularly for Regional Training Forums. The website holds
consultation documents, published materials and details of standards. Community Care has
joined forces with Skills for Care to offer a new e-learning package that gives induction training
for new care home workers - see 'Care Learning Zone' at website. Contact details: Skills
for Care Albion Court, 5 Albion Place, Leeds Tel: 0113 245 1716 | Fax: 0113 243 6417
|  Email: info@skillsforcare.org.uk
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.skillsforcare.org.uk http://www.communitycare.co.uk
Skills for Health Skills for Health was established in April 2002 with support from the four UK
health departments, the independent and voluntary health sectors and staff organisations to become
the sector skills council for health across the UK. The work of Skills for Health is central to the
strategic development of the health sector UK workforce. Its work programme includes projects
across some of the most critical and high profile areas of the health workforce agenda and covers
linkages with all major workforce development initiatives. There is a Birmingham and Leeds office.
To help service providers achieve the care standards set out in the National Service Framework
for Older People, Skills for Health has developed a national competence framework that covers the
competences needed to care for older people with age related health needs. The framework will
support health and social services staff, as well as the wide range of practitioners and staff
working in diverse settings, in a whole variety of ways including appraisal, role and team redesign
and education and training. The overview framework and units of competence documents are available
from the website. The next phase of work will cover the competences needed to care for older
people who have fallen, or had a stroke, and is due to be completed in March 2005. Since April
2006, a collection of new and improved Competence Application Tools has been freely available from
the website to facilitate access. Contact details: Dr Caryl Plewes, Project Director, Older
People's Competence Framework, Goldsmiths House, Broad Plain, Bristol BS2 0JP Tel: 0117
9221155 | Fax: 0117 925 1800 |  Email: caryl.plewes@skillsforhealth.org.uk
nathan.laxton@skillsforhealth.org.uk Other Contacts: Nathan Laxton, Project Manager Web
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)
SCIE's purpose is to collect and synthesise up-to-date
knowledge about what works in social care, and to make that knowledge available and accessible to
people working in and using social services. The SCIE website provides details of the Institute's
work, publications and a link to their online resource database. Materials include practice guides -
Assessing Mental Health Needs of Older People; resource guides; and knowledge reviews. The
database is a free online resource owned and managed by SCIE. It provides a single point of access
to an extensive range of social care knowledge, including practice information, skills tutorials,
and around 70,000 abstracts of books, reports, research papers, journals, official publications and
articles. Contact details: SCIE, 1st Floor, Goldings House, 2 Hay's Lane, London SE1
2HB Tel: 020 7089 6840 | Fax: |  Email:
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.scie.org.uk/ http://www.scie-socialcareonline.org.uk
SPRU, University of York The Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU) is an independent research
unit within the Department of Social Policy and Social Work at the University of York, SPRU’s work
is concerned with the development of policies and the delivery of services to support people made
vulnerable by poverty, ageing, disability or chronic illness. The Community Care for Adults Team has
developed a Resource Pack: Outcomes into Practice. This is a pack of resources to assist development
of outcome-focussed practice and information in adult social care. It contains research based
guidance and materials for training and development. Current and recent projects include an
emphasis on working with frontline staff, managers and policy makers to find useful and realistic
ways in which existing practice, management and policy can be improved to systematically access, and
take account of, insights and evidence from service users and their families. Contact
details: Professor Caroline Glendinning, Community Care for Adults Team, Social Policy Research
Unit, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD Tel: +44 (0)1904 433608 | Fax:
+44 (0)1904 433618 |  Email:
spruinfo@york.ac.uk |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Telecare Alliance This company was established in June 2005. It is an independent consultancy
that provides impartial advice about telecare. Its mission is to help improve the lives of people
with care needs by providing specialist consultancy and training in the use of appropriate
electronic technologies to its client care organisations, so that they can better fulfil their
responsibilities. A free online occasional newsletter is available. Contact details: Steve
Hards (Director) currently via website only Tel: | Fax: |  Email:
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
The Asian Health Agency The Asian Health Agency (TAHA) was established in June 1994 as an
independent sector Agency specialising in the provision of support services to Asian communities.
