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Single Assessment Process - training materials -
record keeping
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
East London Inter Organisational General Protocol For Sharing Information
(Final version: February 2004)
This protocol provides a framework for the secure and confidential sharing of personal information between the Parties on a Need to Know basis between individual Personnel in order to enable the Parties to
meet the needs of communities and individuals for care, protection and support in accordance with statute and government policy; It describes roles and structures to support the exchange of personal information between the Parties and applies to the
sharing of personal information relating to residents of East London and others who are service users. It covers the sharing of personal information between the Parties including (without limitation) for sharing for the purposes listed in the
document and applies to the sharing of personal information whatever the medium in which it is held and however it is transmitted. It is designed to ensure that the Parties' service users are informed of the reasons why personal information about
them may need to be shared and how this sharing will be managed. It applies to the activities of the Parties' Personnel and describes how complaints from service users relating to personal information sharing between two or more organisations will
be investigated and resolved.
View protocol [version 10 September 2005].
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: Download from DH web site. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The parties to this Protocol are: North East London Strategic Health Authority, East London & The City Mental Health NHS Trust, Barts and The London Hospitals NHS Trust, Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust, Newham Healthcare NHS
Trust, City & Hackney PCT, Newham PCT (excluding host responsibilities for NHS Direct), Tower Hamlets PCT, The Corporation of London (in respect of Social Services only), The London Borough of Hackney (in respect of Social Services only), The London
Borough of Newham (in respect of Social Services only), The London Borough of Tower Hamlets (in respect of Social Services, Education and Housing only)
For patients' sake, don't boycott e-health records Personal view [author: Marlene Winfield]
21 July 2007
A brief article in the BMJ (British Medical Journal), 21 July 2007, vol 335, p158.
The author is a national patient lead, NHS Connecting for Health, London - but gives a personal view on the BMA's decision to advise general practitioners to boycott the creation of summary care records for their patients. The author does not
accept that the risks of a breach of confidentiality about health information on a patient's record, justifies a wholesale boycott by GPs. The patient will have several options to safeguard what health information is on the summary care record on
the national database and GPs should be reassured by this process. The author concludes that "True collaboration produces better outcomes for both patients and the NHS than paternalism".
Contact Details:
Marlene Winfield Tel: | Fax:
Email: marlene.winfield@nhs.net | 
Web links: http://www.bmj.com
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09598138
The Freedom of Information Act [author:John Dow]
(April 2005)
Article in the Journal of Integrated Care, vol 13, no 2, April 2005 pp 34-37.
This article highlights some of the key features of the Freedom of Information Act and considers its implications for health and social services authorities. The Act was implemented from 1 January 2005, and it is already raising questions about its
implementation. Further information can be found from various sources including: Department for Constitutional Affairs (www.dca.gov.uk/foi) and The Information Commissioner (www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk).
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: john_dow@bathnes.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA
The Single Assessment Process training resource [author: Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA]
(July 2003)
This training resource sets out the key issues relating to joint working, SAP, and information sharing and consent, using a variety of tools, including narrative text, PowerPoint presentations, exercises,
case studies and handouts. It also includes a glossary of terms. The CDROM has printable PDF versions of these materials, along with editable PowerPoint files for the three presentations on joint working, the single assessment process, and the Data
Protection Act and Caldicott principles.
The pack is intended for use in multi-agency training. It is not designed to be used in isolation, and it is expected that trainers will add to it according to local need and following further learning through pilot sites. It is assumed that
trainers using this training resource will be linked into the development of SAP locally, and will be working closely with the project leads who wrote and compiled the resource.
The resource has been produced as a joint initiative by a group of project managers and trainers from the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Strategic Health Authority (AGW SHA): Paulette Nuttall (Bristol), Sheila Turner (South Gloucestershire),
Marilyn Hughes (Swindon), Richard Pople and Jane Towler (North Somerset), Bo Novak (Bath and North East Somerset), and Marianna Poulton (Wiltshire).
View contents of cd-rom
(Presentations, Handouts etc) - Please note conditions of use on Contents page.
Contact Details:
Sheila Turner South Gloucestershire PCT,
1 Monarch Court
Emerald Park
Emerson's Green
BS16 7FH
Tel: 0117 330 2443 | Fax:
Email: sheila.turner@sglos-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SSD/PCT |  Type / Format: pack; cdrom; powerpoint; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contacts: Paulette Nuttall, Bristol South and West Primary Care Trust, King Square House, King Square,Bristol
BS2 8EE Tel: +44 (0) 117 900 2376; Fax +44(0)117 900 2465; Email: paulette.nuttall@bristolswpct.nhs.uk
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust
Bedfordshire Single Assessment Process training manual
The development of a Single Assessment Process across Bedfordshire and Luton ensures that a person-centred approach is always maintained. This manual will assist the practitioner in understanding the
importance of SAP and its operational implications. This documentation explains Bedfordshire's Single Assessment joint documentation, the Bedfordshire and Luton Single Assessment Process Tool, and Bedfordshire's Personal Held Record.It also explains
the Bedfordshire and Luton Information Partnership (an agreement for the sharing of information between health and social care agencies) and issues concerning consent and information sharing with regard to the Human Rights Act 1999 and the Data
Protection Act 1998. The various processes involving specific agencies or staff groups are outlined.
Contact Details:
Jenny McAteer, Operational Lead, SAP, Bedfordshire Social Services Adult Team,
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust,
Kempston Road
MK42 9DJ.
Tel: +44 (0)1234 355122 | Fax: +44 (0)1234 792017
Email: jenny.mcateer@bedscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: pack
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedford Hosptail NHS Trust
The Single Assessment Process in Bedfordshire and Luton multi agency training
(March 2003)
The aims of the training are: to understand the Single Assessment Process and Single Assessment paperwork; and to understand how this process will fit in with current practice in Bedfordshire and Luton. This
material comprises material for trainers and participants at the Stages 1 and 2 training sesions. Stage 1 introduces the Single Assessment, the types of assessment, and the issues of consent and sharing information. Stage 2 comprises practical
exercises on applying Single Assessment to daily work. Examples of forms are included.
Contact Details:
Jenny McAteer, Operational Lead, SAP, Bedfordshire Social Services Adult Team,
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust,
Kempston Road
MK42 9DJ.
Tel: +44 (0)1234 355122 | Fax: +44 (0)1234 792017
Email: jenny.mcateer@bedscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council)
Personal Held Record
The Personal Held Record will be a key document in the SAP, of which the client will hold a copy. The document comprises an index page, record of visiting staff signatures, visit record, summary of record of
current care plans, summary of care plan delivery, summary index of risk assessments, closing summary, general communication/comment sheet.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: practitioners; client group |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
BJHC Events
HC2007 : Challenging Boundaries 24th annual Healthcare Computing Conference and Exhibition
A three day conference to be held between 19-21 March 2007 in Harrogate Centre.
Numerous speakers and five stream daily presentations; case histories.
Contact Details:
HC2007 Exhibition
45 Woodland Grove
KT13 9BR
Tel: +44 (0)1932 849290 | Fax: +44 (0)1932 830227
Email: hc2007@bjhc.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthcare-computing.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: various rates dependent upon status (student rate available) |  ISBN/ISSN:
BJHC Events
The Autumn Forum Fifth Annual Conference & Exhibition : Connecting NHS healthcare and socialcare - getting the right information to the right place at the right time
A one day conference to be held in Lakeside Conference Centre, Conference Aston, Aston University, Birmingham on 25 October 2006.
A series of presentations, case-histories and an exhibition designed to give guidance and information on how healthcare and socialcare organisations can increase efficiency through sharing information. Session presenters will set the scene and
provide guidance and updates. The day is entirely interactive and includes electronic voting within the two facilitated panel discussions. Session 3 will be on "Electronic single assessment process (eSAP)" led by Robin Stern, Director Medical
Mosaic Ltd., and Project Manager, National Framework for Electronic SAP Implementation. Chairman: Robin Guenier (Chairman, Medix UK plc) with numerous speakers.
Contact Details:
Pelican Services, 45 Woodland Grove
KT13 9EQ
Tel: +44 (0)1932 849290 | Fax: +44 (0)1932 830227
Email: autumnforum@pelicanservices.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bjhc.co.uk/autumnforum
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: reduced rate: £450.02; otherwise £528.75 incl. VAT. Student rate: £176.25 incl. VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
Borough of Telford and Wrekin,
Contact assessment form
(January 2004)
2 pages.
View form
Contact Details:
Kim Baker, SAP Project Manager Darby House,
Lawn Central,
Tel: +44 (0)1952 202820 | Fax:
Email: kim.baker@telford.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: document; form
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Borough of Telford and Wrekin,
Guidelines on single assessment documentation for Telford and Wrekin
1 page.
View guidelines
Contact Details:
Kim Baker, SAP Project Manager Darby House,
Lawn Central,
Tel: +44 (0)1952 202820 | Fax:
Email: kim.baker@telford.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Borough of Telford and Wrekin,
Overview assessment form
(January 2004)
12 pages and includes a "consent to share information" form.
View form
Contact Details:
Kim Baker, SAP Project Manager Darby House,
Lawn Central,
Tel: +44 (0)1952 202820 | Fax:
Email: kim.baker@telford.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: document; form
Availability / Price: pdf |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bradford South & West Primary Care Trust
The Single Assessment Process in Bradford Bradford and Airedale's Single Assessment Process (SAP) Homepage; [including SAP toolkit and Practitioner handbook] [author: Steve Clayton]
Bradford and Airedale's Single Assessment Process (SAP) Homepage is part of Learnonline, a district-wide website, designed to support Learning and Development within the Health and Social Care organisations in
Bradford. The aim is that this website will become a portal for all aspects of learning and training. The SAP Homepage includes links to SAP news, and to national resources: Department of Health (DH), Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA), National
Progamme for IT (West Yorkshire), EASY-Care, FACE, and Birmingham SAP.
Bradford's SAP toolkit comprises three key components:
SAP assessment and care planning tools, prefaced by a link, Assessment types and assessment tools explained. Links to what Bradford currently uses (to be reviewed in Autumn 2006) are: Permission to share personal assessment information; Contact
assessment; Overview assessment; carer's assessment; FACE risk profile; Summary of needs and care options; and Summary care plan.
The SAP care file ( this includes a section explaining informed consent).
Procedures for providing a named care co-ordinator for all people in receipt of ongoing assessment of care (this includes a section on the role of the named care co-ordinator).
Bradford's initial emphasis is on the implementation of paper systems that support the sharing of information directly with older people and practitioners involved via the user-held SAP care file.
The Practitioner handbook (54 pp), for use across Bradford, is compiled by Steve Clayton. Contents include: person centred care and SAP; stages in assessment and care planning; SAP assessment types and assessment tools; assessor's guide to exploring
need (Contact and Overview assessment); effective information sharing; and care co-ordination. Appendices include a SAP dataset for preferred religion, ethnicity and language. Material (including a video resource) from a project undertaken by
Lewisham Health and Social Care Partnership is acknowledged.
Contact Details:
Steve Clayton,
Project Manager - Older People, Strategic Commissioning and Service Improvement, Bradford Social Services,
Olicana House,
Chapel Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1274 431526
07917883465 (SC mobile) | Fax:
Email: Steve.Clayton@Bradford.Gov.UK | 
Web links: http://www.learnonline.nhs.uk/Single+Assessment+Process/
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: website; toolkit; briefing; e-learning
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Camden PCT
Guidelines for Information-Sharing and Consent Signing with the Single Assessment Process: Camden [author: Jane Taubman]
[Draft 1: Sept 04]
Information sharing guidelines for Camden practitioners to be used in conjunction with the Guidelines for FACE use. Includes instructions for writing, keeping and sending records.
View guidelines
Contact Details:
Jane Taubman REACH Link/SAP implementation,
Camden REACH Team,
Bloomsbury Building,
St Pancras Hospital,
London NW1 OPE
Tel: 020 7530 3584
Mob: 0788 799 4217 | Fax:
Email: jane.taubman@camdenpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.camdenpct.nhs.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Camden is using FACE as paper based assessment tool.
Care Record Development Board
Introduction to the Care Record Guarantee for NHS staff [author: Care Record Development Board]
(July 2006)
This is a 4 page introductory document to the revised Care Record Guarantee first published in 2005, and which was to be regularly reviewed following feedback to the Care Record Development Board. Rights and
responsibilities of patients and NHS staff are highlighted.
View introduction.
Contact Details:
Harry Cayton, Chair, Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@cfh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: download or hard copies available upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care has taken over the functions of the Care Record Development Board (CRDB) which closed at the end of September 2007 Chair is Harry Cayton.
Website: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/nigb
Care Record Development Board
The Care Record Guarantee Our guarantee for NHS care records in England [author: Care Record Development Board]
(July 2006)
The Care Record Guarantee (12 pp) sets out the commitment of the NHS in its use of patient information as the health service in England moves towards a national electronic records system - the NHS Care Records
Service. Patients have the right to confidentiality under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the common law duty of confidence (the Disability discrimination and the Race Relations Acts may also apply);; and to ask for a
copy of all records about themselves (a fee may be payable). There is a brief description about the NHS Care Records Service and its progress to date. Rights of patients are given in 12 stated commitments and the responsibilities of the patients
are contained in 6 stated principles. Plans for the future of the NHS Care Records Service are outlined.
There is a 4-page introductory document to the revised Care Record Guarantee which was first published in 2005, and which is to be regularly reviewed following feedback to the Care Record Development Board. The rights and responsibilities are
More information about rights under the Data Protection Act can be obtained from The Office of the Information Commissioner, see website link.
View guarantee.
Contact Details:
Harry Cayton, Chair, Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@cfh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb
| http://www.informationcomissioner.gov.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: download or hard copies available upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care has taken over the functions of the Care Record Development Board (CRDB) which closed at the end of September 2007 Chair is Harry Cayton.
Website: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/nigb
Department of Health
Assessment tools and accreditation
(21 July 2004)
In 2003, the Department of Health established an accreditation process for off-the-shelf assessment tools that have been developed by independent bodies for national use in overview assessment of older
people's needs under the Single Assessment Process (SAP). An independent Accreditation Panel evaluated tools against a set of criteria, as listed in this document. Following the last meeting of the Panel on 7July 2004, six tools have now achieved
full accreditation: CAT Electronic Version; EASYcare Version 2004; FACE for Older People V.3; MDS Home Care Version 2.3; NOAT; and STEP. Tools that applied for accreditation but were unsuccessful were: CANE - the Camberwell Assessment of Needs for
the Elderly; CAT Paper Version; MANCAS - the Manchester Care Assessment Schedule; and SAT - the Suffolk Assessment Tool.
While PCTs, Care Trusts and SSDs can be confident in opting to use any of the accredited tools, this document reminds localities that other approaches to SAP overview assessment are legitimate, and that they may wish to develop their own assessment
tools for local use, using the January 2002 guidance (HSC 2002/001; LAC(2002)1) as a framework, or use a "checklist" approach ensuring that all domains of the SAP guidance are covered during an overview assessment.
View document
Contact Details:
Judy.McCallum, Finance and Office Manager, Department of Health,
Health and Social Care Change Agent Team,
Wellington House,
Room LG33,
135-155 Waterloo Road,
SE1 8UG.
Tel: 020 7972 1330 | Fax: 020 7972 4349
Email: Judy.McCallum@dh.gsi.gov.uk |  change_agent_team@doh.gsi.gov.uk
Web links:
Target group: PCTs/SSDs |  Type / Format: guidance; assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Current Summary Record (formerly known as the Single Assessment Summary) introductory note; flowchart; and Current Summary Record [form]
The Current Summary Record (CSR) is the means by which case information on an older person is stored and shared, subject to consent and confidentiality, among health and social care professionals. The change
of name from the Single Assessment Summary is explained in the introductory note and the flowchart. - that is to say, that unlike an assessment, which will be fixed in a point in time, the CSR should show the most up-to-date information.
View documents: introductory note
| flowchart
| current summary record
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Available as downloads only. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Glasgow School of Social Work, Universities of Glasgow & Strathclyde
Single shared assessment : the limits to 'quick fix' [Andrew Eccles]
(February 2008)
Article in: Journal of Integrated Care, vol 16, no 1; pp 22-30
Joint working between health and social services has been a key focus of policy in recent years, albeit - underneath the protocols and partnership agreements - integrated processes have developed unevenly. A single shared assessment tool has been
one of the concrete expressions of policy on the ground. This paper explores the implementation of the shared assessment process in Scotland. It discusses the broader policy agenda, before exploring the introduction of the shared assessment tool
in a large urban authority. Based primarily on interviews with front-line staff in health and social work and manages charged with delivering shared assessment, the paper suggests a lack of engagement on issues such as working cultures and equity
of workloads, while some of the main reasons behind the implementation of shared assessment, such as overcoming duplication, have not generally materialised for staff. Overall, single shared assessment has been driven by process rather than by
engagement with wider ideas about joint working, which has led to uneven and at times, unwilling implementation.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: andrew.eccles@strath.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
Greenwich Council, Greenwich NHS Teaching PCT; Greenwich Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust
Personal Held Records: Single Assessment Process [authors: Greenwich NHS and Greenwich Council]
[November 2006]
Sample of a personal held record that provides information about a person's assessment and care. The record is to be held by the individual in their home for their personal information. It is designed to
promote communication between the individual and the different professionals from health and social care that visit. It is not intended to be a repository of 'professional' notes but a summary that can be referred to by the individual and their
carers, relatives, etc. with permission of the individual. Professionals in turn can see what services are being provided. Teams such as District Nurses may leave their records in the folder but take them away when treatment is complete.
The folder contains an explanation of the purpose of a personal held record; a contact assessment; FACE overview assessment; care plan; weekly service timetable; specialist assessment; general communication sheet; other: facility to include
additional material as required.
Contact Details:
Maggie Rastall, Adult and Older People's Services,
London Borough of Greenwich,
Town Hall,
Wellington Street,
London SE18 6PW
Tel: 020 8921 3124 | Fax:
Email: maggie.rastall@greenwich.gov.uk | 
Web links: http:www.greenwich.gov.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: personal held record
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Harrogate Social Services, North Yorkshire County Council
Viewing the SAP house types of assessment [authors: Belinda Goode, Ana Manzano]
(18 June 2004)
Adapting the content of some other materials found on the CPA website, Belinda Goode and Ana Manzano of Harrogate Social Services have developed two Powerpoint presentations that are suitable for use with all
staff: This presentation (18 slides) describes in detail the four types of assessment..
Also available, but only in Microsoft Publisher are "Reminder cards", These have been created as memory aids for trainees, and emphasise the names of the four types of assessments and the eight domains of SAP.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Ana Manzano,
Training Facilitator Social Services, Adult and Community Services,
13 Wetherby Road,
HG2 7RY.
Tel: 01423 553120 | Fax: 01423 553701
Email: ana.manzano@northyorks.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Improvement and Development Agency
Draft general information sharing protocol [author: Improvement and Development Agency]
The purpose of this protocol is to provide a framework for the secure and confidential sharing of information between organisations to enable them to meet the requirement to provide public services, in
accordance with government expectations. It draws attention to general principles when setting up protocols regarding the protection and use of personal data, particularly the legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1998. It provides
principles governing the sharing of information by agencies, and the procedures for disclosure of personal information.
Contact Details:
Layden House,
76-88 Turnmill Street,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7296 6600 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7296 6666
Email: info@idea.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.idea.gov.uk/transformation/downloads/protocol.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Leeds Social Services, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, West Leeds PCT
Leeds Single Assessment Process toolkit [Version 1]
(March 2004)
This first version of the Leeds SAP toolkit (96 pp) is designed to support local implementation of the Single Assessment Process as required by Standard 2 of the National Service Framework for Older People
(NSF). The aim of this toolkit is to provide staff with background information and detailed guidance on SAP and how to complete the EASYcare assessment documentation. As processes change, the toolkit will be updated and revised to reflect these
developments. The contents comprise: introduction and background to SAP; the four types of assessment; the sections of EASYcare and their rationale; EASYcare assessor's guide to exploring needs; and personal held records. Appendix 2 covers how the
SAP process design is to be applied in specific health and social care settings, while Appendix 1 lists religion, ethnicity and preferred language codes.
Contact Details:
Cheryl Guest,, Employee Development Officer, Floor 4 East,
Merrion House,
110 Merrion Centre,
LS2 8QB.
Tel: 0113 247 8599 | Fax:
Email: Cheryl.Guest@.leeds.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: toolkit, guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Contacts for specific questions on the Toolkit:
Vee LeBrunn, Department of Training and Professional Development, Leeds Teaching Hosptail NHS Trust; E-mail: Veelebrunn@leedsth.nhs.uk
Sally Mayfield, SAP Project Manager, West Leeds PCT; E-mail: Sally.Mayfield@leedswest-pct.nhs.uk
Brian Ratner, SAP Co-lead, Leeds Social Services; E-mail: brian.ratner@leeds.gov.uk
North Somerset Council
SAP from paper to electronic delivery [authors: Mary Hammond and Andy Moll]
February 2006
Power point presentation describes the strategies developed to implement the Single Assessment Process. From an early stage managers felt that an e-solution was required for sharing information
successfully. North Somerset Council is using mobile technology to enable the process of assessing the needs of older people and for vulnerable adults. It has drawn on Cambridgeshire's experience of using tablet PCs for the single assessment
process collecting data for several agencies at once - Project Nomad pilot. North Somerset's tablet PCs will upload and download data either while staff travel between interviews or when they have access to high-speed data transfer through a home
broadband connection, a council office or a library.
Project Nomad - the National Project is sponsored by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and is dedicated to mobile and flexible working in local authorities. Cambridgeshire County Council, the original lead authority for Project Nomad, has now
taken responsibility for it , providing a 'safe home'. Current plans are to continue to promote mobile and flexible working, making use of mobile technology, via the Nomad website, through events, through partnership and collaborations with local
authorities, regional centres of excellence and other organisations.
View powerpoint presentation
Contact Details:
Mary Hammond, Team Manager,
Adult Social Services, North Somerset Council
Town Hall,
Walliscote Grove Road,
Somerset, BS23 1UJ
Tel: 01934 888 888 | Fax:
Email: mary.hammond@n-somerset.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/
| http://www.projectnomad.org.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Andy Moll is the eGovernment Strategy Manager, North Somerset Council
North Surrey Primary Care Trust
Community Healthcare Records Parkinson's Disease Patients North Surrey PCT
Example of handheld paper records for single assessment process for people with chronic diseases. Folder contains:
contact information for Parkinson's Disease medical staff;
service provided for parkinson's disease patients and carers;
single assessment process: basic personal information;
single assessment process: contact assessment;
checklists for: internal risk factors; carers involved; mobility assessment; psychological status; medication; falls;
nursing lifting assessment form;
medication chart;
communication sheet;
staff signature sheet.
Contact Details:
Dr Beverly Castleton, Consultant Physician North Surrey PCT,
Medical Director's Office,
Villa 22, Guildford Road,
Surrey KT16 0QA
Tel: 01932 723782 | Fax: 01932 723533
Email: jacqueline.batchelor@nsurreypct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nsurreypct.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Pan Dorset Health and Social Care
SAP quiz [author: Jane Wallis]
(September 2003)
Quiz with multiple choice answers to test health and social services staff's understanding of the Single Assessment Process (SAP).
View quiz
Contact Details:
Jane Wallis,
SAP Project Manager for Training, Pan Dorset Health and Social Care,
Human Resources Learning and Development Unit,
Vespasian House,
2nd Floor West Wing,
Bridport Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1305 225911 | Fax: +44 (0)1305 268834
Email: jane.wallis@dorsetcc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetforyou.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: quiz
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This tool can be used or adapted by others provided that the Pan Dorset Group is fully accredited as the organisation of origin. Jane Wallis would appreciate a brief email to let her know who is using the material and where it is
being used.
Pan Dorset Health and Social Care
Single Assessment Process a guide for practitioners working with older people in health and social services across Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole [author: Jane Wallis]
(September 2003)
The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief explanation of assessment - as a single process. It is intended for all practitioners in both health and social services (including housing) who work with older
people. Its coverage includes: the four levels of assessment; care co-ordinators; carers; SAP or ICPA (the Integrated Care Programme Approach which will continue to aply to those with mental health problems); confidentiality; evaluation of risk; the
Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc) Act 2003; eligibile needs; care planning; and monitoring and reviews.
View guide
Contact Details:
Jane Wallis,
SAP Project Manager for Training, Pan Dorset Health and Social Care,
Human Resources Learning and Development Unit,
Vespasian House,
2nd Floor West Wing,
Bridport Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1305 225911 | Fax: +44 (0)1305 268834
Email: jane.wallis@dorsetcc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetforyou.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guide
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This tool can be used or adapted by others provided that the Pan Dorset Group is fully accredited as the organisation of origin. Jane Wallis would appreciate a brief email to let her know who is using the material and where it is
being used.
Pan Dorset Health and Social Care
Single Assessment Process implementing new joint working arrangements for older person's health and social care services across Dorset, Bournemouth, and Poole: [Bulletins 1, 2 and 3] [author: Jane
(September 2003 -)
These bulletins have as their purpose keeping practitioners advised of changes to working practices with regard to the introduction of the Single Assessment Process (SAP).
View bulletin 1 |
bulletin 2 |
bulletin 3
Contact Details:
Jane Wallis,
SAP Project Manager for Training, Pan Dorset Health and Social Care,
Human Resources Learning and Development Unit,
Vespasian House,
2nd Floor West Wing,
Bridport Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1305 225911 | Fax: +44 (0)1305 268834
Email: jane.wallis@dorsetcc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetforyou.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This tool can be used or adapted by others provided that the Pan Dorset Group is fully accredited as the organisation of origin. Jane Wallis would appreciate a brief email to let her know who is using the material and where it is
being used.
Russell House Publishing Ltd.,
For the record recording skills training manual [authur: Liz O'Rourke; consultant editor Neil Thompson]
'For the record' (181 pp) is a pack designed for use with social workers employed in a range of settings, and for looking at recording issues/skills in general. It shows how to make records that are objective
and reliable, and that also include the service user's perspective. It covers organising and structuring training programmes, recording systems; guidelines on good practice and the legal framework; and writing the record. Examples of OHPs, handouts,
exercises, and case studies are included.
Contact Details:
Russell House Publishing Ltd.,
4 St George's House,
Uplyme Road,
Lyme Regis,
DT7 3LS.
Tel: +44 (0)1297 443948 | Fax: +44 (0)1297 442722
Email: help@russellpublising.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.russellhouse.co.uk
Target group: Social workers |  Type / Format: pack
Availability / Price: £41.45 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1903855012
Safer Communities Chief Officers Group,
The Rough Guide to Information Sharing Protocols Everything you never wanted to know and were afraid to ask .... probably for very sensible reasons. [author: Commissioned by the Safer Communities Chief
Officers Group]
(October 2002)
6 pages. Accessible guide for field staff used widely amongst Warwickshire authorities, where it originated.
to view guide use web link below
Contact Details:
Warwickshire County Council,
Shire Hall,
CV34 4RA
Tel: 01926 410410 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/PCT/HA |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: Download only |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Sheffield First for Health Partnership
Sheffield Single Assessment Process assessment manual
(April 2003)
The assessments described in this manual (116pp) provide a standardised way of capturing the outcomes of conversations with service users and their carers. The assessments are intended to support and not
replace professional judgement. This manual contains examples of flow charts, sample assessment tools, and guidance about how the tools will be used, and demonstrate how pathways contribute to a Single Assessment Process. Also included is a
glossary, which is intended to be used in conjunction with the full glossary as contained in the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). This is the first edition of the manual. It will be revised to take account of practitioners'
experience during the first phase of implementation of the process, with any necessary amendments to have been circulated by April 2004.
The project was commissioned by the Sheffield First for Health Partnership in 2001. The partnership comprises: Shefield's Social Services Directorate and Housing & Direct Services; North Sheffield PCT; West Sheffield PCT; South West Sheffield PCT;
South East Sheffield PCT; Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Sheffield Care Trust: Mental Health and Wellbeing. and voluntary sector involvement.
View toolkit
Contact Details:
Sheffield City Council,
Single Assessment Project,
Floor 3,
Castle Market Buildings,
S1 2HA.
Tel: 0114 273 5299 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/safe--sound/social-services/single-assessment-process
Target group: all staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Single Assessment Process (SAP), Department of Health - DH; Minimum Data Set Home Care (MDS HC), interRAI UK
SAP ability assessment for older people : the MDS training pack [Minimum data set for community care (interRAI MDS-HC)]
This training pack contains the following: 1 MDS user manual [ISBN 0113226179]; 1 contact assessment form [ISBN 0113226160]; 1 overview assessment form [ISBN 0113226152] and 1 comprehensive assessment form
[ISBN 0113226144]. The manual can be sold as a single separate item but the three forms are sold in packs of ten copies only.
The guidelines for the Department of Health (DH) Single Assessment Process (SAP) specify four levels of assessment: initial contact assessment; overview assessment; in-depth (also known as specialist) assessment; and comprehensive assessment. The
Minimum Data Set - Home Care (MDS-HC) has components that map directly to each of these levels of assessment. These components are linked by logical rules and algorithms that have a research and evidence base.
Contact Details:
The Stationery Office,
PO Box 29,
NR3 1GN.
Tel: +44 (0)870 600 5522 | Fax: +44 (0)870 600 5533
Email: book.orders@tso.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.interrai.org
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: £35.00 (the four items can also be sold separately) |  ISBN/ISSN: 0113206179
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council; Solihull Primary Care Trust
Assessment documentation pad (adults), Solihull
Registration, assessment and referral forms, self-carbonated (2 copies).
Form for collecting information, which will then be recorded electronically and will be subject to the Data Protection Act. Accompanied by instructions for use.
Contact Details:
Val Dickens, Project Manager, Single Assessment Process, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council,
PO Box 32,
Council House,
West Midlands
B91 3QY.
Tel: +44 (0)121 704 8043 | Fax: +44 (0)121 704 6114
Email: vdickens@solihull.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.solihull.gov.uk
Target group: SSD/PCT staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Waltham Forest NHS PCT and Waltham Forest Council
Protocol for staff on the use of the Single Assessment Process Person Held Record in Waltham Forest [DRAFT] [author: Steve Griffiths]
[September 2006]
Sample of a protocol on the use of a person held record (PHR) developed by Waltham Forest and currently in draft form. Every adult over the age of 18 years who is the subject of a multi disciplinary or multi
agency assessment process is to be provided with a Person Held Record folder. This is to allow efficient and safe storage of assessment records and other related documentation by the assessed person. At the individual's discretion, it will prevent
duplication and support the practice of iniformation sharing between the individual and practitioners of various agencies.
The protocol consists of: statement of purpose; scope; staff responsibilities - (1) managers; (2) individual practitioners; procedures: (1) issuing the PHR; (2) inserting information; (3) ownership and responsibility; (4) access; (5) terminating the
use of the PHR; success indicators and governance arrangements.
View document.
Contact Details:
Steve Griffiths, Service Manager, Integrated Adults and Community Service,
London Borough of Waltham Forest
Silver Birch House,
Uplands Business Park,
Blackhorse Lane,
London E17 5SD
Tel: 020 8496 3467 | Fax:
Email: steve.griffiths@lbwf.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol; person held record
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wiltshire County Council
Confidentiality the Caldicott Way training video [author: Wiltshire Social Services]
Running time: 30 mins.
Produced by Wiltshire County Council, with contributions from Hampshire, Dorset, Swindon, Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire, Torbay, Devon, North Somerset, Bath and North East Somerset, Portsmouth, and Poole councils.
The video covers issues of confidentiality, with respect to client information, following from the findings of 1997 committee chaired by Dame Fiona Caldicott
It outlines and illustrates the six Caldicott principles in each of six scenarios:
1) Justify the purpose
2) Don't use personally identifying information unless it is absolutely necessary
3) Use the minimum necessary personally identifying information
4) Access to personally identifying information should be on a strict need-to-know basis
5) Everyone should be aware of their responsibilities
6) Understand and comply with the law.
Contact Details:
Angela Stansby County Hall,
Bythesea Road,
BA14 8JN
Tel: +44 (0)1225 713000 (switch)
+44 (0)1225 713923 (direct) | Fax:
Email: angelastansby@wiltshire.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SSD/PCT |  Type / Format: video; cdrom
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: Artisan Productions, Citronic House, Halifax Road, Bowerhill, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6UB.
Tel: 01225 792008; Fax: 01225 792008; Email: alan@artisanproductions.co.uk
Rights for the video now belong to the Department of Health (DH).
Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust
General protocol for inter-agency information sharing within Wolverhampton [Version 1, September 2003]
Protocol endorsed by Wolverhampton HASCI, with acknowledgement to Solihull MBC.
The General Protocol provides the framework for the sharing of personal information between Wolverhampton City Council, Wolverhampton Primary Care Trust, and Wolverhampton Royal Hospitals Trust. These agencies have formed a Health and Social Care
Information Exchange (HASCIE) project group. This document has been developed in accordance with national guidelines, to address responsibilities and concerns around the sharing of personal information. Appendices include references to relevant
view protocol
Contact Details:
Phil Smith, Wolverhampton City PCT,
Coniston House,
West Entrance,
Chapel Ash,
Tel: +44 (0)1902 575183 | Fax: +44 (0)1902 444877
Email: phil.smith@wolvespct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wolverhamptonhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: Health/social services |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust
Report on HaSCIE in Wolverhampton
The Health and Social Care Partnership Project Sponsors Group (HaSCIE Sponsors) have agreed to work in partnership with the Walsall Health Informatics Agency to implement Walsall's ERDIP product in
Wolverhampton. The overall intention is to bring the benefits of the electronic record and workflow management to the population of Woverhampton. This document outlines the issues raised by clinicians and managers such as IT skills and support from
ERDIP - Electronic Record Development and Implementation Programme.
view document
Contact Details:
Phil Smith, Wolverhampton City PCT,
Coniston House,
West Entrance,
Chapel Ash,
Tel: +44 (0)1902 575183 | Fax: +44 (0)1902 444877
Email: phil.smith@wolvespct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wolverhamptonhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: Health/social services |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wolverhampton Health and Social Care IT Project (HaSCIE)
Project initiation document, Wolverhampton Health & Social Care IT Project, HaSCIE Release: Draft V 1.0, PRINCE 2 [author: Darren Thomas]
(5 June 2003)
Project documentation for the Health and Social Care Partnership Project Sponsors Group (HaSCIE Sponsors) in Wolverhampton. Document number: HASCIE 0001. Printout dated 28 January 2004 is based on First issue,
5 June 2003. Phase 1 to be reviewed in February 2004 in preparation for future phases. It is intended that the current Walsall based system, Orion, be used as the basis for this system.
The Health and Social Care Partnership Project Sponsors Group (HaSCIE Sponsors) have agreed to work in partnership with the Walsall Health Informatics Agency to implement Walsall's ERDIP product in Wolverhampton. The purpose of this document is to
define the project, to form the basis for its management and assessment of overall success.
ERDIP - Electronic Record Development and Implementation Programme.
view document
Contact Details:
Phil Smith, Wolverhampton City PCT,
Coniston House,
West Entrance,
Chapel Ash,
Tel: +44 (0)1902 575183 | Fax: +44 (0)1902 444877
Email: phil.smith@wolvespct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wolverhamptonhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: IT support |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: