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Single Assessment Process - training materials -
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
British Medical Association; NHS Connecting for Health
Joint guidance on protecting electronic patient information
(April 2008)
This joint guidance (4pp) is intended to signpost key guidance concerning responsibilities for protecting patient information.
Personal, organisational, NHS Connecting for Health and NHS responsibilities are outlined, with links to relevant website for full documentation for codes of practice and guidelines.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.bma.org.uk/ap.nsf/Content/protectinginfo
Target group: NHS staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Buckinghamshire County Council
Person Centred Care: Single Assessment Process for Buckinghamshire [author: Cheryl Warren]
[June 2004]
Buckinghamshire County Council ran a series of workshops in June 2004 around the Single Assessment Process for older people. The workshops were aimed at people who work in health, social care or the voluntary
sector and members of the public who were interested in finding out how Single Assessment will affect older people. The powerpoint presentations run at the workshops can be seen via the web link listed below.
If you would like further information on the workshops, you can call the NSF and Single Assessment Assistant on 01296 382550.
Contact Details:
Kerry Stevens, NSF and Single Assessment Coordinator, Adult Social Care - Business and Strategy,
Room 601,
Buckinghamshire County Council,
Walton Street,
HP20 1YU
Tel: 01296 383927 | Fax:
Email: kstevens@buckscc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/care_of_adults/singleassessment/sap_pres.ppt
| http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/care_of_adults/single_assess_process.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
CAF Policy Team,
Department of Health,
Common assessment framework for adults a summary of the consultation on proposals to improve information sharing around multi-disciplinary assessment and care planning
(22 January 2009)
The Department of Health (DH) has launched this consultation on improving the quality and efficiency of care and support through improvements in the sharing and use of information. This summary of the
consultation document (23 pp) outlines the rationale for improving information, building on what is known from developing the Single Assessment Process (SAP); how assessment and care planning should be undertaken (the principles of a common
assessment framework, or CAF); use of shared information from assessment and care and support planning; what information should be commonly shared and with whom; and the information technology (IT) approaches that would enable this to take place
regarding consent, confidentiality and security in accordance with the DH Information Charter. The consultation will be of interest to the general public, as well as health and social care providers. Responses are sought (by 17 April 2009) online
(at http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438), by email (to caf@dh.gov.uk) or by post to: CAF Consultation, Department of Health, Room 123, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG. A summary of responses will
be available before or accompanying further action (at www.dh.gov.uk/Consultations/Responsestoconsultations/index.htm).
Contact Details:
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
Tel: 020 7972 4130 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438)
Target group: All |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: At weblink; otherwise, hard copy (very limied supply, Gateway ref: 11096) from: DH Publications Orderline, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. tel: 08701 555 455 email: dh@prolog.uk.com |  ISBN/ISSN:
CAF Policy Team,
Department of Health,
Common assessment framework for adults a consultation on proposals to improve information sharing around multi-disciplinary assessment and care planning
he Department of Health (DH) has launched this consultation on improving the quality and efficiency of care and support through improvements in the sharing and use of information. This document (91 pp) covers
the rationale for improving information; how assessment and care planning should be undertaken (the principles of a common assessment framework, or CAF); use of shared information from assessment and care and support planning; what information
should be commonly shared and with whom; and the information technology (IT) approaches that would enable this to take place regarding consent, confidentiality and security in accordance with the DH Information Charter. An appendix, on evidence
relating to the benefits reported where the Single Assessment Process has been implemented, is one of a number of references to SAP in this document. The consultation will be of interest to the general public, as well as health and social care
providers. Responses are sought (by 17 April 2009) online (at http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438), by email (to caf@dh.gov.uk) or by post to: CAF Consultation, Department of Health, Room 123, Wellington House, 133-155
Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG. A summary of responses will be available before or accompanying further action (at www.dh.gov.uk/Consultations/Responsestoconsultations/index.htm).
Contact Details:
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
Tel: 020 7972 4130 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438
Target group: All |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: At weblink; otherwise, hard copy (very limited supply, Gateway ref: 11096) from: DH Publications Orderline, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. tel: 08701 555 455 email: dh@prolog.uk.com |  ISBN/ISSN:
Care Record Development Board
Introduction to the Care Record Guarantee for NHS staff [author: Care Record Development Board]
(July 2006)
This is a 4 page introductory document to the revised Care Record Guarantee first published in 2005, and which was to be regularly reviewed following feedback to the Care Record Development Board. Rights and
responsibilities of patients and NHS staff are highlighted.
View introduction.
Contact Details:
Harry Cayton, Chair, Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@cfh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: download or hard copies available upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care has taken over the functions of the Care Record Development Board (CRDB) which closed at the end of September 2007 Chair is Harry Cayton.
Website: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/nigb
Care Record Development Board
The Care Record Guarantee Our guarantee for NHS care records in England [author: Care Record Development Board]
(July 2006)
The Care Record Guarantee (12 pp) sets out the commitment of the NHS in its use of patient information as the health service in England moves towards a national electronic records system - the NHS Care Records
Service. Patients have the right to confidentiality under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the common law duty of confidence (the Disability discrimination and the Race Relations Acts may also apply);; and to ask for a
copy of all records about themselves (a fee may be payable). There is a brief description about the NHS Care Records Service and its progress to date. Rights of patients are given in 12 stated commitments and the responsibilities of the patients
are contained in 6 stated principles. Plans for the future of the NHS Care Records Service are outlined.
There is a 4-page introductory document to the revised Care Record Guarantee which was first published in 2005, and which is to be regularly reviewed following feedback to the Care Record Development Board. The rights and responsibilities are
More information about rights under the Data Protection Act can be obtained from The Office of the Information Commissioner, see website link.
View guarantee.
Contact Details:
Harry Cayton, Chair, Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: crdb@cfh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb
| http://www.informationcomissioner.gov.uk
Target group: HAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: download or hard copies available upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care has taken over the functions of the Care Record Development Board (CRDB) which closed at the end of September 2007 Chair is Harry Cayton.
Website: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/nigb
Department of Health
Use of the NHS Strategic Tracing Service (NSTS) by councils with social services responsibilities (CSSRs) (Local authority circular, LAC (2004)15)
The NHS Strategic Tracing Service (NSTS) enables NHS organisations to trace patients, confirm their unique identifier (the NHS nunber), and access administrative information about them. A small number of
councils with social services responsibilities (CSSRs) have been piloting the use of the NSTS for two years. The pilots have demonstrated that significant benefits can be gained from having such access, particularly in terms of improving the
accuracy of records. Access will facilitate the linking of health and social service records for initiatives integrating services such as the Single Assessment
Process and the Electronic Social Care Record. The importance of security and confidentiality of the NSTS and its data is stressed. This letter (30 pp) announces a new agreement to allow CSSRs to obtain and verify NHS numbers for social services
clients (at the cost of £950 + VAT per quarter, until 30 June 2006, when the circular is cancelled). The circular contains 2 appendices: Data access agreement; and Business justification and application for access.
Contact Details:
Department of Health,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 08701 555 455 | Fax: 01623 724 524.
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/PublicationsAndStatistics/LettersAndCirculars/fs/en
Target group: SSD Directors/Caldicott guardians |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: FOC from any of the above. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: To discuss detail of this letter or its content, contact Phil Kirby, NSTS Account Manager, tel 07733 310675, e-mail Phil.Kirby@atosorigin.com ; or Sarah Perkins, tel 07733 312475, e-amail Sarah.Perkins@atosorigin.com
Department of Health - DH
Common assessment framework for adults demonstrator site programme Overview of phase 1 sites [CAF Policy Team, Department of Health - DH]
This provides an overview of the CAF demonstrator site programme which has been prepared in collaboration with the demonstrator sites by the CAF Policy Team. This programme will develop and test improved
information sharing across health, social care and wider community support services. The ten sites are: Barnsley, Camden, Hampshire, Lincolnshire, London Health & Social Care Integration Project, Rochdale, Shropshire, Stockport, Warwickshire,
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: caf@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: Download from website:
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: electronic pdf format only |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
Common assessment framework for adults demonstrator site programme Phase 2 [CAF Policy Team, Department of Health - DH]
This programme will develop and test improved information sharing across health, social care and wider community support services. The ten sites are: Barnsley, Camden, Hampshire, Lincolnshire, London Health &
Social Care Integration Project, Rochdale, Shropshire, Stockport, Warwickshire, Westminster.
The local authority circular will be published shortly formally inviting Council led partnerships to make expressions of interest for phase 2 of the CAF for Adults programme. The prospectus for phase 2 will be at www.dh.gov.uk/caf when it is
available. A series of events will be held in July for potential applicants for the second phase of the Common Assessment Framework for Adults Demonstrator Site Programme.
Interested parties can reserve a place on these events via:
It is anticipated that the prospectus outlining requirements for Phase 2 Sites will be published in July. The focus on Phase 2 sites will be to cover areas not addressed by the Phase 1 sites.
Phase 2 update website:
This provides an overview of the Common Assessment for Adults Demonstrator Site Programme.
The deadline for expressions of interest is 12 October 2009. These should be sent using the Phase Two Application form - details on the website.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: caf@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dhcarenetworks.org.uk/News/NewsItem/?cid=5702
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: electronic pdf format only |  ISBN/ISSN:
East Sussex, Brighton and Hove LIS Confidentiality and Security Sub-Group
Guidance for organisations to ensure the secure and confidential sharing of person identifiable information Version 4.1c
(March 2003)
This guidance contains the requirements, both legal and government, regarding safe and secure information handling. The guidance has been developed to meet the information security requirements for sharing
person-identifiable information across the organisations of East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health and Social Care Community. It has also been adopted in a modified format by the Kent and Medway Health and Social Care Community, who have had
involvement in development of these guidelines.
View guidance
Contact Details:
Isobel Warren, Joint SAP project manager (with Caroline Blackett) East Sussex Social Services and East Sussex Primary Care Trusts Tel: 01273 403633 | Fax:
Email: isobel.warren@esbh.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol; guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Developed by members of the group: Colin Styles (East Sussex County Healthcare NHS Trust); Jez MacDonald (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Isobel Warren (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services);
Linda Douglas (East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust); Susan Morra (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Jo Gilmore (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services)
East Sussex Local Information Sharing and Confidentiality (LISC group)
Information Security Training - e-learning web site
Training for Health Service staff outlining their duties and responsibilities around confidentiality of information. The aim of this package is to give an overview of the key principles. The package consists
of four sections, or "modules".
Section 1: Obtaining and Holding Personal Information : This section explains the types of information that can be collected, and describes why and how people need to be informed that information is held about them.
Section 2: Releasing Personal Information to Others: This section describes the circumstances under which information may be disclosed to others.
Section 3: Maintaining and Disposing of Personal Information: The duty to keep information accurate and up-to-date is explained here, as well as how to dispose of unwanted confidential material.
Section 4: Physical Security: This section describes how to keep paper-based information as well as computer files secure.
The site also includes a glossary, case study and quiz.
Contact Details:
Isobel Warren, Joint SAP project manager (with Caroline Blackett) East Sussex Social Services and East Sussex Primary Care Trusts Tel: 01273 403633 | Fax:
Email: isobel.warren@esbh.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthesussex.nhs.uk/is_training/index.asp
Target group: |  Type / Format: Web site; glossary; e-learning
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Developed by members of the group: Colin Styles (East Sussex County Healthcare NHS Trust); Jez MacDonald (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Isobel Warren (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services);
Linda Douglas (East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust); Susan Morra (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services); Jo Gilmore (East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Health Shared Services)
ERDIP (Electronic Record Development and Implementation Programme), NHS Information Authority
Consent and confidentiality (author: NHS Information Authority)
(01 December 2003)
Confidentiality and consent are key issues in relation to shared or distributed electronic records systems. This website (Web link 1, below) comprises a set of experimental products and/or reports to the NHSIS
(NHS Information Authority): sample information leaflets / consent forms; ERDIP Security, Consent and Confidentiality; and strategy documents. Among the organisations featured is West Surrey Health and Social Care Community, who initiated a project
called SSHARE, pilot for ERDIP, 2000-2003, in which older people were a key element along with mental health. The material is relevant to SAP because it is focused on local solutions.
The website also has ERDIP demonstration project materials available for: Bradford; Bury Knowle Health Centre, Headington, Oxford; Camden & Islington; Cornwall; Co Durham & Darlington; Dorset; Gloucestershire; Hadfield Medical Centre, Glossop,
Derbyshire; Hillingdon; Kingston & Richmond; Merton, Sutton & Wandsworth; North & Mid Hampshire; South & West Devon; South Staffordshire; Suffolk; Tees; Walsall; and Wirral.
Although the ERDIP Programme has closed, archived news has been kept for posterity on the ERDIP section of the NHS Information Authority's website (Web Link 2, below).
Contact Details:
NHS Information Authority
Aqueous II,
Aston Cross,
Rocky Lane,
B6 5RQ.
Tel: 08456 586 586 | Fax: 0121 333 0334
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nhsia.nhs.uk/erdip/pages/evaluation/consentandconfid.asp
| http://www.nhsia.nhs.uk/erdip/pages/default.asp
Target group: |  Type / Format: web site
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kent and Medway Strategic Health Authority
Protocol for confidentiality and information sharing between agencies in Kent and Medway involved in the Single Assessment Process (SAP) draft: version 1.0 [authors: Kent NHS Trust, Kent County Council,
Medway Council]
(November 2003)
This document is the protocol for ensuring confidentiality, whilst permitting the transfer and sharing, of information between agencies involved in the care of people with health and social care needs in Kent
and Medway. It provides further guidance that will determine, at a detailed level, how information that identifies an individual may be shared among organisations within the community.
Contact Details:
Nicola Anderson, Preston Hall,
London Road,
Royal British Legion Village,
Kent, ME20 7NJ
Tel: +44 (0)1622 713166 - NA
+44 (0)1622 710161 - direct line | Fax: +44 (0)1622 719802
Email: nicola.anderson@kentmedway.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland: Health and Social Care Community
The Single Assessment Modular Workshop Training Package Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland [Sam Kirkland]
A modular workshop training package (88pp) [amended and redesigned] with case studies, activities and diagrams desiged to run over 21/2 to 3 days with groups of mixed professions and agencies to help people
understand the principles and benefits of SAP.
Module 1: What is the single assessment process; who, where and when?
Module 2: Information sharing and the law; confidentiality, data protection, Caldicott and seamless care.
Module 3: Joint working - making it work; understanding roles and responsibilities.
Appendices: 1. Shared values and outcomes. 2. General SAP guidance for staff. 2. SAP glossary of terms. 3. SAP glossary: acronyms and abbreviations.
The modular package will soon be available on CD.
The package contains elements from the Sheffield - First for Health SAP Flexible Training Package and the Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SAP Training Resource, adapted for local use with permission.
View training package
Contact Details:
Jacky Martin, Single Assessment Project Manager, Charnwood and North West Leicestershire PCT,
LE11 2TZ
Tel: 01509 567768 | Fax: 01509 567792
Email: Jacky.Martin@cnwlpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: pack; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Single Assessment Process (SAP) flexible learning package - published by Sheffield First for Health (2003) .See separate entry for full details.
Single Assessment Training Resource, Avon, Glos and Wiltshire, contact sheila.turner@sglos-pct.nhs.uk See separate entry for full details.
Liverpool City Council / Liverpool Primary Care Trust
Your assessment, your information: Single Assessment Process: information leaflet for people who use our services and their carers
This document (8 pp) from Liverpool Health and Social Care Community (City of Liverpool / Liverpool PCT) answers users' questions on why we need to share information; what to do with assessment documentation
(and what to do if it lost); what is happening in Liverpool; who is involved in the assessment; how information provided will be kept confidential; consent to sharing information; whether a user can see the information; and what to do if there are
concerns about the assessment and how it was conducted.
Liverpool City Council's Single Assessment Process (SAP) webpage briefly answers question What is Single Assessment? It outlines the ethos of SAP and person centred care; and explains that EasyCare is also being used by neighbouring authorities
of Knowsley, Sefton and St Helens. There is a link to.the Single Assessment Process Liverpool Newsletter.
Contact Details:
Sue Shaw, Project Manager, Single Assessment Process Liverpool PCT
No.1 Arthouse Square
2nd Floor
61-69 Seel Street
L1 4AZ
Tel: 0151 296 7695 | Fax: 0151 296 7717
Email: sue.shaw@liverpoolpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/Health_and_social_care/SAP/index.asp?render=liquid
Target group: Service users and caerers |  Type / Format: publicity materials
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Northamptonshire County Council
Information Sharing Protocol: Northamptonshire Single Assessment Process [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(April 2004)
Protocol for sharing confidential personal information to accompany the Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) that is accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health as a tool for overview
assessment as part of the Single Assessment Process for older people. Paper based document consists of 14 pages.
View protocol
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Pan Dorset Health and Social Care
Single Assessment Process Case management - case studies 1-4 [author: Jane Wallis]
These four case studies explain the personal circumstances of a Mrs Blair, a Mr Thatcher, a Mrs Churchill, and a Miss Major. , and then set tasks to map the most feasible or likely care pathways or outcomes.
The aim of each case study is variously to consider and remember consent or confidentiality issues, matters regarding the Community Care (Delayed Discharge etc) Act 2003, special needs, carers' needs,, and matters appertaining to RNCC (Registered
Nursing Care Contribution) determination.
View case studies
Contact Details:
Jane Wallis,
SAP Project Manager for Training, Pan Dorset Health and Social Care,
Human Resources Learning and Development Unit,
Vespasian House,
2nd Floor West Wing,
Bridport Road,
Tel: +44 (0)1305 225911 | Fax: +44 (0)1305 268834
Email: jane.wallis@dorsetcc.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetforyou.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: case study
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: This tool can be used or adapted by others provided that the Pan Dorset Group is fully accredited as the organisation of origin. Jane Wallis would appreciate a brief email to let her know who is using the material and where it is
being used.
Sheffield First for Health / Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust
The Single Assessment Process (SAP) folder published by Sheffield First for Health [authors: Yvonne Byrne, Christine Hibbert, Susan Hopkins]
SAP pack flexible learning package, comprising Resource pack, SAP pack and SAP Pack CDROM. If used properly, this flexible learning package will enable learning at one's own pace about the Single Assessment
Process (SAP), and in the process to have fun learning. The Resource pack summarises the main points of SAP policy nationally (e.g. Valuing people). It also includes Sheffield City Council SSD documentation, ''Fair access to services: eligibility
criteria for the provision of adult social care'' (April 2003), and issues relating to confidentiality. The SAP Pack (flexible learning package) looks at why SAP is being implemented; ethical considerations; what SAP is; the four stages of SAP; and
who should carry out SAP, and where and when.
Contact Details:
Samantha Debbage,
Practice Development Manager, Rivermead Training Centre,
Northern General Hospital,
Herries Road,
S5 7AU.
Tel: +44(0)114 226 6669 | Fax: +44(0)114 271 4422
Email: Sam.Debbage@sth.nhs.uk |  yvonne.byrne@sth.nhs.uk.
Web links:
Target group: SSD/health staff |  Type / Format: cdrom
Availability / Price: 1-10 copies £150 each; 11-50 copies £100 each; 51-99 copies £75 each; 100+ copies £50 each. |  ISBN/ISSN: 0954523903
Notes: Yvonne Byrne is now Head of Student Support, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust (First Floor 8 Beech Hill Road, Sheffield S10 2SB.)
Somerset County Council, Social Services Department
The Single Assessment Process guidance for staff working with older people in Health and social care throughout Somerset
(October 2003; revised 24 January 2004)
Guide (16 pp) providing a brief outline of SAP. Its purpose is to provide a brief outline of the new approach to the assessment of the health and social care needs as set out in Standard Two of the National
Service Framework for Older People (NSF). It includes a page by page guide to completing the overview assessment tool, preceded by explanation of the four levels of assessment, and ending with a section on information disclosure.
View document .
Contact Details:
Heather Roughton, Single Assessment Process Project Manager, County Hall,
TA 1 4DY.
Tel: +44 (0)1823 356718 (HR)
+44 (0)1823 355193 (ES) | Fax:
Email: HMRoughton@somerset.gov.uk |  ESkinner@somerset.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.somerset.gov.uk
Target group: General |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Eric Skinner
Wiltshire County Council
Confidentiality the Caldicott Way training video [author: Wiltshire Social Services]
Running time: 30 mins.
Produced by Wiltshire County Council, with contributions from Hampshire, Dorset, Swindon, Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire, Torbay, Devon, North Somerset, Bath and North East Somerset, Portsmouth, and Poole councils.
The video covers issues of confidentiality, with respect to client information, following from the findings of 1997 committee chaired by Dame Fiona Caldicott
It outlines and illustrates the six Caldicott principles in each of six scenarios:
1) Justify the purpose
2) Don't use personally identifying information unless it is absolutely necessary
3) Use the minimum necessary personally identifying information
4) Access to personally identifying information should be on a strict need-to-know basis
5) Everyone should be aware of their responsibilities
6) Understand and comply with the law.
Contact Details:
Angela Stansby County Hall,
Bythesea Road,
BA14 8JN
Tel: +44 (0)1225 713000 (switch)
+44 (0)1225 713923 (direct) | Fax:
Email: angelastansby@wiltshire.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SSD/PCT |  Type / Format: video; cdrom
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: Artisan Productions, Citronic House, Halifax Road, Bowerhill, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6UB.
Tel: 01225 792008; Fax: 01225 792008; Email: alan@artisanproductions.co.uk
Rights for the video now belong to the Department of Health (DH).
Wolverhampton City Primary Care Trust
General protocol for inter-agency information sharing within Wolverhampton [Version 1, September 2003]
Protocol endorsed by Wolverhampton HASCI, with acknowledgement to Solihull MBC.
The General Protocol provides the framework for the sharing of personal information between Wolverhampton City Council, Wolverhampton Primary Care Trust, and Wolverhampton Royal Hospitals Trust. These agencies have formed a Health and Social Care
Information Exchange (HASCIE) project group. This document has been developed in accordance with national guidelines, to address responsibilities and concerns around the sharing of personal information. Appendices include references to relevant
view protocol
Contact Details:
Phil Smith, Wolverhampton City PCT,
Coniston House,
West Entrance,
Chapel Ash,
Tel: +44 (0)1902 575183 | Fax: +44 (0)1902 444877
Email: phil.smith@wolvespct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.wolverhamptonhealth.nhs.uk
Target group: Health/social services |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Worcestershire SSD, (as supplied by West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority)
Worcestershire information sharing protocol for the Single Assessment Process
This Protocol (17 pp) provides a robust framework for the legal, secure and confidential sharing of personal information between public sector agencies, to enable them to meet both their statutory obligations
and the needs and expectations of people served as part of the Single Assessment Process. Appendices outline the main legislation: Data Protection Act 1998; Human Rights Act 2000; Crime and Disorder Act 1998; and Regulation of Investigatory Powers
Act 2000. Attention is also drawn to the common law duty of confidentiality and to the Caldicott principles.
View presentations:
introduction |
commentary |
patient's journey |
Just say it once |
Multi-disciplinary working
Contact Details:
Jonathan Monks, Programme Manager, County Hall,
Spetchley Road,
Tel: 01905 766963 | Fax:
Email: jmonks2@worcestershire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/progressingsingleassessment
| http://www.wmssha.nhs.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: protocol
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Contact at WMSSHA: Sandra Hudson, Programme Lead, Services for Older People, West Midlands South Strategic Health Authority, Osprey House, Albert Street, Prospect Hill, Redditch B97 4DE. Tel: 01527 587536; E-mail: