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Single Assessment Process - training materials -
information sharing
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
Adjusting the focus [preparation for SAP by health and social care professionals] [author: Rebecca Ellinor]
(16 March 2004)
Article in: Care and Health Magazine, issue 57, 2004, pp 6-9.
In 2002, guidance was issued for health and social care professionals about a new way of assessing older people's needs. After 24 months of preparation for the Single Assessment Process (SAP), are professionals ready to put it into practice? While
organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors agree that SAP is a good idea, putting it into action is more easily said than done, and is an example of where government could have offered more direction. Some of the SAP key players
identify difficulties including: obtaining commitment at the chief executive strategic level; the appropriateness of the accredited SAP tools; assessment overload; SAP in the context of the national IT agenda; engaging general practitioners (GPs);
and data protection issues.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.careandhealth.com
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14779994
East London Inter Organisational General Protocol For Sharing Information
(Final version: February 2004)
This protocol provides a framework for the secure and confidential sharing of personal information between the Parties on a Need to Know basis between individual Personnel in order to enable the Parties to
meet the needs of communities and individuals for care, protection and support in accordance with statute and government policy; It describes roles and structures to support the exchange of personal information between the Parties and applies to the
sharing of personal information relating to residents of East London and others who are service users. It covers the sharing of personal information between the Parties including (without limitation) for sharing for the purposes listed in the
document and applies to the sharing of personal information whatever the medium in which it is held and however it is transmitted. It is designed to ensure that the Parties' service users are informed of the reasons why personal information about
them may need to be shared and how this sharing will be managed. It applies to the activities of the Parties' Personnel and describes how complaints from service users relating to personal information sharing between two or more organisations will
be investigated and resolved.
View protocol [version 10 September 2005].
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: Download from DH web site. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The parties to this Protocol are: North East London Strategic Health Authority, East London & The City Mental Health NHS Trust, Barts and The London Hospitals NHS Trust, Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust, Newham Healthcare NHS
Trust, City & Hackney PCT, Newham PCT (excluding host responsibilities for NHS Direct), Tower Hamlets PCT, The Corporation of London (in respect of Social Services only), The London Borough of Hackney (in respect of Social Services only), The London
Borough of Newham (in respect of Social Services only), The London Borough of Tower Hamlets (in respect of Social Services, Education and Housing only)
For patients' sake, don't boycott e-health records Personal view [author: Marlene Winfield]
21 July 2007
A brief article in the BMJ (British Medical Journal), 21 July 2007, vol 335, p158.
The author is a national patient lead, NHS Connecting for Health, London - but gives a personal view on the BMA's decision to advise general practitioners to boycott the creation of summary care records for their patients. The author does not
accept that the risks of a breach of confidentiality about health information on a patient's record, justifies a wholesale boycott by GPs. The patient will have several options to safeguard what health information is on the summary care record on
the national database and GPs should be reassured by this process. The author concludes that "True collaboration produces better outcomes for both patients and the NHS than paternalism".
Contact Details:
Marlene Winfield Tel: | Fax:
Email: marlene.winfield@nhs.net | 
Web links: http://www.bmj.com
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09598138
Information needs of United Kingdom primary care clinicians [author: Deborah A Swinglehurst]
Article in Health Information and Libraries Journal, vol 22, no 3, pp 196-204.
This paper reviews the literature on the information needs of primary care clinicians to enable evidence-based decision making. Drawing on the literaure, and using a specific example of a clinical informaticist service, some lessons are drawn onthe
role of information professionals in facilitating evidence-based health care. (The specific example is based in the Imperial College, London). It was concluded that evidence-based information to clinician's questions in a user-friendly format has
the potential to facilitate changes in practice. The successful implementation of information services requires attention to both academic and service dimensions, fostering closer working relationships between clinicians and information
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/hir
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1471-1834
Inter-agency information sharing in health and social care services: the role of professional culture [authors: Sue Richardson, Sheena Asthana]
An article in the journal : British Journal of Social Work, vol 36, no 4, June 2006, pp657-669.
This article uses a literature review to examine the ways in which professional culture might shape inter-organizational exchange of personal information in a health and social care context. The aim is to explore a simplified model of possible
information-sharing behaviours ("ideal, over-open, over-cautious, and chaotic") and to suggest that patterns of information sharing may be influenced by a number of factors. It is proposed that these factors include not only inter-professional
differences in the approach taken to information sharing but also the ways in which the professions inter-relate.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: sue.richardson@plymouth.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bjsw.oxfordjournals.org
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 00453102
Not the Single Assessment Process ... [cartoon for Hounslow SAP] [Author: Fran Orford, © francartoons.com]
In this cartoon, an occupational therapist and a nurse both ask an older person for the same pieces of personal information, who then asks her physiotherapist the same questions. When approached by a social
worker, she gives her answers before he has even asked.
Anyone wishing to use this cartoon should contact Keith Strahan.
View Cartoon
Contact Details:
Keith Strahan, Hounslow Joint Staff Development Forum
Tel: 07973 700695 (mobile)
020 8583 3655 (office) | Fax:
Email: kspcsw@aol.com |  Keith.Strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: All |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The cartoonist, Fran Orford does work for local authorities and charities to liven up their publicity materials. He also publishes in Private Eye and Community Care. Examples of his work on his website: http//:www.francartoons.com
Tel: 01422 845359. E-mail: fran@francartoons.com
The Freedom of Information Act [author:John Dow]
(April 2005)
Article in the Journal of Integrated Care, vol 13, no 2, April 2005 pp 34-37.
This article highlights some of the key features of the Freedom of Information Act and considers its implications for health and social services authorities. The Act was implemented from 1 January 2005, and it is already raising questions about its
implementation. Further information can be found from various sources including: Department for Constitutional Affairs (www.dca.gov.uk/foi) and The Information Commissioner (www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk).
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: john_dow@bathnes.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
United front [joint working and implications for IT systems] [author: Steve Mathieson]
An article in the Health Service Journal supplement "HSJ Intelligence" within the 3 November 2005 issue, pp4-7.
The key point made in this article highlights that joint working in IT between health and social services and local authorities remains difficult, with technical and organisational barriers. A number of localities have tried information-sharing,
but so far they are only able to deal with very basic data. Two Cambridgeshire pilots of deeper integration had mixed results. Additionally, persuading the public to allow their information to be shared presents another hurdle to trusts and local
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.goodmanagement-hsj.co.uk/jointworking
Target group: SHAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09522271
Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA
The Single Assessment Process training resource [author: Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA]
(July 2003)
This training resource sets out the key issues relating to joint working, SAP, and information sharing and consent, using a variety of tools, including narrative text, PowerPoint presentations, exercises,
case studies and handouts. It also includes a glossary of terms. The CDROM has printable PDF versions of these materials, along with editable PowerPoint files for the three presentations on joint working, the single assessment process, and the Data
Protection Act and Caldicott principles.
The pack is intended for use in multi-agency training. It is not designed to be used in isolation, and it is expected that trainers will add to it according to local need and following further learning through pilot sites. It is assumed that
trainers using this training resource will be linked into the development of SAP locally, and will be working closely with the project leads who wrote and compiled the resource.
The resource has been produced as a joint initiative by a group of project managers and trainers from the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Strategic Health Authority (AGW SHA): Paulette Nuttall (Bristol), Sheila Turner (South Gloucestershire),
Marilyn Hughes (Swindon), Richard Pople and Jane Towler (North Somerset), Bo Novak (Bath and North East Somerset), and Marianna Poulton (Wiltshire).
View contents of cd-rom
(Presentations, Handouts etc) - Please note conditions of use on Contents page.
Contact Details:
Sheila Turner South Gloucestershire PCT,
1 Monarch Court
Emerald Park
Emerson's Green
BS16 7FH
Tel: 0117 330 2443 | Fax:
Email: sheila.turner@sglos-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SSD/PCT |  Type / Format: pack; cdrom; powerpoint; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contacts: Paulette Nuttall, Bristol South and West Primary Care Trust, King Square House, King Square,Bristol
BS2 8EE Tel: +44 (0) 117 900 2376; Fax +44(0)117 900 2465; Email: paulette.nuttall@bristolswpct.nhs.uk
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust
Bedfordshire Single Assessment Process training manual
The development of a Single Assessment Process across Bedfordshire and Luton ensures that a person-centred approach is always maintained. This manual will assist the practitioner in understanding the
importance of SAP and its operational implications. This documentation explains Bedfordshire's Single Assessment joint documentation, the Bedfordshire and Luton Single Assessment Process Tool, and Bedfordshire's Personal Held Record.It also explains
the Bedfordshire and Luton Information Partnership (an agreement for the sharing of information between health and social care agencies) and issues concerning consent and information sharing with regard to the Human Rights Act 1999 and the Data
Protection Act 1998. The various processes involving specific agencies or staff groups are outlined.
Contact Details:
Jenny McAteer, Operational Lead, SAP, Bedfordshire Social Services Adult Team,
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust,
Kempston Road
MK42 9DJ.
Tel: +44 (0)1234 355122 | Fax: +44 (0)1234 792017
Email: jenny.mcateer@bedscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: pack
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedford Hosptail NHS Trust
The Single Assessment Process in Bedfordshire and Luton multi agency training
(March 2003)
The aims of the training are: to understand the Single Assessment Process and Single Assessment paperwork; and to understand how this process will fit in with current practice in Bedfordshire and Luton. This
material comprises material for trainers and participants at the Stages 1 and 2 training sesions. Stage 1 introduces the Single Assessment, the types of assessment, and the issues of consent and sharing information. Stage 2 comprises practical
exercises on applying Single Assessment to daily work. Examples of forms are included.
Contact Details:
Jenny McAteer, Operational Lead, SAP, Bedfordshire Social Services Adult Team,
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust,
Kempston Road
MK42 9DJ.
Tel: +44 (0)1234 355122 | Fax: +44 (0)1234 792017
Email: jenny.mcateer@bedscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council; Luton Borough Council)
[Luton Borough Council - various powerpoint presentation frames]
Single frame powerpoints of Luton SAP's training programme which follows the same system as for Bedfordshire County Council but with local variations to meet specific needs.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: powerpoint; strategy
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council)
Single Assessment Process guidance leaflet (DRAFT)
3 pages of proposed Luton BC SAP guidance leaflet for client group. Includes 'What is SAP' and 'What is a Personal Held Record'.
View leaflet
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: practitioners; client group |  Type / Format: protocol; guidance; strategy; publicity materials
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Birmingham PCTs
Older Person's Health Promotion Website in Birmingham leaflet
This coloured A4 folded leaflet illustrates the one-stop shop of local services for the health and well being of older people and publicises the Older Person's Health Promotion website. Main areas included in
the website's leaflet are outlined by bulletin points with contact numbers and then further useful numbers are listed on the back. Leaflet available from many outlets including public libraries.
Contact Details:
Andrew Hindle Tel: +44 (0)121 333 4113 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.olderpeople.bham.nhs.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: FOC |  ISBN/ISSN:
BJHC Events
HC2007 : Challenging Boundaries 24th annual Healthcare Computing Conference and Exhibition
A three day conference to be held between 19-21 March 2007 in Harrogate Centre.
Numerous speakers and five stream daily presentations; case histories.
Contact Details:
HC2007 Exhibition
45 Woodland Grove
KT13 9BR
Tel: +44 (0)1932 849290 | Fax: +44 (0)1932 830227
Email: hc2007@bjhc.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthcare-computing.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: various rates dependent upon status (student rate available) |  ISBN/ISSN:
BJHC Events
The Autumn Forum Fifth Annual Conference & Exhibition : Connecting NHS healthcare and socialcare - getting the right information to the right place at the right time
A one day conference to be held in Lakeside Conference Centre, Conference Aston, Aston University, Birmingham on 25 October 2006.
A series of presentations, case-histories and an exhibition designed to give guidance and information on how healthcare and socialcare organisations can increase efficiency through sharing information. Session presenters will set the scene and
provide guidance and updates. The day is entirely interactive and includes electronic voting within the two facilitated panel discussions. Session 3 will be on "Electronic single assessment process (eSAP)" led by Robin Stern, Director Medical
Mosaic Ltd., and Project Manager, National Framework for Electronic SAP Implementation. Chairman: Robin Guenier (Chairman, Medix UK plc) with numerous speakers.
Contact Details:
Pelican Services, 45 Woodland Grove
KT13 9EQ
Tel: +44 (0)1932 849290 | Fax: +44 (0)1932 830227
Email: autumnforum@pelicanservices.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bjhc.co.uk/autumnforum
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: reduced rate: £450.02; otherwise £528.75 incl. VAT. Student rate: £176.25 incl. VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
Borough of Telford and Wrekin,
The National Service Framework for Older People, Standard 2: Person Centred Care, proposes that the Single Assessment Process means "far less duplication and worry" for the older person, is this reflected
in practice? [summary report] [author: Kim Baker]
(September 2004)
This summary report is of a study conducted as part of an MA at Keele University; it is in two stages. Stage one consists of a literature review that raises issues concerning the implementation of SAP using
evidence from previous research on assessments for older people. (The literature review does not accompany this summary but is available in the full report from the author). Stage two consists of a research project which involved interviewing
older people; exploring the experience of older people assessed using the new process and collating views from professionals via a questionnaire. The Table of Contents are:
1.1 The policy context
1.2 The setting : Telford and Wrekin
1.3 The implementation of SAP in Telford and Wrekin
Research Findings
2.1 A person centred approach?
2.2 Duplication
2.3 A need for time
2.4 The need to talk
2.5 The need for support
2.6 Summary
3.2 Further research recommendations
3.3 Practice and policy implications
View research report
Contact Details:
Kim Baker, SAP Project Manager, Darby House,
Lawn Central,
Tel: +44 (0)1952 202846
+44 (0)1952 202820 (messages) | Fax:
Email: kim.baker@telford.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance; strategy
Availability / Price: pdf |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bradford South & West Primary Care Trust
The Single Assessment Process in Bradford Bradford and Airedale's Single Assessment Process (SAP) Homepage; [including SAP toolkit and Practitioner handbook] [author: Steve Clayton]
Bradford and Airedale's Single Assessment Process (SAP) Homepage is part of Learnonline, a district-wide website, designed to support Learning and Development within the Health and Social Care organisations in
Bradford. The aim is that this website will become a portal for all aspects of learning and training. The SAP Homepage includes links to SAP news, and to national resources: Department of Health (DH), Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA), National
Progamme for IT (West Yorkshire), EASY-Care, FACE, and Birmingham SAP.
Bradford's SAP toolkit comprises three key components:
SAP assessment and care planning tools, prefaced by a link, Assessment types and assessment tools explained. Links to what Bradford currently uses (to be reviewed in Autumn 2006) are: Permission to share personal assessment information; Contact
assessment; Overview assessment; carer's assessment; FACE risk profile; Summary of needs and care options; and Summary care plan.
The SAP care file ( this includes a section explaining informed consent).
Procedures for providing a named care co-ordinator for all people in receipt of ongoing assessment of care (this includes a section on the role of the named care co-ordinator).
Bradford's initial emphasis is on the implementation of paper systems that support the sharing of information directly with older people and practitioners involved via the user-held SAP care file.
The Practitioner handbook (54 pp), for use across Bradford, is compiled by Steve Clayton. Contents include: person centred care and SAP; stages in assessment and care planning; SAP assessment types and assessment tools; assessor's guide to exploring
need (Contact and Overview assessment); effective information sharing; and care co-ordination. Appendices include a SAP dataset for preferred religion, ethnicity and language. Material (including a video resource) from a project undertaken by
Lewisham Health and Social Care Partnership is acknowledged.
Contact Details:
Steve Clayton,
Project Manager - Older People, Strategic Commissioning and Service Improvement, Bradford Social Services,
Olicana House,
Chapel Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1274 431526
07917883465 (SC mobile) | Fax:
Email: Steve.Clayton@Bradford.Gov.UK | 
Web links: http://www.learnonline.nhs.uk/Single+Assessment+Process/
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: website; toolkit; briefing; e-learning
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Buckinghamshire County Council
Person Centred Care: Single Assessment Process for Buckinghamshire [author: Cheryl Warren]
[June 2004]
Buckinghamshire County Council ran a series of workshops in June 2004 around the Single Assessment Process for older people. The workshops were aimed at people who work in health, social care or the voluntary
sector and members of the public who were interested in finding out how Single Assessment will affect older people. The powerpoint presentations run at the workshops can be seen via the web link listed below.
If you would like further information on the workshops, you can call the NSF and Single Assessment Assistant on 01296 382550.
Contact Details:
Kerry Stevens, NSF and Single Assessment Coordinator, Adult Social Care - Business and Strategy,
Room 601,
Buckinghamshire County Council,
Walton Street,
HP20 1YU
Tel: 01296 383927 | Fax:
Email: kstevens@buckscc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/care_of_adults/singleassessment/sap_pres.ppt
| http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/care_of_adults/single_assess_process.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Cadmus Newsletters
Interface A directory of the latest partnership ventures between education, healthcare and industry
(June 2005)
A new service to subscribers of the Healthcare Parliamentary Monitor, a health and social care newsletter available from Cadmus Newsletters. Each issue of the Monitor will list the latest sponsorship and
other funding links between private enterprises, universities and the NHS, as they are announced. Interface will briefly describe each scheme or opportunity, giving appropriate contact details. These will range from the very local to national
initiatives; individual enterprise through to multi-national partnerships including research findings, appointments, staff placements, grants and awards, publications, and global links.
Schemes can also be publicised for no charge and contact details are:
David Warwick, 63 Cedar Drive, Chichester PO19 3EJ.
Email: interface@cadmus.co.uk
Tel: 01243 778026
Contact Details:
Rodney Deitch, Managing Editor, 4 Churchill Mews,
Dennett Road,
CR0 3JH.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8665 6700 | Fax: +44 (0)20 8665 6561
Email: cadmus@cadmus.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.cadmus.co.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09529519
CAF Policy Team,
Department of Health,
Common assessment framework for adults a summary of the consultation on proposals to improve information sharing around multi-disciplinary assessment and care planning
(22 January 2009)
The Department of Health (DH) has launched this consultation on improving the quality and efficiency of care and support through improvements in the sharing and use of information. This summary of the
consultation document (23 pp) outlines the rationale for improving information, building on what is known from developing the Single Assessment Process (SAP); how assessment and care planning should be undertaken (the principles of a common
assessment framework, or CAF); use of shared information from assessment and care and support planning; what information should be commonly shared and with whom; and the information technology (IT) approaches that would enable this to take place
regarding consent, confidentiality and security in accordance with the DH Information Charter. The consultation will be of interest to the general public, as well as health and social care providers. Responses are sought (by 17 April 2009) online
(at http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438), by email (to caf@dh.gov.uk) or by post to: CAF Consultation, Department of Health, Room 123, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG. A summary of responses will
be available before or accompanying further action (at www.dh.gov.uk/Consultations/Responsestoconsultations/index.htm).
Contact Details:
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
Tel: 020 7972 4130 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438)
Target group: All |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: At weblink; otherwise, hard copy (very limied supply, Gateway ref: 11096) from: DH Publications Orderline, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. tel: 08701 555 455 email: dh@prolog.uk.com |  ISBN/ISSN:
CAF Policy Team,
Department of Health,
Common assessment framework for adults a consultation on proposals to improve information sharing around multi-disciplinary assessment and care planning
he Department of Health (DH) has launched this consultation on improving the quality and efficiency of care and support through improvements in the sharing and use of information. This document (91 pp) covers
the rationale for improving information; how assessment and care planning should be undertaken (the principles of a common assessment framework, or CAF); use of shared information from assessment and care and support planning; what information
should be commonly shared and with whom; and the information technology (IT) approaches that would enable this to take place regarding consent, confidentiality and security in accordance with the DH Information Charter. An appendix, on evidence
relating to the benefits reported where the Single Assessment Process has been implemented, is one of a number of references to SAP in this document. The consultation will be of interest to the general public, as well as health and social care
providers. Responses are sought (by 17 April 2009) online (at http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438), by email (to caf@dh.gov.uk) or by post to: CAF Consultation, Department of Health, Room 123, Wellington House, 133-155
Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG. A summary of responses will be available before or accompanying further action (at www.dh.gov.uk/Consultations/Responsestoconsultations/index.htm).
Contact Details:
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
Tel: 020 7972 4130 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438
Target group: All |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: At weblink; otherwise, hard copy (very limited supply, Gateway ref: 11096) from: DH Publications Orderline, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. tel: 08701 555 455 email: dh@prolog.uk.com |  ISBN/ISSN:
Camden PCT
Guidelines for Information-Sharing and Consent Signing with the Single Assessment Process: Camden [author: Jane Taubman]
[Draft 1: Sept 04]
Information sharing guidelines for Camden practitioners to be used in conjunction with the Guidelines for FACE use. Includes instructions for writing, keeping and sending records.
View guidelines
Contact Details:
Jane Taubman REACH Link/SAP implementation,
Camden REACH Team,
Bloomsbury Building,
St Pancras Hospital,
London NW1 OPE
Tel: 020 7530 3584
Mob: 0788 799 4217 | Fax:
Email: jane.taubman@camdenpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.camdenpct.nhs.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Camden is using FACE as paper based assessment tool.
Care Record Development Board
Introduction to the Care Record Guarantee for NHS staff [author: Care Record Development Board]
(July 2006)
This is a 4 page introductory document to the revised Care Record Guarantee first published in 2005, and which was to be regularly reviewed following feedback to the Care Record Development Board. Rights and
responsibilities of patients and NHS staff are highlighted.
View introduction.
Contact Details:
Harry Cayton, Chair, Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@cfh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: download or hard copies available upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care has taken over the functions of the Care Record Development Board (CRDB) which closed at the end of September 2007 Chair is Harry Cayton.
Website: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/nigb
Care Record Development Board
The Care Record Guarantee Our guarantee for NHS care records in England [author: Care Record Development Board]
(July 2006)
The Care Record Guarantee (12 pp) sets out the commitment of the NHS in its use of patient information as the health service in England moves towards a national electronic records system - the NHS Care Records
Service. Patients have the right to confidentiality under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the common law duty of confidence (the Disability discrimination and the Race Relations Acts may also apply);; and to ask for a
copy of all records about themselves (a fee may be payable). There is a brief description about the NHS Care Records Service and its progress to date. Rights of patients are given in 12 stated commitments and the responsibilities of the patients
are contained in 6 stated principles. Plans for the future of the NHS Care Records Service are outlined.
There is a 4-page introductory document to the revised Care Record Guarantee which was first published in 2005, and which is to be regularly reviewed following feedback to the Care Record Development Board. The rights and responsibilities are
More information about rights under the Data Protection Act can be obtained from The Office of the Information Commissioner, see website link.
View guarantee.
Contact Details:
Harry Cayton, Chair, Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@cfh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb
| http://www.informationcomissioner.gov.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: download or hard copies available upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care has taken over the functions of the Care Record Development Board (CRDB) which closed at the end of September 2007 Chair is Harry Cayton.
Website: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/nigb
Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection (CHAI)
Code of practice on confidential personal information [author: Healthcare Commission]
(January 2005)
The purpose of this Code is to promote understanding of the Commission's obligations and practices and to provide reassurance about their use of personal information necessary to enable them to carry out their
work. As such, it is an example of good practice in sharing confidential personal information. 45 pages.
Contact Details:
103-105 Bunhill Row,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7448 9200 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7448 9222
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.healthcarecommission.org.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance; policy
Availability / Price: FOC download |  ISBN/ISSN: 1845620097
Cumbria County Council; Morecambe Bay Primary Care Trust
Single assessment guidelines [for the] Single Assessment Process (SAP) [author: Julian Legat]
(March 2004)
These guidelines (24 pp) are for health and social services staff in South Cumbria. They have been jointly developed by Cumbria County Council and Morecambe Bay Primary Care Trust via a joint SAP Guidance Task
Group. The guidelines include: a description of the single assessment and how people will benefit from it; a set of shared values and principles that staff should adopt; flowcharts describing the single assesment process (SAP); a description of
arrangements for information sharing; a glossary of terms used; and an appendix giving examples of how different agencies are adopting the process.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/elibrary/view.asp?ID=4077
| http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/elibrary/view.asp?ID=4418
Target group: health and social services staff |  Type / Format: guidance; glossary
Availability / Price: Available as downloads: Web Link1, 24 pp; Web Link 2, A5 size handbook (using colour). |  ISBN/ISSN:
Darlington Social Services Department
Assorted documents to support the Single Assessment Process
April 2005
A collection of 15 documents in support of the Single Assessment Process in Darlington including an information sharing protocol, person held record content sheet, 2 day training programme, pre-training
planning day, facilitator's timetable, buddy list, flow chart, GP practice referral form, learning and development framework, summary care plan, care plan reassessment, summary of need, contact assessment and overview assessment form and guidance,
Information sharing protocol
| contents of person held record
| training programme
| pre-training planning
| facilitator's timetable
| buddy list
| flow chart
| GP referral form
| learning and development framework
| summary care plan
| care plan reassessment
| summary of need
| overview assessment
| overview assessment guidance
Contact Details:
Lynn Walker, Social Services SAP lead, Darlington Social Services Department,
Central House,
Gladstone Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1325 346258 | Fax:
Email: lynn.walker@darlington.gov.uk |  win.suggett@darlingtonpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://gold.darlington.org.uk/Default.htm
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: assessment; guidance; care plan
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Win Suggett is SAP Lead, Darlington PCT, tel 01325 746237
See also Good Practice listing.
Department of Health
Information sharing
(January 2004)
One of the supporting requirements for implementation of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) is that assessment information on individual older people be collected, stored and shared as effectively as possible
and subject to consent, using the Single Assessment Summary (i.e. Current Summary Record) or a local variant. This note explains the position of SAP in the national programme for IT in general and the NHS Care Records Service in particular. Links
to other related materials can be accessed electroncially. An annex on local good practice approaches to SAP focuses on interim information sharing solutions in the following areas: Bedfordshire and Luton; Cambridgeshire; Devon. Plymouth and
Torbay; and Solihull.
View document
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/08/63/64/04086364.pdf
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Available as download only. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Information sharing protocols - briefing note
(July 2004)
There is a lot of general guidance available on the various aspects of information sharing, which can be difficult to apply to SAP specifically. This paper is intended to provide a route map for developing and
implementing information sharing policies for SAP. It includes references to national guidance, and examples of local protocols, policies and more detailed materials are embedded within the document. These protocols and policies have been developed
to meet particular local needs, and provide good models from which to work. This paper also includes responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on consent, which were raised at the Department of Health SAP roadshows in February and March
[This 12 page document is large (7.5Mb) having a number of other documents embedded within it.]
View briefing note
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Available as download only. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
Common assessment framework for adults demonstrator site programme Overview of phase 1 sites [CAF Policy Team, Department of Health - DH]
This provides an overview of the CAF demonstrator site programme which has been prepared in collaboration with the demonstrator sites by the CAF Policy Team. This programme will develop and test improved
information sharing across health, social care and wider community support services. The ten sites are: Barnsley, Camden, Hampshire, Lincolnshire, London Health & Social Care Integration Project, Rochdale, Shropshire, Stockport, Warwickshire,
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: caf@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: Download from website:
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: electronic pdf format only |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
Common assessment framework for adults demonstrator site programme Phase 2 [CAF Policy Team, Department of Health - DH]
This programme will develop and test improved information sharing across health, social care and wider community support services. The ten sites are: Barnsley, Camden, Hampshire, Lincolnshire, London Health &
Social Care Integration Project, Rochdale, Shropshire, Stockport, Warwickshire, Westminster.
The local authority circular will be published shortly formally inviting Council led partnerships to make expressions of interest for phase 2 of the CAF for Adults programme. The prospectus for phase 2 will be at www.dh.gov.uk/caf when it is
available. A series of events will be held in July for potential applicants for the second phase of the Common Assessment Framework for Adults Demonstrator Site Programme.
Interested parties can reserve a place on these events via:
It is anticipated that the prospectus outlining requirements for Phase 2 Sites will be published in July. The focus on Phase 2 sites will be to cover areas not addressed by the Phase 1 sites.
Phase 2 update website:
This provides an overview of the Common Assessment for Adults Demonstrator Site Programme.
The deadline for expressions of interest is 12 October 2009. These should be sent using the Phase Two Application form - details on the website.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: caf@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dhcarenetworks.org.uk/News/NewsItem/?cid=5702
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: electronic pdf format only |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
NHS Number in Social Care [news alert] [Department of Health - DH]
(October 2008)
It was announced on 3rd October 2008 that Ministers have decided the NHS Number may be used by social care for linking user records. The NHS Number must be used in the NHS for linking health records in line
with local plans. The NHS Number is the only National Unique Patient Identifier in operation in the NHS. Using the NHS Number makes it possible to share patient information safely, efficiently and accurately across NHS organisations. See website
below for further information.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/systemsandservices/nhsnumber/staff
Target group: LAs/HAS |  Type / Format: protocols
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Website announcement made on 3/10/08 at :-
East Sussex, Brighton and Hove LIS Confidentiality and Security Sub-Group
Guidance for organisations to ensure the secure and confidential sharing of person identifiable information Version 4.1c
(March 2003)
This guidance contains the requirements, both legal and government, regarding safe and secure information handling. The guidance has been developed to meet the information security requirements for sharing
person-identifiable information across the organisations of East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health and Social Care Community. It has also been adopted in a modified format by the Kent and Medway Health and Social Care Community, who have had
involvement in development of these guidelines.
View guidance
Contact Details:
Isobel Warren, Joint SAP project manager (with Caroline Blackett) East Sussex Social Services and East Sussex Primary Care Trusts Tel: 01273 403633 | Fax:
Email: isobel.warren@esbh.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol; guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Developed by members of the group: Colin Styles (East Sussex County Healthcare NHS Trust); Jez MacDonald (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Isobel Warren (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services);
Linda Douglas (East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust); Susan Morra (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Jo Gilmore (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services)
East Sussex Local Information Sharing and Confidentiality (LISC group)
Information Security Training - e-learning web site
Training for Health Service staff outlining their duties and responsibilities around confidentiality of information. The aim of this package is to give an overview of the key principles. The package consists
of four sections, or "modules".
Section 1: Obtaining and Holding Personal Information : This section explains the types of information that can be collected, and describes why and how people need to be informed that information is held about them.
Section 2: Releasing Personal Information to Others: This section describes the circumstances under which information may be disclosed to others.
Section 3: Maintaining and Disposing of Personal Information: The duty to keep information accurate and up-to-date is explained here, as well as how to dispose of unwanted confidential material.
Section 4: Physical Security: This section describes how to keep paper-based information as well as computer files secure.
The site also includes a glossary, case study and quiz.
Contact Details:
Isobel Warren, Joint SAP project manager (with Caroline Blackett) East Sussex Social Services and East Sussex Primary Care Trusts Tel: 01273 403633 | Fax:
Email: isobel.warren@esbh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthesussex.nhs.uk/is_training/index.asp
Target group: |  Type / Format: Web site; glossary; e-learning
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Developed by members of the group: Colin Styles (East Sussex County Healthcare NHS Trust); Jez MacDonald (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Isobel Warren (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services);
Linda Douglas (East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust); Susan Morra (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Jo Gilmore (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services)
Essex Strategic Health Authority
Essex Single Assessment Process ('SAP'): a multi agency competency framework to aid single assessment and performance management competency statements and descriptions
The statements and descriptors in this document describe the six core competencies that specialist workers must possess in order to provide safe and effective care for older people:
1. Demonstrate and promote understanding of his or her role and the contribution of colleagues and others in the delivery of person centred care to older people.
2. Assess individual needs and circumstances.
3. Develop and sustain arrangements for best practice in joint working between workers and agencies.
4. Collaboration, information sharing and information management.
5. Continuous professional and technical development.
6. Analysis and judgement..
The document also includes three checklists: a profile of the competent worker in the Single Assessment Process; value based requirements for all agencies in SAP; and underpinning knowledge of a competent clinician/ worker in the single assessment
View framework
Contact Details:
Jean Kingsley, Essex Project Director, Single Assessment Process, Swift House,
Hedgerows Business Park,
Colchester Road,
CM2 5PF.
Tel: +44 (0)1268 705152
+44 (0)1268 705101 (Pat Day - PA) | Fax:
Email: jean.kingsley@basildonpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: checklist
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: On title page: Essex County Council and Thurrock Council
Essex Strategic Health Authority
Single Assessment Process: Essex-wide protocol: principles underpinning practice final version
(August 2004)
This 24-page Protocol is the joint work of all the health and social care organisations in Essex ((including Thurrock Unitary Council and Southend Borough Council) which are responsible for delivering services
to older people. The document contains the underpinning principles for the practice of SAP in all localities across Essex, to conform with the Department of Health (DH) guidance on SAP. Definitions of terms for the four levels of assessment in Essex
- contact assessment, overview assessment, comprehensive assessment, and specialist assessment - are given. Four key roles in the process are identified: key worker; specialist assessor; care co-ordinator; and provider. The content of the process is
outlined. Appendices comprise: Essex Single Assessment Process - schematic diagram; and the 6 competencies required of key workers and specialist assessors (as given in 'Essex Single Assessment Process ('SAP'): a multi agency competency framework to
aid single assessment and performance management: competency statements and descriptions') .
View protocol
Contact Details:
Jean Kingsley, Essex Project Director, Single Assessment Process Swift House,
Hedgerows Business Park,
Colchester Road,
CM2 5PF.
Tel: +44 (0)1268 705152
+44 (0)1268 705101 (Pat Day - PA)
07786 125600 | Fax:
Email: jean.kingsley@basildonpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: On title page: Essex County Council, Thurrock Council.
Greenwich Council, Greenwich NHS Teaching PCT; Greenwich Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust
Personal Held Records: Single Assessment Process [authors: Greenwich NHS and Greenwich Council]
[November 2006]
Sample of a personal held record that provides information about a person's assessment and care. The record is to be held by the individual in their home for their personal information. It is designed to
promote communication between the individual and the different professionals from health and social care that visit. It is not intended to be a repository of 'professional' notes but a summary that can be referred to by the individual and their
carers, relatives, etc. with permission of the individual. Professionals in turn can see what services are being provided. Teams such as District Nurses may leave their records in the folder but take them away when treatment is complete.
The folder contains an explanation of the purpose of a personal held record; a contact assessment; FACE overview assessment; care plan; weekly service timetable; specialist assessment; general communication sheet; other: facility to include
additional material as required.
Contact Details:
Maggie Rastall, Adult and Older People's Services,
London Borough of Greenwich,
Town Hall,
Wellington Street,
London SE18 6PW
Tel: 020 8921 3124 | Fax:
Email: maggie.rastall@greenwich.gov.uk | 
Web links: http:www.greenwich.gov.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: personal held record
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
[Greenwich NHS, Age Concern Greenwich, Neighbourhood Renewal Greenwich and Greenwich Council]
Ageing Well in Greenwich: Maintaining Health and Independence
[June 2006]
'Ageing Well in Greenwich' is a booklet designed to help older people living in the Borough to make the most of life and know where to find information if they need further support.
The material is ordered in the following sections: (1) Keeping healthy and well: a positive attitude; adult learning; keeping well; looking after your feet; looking after your health; loving in later life; retire or continue to work? (2) Keeping
safe: accident prevention at home; feeling safe; protecting older people from abuse. (3) Financial, legal and housing matters: know what you're entitled to; housing matters; organising your will and legal matters. (4) Dealing with life changes:
assisted transport; caring for someone else; coping with bereavement; maintaining independence.
Contact Details:
Maggie Rastall Adult Services and Older People's Services,
London Borough of Greenwich,
Town Hall,
Wellington Street,
London SE18 6PW
Tel: 020 8921 3124 | Fax:
Email: maggie.rastall@greenwich.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.greenwich.gov.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Adapted from a booklet produced by Southwark Social Services with their permission.
Contact Assessments and GPs [authors: Sylv Sheehan and Ann Knight]
Powerpoint presentation describes a pilot on contact assessments developed for Harrow GPs and Virtual Care Teams. The aim was to secure GP involvement (in one practice) and create an integrated team for the
practice. The authors designed a 'mail merge' Word document which picks up information from the GP database (EMIS) and deposits it into a contact assessment. This is a useful interim, interim solution which allows data to be pulled directly from the
EMIS system. It is proving successful in the practice it is being piloted in and now being rolled out to other practices in Brent.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Sylv Sheehan, SAP Facilitator, Harrow Sylv Sheehan Services Ltd,
82 Central Avenue,
Middlesex HA5 5BP
Tel: 0208 966 9949
07769 565208 (mobile) | Fax:
Email: sylv@sheehan2.freeserve.co.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: View powerpoint presentation |  ISBN/ISSN:
Review of Care File; questionnaires for service users and staff [author: Sylv Sheehan ]
Sample questionnaires for (a) service users and (b) staff to evaluate the use of care files.
View user questionnaire
| View staff questionnaire
Contact Details:
Sylv Sheehan, SAP Facilitator, Harrow Sylv Sheehan Services Ltd,
82 Central Avenue,
Middlesex HA5 5BP
Tel: 0208 966 9949
07769 565208 (mobile) | Fax:
Email: sylv@sheehan2.freeserve.co.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: evaluation
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Health and Social Care Quality Centre (HSCQC)
Care [Counsel and Care; Health and Social Care Quality Centre]
Care is a quarterly newsletter (started in 2004) published by the Health and Social Care Quality Centre (HSCQC) and commissioned by Counsel and Care. Each newsletter is focused on one of the standards in the
National Service Framework for Older People, e.g. safety and risk management in health care (issue 4 October 2004). The publication is supplied free of charge to health care professionals via PCTs; otherwise free subscriptions can be registered c/o
HSCQC - contact details given below.
Alternatively, the latest newsletter can be downloaded from the Counsel and Care website link given below.
Contact Details:
Dr Gillian Dalley, Editor, 3 - 5 Lambeth Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7582 7100 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7582 7545
Email: subscriptions@carequality.org | 
Web links: http://www.carequality.org
| http://www.counselandcare.org.uk/index.htm
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: journal
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Hounslow Joint Staff Development Forum
Glossary of Health and Social Care [Hounslow Joint Staff Development Forum]
31 pages. This glossary or A-Z of services has been produced to explain some of the terms used by health and social care agencies.
View glossary
Contact Details:
Keith Strahan Tel: 07973 700695 (mobile)
020 8583 3655 (office) | Fax:
Email: kspcsw@aol.com |  Keith.Strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Assisting ageing [Improvement and Development Agency - IDeA]
This guide (56pp) gives examples from Beacon authorities and others of current best practice in providing services for older people. It has been compiled in partnership with the IDeA by the Beacon authorities
for the Services for Older People theme (2004-05). They are: Cotswold District Council; Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service; Nottinghamshire County Council; Shropshire County Council; and, Stroud District Council. It outlines the major demographic
and social trends and policy considerations that underpin the work of local authorities in this area before going on to discuss and present examples of different initiatives under four themes. Key factors for success that run throughout each theme
are the active involvement of older people and the willingness of authorities and agencies to adopt innovative approaches to the provision of services. (KJ)
Contact Details:
Layden House,
76-86 Turnmill Street,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7296 6600 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.idea-knowledge.gov.uk/idk/aio/5084947
Target group: |  Type / Format: strategies
Availability / Price: electronic format only |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Improvement and Development Agency
Draft general information sharing protocol [author: Improvement and Development Agency]
The purpose of this protocol is to provide a framework for the secure and confidential sharing of information between organisations to enable them to meet the requirement to provide public services, in
accordance with government expectations. It draws attention to general principles when setting up protocols regarding the protection and use of personal data, particularly the legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1998. It provides
principles governing the sharing of information by agencies, and the procedures for disclosure of personal information.
Contact Details:
Layden House,
76-88 Turnmill Street,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7296 6600 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7296 6666
Email: info@idea.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.idea.gov.uk/transformation/downloads/protocol.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
IT Perspectives Ltd,
Information governance guide
This website, managed by IT Perspectives Ltd, builds on work carried out for the North West E-Government Group (NWEGG) that attempted to understand the issues of Information Governance in the context of the
SAP. In addition, it provides a valuable resource for those involved in implementing Information Governance in any domain, including Information Sharing and Assessment of children at risk. The website outlines and provides links where appropriate to
laws, standards and guidance which are relevant to the topic of Information Governance and information sharing in social services.
Contact Details:
Heather Heathfield, IT Perspectives Ltd,.,
Secta Ltd.,
Parkway House,
Palatine Road,
M22 4DB.
Tel: 0161 902 1100 | Fax: 0161 902 1111
Email: info@it-p.co.uk |  heather.heathfield@it-p.net
Web links: http://www.it-p.net/NWEGG/igov/default.html
| http://www.it-p.net
Target group: IT; SAP Leads |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The North West E-Goverment Group NWEGG can be contacted c/o Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Computer Centre, Civic Way, Huyton L36 9GD. tel 0151 443 3384; fax 0151 443 3814; e-mail admin@nwegg.org.uk
IT Perspectives Ltd,
NWEGG Single Assessment Programme review of approaches to information governance for SAP in the North West; Version 1.0 [author: Heather Heathfield]
(5 April 2004)
The North West e-Government Group (NWEGG) is a partnership covering all local authorities and many other public sector agencies in the North West region. NWEGG is supporting collaborative projects that will
help the 46 councils in the North West make progress on e-government.
NWEGG has identified single assessment of older people as an important area of common interest within the theme of crossing organisational boundaries. This report (59 pp - Web Link 1) produced by IT Perspectives describes SAP and discusses
implementation issues faced by pilot sites. It introduces the concept of information governance, and outlines the national picture, highlighting some of the general and SAP specific protocols that are available. The report reviews approaches to
information governance taken by SAP projects in the North West, and gives summaries of SAP project pilot sites in: Bolton; Cheshire; Formby and Sefton; Rochdale; Salford; St Helens and Knowsley; Stockport; Trafford; West Lancashire; and Wirral.
Other pilots are: Cheshire and Merseyside SHA Information Governance Project; and North Mersey Information Governance.
See also, other entry for IT Perspectives: part of its.website pulls together all the work it has completed related to SAP, information governance and role based access.
View document.
Contact Details:
Heather Heathfield, IT Perspectives Ltd,,
Secta Ltd.,
Parkway House,
Palatine Road,
M22 4DB.
Tel: 0161 902 1100 | Fax: 0161 902 1111
Email: info@it-p.co.uk |  heather.heathfield@it-p.net
Web links: http://www.nwegg.org.uk/CDStore/documents/SAP-IG-SitesReport-V1.0FINAL.pdf
| http://www.it-p.net
Target group: IT; SAP Leads |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: The item is posted on the NWEGG website (Web Link 1). |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The North West E-Government Group NWEGG can be contacted c/o Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Computer Centre, Civic Way, Huyton L36 9GD. tel 0151 443 3384; fax 0151 443 3814; e-mail admin@nwegg.org.uk
Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster
Sharing of Service User's Information Between the Agencies: Single Assessment Process Sub-Protocol [Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Health and Social Care Communities]
(June 2004)
This protocol is a subsidiary to the general information sharing protocols adopted by the Health and Social Care communities of Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster. It aims to provide a framework for the
secure and confidential sharing of information between agencies involved in the single assessment process to enable them to meet the needs of service users, and provide protection and support in accordance with national and local policy and
legislative requirements. Specifically the document outlines the tems and conditions agreed between the agencies under which identifiable information can be shared and the safeguards that must be implemented.
Contact Details:
Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea PCT Service Development,
St Charles Hospital,
Courtfield House,
Exmoor Street,
London W10 6DZ
Tel: 020 8962 4621 | Fax: 020 8962 4607
Email: ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kent and Medway Strategic Health Authority
Protocol for confidentiality and information sharing between agencies in Kent and Medway involved in the Single Assessment Process (SAP) draft: version 1.0 [authors: Kent NHS Trust, Kent County Council,
Medway Council]
(November 2003)
This document is the protocol for ensuring confidentiality, whilst permitting the transfer and sharing, of information between agencies involved in the care of people with health and social care needs in Kent
and Medway. It provides further guidance that will determine, at a detailed level, how information that identifies an individual may be shared among organisations within the community.
Contact Details:
Nicola Anderson, Preston Hall,
London Road,
Royal British Legion Village,
Kent, ME20 7NJ
Tel: +44 (0)1622 713166 - NA
+44 (0)1622 710161 - direct line | Fax: +44 (0)1622 719802
Email: nicola.anderson@kentmedway.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Lancashire County Council Integrated Teams for Services for Older People
Single Assessment and shared access to services in East Lancashire using single electronic record [author: Tom Daniels]
[September 2004]
In September 2004, a Strategic Partnership Agreement was formally signed by Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale PCT, Hyndburn and Ribble Valley PCT and Lancashire Social Services Directorate to work towards
developing an Integrated Older People's Service between the three agencies. This briefing (2pp) by Tom Daniels, a senior manager in Lancashire Social Services, identifies six key work streams necessary for the first stages of integration.
Two locations have been identified for a pilot scheme around the Single Assessment Process (SAP) and shared access to services: Burnley Wood in the Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale PCT area, and Clitheroe in the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley PCT area.
The project's key elements and its benefits to patients, service users, and the organisations covered are outlined.
View document.
Contact Details:
Alex Sunderland, SAP Project Manager and Policy Officer for Older People, PO Box 162,
East Cliff County Offices,
Tel: 01772 534449 (direct)
01772 254868 (switch) | Fax:
Email: alexander.sunderland@ssd.lancscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Lancashire Health and Social Care Communities
Sharing Personal Information - made simple
Guidance (6 pages) for employees about sharing personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
View guidance
Contact Details:
Alex Sunderland, SAP Project Manager and Policy Officer for Older People, PO Box 162,
East Cliff County Offices,
Tel: 01772 534449 (direct)
01772 254868 (switch) | Fax:
Email: alexander.sunderland@ssd.lancscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: PDF upon request. |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: A large print version is available.
Liverpool City Council / Liverpool Primary Care Trust
Your assessment, your information: Single Assessment Process: information leaflet for people who use our services and their carers
This document (8 pp) from Liverpool Health and Social Care Community (City of Liverpool / Liverpool PCT) answers users' questions on why we need to share information; what to do with assessment documentation
(and what to do if it lost); what is happening in Liverpool; who is involved in the assessment; how information provided will be kept confidential; consent to sharing information; whether a user can see the information; and what to do if there are
concerns about the assessment and how it was conducted.
Liverpool City Council's Single Assessment Process (SAP) webpage briefly answers question What is Single Assessment? It outlines the ethos of SAP and person centred care; and explains that EasyCare is also being used by neighbouring authorities
of Knowsley, Sefton and St Helens. There is a link to.the Single Assessment Process Liverpool Newsletter.
Contact Details:
Sue Shaw, Project Manager, Single Assessment Process Liverpool PCT
No.1 Arthouse Square
2nd Floor
61-69 Seel Street
L1 4AZ
Tel: 0151 296 7695 | Fax: 0151 296 7717
Email: sue.shaw@liverpoolpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/Health_and_social_care/SAP/index.asp?render=liquid
Target group: Service users and caerers |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London Fire Brigade
London Fire Brigade and SAP Referral Form for Home Fire Safety Check [London Fire Brigade]
The London Fire Brigade has a programme of free home fire risk assessment (HFRAs) for older Londoners, and other vulnerable groups, and is working to include a fire safety check referral alongside SAP. It
wants to work with those agencies that already have access to older people (e.g. GPs, community nurses, carers, social workers and voluntary workers) to encourage referrals.
View Referral Form
View Home Fire Safety Check Risk Factors
View Making a Referral and What Happens Next
Contact Details:
Angela Coules , Senior Fire Community Safety Officer Central Service Delivery
London Fire Brigade
Room 518 Hampton House
Hampton House
20 Albert Embankment
Tel: 07917 072486 - mob
0207 587 6126/6355 - office | Fax:
Email: angela.coules@london-fire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.london-fire.gov.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London Fire Brigade
London Fire Brigade and SAP Working Together [London Fire Brigade]
The London Fire Brigade has a programme of free home fire risk assessment (HFRAs) for older Londoners, and other vulnerable groups, and is working to include a fire safety check referral alongside SAP. It
wants to work with those agencies that already have access to older people (e.g. GPs, community nurses, carers, social workers and voluntary workers) to raise their awareness of the dangers that fire poses to their clients and encourage fire
safety check referrals.
View powerpoint presentation
Contact Details:
Angela Coules , Senior Fire Community Safety Officer Central Service Delivery
London Fire Brigade
Room 518 Hampton House
Hampton House
20 Albert Embankment
Tel: 07917 072486 - mob
0207 587 6126/6355 - office | Fax:
Email: angela.coules@london-fire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.london-fire.gov.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Implementing the Single Assessment Process - "Just say it once ..." Presentation skills [Marion Dakin, Lindsay Judge]
A range of powerpoint presentations devised by independent trainer, Marion Dakin. These were developed in relation to a particular locality's training needs but can still be useful to those, in particular,
who have purchased the video of the same name, produced by Magpix.co.uk. (see separate entry). Marion Dakin can be contacted further to develop training sessions on the single assessment process. The attached download documents contain four
folders of 49 powerpoint slides.
View opening slides
| View 'awareness' slides
| View 'principles' slides
| View 'train the trainers' slides
Contact Details:
Marion Dakin Tel: mobile: 07968 268 505 | Fax:
Email: marion.dakin@fsmail.net | 
Web links: http://www.mariondakin.com
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Mark Hunter
"Sorry, we can't tell you that" [Data protection and sharing information across social care agencies] [author: Mark Hunter]
A journal article in Community Care, 6 July 2006, pp 28-29.
The problems faced by agencies trying to contact survivors of the 7 July London bombings have highlighted confusion over data protection and how it inhibits the work of social care agencies. This article attempts to clarify when, what and how data
can be shared according to the Data Protection Act 1998 which came into force on 1 March 2000. Under the act, all organisations that collect, hold or process personal information must ensure that they comply with eight key principles but these
should not be used to resist passing on any information. Confidentiality can be preserved whilst information is shared but the author argues that a clearer lead should be taken by the Cabinet Office, who have admitted in a report (see pdf link
below to Cabinet Office document, 2006) on data sharing that a "persistent confusion exists among practitioners over the interpretation of the Data Protection Act and its relationship with the common law duty of confidentiality, and other
legislation such as the Human Rights Act, Health and Social Care Act 2001 and other data-sharing legalisation."
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.communitycare.co.uk
| http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/regulation/documents/mad/data_sharing.pdf
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Experiences from SAP implementation in South Tyneside NEYNL SAP Network meeting, 28 July 2005 [author: Jacqui Straughan]
(28 July 2005)
South Tyneside's SAP system went live on 28 February 2005, and this 10 slide Powerpoint presentation gives reasons for implementing SAP as an early adopter. It outlines the lessons learned, given slow take-up
in some teams and the delays in going live. Recommendations to new SAP deployments are made. Nonetheless, benefits have been achieved around the sharing of information and the client becoming the focal point of the assessment. Plans for further SAP
rollout during 2005 and and 2006 are outlined.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Naomi Key,
SAP Training and Business Change, South Tyneside Social Care and Heatlth,
Windmill Way,
Viking Business Park.
Tyne and Wear
NE31 1AT
Tel: 0191 283 1324
0774 7475912 (mobile) | Fax:
Email: Naomi.Key@stpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP Leads |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jacqui Straughan was formerly Single Assessment Development Officer, South Tyneside
NHS Care Record Development Board (CRDB)
Your Care, Your Record : Care Record Development Board 2006 Conference
See the technology of the National Programme for IT in the NHS in action at this one day conference to be held on 23 November 2006 in Islington, London. See website for further details.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@cfh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://etdevents.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
NHS Connecting for Health (formerly NPfIT)
Delivering Single Assessment within the NHS National Programme for IT [author: Dr Paul Whatling]
[January 2005]
Powerpoint presentation explains aims of NHS National Programme for ITand charts process of integrating SAP within the NHS information technology programme. A key element is the electronic storing of
patient records to improve sharing of information to those with authorised access. While full implementation of SAP within the national IT programme is to be rolled out from 2007-08, interim solutions are required in the meantime to cover basic
information capture, sharing and reporting.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Dr Paul Whatling, Senior Clinical Consultant Care Record Development Board
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@npfit.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
| http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust; North Lincolnshire Council; North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Trust
Multi-agency guidelines and good practice manual: Single Assessment Process (SAP) in North Lincolnshire version 1.5 [author: North Lincolnshire SAP Steering Group]
(October 2006)
This good practice manual (35 pp) has been produced by the North Lincolnshire Multi-Agency Steering Group to support staff with the implementation and operational requirements of the Single Assessment Process
(SAP) in North Lincolnshire. The manual does not replace guidance and protocols in place in each of the partner agencies.
The manual includes a glossary of terms;sets the national context for SAP; provides general information on information sharing and obtaining consent; outlines issues on joint working in respect of the different assessments; and has a short section
on using the Easycare assessment tool. Appendices relate to documentation on consent and security guidelines.
The manual will be reviewed as part of the evaluation of the implementation process.
View manual.
Contact Details:
Stephen Ball, Service Manager - Older People, Day and Community Services, North Lincolnshire Council Tel: +44 (0)1724 298081 | Fax:
Email: stephen.ball@northlincs.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All agencies |  Type / Format: glossary; guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North Somerset Council
SAP from paper to electronic delivery [authors: Mary Hammond and Andy Moll]
February 2006
Power point presentation describes the strategies developed to implement the Single Assessment Process. From an early stage managers felt that an e-solution was required for sharing information
successfully. North Somerset Council is using mobile technology to enable the process of assessing the needs of older people and for vulnerable adults. It has drawn on Cambridgeshire's experience of using tablet PCs for the single assessment
process collecting data for several agencies at once - Project Nomad pilot. North Somerset's tablet PCs will upload and download data either while staff travel between interviews or when they have access to high-speed data transfer through a home
broadband connection, a council office or a library.
Project Nomad - the National Project is sponsored by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and is dedicated to mobile and flexible working in local authorities. Cambridgeshire County Council, the original lead authority for Project Nomad, has now
taken responsibility for it , providing a 'safe home'. Current plans are to continue to promote mobile and flexible working, making use of mobile technology, via the Nomad website, through events, through partnership and collaborations with local
authorities, regional centres of excellence and other organisations.
View powerpoint presentation
Contact Details:
Mary Hammond, Team Manager,
Adult Social Services, North Somerset Council
Town Hall,
Walliscote Grove Road,
Somerset, BS23 1UJ
Tel: 01934 888 888 | Fax:
Email: mary.hammond@n-somerset.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/
| http://www.projectnomad.org.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Andy Moll is the eGovernment Strategy Manager, North Somerset Council
North Surrey Primary Care Trust
Community Healthcare Records Parkinson's Disease Patients North Surrey PCT
Example of handheld paper records for single assessment process for people with chronic diseases. Folder contains:
contact information for Parkinson's Disease medical staff;
service provided for parkinson's disease patients and carers;
single assessment process: basic personal information;
single assessment process: contact assessment;
checklists for: internal risk factors; carers involved; mobility assessment; psychological status; medication; falls;
nursing lifting assessment form;
medication chart;
communication sheet;
staff signature sheet.
Contact Details:
Dr Beverly Castleton, Consultant Physician North Surrey PCT,
Medical Director's Office,
Villa 22, Guildford Road,
Surrey KT16 0QA
Tel: 01932 723782 | Fax: 01932 723533
Email: jacqueline.batchelor@nsurreypct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nsurreypct.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North Tyneside Single Assessment Taskforce
The Single Assessment Process North Tyneside information and development events
(April 2004)
This pack has been designed to support the North Tyneside information and development events for implementation of the Single Assessment Process (SAP). Information in the pack provides background material for
the events, and will also act as an ongoing source of reference as implementation of SAP progresses in North Tyneside
The pack covers: background to the Single Assessment Process; current health and social care polices impacting on SAP; determination of registered nursing care contribution; the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF); principles of the
Single Assessment Process; domains and sub domains of SAP; assessment skills; information sharing and consent; clinical governance; education and training; key implications for older people, social workers, nurses, general practitioners, therapists,
geriatricians and old age psychiatrists; North Tyneside shared aims and objectives of SAP implementation; North Tyneside agreed glossary of terms; timetable for implementing SAP in North Tyneside; a list of those involved in implementing SAP in
North Tyneside since 2003.
View pack
Contact Details:
Haley Hudson, Single Assessment Coordinator for North Tyneside Tel: +44 (0)191 200 8455 | Fax: +44 (0)191 200 8260
Email: haley.hudson@northtyneside.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All |  Type / Format: pack; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North West London Sector SAP
North West London Contact Assessment Folder [NWL SAP Team]
The North West London (NWL) Sector has a common approach to the Single Assessment Process sharing jointly developed assessment tools, records and forms to facilitate the cross boundary exchange of care
The Contact Assessment Folder contains following documents/tools:
1. Sector approach - brief description of purpose.
2. Basic personal information - includes key contacts.
3. Contact assessment - identification of health and social care needs.
4. Medical information - for hospital use.
5. Referral form - for referring for further assessment.
Contact Details:
Keith Strahan, Hounslow SAP Manager Tel: 07973 700695 (mobile)
020 8583 3655 (office) | Fax:
Email: kspcsw@aol.com |  Keith.Strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; toolkit
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Also contact Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea Primary Care Trust,email ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk
North Yorkshire County Council Social Services; City of York Council; North Yorkshire PCTs
Multi-agency working / Single Assessment Process Manual [authors: North Yorkshire County Council Social Services, City of York Council, North Yorkshire PCTs
This document (25pp) introduces single assessment. the process of carrying out a multi-agency assessment using an electronic assessment tool for sharing information or sharing information through a person held
record, and how care co-ordination responsibilities should be set up between different agencies. Becky Nightingale refers to Section 2, How to ask for consent to share information across agencies, in a Discussion forum contribution on Evaluation of
SAP from a user perspective (21 December 2005).
Some of this material is on the North Yorkshire County Council Single Assessment Process website, which includes not only documents and newsletters for professionals, but also leaflets for users and weblinks to local agencies and national
organisations involved with SAP.
View manual.
Contact Details:
Becky Allright, SAP Project Co-ordinator, North Yorkshire Ciounty Council, Finkle Street,
North Yorkshire
YO7 1DA.
Tel: +44 (0)1609 536912
Mobile: 07976 908812 | Fax:
Email: becky.allright@northyorks.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northyorks.gov.uk/sap
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance; website
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Becky Allright (change of name from Becky Nightingale).
Northamptonshire County Council
Consent to Information Sharing leaflet [Northamptonshire SAP team]
Leaflet for clients explaining the principles around information sharing and active consent on their part: Single Assessment Process? Why do we need consent? What choice's do we have?
View powerpoint slides of leaflet
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Information Sharing Protocol: Northamptonshire Single Assessment Process [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(April 2004)
Protocol for sharing confidential personal information to accompany the Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) that is accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health as a tool for overview
assessment as part of the Single Assessment Process for older people. Paper based document consists of 14 pages.
View protocol
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Personal Held Record leaflet [Northamptonshire SAP team]
Leaflet for clients explaining the Personal Held Record: What is a Personal Held Record? What is the purpose of the Personal Held Record? How will it work? Designed to be included in the folder kept by the
View leaflet
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Protocol for Personal Held Records: Northamptonshire Single Assessment Process [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(29 July 2004)
This protocol relates to Personal Held Records for people in Northamptonshire who's needs are being assessed using the Single Assessment Process. Part of the Northamptonshire SAP documentation that is
accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health. Paper based document consists of 2 pages.
View protocol
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Strategic Health Authority
SAP lessons learnt: a report detailing the experiences and lessons learnt in implementing the Single Assessment Process .... informed by the North East Cluster lessons learnt event 18th November 2005
[author: Rob Langstaff]
(21 February 2006)
The first four implementations of the NPfIT SAP solution have taken place in Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, where the Strategic Health Authority (SHA) has given priority to SAP implementation. This report (63
pp) has been compiled by the Education, Training and Development Strategy Manager, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Strategic Health Authority. The information comes from an event at which health and social care professionals from sites within the
North East Cluster met to share their experiences of implementing SAP. The report reflects the topics covered and includes embedded links to the powerpoint presentations made:
Project governance - Paul Gibson (Sunderland Teaching PCT) and Phil Hounsell (Sunderland Social Services);
Connecting the users - Ian Mankin (South Tyneside Social Services) and Jane Keenan (County Durham and Tees Valley SHA);
Information sharing - Graham Farrow (South Tyneside PCT);
Achieving the benefits of SAP - Penny Gray (formerly Gateshead PCT) and Mark Adams (Northumberland, Tyne and Wear SHA);
Training and user support - Sue Martin (City Hospitals Sunderland), Robin Welsh (Sunderland Social Services) and Rob Longstaff (Northumberland, Tyne and Wear SHA);
Mobile working; - Karen Banks and Pauline Hobson (Sunderland Teaching PCT);
Supporting the future environment - Sally Soady (Sheffield Health Informatics Service).
Appendix 1 summarises the recommendations; Appendix 2 is an evaluation analysis of the event.
View report.
Contact Details:
Robin Welsh, SAP Training Officer, Sunderland Social Services Floor 4,
50 Fawcett St,
Tyne & Wear
SR1 1RF.
Tel: 0191 566 1420
07789942247 | Fax:
Email: Robin.Welsh@ssd.sunderland.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Health and social care professionals; IT staff |  Type / Format: case study; powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr Geographic Area Unified Assessment Newsletters December 2003, March 2004 and August 2005
These newsletters (December 2003, Web link 1; March 2004, Web link 2, August 2005 web link 3) are produced by a partnership of North Glamorgan and Pontypridd & Rhondda Trusts, Age Concern, Pontypridd & Rhondda
& Merthyr Tydfil Local Health Boards, Merthyr Tidfil County Borough Council and Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council. Both newsletters list local agency contacts and give a link to the Social Services Inspectorate for Wales' Unified Assessment
site, ' Health and social care for adults: creating a unified and fair system for assessing and managing care.'
The December 2003 issue outlines what unified assessment (UA) is; activity in the Rhondda Cynon Taf and Merthyr areas; and the piloting of a Contact Assessment form.
The March 2004 issue explains mapping - that is, how services are provided across all agencies and their effect on the individual patient or client. It also outlines the Contact Assessment form pilots, set up on SWIFT, the IT system being used by
Trusts and local authorities (though not currently in primary care).
The August 2005 issue has an information sharing theme, in that it covers: establishment of a Change Request log for noting suggestions and comments on UA; an information sharing protocol has been signed by all agencies in the area; and six local
authorities (Caerphilly, Merthyr Tydfil, Monmouthshire, Newport, Rhondda Cynon Taf, and Vale of Glamorgan have formed a consortium to develop an electronic application (SWIFT).
View December 2003 newsletter
| View March 2004 newsletter
| View August 2005 newsletter
Contact Details:
Peter Moore Rhondda Cynon Taf Community Care Head Office/
Ty Elai,
Dinas Isaf East,
Tel: 01443 425453 | Fax:
Email: Peter.R.Moore@rhondda-cynon-taff.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Unified assessments [Rhondda Cynon Taf Community Care Division website]
Unified assessment (UA) is the equivalent of the Single Assessment Process (SAP) in Wales. This website explains that UAs "take a holistic approach to assessing a person's needs, in order to ensure effective
joint working and to prevent serial assessments by different agencies". The website includes links to a tool for staff when making unified assessments; and the Welsh Assembly Government's guidance document, 'Creating a unified and fair system for
assessing and managing care', as well as its precursor related documents, 'Improving health in Wales' and 'Building for the future - a White Paper for Wales'.
Contact Details:
Peter Moore Rhondda Cynon Taf Community Care Head Office/
Ty Elai,
Dinas Isaf East,
Tel: 01443 425453 | Fax:
Email: Peter.R.Moore@rhondda-cynon-taff.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.rhondda-cynon-taff.gov.uk/communitycare/UA
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: guidance; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Social Services
Single Assessment Process electronic pilot evaluation Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, Rotherham Primary Care Trust, Rotherham General Hospital Trust, Doncaster and South Humber Healthcare Trust
[authors: Kath Rogers, Karen Smith]
(October 2005)
The electronic SAP pilot commenced on 12 July 2004, to pilot mobile technology in both community and acute hospital settings. 49 SAP assessments were undertaken over a 12 month period.
This evaluation (7 pp) outlines the aims of the pilots and lists the 7 pilot sites. Staff and patients /service users were surveyed to find out their views and experiences of the Single Assessment Process, use of the Easycare document, use of mobile
technology and the sharing of information. The results of a staff survey (13 questionnaires completed), indicate that while the principles of SAP are a good idea, the electronic pilot was not successful, because of problems with the mobile
technology and the length of time SAP assessments took to complete. Most staff felt that the Easycare document was much easier to complete on paper. 4 questionnaires were completed in face-to-face interviews for the service user/patient survey ; and
while these users understood the reasons for SAP and appreciated its value, they felt that mobile working could be improved. The evaluation concludes with findings on the progress achieved, ongoing issues and future developments.
View evaluation report
Contact Details:
Karen Smith, Project Support Officer (NSFG for Older People), Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Social Services
Crinoline House,
Effingham Square,
S65 1AW.
Tel: 01709 382121 Ext: 3934 | Fax: 01709 822325
Email: Karen-SServs.Smith@rotherham.gov.uk |  Kath.Rogers@rotherham.gov.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Kath Rogers is Project Manager, SAP, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.
Safer Communities Chief Officers Group,
The Rough Guide to Information Sharing Protocols Everything you never wanted to know and were afraid to ask .... probably for very sensible reasons. [author: Commissioned by the Safer Communities Chief
Officers Group]
(October 2002)
6 pages. Accessible guide for field staff used widely amongst Warwickshire authorities, where it originated.
to view guide use web link below
Contact Details:
Warwickshire County Council,
Shire Hall,
CV34 4RA
Tel: 01926 410410 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/PCT/HA |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: Download only |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Single Assessment Project Ealing,
Ealing Case Management Project, Phase 1
The aim was to identify an assessment tool that could facilitate the sharing of information across Ealing's older people care services, embodying the principles of the Single Assessment Process (SAP). A review
of available assessment packages and trial of 'off-the-shelf' tools found none that met the needs of Ealing's diverse population. A Single Assessment Process Strategic Planning group steering group identified the Cambridgeshire CAT system as the
model best suited to be adapted to Ealing's needs. An electronic overview assessment tool was due to be trialed toward the end of 2003. This 4 pp document outlines the outcomes of Phase 1 of the Project, and gives a case example from the
Multi-Agency Rehabilitation Service at Clayponds Hospital.
Partners are: Age Concern Ealing; Alzheimer's Concern Ealing; Ealing Older People's Diversity Group; Ealing Housing and Social Services; Ealing Hospital Trust; Ealing PCT; West London Mental Health Trust.
Contact Details:
Joe Dyke, Project Manager, Single Assessment Project Ealing, Ealing Primary Care Trust,
1 Armstrong Way,
Middlesex, UB2 4SA.
Tel: 020 8893 0303 | Fax:
Email: joe.dyke@ealingpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.ealingpct.nhs.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council
General protocol for inter-agency information sharing within Solihull
The aim of the General Protocol is to provide a robust framework for the legal, secure, and confidential sharing of personal information between public sector agencies, to enable them to meet both their
statutory obligations and the needs and expectations of those served. It has been developed in accordance with national guidelines. Appendices include reference to relevant legislation.
Contact Details:
Val Dickens, Project Manager, Single Assessment Process, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council,
PO Box 32,
Council House,
West Midlands
B91 3QY.
Tel: +44 (0)121 704 8043 | Fax: +44 (0)121 704 6114
Email: vdickens@solihull.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.solihull.gov.uk
Target group: SSD/PCT staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Version 1, July 2003 also supplied by Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority, Osprey House, Albert Street, Prospect Hill, Redditch B97 4DE. Tel: 01527 587536; E-mail:
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council (as supplied by West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority)
Giving consent to share personal information copy for consultation, Solihull Single Assessment Process
Text of a draft form (2 pp) asking the person being assessed whether relevant personal information may be shared with other individuals or agencies, and if so who or which ones?
Contact Details:
Val Dickens, , Project Manager, Single Assessment Process, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council,
PO Box 32,
Council House,
West Midlands
B91 3QY.
Tel: +44 (0)121 704 8043 | Fax: +44 (0)121 704 6114
Email: vdickens@solihull.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.solihull.gov.uk
| http://www.wmssha.nhs.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: form
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Contact at WMSSHA: Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority, Osprey House, Albert Street, Prospect Hill, Redditch B97 4DE. Tel: 01527 587536; E-mail:
Sunderland Social Services
Liquid Logic keystroke guidance East Division, West Division, Hospital SW Team, Sensory Team, Specialist SW Team (Palliative Care), COTs, Farmborough Court & Intermediate Care Team [authors: Robin
Welsh, Alison Levitt, Phil Hounsell]
(29 September 2005)
This 44pp item (and related training material) was first publicised by Robin Welsh on the SAP Discussion Forum, as a model for developing local guidance on using Liquidlogic. The guidance outlines keystroke
procedures for administration, team managers, duty officers, quality officers, care managers and specialist assessors, also team manager authorisation and review process.
The following Critical Path items accompany: OT; East & West & Sensory; Farmborough Court, Intermediate Care Team; Hospital Social Work Team; Specialist Social Work Team. Each algorithm explains the work flow.
View | keystrokes document
| critical path - OT
| critical path - East and West sensory
| critical path - Farnborough Court
| critical path - hospital social work team
| critical path - specialist social work team
Contact Details:
Robin Welsh, SAP Training Officer, Floor 4,
50 Fawcett St,
Tyne & Wear
SR1 1RF.
Tel: 0191 566 1420
07789942247 | Fax:
Email: Robin.Welsh@ssd.sunderland.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Staff using Liquidlogic |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sutton and Merton Health and Social Care Community
A joint protocol for delivering the Single Assessment Process for older people in Sutton developed in partnership with: London Borough of Sutton Community Services, Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust,
Epsom and St Helier Hospital Trust, Sutton Older Persons Mental Health Team, and Age Concern User and Carer Group
This document (41pp) aims to set out the responsibilities that each agency needs to adopt, in order to deliver the Single Assessment Process (SAP) in the London Borough of Sutton. It is envisaged that the
protocol will provide guidance for an efficient and effective delivery of services which will meet the expectations of local people and that of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). Its content includes coverage of: shared values;
when to use each of the four assessments (Contact Assessment, Overview Assessment, Specialist Assessment, and Comprehensive Assessment); multi-agency care planning; the role of the care co-ordinator or key worker; joint working; the Single
Assessment in hospital; and sharing of information. Appendices include: an agreed glossary of terms; Sutton locality Single Assessment contact and referral form; domains of the overview assessment; triggers for assessment; and procedures for user
held record.
View joint protocol
Contact Details:
Carole Adams, London Borough of Sutton,
Civic Offices,
St. Nicholas Way,
Tel: 020 8770 5000 x4398 | Fax:
Email: carole.adams@sutton.gov.uk |  fiona.merritt@sutton.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.sutton.gov.uk
Target group: All staff, users and carers |  Type / Format: protocol; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sutton and Merton Health and Social Care Community
Information sharing for agencies delivering services to adults Part A: The legal framework [author: Sutton and Merton Health and Social Care Community]
(March 2004)
The information sharing protocol (Part B) is based on legislation (such as the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 1998) and related items concerning confidentiality and information sharing (e.g.
the Caldicott Principles). These are outlined in this Part A document (12pp).
View protocol
Contact Details:
Carole Adams, London Borough of Sutton,
Civic Offices,
St. Nicholas Way,
SM1 1EA.
Tel: 020 8770 5000 x4398 | Fax:
Email: carole.adams@sutton.gov.uk |  fiona.merritt@sutton.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.sutton.gov.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sutton and Merton Health and Social Care Community
Information sharing protocol for agencies delivering services to adults Part B, Version 07 (final) [author: Sutton and Merton Health and Social Care Community]
(March 2004)
This protocol (18pp) has been agreed by the following partner organisations: Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust; London Borough of Sutton; London Borough of Merton; Epsom and St Helier's University Hospital
Trust; St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust; and South West London and St George's Mental Health Trust. It covers issues around consent to the disclosure of personal information, the process of information exchange; and procedures for dealing withbreach
of the protocol. Appendices include examples of forms for the consent to share information and for disclosure request; also the draft of a leaflet for clients and patients on why information about them may need to be shared.
View protocol
Contact Details:
Carole Adams, London Borough of Sutton,
Civic Offices,
St. Nicholas Way,
Tel: 020 8770 5000 x4398 | Fax:
Email: carole.adams@sutton.gov.uk |  fiona.merritt@sutton.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.sutton.gov.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Waltham Forest NHS PCT and Waltham Forest Council
Protocol for staff on the use of the Single Assessment Process Person Held Record in Waltham Forest [DRAFT] [author: Steve Griffiths]
[September 2006]
Sample of a protocol on the use of a person held record (PHR) developed by Waltham Forest and currently in draft form. Every adult over the age of 18 years who is the subject of a multi disciplinary or multi
agency assessment process is to be provided with a Person Held Record folder. This is to allow efficient and safe storage of assessment records and other related documentation by the assessed person. At the individual's discretion, it will prevent
duplication and support the practice of iniformation sharing between the individual and practitioners of various agencies.
The protocol consists of: statement of purpose; scope; staff responsibilities - (1) managers; (2) individual practitioners; procedures: (1) issuing the PHR; (2) inserting information; (3) ownership and responsibility; (4) access; (5) terminating the
use of the PHR; success indicators and governance arrangements.
View document.
Contact Details:
Steve Griffiths, Service Manager, Integrated Adults and Community Service,
London Borough of Waltham Forest
Silver Birch House,
Uplands Business Park,
Blackhorse Lane,
London E17 5SD
Tel: 020 8496 3467 | Fax:
Email: steve.griffiths@lbwf.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol; person held record
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Warwickshire County Council (as supplied by West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority)
Warwickshire Single Assessment Process: workforce development program written by Jane Blackhall (SAP Project Manager) with consultation with SAP training leads. (Draft 4) [author: Jane Blackhall]
(December 2003).
The Warwickshire Single Assessment Process aims to: provide person centred care; ensure that practitioners work together in a co-ordinated manner to meet the needs of the older person; ensure that assessment
information is shared effectively within and between agencies, and that information is not replicated; actively involve the older person in the assessment process and gain consent to share information between organisations; and ensure that the
assessment is proportionate to the level of need. This document (18 pp) provides information on funding and costings for the program (including a comparison of internal and external provision of trainiing). Possible risks are identified. The content
of courses and workshops is defined for the six levels of training: SAP awareness; Contact Assessment training; Overview assessment training; Specialist Assessment training; management training; and pre-implementation and post implementation
Contact Details:
Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority,
Osprey House,
Albert Street,
Prospect Hill,
B97 4DE.
Tel: 01527 587536 (Sandra Hudson) | Fax:
Email: sandra.hudson@wmsha.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wmssha.nhs.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
West Cheshire SAP sub-group
Single Assessment Process Newsletter One [author: Kate Bebe]
This five page newsletter outlines key groups and people involved in the implementation of the Single Assessment Process in West Cheshire. It indicates what SAP is about; progress so far; SAP referral
scenarios; how SAP will affect different groups and how to get further information.
View Newsletter
Contact Details:
Kate Bebe Ellesmere Port District Office, Coronation Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 9AA
Tel: 0151 357 4522 | Fax:
Email: Kate.Bebe@cheshire.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
West Midlands Region SAP Implementation Group (as supplied by West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority)
West Midlands Region SAP Implementation Group interpretation of the April 2004 milestones
(13 December 2003)
SAP Leads from both health and social services departments in the West Midlands region have been meeting with the aim of pooling ideas and resources, and exchanging information. This 16pp document has been
compiled by a subgroup (including representatives of the 3 SHAs in the region) which looked specifically at the Department of Health April 2004 milestones. The aim is to agree a collective interpretation of what the milestones mean (and based on
what evidence), and how best to target work in order to achieve them.
Contact Details:
Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority,
Osprey House,
Albert Street,
Prospect Hill,
B97 4DE.
Tel: 01527 587517 (Peter Boileau)
01527 587536 (Sandra Hudson) | Fax:
Email: sandra.hudson@wmsha.nhs.uk |  peter.boileau@wmsha.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.wmssha.nhs.uk
Target group: SAP Leads |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The following members of the Group are also willing to be approached directly to discuss this document:
Marie duQuesnay, Stoke and Staffordshire, Marie.duQuesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk 01785 277089;
Val Dickens, Solihull, vdickens@solihull.gov.uk 0121 704 8043;
Jonathan Monks, Worcestershire, jmonks2@worcestershire.gov.uk 01905 766963;
Sue Williams, West Midlands ADSS, suejwilliams@hotmail.com 01905 796799.
West Midlands Regional SAP Group
If I've told you once ... introducing the Single Assessment Process
The video (18 mins) and DVD were produced to support the implementation of the Single Assessment Process (SAP).There are two versions of the DVD programme, the second of which has subtitles for the hard of
hearing. Both were produced by Magnetic Pictures Productions The video is supported by a trainers' guide, providing background information and session guides available separately as a PDF file (web link 2)
The video introduces the viewer to the need for SAP through an opening scene where an older person is visited by several professioanls who all want the same information for their assessment. This is followed by a series of short interviews with key
personnel such as the Director of the Change Agent Team, service users, a chief executive of a PCT, a general practitioner, an occupational therapy manager and a social work manager. The principles of person-centred care, information sharing and
person held records are explained with a return to the experiences of the older person.
The project was funded by ADSS West Midlands Regional SAP Group: Birmingham Single Assessment Programme; Coventry Single Assessment Partnership; Derbyshire and Derby Social and Health Care Communities; Dudley Health and Social Care Community;
Sandwell Single Asessment Proceess Project Group; Solihull Single Assessment Joint Steering Group; Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Single Assessment Project; Stockport Older People's Training Programme; Telford and Wrekin SAP Project; Walsall
Single Assessment Programme; WSAP Warwickshire Single Assessment Process; and Worcestershire Single Assessment Programme. The Department of Health (DH) Change Agent Team provided additional support.
View flyer for the video/DVD
Contact Details:
Magnetic Pictures Magnetic Pictures Ltd,
The Old Coach House,
Upper Wawensmoor,
Wootton Wawen,
B95 6SS.
Tel: 01564 793061 | Fax:
Email: aprice@magpix.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.magpix.co.uk/Pages%202003/SAP%20Page.html
| http://www.magpix.co.uk/PDF%20Files/users%20guide%20for%20pdf.PDF
Target group: All staff, service providers, users and carers |  Type / Format: video or DVD
Availability / Price: Video and DVD both priced at £15.00 (plus VAT and P&P) for a single copy. Discount available for bulk orders. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: ADSS West Midlands Regional SAP Group contact, Sue Williams, tel 01905 796799 E-mail: suejwilliams@hotmail.com
West Midlands Regional SAP Group
If I've told you once ...: introducing the Single Assessment Process Trainers and learners guide; [and] Written materials to support training and learning [author: Marion Dakin]
Guide and learning materials (PDF file, 23pp, web link 2) to support the video and DVD, 'If I've told you once ...: introducing the Single Assessment Process', produced by Magnetic Pictures Productions and
funded by the ADSS West Midlands Regional SAP Group.
The guide consists of ideas about how to use the video materials, either: in a facilitated staff development session, with supporting slides/OHPs and exercise/discussion points; or by individual learners. The written materials give a broad
application of SAP, and should be supplemented by information on local approaches to implementation.
The guide has been developed for work initially undertaken to support implementation of SAP in Dudley, West Midlands. Dudley's Older People's Forum provided the author with some ideas on how person-centred care should be implemented in practice.
Solihull MBC is also acknowledged for developing slides on person-centred care.
Contact Details:
Magnetic Pictures Magnetic Pictures Ltd,
The Old Coach House,
Upper Wawensmoor,
Wootton Wawen,
B95 6SS.
Tel: 01564 793061 | Fax:
Email: aprice@magpix.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.magpix.co.uk/Pages%202003/SAP%20Page.html
| http://www.magpix.co.uk/PDF%20Files/users%20guide%20for%20pdf.PDF
Target group: All staff, service providers, users and carers |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: Available only as PDF download. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Marion Dakin has website, http://www.mariondakin.com.
E-mail: marion.dakin@fsmail.net
West Midlands Regional Single Assessment Process Group
The Single Assessment Process and cross boundary working West Midlands SAP Cross Boundary Project sponsored by ADSS West Midlands Older People's Network [and] Department of Health, Health and Social
Care Change Agent Team [author: Angela Nicholls]
(October 2004)
The ADSS West Midlands Regional Single Assessment Process Group commissioned this project in May 2004 with funding from the Department of Health Health and Social Care Change Agent Team, to address issues of
consistency and compatibility of working arrangements and information sharing across geographical boundaries with respect to the Single Assessment Process (SAP). The Cross Boundary Project has aimed to support a common approach to SAP, by mapping
how SAP has been implemented in the West Midlands, and this report outlines the findings of the mapping exercise.
View project document
Contact Details:
Angela Nicholls Tel: | Fax:
Email: angelanicholls@wrath98.freeserve.co.uk |  suejwilliams@hotmail.com
Web links:
Target group: SAP leads |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Sue Williams, Regional Coordinator
West Midlands Regional Single Assessment Process Group
The Single Assessment Process and cross boundary working: good practice guide [West Midlands SAP Cross Boundary Project] [author: Angela Nicholls]
(October 2004)
This good practice guide has been produced on behalf of the ADSS West Midlands Regional Single Assessment Process Group. It is based on the findings of the Cross Boundary Project about how the Single
Assessment Process (SAP) is being implemented in the West Midlands and the implications for working across geographical boundaries in the region, principles that can be applied beyond the West Midlands region. The guide covers: understanding cross
boundary flows; a forum for discussion with neighbouring areas; understanding differences; making local agreements; information sharing agreements; moving towards greater standardisation with neighbouring organisations; adopting agreement on cross
boundary working; and moving beyond the documentation. The guide also sets out the elements of a formal Agreement on Cross Boundary Working and Information Sharing.
View guide
Contact Details:
Angela Nicholls Tel: | Fax:
Email: angelanicholls@wrath98.freeserve.co.uk |  suejwilliams@hotmail.com
Web links:
Target group: SAP leads |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Sue Williams, Regional Coordinator
Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust
General protocol for inter-agency information sharing within Wolverhampton [Version 1, September 2003]
Protocol endorsed by Wolverhampton HASCI, with acknowledgement to Solihull MBC.
The General Protocol provides the framework for the sharing of personal information between Wolverhampton City Council, Wolverhampton Primary Care Trust, and Wolverhampton Royal Hospitals Trust. These agencies have formed a Health and Social Care
Information Exchange (HASCIE) project group. This document has been developed in accordance with national guidelines, to address responsibilities and concerns around the sharing of personal information. Appendices include references to relevant
view protocol
Contact Details:
Phil Smith, Wolverhampton City PCT,
Coniston House,
West Entrance,
Chapel Ash,
Tel: +44 (0)1902 575183 | Fax: +44 (0)1902 444877
Email: phil.smith@wolvespct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wolverhamptonhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: Health/social services |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Worcestershire SSD, (as supplied by West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority)
Worcestershire information sharing protocol for the Single Assessment Process
This Protocol (17 pp) provides a robust framework for the legal, secure and confidential sharing of personal information between public sector agencies, to enable them to meet both their statutory obligations
and the needs and expectations of people served as part of the Single Assessment Process. Appendices outline the main legislation: Data Protection Act 1998; Human Rights Act 2000; Crime and Disorder Act 1998; and Regulation of Investigatory Powers
Act 2000. Attention is also drawn to the common law duty of confidentiality and to the Caldicott principles.
View presentations:
introduction |
commentary |
patient's journey |
Just say it once |
Multi-disciplinary working
Contact Details:
Jonathan Monks, Programme Manager, County Hall,
Spetchley Road,
Tel: 01905 766963 | Fax:
Email: jmonks2@worcestershire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/progressingsingleassessment
| http://www.wmssha.nhs.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Contact at WMSSHA: Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority, Osprey House, Albert Street, Prospect Hill, Redditch B97 4DE. Tel: 01527 587536; E-mail: