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Single Assessment Process - training materials -
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
Courtesy entitles [older people consider dignity to be a key element in their treatment ] [author: Michael Calnan, Gillian Woolhead, Paul Dieppe ]
(20 February 2003)
Article in: Health Service Journal, vol 113, no 5843, pp30-31.
The National Service Framework for older people (NSF) emphasises the need for older people to be treated respectfully as individuals. However, a study of 72 people in Bristol and South Wales ranging in age from 50 to 90 (median age 72), showed that
dignity - and lack of it - were key issues in their estimation of care. Their concerns about lack of dignity centred on lack of privacy, mixed sex wards, forms of address, and loss of independence. The study - which forms part of an EU funded
project relating to the Fifth framework (quality of life) programme - suggested that older people do not complain about care for fear of retaliation.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0952-2271
Implementing the Single Assessment Process: Opportunities and challenges [author: Dr Angela Dickinson]
[August 2006]
Article in Journal of Interprofessional Care, Volume 20, Number 4 (August 2006), pp. 365 - 379
The aim of the study was to evaluate a pilot introduction of the Single Assessment Process in the South-East of England. A qualitative case study design, incorporating observation and semi-structured interviews, was used to collect data. Assessment
visits were observed and recorded, and interviews were carried out with older people and their carers (n = 9), health and social care practitioners, operational managers, and other key individuals involved in the pilot (n = 26). Overall the
evaluation found three major themes that had an impact on the implementation of the Single Assessment Process. These were: the process of implementing policy and change; the health and social care boundary; and communication and sharing of
assessments. Front-line practitioners had a major impact on SAP implementation, particularly through their reluctance to engage with the process, work together and share assessments. Success of the national SAP implementation will depend on the
extent to which those working directly with older people can be engaged in the policy process.
Contact Details:
Dr Angela Dickinson, Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care, University of Hertfordshire,
Hatfield, UK.
Tel: 01707 285993 | Fax:
Email: a.m.dickinson@herts.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
What do you see?
The powerful 10-minute film aims to raise awareness of how society treats older people.
The film takes a journey through a day in the life and a life in the day of stroke victim Elsie, played by actress Virginia McKenna OBE. Elsie craves compassion and understanding of the person she is on the inside rather than the useless 'carcass'
she may appear on the outside. Elsie makes a heartfelt but silent plea for her carers to 'Look closer..see...me..'
Contact Details:
Amanda Waring Becketts, Tripp Hill
West Sussex
RH20 1ER
United Kingdom
Tel: l+44 (0)1798 865949 | Fax:
Email: dvd@amandawaring.com | 
Web links: http://amandawaring.com/index.php?module=Website&action=Text&content=1126793805537-3301
Target group: |  Type / Format: dvd video
Availability / Price: £9.99 plus £1.50 postage. To obtain more information about the film, or order a copy, email dvd@amandawaring.com |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: For permission to use for training call 01798 865949. Proceeds from the sale of each film will go direct to Macmillan Cancer Relief and Help the Aged.
Alzheimer's Society
The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) - a guide for people with dementia and their carers Information sheet 436
A4 2 pages.
Contact Details:
Jenny Hogarth, Admin Assistant, Gordon House,
10 Greencoat Place,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7306 0606 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7306 0808
Email: info@alzheimers.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.alzheimers.org.uk
Target group: practitioners; client groups |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: 50p each. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: One of a series of information sheets on dementia which can be purchased singly or in bulk at a discounted price.
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council)
Contact assessment form
2 pages.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council)
Overview assessment form
4 pages.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council; Luton Borough Council)
The Single Assessment Process in Bedfordshire and Luton - evaluation form for Luton pilot
2 pages.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Camden Primary Care Trust
[Camden PCT SAP workshop training materials]
A set of training materials used at a series of workshops in 2003 around how SAP might operate within various situations such as patient discharge and bathing services might be developed. The training
materials are as follows: ''Bathing beauties'' ; SAP Case Scenarios: Medicines, support at home, and accessing equipment; SAP Medication scenario; SAP overview report, July 2003; SAP Workshop resources guide; SAP NH placement scenario; Case
Scenarios from Monica Riberos.
Sandy Keen & Associates produced the overview report, 'Single Assessmnet Process (SAP) in Camden: main points from the workshops on 11 & 29 April; 7, 9, 14, 20,21, 22, 29 May 2003', The report's content is based on notes taken at the workshops by
independent consultant/observer Margaret Martin. The workshops were facilitated by Sandy Keen and Christy Austin. The report sets out the key learning points identified by participants; identifies key issues and challenges; provides a resource for
senior managers in Camden to promote person-centred care and implement SAP by 2004; and provides a contact list for further activities on SAP.
View documents:
bathing beauties |
Medicines, support at home, and accessing equipment |
Medication scenario |
overview report |
Workshop resources guide |
NH placement scenario |
Case Scenarios from Monica Riberos
Contact Details:
Graham MacDougall,
SAP Project Manager, Camden PCT,
St Pancras Hospital,
St Pancras Way,
London NW1 0PE
Tel: +44 (0)20 7530 3212 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7530 3104
Email: Graham.MacDougall@camdenpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.camdenpct.nhs.uk
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: training material
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Cancer Action Team, Department of Palliative Care, St Thomas' Hospital; King's College London
Holistic common assessment of supportive and palliative care needs for adults with cancer assessment guidance [authors: Alison Richardson, Peter Tebbit, Vivienne Brown, John Sitzia]
(January 2007)
This guidance (21 pp) has been prepared in response to Key Recommendation 2 in "Guidance on cancer services: improving supportive and palliative care for adults with Cancer: the manual" (National Institute for
Clinical Excellence, NICE, 2004). The guidance is for practitioners and managers providing or co-ordinating care of adults with cancer, to enable a unified approach to the assessment and recording of patients' needs. It is designed for healthcare
teams to employ as a benchmark against which current local processes of assessment can be appraised. This document sets out the main features of the holistic assessment and provides the core content of the assessment. The assessment comprises five
domains: background information and assessment preferences; physical needs; social and occupational needs; psychological well-being; and spiritual well-being.
Contact Details:
Justine Palin, Cancer Action Team,
Department of Palliative Care,
St Thomas' Hospital,
Lambeth Palace Road,
SE1 7EH.
Tel: 020 7188 4728 | Fax: 020 7188 4727
Email: justine.palin@gsh.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: palliative care managers/practitioners |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Also available on the Department of Health website at www.dh.gov.uk/cancer |  ISBN/ISSN:
Cancer Action Team, Department of Palliative Care, St Thomas' Hospital; King's College London
Holistic common assessment of supportive and palliative care needs for adults with cancer report to the National Cancer Action Team [authors: Alison Richardson, Peter Tebbit, Vivienne Brown, John
(January 2007)
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) publication "Guidance on cancer services: improving supportive and palliative care for adults with Cancer: the manual" identified barriers in service
provision for patients and carers. This report (38 pp) describes the methods used to develop and test a national specification for the assessment process in supportive and palliative care, and presents the underlying philosophy and principles on
which it is based. It also sets out the framework employed to develop the detailed guidance for healthcare teams. Annex 1 notes the interface with current and future policy initiatives: the Integrated Cancer Care Programme; Skills for Health;
Connecting for Health (including the Do Once and Share programme, DOAS); the Common Assessment Framework (CAF, building on the Single Assessment Process, SAP); and the End of Life Care Initiative. Annex 4 outlines the methods used to develop item
content for domains of need, and lists tools identified in the original scoping exercise.
Contact Details:
Justine Palin, Cancer Action Team,
Department of Palliative Care,
St Thomas' Hospital,
Lambeth Palace Road,
SE1 7EH.
Tel: 020 7188 4728 | Fax: 020 7188 4727
Email: justine.palin@gsh.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: palliative care managers/practitioners |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Also available on the Department of Health website at www.dh.gov.uk/cancer |  ISBN/ISSN:
County Durham SAP Steering Group
County Durham Single Assessment Process - Contact Assessment
8 page document. DRAFT (SAP1).
Contact Details:
Brenda Peppin - SAP Lead/Chair of Steering Group, Derwentside PCT,
Shotley Bridge Community Hospital,
Co. Durham
Tel: +44 (0)1207 594458 | Fax: +44 (0)1207 594438
Email: brenda.peppin@derwentside.pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.derwentside-pct.nhs.uk
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: download WP.doc |  ISBN/ISSN:
Darlington Social Services Department
Single Assessment Process - contact assessment (DRAFT form)
5 page form (SAP 1)
View draft form
Contact Details:
Lynn Walker, Social Services SAP lead, Darlington Social Services Department,
Central House,
Gladstone Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1325 346258 | Fax:
Email: lynn.walker@darlington.gov.uk |  win.suggett@darlingtonpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://gold.darlington.org.uk/Default.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: Other contact: Win Suggett is SAP Lead, Darlington PCT, tel 01325 746237
See also Good Practice listing.
