Single Assessment Process - training materials
acute care
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
Single assessment in acute hospitals [authors: David McNally, Jan Peet]
(September 2003)
Article in: Working with Older People, vol 7, no 3, pp 18-21
National guidance on the single assessment process (SAP) focuses on its implementation in localities. While this should include hospitals, the authors note that local progress on the SAP has generally only been made in the community. A joint St
Helens and Knowsley Older People's Service collaborative project with Whiston and St Helens Hospitals seeks to improve older people's experience of hospital care and discharge through implementing single assessment. This is one of 10 collaborative
projects in the north-west, which tackles various aspects of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF). The authors outline how single assessment in an acute hospital has been implemented alongside that in the community, which will not
only ensure continuity but also reduces the number of times older people are asked for information.
Contact Details:
Pavilion Publishing,
The Ironworks,
BN1 4GD.
Tel: 0870 161 3505 | Fax: 0870 161 3506
Email: info@pavpub.com | 
Web links: http://www.pavpub.com
Target group: |  Type / Format: article
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 13663666
Notes: David McNally (formerly Local Implementation Officer, National Service Framework for Older People, Knowsley Primary Care Trust), now at Trafford Primary Care Trusts, tel 0161 873 9572; e-mail: david.mcnally@trafford-pcts.nhs.uk
Jan Peet is St Helen's & Knowsley Older People's Collaborative Project Manager. Email: janpeet2311@aol.com
Department of Health - DH
A recipe for care - not a single ingredient Clinical case for change : report by Professor Ian Philp, National Director for Older People [author: Professor Ian Philp]
(29 January 2007)
The Director for Older People, Department of Health reports on certain aspects in implementing the National Service Framework (NSF) for Older People in this document (12 pp). He offers a five-point plan for
older people's care. First, early intervention and assessment of old age conditions. Second, long-term conditions management in the community, integrated with social care and specialist services. Third, early supported discharge from from hospital;
and whenever possible delivering care closer to home. Fourth, general acute hospital care whenever needed, combined with quick access to new specialist centres. Lastly, partnerships built around the needs and wishes of older people and their
families. To illustrate these five key elements, the report cites examples of successful treatment of falls and fractures. If replicated elsewhere, the prospect of services such as those offered by community hospitals such as Livingstone Hospital
Rehabilitation Unit in Kent, is likely to be an attractive for many older people.
Contact Details:
DH Publications Orderline,
PO Box 777,
London SE1 6XH
Tel: 08701 555 455 | Fax: 01623 724 524
Email: dh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links: (www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsLibrary/Publicationslibrarysearchresults/index.htm?&selection=1
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: strategies
Availability / Price: FOC download (publication ref. 279044). |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact: Prof Ian Philp's Office, Department of Health, Room 155, Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NL. Tel 020 7210 5916
Department of Health - DH
Shifting care closer to home Care Closer to Home demonstration sites - report of the speciality subgroups [author: Speciality sub groups of the Care Closer to Home Demonstration Sites Project ]
(23 October 2007)
The White Paper - Our Health, Our Care Our Say : a new direction for community services is the background to this development; but should also be considered alongside Professor Ian Philp's report published in
January 2007, "A recipe for care - not a single ingredient ".
For over a year, the Department of Health has worked with over 100 stakeholders, including patients, to identify good practice in delivering care in convenient settings, and has teased out with the experts the benefits, challenges and solutions.
Six speciality sub-groups were set up and the first task for each was to identify examples of existing innovative practice in delivering care in more convenient settings for patients.The six specialities focused upon were: Orthopaedic surgery;
Urology; General surgery; ENT; Gynaecology; and, Dermatology. Productive links were made to the 18 weeks programme (indeed, in the case of the orthopaedic sub-group, the same group covered both the care closer to home project and co-ordination of
the work on 18 weeks). An independent evaluation of this good practice was carried out by the National Primary Care Research and Development Centre at Manchester University. This study provides an insight into the experiences of the 30
demonstration sites. Meanwhile, the sub groups learnt more about the demonstration sites and about shifting care more generally in their specialities and this work has culminated in the production of this report.
There are six chapters, one per speciality, each written by the health professionals and patients involved in the project – they therefore vary in style and emphasis. Each chapter describes how one speciality area fared in delivering care in more
convenient settings currently. They describe the implications of changing service patterns, the challenges faced on the journey to reform, and most importantly provide advice about how to overcome these challenges. This document is therefore not a
piece of Government policy, but an example of clinicians, managers and service users working together to develop new ways of improving services and of spreading the experience of innovation across the system.
Contact Details:
Jason Yiannikkiou (Policy Team - Shifting Care Closer to Home) DH Publications Orderline,
PO Box 777,
London SE1 6XH
Tel: 08701 555 455
020 7210 5277 (JY) | Fax: 01623 724 524
Email: dh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links:
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: strategies
Availability / Price: FOC download |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Gateway ref: 8419
Dorset and Somerset Strategic Health Authority
Dignity on the ward audit template [author: Sharon Waight]
(May 2005)
Audit tool (18pp) designed to support the assessment of core standards for delivering dignity on the wards and departments of hospitals in community, acute and mental health sectors. The aim of this template
is to assess patient dignity issues across a whole organisation, by looking at how well wards and departments are meeting the core standards. It covers five key themes: patient environment; privacy, dignity and modesty; communication with patients;
promoting individual needs; and staff training.
View template.
Contact Details:
Sharon Waight, Dorset and Somerset Strategic Health Authority,
Wynford House,
Lufton Way,
BA22 8HR.
Tel: +44 (0)1935 384111 | Fax:
Email: sharon.waight@dsha.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.dorsetsomerset.nhs.uk/
Target group: Hospitals in all sectors |  Type / Format: audit tool
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
London Older People's Service Development Programme, Social Services Inspectorate, Department of Health
Brighter futures for older people: key messages and lessons from the London Older People's [Service Development] Programme
Video accompanied by folder, 'A brighter future for older people: report and key lessons - June 2003' from the London Older People's Service Development Programme.
The folder contains:
Summary of evaluation of Phase 2, 'A journey of improvement: lessons and experiences from using the collaborative methodology in improving older people's services across 12 London Boroughs: an overview', carried out by the Older People's Programme,
King's College London;
Final report June 2001 - June 2003;
8 pamphlets: How to modernise health and social care services for older people: some ideas and practical tips; Prevention finding approaches that work; Work with emergency and acute services: a case management approach; Single assessment: what
works; Empowering users and carers: what works; Medicines management; Falls screening and prevention; Working with people with dementia.
The London Older People's Service Development Progamme ended in June 2003.
Contact Details:
Val Jones, SW London Health Authority,
Hartfleld House,
41-47 Hartfield Road,
SW19 3RG,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8545 6091 | Fax:
Email: val.jones@swlha.nhs.uk | 
Web links: http://www.london.nhs.uk/olderpeople
Target group: Social care/health staff |  Type / Format: video; pack
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Video is copyright Little Fish Films, 2003.
North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire SAP Learning Consortium
Single Assessment Process - Regional overview from North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire SAP Learning Consortium [author: Seamus Breen]
Powerpoint presentation (16 frames) and handout (6 pp). It outlines pilots with patients and patient organisations in: Harrogate; Craven; Driffield Alfred Been Hospital and Hull Acute Trust; and Hambleton and
Richmondshire. It also outlines work with patients and patient organisations in other areas covered by the Consortium: North East Lincolnshire; North Lincolnshire (Scunthorpe), Scarborough area; and Selby and York PCT area. Other frames summarise
some common givens and challenges, the recognition that success depends on having a common mindset; a proposed virtual learning environment (VLE) for NEYNL; and some remaining issues.
View presentation
Contact Details:
Mary Riches Tel: 0788 7530136 | Fax:
Email: Mary.Riches@dsh.nhs.uk |  Seamus.Breen@doh.gsi.gov.uk
Web links: http://www.neynlha.nhs.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: e-learning; powerpoint
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Seamus Breen gave this presentation at York roadshow on 19 February 2004, in his capacity as Business Unit Head, North Yorkshire County Council.