Single Assessment Process - training materials
Common Assessment Framework
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
CAF Policy Team,
Department of Health,
Common assessment framework for adults a summary of the consultation on proposals to improve information sharing around multi-disciplinary assessment and care planning
(22 January 2009)
The Department of Health (DH) has launched this consultation on improving the quality and efficiency of care and support through improvements in the sharing and use of information. This summary of the
consultation document (23 pp) outlines the rationale for improving information, building on what is known from developing the Single Assessment Process (SAP); how assessment and care planning should be undertaken (the principles of a common
assessment framework, or CAF); use of shared information from assessment and care and support planning; what information should be commonly shared and with whom; and the information technology (IT) approaches that would enable this to take place
regarding consent, confidentiality and security in accordance with the DH Information Charter. The consultation will be of interest to the general public, as well as health and social care providers. Responses are sought (by 17 April 2009) online
(at http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438), by email (to caf@dh.gov.uk) or by post to: CAF Consultation, Department of Health, Room 123, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG. A summary of responses will
be available before or accompanying further action (at www.dh.gov.uk/Consultations/Responsestoconsultations/index.htm).
Contact Details:
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
Tel: 020 7972 4130 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438)
Target group: All |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: At weblink; otherwise, hard copy (very limied supply, Gateway ref: 11096) from: DH Publications Orderline, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. tel: 08701 555 455 email: dh@prolog.uk.com |  ISBN/ISSN:
CAF Policy Team,
Department of Health,
Common assessment framework for adults a consultation on proposals to improve information sharing around multi-disciplinary assessment and care planning
he Department of Health (DH) has launched this consultation on improving the quality and efficiency of care and support through improvements in the sharing and use of information. This document (91 pp) covers
the rationale for improving information; how assessment and care planning should be undertaken (the principles of a common assessment framework, or CAF); use of shared information from assessment and care and support planning; what information
should be commonly shared and with whom; and the information technology (IT) approaches that would enable this to take place regarding consent, confidentiality and security in accordance with the DH Information Charter. An appendix, on evidence
relating to the benefits reported where the Single Assessment Process has been implemented, is one of a number of references to SAP in this document. The consultation will be of interest to the general public, as well as health and social care
providers. Responses are sought (by 17 April 2009) online (at http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438), by email (to caf@dh.gov.uk) or by post to: CAF Consultation, Department of Health, Room 123, Wellington House, 133-155
Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG. A summary of responses will be available before or accompanying further action (at www.dh.gov.uk/Consultations/Responsestoconsultations/index.htm).
Contact Details:
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
Tel: 020 7972 4130 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_093438
Target group: All |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: At weblink; otherwise, hard copy (very limited supply, Gateway ref: 11096) from: DH Publications Orderline, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. tel: 08701 555 455 email: dh@prolog.uk.com |  ISBN/ISSN:
Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP), Social Care Programme, Department of Health
Common Assessment Framework why have a Common Assessment Framework?
This weblink is part of the Social Care Programme's information on implementing the White Paper, "Our health, our care, our say : a new direction for community services" (Cm 6737, January 2006)
Among reasons for having a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) are the difficulties arising from having separate approaches for adults, e.g. Single Assessment Process (SAP) for older people, and the Care Programme Approach (CPA) for people with
mental health needs. The aim is thus to remove the artificial boundary of "older age" and provide a person-centred approach throughout adult life. This Web page notes that in developing CAF, "it will be important to build on expertise to date"
from implementing CPA, SAP and Person Centred Planning.
A previous version of the weblink (accessed 3 November 2006) outlined the Social Care Team's intentions regarding the Common Assessment Framework (CAF), and are outlined in the general entry for the Care Services Improvement Partnership- (CSIP)
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.socialcare.csip.org.uk/index.cfm?pid=7
Target group: HAs/LAs |  Type / Format: website; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Care Services Improvement Partnership (CSIP), Social Care Programme, Department of Health
Self Assessment Project
The work to develop a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) includes a commitment to allow people to self-assess wherever possible. This weblink introduces the Self Assessment Project, and comprises links to:
A press release (2006/0283), "Self-assessment schemes put patients in control: - 11 new pilots launched to explore self-assessment for people with long-term needs";
Self Assessment pilot sites: summaries and council contact details;
Links to information on the Self Assessment Project evaluation being carried out by PSSRU;
and presentations from the Self Assessment Pilot workshop held on 18 September 2006.
The pilots are based in the following local authorities:: Birmingham, Bristol, Croydon, Kingston upon Hull, Hammersmith & Fulham, Nottinghamshire, St Helens, Kingston upon Thames, Barnet, East Riding of Yorkshire, and Derby.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.socialcare.csip.org.uk/index.cfm?pid=81
Target group: |  Type / Format: website; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Making it happen pilots, early implementers and demonstrations
(18 October 2006)
The White Paper, "Our health, our care, our say : a new direction for community services" (Cm 6737, January 2006) introduced, among other things (in Para 5.26), the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) which is
in place for children's services. The White Paper acknowledges that "we have already developed a Single Assessment Process for older people's services".
"Making it happen" (Web link 1) accompanies the report, "Our health, our care, our say: making it happen" (Web link 2), which provides an update on progress on implementation of the White Paper. The use of pilot and demonstration sites enables the
development of good practice and increases awareness of practical risks and issues that could affect implementation of a wider roll-out. The involvement of local partners, from both the statutory and non-statutory sector, will help develop an
understanding of the contributions and opportunities offered by effective engagement of such diverse providers. This brief document provides details of those demonstration sites and pilots currently in operation; it will be periodically updated.
Pilots of interest to the SAP community include:
Development of the Common Assessment Framework (self assessment pilots): St Helens, East Riding of Yorkshire, Kingston upon Hull, Derby, Nottinghamshire, Birmingham, Barnet, Hammersmith & Fulham, Kingston upon Thames, Croydon, and Bristol;
Long-term conditions; integrated care and assistive technology (ICAT) demonstration sites: 3 sites proposed, and expressions of interest from PCT and local authority partnerships are soon to be invited;
Individual budgets: Gateshead, Oldham, Manchester, Barnsley, Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, Coventry, Norfolk, Essex, Kensington & Chelsea, Barking & Dagenham, West Sussex, and Bath & North East Somerset;
Partnerships for Older People Projects (POPPs) Northumberland, Knowsley, Manchester, Wigan, Bradford, Leeds, North Lincolnshire, North Yorkshire, Sheffield, Worcestershire, Luton, Norfolk, Brent, Camden, Southwark, East Sussex, Dorset, Somerset and
Contact Details:
David Gilbert, Our health, our care, our say Programme Team,
Department of Health
Richmond House
79 Whitehall
Tel: 020 7210 5787 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/14/00/41/04140041.pdf
| http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/14/00/65/04140065.pdf
Target group: HAs/LAs |  Type / Format: briefing; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
The NHS in England: the operating framework for 2007/08 guidance on preparation of local IM&T [information management and technology] plans
(22 December 2006)
The NHS operating framework for 2007/08 (Annex 1) identified the need for sustained focus on information management and technology (IM&T) in the NHS to deliver better care. From 2007/08 onwards, IM&T
investment and exploitation will form part of mainstream NHS planning in support of health and service priorities and reform.
This document (14 pp) provides supplementary guidance to all NHS Chief Executives, provides supplementary guidance to the NHS on the development of local IM&T plans in support of health and service priorities and reform. With the shift to a
self-improving system, the accent is on local ownership and leadership for the local IM&T agenda, which also needs a set of national expectations and exploits the National Programme for IT (NPfIT). The content has implications for implementing
e-SAP and the Current Assessment Framework (CAF), even if neither are mentioned.
Contact Details:
Richard Jeavons, Director of IT Service Implementation, Department of Health,
Richmond House,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: NHS Chief Executives |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
Common assessment framework for adults demonstrator site programme Overview of phase 1 sites [CAF Policy Team, Department of Health - DH]
This provides an overview of the CAF demonstrator site programme which has been prepared in collaboration with the demonstrator sites by the CAF Policy Team. This programme will develop and test improved
information sharing across health, social care and wider community support services. The ten sites are: Barnsley, Camden, Hampshire, Lincolnshire, London Health & Social Care Integration Project, Rochdale, Shropshire, Stockport, Warwickshire,
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: caf@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: Download from website:
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: electronic pdf format only |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health - DH
Common assessment framework for adults demonstrator site programme Phase 2 [CAF Policy Team, Department of Health - DH]
This programme will develop and test improved information sharing across health, social care and wider community support services. The ten sites are: Barnsley, Camden, Hampshire, Lincolnshire, London Health &
Social Care Integration Project, Rochdale, Shropshire, Stockport, Warwickshire, Westminster.
The local authority circular will be published shortly formally inviting Council led partnerships to make expressions of interest for phase 2 of the CAF for Adults programme. The prospectus for phase 2 will be at www.dh.gov.uk/caf when it is
available. A series of events will be held in July for potential applicants for the second phase of the Common Assessment Framework for Adults Demonstrator Site Programme.
Interested parties can reserve a place on these events via:
It is anticipated that the prospectus outlining requirements for Phase 2 Sites will be published in July. The focus on Phase 2 sites will be to cover areas not addressed by the Phase 1 sites.
Phase 2 update website:
This provides an overview of the Common Assessment for Adults Demonstrator Site Programme.
The deadline for expressions of interest is 12 October 2009. These should be sent using the Phase Two Application form - details on the website.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: caf@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dhcarenetworks.org.uk/News/NewsItem/?cid=5702
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: policy
Availability / Price: electronic pdf format only |  ISBN/ISSN:
Getting on well together - councils working with older people [Deborah Klee]
The Local Government Association and IDeA have published a new report entitled 'Getting on well together - councils working with older people'. The report highlights key messages about how local government can
work with older people and public agencies, and focus on prevention, to support older people to lead independent, active and healthy lives. It also illustrates how local and central government can design services to support older people and plan for
an ageing population. (36 pp)
Contact Details:
Local Government Association
Local Government House
Smith Square
London SW1P 3HZ
Tel: 020 7664 3131 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.lga.gov.uk/lga/publications/publication-display.do?id=1871681
Target group: |  Type / Format: report
Availability / Price: download from LGA website. |  ISBN/ISSN: 978 0 7488 9293 8
Notes: (Report reference code : L09-155)
Social Care, Local Government and Care Services Directorate, Department of Health (DH)
A common assessment framework for adults development [author: Carl Evans]
(12 February 2008)
Powerpoint (9 frames), indicating the rationale for CAF (the common assessment framework): people's needs will be better identified through a thorough assessment of needs, The different types of assessment
are: Self-assessment, contact assessment, Holistic Overview assessment, Specialist Assessment, and carers assessment. This powerpoint, presented at a London SAP Leads meeting,, also notes the Social Care Personal Demographics Service (PDS) Early
Adopter Project and the proposed scope of the demonstrators / pilots, for which funding is available from April 2008.
View presentation.
Contact Details:
Carl Evans Social Care Policy & Innovation,
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
SE1 8UG.
Tel: 020 7972 4361 | Fax:
Email: Carl.Evans@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP leads |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Social Care, Local Government and Care Services Directorate, Department of Health (DH)
The wider perspective for personalisation and social care [author: Carl Evans]
(12 February 2008)
Powerpoint (12 frames) on the vision for personalisation of care: a stronger voice, more choice and control (as introduced in the White Paper,' Our health, our care, our say'); and more influence and power to
local people and local communities('Strong and prosperous communities: the local government White Paper'). This powerpoint, was presented at a London SAP Leads meeting, as an aid to discussion of issues around: listening and responding; provision
and commissioning; capacity and capability; and support for development.
View presentation.
Contact Details:
Carl Evans Social Care Policy & Innovation,
Room 123,
Wellington House,
133-155 Waterloo Road,
SE1 8UG.
Tel: 020 7972 4361 | Fax:
Email: Carl.Evans@dh.gsi.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: LAs/HAs |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
| |