Single Assessment Process - training materials
assessment tools
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
Assessing patients' eligibility for fully funded nursing care [author: William Anderson, Hilary Bungay]
(13 January 2004)
Article in: Nursing Times, vol 100, no 2, pp 38-39.
The introduction of free nursing care in nursing homes requires that patient's needs for care from a registered nurse are determined as part of the assessment of health and social care needs. It is important that patients are assigned to the band
of care that is appropriate for them so that they receive the correct contribution to their care. A minimum data set/resident assessment instrument (MDS/RAI) was piloted on residents living in nursing homes as an assessment tool to see whether this
agreed with decisions that had been made by the NHS-designated assessor for the registered nursing contribution to care. Comparison of findings showed that the assessment tool was a means of improving the quality of assessments. Further
information about training to use the assessment tool and the MDS/RAI can be found at the website of the Senectus Project.
Contact Details:
Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.senectus.org
| http://www.nursingtimes.net
Target group: |  Type / Format: article; assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 0954-7762
Notes: see Related Organisations
STEP (Standardised Assessment of Elderly People in Primary Care in Europe)
> E I Williams et al 2002. Occasional Paper No 82 Royal College of General
> Practitioners (London).
> [authors: E I Williams et al]
Prof Idris Williams carried out a SAP model feasibility study of STEP, which has received full accreditation from the Department of Health (DH). STEP results from a European partnership to develop evidence
based approaches to health and social assessment of older people in the community. The generic assessment tool and detail of the evidence base is published as Royal College of General Practitioners (London) Occasional Paper No 82 (RCGP, 2002). It
has been field tested in community practice settings and was found to be acceptable to older people. It can be undertaken by both health and social workers. In the feasibility study it was found to be user friendly by the assessors.
Specific Features:
It is in paper form but will be available electronically.
There is a self assessment format.
It has a balanced approach to health and social needs enabling links to be made between them.
The accompanying handbook gives a detailed description of how to use the Instrument and relevant background to life in older age.
Featured are linkages, risks, the provision of prompts with each question, and the relevance of activities of daily living (ADLs).
There is a focus on vulnerability to loss of independence and the development of frailty. Both health and social conditions which contribute to these are brought together. Included in the handbook are brief details of health and social
Other developments:
The STEP Single Assessment Instrument is essentially reactive and designed to be used in specific health/social situations where there is demonstrable or potential need. There is also a proactive version of the Instrument based on the same structure
which is designed to be used in identifying existing or emerging long standing illness and social impairments. That there is congruence between the reactive and proactive forms is seen to be an advantage.
See also entry for The STEP assessment system: a synopsis
Contact Details:
Prof Idris Williams, Barn Howe,
LA8 8DF.
Tel: 01539 568666 | Fax:
Email: idrisandkate@ktdbroadband.com | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: An evidence based approach to assessing older people in primary care (ISBN 0850842743); Royal College of General Pracititioners (Members £9; Non-members £:10)
> Practitioners (London).
Notes: Royal College of General Practitioners, 42 Princes Gate, Hyde Park, London SW7 1PU. Tel 020 7581 3732 E-mail: info@rcgp.org uk Website: http://www.rcgp.org.uk
Prof Williams was formerly Board Chair, Morecambe Bay Hospital NHS Trust.
AIS Systems Limited
MDS-RAI - Minimum Data Set Residential Assessment Instrument;
MDS-HC - Minimum Data Set Home Care
MDS-RAI and its community version MDS-HC provides a computerised system for the collection of MDS assessments data in a care home setting. After recording assessments a number of indicators are automatically
calculated e.g. RNCC nursing levels, staff hours, specific outcome measurements. MDS-RAI can also produce sound clinically based care plans for the individual client. MDS-RAI is accredited by the Department of Health for use in this context. AIS
Systems are also able to provide training. The MDS-HC assessment tool and guidance manuals are available from The Stationery Office but the instrument will also be developed in an electronic format which will enable organisations to migrate to full
electronic systems in a stepwise manner over time and across the organisation (see TSO website). The MDS Instrument training video should be available from June 2004.
Contact Details:
Ken Collins, Chairman, Unit 5 The Courtyard,
GU23 6QL
Tel: +44 (0)1932 359370 | Fax: +44 (0)1932 359359
Email: info@aissystems.ltd.uk | 
Web links: http://www.aissystems.ltd.uk
| http://www.care-assessment.org.uk
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: upon enquiry |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: AIS Systems Limited is registered in England and has been formed to serve the UK with MDS assessment systems and related MDS intelligence systems. AIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Datasystems Consultants Ltd. and a sister company
to HealthSystems Consultants Ltd and HealthResources Ltd., who can can provide a full range of management consultancy services.
Alzheimer's Society
Dementia : diagnosis and management in primary care Tools for diagnosis ; information about dementia; a short tutorial - to help you assess the needs of people with dementia and their carers
An interactive tutorial on dementia diagnosis and care management with typical case histories of possible dementia. The disk also features video clips of the experience of people with dementia and their
carers; tools to help in diagnosis and care assessment and outlines of evidence-based research into primary care effectiveness. The content of the CD has received approval from the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Contact Details:
Jenny Hogarth, Admin Assistant, Gordon House,
10 Greencoat Place,
Tel: +44 (0)20 7306 0606 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7306 0808
Email: info@alzheimers.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.alzheimers.org.uk
Target group: practitioners |  Type / Format: cdrom; assessment tool
Availability / Price: Free CD for primary care professionals - upon request. Limited stocks. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council)
Contact assessment form
2 pages.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council, Luton Borough Council)
Overview assessment form
4 pages.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Bedfordshire and Luton (Bedfordshire County Council; Luton Borough Council)
The Single Assessment Process in Bedfordshire and Luton - evaluation form for Luton pilot
2 pages.
Contact Details:
Sue Bird, Operational Lead on SAP, Luton Borough Council,
Housing and Social Services Dept,
Community Care Duty Team,
Clemitson House,
14 Upper George Street,
Luton LU1 2RP
Tel: +44 (0)1582 470900 Sue Bird
+44 (0) 1582 547659/547660 (switchboard) | Fax:
Email: BirdS@luton.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/Bedfordshire/staticpages.nsf/Web/staticpages/nsocialserv_sing
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: upon request |  ISBN/ISSN:
Camden PCT
Guidelines for using FACE assessment forms: Camden [author: Jane Taubman]
[Draft 1: Sept 04]
Explains clearly which FACE forms should be used for different assessment levels. When choosing which forms to use, practitioners should first consider that the depth of assessment should be in proportion to
the needs identified. This means the documents can be used in a flexible variety of orders, though the Background is the basic minimum.
View document
Contact Details:
Jane Taubman REACH Link/SAP implementation,
Camden REACH Team,
Bloomsbury Building,
St Pancras Hospital,
London NW1 OPE
Tel: 020 7530 3584
Mob: 0788 799 4217 | Fax:
Email: jane.taubman@camdenpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.camdenpct.nhs.uk/
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance; assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Camden is using FACE as paper based assessment tool.
Change Agent Team, Health and Social Care, Department of Health,
Single assessment process and self assessment [author: Seamus Breen]
Powerpoint presentation delivered at the Progress of the Single Assessment Process conference, 12 January 2005. The presentation covers the key principle of SAP, NHS improvement plan, today's reality, new
challenges, empowering, self assessment, and possible ways forward. It concludes with a request for practitioners to email Seamus Breen with examples where the principles of SAP have been extended to empowering older people to do their own
assessments, or to obtain services without direct contact with the PCT or local authority.
View presentation.
Contact Details:
Seamus Breen, Single Assessment Lead, Room G09,
Department of Health,
79 Whitehall,
Tel: 0779 5120943 (SB mobile)
0207 210 5077/5005 | Fax:
Email: Seamus.Breen@dh.gsi.gov.uk |  change_agent_team@doh.gsi.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.changeagentteam.org.uk
Target group: All staff |  Type / Format: powerpoint; assessment
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
County Durham SAP Steering Group
County Durham Single Assessment Process - Contact Assessment
8 page document. DRAFT (SAP1).
Contact Details:
Brenda Peppin - SAP Lead/Chair of Steering Group, Derwentside PCT,
Shotley Bridge Community Hospital,
Co. Durham
Tel: +44 (0)1207 594458 | Fax: +44 (0)1207 594438
Email: brenda.peppin@derwentside.pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.derwentside-pct.nhs.uk
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: download WP.doc |  ISBN/ISSN:
Darlington Social Services Department
Assorted documents to support the Single Assessment Process
April 2005
A collection of 15 documents in support of the Single Assessment Process in Darlington including an information sharing protocol, person held record content sheet, 2 day training programme, pre-training
planning day, facilitator's timetable, buddy list, flow chart, GP practice referral form, learning and development framework, summary care plan, care plan reassessment, summary of need, contact assessment and overview assessment form and guidance,
Information sharing protocol
| contents of person held record
| training programme
| pre-training planning
| facilitator's timetable
| buddy list
| flow chart
| GP referral form
| learning and development framework
| summary care plan
| care plan reassessment
| summary of need
| overview assessment
| overview assessment guidance
Contact Details:
Lynn Walker, Social Services SAP lead, Darlington Social Services Department,
Central House,
Gladstone Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1325 346258 | Fax:
Email: lynn.walker@darlington.gov.uk |  win.suggett@darlingtonpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://gold.darlington.org.uk/Default.htm
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: assessment; guidance; care plan
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Win Suggett is SAP Lead, Darlington PCT, tel 01325 746237
See also Good Practice listing.
Darlington Social Services Department
Single Assessment Process - contact assessment (DRAFT form)
5 page form (SAP 1)
View draft form
Contact Details:
Lynn Walker, Social Services SAP lead, Darlington Social Services Department,
Central House,
Gladstone Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1325 346258 | Fax:
Email: lynn.walker@darlington.gov.uk |  win.suggett@darlingtonpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://gold.darlington.org.uk/Default.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: Other contact: Win Suggett is SAP Lead, Darlington PCT, tel 01325 746237
See also Good Practice listing.
Darlington Social Services Department
Single Assessment Process - overview assessment (DRAFT form)
30 page form (SAP Overview)
View draft form
Contact Details:
Lynn Walker, Social Services SAP lead, Darlington Social Services Department,
Central House,
Gladstone Street,
Tel: +44 (0)1325 346258 | Fax:
Email: lynn.walker@darlington.gov.uk |  win.suggett@darlingtonpct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://gold.darlington.org.uk/Default.htm
Target group: LA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: -
Notes: Other contact: Win Suggett is SAP Lead, Darlington PCT, tel 01325 746237
See also Good Practice listing.
Department of Health
Assessment tools and accreditation
(21 July 2004)
In 2003, the Department of Health established an accreditation process for off-the-shelf assessment tools that have been developed by independent bodies for national use in overview assessment of older
people's needs under the Single Assessment Process (SAP). An independent Accreditation Panel evaluated tools against a set of criteria, as listed in this document. Following the last meeting of the Panel on 7July 2004, six tools have now achieved
full accreditation: CAT Electronic Version; EASYcare Version 2004; FACE for Older People V.3; MDS Home Care Version 2.3; NOAT; and STEP. Tools that applied for accreditation but were unsuccessful were: CANE - the Camberwell Assessment of Needs for
the Elderly; CAT Paper Version; MANCAS - the Manchester Care Assessment Schedule; and SAT - the Suffolk Assessment Tool.
While PCTs, Care Trusts and SSDs can be confident in opting to use any of the accredited tools, this document reminds localities that other approaches to SAP overview assessment are legitimate, and that they may wish to develop their own assessment
tools for local use, using the January 2002 guidance (HSC 2002/001; LAC(2002)1) as a framework, or use a "checklist" approach ensuring that all domains of the SAP guidance are covered during an overview assessment.
View document
Contact Details:
Judy.McCallum, Finance and Office Manager, Department of Health,
Health and Social Care Change Agent Team,
Wellington House,
Room LG33,
135-155 Waterloo Road,
SE1 8UG.
Tel: 020 7972 1330 | Fax: 020 7972 4349
Email: Judy.McCallum@dh.gsi.gov.uk |  change_agent_team@doh.gsi.gov.uk
Web links:
Target group: PCTs/SSDs |  Type / Format: guidance; assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Devon County Council Social Services
Contact assessment (SAP1) Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process
Assessment form (4 pp) for contact assessments for the Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager, Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Website password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
Devon County Council Social Services
Delayed discharge supplement Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process notification
(Nov 2003)
Assessment form (4 pp) to be used relating to delayed discharge for the Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Health and Social Care Single Assessment Process.
Contact Details:
Mike Brooks - SAP Programme Manager;
Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager Devon County Council,
County Hall,
Topsham Road,
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel: +44 (0)1392 205205 (switch)
+44 (0)1392 687141 (direct brooks and brewer) | Fax:
Email: michael.brooks@exeter-pct.nhs.uk |  wendy.brewer@exeter-pct.nhs.uk
Web links: http://www.swdhis.nhs.uk:8080/SAP
| http://www.devon.gov.uk/socserve/sap/
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: (Website password on application)
Other contact: Wendy Brewer, SAP Project Manager.
Disabled Living Foundation - DLF
AskSARA Helpline [Disabled Living Foundation]
(October 2007)
AskSARA is an online self assessment tool developed by the DLF to help a person make adjustments to their life to improve it, and involves the person going through a self assessment process. AskSARA is an
innovative way for older and disabled people and their families to obtain advice about equipment that can help them in their daily lives. It is also possible to do an assessment on behalf of someone else. The products and the information that are
suggested are designed to give small pieces of advice, suggest minor adaptations around the home, simple changes, ‘low level’ equipment. The advice and information has been updated with the help of Occupational Therapists, who have used their
expertise to ensure AskSARA contains the most up-to-date and relevant information. It might be AskSARA does not meet a person’s needs if they are more complex. For those cases, other sources of assistance will be suggested that could include
referral to the main DLF Helpline.
DLF have been funded for a pilot project of AskSARA for people aged 60 years+ from London. Services include an impartial and confidential helpline and outreach services.
Contact Details:
Hugh Dobie, Marketing Officer - 020 7289 6111 ext
211 Disabled Living Foundation
380-384 Harrow Road
W9 2HU
Tel: AskSARA helpline: 0845 470 7272 - Opening hours: 10am-4pm, M-F. | Fax:
Email: hugh.dobie@dlf.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.asksara.org.uk.
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tools
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Elderly Accommodation Counsel
Housing options for older people (HOOP): ... to move or not to move? that is the question ... a self-assessment form for people wondering whether or not to move home and seeking information on options
The HOOP tool has been produced by Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) and the School for Policy Studies, University of the West of England (UWE), with support from the Housing Corporation Innovation and Good
Practice Programme.
The questionnaire is designed to help people who are trying to decide whether or not to move home in later life. It invites the individual to look at nine different aspects of his or her home, one by one, to help clarify which things re right and
where there are problems. The purpose is to think through factors about moving or staying put, and to find out more about the options that are relevant to an older person's situation.
Contact Details:
Tel: +44 (0)20 7820 1343 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.housingcare.org
Target group: Older people |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Essex Strategic Health Authority
Essex Overview and Contact Assessment forms
(August 2004)
(1) Self assessment / Contact assessment and consent form (2) Overview assessment form
View Contact Assessment
| View Overview Assessment
Contact Details:
Jean Kingsley, Essex Project Director, Single Assessment Process Swift House,
Hedgerows Business Park,
Colchester Road,
CM2 5PF.
Tel: +44 (0)1268 705152
+44 (0)1268 705101 (Pat Day - PA)
07786 125600 | Fax:
Email: jean.kingsley@basildonpct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: PCT/SSD staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
FACE Recording and Management Systems
FACE Older Persons Assessment Tools Version 3
The assessment tool, FACE - Functional Assessment of the Care Environment for Older People, has been developed by FACE Recording and Management Systems.
Accredited by DH.
Assessment tools as follows:
Background information & Contact assessment;
FACE Overview Assessment;;
Referral Form.
Contact Details:
Mick McAndrew, FACE Recording and Management Systems,
King John Chambers,
13 - 15 Bridlesmith Gate,
NG1 2 GR.
Tel: +44 (0)115 950 8300 - Nottingham
+44 (0)20 8488 6218 07815 294090 mobile PC | Fax:
Email: Piclifford@aol.com | 
Web links: http://www.facecode.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Paul Clifford in London.
Halton Primary Care Trust
Halton PCT Community matron contact sheet advanced primary nurse specialist assessment; systems review and physical assessment
Community matrons in Halton are now using this draft specialist assessment (8 pp) in their work
Contact Details:
Nikki Dand, Health and Community Directorate,
Halton Borough Council,
Grosvenor House,
Halton Lea,
WA7 2ED.
Tel: +44 (0)1928 704546 (ND) | Fax:
Email: nikki.dand@halton.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Community matrons |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Item originally posted by Nikki Dand on SAP discussion forum, discussion area: Specialist assessments for community matrons
Islington Social Services & PCT
Carer Assessment and Support Plan
The Islington carer assessment and support plan doc template is in Word and designed to link in with Overview domains.
In an effort to save some localities additional design and development work, Islington has released the carers assessment tool as Freeware. The assessment tool has been in circulation and in live use for the last two years at least in Islington.
Practitioners are invited to use all or part of the document as they wish. It can be configured to add local icons etc.
View Carer Assessment and Support Plan
Contact Details:
Howard Smith E-Business Development Manager
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax:
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Community Care Review/Re-Assessment for People Living in Residential/Nursing Home Care
The Islington community care review/re-assessment tool for people living in residential/nursing home care doc template is in Word and designed to link in with Overview domains.
In an effort to save some localities additional design and development work, Islington has released the assessment tool as Freeware. The assessment tool has been in circulation and in live use for the last two years at least in Islington.
Practitioners are invited to use all or part of this as they wish. It can be configured to add local icons etc.
View Community Care Review/Re-Assessment for people living in residential/nursing home care
Contact Details:
Howard Smith E-Business Development Manager
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax:
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Islington Community Care Review/Reassessment
The Islington community care review doc template which is in Word and designed to link in with Overview domains is an example of a review assessment tool that is suitable for use by practitioners across the
whole adult service for the review assessment process.
In an effort to save some localities additional design and development work, Islington has released the assessment tool as Freeware. The assessment tool has been in circulation and in live use for the last two years at least in Islington.
Practitioners are invited to use all or part of this as they wish. It can be configured to add local icons etc.
View tool
Contact Details:
Howard Smith E-Business Development Manager
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax:
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Islington Social Services & PCT
Islington Comprehensive Risk Assessment
August 2004
The Comprehensive Risk Assessment for Vulnerable Adults & Adults with Illness or Disabilities has been developed alongside the Needs and Care Planning tool [see separate entry Islington Needs and Care Planning
Freeware Tool]. This document is to be used where serious, complex or multiple risk factors are identified and where it is clear that risk management planning within general community care assessment and service provision has not (or will not)
adequately ensure that a service user is protected. Risk assessment guidance is provided to assist in completing the Comprehensive Risk Assessment form.
View Comprehensive Risk Assessment form.
View Risk Management and the Comprehensive Risk Assessment guidance.
Contact Details:
Howard Smith Business & Performance/SAP Project Team
Islington Social Services & Primary Care Trust
338-346 Goswell Road
London EC1V 7LQ
Tel: 020 7527 8161 | Fax: 020 7527 1107
Email: howard.smith@islington.gov.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: Free to download and share |  ISBN/ISSN:
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
MDS - latest research reviewing the RNCC tool, flexible skills mix, and the specialist nurse project (2003) [authors: Jan Reed, Bill Watson, Margaret Cook]
Part I of this 3-part report is: The Registered Nursing Care Contribution tool: an evaluation of use; by Jan Reed, Bill Watson, Margaret Cook, of the Centre for Care of Older People (CCOP). University of
It presents the findings of their study on the Registered Nursing Care Contribution (RNCC), which was introduced in 2001, to determine the amount of NHS-funded registered nursing care that residents in homes need. The results of using the Minimum
Data Set (MDS), a well-validated tool were compared with the RNCC tool for 186 residents from 6 care homes. Comparison was also made between RNCC results when people with different backgrounds and experience used the tool.
Appendices include: Example of an MDS assessment form; example of an EASY-Care assessment form; RNCC documentation and guidance. (MDS-HC Version 2, August 02 2000, in reduced size print).
Contact Details:
Joseph Rowntree Foundation,
The Homestead,
40 Water End,
YO30 6WP
Tel: +44 (0)1904 629241 | Fax: +44 (0)1904 620072
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.jrf.org.uk/bookshop/eBooks/1859351247.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: £15.95 from YPS, tel 01904 430033 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1859351239
Notes: Also available as PDF on http://www.jrf.org.uk - ISBN 1859351247
The RNCC tool is copyright University of Northumbria (Centre for Care of Older People; since 2006, the Centre for Collaborative Gerontology).
Other contact: Jan Read, Professor of Healtrh Care for Older People, Centre for Collaborative Gerontology, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Education, University of Northumbria, Room H017, Coach Lane Campus, Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7XA. Tel:
+44(0)191 215 6142. Fax +44 (0)191 215 6083.
Kensington & Chelsea, and Westminster
Single Assessment Process Medicines Management Assessment Tool [Kensington Chelsea & Westminster Health and Social Care Communities]
(July 2004)
The form contains an initial set of four questions devised to help assessors:
Clarify medicines issues identified during assessment.
Complement medicines related parts of the Overview Assessment tool.
Identify a point of advice or referral to address medicines issues.
Make appropriate and informative referrals.
If a problem is identified from asking the initial four questions, the form continues with more detailed questions to understand the problem better and consider referral.
Contact Details:
Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea PCT Service Development,
St Charles Hospital,
Courtfield House,
Exmoor Street,
London W10 6DZ
Tel: 020 8962 4621 | Fax: 020 8962 4607
Email: ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Kent Social Services
Caring - self assessment online
[January 2005]
Kent Social Services is piloting an innovative online self assessment scheme in partnership with software firm Anite Public Services. The Caring website allows people the choice to assess their own care
needs or carry out an assessment on behalf of someone else by completing a questionnaire online. If a person qualifies for support, they will then be able to choose from a range of support services matching their assessed needs. In most cases,
eligible applicants will be able to select a service without the need for a conventional home visit, however a review visit will take place to ensure the arrangements are suitable. The pilot covers people with moderate needs, but the aim is to
extend the service to those with critical and substantial needs. Face-to-face assessments will be retained for those who want them.
Contact Details:
Kent County Council,
County Hall,
Kent ME14 1XQ
Tel: +44 (0)8458 247247 | Fax:
Email: social.services@kent.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.kent.gov.uk/selfassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
King's College London
Self assessment of health and social care needs by older people: a multi-method systematic review of practices, accuracy, effectiveness and experience report for the National Co-ordinating Centre for
NHS Delivery and Organisation R&D (NCCSDO) [authors: Peter Griffiths, Roz Ullman, Ruth Harris]
(April 2005, revised August 2005)
Key themes of person centred care are proper assessment of potentially complex needs, integration of assessment, sharing of information between services and with clients, and active involvement of older people
in both health promotion and assessments. This systematic review (274 pp) considers the evidence base for self-assessment as a mechanism for promoting active user involvement in care and comprehensive assessment for older people. Although
occasionally used to refer to self-report, the review defines self-assessment as 'comprising at least self-report, self-completion or direction of the process", with self as "the potential beneficiary of the assessment" The review aims to answer
questions around the scope and accuracy of self-assessment, and its effectiveness in terms of service and person related outcomes including accessing services appropriate to need, uptake/engagement and satisfaction. The following approaches were
- a survey of the scope of the approaches towards self-assessment based on a comprehensive review of the literature and a survey of practice;
- a systematic review of studies of accuracy comparing the results of self-assessments with appropriate gold standard assessments;
- a systematic review of controlled trials of effectiveness or self-assessment;;
- a review of qualitative evidence of self-assessment for the perspective of both the older person and professionals.
A research summary, "Self assessment of health and social care needs by older people" (weblink 2), is also available.
Contact Details:
Dr Peter Griffiths, The Florence Nightingale School
of Nursing and Midwifery,
King's College London,
James Clerk Maxwell Building,
57 Waterloo Road,
London SE1 8WA
Telephone 020 7848 4698
Tel: +44 (0)20 7848 4698 | Fax:
Email: peter.griffiths@kcl.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.sdo.lshtm.ac.uk/files/project/30-final-report.pdf
| http://www.sdo.lshtm.ac.uk/files/adhoc/30-research-summary.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other members of the project team: Sally Brearley, Helen Bowers, Mike Nolan, Ian Norman and Gill Ritchie.
North Surrey Primary Care Trust
Community Healthcare Records Parkinson's Disease Patients North Surrey PCT
Example of handheld paper records for single assessment process for people with chronic diseases. Folder contains:
contact information for Parkinson's Disease medical staff;
service provided for parkinson's disease patients and carers;
single assessment process: basic personal information;
single assessment process: contact assessment;
checklists for: internal risk factors; carers involved; mobility assessment; psychological status; medication; falls;
nursing lifting assessment form;
medication chart;
communication sheet;
staff signature sheet.
Contact Details:
Dr Beverly Castleton, Consultant Physician North Surrey PCT,
Medical Director's Office,
Villa 22, Guildford Road,
Surrey KT16 0QA
Tel: 01932 723782 | Fax: 01932 723533
Email: jacqueline.batchelor@nsurreypct.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.nsurreypct.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
North West London Sector SAP
North West London Contact Assessment Folder [NWL SAP Team]
The North West London (NWL) Sector has a common approach to the Single Assessment Process sharing jointly developed assessment tools, records and forms to facilitate the cross boundary exchange of care
The Contact Assessment Folder contains following documents/tools:
1. Sector approach - brief description of purpose.
2. Basic personal information - includes key contacts.
3. Contact assessment - identification of health and social care needs.
4. Medical information - for hospital use.
5. Referral form - for referring for further assessment.
Contact Details:
Keith Strahan, Hounslow SAP Manager Tel: 07973 700695 (mobile)
020 8583 3655 (office) | Fax:
Email: kspcsw@aol.com |  Keith.Strahan@cfh.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; toolkit
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Also contact Ruth Garry, Kensington and Chelsea Primary Care Trust,email ruth.garry@kc-pct.nhs.uk
Northamptonshire County Council
Contact Assessment/Referral: Northamptonshire Single Assessment Process [Northamptonshire SAP team]
Four page contact assessment form. Part of the SAP documentation accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health.
View contact assessment form
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Guidance for Completing the Northamptonshire Contact Assessment [Northamptonshire SAP team]
Guidance on how to complete the Northamptonshire contact assessment form. Part of the SAP documentation accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health.
View guidance
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Guidelines for Completing Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(April 2004)
Guidelines to assist with completing the Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) that is accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health as a tool for overview assessment as part of the Single
Assessment Process for older people. Paper based document consists of 38 pages. The guidelines are designed for use by a wide variety of assessors.
View guidelines
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Northamptonshire County Council
Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) [Northamptonshire SAP team]
(April 2004)
The Northamptonshire Overview Assessment Tool (NOAT) is accredited (July 2004) by the Department of Health as a tool for overview assessment as part of the Single Assessment Process for older people. Paper
based document of 44 pages. Accompanying documentation consists of Guidelines for Completing NOAT, Glossary of Terms, Information Sharing Protocol, Contact Assessment/Referral forms, Protocol for Personal Held Record.
View assessment tool
Contact Details:
Wendy Hoult,
Project Manager Single Assessment Team,
Oxford House, Floor 2,
West Villa Road,
Wellingborough NN8 4JR
Tel: +44 (0)1933 220 720 | Fax: +44 (0)1933 443 929
Email: whoult@northamptonshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.northamptonshire.nhs.uk/singleassessment
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool; glossary; protocol
Availability / Price: Contact Wendy Hoult |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: The material is copyright to Northants SAP 2004 and is not to be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder.
Sheffield First for Health Partnership
Sheffield Single Assessment Process assessment manual
(April 2003)
The assessments described in this manual (116pp) provide a standardised way of capturing the outcomes of conversations with service users and their carers. The assessments are intended to support and not
replace professional judgement. This manual contains examples of flow charts, sample assessment tools, and guidance about how the tools will be used, and demonstrate how pathways contribute to a Single Assessment Process. Also included is a
glossary, which is intended to be used in conjunction with the full glossary as contained in the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). This is the first edition of the manual. It will be revised to take account of practitioners'
experience during the first phase of implementation of the process, with any necessary amendments to have been circulated by April 2004.
The project was commissioned by the Sheffield First for Health Partnership in 2001. The partnership comprises: Shefield's Social Services Directorate and Housing & Direct Services; North Sheffield PCT; West Sheffield PCT; South West Sheffield PCT;
South East Sheffield PCT; Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Sheffield Care Trust: Mental Health and Wellbeing. and voluntary sector involvement.
View toolkit
Contact Details:
Sheffield City Council,
Single Assessment Project,
Floor 3,
Castle Market Buildings,
S1 2HA.
Tel: 0114 273 5299 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/safe--sound/social-services/single-assessment-process
Target group: all staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance; glossary
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Single Assessment Process (SAP), Department of Health - DH; Minimum Data Set Home Care (MDS HC), interRAI UK
SAP ability assessment for older people : the MDS training pack [Minimum data set for community care (interRAI MDS-HC)]
This training pack contains the following: 1 MDS user manual [ISBN 0113226179]; 1 contact assessment form [ISBN 0113226160]; 1 overview assessment form [ISBN 0113226152] and 1 comprehensive assessment form
[ISBN 0113226144]. The manual can be sold as a single separate item but the three forms are sold in packs of ten copies only.
The guidelines for the Department of Health (DH) Single Assessment Process (SAP) specify four levels of assessment: initial contact assessment; overview assessment; in-depth (also known as specialist) assessment; and comprehensive assessment. The
Minimum Data Set - Home Care (MDS-HC) has components that map directly to each of these levels of assessment. These components are linked by logical rules and algorithms that have a research and evidence base.
Contact Details:
The Stationery Office,
PO Box 29,
NR3 1GN.
Tel: +44 (0)870 600 5522 | Fax: +44 (0)870 600 5533
Email: book.orders@tso.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.interrai.org
Target group: |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: £35.00 (the four items can also be sold separately) |  ISBN/ISSN: 0113206179
Social Work and Social Care Section, Health Services Research Department, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London
The King's College Quality in Later Life (QuiLL) Assessment background information [authors: Sherrill Evans, Peter Huxley, Clare Gately, Alyson Smith]
The Quality in Later Life (QuiLL) Assessment is a short (27 question) operational measure of quality of life in old age (age 65+). QuiLL includes both objective and subjective questions (on a 7 point scale) in
9 life domains including social relationships. family, neighbourhood and accommodation. This background information outlines its development, psychometrics, relevance to practice and policy, and uses and findings to date.
The following article reports on the development and validation of the Quill::
Evans S, Gately C, Huxley P, Smith A & Banerjee S (2005) Assessment of quality of life in later life: development and validation of the QuiLL. Quality of Life Research 14(5), pp 1291-1300
The QuiLL is being used increasingly in practice settings in the UK and Australia, and its use is planned in research studies being conducted in the UK, Sweden and New Zealand.
"A community survey of quality of life in later life" is a longer research version of the tool, and is available from Sherrill Evans.
The assessment is noted only as a reference in the Department of Health document, Single Assessment for Older People: Assessment Scales. (see p 13).
View background information
| View 'Adding Quality'
Contact Details:
Sherrill Evans,
Senior Lecturer in Social Work and Social Care, Department of Applied Social Sciences
University of Wales Swansea
Singleton Park
Tel: +44 (0)1792 602605 | Fax:
Email: s.evans@swansea.ac.uk | 
Web links:
Target group: Health and social care professionals |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: Assessment tool available on application to Sherrill Evans |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: See also Good Practice listing. Sherrill Evans was formerly Senior Research Fellow, Social Work and Social Care Section, Health Services Research Department, Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London.
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council; Solihull Primary Care Trust
Assessment documentation pad (adults), Solihull
Registration, assessment and referral forms, self-carbonated (2 copies).
Form for collecting information, which will then be recorded electronically and will be subject to the Data Protection Act. Accompanied by instructions for use.
Contact Details:
Val Dickens, Project Manager, Single Assessment Process, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council,
PO Box 32,
Council House,
West Midlands
B91 3QY.
Tel: +44 (0)121 704 8043 | Fax: +44 (0)121 704 6114
Email: vdickens@solihull.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.solihull.gov.uk
Target group: SSD/PCT staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Single Assessment Overview/Summary Form
4 pages. v9
View overview / summary form
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
Staffordshire Social Services Department
Staffordshire and Stoke SAP Contact Assessment Form
(January 2004)
2 pages. v9
View contact assessment form
Contact Details:
Marie Duquesnay, SAP Projects Manager, St Chad's Place,
ST16 2LR
Tel: 01785 277089 | Fax:
Email: marie.duquesnay@staffordshire.gov.uk | 
Web links: http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/live/welcome.asp?id=318
Target group: LA/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Jackie Owen, Asst. Director for Older People Services
University College of London
Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE) A needs assessment for older mental health service users [authors: Martin Orrell, Geraldine Hancock (eds)]
CANE is a comprehensive, person-centred needs assessment tool that has been designed for use with older people and particularly those with mental health problems. It can be used for both the overview and
comprehensive assessments of the NSF single assessment process. It is not accredited by the Department of Health but has been rigorously developed by a multi-disciplinary team at University College London in collaboration with other academic
centres. It has been used in a wide variety of clinical and research settings across the UK and other countries and is translated into five languages. Manual available from UCL but to accompany purchase of book.
Contact Details:
Dr Geraldine Hancock Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences,
University College London,
Wolfson Building,
48 Riding House Street,
W1N 8AA.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 9420 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7679 9426
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/publications
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool; guidance
Availability / Price: Manual free to use but must purchase copy of book priced £80 from Gaskell Publications, Royal College of Psychiatrists, 17 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PG. Tel: 020 7235 2351 x146 |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Publications Dept contact is: Carrie Davis - cdavis@rcpsych.ac.uk
University of Sheffield
EASY-Care 2004
This assessment tool is accredited by the Department of Health. The package consists of the following documentation : -
EASY-Care 2004 assessment forms (contact, overview, planning care, consent)
Assessor's Manual
Assessor's Guide to Exploring Needs
Training Manual - Single Assessment Process
EASY-Care is now used in 19 countries and available in 15 languages.
Contact Details:
EASY-Care Administrator, University of Sheffield,
Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing (SISA),
Community Sciences Centre,
Northern General Hospital,
S5 7AU
Tel: +44 (0)114 271 4939 | Fax: +44 (0)114 271 5771
Email: j.marriott@sheffield.ac.uk | 
Web links: http://www.shef.ac.uk/sisa/easycare
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: assessment tool
Availability / Price: only from SISA. £1.65 for the overview assessment tool; 75p for the assessor's manual and guide. Training manual only available as part of training undertaken with SISA. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: EASY-Care (Elderly Assessment System) was developed by SISA with an education grant from Pfizer Limited.
Wandsworth Borough Council; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust
EASY-Care & Single Assessment briefing notes, [Wandsworth]
These Briefing notes (3 pp) on the assessment tool for SAP for health and social services staff in Wandsworth outline the terminology, why the Single Assessment Process is being introduced, and the role of
EASY-Care as an assessment tool in Wandsworth.
View briefing notes
Contact Details:
Wendy Moreton, Senior Planning and Review Officer, Wandsworth Borough Council,
Town Hall,
Wandsworth High Street,
SW18 2PU.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 6271 (WM)
+44 (0)20 8789 5511 (FN) | Fax:
Email: wmoreton@wandsworth.gov.uk |  fleur.norwood@swlondon.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: Health/social services staff |  Type / Format: assessment tool; briefing
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other Contact: Alastair Bearne, abearne@wandsworth.gov.uk
Wandsworth Borough Council; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust
Guidance on using the new assessment tools draft as at 13 April 2003 [authors: Wandsworth Borough Council Social Services Community Care Division; Wandsworth Primary Care Trust]
(March 2003)
Guidance (14 pp), some of which applies only to Social Services. Comprises: background notes; using the new assessment tools; completing the contact assessment; completing the overview assessment; ; and other
assessment issues.
The intention is that this draft will be updated regularly.
View draft guidance
Contact Details:
Wendy Moreton, Senior Planning and Review Officer, Wandsworth Borough Council
Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
SW18 2PU.
Tel: +44 (0)20 8871 6271 (WM)
+44 (0)20 8789 5511 (FN) | Fax:
Email: wmoreton@wandsworth.gov.uk |  fleur.norwood@swlondon.nhs.uk
Web links:
Target group: Health/social services staff |  Type / Format: guidance; assessment tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: