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Single Assessment Process - training materials -
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA
The Single Assessment Process training resource [author: Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA]
(July 2003)
This training resource sets out the key issues relating to joint working, SAP, and information sharing and consent, using a variety of tools, including narrative text, PowerPoint presentations, exercises,
case studies and handouts. It also includes a glossary of terms. The CDROM has printable PDF versions of these materials, along with editable PowerPoint files for the three presentations on joint working, the single assessment process, and the Data
Protection Act and Caldicott principles.
The pack is intended for use in multi-agency training. It is not designed to be used in isolation, and it is expected that trainers will add to it according to local need and following further learning through pilot sites. It is assumed that
trainers using this training resource will be linked into the development of SAP locally, and will be working closely with the project leads who wrote and compiled the resource.
The resource has been produced as a joint initiative by a group of project managers and trainers from the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Strategic Health Authority (AGW SHA): Paulette Nuttall (Bristol), Sheila Turner (South Gloucestershire),
Marilyn Hughes (Swindon), Richard Pople and Jane Towler (North Somerset), Bo Novak (Bath and North East Somerset), and Marianna Poulton (Wiltshire).
View contents of cd-rom
(Presentations, Handouts etc) - Please note conditions of use on Contents page.
Contact Details:
Sheila Turner South Gloucestershire PCT,
1 Monarch Court
Emerald Park
Emerson's Green
BS16 7FH
Tel: 0117 330 2443 | Fax:
Email: sheila.turner@sglos-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SSD/PCT |  Type / Format: pack; cdrom; powerpoint; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contacts: Paulette Nuttall, Bristol South and West Primary Care Trust, King Square House, King Square,Bristol
BS2 8EE Tel: +44 (0) 117 900 2376; Fax +44(0)117 900 2465; Email: paulette.nuttall@bristolswpct.nhs.uk
Central Cheshire PCT
Single Assessment Process Milestone: April 2004
21 frames for a basic level of training in SAP awareness-raising, with accompanying material.
Details of a day's training workshop. Glossary. Case studies. A-Z list of abbreviations (and mnemonics). Site implementation schedule.
View documents:
presentation |
glossary |
abbreviations guide - introduction |
abbreviations guide |
case study 1 |
case study 2 |
person centred care |
training plan |
posters |
welcome letter
Contact Details:
Ms Chris Douglas, SAP Lead, Central Cheshire PCT HQ,
Barony Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1270 415364 (DH direct)
+44 (0)1270 415484 (CD direct) | Fax:
Email: chris.douglas@ccpct.nhs.uk |  Dennis.Harthern@ccpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.ccpct.nhs.uk
Target group: PCT |  Type / Format: powerpoint; glossary; case study; strategy
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Dennis Harthern is the Learning & Development Officer, at HR & Learning, Central Cheshire PCT.
Cumbria County Council; Morecambe Bay Primary Care Trust
Single assessment guidelines [for the] Single Assessment Process (SAP) [author: Julian Legat]
(March 2004)
These guidelines (24 pp) are for health and social services staff in South Cumbria. They have been jointly developed by Cumbria County Council and Morecambe Bay Primary Care Trust via a joint SAP Guidance Task
Group. The guidelines include: a description of the single assessment and how people will benefit from it; a set of shared values and principles that staff should adopt; flowcharts describing the single assesment process (SAP); a description of
arrangements for information sharing; a glossary of terms used; and an appendix giving examples of how different agencies are adopting the process.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/elibrary/view.asp?ID=4077
| http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/elibrary/view.asp?ID=4418
Target group: health and social services staff |  Type / Format: guidance; glossary
Availability / Price: Available as downloads: Web Link1, 24 pp; Web Link 2, A5 size handbook (using colour). |  ISBN/ISSN:
Devon County Council Social Services
Single Assessment Process: Glossary of terms, Devon Single Assessment Project Issue 1.0, Ref SAP/DEL/019 [author: Wendy Brewer]
(4 December 2003)
Download document (4 pp).
The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive glossary of terms.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager, Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: |  Type / Format: glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Website password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
East Sussex Local Information Sharing and Confidentiality (LISC group)
Information Security Training - e-learning web site
Training for Health Service staff outlining their duties and responsibilities around confidentiality of information. The aim of this package is to give an overview of the key principles. The package consists
of four sections, or "modules".
Section 1: Obtaining and Holding Personal Information : This section explains the types of information that can be collected, and describes why and how people need to be informed that information is held about them.
Section 2: Releasing Personal Information to Others: This section describes the circumstances under which information may be disclosed to others.
Section 3: Maintaining and Disposing of Personal Information: The duty to keep information accurate and up-to-date is explained here, as well as how to dispose of unwanted confidential material.
Section 4: Physical Security: This section describes how to keep paper-based information as well as computer files secure.
The site also includes a glossary, case study and quiz.
Contact Details:
Isobel Warren, Joint SAP project manager (with Caroline Blackett) East Sussex Social Services and East Sussex Primary Care Trusts Tel: 01273 403633 | Fax:
Email: isobel.warren@esbh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthesussex.nhs.uk/is_training/index.asp
Target group: |  Type / Format: Web site; glossary; e-learning
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Developed by members of the group: Colin Styles (East Sussex County Healthcare NHS Trust); Jez MacDonald (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Isobel Warren (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services);
Linda Douglas (East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust); Susan Morra (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Jo Gilmore (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services)
Hounslow Joint Staff Development Forum
Glossary of Health and Social Care [Hounslow Joint Staff Development Forum]
31 pages. This glossary or A-Z of services has been produced to explain some of the terms used by health and social care agencies.
View glossary
Contact Details:
Keith Strahan Tel: 07973 700695 (mobile)
020 8583 3655 (office) | Fax:
Email: kspcsw@aol.com |  Keith.Strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Lancashire Health and Social Care Communities
Single Assessment Process - Agreed Terminology [authors: Sheila Southworth, Neil Halton, Vic McNeill]
(July 2002)
Glossary defining terms for health and social care providers implementing the Single Assessment Process
View glossary
Contact Details:
Alex Sunderland, SAP Project Manager and Policy Officer for Older People, PO Box 162,
East Cliff County Offices,
Tel: 01772 534449 (direct)
01772 254868 (switch) | Fax:
Email: alexander.sunderland@ssd.lancscc.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: glossary
Availability / Price: PDF upon request |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland: Health and Social Care Community
The Single Assessment Modular Workshop Training Package Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland [Sam Kirkland]
A modular workshop training package (88pp) [amended and redesigned] with case studies, activities and diagrams desiged to run over 21/2 to 3 days with groups of mixed professions and agencies to help people
understand the principles and benefits of SAP.
Module 1: What is the single assessment process; who, where and when?
Module 2: Information sharing and the law; confidentiality, data protection, Caldicott and seamless care.
Module 3: Joint working - making it work; understanding roles and responsibilities.
Appendices: 1. Shared values and outcomes. 2. General SAP guidance for staff. 2. SAP glossary of terms. 3. SAP glossary: acronyms and abbreviations.
The modular package will soon be available on CD.
The package contains elements from the Sheffield - First for Health SAP Flexible Training Package and the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SAP Training Resource, adapted for local use with permission.
View training package
Contact Details:
Jacky Martin, Single Assessment Project Manager, Charnwood and North West Leicestershire PCT,
LE11 2TZ
Tel: 01509 567768 | Fax: 01509 567792
Email: Jacky.Martin@cnwlpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: pack; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Single Assessment Process (SAP) flexible learning package - published by Sheffield First for Health (2003) .See separate entry for full details.
Single Assessment Training Resource, Avon, Glos and Wiltshire, contact sheila.turner@sglos-pct.nhs.uk See separate entry for full details.
London, Eastern and South East Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People
Principles for older people and their medicines statement of principles for supporting older people to use their medicines safely and appropriately in their own homes, in care homes and across
interfaces of care
(4 October 2006)
One of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) milestones due for achievement by October 2004 was that "all Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) should have schemes in place so that older people get more
help from pharmacists in using their medicines". This document (15 pp) identifies the need to integrate medicines management into current care pathways, the Single Assessment Process (SAP) and case management. It sets out six principles,
illustrated by examples of good practice:
1: Every individual has the right to an assessment to identify their care needs and such support as is necessary for safe and appropriate use of his or her medicines;
2: Every individual has access to their medicines and is able to use them safely and appropriately;
3: Every individual and/or carer has access to high quality information from a health care professional about their medicines;
4: Health and social care organisations provide support for medicines use, in line with the principles of clinical governance and national minimum standards;
5: Individuals are entitled to receive coordinated care when moving between different care settings;
6: Every health and social care economy has a robust referral system to a pharmacist to ensure a consistent point of contact, communications network and signposting.
A glossary is acknowledged to Lelly Oboh, Lambeth PCT.
The document is accompanied by a letter from Theresa Rutter, 'Key principles of care to support older people in the safe, effective use of their medicines in their own homes and in care homes'.
Contact Details:
Theresa Rutter,
Chair, Steering Group on Medicines Management and Older People,
London, Eastern and South East Specialist Pharmacy Services, Clinical Pharmacy with Community Health Services,
Pharmacy Department,
St Charles Hospital,
Exmoor Street,
W10 6DZ.
Tel: 020 8962 4827 | Fax: 020 8962 4058
Email: theresa.rutter@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: pharmacists, PCTs, GPs |  Type / Format: guidance; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North Lincolnshire Primary Care Trust; North Lincolnshire Council; North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Trust
Multi-agency guidelines and good practice manual: Single Assessment Process (SAP) in North Lincolnshire version 1.5 [author: North Lincolnshire SAP Steering Group]
(October 2006)
This good practice manual (35 pp) has been produced by the North Lincolnshire Multi-Agency Steering Group to support staff with the implementation and operational requirements of the Single Assessment Process
(SAP) in North Lincolnshire. The manual does not replace guidance and protocols in place in each of the partner agencies.
The manual includes a glossary of terms;sets the national context for SAP; provides general information on information sharing and obtaining consent; outlines issues on joint working in respect of the different assessments; and has a short section
on using the Easycare assessment tool. Appendices relate to documentation on consent and security guidelines.
The manual will be reviewed as part of the evaluation of the implementation process.
View manual.
Contact Details:
Stephen Ball, Service Manager - Older People, Day and Community Services, North Lincolnshire Council Tel: +44 (0)1724 298081 | Fax:
Email: stephen.ball@northlincs.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All agencies |  Type / Format: glossary; guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North Tyneside Single Assessment Taskforce
The Single Assessment Process North Tyneside information and development events
(April 2004)
This pack has been designed to support the North Tyneside information and development events for implementation of the Single Assessment Process (SAP). Information in the pack provides background material for
the events, and will also act as an ongoing source of reference as implementation of SAP progresses in North Tyneside
The pack covers: background to the Single Assessment Process; current health and social care polices impacting on SAP; determination of registered nursing care contribution; the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF); principles of the
Single Assessment Process; domains and sub domains of SAP; assessment skills; information sharing and consent; clinical governance; education and training; key implications for older people, social workers, nurses, general practitioners, therapists,
geriatricians and old age psychiatrists; North Tyneside shared aims and objectives of SAP implementation; North Tyneside agreed glossary of terms; timetable for implementing SAP in North Tyneside; a list of those involved in implementing SAP in
North Tyneside since 2003.
View pack
Contact Details:
Haley Hudson, Single Assessment Coordinator for North Tyneside Tel: +44 (0)191 200 8455 | Fax: +44 (0)191 200 8260
Email: haley.hudson@northtyneside.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: All |  Type / Format: pack; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Northamptonshire County Council
Glossary of Terms: Northamptonshire Single Assessment Process [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(April 2004)
Glossary of Terms to accompany the Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) that is accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health as a tool for overview assessment as part of the Single
Assessment Process for older people. The glossary explains some of the words, terms, symbols and abbreviations used by agencies in Northamptonshire when assessing the needs of people, Paper based document consists of 12 pages.
View glossary
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: glossary
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(April 2004)
The Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) is accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health as a tool for overview assessment as part of the Single Assessment Process for older people. Paper
based document of 44 pages. Accompanying documentation consists of Guidelines for Completing NOAT, Glossary of Terms, Information Sharing Protocol, Contact Assessment/Referral forms, Protocol for Personal Held Record.
View assessment tool
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; glossary; protocol
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Sheffield First for Health Partnership
Sheffield Single Assessment Process assessment manual
(April 2003)
The assessments described in this manual (116pp) provide a standardised way of capturing the outcomes of conversations with service users and their carers. The assessments are intended to support and not
replace professional judgement. This manual contains examples of flow charts, sample assessment tools, and guidance about how the tools will be used, and demonstrate how pathways contribute to a Single Assessment Process. Also included is a
glossary, which is intended to be used in conjunction with the full glossary as contained in the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). This is the first edition of the manual. It will be revised to take account of practitioners'
experience during the first phase of implementation of the process, with any necessary amendments to have been circulated by April 2004.
The project was commissioned by the Sheffield First for Health Partnership in 2001. The partnership comprises: Shefield's Social Services Directorate and Housing & Direct Services; North Sheffield PCT; West Sheffield PCT; South West Sheffield PCT;
South East Sheffield PCT; Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Sheffield Care Trust: Mental Health and Wellbeing. and voluntary sector involvement.
View toolkit
Contact Details:
Sheffield City Council,
Single Assessment Project,
Floor 3,
Castle Market Buildings,
S1 2HA.
Tel: 0114 273 5299 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/safe--sound/social-services/single-assessment-process
Target group: all staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Sutton and Merton Health and Social Care Community
A joint protocol for delivering the Single Assessment Process for older people in Sutton developed in partnership with: London Borough of Sutton Community Services, Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust,
Epsom and St Helier Hospital Trust, Sutton Older Persons Mental Health Team, and Age Concern User and Carer Group
This document (41pp) aims to set out the responsibilities that each agency needs to adopt, in order to deliver the Single Assessment Process (SAP) in the London Borough of Sutton. It is envisaged that the
protocol will provide guidance for an efficient and effective delivery of services which will meet the expectations of local people and that of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). Its content includes coverage of: shared values;
when to use each of the four assessments (Contact Assessment, Overview Assessment, Specialist Assessment, and Comprehensive Assessment); multi-agency care planning; the role of the care co-ordinator or key worker; joint working; the Single
Assessment in hospital; and sharing of information. Appendices include: an agreed glossary of terms; Sutton locality Single Assessment contact and referral form; domains of the overview assessment; triggers for assessment; and procedures for user
held record.
View joint protocol
Contact Details:
Carole Adams, London Borough of Sutton,
Civic Offices,
St. Nicholas Way,
Tel: 020 8770 5000 x4398 | Fax:
Email: carole.adams@sutton.gov.uk |  fiona.merritt@sutton.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.sutton.gov.uk
Target group: All staff, users and carers |  Type / Format: protocol; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: