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Single Assessment Process - training materials -
medicines management
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
Department of Health; Social Services Inspectorate
Pharmaceutical care package tariffs
Form for recording details of services to be provided for an older person's medication needs (e.g. compliance, dispensing, domiciliary visit service).
View form.
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services, Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Form
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster
Medicines and the Single Assessment Process [Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Health and Social Care Communities]
(July 2004)
Thirty-three powerpoint frames to support training to extend 'overview' skills around medicines issues within the Single Assessment Process. Topics covered include: what are medicines; prescribing, supplying
and controlling medicines; medicines and older people; the SAP Medicines Management Assessment Tool - assessment and referral; putting asssessment into practice; medicines in hospital and the discharge process; perspectives from the district nurse,
social services, and mental health; FACE overview questions for medicines.
Contact Details:
Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea PCT Service Development,
St Charles Hospital,
Courtfield House,
Exmoor Street,
London W10 6DZ
Tel: 020 8962 4621 | Fax: 020 8962 4607
Email: ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: See separate entry for the SAP Medicines Management Assessment Tool.
Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster
Single Assessment Process Medicines Management Assessment Tool [Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Health and Social Care Communities]
(July 2004)
The form contains an initial set of four questions devised to help assessors:
Clarify medicines issues identified during assessment.
Complement medicines related parts of the Overview Assessment tool.
Identify a point of advice or referral to address medicines issues.
Make appropriate and informative referrals.
If a problem is identified from asking the initial four questions, the form continues with more detailed questions to understand the problem better and consider referral.
Contact Details:
Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea PCT Service Development,
St Charles Hospital,
Courtfield House,
Exmoor Street,
London W10 6DZ
Tel: 020 8962 4621 | Fax: 020 8962 4607
Email: ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People
Principles for older people and their medicines statement of principles for supporting older people to use their medicines safely and appropriately in their own homes, in care homes and across
interfaces of care
(4 October 2006)
One of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) milestones due for achievement by October 2004 was that "all Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) should have schemes in place so that older people get more
help from pharmacists in using their medicines". This document (15 pp) identifies the need to integrate medicines management into current care pathways, the Single Assessment Process (SAP) and case management. It sets out six principles,
illustrated by examples of good practice:
1: Every individual has the right to an assessment to identify their care needs and such support as is necessary for safe and appropriate use of his or her medicines;
2: Every individual has access to their medicines and is able to use them safely and appropriately;
3: Every individual and/or carer has access to high quality information from a health care professional about their medicines;
4: Health and social care organisations provide support for medicines use, in line with the principles of clinical governance and national minimum standards;
5: Individuals are entitled to receive coordinated care when moving between different care settings;
6: Every health and social care economy has a robust referral system to a pharmacist to ensure a consistent point of contact, communications network and signposting.
A glossary is acknowledged to Lelly Oboh, Lambeth PCT.
The document is accompanied by a letter from Theresa Rutter, 'Key principles of care to support older people in the safe, effective use of their medicines in their own homes and in care homes'.
Contact Details:
Theresa Rutter,
Chair, Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People,
London, Eastern and South East Specialist Pharmacy Services, Clinical Pharmacy with Community Health Services,
Pharmacy Department,
St Charles Hospital,
Exmoor Street,
W10 6DZ.
Tel: 020 8962 4827 | Fax: 020 8962 4058
Email: theresa.rutter@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: pharmacists, PCTs, GPs |  Type / Format: guidance; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London Older People's Development Programme, Medicine Management Project
The 4 medicines trigger questions [and] 4 medicines trigger questions with prompts
The London Older People's Development Programme's Medicine Management Project tested 4 "trigger questions", which are recommended to be asked during the contact or overview assessments, in order to identify or
assess older people with a pharmaceutical need, or trigger referral for a more specialist in-depth medication assessment by a pharmacist.
The questions with prompts have been adapted from the Croydon PCT medicines assessment questions, January 2004.
View questions
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical
London Older People's Development Programme, Medicines Management Project
Handling medicines and the law [author: Lelly Oboh]
This document is based on a Powerpoint presentation, It presents three statements on handling medicines; lists the three legal categories of medicines; outlines the legal postion regarding residends' medicines
in residential homes; and action to be taken in the event of refusal to take medication.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services, Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Powerpoint; document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical
London Older People's Development Programme, Medicines Management Project
Supporting the single assessment process - managing medicines: [programmes for training days] [author: Lelly Oboh]
Programmes for "learning and sharing sessions", organised to support staff who will be involved in the London Older People's Service Development Programme (LOPSDP) medicines management pilot, which requires
staff to assess medication-related areas of the single assessment. It is an opportunity for staff to increase their skills and knowldge in medicines mangement, and learn about the local resources that they might want to refer to, or put service
users in touch with.
The programme has been developed by Lelly Oboh (Medicines Mangement Co-ordinator), building on work done on medicines management by Beth Taylor (specialist community services pharmacist) as part of the Lewisham PCT multi-agency training on SAP.
View training programme
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services, Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical
London Older People's Development Programme, Medicines Management Project;
The London Older People Service Development Program (LOPSDP) the 'Medicines Management' Project (January to July 2003) [author: Lelly Oboh]
This document, based on a Powerpoint presentation, sets integrating medicines management into the Single Assessment Process (SAP) into context. It outlines objectives; and presents key findings on: the 4
medication trigger questions; developing referral and communication pathways; pharmacist undertaking the in-depth assessment; the in-depth assessment tool; community pharmacists providing packages of care; and identifying unmet needs and better
outcomes for older people. It lists recommendations on developing multidisciplinary training packages., and on the future development of this work.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services, Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Powerpoint; document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Cover title: London Older People's Programme: making changes - improving lives
LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical area.
London Older People's Service Development Programme, Medicines Management Project
Integration of pharmaceutical care for vulnerable older people in the single assessment and case management process proposal
(August 2002)
This paper (prepared by Jenny Webb) is a collaborative propoposal by the London Older People's Services Development Programme, the London Directorate of Health and Social Care, and the London Local
Phamaceutical Committee Forum, a group of some 2,000 community pharmacists It outlines a 6-month pilot, which is designed to integrate pharmaceutical care within the case management porgramme for older people living in the community or in sheltered
housing, who are part of the LOPSDP. The pilot will test the development of a care pathway that integrates medicine review and medicines management within the single assessment and case mangement processes, to adopt a planned and proactive approach
to identified pharmaceutical care needs.
View proposal
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services, Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical
London Older People's Service Development Programme, Medicines Management Project
The in-depth medication assessment [author: Lelly Oboh]
(April 2003)
This document comprises the in-depth medication assessment form, preceded by information on the implementation process: who is involved, and the training required. The tool covers the 4 medication trigger
questions, and is designed so that the questions are covered in different sections of the tool, which covers: basic information; access issues; compliance issues; day-to-day medicines management issues; and clinical issues and medication review.
This assessment should be carried out by a specially trained pharmacist for patients who have been identified as having a pharmaceutical need via the Single Assessment Process (SAP). Also included is the form, Pharmaceutical care plan.
View document
Contact Details:
Lelly Oboh, Senior Prescribing Adviser, Lambeth PCT / Older People NSF Pharmacy Adviser, London Specialist Pharmacy Services. Streatham Common Clinic,
293 Streatham High Road,
SW16 3NP.
Tel: 020 8243 2417 | Fax: 020 8243 2402
Email: lelly.oboh@lambethpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Pharmacists |  Type / Format: Document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Use of materials from the following is acknowledged:
Chris Ranson, Essex Riverside HealthcareNHS Trust - Collaborative Care Initiative, 2002.
Sangeeta Sharma, Wandsworth PCT - Medication Assessment Tool, 2002.
Karen Rosenbloom. Medication Management Assessment, 2002.
Lambeth PCT. Structured approach to medication review, 2002.
LOPSDP now ceased. See also: London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People - which continues work previously carried out by the Medicines Management Project, but covers a wider geographical area.
Medicines Partnership
Assessment of medication-related needs – checklist for SAP coordinators [author: Medicines Partnership]
A checklist of questions to help SAP coordinators to assess whether medication-related needs are being met. This checklist is available via the web link listed, and it can be downloaded in word and pdf
Questions grouped under headings: involvement of pharmacists in the SAP; identification of medication related issues in Level 2 assessments; involvement of users and carers; Level 3 pharmacist assessments; care plans; related documents.
Website also provides explanation of key elements of Single Assessment Process; care plan; pharmacist role; and description of a medicines management pilot.
Contact Details:
Joanne Shaw, Director Medicines Partnership,
5th floor,
Royal Pharmaceutical Society,
1 Lambeth High Street,
London SE1 7JN.
Tel: 020 7572 2474 | Fax: 020 7572 2508
Email: info@medicines-partnership.org | 
Web links: http://www.medicines-partnership.org/medication-review/single-assessment/checklist-
| http://www.medicines-partnership.org/medication-review/single-assessment
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: