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Single Assessment Process - training materials -
care management
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
Happy ever after [Unique Care, an alternative to Evercare] [author: Ann Dix]
(9 December 2004)
Article in: Health Service Journal, vol 114, no 5935, pp 28-31.
Unique Care, which is based on case management (itself a US model of care) is now being promoted by the National Primary Care Development Team (NPDT) as a more viable alternative to the Evercare model for managing people with long-term conditions.
This article describes how the Castlefields health centre in Runcorn, run by national primary care director Dr David Colin-Thomé, has been using this form of managed care for more than four years. Those over 65s who are likely to become high users
of hospital services are identifIed, and their conditions are managed in ways that reduce hospital admissions. This work involves a half-time nurse and full-time social worker case manager. The practice has also extended case management to mental
health. Case management of cancer patients is also being piloted in 9 PCTs, including Halton, Castlefields' local PCT.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.hsj.co.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0952-2271
Notes: National Primary Care Development Team: http:// www.npdt.org
Implementing the single assessment for older people [authors: Keith V Wilson, Angie Clegg, Frances Fairclough et al]
An article in Nursing Times, vol 101, no 43, 25 October 2005 issue, pp 32-35.
The National Service Framework for Older People envisages that the single assessment process will act as a key driver in the improvement of services for older people. Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust implemented a form of contact assessment that
works in both hospital and community settings. In this instance, as a result of introducing SAP, improved person-centred information follows the patient on discharge. In conclusion, it is suggested that whilst awaiting the arrival of the NHS IT
strategy (or a local interim SAP software solution), a window of opportunity exists for staff to ensure the principles of the SAP are well-established and practised among staff team before the additional and challenging requirement to learn a new
software application becomes necessary.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.nursingtimes.net
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 09547762
Implementing the Single Assessment Process driving change or expecting the impossible? [authors: David McNally, Michelle Cornes, Roger Clough]
(April 2003)
Article in: Journal of Integrated Care, vol 11, issue 2, pp 18-29
The authors consider the potential for single assessment to overcome longstanding difficulties with care management. and look at initial progress in one SHA area in northern England. They identify some key priorities for the next stages of local
implementation, and conclude that not only is much more work required in localities, but additional national guidance and resources may also be required.
Contact Details:
Pavilion Publishing,
The Ironworks,
BN1 4GD.
Tel: 0870 161 3505 | Fax: 0870 161 3506
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14615436
Notes: David McNally (formerly Local Implementation Officer, National Service Framework for Older People, Knowsley Primary Care Trust), now at Trafford Primary Care Trusts, tel 0161 873 9572; Email: david.mcnally@trafford-pcts.nhs.uk
STEP (Standardised Assessment of Elderly People in Primary Care in Europe)
> E I Williams et al 2002. Occasional Paper No 82 Royal College of General
> Practitioners (London).
> [authors: E I Williams et al]
Prof Idris Williams carried out a SAP model feasibility study of STEP, which has received full accreditation from the Department of Health (DH). STEP results from a European partnership to develop evidence
based approaches to health and social assessment of older people in the community. The generic assessment tool and detail of the evidence base is published as Royal College of General Practitioners (London) Occasional Paper No 82 (RCGP, 2002). It
has been field tested in community practice settings and was found to be acceptable to older people. It can be undertaken by both health and social workers. In the feasibility study it was found to be user friendly by the assessors.
Specific Features:
It is in paper form but will be available electronically.
There is a self assessment format.
It has a balanced approach to health and social needs enabling links to be made between them.
The accompanying handbook gives a detailed description of how to use the Instrument and relevant background to life in older age.
Featured are linkages, risks, the provision of prompts with each question, and the relevance of activities of daily living (ADLs).
There is a focus on vulnerability to loss of independence and the development of frailty. Both health and social conditions which contribute to these are brought together. Included in the handbook are brief details of health and social
Other developments:
The STEP Single Assessment Instrument is essentially reactive and designed to be used in specific health/social situations where there is demonstrable or potential need. There is also a proactive version of the Instrument based on the same structure
which is designed to be used in identifying existing or emerging long standing illness and social impairments. That there is congruence between the reactive and proactive forms is seen to be an advantage.
See also entry for The STEP assessment system: a synopsis
Contact Details:
Prof Idris Williams, Barn Howe,
LA8 8DF.
Tel: 01539 568666 | Fax:
Email: idrisandkate@ktdbroadband.com | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: An evidence based approach to assessing older people in primary care (ISBN 0850842743); Royal College of General Pracititioners (Members £9; Non-members £:10)
> Practitioners (London).
Notes: Royal College of General Practitioners, 42 Princes Gate, Hyde Park, London SW7 1PU. Tel 020 7581 3732 E-mail: info@rcgp.org uk Website: http://www.rcgp.org.uk
Prof Williams was formerly Board Chair, Morecambe Bay Hospital NHS Trust.
Age Concern Waltham Forest
The future of social care for older people A case study of Waltham Forest [Sheena Scott Dunbar and Jorge Lagos]
[30 January 2006]
Age Concern Waltham Forest (WF) works in partnership with the LBWF Social Services, WF PCT, Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust , NE London Mental Health Trust and WF Older People's Voluntary Sector
Partnership to deliver services for older people across the borough. This presentation to the National Council on Ageing on 30 January 2006 details the various collaborative projects and integrated services developed within the framework of the
Single Assessment Process. The projects are: the Waltham Forest model of early detection, prevention and healthy ageing. WF older people's voluntary sector partnership. The WF healthy ageing programme. The WF falls collaborative. Age Concern WF
presence at Whipps Cross University Hospital Trust (A&E escorted discharge; welcome home service; discharge lounge and ward project). Age Concern WF link-up project (befriending service; teleconferencing; volunteers). Older people's safety campaign.
Age Concern WF information, advice and advocacy service.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Sheena Dunbar, Director, Age Concern Waltham Forest,
Ground Floor,
Zenith House,
210 Church Road,
E10 7JQ
Tel: 020 8558 5512 | Fax: 020 8558 0383
Email: s.dunbar@ageconcernwf.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.ageconcernwf.org.uk
| http://www.wfolderpeople.com/
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Change Agent Team, Health and Social Care, Department of Health,
Single assessment and care co-ordination [author: Change Agent Team, Health and Social Care, Department of Health - DH]
Powerpoint presentation (34 slides) being used by the Change Agent Team at workshops at various SHA locations from June 2004 onwards. The presentation includes: looking at Policy Annex G of the January 2004
Guidance; legislation permitting partnership approaches; hints on care co-ordination in mental health; further guidance on care co-ordination; tasks for groups to carry out at the workshops; and a list of websites.
Contact Details:
Seamus Breen, Single Assessment Lead, Room G09,
Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: 0779 5120943 (SB mobile)
0207 210 5077/5005 | Fax:
Email: Seamus.Breen@doh.gsi.gov.uk |  change_agent_team@doh.gsi.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.changeagentteam.org.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint; policy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
Care management for older people with serious mental health problems
This document (3 pp) relates to the Care Programme approach (CPA), which should be applied to older people with severe mental illness due to schizophrenia or other psychoses. The assessment of their needs
should be based on the Single Assessment Process (SAP) for older people. SAP, plus critical aspects of CPA, should be applied to other older people with severe functional or organic mental health problems, who, were they younger, would be provided
for under CPA. The application of CPA to older people with depression, dementia and other mental health problems is detailed in an annex.
View document
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links:
Target group: Mental health |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Department of Health
The national service framework for long-term conditions [author: Department of Health - DH]
(March 2005)
This national service framework (NSF) sets eleven quality requirements for health and social care services for people with long-term neurological conditions to live as independently as possible. Much of the
guidance in this document (107pp) can also apply to anyone living with a long-term condition. The quality requirements are: a person-centred service; early recognition, prompt diagnosis and treatment; emergency and acute management; early and
specialist rehabilitation; community rehabilitation and support; vocational rehabilitation; providing equipment and accommodation; providing personal care and support; palliative care; supporting family and carers; and caring for people with
neurological conditions in hospital or other health and social care settings. This NSF is supported by a web-based NSF good practice guide, an NSF information strategy, a leaflet for the public and glossary of terms (see www.dh.gov.uk/longtermnsf).
Contact Details:
DH Publications Orderline,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 08701 555 455 | Fax:
Email: dh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links: www.dh.gov.uk/longtermnsf
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: book; guidance
Availability / Price: Web link as above, or FOC from the above address. Also available in Braille, audio cassette tape, disk and large print (ref 265109). |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: Older People and Disability Policy Management Unit, Care Services Division, Department of Health, Room 8E30 Quarry House, Quarry Hill, Leeds LS2 7UE.
Department of Health
Use of the NHS Strategic Tracing Service (NSTS) by councils with social services responsibilities (CSSRs) (Local authority circular, LAC (2004)15)
The NHS Strategic Tracing Service (NSTS) enables NHS organisations to trace patients, confirm their unique identifier (the NHS nunber), and access administrative information about them. A small number of
councils with social services responsibilities (CSSRs) have been piloting the use of the NSTS for two years. The pilots have demonstrated that significant benefits can be gained from having such access, particularly in terms of improving the
accuracy of records. Access will facilitate the linking of health and social service records for initiatives integrating services such as the Single Assessment
Process and the Electronic Social Care Record. The importance of security and confidentiality of the NSTS and its data is stressed. This letter (30 pp) announces a new agreement to allow CSSRs to obtain and verify NHS numbers for social services
clients (at the cost of £950 + VAT per quarter, until 30 June 2006, when the circular is cancelled). The circular contains 2 appendices: Data access agreement; and Business justification and application for access.
Contact Details:
Department of Health,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 08701 555 455 | Fax: 01623 724 524.
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/PublicationsAndStatistics/LettersAndCirculars/fs/en
Target group: SSD Directors/Caldicott guardians |  Type / Format: document
Availability / Price: FOC from any of the above. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: To discuss detail of this letter or its content, contact Phil Kirby, NSTS Account Manager, tel 07733 310675, e-mail Phil.Kirby@atosorigin.com ; or Sarah Perkins, tel 07733 312475, e-amail Sarah.Perkins@atosorigin.com
Department of Health - DH
The national service framework for long-term neurological conditions national support for local implementation 2008 [author: Beverley Hopcutt]
(6 May 2008)
This document (21 pp) is the product of collaboration between the Department of Health (DH), the Care Service Improvement Partnership (CSIP) and the Third sector. It is a summary of resources, tools and
guidance available to local commissioners and service providers to support local delivery of the national service framework for long-term neurological conditions (NSF) since its publication in 2005. It includes: an outline of the DH's NSF programme
including work still in progress and other relevant resources from key broader programmes; tools and awareness raising activities developed by CSIP; resources developed by the Third sector; and a programme of future actions.
Contact Details:
Helen Wiggins, Social Care, Local Government & Care Partnership,
Room 8E25,
Quarry House,
Quarry Hill,
LS2 7UE.
Tel: 0113 254 6486 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_084579
Target group: HA staff |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Electronic PDF format only |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Beverley Hopcutt is is Clinical Adviser, Long-term (Neurological) Conditions
Self Assessment project - Harrow how it started ... [authors: Sylv Sheehan]
(November 2005)
Powerpoint presentation (13 slides) at the London SAP Leads meeting in November 2005, outlining research on the usefulness or otherwise of telephone reviews (done by around 20% of authorities contacted),
telephone assessments (done by 3 out of 24 authorities contacted) and self assessments (5 out of 25 authorities contacted). The impetus for considering self assessment (which is the same as self reporting) in Harrow has been the Government's thrust
towards self care and self management. The presentation identifies three models of self assessment: short (Bolton), medium (Torbay) and Long (similar to overview, Southend). However, reasons are given why this form of assessment may not always be
View powerpoint presentation
Contact Details:
Sylv Sheehan, SAP Facilitator, Harrow Sylv Sheehan Services Ltd,
82 Central Avenue,
Middlesex HA5 5BP
Tel: 0208 966 9949
07769 565208 (mobile) | Fax:
Email: sylv@sheehan2.freeserve.co.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: SAP Leads |  Type / Format: powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Hertfordshire County Council
Single Assessment Process in Hertfordshire: investing in change management [authors:Stephen Casson, Dorothy Skidmore]
(April 2005)
Article in the Journal of Integrated Care, vol 13, no 2, April 2005 pp 28-33.
This paper describes how Hertfordshire met the challenge of providing a training programme to improve services for older people, with the introduction of single assessment, in the complex setting of a shire county with a number PCTs, acute trusts, a
county partnership trust and a county council social care service.
Having set the context for single assessment, it describes the Hertfordshire approach. It focuses on some of the key drivers for successful implementation of such a radical programme of change: the siting of sessions by geographical location, the
crucial role of managers and team leaders, setting the context of the sessions in the reality of staff experience, the importance of a shared language, common paperwork and clear protocols, and the role of the local implementation teams in
supporting the process both through its implementation phase and into the future.
Finally, it recognises that this training programme was only one aspect of equipping staff to be confident and competent in their assessments of older people and that service improvements will be achieved gradually, requiring commitment from
managers and support from the local implementation teams.
Contact Details:
Dorothy Skidmore, Development Manager Tel: | Fax:
Email: Dorothy.Skidmore@hertscc.gov.uk |  Stephen@scasson.fsbusiness.co.uk
Web links: http://www.hertsdirect.org/
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
Hertfordshire County Council
Single Assessment Process in Hertfordshire: investing in change management
( 2004)
As featured in an article in the Journal of Integrated Care, vol 13, no 2, April 2005 pp 28-33.
Attached to this SAP entry are some of the main powerpoint presentations and briefing documents used by Hertfordshire in providing a training programme to improve services for older people, with the introduction of single assessment, in the complex
setting of a shire county with a number PCTs, acute trusts, a county partnership trust and a county council social care service.
Stephen Casson was an external Consultant employed to work alongside Dorothy Skidmore and help deliver some of the training.
1. Briefing sessions for voluntary organisations features 24 slide powerpoint presentation.
2. Briefing sessions for residential and nursing homes features 27 slide powerpoint presentation.
3. Hertfordshire SAP training document (6 pp) features "Background information" and "Stages of assessment".
4. Briefing sessions about SAP with managers from residential and nursing homes (October 2004) (2pp document).
5. Briefing sessions on SAP with voluntary organisations (October 2004)(2pp document).
Contact Details:
Dorothy Skidmore, Development Manager, Integrated Services, Policy & Performance Unit, Adult Care Services,
Mount Pleasant,
Mount Pleasant Lane,
Tel: +44 (0)1707 280652
mob: 07887 833749 | Fax:
Email: Dorothy.Skidmore@hertscc.gov.uk |  Stephen@scasson.fsbusiness.co.uk
Web links: http://www.hertsdirect.org
Target group: |  Type / Format: powerpoint; briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services and PCT
Islington Care Schedule - Freeware Form
August 2004
The Care Schedule is a care timetable that has been developed alongside the Needs and Care Planning tool [see separate entry Islington Needs and Care Planning Freeware Tool]. It has taken its design from the
'Your Care Plan' model developed recently.
View Care Schedule
Contact Details:
Howard Smith & Peter Gooding Business & Performance/SAP Project Team
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax: 020 7527 1107
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk |  peter.gooding@islington.gov.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: care plan;
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Islington Comprehensive Risk Assessment
August 2004
The Comprehensive Risk Assessment for Vulnerable Adults & Adults with Illness or Disabilities has been developed alongside the Needs and Care Planning tool [see separate entry Islington Needs and Care Planning
Freeware Tool]. This document is to be used where serious, complex or multiple risk factors are identified and where it is clear that risk management planning within general community care assessment and service provision has not (or will not)
adequately ensure that a service user is protected. Risk assessment guidance is provided to assist in completing the Comprehensive Risk Assessment form.
View Comprehensive Risk Assessment form.
View Risk Management and the Comprehensive Risk Assessment guidance.
Contact Details:
Howard Smith Business & Performance/SAP Project Team
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax: 020 7527 1107
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Islington Needs and Care Planning Freeware Tool
August 2004
As a solution to addressing care planning issues alongside SAP and in relation to Care Management , Islington Social Services and PCT have developed an electronic Needs and Care Planning tool which is now in
use across Islington adults social care and is being taken up in other areas in Islington such as Community Nursing and Mental Health Care of Older people. The tool produces a holistic document setting out Needs, Risk Bandings, Actions and Outcomes
in a logical format.
The document can be fully edited and amended as required.
The tool presents a pick list of common needs categorised into the main FACS areas. It also presents FACS bandings against each need and automatically creates a document with the users name, DOB, NHS & SS ID number, listing all chosen needs and
bandings and preferred outcomes. The action or intervention can then be added against each need to produce a comprehensive statement of need, actions and ideal outcomes. The needs and outcomes have been carefully developed with teams, practitioners
and with reference to the University of York SPRU 'Outcomes into Practice' module.
A Zipped copy of the Needs & Care Plan Tool can be downloaded from this website. Also included are user instructions, an example of a created document, a full checklist of the needs and outcomes covered and a Readme First document containing
important set up and freeware disclaimer information.
Also see entry for Islington Care Schedule - Freeware Form.
Download Needs & Care Plan tool
Contact Details:
Howard Smith Business & Performance/SAP Project Team
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax: 020 7527 1107
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: care plan; toolkit
Availability / Price: Free to download and share. NB: To download, Right Click on mouse, and select Save Target As ,,, |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The developers wish to share the tool as Freeware with colleagues in London and nationally, as it can be used by health and social care staff as a useful care planning tool to complement SAP documentation.
Please note that the tool will not run on Office 2003 - a patched version to allow this will be available in a few weeks.
Please feel free to distribute this tool to colleagues who may find it useful.
Kent Social Services
Kent Telehealth
[February 2005]
Kent Telehealth is being launched in partnership with American company Viterion. It enables patients to monitor their own health and communicate with health and social care professionals from their own home
via a hi-tech user-friendly computer-based unit through a telephone line. All personal details are encrypted so there is no opportunity for hackers to access patients’ details.
Although it will initially be piloted among 275 older people with chronic diseases across primary care trusts in Ashford, Maidstone Weald, South West Kent and Dartford and Gravesham and Swanley, KCC believes that the technology could eventually be
used more widely. It could promote independence and self-management of, for example, care planning and be introduced into community settings such as schools, nursing and residential homes.
Contact Details:
Kent County Council,
County Hall,
Kent ME14 1XQ
Tel: +44 (0)8458 247247 | Fax:
Email: social.services@kent.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.kent.gov.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: online service
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Lewisham and Southwark PCTs
Healthy living - managing medicines [authors: Beth Taylor and Shelpa Parmar, Community Services Pharmacy Team]
Handouts on medicines management accompanying a multi-agency training session supporting the single assessment process organised by Southwark and Lewisham PCTs. The documents provide a summary of key points on
managing medication within SAP for practitioners doing contact and overview assessments covering issues in assessing needs, and medication problems and possible solutions or referrals.
View handouts
Contact Details:
Shelpa Parmar, Lewisham PCT,
26 Admiralty Close,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8694 6894 x 227 | Fax:
Email: shelpa.parmar@lewishampct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format:
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London Older People's Service Development Programme, Social Services Inspectorate - SSI, Department of Health - DH
A brighter future for older people : London Older People's Service Development Programme Digest
( June 2003)
This digest is one of the final outcomes of the Older People's Development Programme in London, which was a 2-year whole systems improvement initiative ending in June 2003. It comprises: an index of the
Programme's work; information on the 25 original projects, with contact details; information on 4 projects funded by and linked to the Programme on medicines management, and patients as teachers; and a paper describing some of the Programme's
lessons and ideas.
The case finding or case management projects all involved social service departments (SSDS), primary care trusts (PCTs) or other health service trusts, and voluntary sector organisations working together on projects around the National Service
Framework for Older People (NSF). Most of the projects included an element of piloting the Single Assessment Process (SAP), testing assessment tools such as EASY-Care, and involving older people.
Contact Details:
Val Jones, SW London Health Authority,
Hartfield House,
41-47 Hartfield Road,
SW19 3RG
Tel: +44 (0)20 8545 6091 | Fax:
Email: val.jones@swlha.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.london.nhs.uk/olderpeople
Target group: General |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Matrix Research and Consultancy, on behalf of the former NHS Modernisation Agency
Good care planning for people with long-term conditions updated version [author: Matrix Research and Consultancy]
(September 2005)
Following publication of the National Service Framework for People with Long-Term Conditions (NSF), the NHS Modernisation Agency commissioned Matrix to identify and report on the key elements of good care
planning for people with long-term conditions. This document (26 pp) is intended to contribute to and link with other initiatives such as the Single Assessment Process (SAP). It outlines the potential benefits of care planning and barriers to its
implementation. Appendices include a self-assessment toolkit, and three case studies illustrating how care planning approaches have been successfully implemented: Shared Care Plan, Hounslow; Nottingham City PCT integrated rehabilitation and
intermediate care service; and general practice in Hexham, Northumberland, for people living with diabetes. The key objective has been to produce user-friendly guidance and tools to assist local health and social service providers to implement
evidence-based, person-centred care planning for people with long-term conditions.
Replaces a previous version (June 2005).
View report.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.diabetes.nhs.uk/downloads/Matrix_Care_planning_report.pdf
| http://www.matrixrcl.co.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: toolkit
Availability / Price: Web link as above |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The NHS Modernisation Agency has been dissolved and superseded by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Strategic Health Authority
Northumberland, Tyne & Wear training and development plan Single Assessment/ care coordination older people SAP Northumberland Tyne & Wear SHA Training Group; Brenda Stenhouse (chair)
Regional training and development strategy. It outlines the scope, key objectives, delivery methods , target areas, partnership arrangements, and programme content . The plan has been produced in partnership
with the Northern England NHS Workforce Development Confederation and the Northumberland NHS Care Trust.
view plan.
Contact Details:
Brenda Stenhouse, Single Assessment Programme Manager, Northumberland Care Trust,
Social Care Directorate.
County Hall.
NE61 2EF.
Tel: +44 (0)1670 533886 (BS) | Fax: +44 (0)1670 533803
Email: brenda.stenhouse@northumberlandcaretrust.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northumberlandcaretrust.nhs.uk
Target group: Trainers |  Type / Format: strategy
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
The Castlefields integrated care model the evidence summarised [authors: David Lyon, Julia Miller, Kirsty Pine]
(February 2006)
Article in: Journal of Integrated Care, vol 14, issue 1, pp 7-12.
This article presents and reviews the evidence from a pilot project run by Halton Primary Care Trust at Castlefields Health Centre in Runcorn, where a social worker was based and worked proactively with a district nurse to introduce an integrated
case management approach for patients. The practice had noticed that social interventions were at least as valuable as mmedical ones for older people. Indeed, an important element of this model was the identification of high-risk people aged 65+ not
already known about, and for whom anticipatory assessments and care packages could be arranged. Decision-making was noticeably simplified and speeded up, with most assessments completed in a single day. The authors recommend that PCTs should
consider the benefits of social care input to case management, especially when planning new services and new roles such as that of community matron.
Contact Details:
Tel: 01273 623222 | Fax: 01273 625526
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 14769018
Russell House Publishing
From where I'm sitting a manual for those working with older people in the social care sector [author: Sue Thompson]
238 pp
"From where I am sitting" is designed as an aid to learning for anyone involved in the care of older people in residential or nursing homes, hospitals, assisted living schemes, or in their own homes. The material includes background information,
items suitable for handouts, guidance on training exercises, and overhead transparency templates, so that it can be used in conjunction with training, and provides guidance for those who are just starting out in this field of work. Themes covered
include: dealing with feelings; communication; personal care; health issues; residential care; dementia; sexuality and intimacy; loss and grief; aggression; abuse; and staff care.
Contact Details:
Russell House Publishing Ltd.,
4 St George's House,
The Business Park,
Uplyme Road,
Lyme Regis,
Dorset DT7 3LS.
Tel: +44 (0)1297 443948 | Fax: +44 (0)1297 442722
Email: help@russellpublising.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.russellhouse.co.uk
Target group: SSD/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: guide
Availability / Price: £29.95 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1898924047
Skills for Health
Older People's National Workforce Competence Framework Guide
The Guide explains the application and use of competence frameworks; how the framework is constructed; and provides an overview of the framework for older people's services. The overview has been developed
to provide an indication of the units of competence that apply generally to older people's health and social care services and more specific competences including those relating to care of older people with age related health needs. The competences
were developed to be applicable to a range of settings and professions - primary care, walk-in centres, minor injury units and hospitals; and staff ranging from support staff to qualified nurses, doctors and allied health professionals.
View competence framework
Contact Details:
Dr Caryl Plewes, Project Director, Older People's Competence Framework, Goldsmiths House,
Broad Plain,
Bristol BS2 0JP
Tel: 0117 9221155 | Fax:
Email: caryl.plewes@skillsforhealth.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk/files/570-SfH_Older_people_a-w.pdf
| http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: competence framework
Availability / Price: Download pdf. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Skills for Health/Topss England
Older People Competence Framework: units of competence
The Competence Framework for Older People covers the competences needed to care for older people with age related health needs. The competences were developed to be applicable to a range of settings and
professions - primary care, walk-in centres, minor injury units and hospitals; and staff ranging from support staff to qualified nurses, doctors and allied health professionals. This document details the units of competence, each of which describes
an activity that is a significant part of someone's job, for example: communicate with older people and their carers; assess the health and wellbeing of older people. Each unit contains a number of elements of competence that specify what an
individual using the Competence Framework needs to do to demonstrate competence in that particular area of practice.
Contact Details:
Dr Caryl Plewes, Project Director, Older People's Competence Framework, Goldsmiths House,
Broad Plain,
Bristol BS2 0JP
Tel: 0117 922 1155 | Fax:
Email: caryl.plewes@skillsforhealth.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk/files/529-OPCompetencest5-1%28Dec03%29.pdf
| http://www,skillsforhealth.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: competence framework
Availability / Price: Download pdf. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Social Policy Research Unit - SPRU, University of York
Outcomes into Practice a resource pack for managers and trainers [Elinor Nicholas, Hazel Qureshi, Claire Bamford]
This resource pack has been prepared with the help of two Social Services Departments - Bradford and City of York. Many materials in the pack have drawn extensively on the experience and results of a
programme of work, which involved many individuals who came from health and social care agencies as well as researchers from SPRU.
The pack is evidence-based with the voices of users, carers and parctitioners heard throughout.
It aims to offer practical resources and research-based guidance to assist those who wish, in partnership with health and other agencies, to develop an outcomes focus in social care practice and information systems. The intention of the pack is to
support the implementation of key policy objectives within social care and partner agencies, by addressing two key areas of activity: Outcome-focused care management and Outcomes information. The pack is intended primarily for those in management,
development and training roles. The materials within the pack are intended to contribute to individual and group-based learning/development activities for a wide range of staff, including front-line practitioners, administrative or support
The resource pack contains two Parts; a CD with powerpoint presentations and pdf files for Part II; 2 posters and a feedback sheet. Part I : Understanding and using outcomes in social care. Part II : Resources for Training and Development which is
divided into six sections - Preparing the ground; Sample programmes; Presentation materials; Exercises and worksheets; Handouts; Examples of practice tools. All materials are contained within a ring binder.
Contact Details:
York Publishing Services Ltd, 64 Hallfield Road,
YO31 7ZQ
Tel: +44 (0) 1904 430868 | Fax: +44 (0) 1904 431213
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.york.ac.uk/spru
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: toolkit; powerpoint; cdrom; publicity materials
Availability / Price: £90.00 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1871713625
Notes: The website of SPRU has many free downloads of research papers/briefings.