Darlington Social Services Department
Single Assessment Process - overview assessment (DRAFT form)
30 page form (SAP Overview)
View draft form
Contact Details:
Lynn Walker, Social Services SAP lead, Darlington Social Services Department,
Central House,
Gladstone Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1325 346258 | Fax:
Email: lynn.walker@darlington.gov.uk |  win.suggett@darlingtonpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://gold.darlington.org.uk/Default.htm
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: Other contact: Win Suggett is SAP Lead, Darlington PCT, tel 01325 746237
See also Good Practice listing.
Darlington Social Services Department
Single Assessment Process local partnership policy document 2005
April 2005
This document provides a comprehensive overview of the implementation of SAP in Darlington including an Introduction, Policy Statement, Scope, Aims, Values, Definitions, Responsibilities, the Implementation
Process , Support, Monitoring and Review and Referenced Documents/Websites
The document includes a number of appendices covering Key Implication for Older People, Social Workers, Nurses, Therapists, General Practitioners, Geriatricians & Old Age Psychiatrists as well as Key Attributes of the Single Assessment Process;
Shared Values of the Single Assessment Process and a SAP Glossary of Terms.
View document
Contact Details:
Lynn Walker, Social Services SAP lead, Darlington Social Services Department,
Central House,
Gladstone Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1325 346258 | Fax:
Email: lynn.walker@darlington.gov.uk |  win.suggett@darlingtonpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://gold.darlington.org.uk/Default.htm
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: Strategy; Plan; Report; Protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Win Suggett is SAP Lead, Darlington PCT, tel 01325 746237
See also Good Practice listing.
Devon County Council Social Services
Contact assessment (SAP1) Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process
Assessment form (4 pp) for contact assessments for the Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager, Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Website password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
Devon County Council Social Services
Delayed discharge supplement Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process notification
(Nov 2003)
Assessment form (4 pp) to be used relating to delayed discharge for the Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager;
Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Website password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
Disabled Living Foundation - DLF
AskSARA Helpline [Disabled Living Foundation]
(October 2007)
AskSARA is an online self assessment tool developed by the DLF to help a person make adjustments to their life to improve it, and involves the person going through a self assessment process. AskSARA is an
innovative way for older and disabled people and their families to obtain advice about equipment that can help them in their daily lives. It is also possible to do an assessment on behalf of someone else. The products and the information that are
suggested are designed to give small pieces of advice, suggest minor adaptations around the home, simple changes, ‘low level’ equipment. The advice and information has been updated with the help of Occupational Therapists, who have used their
expertise to ensure AskSARA contains the most up-to-date and relevant information. It might be AskSARA does not meet a person’s needs if they are more complex. For those cases, other sources of assistance will be suggested that could include
referral to the main DLF Helpline.
DLF have been funded for a pilot project of AskSARA for people aged 60 years+ from London. Services include an impartial and confidential helpline and outreach services.
Contact Details:
Hugh Dobie, Marketing Officer - 020 7289 6111 ext
211 Disabled Living Foundation
380-384 Harrow Road
W9 2HU
Tel: AskSARA helpline: 0845 470 7272 - Opening hours: 10am-4pm, M-F. | Fax:
Email: hugh.dobie@dlf.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.asksara.org.uk.
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tools
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Elderly Accommodation Counsel
Housing options for older people (HOOP): ... to move or not to move? that is the question ... a self-assessment form for people wondering whether or not to move home and seeking information on options
The HOOP tool has been produced by Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) and the School for Policy Studies, University of the West of England (UWE), with support from the Housing Corporation Innovation and Good
Practice Programme.
The questionnaire is designed to help people who are trying to decide whether or not to move home in later life. It invites the individual to look at nine different aspects of his or her home, one by one, to help clarify which things re right and
where there are problems. The purpose is to think through factors about moving or staying put, and to find out more about the options that are relevant to an older person's situation.
Contact Details:
Tel: +44 (0)20 7820 1343 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.housingcare.org
Target group: Older people |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Essex Strategic Health Authority
Essex Single Assessment Process ('SAP'): a multi agency competency framework to aid single assessment and performance management competency statements and descriptions
The statements and descriptors in this document describe the six core competencies that specialist workers must possess in order to provide safe and effective care for older people:
1. Demonstrate and promote understanding of his or her role and the contribution of colleagues and others in the delivery of person centred care to older people.
2. Assess individual needs and circumstances.
3. Develop and sustain arrangements for best practice in joint working between workers and agencies.
4. Collaboration, information sharing and information management.
5. Continuous professional and technical development.
6. Analysis and judgement..
The document also includes three checklists: a profile of the competent worker in the Single Assessment Process; value based requirements for all agencies in SAP; and underpinning knowledge of a competent clinician/ worker in the single assessment
View framework
Contact Details:
Jean Kingsley, Essex Project Director, Single Assessment Process, Swift House,
Hedgerows Business Park,
Colchester Road,
CM2 5PF.
Tel: +44 (0)1268 705152
+44 (0)1268 705101 (Pat Day - PA) | Fax:
Email: jean.kingsley@basildonpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: checklist
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: On title page: Essex County Council and Thurrock Council
Essex Strategic Health Authority
Single Assessment Process: Essex-wide protocol: principles underpinning practice final version
(August 2004)
This 24-page Protocol is the joint work of all the health and social care organisations in Essex ((including Thurrock Unitary Council and Southend Borough Council) which are responsible for delivering services
to older people. The document contains the underpinning principles for the practice of SAP in all localities across Essex, to conform with the Department of Health (DH) guidance on SAP. Definitions of terms for the four levels of assessment in Essex
- contact assessment, overview assessment, comprehensive assessment, and specialist assessment - are given. Four key roles in the process are identified: key worker; specialist assessor; care co-ordinator; and provider. The content of the process is
outlined. Appendices comprise: Essex Single Assessment Process - schematic diagram; and the 6 competencies required of key workers and specialist assessors (as given in 'Essex Single Assessment Process ('SAP'): a multi agency competency framework to
aid single assessment and performance management: competency statements and descriptions') .
View protocol
Contact Details:
Jean Kingsley, Essex Project Director, Single Assessment Process Swift House,
Hedgerows Business Park,
Colchester Road,
CM2 5PF.
Tel: +44 (0)1268 705152
+44 (0)1268 705101 (Pat Day - PA)
07786 125600 | Fax:
Email: jean.kingsley@basildonpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: On title page: Essex County Council, Thurrock Council.
Hammersmith and Fulham PCT
Single Assessment [author: Clare Vollum]
October 2003
Flyer and presentation introducing SAP in Hammersmith and Fulham and outlining the principles.
Presentation designed to be made in conjunction with DH Video - Changing Workforce programme - Toolkit for local change - Patient and staff perspective - Physical illness - Mrs Foley.
view flyer |
view handout
Contact Details:
Clare Vollum Tel: | Fax:
Email: clare.vollum@hf-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance; publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services and PCT
Islington Care Schedule - Freeware Form
August 2004
The Care Schedule is a care timetable that has been developed alongside the Needs and Care Planning tool [see separate entry Islington Needs and Care Planning Freeware Tool]. It has taken its design from the
'Your Care Plan' model developed recently.
View Care Schedule
Contact Details:
Howard Smith & Peter Gooding Business & Performance/SAP Project Team
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax: 020 7527 1107
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk |  peter.gooding@islington.gov.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: care plan;
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Carer Assessment and Support Plan
The Islington carer assessment and support plan doc template is in Word and designed to link in with Overview domains.
In an effort to save some localities additional design and development work, Islington has released the carers assessment tool as Freeware. The assessment tool has been in circulation and in live use for the last two years at least in Islington.
Practitioners are invited to use all or part of the document as they wish. It can be configured to add local icons etc.
View Carer Assessment and Support Plan
Contact Details:
Howard Smith E-Business Development Manager
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax:
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Community Care Review/Re-Assessment for People Living in Residential/Nursing Home Care
The Islington community care review/re-assessment tool for people living in residential/nursing home care doc template is in Word and designed to link in with Overview domains.
In an effort to save some localities additional design and development work, Islington has released the assessment tool as Freeware. The assessment tool has been in circulation and in live use for the last two years at least in Islington.
Practitioners are invited to use all or part of this as they wish. It can be configured to add local icons etc.
View Community Care Review/Re-Assessment for people living in residential/nursing home care
Contact Details:
Howard Smith E-Business Development Manager
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax:
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Islington Community Care Review/Reassessment
The Islington community care review doc template which is in Word and designed to link in with Overview domains is an example of a review assessment tool that is suitable for use by practitioners across the
whole adult service for the review assessment process.