TAHA is committed to a holistic approach and operates within a context that validates the concept of
different but equal, an anti-racist working framework, empowers our community and provides quality
services which respects and reflects our service users' dignity and Asian communities' values.
Within this framework TAHA is currently engaged in the following areas of work : direct community,
health and social care services to different sections of the Asian community : health education and
promotion services and activities : research, training and consultancy services to statutory and
voluntary sectors : capacity building support services for Asian voluntary and community groups
TAHA therefore offers training and consultancy, seminars and conferences. Contact details:
Suite 10, 2nd Floor, Neal's Corner, 2 Bath Road, Hounslow, Middx TW3 3HJ Tel: +44 (0)20 8577
9747 | Fax: |  Email: taha001@aol.com
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.taha.org.uk
The Kaye Partnership Peter and Carol Kaye are independent trainers and offer courses in various areas
of health and social care, including elder abuse awareness and falls prevention, please consult
their website for further details. Contact details: Peter Kaye, Teignmouth, TQ14 9SZ
Tel: +44 (0)1626 774897 mobile: 07976 307489 | Fax: 07980 701909 | 
Email: peter@kaye.org.uk |  Other Contacts: Carol Kaye Web link(s): http://www.kaye.org.uk
The Office of the Information Commissioner
More information about rights under the Data Protection Act
1998 can be obtained from this organisation. The NHS Care Records Service advises patients to
contact the Commissioner, in relation to any concerns they may have with respect to records held on
them by the NHS. See also : Care Record Development Board. Contact details: Wycliffe
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF Tel: +44 (0)1625 545 700 | Fax:
|  Email: |  Other
Contacts: Web link(s):
Training and Management Consultant Tricia Morris is providing Single Assessment Process FACE Contact
and Overview Assessment Tool training for the North West London sector , including Kensington
Chelsea & Westminster health and social care communities. She is also project managing the SAP
training video being developed by the NWL sector in partnership with the Department of Health (see
entry on 'good practice, innovation' section of the website). Contact details: Tricia Morris,
Training and Management Consultant, 245 High Street, Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 1BQ Tel: 07721
642 447 | Fax: |  Email:
T245morris@aol.com |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
University College London University College London developed the CANE - a comprehensive
needs assessment tool for use by professionals working with the elderly. Presently a training
program is being constructed at UCL. They are hoping to run some training workshops in London on
needs assessment and the CANE in early 2004.The dates for this training will coincide with the
publication of a manual and the distribution of available software. UCL will send out further
information regarding dates for this training closer to the time, however, you can register your
interest now. Contact details: Dr Martin Orrell, Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioural
Sciences, University College London, Wolfson Building, 48 Riding House St, London W1N 8AA Tel:
01277 302736 | Fax: |  Email:
m.orrell@ucl.ac.uk |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
University of Sheffield and the Sheffield Institute for
Studies on Ageing (SISA) Mr Mouratidis is
undertaking a research project to investigate the use of multi-agent systems in the health and
social care sector, and more specifically developing the electronic Single Assessment Process
(eSAP), an electronic system to deliver an integrated assessment of health and social care needs of
older people. The project is run jointly between the Computer Science Department of the University
of Sheffield and the Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing (SISA), and it is funded by the RANK
Foundation. Contact details: Haralambos Mouratidis, Computer Science Department, University
of Sheffield, Department of Computer Science, Regent Court, 211 Portobello St,, Sheffield S1 4DP
Tel: +44 114 22 21800 | Fax: |  Email: H.Mouratidis@dcs.shef.ac.uk |  Other Contacts: Web link(s):
Winslow WINSLOW ® are specialist marketers of books, assessment tools, software and resources
for a multitude of conditions relating to education, special needs, speech and language, social
problems and mental heath issues for education, social care and health professionals. All products
are evaluated by a team of professionals. Contact details: Winslow, Goyt Side Road,
Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 2PH Tel: 0845 921 1777 | Fax: +44(0)1246 551195
|  Email: sales@winslow-cat.com
|  Other Contacts: Web link(s): http://www.winslow-cat.com