In an effort to save some localities additional design and development work, Islington has released the assessment tool as Freeware. The assessment tool has been in circulation and in live use for the last two years at least in Islington.
Practitioners are invited to use all or part of this as they wish. It can be configured to add local icons etc.
View tool
Contact Details:
Howard Smith E-Business Development Manager
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax:
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Islington Comprehensive Risk Assessment
August 2004
The Comprehensive Risk Assessment for Vulnerable Adults & Adults with Illness or Disabilities has been developed alongside the Needs and Care Planning tool [see separate entry Islington Needs and Care Planning
Freeware Tool]. This document is to be used where serious, complex or multiple risk factors are identified and where it is clear that risk management planning within general community care assessment and service provision has not (or will not)
adequately ensure that a service user is protected. Risk assessment guidance is provided to assist in completing the Comprehensive Risk Assessment form.
View Comprehensive Risk Assessment form.
View Risk Management and the Comprehensive Risk Assessment guidance.
Contact Details:
Howard Smith Business & Performance/SAP Project Team
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax: 020 7527 1107
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Islington Needs and Care Planning Freeware Tool
August 2004
As a solution to addressing care planning issues alongside SAP and in relation to Care Management , Islington Social Services and PCT have developed an electronic Needs and Care Planning tool which is now in
use across Islington adults social care and is being taken up in other areas in Islington such as Community Nursing and Mental Health Care of Older people. The tool produces a holistic document setting out Needs, Risk Bandings, Actions and Outcomes
in a logical format.
The document can be fully edited and amended as required.
The tool presents a pick list of common needs categorised into the main FACS areas. It also presents FACS bandings against each need and automatically creates a document with the users name, DOB, NHS & SS ID number, listing all chosen needs and
bandings and preferred outcomes. The action or intervention can then be added against each need to produce a comprehensive statement of need, actions and ideal outcomes. The needs and outcomes have been carefully developed with teams, practitioners
and with reference to the University of York SPRU 'Outcomes into Practice' module.
A Zipped copy of the Needs & Care Plan Tool can be downloaded from this website. Also included are user instructions, an example of a created document, a full checklist of the needs and outcomes covered and a Readme First document containing
important set up and freeware disclaimer information.
Also see entry for Islington Care Schedule - Freeware Form.
Download Needs & Care Plan tool
Contact Details:
Howard Smith Business & Performance/SAP Project Team
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax: 020 7527 1107
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: care plan; toolkit
Availability / Price: Free to download and share. NB: To download, Right Click on mouse, and select Save Target As ,,, |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The developers wish to share the tool as Freeware with colleagues in London and nationally, as it can be used by health and social care staff as a useful care planning tool to complement SAP documentation.
Please note that the tool will not run on Office 2003 - a patched version to allow this will be available in a few weeks.
Please feel free to distribute this tool to colleagues who may find it useful.
Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster
Patient Information Leaflet [Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Health and Social Care Communities]
(June 2004)
Leaflet for patients explaining what the single assessment process means for them, in question and answer format. What is the Single Assessment Process for older people? Who can carry out your assessment? What
does the Single Assessment Process involve? What is a Joint Care Plan? What about the person who cares for you? How would we share your records? What if you are unhappy with your assessment? The Standards you can expect.
Contact Details:
Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea PCT Service Development,
St Charles Hospital,
Courtfield House,
Exmoor Street,
London W10 6DZ
Tel: 020 8962 4621 | Fax: 020 8962 4607
Email: ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kent Social Services
Caring - self assessment online
[January 2005]
Kent Social Services is piloting an innovative online self assessment scheme in partnership with software firm Anite Public Services. The Caring website allows people the choice to assess their own care
needs or carry out an assessment on behalf of someone else by completing a questionnaire online. If a person qualifies for support, they will then be able to choose from a range of support services matching their assessed needs. In most cases,
eligible applicants will be able to select a service without the need for a conventional home visit, however a review visit will take place to ensure the arrangements are suitable. The pilot covers people with moderate needs, but the aim is to
extend the service to those with critical and substantial needs. Face-to-face assessments will be retained for those who want them.
Contact Details:
Kent County Council,
County Hall,
Kent ME14 1XQ
Tel: +44 (0)8458 247247 | Fax:
Email: social.services@kent.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.kent.gov.uk/selfassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kent Social Services
Kent Telehealth
[February 2005]
Kent Telehealth is being launched in partnership with American company Viterion. It enables patients to monitor their own health and communicate with health and social care professionals from their own home
via a hi-tech user-friendly computer-based unit through a telephone line. All personal details are encrypted so there is no opportunity for hackers to access patients’ details.
Although it will initially be piloted among 275 older people with chronic diseases across primary care trusts in Ashford, Maidstone Weald, South West Kent and Dartford and Gravesham and Swanley, KCC believes that the technology could eventually be
used more widely. It could promote independence and self-management of, for example, care planning and be introduced into community settings such as schools, nursing and residential homes.
Contact Details:
Kent County Council,
County Hall,
Kent ME14 1XQ
Tel: +44 (0)8458 247247 | Fax:
Email: social.services@kent.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.kent.gov.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: online service
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Pan Dorset Health and Social Care
Single Assessment Process a guide for practitioners working with older people in health and social services across Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole [author: Jane Wallis]
(September 2003)
The purpose of this guide is to provide a brief explanation of assessment - as a single process. It is intended for all practitioners in both health and social services (including housing) who work with older
people. Its coverage includes: the four levels of assessment; care co-ordinators; carers; SAP or ICPA (the Integrated Care Programme Approach which will continue to aply to those with mental health problems); confidentiality; evaluation of risk; the
Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc) Act 2003; eligibile needs; care planning; and monitoring and reviews.
View guide
Contact Details:
Jane Wallis,
SAP Project Manager for Training, Pan Dorset Health and Social Care,
Human Resources Learning and Development Unit,
Vespasian House,
2nd Floor West Wing,
Bridport Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1305 225911 | Fax: +44 (0)1305 268834
Email: jane.wallis@dorsetcc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetforyou.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guide
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This tool can be used or adapted by others provided that the Pan Dorset Group is fully accredited as the organisation of origin. Jane Wallis would appreciate a brief email to let her know who is using the material and where it is
being used.
Pan Dorset Health and Social Care
Single Assessment Process Case management - case studies 1-4 [author: Jane Wallis]
These four case studies explain the personal circumstances of a Mrs Blair, a Mr Thatcher, a Mrs Churchill, and a Miss Major. , and then set tasks to map the most feasible or likely care pathways or outcomes.
The aim of each case study is variously to consider and remember consent or confidentiality issues, matters regarding the Community Care (Delayed Discharge etc) Act 2003, special needs, carers' needs,, and matters appertaining to RNCC (Registered
Nursing Care Contribution) determination.
View case studies
Contact Details:
Jane Wallis,
SAP Project Manager for Training, Pan Dorset Health and Social Care,
Human Resources Learning and Development Unit,
Vespasian House,
2nd Floor West Wing,
Bridport Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1305 225911 | Fax: +44 (0)1305 268834
Email: jane.wallis@dorsetcc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetforyou.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: case study
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This tool can be used or adapted by others provided that the Pan Dorset Group is fully accredited as the organisation of origin. Jane Wallis would appreciate a brief email to let her know who is using the material and where it is
being used.
Royal College of Physicians & Faculty of Public Health Medicine
Assessing health needs of people from minority ethnic groups [author: Salman Rawaf and Veena Bahl (eds)]
Book published in collaboration with the Department of Health, shows how health needs assessment in the NHS could contribute towards a healthier nation. It directs particular attention to the special health
needs and expectations of the larger ethnic minority groups in the UK, and includes a chapter on the unique health problems of refugees and asylum seekers. This book provides a framework for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the health
needs of these ethnic groups and gives guidance on the allocation of priority to the provision of the appropriate health services.
Contact Details:
Royal College of Physicians
11 St Andrews Place,
Regent's Park,
Tel: 020 7935 1174 | Fax:
Email: publications@rcplondon.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: book; guidance
Availability / Price: £16.50 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1860160581
Russell House Publishing
From where I'm sitting a manual for those working with older people in the social care sector [author: Sue Thompson]
238 pp
"From where I am sitting" is designed as an aid to learning for anyone involved in the care of older people in residential or nursing homes, hospitals, assisted living schemes, or in their own homes. The material includes background information,
items suitable for handouts, guidance on training exercises, and overhead transparency templates, so that it can be used in conjunction with training, and provides guidance for those who are just starting out in this field of work. Themes covered
include: dealing with feelings; communication; personal care; health issues; residential care; dementia; sexuality and intimacy; loss and grief; aggression; abuse; and staff care.
Contact Details:
Russell House Publishing Ltd.,
4 St George's House,
The Business Park,
Uplyme Road,
Lyme Regis,
Dorset DT7 3LS.
Tel: +44 (0)1297 443948 | Fax: +44 (0)1297 442722
Email: help@russellpublising.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.russellhouse.co.uk
Target group: SSD/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: guide
Availability / Price: £29.95 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1898924047
Russell House Publishing Ltd.,
For the record recording skills training manual [authur: Liz O'Rourke; consultant editor Neil Thompson]
'For the record' (181 pp) is a pack designed for use with social workers employed in a range of settings, and for looking at recording issues/skills in general. It shows how to make records that are objective
and reliable, and that also include the service user's perspective. It covers organising and structuring training programmes, recording systems; guidelines on good practice and the legal framework; and writing the record. Examples of OHPs, handouts,
exercises, and case studies are included.
Contact Details:
Russell House Publishing Ltd.,
4 St George's House,
Uplyme Road,
Lyme Regis,
DT7 3LS.
Tel: +44 (0)1297 443948 | Fax: +44 (0)1297 442722
Email: help@russellpublising.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.russellhouse.co.uk
Target group: Social workers |  Type / Format: pack
Availability / Price: £41.45 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1903855012
Social Work Studies, University of Southampton; Elderly Care Unit, Southampton General Hospital
Feasibility study of nurse led implementation of the Single Assessment Process in primary care: summary of the qualitative study to explore older people's accounts [authors: JM Powell, J Robison, HC
Roberts, G Thomas & ZM Hemsley]
In the absence of clear guidance on how the SAP should be implemented a study was planned with the aim of evaluating the feasibility of a nurse-led SAP in a primary care practice. The qualitative study
explored the experience and views of some of the older people who took part in the feasibility research study.
The aims of the qualitative study were (1) to explore the older people’s experience and views of the single assessment process, focusing on acceptability, relevance and usefulness; and (2) to locate the assessment within the broader social context
of their lives focusing on how they manage and promote their health and well being.
View study
Contact Details:
Jackie Powell, Reader and Head of Social Work Studies, School of Social Sciences,
University of Southampton,
SO17 1BJ
Tel: +44 (0)2380 5980 3568 | Fax:
Email: jmp3@socsci.soton.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This work has recently been completed and written up as part of a wider feasibility study that is being led by Dr
Helen Roberts, Elderly Care Unit, Southampton General Hospital, email H.C.Roberts@soton.ac.uk
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Single Assessment Case Studies
Two examples of case studies (Mr Roberts) used in training by this authority. 2 pages.
Four case studies also included that are real scenarios of people who eventually received support from the Age Concern hospital discharge service which is funded by Staffordshire Social Services.
View Case studies (Mr Roberts): Case 1
| Case 2
| View scenarios (powerpoint)
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: case study
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Single Assessment Overview/Summary Form
4 pages. v9
View overview / summary form
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Staffordshire and Stoke SAP Contact Assessment Form
(January 2004)
2 pages. v9
View contact assessment form
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Tameside and Glossop Primary Care Trust,
Single Assessment Process: implications for practice training programme
(February 2002)
Part of a range of training materials for SAP used by Tameside and Glossop PCT, and for a variety of audiences. Comprises:
Training information for all involved in providing care to older people
Programme covering: connecting with good practice; advantages and disadvantages of an outcomes focus; connecting with the user's and carer's perspective
Time for reflection - the implications for practice (worksheet and prompt sheet)
Training materials continue to be developed as and when needed.
Contact Details:
Teresa Jankowska, SAP Co-ordinator, Tameside and Glossop Primary Care Trust,
New Century House,
Progress Way,
Windmill Lane,
M34 2GP.
Tel: +44 (0)161 304 5450 (TJ)
+44 (0)161 304 5300 (PCT general no) | Fax:
Email: teresa.jankowska@nhs.net | 
Web links: http://www.tameside.gov.uk/tmbc1/sap.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
University College of London
Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE) A needs assessment for older mental health service users [authors: Martin Orrell, Geraldine Hancock (eds)]
CANE is a comprehensive, person-centred needs assessment tool that has been designed for use with older people and particularly those with mental health problems. It can be used for both the overview and
comprehensive assessments of the NSF single assessment process. It is not accredited by the Department of Health but has been rigorously developed by a multi-disciplinary team at University College London in collaboration with other academic
centres. It has been used in a wide variety of clinical and research settings across the UK and other countries and is translated into five languages. Manual available from UCL but to accompany purchase of book.
Contact Details:
Dr Geraldine Hancock Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences,
University College London,
Wolfson Building,
48 Riding House Street,
W1N 8AA.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 9420 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7679 9426
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/publications
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: Manual free to use but must purchase copy of book priced £80 from Gaskell Publications, Royal College of Psychiatrists, 17 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PG. Tel: 020 7235 2351 x146 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Publications Dept contact is: Carrie Davis - cdavis@rcpsych.ac.uk
University of Sheffield
EASY-Care 2004
This assessment tool is accredited by the Department of Health. The package consists of the following documentation : -
EASY-Care 2004 assessment forms (contact, overview, planning care, consent)
Assessor's Manual
Assessor's Guide to Exploring Needs
Training Manual - Single Assessment Process
EASY-Care is now used in 19 countries and available in 15 languages.
Contact Details:
EASY-Care Administrator, University of Sheffield,
Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing (SISA),
Community Sciences Centre,
Northern General Hospital,
S5 7AU
Tel: +44 (0)114 271 4939 | Fax: +44 (0)114 271 5771
Email: j.marriott@sheffield.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.shef.ac.uk/sisa/easycare
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: only from SISA. £1.65 for the overview assessment tool; 75p for the assessor's manual and guide. Training manual only available as part of training undertaken with SISA. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: EASY-Care (Elderly Assessment System) was developed by SISA with an education grant from Pfizer Limited.
Wandsworth Borough Council; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust
New assessment formats community care [Wandsworth] introduction [author: Wendy Moreton]
(March 2003)
Outline (2 pp) to accompany the new community care assessment files. It relates to the new community care assessment being piloted from 31 March 2003 in Putney and Roehampton and in two wards at the
Bolingbroke Hospital.
View document
Contact Details:
Wendy Moreton, Senior Planning and Review Officer, Wandsworth Borough Council,
Town Hall,
Wandsworth High Street,
SW18 2PU.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 6271 (WM)
+44 (0)20 8789 5511 (FN) | Fax:
Email: wmoreton@wandsworth.gov.uk |  fleur.norwood@swlondon.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: Health/social services staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wandsworth Borough Council; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust
The Single Assessment Process in Wandsworth person centred care for older people [authors: Wendy Moreton, Fleur Norwood
Explanatory leaflet for older people and their carers. It explains how a Single Assessment Process will be introduced in Wandsworth. This is a change in the way older people receive the help they need. The
leaflet asks older people and their carers who wish to comment about Single Assessments to contact Social Services or Health Services.
Contact Details:
Wendy Moreton, Senior Planning and Review Officer, Wandsworth Borough Council,
Town Hall,
Wandsworth High Street,
SW18 2PU.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 6271 (WM)
+44 (0)20 8789 5511 (FN) | Fax:
Email: wmoreton@wandsworth.gov.uk |  fleur.norwood@swlondon.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: Older people, carers |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Wandsworth Borough Council; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust
Wandsworth overview assessment guidelines for completion [authors: Wandsworth Borough Council Social Services Community Care Division; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust]
(24 October 2003)
Guidance (10 pp) on completing the overview assessment. The overview assessment tool (form) is to be used to assess the needs of all people aged 18 and over seeking a community care assessment in Wandsworth
(with the exception of people with mental health needs). It aims to cover all areas of all possible needs for health and social care at a basic level. The guidelines also note that the assessment must be person centred.
View guidance
Contact Details:
Wendy Moreton, Senior Planning and Review Officer, Wandsworth Borough Council,
Town Hall,
Wandsworth High Street,
SW18 2PU.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 6271 (WM)
+44 (0)20 8789 5511 (FN) | Fax:
Email: wmoreton@wandsworth.gov.uk |  fleur.norwood@swlondon.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: Health/social services staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Worcestershire SSD
Single assessment in Worcestershire
A series of powerpoint presentations devised by Jonathan Monks. 3 frames introduction with further 8 frames opening commentary about SAP and progress to date; The patient's journey (9 frames); Just say it
once - Solihull (4 frames);
Multi-disciplinary working (5 frames).
View presentations:
introduction |
commentary |
patient's journey |
Just say it once |
Multi-disciplinary working
Contact Details:
Jonathan Monks, Programme Manager, County Hall,
Spetchley Road,
Tel: 01905 766963 | Fax:
Email: jmonks2@worcestershire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/progressingsingleassessment
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: contact Jonathan Monks |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: see Good Practice